Closed - Tumblr Posts
I would like to do a couple of these when I get home 👀 with ATLA and LoK couples.

Idk if making art memes is considered lame now but idc, I rarely find ones I want to do so I made my own lol. I'll be reblogging it to my own art blogs for requests, but feel free to save & use if you wanna!
for @seasonedfury !
Like so many nights before, she stands at the edge of the tower’s hangar. Looking out over the vast expanse of the Last City, ears ringing with the white noise of the tower and its people settling in for the evening, the sights, and more notably the smells, are still no less alien to her. She has been here for two years. Every day that ticks by is longer than the last, and every week shaves another mile from the time it takes for Petra’s mind to travel home.
A corsair, made emissary - A sword, meant to cut across the stars, dulled down on a grindstone into a butter knife, kicking and screaming all the while. Petra still feels like a sword. But she is still so, so far away from where she is meant to be. And for what?
She watches them every day, throwing themselves from the tower into oblivion. She watches their ghosts drag them back into life molecule by molecule, and she loathes the faint scent of smoke, or ozone, or the sudden disparity of any scent in particular that surrounds them each time they return. How was she to know? How could she have? Her hands curl into fists around the railing at the sound of footsteps approaching, and she sucks in a deep breath, glancing over her shoulder to regard the newcomer with her lone eye.
“Come to gloat? Or to chastise? I thought you had all gotten that out of your systems during the hearings.” She knows she speaks out of turn, but it has been too long a night, and Queen Mara is so very far away. So be it, if her sentence here is lengthened - She is already in her own personal hell, and how personal it is.
for @lightvoices !
She would like to think that she is getting used to this place. That the alien sights and the smells are slowly fading into every day monotony, that the noise even during the dead of the night is something she has grown accustomed to, something that does not interrupt her sleep or her peace. But not even the peace of mind taught by the Techeuns can help her now - Her thoughts are so abuzz with home and wrong and please and sorry - That Petra finds herself wandering again, out along the tower’s limits, near the Speaker’s tower, and peering down at the city below.
There are worse things, she tells herself. She could be dead. She could be here without an end in sight - Instead, she is only serving a sentence. A sentence she does not believe she has earned, of course, but that is not something to be spoken of. Here, she must play the part of an apologetic soul, not an apologist. She swallows and rests her arms upon the railing, reaching up to brush a hand over her patch, and missing eye. She has lost this much for Mara already. A few more years of her hopefully very, very long life - That is not so much to give. Resting her chin in a hand, she breathes out a soft sigh as she feels another’s approach, not particularly in any mood for talking - But, she will entertain the lightbearers, as always she has.
August reading giveaway - CLOSED

Hi, I will giveaway short personal readings for August. If you're interested, send me an ask, I will randomly pick one person each day to read for.
How will I pick : I will run a random generator based on the colour hex code you give me (information below)
What you need to do:
1. Send me an ask in anonymous (only one question and please don't send several asks, let other people have a chance too)
2. Provide below information (I will not pick requests that lack one of these information)
Your name or nickname (NOT initials, if you don't feel comfortable with your real name, just give me a made-up one)
A HEX code of your favourite colour, eg. 0955BD, as shown in the image below (IMPORTANT, I will pick the winner based on this code)
Describe a scene you find beautiful (just a sentence)
What you wish to know about me

What I don't read
Health, legal matters (please seek professionals for this)
World issue/religious question
Celebrity reading
Deity reading (I'm not well-versed in this)
Specific timing
Yes/no question (I might just throw a dice a tell you an yes or no answer)
Your feedback is much appreciated.
Have a good day/night ✨️🌼🍎
About me | Masterpost Book a reading with me - KO-FI (→ personal reading)

Some pokemon inspired CS Adopts!!
Im doing an ‘Alola Takeover’ theme and these are the first im starting out with! Salandit and Salazzle! (#161 and #162 in the alolan dex!)
wait people sleep with their doors closed????
PLEASE READ. Important info regarding requests.
Hi guys, I wanted to make a post saying that all requests are going to be shut down for the foreseeable future. I have experienced a death in my immediate family, and cannot complete or finish any requests. If you were waiting for a request to be finished, I’m sorry, but it will be a long while before I do it, if I ever do it. I hope you all can understand.
Thank you all in advance 💜
closed for @followmeinthedark

birds were now being added to his list of things he hated. fucking birds. he had no idea what it was about his outfit or his umbrella that made those damned avians so obsessed with him but unfortunately their curiosity left his umbrella-- his best protection from the accursed sun-- tattered and full of holes. there was a chance he would have been alright, he kept the majority of his body covered when he ventured out during daylight hours, but his neck and face were now the most vulnerable. he had to think and act quickly.
using his speed to his advantage, he cut through the town quickly and made his way directly to the funeral home he had passed a few nights ago when he was out strolling at a safer time. jimmying open the back door, so he could avoid any potential staff up front, he snuck through the back halls until he found the room he was looking for. the morgue. "this feels like a cliche," he mumbled to himself as he stepped into the remarkably colder room and let out a sigh. now, to some coming here might seem like a weird-- or possibly cliched-- choice but while new haven had plenty of stores or restaurants he could have ducked into they all had one thing in common. front facing walls filled with windows to let people look in and get enticed; walls filled with windows to let the daylight in. the funeral homes morgue had none.
taking off his overcoat and hanging it on the rack by the door, he took off his gloves next and tucked them into his coat pocket as it hung; followed by his sunglasses; lastly taking off his cap and placing it on the rack as well. rolling up his sleeves as he made himself comfortable-- as if he had any right to be there-- he checked his watch and groaned when he saw the time. hours to go before sunset. "i don't suppose any of you know a good way to pass the time here?" he deadpanned as he glanced over his shoulders at the mortuary coolers lining the back wall. shrugging, almost as if he actually expected an answer, the vampire suddenly froze; his entire body tensed as he heard the rattling of the doorknob.
standing, awkwardly, in the middle of the examination room he slowly turned to face the door as it opened. there weren't many places for him to hide so he figured facing the intrusion head on would be the smartest move. well. technically he was the intrusion. maybe he should have tried to hide.

"i can explain..." he offered up hastily, opting to try and be diplomatic for once rather than relying on compuslion to get himself out of the tight spot he put himself in.
closed for @benedictmd

the beauty of being able to record his show every now and then at the radio station without people realizing it was that he could take nights off like this. and he needed nights off.
making another appearance at the bar-- which had become a third home to him since all he seemed to do was sleep at his apartment, work at the radio station, or drink here-- the witch omega slid up to the bar and got himself a drink (a dirty martini if you must know). he tried to entertain himself by messing around with a basic, beginner spell to conjure dancing lights but again the barrier seemed to be holding him back. hated to admit it but he hoped that it fell, he missed how powerful he felt before it dampened everything.
magic wasn't going to work for him, he turned around on his stool and began looking for entertainment elsewhere. this bar always had some good distractions drinking in it.
like the older man walking in right now. distinguished, handsome as fuck, and a complete stranger. it would have been rude not to introduce himself. downing his martini with a quick swallow, the boy rose from his seat and practically bounced over to the newcomer.
"never seen you around here before, you must be new. trust me," he added on with a wink, "i'd remember seeing a man like you before. can i get you a drink?"

@earthlyalfonso || closed 😈 starter for alfonso x cornelius

he was enjoying himself for once-- or, at least, he had been. drinking, and dancing, at pantheon the fairy finally find himself in a decent headspace; distracted by the music and the slight warmth in his throat from the alcohol. he was relaxing. he was having fun. he was looking more like himself than he had in years. of course that earned him some attention.
an alpha he knew, that had been making passes at him for what felt like years now, took it upon himself to try again. working him away from the middle of the room, keeping him back in a corner, the alpha tried line after line to win the fairy over but cj wasn't having it-- much to the alpha's chagrin, cj looked bored out of his mind as he listened.
rather than trying to smooth things over, he noticed someone move past them to take a seat at the bar and an idea hit him. dipping down, he slipped under the alpha's arms-- leaving the arrogant man fuming-- and made his way straight to the bar. now, cj and alfonso weren't particularly close. they had crossed paths a few times, and they knew each other well enough for cornelius to ask him the occasionally probing question about the fair realm, but they still weren't close; he wasn't even sure if they were classified as friends and yet that didn't stop him from dropping down into the seat next to alfonso; one hand on the other's bicep as he leaned against him.

"okay, i know you are probably tired of me asking you questions." he started with a playful grin, "but i genuinely think you'll like this one. see that alpha in the corner glaring at me? no matter how many times i turn him down and bruise his ego, he tries again. i'd almost think it charming if he didn't annoy me so much-- but, right, my question for you." he laughed lightly, his hand tightening it's grip a bit over alfonso's bicep, "want to slip to the bathroom with me, or out back, and help me make him really mad--" it had been a long time since cj had been this bold. "--by letting you have what he can't?"
@wintertouched || a closed starter for raen and øyvindullr.

though he wasn't going to admit it out loud, even he was a bit impressed with how far new haven had gone to make sure every species that found themselves living stuck there was comfortable. rising out of the salt water lake, which really was a marvel, he began to wrap a towel around himself since he was in public and, according to some of the people around the group home that complained when he walked around naked, modesty was best and errant smirk began to form on the usually crabby merman's lips as he saw him approaching.
again, he wouldn't dare to claim he had made any friends here in new haven but out of everyone he had bumped into so far øyvindullr was certainly the most tolerable. he respected the other; considered him an equal. gods forbid, he might even go as far as admitting he liked having the other around.
"ᚨᚱᛖ ᚤᛟᚢ ᚠᛟᛚᛚᛟᚹᛁᚾᚷ ᛗᛖ?*" he questioned, his tone teasing as he finished tying the towel around his waist with a knot. "can you not... sleep?" raen added on as he turned to face the other fully.
"let... me guess..." stepping forward, his eyes dropped to look the other over as that smirk managed to linger on his features. "ᚤᛟᚢ ᚨᚱᛖ ᛟᚢᛏ ᛚᛟᛟᚴᛁᚾᚷ ᚠᛟᚱ ᚨᚾ ᛟᛗᛖᚷᚨ ᛏᛟ ᛒᚢᚱᚤ ᚤᛟᚢᚱ ᚴᚾᛟᛏ ᛁᚾᛏᛟ ᚠᛟᚱ ᛏᚺᛖ ᚾᛁᚷᚺᛏ ᚨᚾᛞ ᚤᛖᛏ ᚤᛟᚢ ᚠᛟᚢᚾᛞ ᛗᛖ. ᛁ ᚨᛗ ᚾᛟ ᛟᛗᛖᚷᚨ.**" though that wasn't him saying no.

closed event starter || @auricfairyleo

forced out of the group home against his own will-- something about not being such a grouch and actually integrating himself into the community that had taken him in or some other bullshit like that-- the merman was trying to play along and enjoy the festivities that were currently littering the streets. he didn't care much for what it was about, he wasn't touched by the moon like so many other's were, but even he could appreciate a hero's sacrifice; even if it was just from some lumbering land mass like a bear. a hero is a hero.

he already wasn't known for having the best temperament and, well, the people working the food booth he regretfully stopped at seemed as if they only wanted to make it worse. "ᚹᚺᚨᛏ ᚨᚱᛖ ᚤᛟᚢ ᚾᛟᛏ ᚢᚾᛞᛖᚱᛋᛏᚨᚾᛞᛁᚾᚷ*?" his voice was a low, frustrated grumble as he glared at the person behind the counter while pointing at the food he wanted. "give." he even put his stubbornnes on pause just long enough to try speaking english and yet they still wanted to act as if they couldn't understand.
in an act of frustration, he turned away from the booth to look for someone that could help him; even though he had no intention of really asking. reaching out as someone caught his attention, and came close enough to him, the merman grabbed the pretty little thing and pulled him over to stand next to him at the food booth. he didn't know what a bearclaw was, or if it was even good, but he was hungry and he wasn't about to walk away now without it. "get... me," he growled, using english again, as he looked at the man he was forcing to help him; his left hand squeezing tight around the blonde's bicep as his right hand pointed at the themed pastry.
requests are closed for now! thank you to everyone who requested, now please be patient with me as i try to deliver the stories bit by bit 🙏
(i can't write short stuff so it's gonna take more time than art).
see you!
one-shot requests are open!
so in order to celebrate the migration between the blogs (yep, it's still about that) as well as to motivate me to write more, i'll be holding a little writing event for you all!
namely, for the whole day today i'm taking requests for writing drabbles! all you need to do is go to this post, pick a prompt and then send me an ask following this pattern:
"one-shot request, [prompt number], [fandom], [pairing]"
and i'll do my best to deliver something to your liking
i can't promise you long fics and i can't guarantee that i'll be able to post them all tomorrow, but i will do my best to do it as quickly as possible. it worked pretty well with art last time - so here's to hoping it will help with the writing to :)
the list of my fandom and ships under the tag, but if something isn't listed, you can always message me to ask about it :)
can't wait!
fandoms & ships:
chihayafuru (anime only): taichihaya is bae but i may try other pairings if they click with me :) miraculous ladybug: all sides of the love square, lukanette, adrigami, lukagami, felinette fruits basket 2019 & sequels: all canon ships! kono oto tomare! (anime & manga, you may specify): hozuki&kudo, kurata&kurusu fma(b): royai, edwin, almei atla: zutara. that's it. JULIE & THE PHANTOMS: julie&luke

Reminds me of all those lunch hours I used to sneak into the high school auditorium and play the grand in the wings. And then later, at university, sneaking into the recital hall after hours to find, on occasion, a grand that wasn't locked up. A locked piano is heresy and pure evil.
By: Timothy Fuss

wait people sleep with their doors closed????