Busy - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

I won't be posting much over the next couple days.

I'm going out if town for something special and checking in on a very ill family member. It'll be a busy weekend for me (that's why I haven't been updating the daily things on my blog) don't worry, I'll be going back to normal around Tuesday.

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1 year ago

I need a lot more time to record videos for my YouTube channel than I have right now; it's very frustrating to only have one video uploaded.

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2 years ago


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1 year ago

im back BUT ONLY FOR A LIMITED TIME cuz ive been thinkin abt genders and whether or not im gay or whether im attracted to boys, so uh yeah im back, technically

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1 year ago
Busy Busy Busy

Busy Busy Busy

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1 year ago
Busy Busy Weekend

busy busy weekend

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1 year ago



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1 year ago
Busy Busy Busy

Busy Busy Busy

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1 year ago
Busy Season Scallops

Busy Season Scallops

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1 year ago
Wordless Wednesday Busy Making Memories

Wordless Wednesday Busy making memories

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1 year ago


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6 years ago


Today was such a busy day again. I don't have any pictures to post unfortunately. But I can say, my life is getting busier by the day.

10/100 days of productivity. Let's work hard

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10 years ago

Whoa, it's an update!

Hi there! Just wanted to check in, I've been pretty busy lately!

I know I don't exactly update regularly, but the past few weeks have been especially distracting for me, and that's been reflecting in my post schedule. I'm hoping to change that and start updating more regularly. Maybe even daily!... Okay fine, I couldn't type that with a straight face. But I will try to post regularly enough to seem like I'm not dead half the time, even if it's just a single post on Twitter. This goes for the music blog too, which has been dormant for several months now; I'm hoping to have a new song up by the end of the day.

Secondly, I'd like to get back into my hobbies again. I haven't been so busy that I don't have time to enjoy them, but I've been falling out of my hobbies in favor of other kinds of time-wasting. I'd like to change that, but I can't seem to get myself back into it, so I'm going to try something new: I'm going to start doing Let's Plays and streams in the future. It's something I've been wanting to try for a while now, and hopefully it'll refocus my attention on games and level design, rather than refreshing the same eight websites over and over. I'm certainly not starting this today or anything, but hopefully I'll start sometime next month.

Finally, as an update on the paranoia/depression posts, I started seeing a counselor about my issues. We're working through finding the root of all the problems I outlined, and it's going quite well. If nothing else, it's good to rant about my problems and mental musings to someone every week.

Thanks for reading my blog! You're why I keep writing. ^_^

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12 years ago

Busier than ever (more like I should be)

I'm sorry for not posting much, if at all lately, I'm still busy with college, but I feel that I should give you guys a list of what will be taking my time this weekend and most likely the whole next week: - English paper Introduction and Conclusion - English class blog entry (explaining experience of how the paper has been so far) - Three drawings based on a theme: Penguins! (it's a bit more than simply penguins though) -> 1st : Prismacolor pencils -> 2nd: Probably with carbon -> 3rd: Non-traditional surface - Self-portrait in 16th Century clothing done with chalk pastels - Two other drawings I need to finish for my portfolio I've been slacking off the drawings, curse my easily distracted nature when it comes to work... But I need to step it up if I want my mind to be at peace. Also, I have yet to go to the aid office because I haven't had the time due to all the work and time that I end up arriving at college on Tues/Thurs. I might just need to stop logging in at all, whether it's on one of my galleries, msn, or skype. Though I doubt that would do much unless I completely disconnect myself from the internet. I hope no one takes it the wrong way, especially to those who I haven't talked to much or in a while. Most of this is making me feel rather bitter or grumpy and I'd rather not talk while I'm like this. If I'm able to finish all or most of this by next week (or weekend) I'll try to put something up. And to any commissioner, I'll still be working on your drawings after most of this is over. Sorry to say it'll take longer than I thought.

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11 months ago

Ok,so. I forgot how dogshit I was at posting writing on time due to lack of attention span and school. So the fic will come out a **tad** later than I had originally planned. Sincerest apologies;-;

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1 year ago
Busy Season Scallops

Busy Season Scallops

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1 year ago

Hey y’all, sorry for not posting in a bit. I have been busy with life and all that stuff. I’ve been trying to get through DarkHarvest but I’ve been too busy to finish it. I’m ready excited to see how it ends tho!

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