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NCT @ Jungwoo during the NCT Show One-Two Punch episode:

Top Tier Kpop Quotes: NCT Edition (because I’m currently bored and have nothing better to do)
Doyoung (on weekly idol) (unrelated note: this is me): “I don’t have to win, I just don’t want them to win”
Doyoung (on weekly idol) (unrelated note: why is this also me): “We plan on not doing our best for this game. We have no spirit. At least we participated.”
Taeyong: “We’re here to participate”
Yangyang (to Ten): “If I have a son, i’m going to name him Eleven, because he is going to dance better than you.”
Jaemin (unrelated note, boiii that name though…😂): “My hot sauce is called MSG Sexy. MSG: Mouth Suction Gangster.”
Jaemin: “I don’t care if I win or lose, so let’s make people laugh”
Johnny (on the creation of coffee): “My dad knew I liked beans. So like, he was just playing with beans, and then he dropped it, and then he dropped a rock, and then it slid, and then hot water started falling! And then… ✨coffee✨.”
(Shoutout to Johnny’s dad for creating my lifeblood)
Mark (to Johnny): “I feel like the possibility of all those possibilities being possible is just another possibility that can possibly happen.”
Johnny: stares into the camera like he’s on The Office.
No one… literally not one person:
Johnny: on the right side we’ve got the one and only, ONE AND ONLY johnny SUH
Johnny: *sips coffee* not my problem *shrug* (da da da da da it's the D-O-Double G ~ snoop dogg snoop dogg ~)
*johnny & mark dancing to communicate*
Mark *breakdancing gently*: i’m sorry, your pet fish is dead
Johnny *twerking*: oh no… how could this have happened
Mark *moonwalking*: it drowned, it was quick and painless
Taeyong: *slowly backs out of room*
Oh you need me so bad.