Cc Gwen - Tumblr Posts
So what are we all thinking about the newest Camp Camp episode? I have pros and cons:
Obviously the voices are weird, Max sounds like he is trying to hard and Gwen sounded… not like Gwen.
The line “because somebody fucking has too” didn’t work as well because of the random whistles. Maybe there’s an uncensored version out there, it isn’t a kids series so don’t make it one.
I loved the Max and David hike, as they were realizing that they had to embrace the good and bad, and just wish for more good.
Nostalgia from old episodes was great.
Gwen got a new (possibly worthwhile) job! But I really really hope it doesn’t work out. She’s my favorite character. Like, good for her, but what about me?
The scene with the photos Max took that mirrored the intro had me sobbing. It was so sweet and a great way to show how his perspective changed on the camp.
Anyways, pure nostalgia bait episode but it was good enough that I loved it. A lot of people on YouTube didn’t seem to like it, so I decided to put my thoughts here.
One of my absolute favorite things about Camp Camp is how insane the adults are.
You have David, the happy go lucky nature guy who really just wants the kids to know that the world can be a nice place. Incredibly enthusiastic about his job.
Gwen, who got a liberal arts degree, an associates in meteorology and one in psychology, who is just here because she needed a job. In her free time, all she does is watch trash TV and read/write fanfiction. She also dated a fish man for a solid day.
Quartermaster. What else do I need to say.
Cameron, who is running from the FBI and at least 3 different international governments as well as Kentucky. He, for some reason has a torture chamber and a random lab.
Ms. Priss, who inadvertently got the entire town addicted to Detoxcin, and started a fight between the drug cartels and her campers.
And Daniel, who almost sacrificed 10+ kids and adults. Twice.

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god i need to work more on side profiles sksksk
hella excited for the new episodes of camp camp, so i decided to (attempt to) draw gwen!
Camp falls Crossover in which the pine twins mistake Harrison for Bill Cypher PART: 1
(A/N: I haven’t seen a fanfic like this so I made on. Enjoy!!)
Harrison POV:
I wake up to Nerris shaking me. “I’m up! Im up!! Goddamn!! Can you shake any harder?!” I practically shout.
“Your gonna be late for breakfast! And David said we have to wait for everyone to eat!! Hurry!!” She yells back. “He says we are going for another one of his nature walks!”
Oh yeah, I forgot! Maybe I could sneak away from everyone and Maybe bring Nerris! (After a few weeks of sharing a tent with her brought us closer, not saying we were close, just closer) But I can’t do that on an empty stomach. As I walk to breakfast, I see Preston “talking” to Nurf. “Hey aren’t you guys suppose to eat breakfast?” I ask them.
They look in my direction “We already ate!” Preston said. I look at Nerris for an explanation, but what I find is a cloud of dust indicating she ran off. Most likely, because she got caught telling me false information. I run towards the mess hall, and like always I see max, Neil, and Nikki sitting on one table. The next table is where Ered, Dolph, and space kid are sitting. I quickly find Nerris sitting in our usual spot, and sit next to her.
“So, Carr to tell me why you lied to me?” I say, a little annoyed for being woken up the way I was. “Well, you see, I didn’t want to be sitting alone while eating. And plus you slept way too long!” She ranted. “I mean, like, c’mon you’re the most interesting person here! I get bored when I’m not around y-” she stops mid speech and blushes intensely.
“You think I’m interesting?” I say trying to sound uninclined but fail miserably, “Was that a complement?” I ask my voice barely above a whisper, as if this was a secret only they should know. “NO!! I think your a crazy bastard that’s all!!” Nerris yells causing everyone to look at us.
“Sorry,” we say in sinc. After everyone stopped looking, we just ate in silence. When we finally finish, David announces that we are gonna take a hike through the woods. As we walk out of the mess hall, I plan my way of escape. I should probably ask Nerris if she wants to help!
“Hey, Nerris?” I ask quietly.
“Yeah?” She responds. What do you want?”
“I was just wondering if you would like to help me escape from the group and explore without the others?” I ask hoping she says yes.
“Oh, I don’t know, I don’t wanna get lost! Especially not with you!” Ouch! That hurt.
“I get it, you’re too much of a pussy to help!” I say then laugh in my head remembering our “mascot”.
“Oh, really?? I’ll show you who’s the pussy!!” Yes, it worked! “I bet you’re the one who’s gonna be scared shitless after!!” She challenged.
Camp falls Crossover in which the pine twins mistake Harrison for Bill Cypher PART: 2
(A/N: we meet again! I must’ve done something right, if you came back for part two!! So let’s continue...:)
Nerris is actually helping me “runaway”. Right now we are in the middle of the woods with the others. I chose now to get Nerris and go. It was really easy since Max was causing trouble as usual. Me, and Nerris just stopped walking to see if they notice. Spoiler alert, they didn’t! Step one complete, now time for step two: get out of here! I grab Nerris and bolt to the right of where the others were headed.
After about ten minutes of running. We stop at a cave. It doesn’t look like a regular cave. For one it had a carpet on the floor. “Come on Harrison, you go first,” Nerris says, shaking a little. I take I step forward. Then another, another, and more until I’m inside. Nerris is sticking her head out from behind my back and looks inside. She sees it’s more advanced than many caves and relax a little. We walk further inside and find a fire place in front of what looks like a couch made of dirt. We walk around a little splitting up to check it out.
We were interrupted by a rip in the air, sucking in a few loose items. Then I see Nerris floating and being sucked in. “NERRIS!! HOLD ONTO MY HAND!!!” I yell leaping over to her grabbing her wrist while she screams and grips onto me. I try staying on the ground but soon I am also in the air, being sucked in. I I panick with Nerris and scream at the top of my lungs. Once I’m in the rip closes. I black out.
I wake up with a massive head ache. I sit up on my elbows and look around. I see Nerris not too far away from me. Crawling towards Nerris, I see her chest moving up and down, meaning she’s alive. I sigh in relief. “Nerris, get up. Come on, wake up.” I say hoping she does what I say.
Not a minute later, her eyes open wide and she sits up silently gasping for air. I immediately try calming her down, resulting in me hugging her in a tight grasp, whispering ‘it’s okay’s every few seconds. Once she’s calm enough, I help her up, and look around. This is nothing like the forest at camp camp. Reason number one: there is a huge foot print a little ways away. “Nerris, I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore,” I say hoping she gets the reference. I look her way and see her looking up jaw wide open. Looking up, I see a whole village of what looks like gnomes, looking down at us. Then, in one swift movement they pull out spears at us.
Panicked I grab Nerris’s hand and run. I run in, I don’t care enough to know which, direction. Nerris surprises me by running way ahead of me. I look back, and see actual gnomes running after us. Soon we approach a house. But it isn’t a house, it has a sign saying “Mystery hack” but under it you could see the “S” fell off. Nerris, being the braver one, walks towards it and enters. I follow behind her. A ring of the bell above the door is heard. A girl with fire red hair looks above the magazine she’s reading, and kicks her feet off the front counter.
“Welcome to the Mystery Shack,” She says in a bored tone, “I am, Wendy. I’ll be your guide in the tour of the weird objects and creatures found, here in our own town.”
“We’re not here for a tour we’re here to ask of assistance,” say Nerris, “where exactly is ‘here’?”
‘Wendy’ looks at us puzzled. “Your in gravity falls.” She answers, “Where are you’re parents?”
“We aren’t actually from here, we were just.. exploring... the woods when there was this rip and sucked us in.” I say. Nerris nudges me. I look to my right and see her look pointedly passed Wendy. I look and see a girl with braces and a knitted sweater, staring at me mouth gaped open. She runs up stares, then a few minutes later I hear two sets of footsteps stomping down the stares. Then I see a boy about my height just taller by one inch, shaggy brown hair and a cap with a pine tree on it. He wore a navy blue vest, under a plain t-shirt.
“What is it that’s so Important that you have to stop me from solvi-” he stops mid-sentence and also stares at me. He walks over to me like he’s gonna punch me.
Fortunately, before he did, Nerris stepped in front of me stopping him from moving forwards. He was a couple inches taller than her, but she was twice as intimidating. “What exactly do you think you’re doing?” She spits.
“Move out of my way,” he says “you don’t know who he is.” What? Of course she knows who I am! I share a tent with her.
“Who? Harrison? I know Harrison,” she responds a little confused.
“That’s not his real name!” He shouts. Oh no, he shouldn’t’ve done that.
(For the rest it’s going to be 3rd POV)
Nerris is fuming, red faced she faces Harrison, quietly asking him to step in. Harrison, being ablivious, steps aside. Then Nerris does something unexpected... she laughs. The Magician must’ve had a funny face on because she kept laughing, to the point where she was holding onto him for help staying standing. The thing about her laugh is that it’s contagious, Harrison starts laughing two. By the time they finished laughing they were on the floor.
The three teens just look at them like they’re crazy. “Harrison! Don’t make funny faces when I’m MAD!!” Nerris yells, her lisp making her cuter, still giggling. “Nerris I wasn’t!! I SWEAR!!” He says also giggling. The two ten year olds stood up from the floor. Nerris spun around to face the confused teens. “Hello I’m, Nerris, and this idiot here (hey!) is, Harrison. Something took us from our camp but I don’t know what!”
The teens look at each other, Dipper shrugs and says, “okay. I’m Dipper Pines, and this is my twin sister, Mable.” He glares at Harrison.
“We also need a place to stay!” Says Harrison. His anxiety escalating when they look at each other again.
“Fine.” He says glaring. ‘Seriously what is wrong with this guy and us’ thought Nerris. As they lead the two foreigners up the stairs they heard the television static downstairs. “Gruncle Stan’s here!” Says Mabel. “We have to hurry! He’s gonna kick someone’s butt if he sees...” She trails off looking at Harrison.
“Okay, What is with you guys and me?!” Yells Harrison, accidentally making doves appear out of nowhere. “ Oops. Sorry, let me just,” he waves his hand the doves are gone.
This leaves everyone, except Nerris and Harrison, in shockedsilence.

Bonus gwen realizes that redheads are her type

I was looking through the camp camp hashtag and saw a look of stuff about the girl boss and male wife stereotype.
I thought on it and having recently watched Who Framed Roger Rabbit I decided to do the original girl boss and male wife couple.

I'm not to big of a shipper but I thought it be cute and plus Gwen looks so hot.

It’s done now and I really like how I turned out!
Max deserves a happy family. I want David and Gwen to adopt him or at least David to adopt him and for Gwen to be the Cool Aunt