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waiting for his father to come save him, stopwatch in hand, or his sister, smelling of bargain detergent and smoke and a whole clusterfuck of people he’d tried really goddamn hard to forget about a timeline-or-three ago. begrudgingly, he thought about why he’d given up the moment the marigold had re-entered his system, about the tentative weight of the shot glass in his hand. ; or: klaus goes to an alcoholics anonymous meeting. allison and claire wait outside until they don't. (based on a deleted scene from s4)
new fic :) a short deleted-scene inspired fix-it for everyone who (like me) was horrified that they filmed a klaus resolution and then cut it. steve blackman it's on sight.
anyway, here it is :)
I love when Five has to pretend to be a kid. Meanwhile he's never at any point gotten go be a normal kid, so he legit has no idea how kids are supposed to act. I'm pretty sure actual kid Five would've been just as bad at it as adult Five
NO but the SECOND they found out that their dad killed Ben? The storyline from there should have been the siblings reverting back to season one, killing their dad, growing up with Ben and being actual little superheros, but all the good moments happen anyway, with Ben included.
Ben meets a girl called Sloane that he loves like a sister, luckily she marries his older brother Luther.
A girl with powers called Lila gets dropped off at their home, she's outcasted but Ben is kind to her, he's the one that convinces Diego to confess his feelings.
Ben babysits Claire whilst Allison is out at BLM protests with Ray.
Ben keeps Klaus sober and helps him control his powers, so when he meets a nice boy called Dave, Klaus can have a healthy relationship.
Ben is snarky, so he and Five have a great relationship, whenever Five goes out exploring, Ben is the one waiting up to make sure there's coffee upon his arrival. To make sure he ALWAYS makes it home.
Ben is the best man at Viktor and Sissys' wedding, helping Harlon tie his tie for him and there is absolutely no world ending crisis for the siblings anymore because Ben loves his brother Viktor, Ben is kind to him, so Viktor never feels alone.
Ben was what they were missing, the most important thing their father took from them, once they get him back, everything else is gravy.
i want- no. i NEED s3 allison to go ape shit lmao. this is a side of allison i want to see and not necessarily in an ‘evil’ way. allison is a character with flaw just as any other character on this show and i want them to show it. all of them have been through a lot and i want this to be allison’s breaking point. i don’t mean take away from her improvement and development as a character but show another side of her and let her make mistakes.
she had to leave ray being and if were being real claire probably doesn’t exist in this tl and if she does she definitely doesn’t know who allison is. this is not something i see allison taking lightly considering how she felt about claire in season one.
it’s just something for her character i really want to see.

"Before all that, I'd had three years clean. Three whole years. But the problem was, I was trying to do it all by myself. Staying all closeted in my safe little bubble, scared of death, scared of life. And taking it out on the people who love me the most. Who are sitting outside by the way. So, I just wanna say for the first time in my entire life, without irony, that my name is Klaus, and I am an alcoholic. And I am a complete drug addict. And, while we're at it, I'm probably addicted to love, and sex, and tweezing all the little tiny body hairs..." THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY | Season 4: Deleted Scene