Childrens Story - Tumblr Posts
Hello! I decided to write a fable type story to explain a difficult concept to one of our littles, Lily. I actually quite liked writing this! I might go in to writing children’s books! Blue already offered to illustrate them! ^^

The Ghost and the Bunny
On a warm autumn’s day, a bunny hopped along outside of the haunted forest. She was very upset. The black cat and the red wolf had done something to anger some of the villagers in the nearby village everyone would go visit.
These villagers were mad at everyone for what the cat and wolf had done. The cat had said something mean that he didn’t mean, and the wolf acted really mean to people after someone had hurt her and woke her up from a very nice long nap.
The bunny was very upset about this. She just wanted the forest and village to get along. She always wanted to be kind to people, especially the people in the village, but she also loved her friends in the haunted forest as well.
The bunny sat on a hill, looking over the village as she cried. All she could think about was how the villagers the cat and wolf hurt were treating everyone in the forest. Of course, it didn’t help that all of them shared the forest.
Along came a ghost. He was doing his best to try and keep everyone in the forest safe. They’d all been very sad lately, and he wanted to make sure they didn’t get too sad. He saw his bunny friend sitting and watching the village and decided to go talk to her.
“What’s wrong, Bunny?” the ghost asked.
“The village hates us,” she said as she tried not to cry.
“What makes you say that?”
“The villagers that Cat and Wolf hurt are upset with the whole forest. I just want everyone to be friends.”
The ghost nodded. “Is everyone in the village upset?”
The bunny shook her head.
“Are you afraid those hurt villagers will make everyone hate us?”
She nodded.
“Well, why does it matter what the villagers think?”
“Because we go to the village,” she said. “We go to the village a lot.”
“Well then why not tell the villagers about what happened? That the cat and wolf are sorry and have been trying to fix what they did?”
“They don’t care,” the bunny said sadly. “Some villagers are building a fence to keep all of us out. What if the whole village does it? You didn’t say the bad things cat said. You didn’t hurt people like wolf did. Why can’t you go to the village and have fun with the friends who now hate us?”
“Because we’re all the forest,” the ghost said. He looked up at the sky sadly. “They can’t keep the cat and wolf out without keeping us all out. That’s just how it works.”
“I just wish everyone could be friends.”
“But that’s not how it works.” The ghost looked back down at his bunny friend. “Cat and Wolf may be trying to fix what they did, but no one is able to force forgiveness. I just want Cat and Wolf to forgive themselves.”
The bunny laid in the grass, continuing to watch the village. “What if the villagers Cat and Wolf didn’t hurt get mad and build fences?”
“We don’t need them,” the ghost said. “We go to the village for food and to talk to the villagers. But there are other villages. Villages that will understand that Cat and Wolf are getting better. They won’t build fences.”
The bunny looked up at the ghost. “You really think that?”
The ghost smiled down at his bunny friend. “I don’t think. I know.”
The ghost and the bunny then walked back into the forest together, finding their friends Cat and Wolf, who were both happily talking about the birds nests they fixed and the friends in the forest that they helped.
Bunny just had to search for a new village, but they still stayed friends with the nice villagers from the other one.
I don’t know… tell me what you think! I could use the criticism on my writing skills ^^’
- Johnny Toast

Devotees of Subcomandante Marcos, Hooded Warblers can often be found attempting to organize smaller birds and insects suffering under the tyrannical rule of other animals. Much like the masked revolutionary they aspire to mimic, these freedom-fighting birds try to eschew direct combat with the ruling elite, opting instead to publish instructive fables and philosophical treatises exposing their opponents philosophy as morally bankrupt. While the news of Subcomandante Marcos’ retirement was a shock, the vast majority of these apparatchik avians have chosen to continue his work rather than cease helping the downtrodden.
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Little House # 2 #comic #webcomic

Anachron lived on a far away planet. That planet, its life forms, they call it Janet.
Janet the planet is terribly gusty. Half of it's musty, the other half dusty.
Sand storms, dust storms and mud storms oh my! Sounds like a place you'd visit then die.
So it's no wonder then, that Anachron flew on a spaceship away from that place with no blue.
To our world, a place that is luscious and green, with waters the bluest that it’s ever seen.
For all lakes on Janet are yellowy-orangish, and redishy-brownish and greyishy boron-rich.
And the forests are all gone on Janet, it's quite sad. We know just what went wrong: life, it's quite bad.
So Anachron came and it wanted to stay... and we gave it a spot just outside of Palm Bay.

It wasn't too long, after Anachron landed that it wanted to chat, it was in fact, demanded.
Anachron introduced itself quickly, to all the world leaders looking rather sickly.
Then it hustled away back up into its spaceship. Was that it? The world wondered… It had been a long trip!
Then the world watched as Anachron and crew blasted back into the sky and beyond the blue.
To a planet more yellow, a world more like their own. To Venus just one orbit over they've flown.
Now they live over there and what do they do? They complain! And not just about Venus, Earth too!
They complain that our oceans are really too clean, our beaches too sparkling, our forests too serene.
But they can't breathe our air - not enough argon you see. So they just sit there on Venus, cranky as can be.

Every 1 or 2 years, Anachron sends a short-wave transmission, two seconds start-to-end.
With only two words the same two every time. And they rhyme; who'd have thought? Or close enough that it's fine.
These two words every person on Earth has now heard, and roughly half believe next year there will be a third.
And the two words our Venusian neighbor chooses to say, over and over each year in the same sort of way.
Are the same two little words we say to our mothers when we've done something rotten to one of our brothers.
The same two little words our fathers might hear just before or after we’re told "Be a dear."
Just two tiny words; the words of a child! A child from outer space, on a planet so wild.
On Earth these two words they cause all kinds of worry, since the message is always the same: "Very Sorry.”