Choi Han - Tumblr Posts

I think we can all guess which specific incident I'm refering to...
TCF Actors AU
Trash of the Count's Family - Teaser Video
[The video starts with a black-haired and black-eyed Korean man. "Hello, I'm Choi Han, and I'll be playing..." he hesitates for a moment, his lips twitching before he helplessly continues, "as Choi Han, the 'Protagonist' of 'The Birth of a Hero'."]
[The video cuts to two men who would have looked identical, if not for their vastly different colorations. The pale-skinned, blond-haired, and blue-eyed man spoke first, "Hi, I'm Alvin Cress."
"And I'm Arthur Manson," the tanned, brown-haired, and brown-eyed man followed.
"And we'll be playing Alberu Crossman," they said together.
"Of course, I'm the more handsome version," Arthur quickly added with a smirk before Alvin pushed him off his stool.]
[The video then cut to two other men. The one on the left sported a blank face; he had short red hair and reddish-brown eyes. The one on the right had black hair and similar eyes, however his face held a shit-eating grin.
"I'm---" the black-haired man held back a snicker while the red-haired man gazed at him with long-suffering eyes. The black-haired man then took a deep breath and said, "I'm---pfft---Cale Henituse and I'll be playing as Kim Rok Soo." Cale then nudged his red-haired companion.
The red-haired man looked at the camera with dead eyes. "And I'm Kim Rok Soo who will be acting as Cale Henituse," he said dryly.
"And we're the protagonists of 'Trash of the Count's Family'," they finished.
The video ends.]
Favorite moments in recent fics I've read

Treasure of The Vampire Dukes Family

Issue found in Transition

Third Time's the Charm
May Cale Henituse finally find a moment of rest.
May Kim Rok Soo live long and happy with his niece.
May Choi Han always feel the warmth of his family.
May Choi Jung Soo watch over his idiot dongsaeng.
May Choi Jung Gun remember his friends and make them proud.
And may that White Radish burn in the depths of hell. 🙃
Happy birthday to these idiots.
Fuck it. I'm talking about this.

So we have
Cassandra(Callie) Thames
In this Au, OgCale was born a woman but crossdressed because she wanted to be a he. His feeling of gender dysphoria only grew with the death of his mother. Deruth ended up completely ignoring Cale, even debating sending him away because he was so much like Jour/Drew.
Eventually, everyone is led to believe Cale is indeed a man, despite still having the genetics of a woman. Only Ron knows about this.
KRS is the first to transmigrate, realizes his situation but is like 'meh, doesn't change much' not realizing what he now has to deal with every month...
Callie- or the one who becomes Callie- comes in a few days after KRS. In her past life, she was the middle child of a family. She was an artist, but often had her work stolen by her younger sibling while her older didn't really acknowledge her.
She comes from the same world as KRS, and her ability is similar to Choi Jung Soo. She has tattoos on her arms, the left is red, and the right is black. They are of dragons, and can turn into dragons.
The reason she transmigrated is that her family actually worshipped the God of Death and often prayed to him. She prayed to get out of her current... Undesirable circumstances. Since the GoD has favorites, he sent her too the TBOAH/TCF world.
He didn't expect her two dragons to absorb the souls of KRS and OgCale though...
The three inhabit the same body, but can't use each other's abilities. OgCale can only use the Annual Rings of Life, which they get early on because OgCale figured out this was his peculiar experience with time, KRS has his fuck-ton of Ancient Powers plus his abilities, while Callie has her dragons. Or now KRS and Cale, as she can summon them, but now the other two control them.
Their plates are also in a wacky situation. They are exactly fused as one would think. A portion of them is shared between the other two. So they're overlapping, not completely fused, but not completely separate. As time goes on though...
OgCale takes control a lot in the start, acting like his trashy self while also doing the tasks KRS told him to do. KRS takes control during important operations, like reaching Raon and during the bombing.
Callie is in control whenever they're alone, or with the kids. KRS and Cale are basically taking a break during this time. Callie is good with kids.
She also takes control once a month because the other two either don't want to or can't deal with the pain.
But once the war starts KRS is in control a lot more. Cale only comes out when they both agree to fuck someone over, or during noble meetings because all three hate them. Cale drew the short end of the stick with that.KRS got the pointy end
Callie is in control when KRS faints, so their body isn't left somewhere in enemy territory or who knows where. She also picks up painting again. But, since she also has some fighting experience KRS lets her do some of the planning too. Her plans may not be as outrageous as his, but they get the job done.
Poor puppy boi Choi Han is a mess when he finds out. Not one, but two?? In the same body??? And one of them is a woman??!!? Cale-nim is a woman??!?
He's so confused someone help him
KRS explains their situation... In dragon form... With OgCale right next to him...
The trio's cover story for everyone else is insanity. OgCale went mad with grief to the point his mind split into three. Himself, a side that mirrored his mother, and a side that was his idle self.
The kids can tell who's who immediately.
Everyone else takes a while to realize this
OgCale eventually fully surrenders his body to Callie and decides he's a dragon now. He can do whatever he wants. He gets his own body, a male one, from the Gods as compensation for dealing with this entire mess. And because he got screwed over in the original deal.
KRS permanently evicts a Radish from his body. Everyone now has to get used to the White Star walking around and being their headache inducing Commander.
Callie takes on the Thames family name, and presents KRS as the sole survivor of the family. Cassandra Thames enters the scene and gives Alberu a heart attack with a Red Dragon and the White Star when she introduces them as her Cousin and Uncle.
Ron, Eruhaben, and Deruth now have to fight off two continents worth a of suitors vying for Cassandra's hand in marriage.
In short: This Au is a giant beautiful fucking mess and I love it
I present to the TcF community this idea;
SgT!KRS carrying around a little 2 year old girl, he has not let her down at all except during fights, which he usually hands her off to Choi Han or Kim Min Ah or someone he trusts. No one knows where she came from, but they're not about to ask because KRS seems extremely protective of her. She is the same to him, and will activity growl or hiss at anyone she doesn't like. (PJT)
When someone does ask(CJS, LSH) He just says "She's a small but great and mighty existence." And the little girl just smirks smugly. There are also times when her eyes turn gold, but everyone is too scared of the 3 guards around her too ask.(KRS, Choi Han, Dark Tiger)
Eventually KRS confesses she's the one with foresight and not him, to which everyone then understands why he's so protective of her.
Choi Han just silently stands behind him, because both he and KRS have had a conversation with her... In the Western Continent's common language. Did I mention PJT is also terrified of her? Why? Because she gives off as much pressure as a Grade 1 monster. He tried to bring it up to KRS, but just got the most terrifying glare he's had in his life directed at him.
Even after Cale leaves Earth 2, KRS is still extremely protective of her.
More Incorrect Quotes
Kim Soo Jin, on November 8th: Given the circumstances, I will let you hug me for four to five seconds.
Choi Jung Soo: Forty five seconds?!?
Kim Soo Jin: No! I said four TO five seconds.
Choi Jung Soo, hugging Kim Soo Jin: Too late.
Kim Rok Soo: *flashbacks to when Soo Jin clung to him like a koala*
Kim Rok Soo, watching Soo Jin trying to escape Choi Jung Soo's hug:
Lee Soo Hyuk: Aigo... She's turned into a mini you...
Choi Jung Soo: Best birthday ever.
Kim Soo Min: Can we go out to get icecream?
Lee Soo Hyuk: Did you ask Kim Rok Soo?
Kim Soo Min: They said no.
Lee Soo Hyuk: Then why did you ask me?
Kim Soo Min: They're not the boss of you.
Lee Soo Hyuk, internally: It's a trap, it's a trap, it's a trap.
Park Jin Tae: It's locked. You got a lock pick?
Kim Rok Soo: Yeah-
Kim Soo Min: *kicks in the door*
Kim Soo Min: I'm throwing hands with the next person that insults Father.
Kim Rok Soo: I hate myself.
Kim Soo Min: Square up, bitch
Choi Jung Soo: I'm gonna nickname my child "Lil Bitch".
Lee Soo Hyuk: I see you're passing on your name.
Kim Rok Soo: I am so glad you didn't name Soo Jin-ah
Kim Soo Jin: *nodding*
Kim Soo Min: Dinosaurs aren't extinct. I mean, Choi Han is walking in this room.
Kim Rok Soo: *wheeze*
Choi Han: B-but we're the same age????
Park Jin Tae: Do we have any orange juice left?
Kim Soo Min: *pours the remaining juice into their cup*
Kim Soo Min: Sorry, we’re all out.
Kim Rok Soo: Where did you get that tomato soup?
Choi Han: It’s actually a bowl of ketchup I just microwaved.
Kim Soo Min: Please tell me he doesn't cook for my sister.(Soo Jin)
Kim Rok Soo: Of course not.
Choi Han: I'm bored.
Kim Soo Min: Wanna commit first degree murder?
Choi Han: Sure!
Lee Soo Hyuk, hearing them: No- Stop, don't do that! Put that knife down! Put Park Jin Tae down!!
Kim Soo Min: I think my guardian angel drinks.
Kim Rok Soo: She's not wrong...
Choi Han: C- Rok Soo-Hyung, I don't think that's what she meant.
Kim Rok Soo: Seriously, Soo Jin-ah, how many people would you have killed if we’d asked you to?
Kim Soo Jin: That’s not important
Kim Rok Soo: I DISAGREE.
Park Jin Tae with a gun to Kim Rok Soo's head: What happens if I pull this trigger? Heaven?
Kim Rok Soo: Bold of you to assume I'll go to Heaven.
Kim Soo Min, standing behind Park Jin Tae: Neither will you
Choi Jung Soo: Awwww, you’re so adorable! Give me a hug~
Kim Rok Soo, recording: This is so cute.
*Kim Rok Soo teaching Choi Jung Soo to drive and taking Kim Soo Jin along for the ride*
Kim Rok Soo: That's a pothole. To the left!
Choi Jung Soo: Take it back now y'all *Drives into pothole*
Kim Soo Jin, sticking their face into the front over the center console: Cha Cha real smooth.
Choi Jung Soo: I don't think that's how the song goes.
Kim Rok Soo, tired as fuck and gripping the handle: Please just take me home.
Choi Jung Soo: Country Roads.
Kim Soo Jin: To the place.
Choi Jung Soo and Kim Soo Jin in unison: I Belong!
Kim Rok Soo, texting Lee Soo Hyuk: Hyung help me
Ophelia basic headcannons
We got Og!Ophelia and KSJ!Ophelia.
Yep, KSJ got transmigrated into Ophelia's body. Was very confused when nothing phased her.
Aquamarine dragon.
150 years old.
Gold eyes, aquamarine colored hair.
Blueish Gold mana
One of few dragons to survive an encounter with the White Star
Not without injuries.
Here we go
Scars list: No wings, one broken horn, a few missing talons and teeth, several other scars across her body, one over her eyebrow, one over her lip, and one on the back of her neck
Yeah, she's not very strong combat wise
Attribute? Flow.
Foresight! She can see the flow of time! Aka, future possibilities, details on individuals that leave large impressions, and very limited of the past.
If she tried to interfere with the Flow of time, her vision is obscured, hench why her ability to see the past is limited only to those related to her by blood.
She looked into her own future and saw she'd get swapped with KSJ so started writing down what she saw in books.
Key global or continental events are written in the most detail with the thickest books.
National events in okay detail with the average sized books.
Local events are a paragraph at most, tucked away in the smallest of books.
Kim Soo Jin uses these books as a guide. Where she learns that Choi Han, Cale Henituse, and Alberu Crossman are the three major people in most of these books.
Makes contact with all three a few weeks into her new life.
Notices the change in Cale
Supplies him with magic items, and items made from alchemy
Ophelia also had books on the two subject as well. KSJ channeled her inner college student (A tired KRS) and studied like she's never had before.
Ophelia's body wasn't the best at handling mana, but it was weirdly attuned to imbuing said mana into other objects
Uses books to make Cale's life easier. Investigating spots he'll visit, looking into people he allies with, stuff like that.
But her movements catch the attention of Arm. She is mentally 12-13 after all.
Goes MIA for a year. Makes Cale stressed as hell wondering were she is.
Finds her again in the Alchemist Tower... In a different body. Agatha
The squirrel, the guard dog, the puppy, and the cat.

Inspired by this meme
Alberu probably has a tiny Cale on his left shoulder and a tiny Choi Han on his right shoulder at every noble reunion. They are supposed to represent good and evil, and prevent him from having to smash the nobles, but he got two vicious bastards that whispers ways to wreck havoc, they just disagree in how.
TCF Prompt 20
TBOAH AU - Regressions
Although Choi Han was able to gravely injure the White Star, he escaped the great battle that took the life of Cale Henituse. All those that remain are left in despair. Because even though Cale was known for being 'trash' throughout his life, his true attitude and voice in the end helped them in moving forward and being able to keep going during this horrible war(whether he realized it or not).
In the end, its not Cale who regresses, but his old comrades. Not only hoping to change the outlook of the war with the White Star, but perhaps saving an old dear friend, not only from a certain villain, but from himself as well.
Meanwhile, an 18 year old Cale Henituse is quite confused as to why this man from Harris Village is so set on being his guard. More importantly...why the fuck did Ron hug him this morning? And Hans is sticking to him like glue? Not seeming afraid of him at all(and was he glaring at the staff calling him trash?). Not to mention that damn crown prince inviting him personally to the capital instead of his brother! ugh. So many plans going drown the drain...but at least these kittens(kids) from the slums are cute. Hmm...maybe its not so bad...
Choi Han, The Molans, Rosalyn, Lock, Alberu, On, Amiru, Gilbert, Eric and Hans are the ones who regress.
OG!Cale doesn't fully regress, but he does end up having snippets of certain events(nightmares that give him headaches, etc)
OG!Cale does get all the ancient powers, including his mothers
GoD does bring KRS partly as an ancient power given to Cale(as Record, etc), and then sent off to help LSH and CJS with GoD things.
They all eventually end up meeting up to help each other, but that's a long ways yet.
On grabs Hong and goes to Cale asap cause she knows he will take them in.
Raon is saved and taken in of course. He doesn't fully remember, but like Cale he has nightmares of what could have been. Something they bond over.
Everyone is super protective and Cale is just: ????
Henituse family is confused as well, but Deruth allows it cause they make his son happy(and then they find out Cale was being trash on purpose and are not pleased. Apologies and much needed talks on both sides are given).
It takes a while(he's been acting for 10 years without a moments rest after all) but Cale allows himself to be well...himself again.
While not KRS, Cale is still an oblivious, sacrificial, unlucky bastard(thank you Eruhaben).
War ends in 2 years instead of 20. Much to the joy of everyone(Cale is kinda happy, but not, he did NOT want to be a Commander dammit! stupid prince!)
Redika is killed at the plaza after trying to go after Cale
Clopeh is also killed at Henituse territory
Some events are the same as TCF, but OG!crew aren't KRS and bulldoze their way through events rather than scheme/scam lmao. It gets worse after Cale gets hurt, coughs up blood, etc.

He passed out like 10 minutes after this
Choi Han chill💀

He really be out here telling the master arsonist/terrorist Cale himself to bomb-and-dash if he ever encounters a threat😂
Dude traumatized for life😂 He boutta start passing out before Choi Han's hand even lands on him
Book 2 Spoilers:
Choi Han to Number 7: Will you harm Cale-nim?

Number 7: Me? Never. I am innocent.

Choi Han, takes out his fist.
Number 7: W-Wait!

Cale-nim of course 😌

Pick a Card, any card pt.1
Poor Cale💀 Also, where are y'all reading the novel bro
Tcf part 2 chapter 330
Not On and Choi Han completely snitching on Cale about his position on the vr game world🤣
The pettiness was so deserved
Eruhaben: so you're saying you're the worst in that game world.
Cale: that's not what I-
On without missing a beat: Yes. Yes he is.
Choi Han also without missing a beat along with On: He also has angel blood there.
Lock: Wait so he's an angel!?
Choi Han: no he also has demon blood. Also he's the boss of the 3rd and 7th evils out of the eight.
Eruhaben: *disappointed but not surprised sigh* Well I guess growing your wokload is a talent as well.
Cale: No wait I didn't do anything! Seriously I didn't even do anything the game did that! I was just there like🧍♂️!
But what if— all tcf fanfics gain consciousness
I have a question from all the lcf/tcf fandom..
How cooked is YRH if lcf/tcf characters gain consciousness?