CHAMOMILE - Tumblr Posts - Page 2

7 years ago

Calming Chamomile and Milk Tea


710 ml milk 

1-2 tablespoon of dried chamomile flowers OR handful of fresh chamomile flowers*

Honey or Sugar for sweetening

Put milk into non-stick pan and heat up carefully over small heat to steaming heat (do not boil). 

Take hot milk away from the stove and stir in the chamomile.

Brew for 5-10 minutes depending on how strong you want the tea.

Sieve the chamomile tea through clothe or fine mesh sieve.

Stir in sweetening of your choice and drink away.

You can replace the milk with any vegan/ vegetarian option you like, but personally I think soy milk has most flattering and similar result.

* Only pick your own herbs if you are absolutely sure you recognise them. Only pick herbs from your own garden OR place that is not near car roads or fields where pesticides have been used.

Honey has known magical properties of sweetening people’s feelings towards you. It has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. 

Milk is symbol or wealth and well-being. In many practises it is believed to have placating and endearing effects on spirits and fey-folk.

Chamomile (Matricaria recutita L., Family: Asteraceae (daisy). Synonyms: Chamomilla, Chamomilla recutita, Matricaria chamomilla , Matricaria suavoelens, and Chamaemelum nobile (L.) All. Family: Asteraceae (daisy). Synonym: Anthemis nobilis L.) is great. It smells nice and has many beneficial properties. Steams of chamomile water/brew can be inhaled for sore throats or used in baths to soothe anal and genital inflammation. Chamomile has been utilized as a skin wash to clean wounds and ulcers, and to increase the sloughing of necrotic tissue and promote granulation and proper healing. It also has been reported to have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, astringent, and deodorant properties.

Most known property of chamomile is, of course it’s sedative, calming effect. Clinical proof supporting any of these uses of chamomile is limited, but I have always personally found the calming properties to be very effective. I have general anxiety and making and drinking this tea has always helped me to calm myself. Please note that herbal remedies are NOT replacement for proper medical treatment and modern medicine. It is very important to always research the herbs you use and consult your doctor or qualified herbalist if you plan to use herbal remedies in tandem with modern medication as some of them can clash with potentially dangerous effects.

People who are allergic to ragweed (genus Ambrosia) and/or pollen might get allergic reactions from chamomile as well. Use of the tea and essential oil has resulted in anaphylactic shock, contact dermatitis, and other severe allergic reactions. Persons who are allergic to asters, chrysanthemums, ragweed, and other members of the Asteraceae daisy family should avoid chamomile.

It is advised that people who are pregnant should avoid the use of chamomile. 


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6 months ago


Do you see yourself as a dragon but tend to crave more attention, affection, and care? Do you see yourself having more fur than scales and a phisquie that is more mammal equivalent? Feel like a pocket size pokemon without any powers? Bestie you might be a tea dragon!

Feel a connection? Research away! They all have unique traits and personalities!

Do You See Yourself As A Dragon But Tend To Crave More Attention, Affection, And Care? Do You See Yourself
Do You See Yourself As A Dragon But Tend To Crave More Attention, Affection, And Care? Do You See Yourself
Do You See Yourself As A Dragon But Tend To Crave More Attention, Affection, And Care? Do You See Yourself
Do You See Yourself As A Dragon But Tend To Crave More Attention, Affection, And Care? Do You See Yourself
Do You See Yourself As A Dragon But Tend To Crave More Attention, Affection, And Care? Do You See Yourself
Do You See Yourself As A Dragon But Tend To Crave More Attention, Affection, And Care? Do You See Yourself
Do You See Yourself As A Dragon But Tend To Crave More Attention, Affection, And Care? Do You See Yourself
Do You See Yourself As A Dragon But Tend To Crave More Attention, Affection, And Care? Do You See Yourself
Do You See Yourself As A Dragon But Tend To Crave More Attention, Affection, And Care? Do You See Yourself
Do You See Yourself As A Dragon But Tend To Crave More Attention, Affection, And Care? Do You See Yourself

(Not me trying to find fellow tea dragonkin)

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1 year ago
Iced Chamomile Sun Tea

Iced Chamomile Sun Tea

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Cinnamon, Chamomile and Cedar Part 2

Cinnamon, Chamomile And Cedar Part 2

word count: 3,129 words (i got carried away again)

warnings: smut!!, fluff, mentions of death

part 1 here!

Cinnamon, Chamomile And Cedar Part 2

A small moan left Erwin's lips as he felt the brunette bite down on the exposed skin on his neck, his body flushed against the alley wall his hands holding Azaleas waist as close to his body as he could. Licking a stripe over the bruises she left on the Commanders exposed skin, feeling a surge of pride wash over her at the sight of her marks coating him.

"Holy- you feel so good."

Erwin breathed out, cupping her cheeks in his calloused hands crashing their lips together. Moaning into his mouth at the sensation of his tongue taking complete control over the trembling girl, subconsciously grinding her hips against his growing member. Erwin groaned, pushing his tongue deeper into her mouth feeling a heat growing in between his legs. 

The pair couldn’t resist the urge to keep their hands off of one another, their bodies on fire from their fingers exploring familiar places. Erwin couldn’t see straight as he mouthed at any sliver of skin he could get his mouth on.

"What I would give to be on my knees right now." 

An almost animalistic growl left his lips, his hands pushing her hips against him in the hopes of creating more friction. Her hands found themselves tangled in his hair tugging at his locks, earning herself another moan from the blonde.

The sound of people nearing made him halt, his glossy eyes trying to see if the people walking by would be able to see him.

Much to his dismay, Azalea hadn't made any advance on stopping her actions a soft moan leaving his mouth at the thought of them being spotted. The sight of their Commander whimpering under their Lieutenants touch sent chills down his spine.


"Erwin, if you think I'm stopping now. You're mistaken."

Grabbing ahold of his cloak pulling it over his head, easing his fears a bit knowing people wouldn't see his face at first glance. Allowing her trembling hands to wander down grabbing ahold of the tent in his pants, a gasp leaving his lips.

"When's the last time you were touched, honey?" She breathed into his ear planting kisses anywhere she possibly could on his skin, a mumbled mess leaving his lips. Grinning to herself as she eased yourself onto her knees looking up at Erwin's rising chest.

He had a hand tangled into her curly hair and another one lifting his shirt exposing that sculpted body he was hiding. Leaving wet kisses anywhere she could on his torso, enjoying the small noises leaving his parted lips. Erwin groaned as she nipped at his v-line, his hand tightening his hold on her hair earning a whimper in return.

Cinnamon, Chamomile And Cedar Part 2

"Azalea! Oh my god, you're alive!"

Connie gasped, dramatically falling to her feet wrapping his arms around her calves nearly making her trip over him, smacking him over his head.

It was too early in the morning for her to be jostled around like this. “Ow! What the hell was that for?"

"You almost killed me! Also, I was just working out with Hange. For like an hour, tops. Stop being overdramatic, Springer." She shook her head at the buzzed boy who just gave her a bland look as she kicked him off of her. He grumbled under his breath crossing his arms as he allowed everyone else to catch up to the two of them. Jean was snickering at the sulking boy, earning a smack over the head from Connie. The boy returned the favor almost right away, hitting Jean a little harder earning a wince from the tall boy.

"Alright, alright. No more hitting each other. Y'all cant afford to lose brain cells y'all don't have," Azalea teased, brushing her hair away from her face. Jean and Connie both gasped loudly at her words, a shocked expression etched onto their faces.


"That's all Connie-"

"-shut it, Jean boy! I'm not the one built like a beanstalk-"


Azalea rolled her eyes at how quickly they turned it onto each other smacking them both upside the head. They both yelped, rubbing their new sore spot from being hit back to back. "The next person who says anything remotely sarcastic will get the workout of their life, understood?"

"Oh really-" Jean started to say before his Captain shot him a death glare, a small hint of pink coated her cheeks.

"You don't want to lose another fight, now do you, Jean." Eren smirked, eyeing the boy who snapped his head towards him. Mikasa pinched the raven haired boy rolling her eyes at his smart mouth, "OW! Mikasa, that fucking hurt,"

"You deserved it," Mikasa scolded, a snort leaving Azalea her eyes leaving the group of kids as she noted a certain Captain making his way over to the bunch. She flashed him a huge grin receiving a small tug of his lips, halting his movement as he had reached them. At the sight of Captain Levi, all of the scouts immediately straightened themselves out, well everyone except Eren.

"Captain. How can I help you this evening?"

"I was wondering if I could steal you, Captain. I have some paper work that I need your opinion on." Levi mused, blowing a puff of air moving his hair out of his face rather expertly. Azalea nodded, excusing herself from the Scouts finding a space next to Levi making their way towards his office. A comforting silence overtook them, enjoying the sounds of the gravel under their shoes. "Hopefully I wasn't interrupting anything important, was I?"

"No! Not at all. Just Connie attaching himself to my feet and crying-"

"-excuse me?-"

"-I'm not really sure, I tend to ignore him whenever I can. I think he has a small girl crush," She chuckled, brushing her curls away from her face feeling her nose tickle from her long strands of hair, " that boy concerns me at times."

"Only at times?" Levi questioned, looking down at the brunette. She laughed at his comment, nudging the boy playfully. He let a small smile grace his lips, eyeing her curls bouncing around as she practically skipped down the street.

Azalea went into a spiel of how she noticed that Levi hadn't drank at the party, wanting to know if her drink wasn't up to his standards. Levi was caught off guard by her question, considering the party had been 2 nights ago, and due to the fact that everyone was pretty trashed he assumed no one was paying attention to him as per usual.

"Look, I'm not saying you had to like the drink. But, I wanted to know if you tried it all. If you did, don't tell me if you hated it, you don't understand how long it took me to make that shit," She winced thinking about the hours she had spent on wringing out all the fruits, shivering at the thought of doing that again. Levi let out a small laugh, catching the attention of the brunette whose eyes gleamed at the noise that left his lips. "You've always had such a pretty laugh.. I just wish I heard it more often," 

Levi froze at the words that left her lips, feeling a warmth wash over his face knowing his cheeks must be blazing red. He was still really bad at hiding his emotions from the brunette, having not heard a compliment from anyone like that in a while.

"Tch, you're full of it," He quickened his pace as he neared his office door, struggling to open the door yanking it open a small hint of red coating his fair skin. Azalea rolled her eyes at his smart remark nudging an elbow playfully at his lean frame, ruffling his hair as she made her way inside plopping down in her usual seat. The raven haired boy let out a small grunt as he sat down on the opposite side of his seat which was right next to her. 

The pair had always had a really close relationship, ever since before their rookie years. They both had grown up in The Underground, where she had taken him under his wing, as much as he likes to argue that statement. She had been there with him through every single loss, including those of their closest friends. After that night, they became even more inseparable than before. Levi at first tried to push her away in fear of getting his heartbroken, but she wouldn't let him, not even for one second.

"Levi, you can't keep doing this."

"Doing what?" He spat, his eyes ablaze. Azalea ran her hands through her hair, sending the raven haired boy a look. 

 Azalea was tired of the boy avoiding her, so she went and sought him out and found him out on the training grounds. He had been taking all of his frustrations on a training pad they had that was meant to only handle a couple hits at a time, but she figured from the tearing on the pad that he had been punching it for quite awhile. Levi's hair was sticking to his forehead, glowering at her from where she stood.

"You know exactly what. I know it's not just a coincidence that you shut me out the second we had their funeral.-"

"Do not bring them up."

"I have and I will," She took a step towards the boy, grasping his shoulders and turned him to face her. Levi did so angrily, his hand clenched at his sides as she bore her eyes into his the tension between the pair only thickened, "We promised, Levi. You promised me... after we lost both of our parents, you told me that you would be by my side no matter what."

Her comment made the boy shut his eyes, physically trembling under her touch as he reminisced on all of their memories together. He remembered making that promise to her like it was yesterday. 

And just like that, by letting that one memory slip, they all came flooding in. 

All of the inside jokes between him and Furlan, someone who he considered to be a brother.

Spending countless nights listening to Isabel complain about how she wanted to go back to only worrying about boys.

And Azalea.

The girl who never let her smile fade even through all of their hardships and made sure a smile was always on Levi's lips. The one who kept him going, his only reason for being.

A rack of sobs made their way out of his parted lips, feeling the brunette wrap her arms fully around him hugging her back as tightly as he could. He slowly slid down the wall behind him, the pair of them finding a spot on the ground,

"I-I'm sorry... I can't lose you. You're the last thing I have,"

"I know, honey. I know." She mumbled into his hair, rubbing his back comfortingly. Levi nuzzled into her neck, his tears managing to soak through her thin shirt. For the next several hours, they spent laying down on the ground hand in hand as they discussed any other fears they had for the future.

"I wanted to know what your thoughts were on this formation. Erwin told me he had a lot on his plate, so of course he decided to throw even more on mine."

He huffed, motioning with his head at the neat stack of folders on his desk. Azalea's eyes refocused on the boys moving lips in front of her shaking off the heavy memory, just now taking notice of the arrange of papers by her hands , not only that but how neatly scattered everything was. It was as if Levi had taken time out of his day to organize each file as he came across it. There were about 2 other filing cabinets in the room, which she assumed were also full of things Levi had to be in charge of for Erwin. Im going to kill that boy, she thought to herself before taking a peek down at the pieces of papers he was holding in front of him. 

After getting a couple issues out of the way, the slender boy offered to make her some tea. Azalea couldn't possibly say no to the boy, who already had the tea bags in his hand, his cape bellowing behind him as he made a move to set it on the back of his office chair. She couldn't help herself, allowing her eyes to stare at him knowing this was one of his favorite things to do. 

Azalea couldn't deny that the Captain was absolutely breathtaking, with his steely eyes and that silky raven hair that framed his face beautifully. His hair was getting quite long, wanting nothing more than to play with his hair. She used to watch Levi cut his own hair, but once after injuring himself he allowed her to cut his hair. But just once, he told her. She brushed it off, happily spending most of that time playing with his hair.

She definitely didn't let the fact that the workouts they had been doing were paying off, especially on Levi. The brunette knew he was fit, but it wasn't until recently when she saw the boy shirtless, that she truly took notice of how strong that boy actually was. She'd seen him shirtless countless times before, but the definition now was definitely more evident. Every inch of that boy looked like it was sculpted by a god above, his back was absolutely shredded, making all of those god forsaken button ups fit him tight.

After a couple minutes of a comfortable silence, more like a couple minutes of Azalea sitting there with her fist in her mouth as she thought about her actions with the Commander and the boy in front of her. Levi had finally turned back around locking eyes with Azaleas big brown eyes which were absolutely locked down on his. She flashed him a small smile snapping out of her trance, waving at the boy as if she hadn't been eyeing him this whole time. He handed her a cup of his favorite tea his eyebrow slightly raised, allowing his fingers to slightly ghost over hers as she grabbed her cup a small thanks leaving her lips. A brief thought came to mind as he watched her lips come in contact with his tea cup blowing softly to cool it down, chewing on his bottom lip in thought. Levi, get your shit together.

"I remember you practically throwing up a tea that I made so I went and bought some sweeteners since you don't appreciate real tea-"

"Oh, shut up. That is so not true-"

"-but here you go. Please don't spit this out. I just cleaned." Levi teased, ruffling her hair as she just pouted and sulked. The boy chuckled, taking a sip of his tea enjoying the slight burn it left as it ran down his throat letting out a satisfied hum. 

"Thank you, honey."

"It's nothing, Lea. Just a little peach syrup. Your favorite," He flushed pink as she kissed his cheek taking a seat attempting to hide his reddening cheeks with his cup, nearly spilling it down his shirt as he awaited her response. Get ahold of yourself, you little bitch.

"Oh wow... I think I just drooled a little," Azalea wiped the corner of her mouth, earning a chuckle from the boy across from her. "This tastes absolutely lovely Levi. I swear, they get better every time you make them. And I truly am sorry, I don't mean to be a priss I just can't handle bitter things. At least I don't like coffee right?"

"Tch, I wouldn't be in the same room as you if you liked coffee. Coffee breath is absolutely awful."

Azalea giggled, taking a sip of the tea humming happily as she motioned for the boy to sit next to her. She shivered lightly at the temperature in the room, wanting nothing more than to wrap herself up in her bed.

"You cold?"

"Yes. Your room is fucking freezing,"

Azalea shivered even harder, clutching the cup of tea closer to her chest. Levi chuckled to himself at how fast she grew cold shaking his head at her, reaching over to grab his cloak off of his desk chair draping it over her shoulders gingerly. Azalea thanked him nudging his arm softly, feeling the warmth of the cloak warming her up.

His familiar scent infiltrated her nostrils, taking a second longer to embrace the scent of chamomile and soap. She loved how soft his scent was compared to his harsh demeanor, eyeing the raven haired boy as he smiled at her all cozy.

He scooted his chair over slightly, so their knees were brushing to see if she would scoot any closer to warm up. And she did. Practically entwining their legs together, sighing contently at his warm legs. She leaned against his shoulder, sipping from her drink happily.

"This gesture is almost as sweet as that one time you let me use your hood due to the rain, back when we had no clue what the hell we were doing. You were absolutely drenched."

"It was nothing... and by the way, there was never a point where I never knew what I was doing. " He brushed it off, eyeing her as her hand found his rubbing it with her thumb a soft silence overcome them. He sipped generously on his hot drink, eyeing her face contort into a look of amusement a soft chuckle leaving both of their lips.

It had been a couple months since they had been able to fully relax and let their guard down around each other, so to be in her comforting embrace was nice. Levi felt his worries falter for a little bit, as he stared at the girl who was swirling her drink around.

"Of course it is! You were sick for weeks!"

"I don't remember that. Are you sure that was me?"

"Oh, don't even start that bull, Levi." She scoffed, punching his leg playfully. Levi chuckled into her hair, allowing himself to wrap an arm around the back of her chair who nuzzled into his shoulder. "You're in a good mood today. Any special occasion?"

"You ruined it," He rolled his eyes, quick to remove his arm, which made her groan throwing her head back as a breeze found her. Azalea knew better than to point it out whenever Levi was being touchy or being nice, or else it'll make him snap out of it and immediately retract himself. "I just- I missed you. I hadn't been able to properly hangout with you, so I just feel really nice right now. It's kind of weird to describe,"

"I know what you mean," She mumbled, brushing a small droplet of tea off of her shirt. "What if we make it a routine?"

"A routine?"

"Yes, Levi, a routine. We can do this as many time as you'd like. Once a month, once a week. Twice a month, twice a week-"

"How does twice a week sound? We can do Monday and Sunday, Saturday and Sunday, Tuesday or Thursday? " Levi cut her off before she continued her rant, eyeing her curiously. She looked up at him a small smile on her lips, contemplating his offer. "Or if that's too many times-"

"Oh no, no, not at all. If anything I'm surprised you didn't say every day. You scared you're gonna get tired of me, sweet cheeks?" She teased reaching up and pinching Levi's cheeks, to which he slapped her hands away a pink coating his cheeks a small frown etched on his face. "Aw, poor baby-"

A small pause followed her statement, a small smile making its way onto her lips as she eyed the tea leaves in her cup waiting for the huffing boy to say something.

"Azalea, I'm gonna throw up on you."

"No you won't."

"You're not wrong."

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10 months ago

Rose and hibiscus tart with chamomile crust by Lauren May (mustloveherbs)

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2 years ago
Sleepy Chamomile Tea!

Sleepy Chamomile Tea! ☕

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1 year ago

so because my life is going to shit i spent most of yesterday looking at smokeable herb blends and seeing how i could make my own cuz i sent one to my friend and she told me one of the herbs does scary shit and i got terrified and needed control so yea started researching herbs and how to make herb blends and found some that has psychoactive effects but are like legal and nowhere near as expensive as my favored green plant and bought them so in about 2 weeks i will be able to curate and test my herbal blend 🫡

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