Checking In - Tumblr Posts

10 years ago

Whoa, it's an update!

Hi there! Just wanted to check in, I've been pretty busy lately!

I know I don't exactly update regularly, but the past few weeks have been especially distracting for me, and that's been reflecting in my post schedule. I'm hoping to change that and start updating more regularly. Maybe even daily!... Okay fine, I couldn't type that with a straight face. But I will try to post regularly enough to seem like I'm not dead half the time, even if it's just a single post on Twitter. This goes for the music blog too, which has been dormant for several months now; I'm hoping to have a new song up by the end of the day.

Secondly, I'd like to get back into my hobbies again. I haven't been so busy that I don't have time to enjoy them, but I've been falling out of my hobbies in favor of other kinds of time-wasting. I'd like to change that, but I can't seem to get myself back into it, so I'm going to try something new: I'm going to start doing Let's Plays and streams in the future. It's something I've been wanting to try for a while now, and hopefully it'll refocus my attention on games and level design, rather than refreshing the same eight websites over and over. I'm certainly not starting this today or anything, but hopefully I'll start sometime next month.

Finally, as an update on the paranoia/depression posts, I started seeing a counselor about my issues. We're working through finding the root of all the problems I outlined, and it's going quite well. If nothing else, it's good to rant about my problems and mental musings to someone every week.

Thanks for reading my blog! You're why I keep writing. ^_^

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3 years ago

Hello Lovelies!

Duck has not unalived! Just with setting up the Duck Witch Coven discord server, tumblr has fallen behind a little.

But that's hopefully going to change! I have a new segment for you all, that I'm thinking I'll make weekly on my blog, for anyone that may need it!

The Tuesday Check In:

Give yourself a point if you:

□ got out of bed today

□ changed your clothes

□ brushed your teeth

□ took a shower

□ brushed your hair

□ made your bed

□ completed a chore/task

□ did something you enjoyed

Feel free to share how many points you managed today! Don't worry if you didn't manage that many, the important thing is you're still here and you're still fighting and I am so so so so so so proud of you!

Come back next Tuesday for the next check in ❤

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8 months ago
Hiiii Sorry I'm Not Posting Much, Working On Something Much Bigger Than I'm Used To. Should Finish In

Hiiii sorry I'm not posting much, working on something much bigger than I'm used to. should finish in like... a day or three. I can't wait for y'all to see it. in the meantime here's my Oc Aeons new playlist

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1 year ago

Just Checking In

Just Checking In
Just Checking In
Just Checking In

Losing my fucking mind bc it's time for tests back to back and projects back to back all while working and writing ☺ I'm not gonna get every request done in a decent time so if you did send in a request and haven't seen it yet PLEASE be a little more patient but just know I am working on all requests simultaneously!! And once requests are done and when all 15 or 16 of them are posted I'll be taking a break for a little while so don't be alarmed!

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