Cod Mw2 X Reader - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago




Pairing: Nikolai x F!Reader

Word Count: 746

Synopsis: Lingering gazes and teasing kisses lead to a very happy Nik 🫶

A/N: Was nervous writing this cause I wanted it to be well written as my first contribution to the COD writing community— but I hope you like it!! It’s based off of THIS TIKTOK!! Credit goes to them for inspiration! Ignore my clunky layout..

Tw: None! It’s all fluffy content 🫶


Fingers silently tapped along the side of the can of Red Bull in her hand, eyes fixated on the Russian who spoke on and on about… what was it again?

It started as his recent upgrades to his helicopter that he cared for like it was his masterpiece. Then again, it has helped the team out of so many bad situations on countless occasions, as well as made travel a lot easier. The copter even brought some amusing memories— one incident in particular being one that won’t be let go for a while. It made her smile a little to herself even to this day. She supposed that he had every right to go on and on about such a useful vehicle.

The conversation seemed to drift into more of his travels while flying it than the vehicle itself. That seemed to be the case, anyways, with how he spoke of the common cuisine throughout the countries he’s flown through that he wanted to try.

In all honesty, she hadn’t been listening for the majority of the time he spoke, only catching utterances of how he fitted the copter with new blades to make the flight smoother and how he’s never tried a churro before. Her gaze had been glued to him the entire time, mind stuck on admiring the man before her as they enjoyed their lunch break together. It was hard not to. Seeing him so relaxed in her presence eased her heart and the sound of his voice, thick with his Russian accent, was like music to her ears. The Lieutenant could listen to him talk all day if she could. To add that he was quite handsome, too, only made her infatuation stronger.

“Do you know what I’ve always wanted to try?” The sudden question pulled the woman from her thoughts. Her lashes fluttered as she sat up in place, just noticing his expectant gaze lingering on her face. For a moment, a wave of embarrassment washed over her, not knowing whether or not he had noticed her almost lovesick gaze just mere moments ago. If he did, he made no comment or any physical gesture showing that he did. He only kept his intense gaze on her, shifting slightly in place as if anxious to continue his rambling.

“Kissing me.”

“No, fish and chips. Is it really as good as they--...kissing you?”

“What..? Kissing me?” It took everything in her to not laugh at his bewildered look that melted into one of pure confusion. Instead, a look of slight surprise was present on her face, a brow raised in question. Teeth bit at the inside of her lip, watching the gears in his mind turn oh so slowly to try and process the whether or not she actually said that.

He turned his head to face the wall in front of him and across the room. Not understanding his muttered Russian speech, she smiled to herself before downing the rest of the Red Bull in her hand and began to stand. The crinkle of the aluminum in her hand did nothing to catch his attention, nor did her presence standing over his shoulder.

A smirk tugged to her lips, leaning over his shoulder to level her head with the side of his. A free hand rested on his shoulder for balance and her lips pressed firmly against his cheek. The feeling of his facial hair itched lightly against the softness of her lips and for the short moment they remained against his skin, she could swear she felt the surface of his cheek warm against them. The Lieutenant smiled softly at him, stopping by his ear before pulling away completely. “See you later, Sugar.”

The sound of his breath getting caught in his throat pulled a chuckle from her, removing her hand from his shoulder and making her way to the exit. She dropped the empty and crushed can away, the aluminum can clattering against the sides of the trashcan until it reached the bottom.

A silence lingered in the hallway as she began to retreat to the training grounds where she would be supervising drills for a bunch of recruits, but only for a moment as the sound of heavy, rushing footsteps quickly closing the gap between her and the source filled her senses. A smile tugged to her lips, turning around in time to see the pilot red faced but with the dopiest grin pulled onto his face.


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@ohworm-writes @ghostlywhiskey @bookobsessedram

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2 years ago

ghestie93 - I know your soul is not tainted


How they react when you die

Warning: Suicide, blood, cancer, angst

Includes: Ghost, Soap, Price, Alejandro and Graves

I hope you’ll enjoy it :D

And I guess I love to write angst

(Sorry I added your request to another story and I dunno how to reverse that)

You don’t need to listen to the songs but I did and I think they fit the vibe


- He has a lot of enemies and most of the time he can't trust his own military

-He hides you like a diamond so that nobody would ever find you

- You're the love of his life and he wants to live with you till the end of time

- It would be a rainy day and the las Almas cartel would be pretty active so he and his whole team had a lot of work to do

- he would always have his phone with him so you could call him if something were wrong but on this particular day he wouldn't and he forgot it in the base, he noticed it when it was already to late and they couldn't turn around to grab it

- not a single time did you had to call him while he was  working, not a single time was there a threat for your safety not a single time in all those years

- but on this day there was a threat

- thanks to the security cams around your ranch you would notice the heavily armed men but you would notice them to late

- You would call Alejandro multiple times while trying to find a way out, but he wouldn't pick up

- you  knew you had bo chance on leaving the ranch so you hid yourself good but at some point they would find you

- you would be  able to take out three of the men but with a clear shot from the enemy in your shoulder would end killing your enemies pretty quick

- they would want information about Alejandro, about the other save houses and about the base

- you would give them anything, not a single word would leave your lips

- after a few hours of pure pain, you would be on the edge of collapsing while  sitting on the chair where they tied you up

- you prayed in all those hours to any god that Alejandro would come and save you

- but he wouldn't

- a female voice would get the last bit of attention you had and with her pushing your chin up you would recognize her pretty fast

- Alejandro's ex wife

- You knew about her and knew how she looked like cause you saw her on a old photo of him with his old team

- she would tease you, telling you that you're not important to him

- she knew which words hurt the most

- before they all leave she would look at you with a sweet smile before stepping a knife into your stomach, telling you to die slowly so he would get the chance to see you die

- you fought, you fought so hard to stay alive for him, but in the end you would fall asleep and never wake up again

- the last thing you heard before leaving this world would be your wedding song that you used as your ring tone

- after he comes back from the mission he would see the missed calls and immediately call you back

- but you wouldn't answer

- while he was away working he had a bad gut feeling but tossed it away, thinking it would be nothing, but know that feeling was away and pure panic crawled through every single fiber of his body

- Never in his life did he drives that fast with his crew in the back, never in his life did he prayed so much and never in his life was he so scared like he was right know

- when he arrived at the first gates he would notice that something was clearly wrong

- at second one he knew someone had gained access

- the moment he's in front of your shared home he would scream your name

- not a single one of his soldiers could hold him back and the moment he steps into the house he would smell iron

- his stomach would drop, he knew that smell way to good

- he would call for you but wouldn't get a answer

- he would follow the smell and would see a light shine trough a half opened door, most likely from a flashlight

- he would slowly open the door hoping not to find what he expected but he did

- before they left you dying they put a flashlight so that it would light your corpse

- you would sit there in your formerly white wedding dress/suit, with a big pool of blood around your feet

- he would run to you, put his hands on your still warm cheeks and lift your head gently

-he would whimper your name, hoping that you would open your eyes that he loves so much and tell him you are fine

- but you wouldn't and he knew that

- he would collapse in front of you screaming your name while he buries his head in his hands smeared with your blood

- he would whine how sorry he is, how much he loves you... he would tell you that you can't leave him, that you can't leave like that

- rodolfo would have to drag him away from you but Alejandro would end up beating the living shit out of him so the others of his team would have to knock him out

- After your death he wouldn't be able to eat or to sleep, he would start drinking and hating himself

- he knows it's his fault, he knows it's his goddamn fault that you died, that you died like that

- the day of your funeral would end him

- he wouldn't be able to have a traditional funeral

- after everyone left the graveyard he would swear to god that he finds every single one that's responsible for your death and after a few years he would make it

- leaving only one person left on his target list

- he would look at his favorite picture of you and would place a soft kiss on the picture where your lips are

- he would whisper how much he loves you and that there's only one bastard left that he has to kill to avenge your death

-"Espero que puedas perdonarme mi amor... nos vemos del otro lado"

- with that he pulls the trigger, killing the last bastard that is responsible for your death.

- they said the only thing that can kill Alejandro is Alejandro, but they were wrong.

- it was your death that killed him, that killed the Alejandro everybody knew, that you loved...


- Ghost isn't the man that shows his feelings but he cares for you deeply

- he loves you more than anything else and he puts you first at everything even though he doesn't say it often

- but because of that he knows he has to keep you safe, somewhere where nobody would ever find you

- the day of your death would begin pretty early

- he would wake you up with light kisses on your neck and soft belly rubs

- He would mumble a good morning and asking you what you want to eat and drink

- he would make you both breakfast and would bring it to you to eat together in bed, just like every Sunday and it was your favorite day just because of it

- the day would continue to be romantic and calm, till you both decided to go to the cinema

- after the movie he would drive you home but something wouldn't feel right

- you would ask him about it and simply tell him that it's because of the movie you just saw

- the movie contained a scene that was very similar to his childhood, which is why you both had to leave the hall for a short time

- but that feeling wouldn't disappear

- he would scan the neighborhood but because you live miles away from the next humans he wouldn't see anything

- you would take his hand the moment you both step out of the car leading him into your shared home

- you would smilie at him before let go of his hand just to step more in the middle of the room

- he would smile at you even though he's still on high alert

- you would ask him how he likes the things you bought for him, staring to undress yourself

- It would be just a blink of a Moment he sees a little green flash

- he would sprint forwards to you, screaming to go down but it would be already to late

- the sound of breaking glass and the impact of a bullet on flesh would echo through your living room

- he would throw you on the floor, close the curtains and look at you worried

- his eyes would wide while you stare into his

- you would look at his eyes, the only emotion that's left his love and a soft smile would appear on your lips

- just a few seconds later your pupils would wide and you would take your last breath

- He would freeze not able to move a single fiber of his body

- But he knew he had to move, he had to do something but he couldn't.

- He just would just grab his phone before he sit himself next to you, pulling you onto his lap and laying a blanket over you to hold you warm…

- he would call price, telling him that he needs help that a sniper attacked before hanging up

- soap, price and gaz would arrive half a hour later, they didn't knew what they would find but they didn't expect what they found

- Ghost had you still on his lap

- in his eyes wouldn't be a emotion, there would be nothing

- Ghost would affect your death more than anything else

- You we're the one that showed him love, that healed him and now you were dead

- and it was his fault

- after your funeral he would go back to work like nothing happened

- but everyone would notice his dark aura

- he may hadn't changed physical but he had changed mentally

- he was dangerous before but after your death he's no human anymore

- even after killing the man that killed you he wouldn't go back to what he once was

- ghost know you would be disappointed in him if he gave up so he continued to fight for you, for what you stand for

- the only thing that makes him human is your picture in his west, he carries it around and nobody is allowed to even look at it


- You're the only weakness of Graves

- the scar on his cheek? He was tortured for days and you don't want see the rest of his body

- No matter how much pain he goes through he wouldn't speak, there's nothing that could ever get him to betrayal his country, but you

- Shepherd knows that

- even though graves hid you shepherd would find out that graves is in a relationship with you

- after the missiles went missing graves told you to leave the us as soon as possible, to bring you somewhere safe but it would be to late

- you would drive to the airport when a black suv would knock you into a ditch

- Shepherd knows that without you he can't control Graves, so he would kidnapp you

- he would send graves a video of you, tied up to a chair with duck tape on your mouth and the newspaper on your thigh

- he would threaten to kill you if graves doesn't do what he wants

- Weeks over weeks would past and you seemed to get weaker but no matter what he tried he couldn't find you and when shepherd noticed that Graves tried to find you he send him a video of you getting tortured

- You didn't know how long it was since they kidnapped you but you knew you were getting weaker, only getting enough water and food to barley survive

- you begged for them to give you at least more water cause you knew you weren't the only one that was held hostage

- you were pregnant with graves baby

- The last command shepherd gave Graves was to kill 141 and los vaqueros to get you back and he tried, but after soap and Rodolfo attacked him in the tank it was the moment he realized he wouldn't get you back, at least not when he's dead

- He would gave up, he knew he had no chance to get you back without the help of 141 so he would ask soap to have mercy and to let him explain

- of course they hate Graves and at first they wouldn't believe him, but after he showed them the pics and the video of you they would

- they wouldn't help him, they would help you.

- He tried to contact shepherd to tell him that he killed them all(he did not) but that bastard wouldn't answer

- With the help of 141, laswell and a bunch of other people he would find out where they held you hostage

- he was the first one that entered the building, searching for you

- it would be ghost that finds you

- he would tell graves where to find you

- Graves would be there in seconds, but the moment he enters the room and the nasty smell of iron hits his nostrils he would stop

- that moment would burn it into his head

- seeing you sitting there, with a bullet hole in your stomach and a pool of blood around your feet

- he would whisper your name before running to your corps and kneeling in front of it

- he would touch your ice cold cheek biting his lips while tears would well up in his eyes

- he would lay his forehead against your knees, not caring about the blood nor the smell

- he would start to scream, before he starts to cry and whine

- they would have to drag him away after a hour

- He would just sit wherever they sat him, not moving a single muscle

- He had lost you, he had lost the love of his life, he had lost his child, he had lost everything.

- He wouldn't eat anything for days, just drinking whiskey and planning your funeral

- your funeral was just as beautiful as you were when you lived

- After your funeral he wouldn't leave the graveyard, he wouldn't leave it the whole night and just sit there, looking at the stone with one of your favorite photos of yourself engraved.

- he would tell you how much he loves you and how sorry he is

- After a few days he would leave you but before that he would pay a florist to put your favorite flowers on your graves every week

- he would hunt shepherd down and after he killed him he would return to you, he would tell you that he avenged your death but would collapse the moment he said the words

- his body would simply give up, months of alcohol abuse, a few hours of sleep and no food would end there

- He wouldn't die there, he would die a few months later in combat

- He didn't want to end it by himself, he knew you would be disappointed in him so he chooses that as his dead

- he couldn't live without you, so he didn't.


- He knew his job is dangerous and that you’re in danger too because of it

- he had you somewhere safe, deep into the woods where nobody would find you

- everytime he went home he had a stomach bug, something bothered him and he didn’t know what it could be

- He knew you wouldn’t cheat on him or betray him in any kind so that’s something he can rule out

- he would notice a few changes

- you seemed to get weaker

- he knew you had headaches at least once a day but it seems to get worse

- he would take you to the doctors, telling them to examine you

- at first they would tell him that there’s nothing, that you’re good in health and stuff like that

- but he knew something is wrong so he would tell them to search again, to search more accurate like their live depended on it

- After a few days in the hospital they would find something

- They would tell you both to sit down

- You both knew that conversation wouldn’t end well but listen to the docs

- they found something, well they found something really bad

- they found out you had brain cancer

- You both would be shocked but they would tell you that there’s hope to cure you

- month would pass and the Chemotherapy wouldn’t work

- you had lost all your hair thanks to the therapy and he had shaved his too to show you his support besides being with you

- but the cancer would spread, really fast and aggressive

- he always though he would leave you behind but now it’s seemed you were the one that leaves first

- over the month you got weaker and the only thing that was left from you was your humor and your love for him

- sometimes you couldn’t remember much but no matter how much you could remember you knew that this man in front of you is your lover

- You knew you were gonna die, he knew that too and when the day came he lay besides you

- you mumbled that you loved him, how sorry you were to cause him so much pain but he would shush you

- he would tell you how much he loves you and that he didn’t regret in loving you and that he wouldn’t change to date you if he could

- he asked you if you remembered the day you married, the slow dance under an old willow tree. He would tell you that you would someday dance with him like that again

- it would be the last thing you hear and while you cuddled with him you would peacefully pass

- he would notice that you stopped breathing

- at first he would whisper your name then he would look at you before closing his eyes

- he knew you had passed in his arms but he couldn’t bring himself to ring the bell to alarm a nurse

- so he would continue to cuddle with you till he’s able to ring the bell

- after the nurses took you with them they would ask him when you passed

- he would tell them the time, before sitting himself in the chair that stand besides your bed for the last month, that he had slept in, that he cried in with you on his lap and now, now it was besides the little table and a wardrobe the only furniture left in the room.

- you had planned your own funeral and didn’t want him to do anything, it should be a surprise for him and it was.

- not only was your funeral just like you, no, you had recorded a video of you being just you and saying the people you loved goodbye

- after the funeral Someone of your family/friends would go to him, giving him a USB telling him to watch it when he’s ready

- you had recorded many videos with you telling him how much you loved him or that he deserved to live again, that you wished that he finds happiness again, that he finds someone again that loves him so much like you did

- that would break his heart, how was he supposed to love again? You were his true love and nobody would ever be like you, and he didn’t want someone besides you

- After all those month he would go back to his job

- In his hat there’s a picture of you

- but years later he would find himself laying on the ground, a huge bullet hole in his chest

- that would be the moment he hears your voice

- he would turn his head to where he had heard your voice and there you were

- you were alive, no, not just that. You were healthy and you were waiting for him under the willow tree you married

- you would open your arms and he would stand up to get to you, just to wrap his arms around you, kissing you like the first time

- this time you would ask him for a dance

- He hadn’t lost his life on this mission, leaving ghost soap and gaz behind. No, he had gained his life cause you were back and this time nothing could separate you again….


- He knew how dangerous it was for you to be with him, he told you that multiple times

- but you didn’t care, you cared about him, about your love for him

- he knew that you trusted him more than anything else

- it was cold in Scotland and he never saw s much snow in all those years than he did this year

- you loved the snow even though it was cold, wet and you always got a cold after playing in it

- he was on his way home when he contacted you, telling you that he would be with you in less than 8 hours and that you wouldn’t need to cook anything and just to dress you nice

- he arrived in less than 6

- the moment he sees you he would run to you, warping his arms around you and kissing you all over your face

- He would ask you if you want to come with him, smiling like a sun

- It happend when he drove

- it would be very snowy and because of the darkness around he would drive very carefully not wanting to make a crash

- then it happened, a truck driver came out of nowhere and didn’t saw the Jeep with you both in it

- he took the right of way and due to his increased speed, he would have had no chance of braking before he hit you

- soap was conscious for a few more seconds, mumbling your name and trying to reach your hand but passed out before he reached you

- he would be woken up by an annoying beeping sound

- the first thing he knew that every single bone and fiber in his body hurt like a bitch

- but just Seconds after he woke up he would look around searching for you but only seeing ghost or this time Simon sitting on a chair

- Simon would wake up immediately and look at his friend

- Simon would call for a nurse to get rid of the breathing tube

- the moment soap is able to ask where you are he does it

- but the look on Simons face would say more than any word on this planet ever could

- soaps voice would die while asking if you’re… dead

- but Simon knows that he tried to say and would simply nod

- It would be Simon that tells John what happened to both of you

- he would tell John about the truck driver that not only took the right of way from Soap and drove way to fast, no, that driver was drunk and stoned.

- he didn’t even notice that he had hit you and just continue to drive till his truck died a few miles away from the crash

- it was Simon, Price and Gaz that searched for the both of you and found you an hour later in a ditch

- The were all in Scotland cause Soap wanted to propose to you and he wanted his friends to take a part in it

- Soap would ask Simon to take him to you, to have a last look at you but Simon would have to tell him that it’s impossible

- Soap wouldn’t quite understand, how wasn’t he able to see you? Till the moment Simon says that he was in a coma for a bit over two month and on the edge of dying it heart would break again

- you were already burried while he was in a coma

- your family had waited as long as they could to have a chance that he would wake up, but he didn’t and the doctors weren’t even sure if he would wake up ever again

- A few days later he would be released against the advice of the doctors

- He would withdraw completely and the only reason he left the house would be to visit your grave

-Your family would provide him with food and water

- he never said it out load but he wished he had died too and not only you

- it would be Simon that takes him back to the military

- he knew soap would only destroy himself if he wouldn’t get any help

- soap would never get over your dead

- he would wear the ring he wanted to give you for the purpose as a necklace to have something from you forever

- he wouldn’t never love anyone ever again, with the lose of you he would lose the ability to love again

- the day he returns to you, you would greet him with open arms and a big smilie one your lips

- He missed you so much and you did too

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8 months ago

I HAVE A (kinda) stepdad!König+DBF!Horangi

so it was a while ago but I reealllyyyy liked the one u did where reader’s sort of hooking up w/ soap and ghost on the side?? If u remember that

I was wondering if you could do a story where they’re sort of just hooking up occasionally (as often as reader can get away) but clearly both the boy like them and want to further it but she’s worried about König and Horangi finding out.

pretty much they notice her exhibiting really weird behaviors in and out of bed towards them?? She’ll freak out if they approach her a specific way (not knowing König and Horangi take advantage of her that way) or sort of doesn’t rly care about her own pleasure cuz she’s sacrificing it for theirs…just sort of stuff that makes Soap and Ghost go “uhhh 🧍🧍‍♂️that’s kinda weird innit” (they’re presenting traits of being groomed/manipulated/raped/etc)

anyways somehow Soap and Ghost find out ab what’s going on at home and….yeah they’re not happy 😬😬

Thank you for your consideration!!!

— 🌘 !

Cw: DARKFIC, STEPCEST, DUB-CON/NON-CON, implied smut, abuse, implied kidnapping, possessive behaviour, implied one night stand, implied crush, kinda poly, tell if I missed any.

They weren’t saints. If anything, they were the farthest thing possible from good-natured men, with kind hearts and sound morals. Ghost and Soap were sick men, soaked in bloodshed and tragedy, gunpowder and tears, they weren’t good men, they were simply men doing another’s dirty work to keep the world safer. They’d seen their fair share of filth on this earth, the most depraved and savage monsters that found pleasure in plundering and killing, covert crimes done under the nose of most civilians, and hushed exchanges for prizes. They, themselves, have committed unforgettable and unforgivable acts, torture, murders, arson, and so, so much regrettable things that would forever scar their victims.

But this- your situation was gut-wrenching, in a way that twisted their guts and made their throats tight, deathly silent in the brewing rage. From Simon, who had an abusive up-bringing and torturous life, morals and ethics twisted beyond normalcy and comprehension; to Johnny, who’s busybody life turned darker and darker with every life he’s taken, bodies piling over bodies, a permanent reminder that he wasn’t the same bright-eyed and goodwilling saint he was when he first enlisted. 

They were mad: Simon enraptured in wrath, burning hotter than hell’s fire, whose rage rivaled one of God; and Johnny bubbled with rage, running through his veins like rivers of magma, scorching everything on his path to ash and rock. They were enraged to see the way you were used and forced into a new purpose by older men —much, much older men that they knew. Whereas Simon seethed silently, Johnny screeched loudly, words stumbling in a crazed frenzy.

It just- it simply wasn’t a good-natured frenzy. Ghost and Soap were not good men. It stemmed from jealousy and emotional possession. The many dates that you’d suddenly canceled, calling in a rain check that they had listened, were because you’d been fucked numb, legs too weak to walk or support you, tied to your bed or filled with another man’s cum. How rarely they met you outside of simple bar nights with your girlfriends before you’d hookup with them for the night until you had to leave. Or your reoccurring bruises, hidden under the clear lie of being clumsy, a white lie, truly, but a lie nonetheless and they hated liars. 

And the worse thing, the one that hits the most, was that you were being fucked, and abused, and taken advantage of by men they constantly butted heads with. Once enemies, always enemies. They didn’t forgive or forget in their business, and their rivalry would continue until one or the other had died. Ghost would plan, scheme your taking and Soap would take care of you, a man much softer than his rough hide. Soap would gently introduce you into your new life, and if it does work, then Ghost would have to step in, eyes dark and heart frozen over. 

You’d eventually like living with them. At least you liked them.

Taglist: @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @bvxygriimes @distracteddragoness @konigsblog @daisychainsinknots @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @danielle143 @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @notspiders @brokenpieces-72 @petwifed @randominstake @haven-1307 @shironasumi @lucienbarkbark @sparky--bunny @bloobewy @223princess @maylovesyousomuch @cod-z @sweetnanah @aldis-nuts @evolutionarry @kaoyamamegami

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8 months ago

HIII I SUPER LOVE UR WORKS!! can u do a stepdad!konig that got her stepdaughter!reader pregnant hksisjsjs

Cw: DARKFIC, STEPCEST, DUB-CON/NON-CON, forced pregnancy, mention of abortion, breeding kink, age gap, age difference, tell me if I missed any.

You’d been… shockingly quiet these past days. Cooped up in your room with little to no interaction with both him and your mother, or with Horangi unless they imposed themselves on you, knocking until you broke in and forced you to listen to them. Mumbling incoherent and sobbing writes that left him confused at most hours despite having heard everything from your pleading cries and grumbling moans when he fucked you in your bed. Or the sudden cold shoulder you gave everyone : him, your stepfather; Horangi, his best friend; and your mother. 

Your rapid change had affected more than him, he supposed, having being forced to comfort your mother when you wouldn’t leave your room unless absolutely necessary. He had to whisper reassurances, mumble out promises that you were fine and kiss her worried tears away like a loving husband would, caring and tender and perfect, but he was getting sick of this act he had to play. She was a means to an end, someone König used to reach his goal. Cruel, some would say, but so was life, and he wasn’t averse to bend the world around him to fit the mould of his small paradise. 

He wasn’t mad —no, how could he when you were being so good? You stayed home, within an arm’s length from him and Horangi, and oh, so accessible to both their hunger and affection. So near that you were seconds away when he or Horangi needed some entertainment when sitting in the office and writing reports became too boring —repetitive and uninspiring. His access to you had grown exponentially, and so had his needs, seeing that you were always home.

He was - would be - proud, truly proud if not for the oddness of it all. The sudden isolation, the sudden silence, the sudden introverted behaviour. It was as if his once bright Schatzi turned into a lonely hermit. König had his worries, ones that he openly shared with Horangi when in your presence, catching the nausea you felt, the morning sickness and the quiet apprehension about their need to question you over and over. 

But it hadn’t clicked in their minds how weirdly coincidental it all was, they were seemingly oblivious to your plight —confused and worried, but all so, so confused about your behaviour. Most questions went unanswered, inquiries ignored and worried glances shrugged. It was a mystery when you wouldn’t tell him anything, keeping your lips sealed and silent while you did… whatever it was you kept hushed in your bedroom. 

Until he stumbled into a pregnancy test, used and accompanied by an old receipt that dated to a week or two prior. It all made sense then, the small clues he picked up left and right aligning to fit a certain scenario. One that both he and Horangi had been striving to reach for a while now. He now had an oversight over all your actions: the pregnancy test, the isolation, the many tabs about abortions and paper clips for different clinics and hospitals. 

Now that he knew, König could finally take action like he was taught. He would plan and strategise to further your pregnancy with or without your explicit consent. He will have this child.

Taglist: @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @bvxygriimes @distracteddragoness @konigsblog @daisychainsinknots @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @danielle143 @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @notspiders @brokenpieces-72 @petwifed @randominstake @haven-1307 @shironasumi @lucienbarkbark @sparky--bunny @bloobewy @223princess @maylovesyousomuch @cod-z @sweetnanah @aldis-nuts @evolutionarry @kaoyamamegami

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8 months ago

any thots™ on loser, stepbrother simon?! 🍼

i'm in love with the concept of him being manipulative. he's the type to guilt trip his sweet stepsister into giving him a nice, sloppy blowjob after breaking up with his girlfriend, after she found out he was cheating on her with his own stepsister.

although he can't control his jealousy and envy when you begin crushing on johnny, his best friend.

he regrets ever introducing the two of you to each other. you ask simon if he'll hook you up with johnny, asking for the man's number, fawning over his instagram photos like a schoolgirl would do with her crush.

he wonders what johnny has that he doesn't. he'll compare himself, beating himself up and tearing himself down, attempting to appeal to you. eventually, he feels the need to force himself onto you after a screaming match, to get you pregnant so you're tied to him. he'll apologise profusely, cooing at your drunkenness, your body limp in his strong arms.

and what can you really say? you can't sit there and swoon over johnny anymore, when you're pregnant with your stepbrother's kid. you feel almost inclined to keep the baby (although the angst possibility if the reader got an abortion?! 👀)

feel free to ignore, my dear !! (⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠) 💐

You Trust Your Brother, Yeah?

Any Thots On Loser, Stepbrother Simon?!

Pairing: Stepbrother!Simon x stepsister!reader

Cw: DARKFIC, DUB-CON/NON-CON, STEPCEST, manipulation, jealousy, possessive/obsessive behaviour, gaslighting, guilt-tripping, cheating, drunk/drinking, forced pregnancy, breeding kink, creampie, blowjob, tell me if I missed any. Wc: 1.1k Note: again, Orla, how could I possibly ignore such delicious thoughts????

He couldn’t believe his girlfriend - ex-girlfriend now - cheating so openly on him with a subtle post that she didn’t expect him to read, thinking him blind and a fool. Not that it mattered, he wasn’t a good boyfriend anyway, caring little about the plastic thing that clung to his arm, moaning and whining for his attention when she was gagging on another’s dick. Her initial use was for him to forget the growing obsession in his mind, the gnawing thought of absolution from taking over and making a mockery of his precious relationship. He used her cunt and mouth as much as she used his body to satisfy his need —despite her being of so little use to fulfill them, rarely satisfying him with her loose cunt and fake affection. 

He was shocked at her sheer stupidity, but now it meant that he could concentrate all his attention on you, give you all the love and affection you deserved within having to keep up a farce of a relationship and give you everything. And you made it so, so easy to succumb to his obsession, coming to him in misplaced sadness about finding out he was cheated on. You were so pretty, in tears and mumbling soothing words, reminding him that he was better than his ex (but was he? He was a sick man with sick pleasures. How could he possibly be better than a woman that simply cheated on him when he was stuck dreaming about how tight his stepsister’s cunt was; or how warm his stepsister’s throat would be; or how soft and pliant you would be under the roughness of his hands. He was a sick and deranged man.) and how much you loved him. 

Despite your good intentions, he couldn’t ignore how his cock stirred at three simple words. Your I love you made his guts churn, something dark and pitiless sinking deeper and deeper, only adding to his unending obsession. You meant well, he knew that, wanting to comfort and soothe his false heartache, but he didn’t. He simply couldn’t when he could use this situation to further his plans, a dark presence whispering sweet promises in his ears. Now that he looked at you, on your knees and pretty eyes all teary, he simply had to try. 

“But- but isn’t that weird? We’re siblings, Simon,” you stuttered lowly, blinking bashfully at him with flushed cheeks. 

“No, it isn’t. Siblings take care of each other, no?” Simon spoke slowly, purposefully choosing his words carefully, “This is you taking care of me after my break up, Sweets.” 

You stumbled on your words, fidgeting under his gaze at the subtleness of his manipulation, innocently oblivious to his intentions. 

“I- I guess.”

You hadn’t fought him anymore, letting him handle you as he wished, giving him whatever he wanted without a single protest because he was right, wasn’t he? Choking on his cock and crying and whimpering while he stared down at you, your lips stretched around his girth and tongue pushing against the heaviness of him. He groaned whenever you gagged, your throat closing around his pre-leaking tip, your little mewls shaking him to his core and threatened to drive him over the edge much quicker than he wanted. It just proved how much you belonged to each other. How well you complimented him as much as he complimented you. 

You were just made for each other. 

Any Thots On Loser, Stepbrother Simon?!

He liked Johnny, he truly did, but at this moment, he hated him. Simon wanted to tear into Johnny, rip him to shreds and burn any lingering piece of him simply because he had your attention. You gaped his Johnny, eyes wide and cheeks red, fawning over how open and enthusiastic he was. Johnny’s brightness had brought him to like the Scot, so he understood why Johnny’s cheek and smile attracted you, brought you to leave his side for Johnny’s jokes and jabs. 

He loved Johnny as much as the next, but he wanted to choke the life out of his eyes simply for how better of a choice he was for you. Johnny was bright and bubbly, openly loving and tender, and Simon knew he would treat you well out of courtesy for his lieutenant and because he was a better man. Johnny didn’t have dark thoughts, a deep-seated possession for you - to own every fiber of your being - in every possible way. The dichotomy between them was shocking: Johnny acting as the light and Simon as the all-encompassing darkness that threatened your happiness. 

And how lovely you looked, clinging to Johnny’s side, listening to him write you tales of the Task Force’s less confidential Ops, nodding along and staring back at Simon in so much awe that he felt his knees quake. You were so easy to please, so easy to manhandle and control. If he called you to his side, you would’ve left Johnny’s side to cling to his, smiling up at him in all your innocent glory. You were so trusting of him, believing the sweet lies he muttered, and you rarely question him.

It almost pained him how much you believed him about everything. From his intentions to the wrongness of your coupling: letting your stepbrother bed you and fill you up, stretching your cunt impossibly wide that you’d be ruined for anyone other than him, too drunk to reject him or thinking clearly. He could still feel your warmth around his cock, his slick and tight you were, you had surpassed every expectations he had for you and had made his mind run miles to simply stay coherent and not mindlessly rut against you until you came around him. You’d shared your apprehension of your situation, but he’d calmed you down - gaslit you - with pretty lies and gift-wrapped half-truths, even to the point where morning sickness became much more apparent. 

You were worried about your sudden sickness, the mornings you spent hanging off the toilet bow, throwing up and gagging while he ran his fingers through your hair, soothing your aches as well as he could. He never told you why you had weird cravings, random bouts of fatigue and persistent sickness, he’d explained it as stress or a stomach bug, and you had believed him —stupid and loving and naive you had clung to his every word because he was Simon, your brother. And he wondered how would Johnny react if he ever learned that you were pregnant with Simon’s kid, knowing that a bastard like him had inseminated his stepsister and let her swoon over another men because he had to act normal despite the need to rip you from Johnny and lock you away from the world for his eyes alone. 

He wondered how Johnny would react if he every learned that both you and Simon were destined for each other.

Taglist: @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @bvxygriimes @distracteddragoness @konigsblog @im-making-an-effort @daisychainsinknots @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @danielle143 @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @notspiders @brokenpieces-72 @petwifed @randominstake @haven-1307 @shironasumi @sparky--bunny @bloobewy @cod-z @sweetnanah @aldis-nuts @evolutionarry @kaoyamamegami @cassiecasluciluce

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7 months ago

Maybe hybrid cow reader x 141 please 🥺👉👈

- 💐 anon

Cw: pregnancy, milking, pumps, fingering, implied squirting, implied overstimulation, vaguely implying fisting, handjob, pregnancy kink, breeding kink, fantasies, horny bulls, soft dom!Price, tell me if I missed any.

You needed much more care than you usually did when pregnant, the skin stretched so prettily around your round and bulging stomach, the stretched marks a reminder of Price’s possession of you. A sweet memory that he played over and over again whenever he needed to jack off, the grip of his fist a shallow mimicry of your tight cunt and the warmth of his palm palling in comparison to your hot walls milking him. Though you were pregnant, he still wished he could slide into your leaky cunt and pump your womb full of cum, breeding you so full that no other could satisfy you the way he could. 

But the rough feel of his sweaty and dirty hands would have to do for now, the thought of harming your calf dissuading him from acting out any of his fantasies. He was your first and his baby was your first calf, and he wanted it to be as wonderful as possible, without any risk or any issues. Price wanted your first pregnancy to be a happy and memorable one, where you’d smile and laugh while you cared for you small calf; perhaps more human than cow, seeing as he was the father rather than one of the virile bulls he kept.

And despite it going incredibly well, you still produced milk - much more than you used to - and it needed to be milked almost thrice a day, something he couldn’t do seeing that he had bulls and crops to care for. He left most of the crop work and chores to the few employees he had, but never the big and aggressive bulls or the soft and tender cow he owned. He dealt with it himself even if he had trained employees, his bulls were used to him and he wanted them to stay comfortable when he was milking them for their load. The stronger and healthier the bull, the higher the price went, and he was fortunate for winning the bids when they were still young.

Though he loved being able to squeeze the milk out of your breasts, having you kneeling before him as he worked, watching your sweet milk squirt out of your nipples, your pregnancy made kneeling harder on you than he’d expected. You whined about how uncomfortable the weight of it pulled you down, fearing that your skin would rip and the baby harmed. So he resigned to milk you once in the evening and taught you how to use a pump, but he still came by to help you with your little issue that only seemed to grow as farther you got into your pregnancy. 

He’d lay you on your side, cups clasped tightly around your leaky nipples while he soothed your arousal. One leg on his lap and the other over his arm, he’d plunge his fingers into your drooling cunt, feeling the empty depths that clamped around his fingers. If you mewled for more, he’d add a finger or two until your cunt was stretched around the girth of his palm. If you whined for harder, he’d drive his hand as hard as he could without harming the baby. And if you begged to cum, he’d pull as many as he wants until you’re squirting and trembling in overstimulation. 

Whatever you needed, he’d give it to you if you asked, as long as you were happy and satiated, and the baby safe.

Taglist: @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @bvxygriimes @distracteddragoness @konigsblog @im-making-an-effort @daisychainsinknots @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @danielle143 @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @notspiders @brokenpieces-72 @petwifed @randominstake @haven-1307 @shironasumi @sparky--bunny @bloobewy @cod-z @sweetnanah @aldis-nuts @evolutionarry @kaoyamamegami @cassiecasluciluce

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5 months ago

Hear me out on doctor!Konig with innocent!reader. He has your legs spread open for him with your glistening cunny revealed for him. You're unaware of the sick things your doctor is doing to your sweet little pussy with that curtain draped over you. Why is the vaginal probe so big? Oh don't worry schatz.. He's just making sure he reaches deeper with his thick meaty cock !! Ignore the camera behind the curtain.. It's just for your own good, not for his own sick pleasures !! 🫧

Doctor’s Appointment

Hear Me Out On Doctor!Konig With Innocent!reader. He Has Your Legs Spread Open For Him With Your Glistening

Pairing: Gyno!König x patient!reader

Cw: DARKFIC, DUB-CON/NON-CON, medical malpractice, gyno!König, unprotected sex?, size kink, stretching, fingering, tell me if I missed any. wc: 907

Hear Me Out On Doctor!Konig With Innocent!reader. He Has Your Legs Spread Open For Him With Your Glistening

You can’t even remember how you got here int he first place: laying back in nothing but a hospital robe and your legs spread open on a stirrup with your doctor probing between them. You couldn’t see anything happening to you, depending on your sense of touch to navigate you through this stressful moment. Your blindness of your situation had also made you much more sensitive than you ever were, something about being deprived of a sense made you dependent on another. In this situation, neither smell nor hearing could help you, leaving you desolately helpless to every and any fleeting touch of air and hands. 

Your doctor wasn’t what you were expecting either, a big and lumbering man whose face was hidden behind a shroud of black cloth. He was imposing with his big arms and even bigger hands and his deep growl of a voice, but he was soft-spoken, gentle and careful with his wording —conscious of everything he told you. The dichotomy between the way he carried himself and his person was mind-numbing, it made your stomach warm, burning hotly despite you not feeling any pain. He was confusing as much as he was surprisingly approachable to you, very accommodating to your timidity and anxiety. 

“This might feel cold,” König warned you, his low rumble soothing to your strained nerves, “Relax, and tell me if it burned.”

You bit down a yelp when he smeared something cool over your folds, fingers trailing over your slit and stretching your lips apart to give himself a better view of what he had to work on. You heard him hum, two fingers circling your little cunt, prodding gently to get a feel of how tight you were (that was the reason you came to him in the first place, to get your tightness fixed and an explanation). With a reassuring word from him, he pushed a finger in, his thick and round finger curling and rubbing the warming lube all over your walls. You tensed, the walls of your pussy clenching down on his prodding digit, bending easily to his stretching despite the tightness of it. 

Within seconds, he had a second finger in, curling both into a spongy spot of your cunt that had your toes curling and teeth digging down on your lips to muffle any mewls and moans you’d embarrass yourself by letting out. König had deemed you relaxed enough to start spreading his fingers apart, the entrance of your cunt opening up steadily at his ministrations. It had you biting back a strained groan, but when he shoved a third one in, punching into a soft and sensitive spot, he’d forced out a yelp.

“Sensitive, yes,” he all but chuckled, the loud squelch of your cunt turning your ears a burning red and body hot, “Tight too, I see what the issue is, Kleine.” [little one]

You were lost to the throes of pleasure, the one he had drowned you with, feeling a fourth finger curl in before his hand vanished, leaving you feel edged and empty. You were whining, hips rutting needing against the wet sheet as best as you could with your legs hanging from he stirrup. 

“You have not been treated with care,” you watched him loom over your squirming figure, sleeves rolled over his beefy forearms, crystal blue eyes staring down at you from under his hood and the burning touch of something thick and fleshy nudging at your drooling hole, “I will show you how.”

With a small cant of his hips, the round head of his cock breached you, the rest of him slowly and gently followed. It laid thick and heavy and warm inside of your cunt, the girth of him felt too big to be fathomable for someone who hadn’t been able to take anything but two of your small fingers. You let out a long moan, cunt gripping him in a vice that had him groaning and shuddering, his cock throbbing with every caring push and pull. He made you lament the years of unfulfilled pleasure. If only you knew that having a cock inside you felt so amazing.


“Amazing performance!” the director clapped his hands, motioning to the whole set in wonder and appreciation, “Perfection as always, you two are the best of the best.”

You smiled charmingly at him, nodding at the cup of cool water your manager had brought you. You were still in your hospital robe, feeling your co-actor’s warm cum roll down your inner thigh after he’d fucked it so deep in your womb. Your knees felt weak, legs shaking even with König’s steady arm around your waist, supporting you after your steamy filming. 

Unlike you, he scratched the back of his neck, his nape flushing a bright red, form the tip of his ears and the cheeks that peaked out from under his mask, the black cloth accentuating his red blush. You’d known him for as long as you started in this industry, he was your first step into fame and big casting, and your friend. He was also a really good fuck, knowledgable, generous and big. 

“Thanks buddy,” you nudged your cup towards him, but he shook his head, “Drinks at mine?”

“I’ll drive you home, nh?” His eyes held something dark, a promise in the depths of them —didn’t he have enough? 

“Of course,” all you could do was chuckle. 

Your friend was insatiable.

Taglist: @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @bvxygriimes @distracteddragoness @konigsblog @im-making-an-effort @daisychainsinknots @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @danielle143 @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @notspiders @brokenpieces-72 @petwifed @randominstake @haven-1307 @shironasumi @sparky--bunny @bloobewy @cod-z @sweetnanah @aldis-nuts @evolutionarry @kaoyamamegami @cassiecasluciluce

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11 months ago


Okay so imagine this RBF Horangi is sneaky when it comes to his friends step daughter he watches your expressions whenever him and Konig decide to fuck you; you always grimace at Konig’s display of affection whenever he deludes himself into the fantasy of your shared love and yet you always seem to somewhat relax around him. On the day that Horangi made you squirt he realized he had opened a Pandora’s box (literally) so he decides to play a lil trick on none other than Konig. As they see your mother off they immediately jump your bones and right when the opportunity arises he spikes Konig’s drink which knocks him out and Horangi decides to whisk you away from your big bad papa Konig but being sure to leave him a lil note telling him that you were always meant to be with Horangi

Cw: DARKFIC, DUB-CON/NON-CON, STEPCEST, non-con drugging, kidnapping, squirting, possessive behaviour, tell me if I missed any.

He began to see a difference in his relationship with you and the one you had with König. There was a distinct discomfort you portrayed on your face whenever he touched you, his hand lingering on your shoulder and lower back while you waved your mom off on her month long business travel. König was too delusional to see the wince that pulled your lips thin and teary eyes staring down, adamant to not look at either men, but you didn’t react as strongly to Horangi. A small grimace or a few stray tears, but you weren’t as tense or withdrawn by his side, more relaxed under his touch and more opened to his affection. 

He figured it was because he made the decision not to marry your mother, staying as the father’s best friend figure that always came by to drink and laze around with your stepdad. This decisive act was a game changer in his mind, the best decision he could’ve ever done compared to König. Granted, his giant friend was the first to see you, branding you as his object of obsession before Horangi was introduced to the family. He hadn’t been bothered with he idea of sharing you, he never was, especially with someone as trustworthy as König, yet he kept seeing this common trend with you: your hesitation, your reclusivenes, and your little frowns. 

It called to him like an abandoned kit would, a poor and neglected kitten that was ripe for the picking and pitifully adorable, mewling and stumbling for affection and care. It simply made sense if he was the only one to care for you, no? When he was the first to make you squirt, tasting your bitter slick at the back of his throat, tongue licking it from his scarred lips and cheek, sucking his fingers clean and licking your cunt of all your cum. It was all he could think of, the taste of you on his tongue, the feel of you around his fingers and the pretty sounds in his ears.

You called to him, your every thought, your ever cell, your very being called him to possess you, making you his alone. All he had to do was act upon his invasive thoughts. He spiked König’s drink when he wasn’t looking, sharing their usual drink in the evening while they let you rest from the last rough fucking, they rambled and watched the Tv, jumping from one random subject to another without so much as a slip of his tongue about his plan. He knew his betrayal would sting both of them, to have your trusted friend stab you in the back and to throw away a long and precious relationship would hurt them, but Horangi had to have you. 

And when König’s head bobbed with sleep, ultimately slumped forward, his beer still in his grasp, Horangi slipped out of the couch, up the stairs and into your room. He stood at the door and admired your naked and bruised skin, purple welts swollen and cunt still wet and crusty with their loads. He dressed you carefully, aware that any fought and quick movement would wake you, scare you from following him and wake König with that sweet voice of yours. He left with nothing but a few bags and identifications, anything from clothes to jewellery and appliances were useless to him, he could buy them anew and give you better versions of them. 

Whatever you wanted was yours, all you had to do was to follow him and marry him. He wasn’t delusional, he knew you were meant to be him, it was written in the stars as much as your being belonged to him to love and provide.

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1 year ago

Hello!! Can I request about monster task force 141 + könig & horangi, if thats alright for you!

Where reader is a pyramid head instead and I like to see their reaction reader having a pyramid head c:

EXCUSE ME!? ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME WITH THIS ASK?!???!? Cuz if you are, sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I am still breathing! I might be kneeling for this concept, but I am still breathing.

Pyramid Head!reader


Hello!! Can I Request About Monster Task Force 141 + Knig & Horangi, If Thats Alright For You!

Pairing: Monster 141 + König + Horangi x male?reader

Cw: blood, gore, canon-typical violence, gun violence, betrayal, tell me if I missed any. Wc: 2k

Hello!! Can I Request About Monster Task Force 141 + Knig & Horangi, If Thats Alright For You!

You looked like you came right out of a horror game, a tall, muscular figure hidden under black and dark brown fatigues, thick thighs supporting the big, rusted pyramid that hung from your head and stocky arms that could bend a man in half as easily as it was to rip paper in two. Despite being slow and stumbling around, you were an entity to bring on high-stakes missions, letting you break through their defences with a heavy hand and even heavier attacks, crashing through walls and stalking the walls for your next victim.

They were all shocked when Price talked them into accepting you,  gathering them into the debrief room with your file, or your lack of one. It wasn’t easy, having you permanently transferred to their Task Force when you were so sought out by other teams for help as a long-standing mercenary and an entity. So Price was overjoyed that  Laswell had managed to get you to themselves, waiting for you at the tarmac on the day you were to land. 

Mixed feelings were being shared between his team when they watched you amble down the slope, head hung lowly, the tip inches from the ground. You were intimidating in person, seeming much bigger than life, finally being able to see you rather than hear of you, the haunting reputation that followed you around like a shadow. You weren’t a Ghost, someone reputed for having no living record and past, or his intimidating presence; nor were you a scary mercenary from KorTac, dangerous and imposing. You weren’t an efficient and fast-moving unit like the 141, you were just a one-man army powerful enough to rip a man in two and wield that heavy Greatsword, and despite it being a bit old-fashioned, you used better than man could use a rifle. 

Price, as first mentioned, was glad his hard work came to fruition, having someone like you on his side when it mattered was amazing. He might’ve been slightly worried about his boys reacting negatively towards you, Ghost, especially with his volatile hate and distrust of strangers. Only to be reassured when he saw how, unlike the way you carried yourself on the field, you were a gentle soul, a silent one but caring nonetheless. He watched you take care of his boys, wandering behind Gaz or Rudy when they returned injured, a looming figure that cast a protective shadow over them. You were like a pillar, solid and dependable, going out of your way to get anyone that strayed behind, turning your head at a slight angle to stop a bullet from hitting the one you were protecting, and caring for them. He may not be able to hear you speak a word, to be able to hold a conversation and listen to you tell them how much you cared about him and the others, but he knew you loved - he knew you were able to love. 

Ghost was distrustful of you, one with a shadow as big as yours or someone he’d worked alongside before. He kept you at an arm’s length, never too close to him so he could protect himself from another betrayal, the hurt and the sadness that came along with being betrayed by someone he trusted, and never too far so that he could watch you, analyse every thought or act you made, to stop you from hurting them before you could. He’s seen you in the field and worked on the same side, he knew that every little detail about you on the reports was true, not illusions and delusions, but factual events that happened with you beside them. He won’t lie, you were an asset - he hated using that word on any hybrid, monster or entity, but it was the truth - that people vied for and they were just lucky that you had their back and they had your undying loyalty. Your occasional sparring with him, Price and König only reinforced your care for them, holding back until he barked at you to fully come at him, you’d hesitate, but never for long. You cared for him as he cared for the others, he could see it, and now, his care was extended to you as well.

Soap was like an excited puppy meeting a new friend, past the intimidating facade and the trailing shadow behind you, you were nice. You reminded him of Ghost and König, the tall, imposing and silent figure, but unlike them, you only replied in grunts and groans, your body language being the biggest way for them to understand you. You were patient with him, bearing with his overenthusiastic tail that kept tapping your thigh and arm whenever or his rambling, your large pyramid nodding slowly, humming when you agreed with him and grunting when you disagreed. You were fun to be around, when he, Rudy and Gaz went around, bringing you along with him to play a little game, you wouldn’t snitch and you wouldn’t say a word, only shaking your head when Price or Ghost asked if they were behind it (the Captain and Lieutenant went along, seeing as they could enjoy themselves after a hard and stressful mission). He could be as shamelessly chaotic as he wanted with you, he didn’t have to entertain the egos of others or maintain a certain level of dignity, he could be himself like he could with the others. He didn’t feel like a burden beside your lengthy shadow, he felt like he was protected, and safe, but most importantly, he felt loved.

Gaz was tentative, not overly enthusiastic as Soap nor as suspicious as Ghost, he was a good mix of them both, guarded but welcoming. He didn’t mind sitting next to you and being the one to start the conversation since you always replied in hums and groans, hands moving to form the words that you couldn’t form under the pyramid. He only truly became comfortable when you went to the trouble of going back for him, stomping through the group that surrounded him when he crashed down, watching you rip the enemy apart with your swinging Greatsword that was too heavy for anyone to lift was breathtaking. Despite witnessing a scene right out of a slasher movie, his teammate in a rusted, pyramid head soaked in blood and guts, you gave him a hand and took his hand with the gentlest squeeze he ever felt. Then the little stunt you helped cover when he, Soap and Rudy were caught doing a prank on one of their leading commanders. He could depend on you, practising sign language to better understand you and simply wanting to hold the hands that saved him.

Alejandro, as usual, was easy to get along with, his charismatic and warm mannerism was easier to open up to. He might’ve been betrayed and lied to many times, but he knew a liar when he saw one after the whole Shepherd fiasco, so he knew you meant well (not that he could see your face for any indications). Unlike others of his rank, he preferred the respect given through comradery over respect through rank, he kept close to the people he worked with in the long run, forming bonds to cherish like he did with the Los Vaqueros and the men of 141. Withholding the same idea, he worked his way through your file and approached you with someone who’d won his respect and admiration from the black Ops you participated in and the people you bled to save. It was a quality he liked about you. While still being professional, he held you, he encouraged you, he embraced you just the way you were, and you reciprocated it without a second thought. 

Rudy had his reservations about you, something strong, something big, something powerful, something caring, but never something deadly, dangerous or selfish. From what Alejandro told him, he couldn’t bring himself to be doubtful of your loyalty and devotion, and from what he’s seen on the field, you weren’t deserving of the reputation of a bloodthirsty monster that followed you as it did Ghost and König. You had something that made you stand out, maybe it was the contrast in your character when you looked so menacing: your softness, the gentle edge in your actions, the comforting quality in your muted response, and your active protection on and off the field. He appreciated the way you brought more to the Task Force, another pillar of stability, another ear to rant to, another person to hold, or another friend to laugh with. Even the little pranks he’d join in on, getting his commanding officers red with rage and breathless from laughing and leaving you to cover for them, your hands speaking the words you couldn’t mutter outside of simple sounds. He often ended up in the same predicament when he couldn’t stop himself, cheeks rosy and warm, heart beating fast, fingers fumbling with each other and words coming out in breathless puffs, he knew what he felt and he wasn’t so bothered by it.

Horangi wasn’t sure what to make of you, you weren’t quite human, nor were you a monster, you were a mix of both, a creation of human and monster grief and pain. Little was known about entities and Eldritch beings, and being a feline monster made him naturally curious, or slightly curious. He observed you, watching you from afar without actually interacting with you, slinking around you, golden eyes narrowing at you like a tiger in a hunt. He didn’t dare approach you until he got to know your small cues, the danger you could pose - if you could pose any from what he saw, too gentle for the creature you were - to him or the others. He only stepped forward to talk to you when König made him, feel skittish and slightly awkward for feeling like such a stranger towards someone who took multiple bullets for him when he was down. He held his head high and voice stable while he pushed through his awkwardness, listening to your soft hums and low grunts in reply to his words, he was surprised to see König so engaged in this conversation when he had an aversion towards new people. Honestly, he was just surprised that König talked so much about you. If there was anything good, he would be the first to hear about it from König. He came to know you through König and the time you spent together on missions, hostage rescue and noisy infiltrations. Your small ticks, your little quirks and your verbal handicap were all things he came to learn and like, nearly making it his duty to watch you from the side as you stumble through the halls with your back hunched over from the weight of your pyramid.

König didn’t try approaching you until he absolutely had to, or if he needed you. Be it to give you an order, to ask you something, or during Ops, it would only be a few words here and there, never something long-drawn as he had with the other men or Laswell. It was only after being sent on a quick and easy task that he let you in, letting you calm him down after his unpredictable shift and grounding him, taking back control of his erratic mind after a rough shift of mindset, from a primal and instinctual one to a rational and panicked one. Your rough calluses felt soft against his hard, scarred skin, the soothing circle of your thumb on his palm and the grip to keep him aware of his situation, to keep him grounded on his reality after the carnage he created. Despite not being able to talk, you spoke loudly through your verbal cues, your hand on your shoulder and another one in his hand, listening to him ramble away about his fears and anxieties. You would sit down with him and lend an ear to him when he came to you, even after his first interactions with you. He wondered if you had similar fears, those demoralising words that echoed in his mind on the worst days or the painful reminder of his mistakes. If you did, would you let him ease you down from your pain and care for you with his smaller hands?

Taglist: @craxy-person @crowbird @dead-cipher @iwannabealocalcryptid @iizx7y @mxtokko @yeetusspagheetus @capricorn-anon @perfectus-in-morte @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @tallmanlover @distracteddragoness @vxnilla-hxrddrugs @konigsblog @havoc973

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1 year ago

hi i love your work so much omg

…what do you think of the scenario of monster!141 x (platonic, if you want, it’s probably for the better) reader that’s made up of thousands of worms/spiders/or whatever creatures. reader is always covered up in clothes that cover up the entire ‘skin’ and they speak extremely weirdly/like everything’s speaking all at once and the voice is just sounding from the mouth but also in the torso? and legs? . the thing is that reader is shy or something and doesn’t want to admit that they’re just a hive mind of creatures, but it’s just kinda obvious not really (well obvious to monster 141). 141 doesn’t really want to comment on it because they’re just nice like that and find ways to help Reader get through some situations lmao (help i’m sleep deprived and i made this thought in 3 AM ish).

i give you a piece of 🧀


Hi I Love Your Work So Much Omg

Pairing: Platonic Monster 141 + König & Horangi x monster!reader

Cw: spiders, blood, military inaccuracies, canon-typical violence, cannibalism? Eating human, hive mind monster, tell me if I missed any. Wc: 2.9k (A/N): I’m gonna be honest with y’a, I went on a spree and completely forgot what you first asked for but uh… I used some of your ideas and I hope it’s apparent enough?

Hi I Love Your Work So Much Omg

For someone as decorated as you were, you were awfully timid, shying from human and hybrid interaction like a plague. Perhaps it was unintentional, the stiffness in your shoulders or the constant coverage, but to the world around you, you were nothing but an awkward person whose social cues were lost to time after more than a decade in the force. Starting your days covered head to toe, black over more black, or khaki and brown over more khaki and brown depending on the situation of your stay and deployment. 

Despite your social anxiety, your voice stayed strong and unwavering in the field, a cold, monotone voice that would coordinate the team if needed —you were a prolific intelligence specialist, that found your calling in intelligence gathering from the deepest and darkest pits, and an infiltration specialist that was sought out for your proficiency and successful operations worldwide, especially the undercover Ops done in secrecy. You’ve led a few clandestine Ops with Laswell for 141, the Station Chief letting you lead and direct them, trusting your insights and they always resulted in successful missions, coming back bruised and battered but alive and securing the cargo (or whatever they were sent there for). 

That meant that they knew you, your voice, your confident tone when you directed them, your unwavering decisions and your helpful guidance, but they hadn’t seen you until a few months ago. You were officially assigned to Task Force 141 as their Intelligence and Infiltration specialist, working on and off. This would be the first time you actively moved to the front, standing beside them during infiltrations, slipping into the enemy base with efficiency and silence. You moved as if you were a part of the shadows, melting into the darkness and disappearing from any camera and scans, your body invincible to infrared cameras or heat sensors. 

You moved with fluid motions, your body incredibly - scarily - flexible and seemingly aware of everything around you. To humans, you were probably the most skillful and abnormal human, born with talents that far rivalled those of hybrids, and a saviour to some for being able to keep them alive even through the hardest moments of their capture; but to monsters, to hybrids, you were special, a different type of creature that held a different category in the classes, one that humans knew little outside of the government and military. 

Whereas humans saw you as a stiff and socially awkward human that covered their whole body, TF141 knew better, they could sense it a mile away, the difference in you, the odd aura and smell you projected. Soap and König had mentioned it in the past, in the bustling Mess hall where they shared a table, Soap had noted that you smelled off, of something dead yet alive and König only brought the oddness of you holding thousands of different scents, musks that didn’t originate from one place, but from around the world. 

Gaz and Horangi gave off-handed comments about sudden movement under your clothes, a slight - near invisible - ripple under your neck or on your arm, their eyes zoning to the smallest of movements. Gaz brought it up first, his voice hesitant and confused, frowning down at his plate when he mentioned it to the others, only to feel reassured that he wasn’t imagining it, the small ripple that no one else perceived, when Horangi shared his own observations. Horangi had seen small black spots moving over your shirt and under the tight mask hiding your face, tiny-legged creatures climbing over you and vanishing under your clothes as if they were never there. 

Rudy was the best at understanding people, sympathising with both monsters and humans, but you just seemed lost, a shy creature that always hid from others when you weren’t needed. He and Alejandro remembered when they spoke to you after an Op, catching up to you before you fled to hide in your room, your tone was soft and shy, but it seemed to come from everywhere, never staying in one place as if there wasn’t a source to your voice. One moment your voice would come from your face, and then the next, it’d be down your abdomen, every word you spoke came out of a different area, but your chin never moved, face still and unmoving. 

They brought it up to Ghost, who’d sit with them at their table, pushed against the wall for privacy around human soldiers, since he - leaving out Price - knew you best, having worked with you a few times in the past where they needed your expertise in infiltration and hostage securing. They had hoped that Ghost could give them a few insights on you, whether it be about your kind or your uniqueness, they wanted something - anything - to quell their growing curiosity. Not only was Ghost one of their only sources of information, but he was also a paranoid one, always demanding an operator's file before and after they joined, his mind going through loops to calculate the danger of the new addition. Ghost was a guarded and walled-up character, ensuring that they wouldn’t betray him in the long run.

Unfortunately, Ghost knew as little as they did, Price was stricter with your information, keeping it under a hard lock and key. Only he and Laswell held information about you, your little quirks and details were a secret to anyone who wasn’t in the higher-ranked stations or the commanding rank and station chief. They had nothing to go on but theories, little hypothesis until Price or Laswell - whichever caved first to their incessant pleading - disclosed your personal file. So they did what they could with their observations, combining up with different monsters they’ve crossed paths with. You could’ve been one of those crossbred hybrids where they coupled for specific perks, or an experiment, seeing that you had an aversion to physical touch and human interactions. The least possible one, by far, was that you were an Eldritch being, a creature of horror and madness. 

“Classified for now, sergeant,” was all Price had told Soap when he cracked, his puppy-like excitement getting the best of him. “You’ll have to ask them, yeah?”

That left them with little to no choice but to watch you more closely, to observe their surroundings for any clues and to note anything bizarre since they couldn’t necessarily outright ask you. You fled seconds after anyone tried to start a conversation, head down and feet moving too swiftly to not seem like you were avoiding them or any long discussion as if you knew what they were planning. You seemed to have eyes at the back of your head, reacting instantly when one of them would follow you wherever you went, slinking from one shadow to the other, trying their best to hide from your sight and sense, but you were an expert in your own right, knowing and aware of undercover tactics when one was used against you.

Fortunately for them, other clues helped, subtle signs that most people wouldn’t even catch. The first one was small, jerky spiders that weren’t local to the UK or any continent, they weren’t like any arachnid they’d ever found, that was the first thing they noticed when they came across one, but the true challenge was to catch one of those pesky things. They were quick and small, evading them as if they had a mind of their own, their bites painful if one of them tried to grab it with a hand, the tiny fangs piercing through the thick material of their gloves, but once Soap got his paws on one, he made sure to keep it in the glass container. The spider was small, its exoskeleton so dark that it seemed to swallow any light rather than reflect it, a shade of black so black that it didn’t let any colours out. It didn’t look hairy, the shell so smooth and spotless that it seemed like two circles if they ignored the scrawny legs. 

Those spiders were almost everywhere, yet they went unnoticed by the people walking around the base and them until now. Other than the spiders, your aversion to physical contact and socialising, and favouring your privacy much more than anyone on the TF. You didn’t eat with them —you never seemed to eat at all. Your voice moved so often that the possibility of you having many mouths came to mind a lot. Your body was extremely nimble, bending in odd - sometimes painful for others - ways. Over other observations, everything they took notice of you were things that were inhuman, it made you a minority in the military - much like them - and a mystery to your team. 

They went on for months, unbothered that they might have seemed slightly obsessive, a stalker following his obsession. They weren’t worried about others calling them out, humans would chalk it up to monster stuff with a sneer and look the other way when Ghost or König glared at them. That didn’t escape you, Price or even Laswell’s eyes and ears around the world. 

“You boys don’t know when to stop, hmm?” Price wore a frown, brows cocked questioningly. His tone was one of a tired and relenting to their months-long search. “You’re lucky they weren’t mad about this.”

“So you’ll tell us, boss?” Ghost hid his excitement better than the rest, his chest rumbling lowly and eyes narrowed darkly, but not with a dangerous gleam. 

“Better if you see it yourself,” he sighed, crossing his arms, hunching against his chair, lip quirking at a corner. It was a cheeky lopsided smile, teasing them with having to wait longer. “It’s hard to explain in words. It’s quite the sight.”

And a sight it was! Watching you melt to the ground, your body scattering in thousands of small spiders that moved towards the body lying before you. You’d been paired with Ghost and Soap for this Op, leading them down a path you knew didn’t have any hostiles, getting intel back from the many spiders scattered around the area. They were the first to watch you eat, arachnids swallowing up the bodies, devouring them at record speed. You ate flesh and bones, ligaments and tendons melted by your acidic bite that only left clothes behind as an indication that someone died here. They were the lucky ones to see you eat, to bear witness to your monstrosity in the flesh and your moment of weakness where you had to sustain yourself, shedding off the shape of a human body.

It left Soap filled with awe, seeing you break away in thousands of individual bodies and come back together as one, and Ghost’s mind strewed with questions, some answered when you told them that you were self-conscious, a hive mind made up of spiders to form a body. You weren’t hiding away because you were afraid of them or that you hated socialising, you were simply too self-aware of your making, of the natural fear of eight-legged creatures. So you hid, shying away from people, thinking that they’d hate you for being what you were, a colony of undocumented spiders working as one. 

Horangi, Rudy and Alejandro caught you in action on the second covert operation when you were given the signal to lead your small squad into enemy lines. They watched the clothes you wore ripple, little critters bulging out from under your protective gear and rolling down your body in waves, black masses dropping off and separating. You were spread around the place, everyone acting as an extension of your mind and body, and they were —thousands of spiders sharing one mind. You shrank lightly, your body mass lower than it was with your body spanned across the area, working as your eyes and ears from afar like cameras worked for Laswell, except that your reach was farther and more potent. 

It was expected, but not less surprising to the three, watching your body shorten and little spiders crawl all over you. It would’ve made the hardiest monster shudder in fear or repulsion, feeling hundreds of legs moving about over their body, it would’ve made them slightly apprehensive, knowing from Soap and Ghost that your bite could be acidic, melting tough muscle and robust bone. It made more sense as to why you were so nimble and so observant, you had parts of yourself scattered around, working to map out everything and see everything. You were what made you so sought after for your skills in clandestine missions and covert infiltrations, it was scarily inspiring.

Gaz and König were the unlucky ones, being in the wrong place at the wrong time to see you “die”. With how unlucky his streak with helicopters was, it wasn’t a surprise that he was falling from another one, his wing bleeding from a bullet wound, the copper piercing through the meat and grazing the bone. It had him handicapped for the next few missions, staying on base until it healed completely unless he wanted to cause a bigger issue with his third pair of limbs. You were medevaced, watching Gaz grunt and groan, holding his wounded wing against his chest with a face screwed in pain. He’d been in an unfortunate situation, being purposely targeted by the enemy, and the situation couldn’t get any worse. 

The helicopter was shot down, and the flares deployed too late to stop the missile. It was a fiery mess, there was screaming and the loud crack of metal breaking, you could hear Laswell yell out in the coms, her worried and frantic voice trying to reach you and Gaz in the falling blaze. Most harpies feared fire, the flames burning their feathers and scarring the skin, making it impossible to regrow feathers on some rare occurrences. Gaz couldn’t remember much after the fall, waking up in pitch darkness, his skin crawling with shivers and invisible hands. He couldn’t make out left from right, he didn’t know if he was lying face down or on his back, and he wasn’t even sure he was conscious, seeing that all he could see was black. Then he felt sudden movement, a prickly sensation covering his body until light broke through.

He could feel his arms and his legs, he could stretch his wing out when he sat up, he wasn’t burned or hurt more than what he had before the crash, but he couldn’t see you when he looked around. He palmed the ground, feeling around the rough floor for you, your small, black spiders. You were on and around him, slowly climbing off him and flocking to a large mass. Your clothes were gone, burned to ashes in the mess while you shielded him, taking the brunt of the heat and burns. He swallowed down the quake that wracked his body and rushed to you, frantic to see whether or not you were in pain. Rather than forming back into a human, your appearance resembles more of a large mammal on four, clawed legs. Seeing that you were fine - or so he thought - he called back for evac, getting cover with your prone figure guarding him until the other helicopter and support came back.

König’s accident was more vicious than Gaz’s, losing control of his urges, letting himself shift and rampage through the area, ripping apart both enemy and ally. You were another body in his path, his claws tearing through your chest with sharp, bloodied hands. The others panicked, watching you scatter into pieces, falling apart from the seams as if someone had pulled out the only string that held you together. Instead of blood and guts, intestines that should’ve called out in a bloody mess, you broke apart, some fell to the ground, crushed under König’s weight, and others clung to him, swarming to stop him before he caused more chaos. 

It looked like a futile attempt from outside viewpoints, watching the beast stumble blindly, his face covered, your thousand pairs of legs locked to keep his mouth closed from causing more harm to others with his serrated teeth made to gnaw through bone and break flesh and muscle to consume and feed his big appetite. They could only stare at König trash around, limbs slowly being locked together, bounding his arms from flailing and slashing at people and his leg from blindly ambling and rushing towards his next victim. You rippled around König, a mass becoming a full-body restraint containing the hybrid’s grunts and growls, unmoving and unrelenting against him. 

You kept König’s rampage in check, keeping him contained while they moved both you and him to the aircraft and back to base where they could wait out the shift, the burst of rage in the hybrid. Gaz had thrown you a bundle of clothes after König fell asleep, you slipped off and crawled to your clothes, reappearing in a human shape under all your protective layers. Although they knew you could take extensive damage and survive unscathed, they still worried, would your strength still held together with a chaotic mix of human resilience and percht invulnerability.

You seemed to have let yourself go a bit, letting Soap or Gaz drag you around the base, letting Rudy and Alejandro strike up a conversation, letting Ghost or König sit with you in silence, and letting Horangi get the jump on you and follow you soundlessly because he was curious (and answering his questions). You might not eat with them, but you swallowed down your fright and agreed to sit at their table while they ate, digging into their preferred meal and occasionally replying to their friendly banter. You were still nervous about spending so much time in public, the looming fear of being faced with disgust from your allies was still possible, but you - with the supporting pat on the shoulder from Price - worked through your storming thoughts and insecurities. 

Tag list: @craxy-person @crowbird @dead-cipher @iwannabealocalcryptid @iizx7y @mxtokko @yeetusspagheetus @capricorn-anon @perfectus-in-morte @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @tallmanlover @distracteddragoness @vxnilla-hxrddrugs @konigsblog @havoc973 @angelcakes-22 @cassiecasluciluce @ramadiiiisme @ramblingsofachaoticthinker @ki-cant-spel

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1 year ago

Hallo! Truly loved the MonsterAU stories! Wonderful, amazing writing!

Would it be possible for you to write: what if human!reader was turned into a chimera?

Akin to this:

Hallo! Truly Loved The MonsterAU Stories! Wonderful, Amazing Writing!

Feel free to ignore!


Hallo! Truly Loved The MonsterAU Stories! Wonderful, Amazing Writing!

Pairing: Monster 141 x Chimera!reader

Cw: science experiment, human torture, human testing, gore?, blood, canon-typical violence, unethical human experiments, kidnapping, child abuse, malnutrition, child neglect, tell me if I missed any. Wc: 3.6k (A/N): credit to @bluegiragi’s monster 141 designs.

Hallo! Truly Loved The MonsterAU Stories! Wonderful, Amazing Writing!

They were tipped off by an anonymous source that some shady and highly illegal things were being done in a small and remote town near the border of Belarus, their ongoings unknown to both the government and public of their country, but someone had given Laswell a file containing all the horrific tests conducted within the closed walls of the innocuous-looking compound —a laboratory dressed as a simple military base. The folder held snapshots of emails and files sent between scientists and researchers, small indications of what was being done to both humans and monsters, yet withholding important intel about certain things. It disclosed the location, the names and faces of every worker and leading figure in the compound, the number of security and their schedules, and what was done, but not what was truly happening, it left small clues, sublet words here and there with hidden meanings —never clear images, blurry ones as if the person was in a rush.

Despite not having clear indications of the illegal activities, Laswell had enough to have 141 sent to take it down, to bring the dehumanising lab to its ground and burn it down. She didn’t have trouble convincing them, it was telling enough to let them read the condensed files for them to read, to see themselves the monstrosity being done to children and monsters they took, kidnapped from around the world to be left at the deceitful hands of crazed scientists. There wasn’t much to be found outside it, the base wore the facade of a benevolent patron, bearing the crest of kindhearted investors wanting to rebuild rundown houses and reconstruct rough and broken roads and paved streets in the town they took to hide. It worked for the most part, they profited from this by acting without raising any suspicion from anyone, neither the authorities nor the people. 

“Christ,” Gaz swore, looking down at the words in the file he received, the teased truth and the dreadful treatments through a thick layer of secrets and subtle wording, the only clear intel was from the straightforward emails sent to and from researchers and the heads of the facility, unabashed and shameless bragging of their success and the narrative to which these subjects could be used. “Why did it take so long?”

A recurrent theme of these was about a certain subject, it was about C34, spoken with such pride and joy about their creation, the work of the new world and the future made within these walls. Most emails were the exchanges between them about C34’s training, the ongoing treatments and every successful mission and exercises, they spoke of C34 as if they were a dog, a rabid mutt they captured and took on the task of domesticating it. It was demeaning, degrading and cruel, to look at another being as something lower, something needing domestication —it went against every rule and law put in place to protect humanity, the many conventions sworn to protect the goodwill and security of the innocents.

“We’ve had our suspicions before,” Laswell sighed, the images of the screen switching with the small click of her control, laser pointing at the images of various weapons cache and illegally procured weapons. “There was a slip up in the shipping, it was dropped here-” she motioned to a circled area in the map, a closeup of a secluded road near the town, “and we were able to retrace it to the facility. We needed more intel about the facility before acting and we needed to know what we're facing here, if we should send a team or send you.”

“What now?” Price tilted his head back, smoke leaving the sides of his frown, a deep and unpleasant one. He couldn’t even look at the intel given with a straight face, the shadowed truth of cruelty and dehumanising acts done by humans. “Figured you send us after seeing this, Laswell?”

Laswell nodded, jumping to another slide, showing blurred images of subject C34, a blurry figure, tall and imposing in every way possible. They stood high, stature seemingly one belonging to a monster or hybrid: on four legs and the wide, familiar shape of wings, everything about C34 cried monster. Perhaps one they captured as a child, taken from their mother and kept in this cell. There were many pictures of this one, blurry and disfigured, but others had smaller shapes, the size of children with various characteristics. 

“Steamin’ bloody Jesus!” Soap spat, disgust dripping from his tone in waves, unending as were the other’s curses, each holding their level of horror and repugnance. His face was wound tight, brows dipped lowly and lips pursed, he balled his fists, anger rising within him with every image he saw, the deplorable conditions and the care given to the monsters —what could they even expect from this shady company engineering monster and human DNA to fit their preferred narrative, for money, for reputation, for strength. “We ‘ave tae do somethin’ about this, Price!”

Soap - Johnny - had always been the more emotional one, letting his good heart lead his decisions when the situation seemed to fit it. His wolf made him more susceptible to emotional attachment, a pack mentality driven deeply into his mind and heart, he was viciously loyal and wore his heart on his sleeve, uncaring of how he’d be hurt by a betrayal, he simply saw the best in the world, something many couldn’t after a while, but Soap could, Johnny was a good man at heart. That’s why he reacted the most out of everyone, voicing his distaste and hate, his need for revenge and the sanctity of the lives being stolen in the facility. 

Soap pushed Price to agree, seeing no reason not to lead the breach, to uncover everything done to innocent lives. His eyes connected to the man hidden in the darkness, his blue eyes gleaming with fierce justice, a contrast to the wraith who lay in silence, abhorrent and seething quietness. Ghost peered at him, head tilted up with white pupils darkened by black eyes, death layering off him with calmness. He gave Soap a curt nod, affirmation for him to continue to voice his mind, to help those in need. 

“Seems like it’s been decided, Kate,” Price gave her a lopsided smirk, amber eyes narrowed with what could be read as anger, teeth sinking into the girth of his cigar, ash falling. “When are we going?”

Her lips parted in a proud grin, eyes gleaming with something dark and wrathful. She leaned on the table, head held high and shoulder broad while she flicked off the projector:

“Wheels up at 1500 tomorrow.”

Hallo! Truly Loved The MonsterAU Stories! Wonderful, Amazing Writing!

You stared down the man before you, watching him tremble under your cold gaze, steps hesitant to approach you despite being seated, body prone on the hard floor you called a bed. He was new, possibly recently employed and his boss - or his direct manager - played a dirty game with him. It was some kind of rite of passage for every new employee courageous enough to accept their recruitment, all bright-eyed geniuses wanting to build their place on earth with forthgoing discovery, desperate and narcissistic; yet they were so easily tricked into you cage, locked in by cackling and grinning guards and coworkers. 

He smelled young, fresh-faced and a bit nervous, most were when they first saw you. You remembered everyone who walked in, the smell of fear and anxiety, the disgusting scent oozing off their bodies, rotten and putrid like a rotting corpse. You would’ve gagged and choked if you weren’t used to it, having grown close to the smell of death, calling the reaper your friend. You weren’t bothered by him, only the cart he was wheeling over, a big and heavy cooler that smelled fresh. He was made to bring you food by his boss, a cruel joke played on every new scientist who was always so eager to meet you before cowering in terror once the lock clicked. 

Standing before your third cage, he unlocked the small hatch and, with effort and a loud grunt, pushed the cooler into the hole, big enough for a big cooler but small enough to fit your arm through it. You waited until he stumbled away, distancing him from you before reaching for the container, it was light, weighing little in your palm. They fed you raw meat, sometimes buying the fresh catch of a Belarus hunter, usually an elk or a wild boar, but if they were lucky, a bison or a bear, other times they would have conserved meat shipped from outside the town, bigger cities or outside the border. 

Today was an elk, the meat cold and free of rot, it smelled as good as a fresh kill did, bloody and heady. You ripped into it without care, tuning out the loud retch from the scientist as you gorged on your meal, claws tearing it in half and biting into the bloody meat. Blood rolled down your lip, painting your cheeks crimson and staining the cream-coloured rag they considered a shirt. It would be changed after your meal, as it always was. Despite the elk weighing around six hundred kilograms, you finished it quickly, with pointed teeth cutting and pulling flaps of meat and ligament, blood spraying and dirtying the metal ground near the hatch. 

It was filling, albeit cold. You cleaned your hands of blood, licking it off like a grooming cat, tongue laving over the sharp edge of your claw and under your blunt fingernails. You peered at him from under your lashes, eyes gleaming in the darkness. You watched - pleased with yourself - him shudder, face growing green with unnerve at your show. You knew he was desperate to leave, to get a breath of fresh air outside of your cell, you understood his fear and wanted him to suffer for helping your owner, the man watching over your training, but you wanted him gone before he emptied his stomach on your floor. So you pushed the cooler out, clawed arm breaching past the hatch to leave it farther from your cage. 

He left hastily, legs shaky and face pale. 

“I want a bison next time,” you growled, words rolling off your tongue huskily from its rare use. 

Hallo! Truly Loved The MonsterAU Stories! Wonderful, Amazing Writing!

It looked as inconspicuous through the NVGs as it did in the pictures, a few grey buildings built lowly to hide an immense labyrinth dug into the ground, secret passages crossing unending halls with locked doors and tipped with surveillance cameras to watch over the whole facility. They studied the very walls that made this place a secret fortress, from the body to its heart, like mounting a brigade against a castle, Laswell’s team found the few hidden entrances that connected to the lesser-used passages, winding through many hallways and wide vents, big enough for humans but too tight for monsters the size of C34. Task Force 141 led the mission, infiltrating the base under the darkness of night where they could crawl and slink through shadows to catch what they hunted. They were joined by Marines, all experienced and skillful, wearing scars like a badge of honour. It would either be a quick in and out, or a long and strenuous infiltration. 

Price took Gaz and led half of the Marines through the west, breaching the lab from above. They pushed in steadily, relaying information and physical cues to Watcher - Laswell - with a body cam recording everything they saw, the facade they wore above ground, hiding their dark enterprise. Ghost, as usual, has Soap watch his six, following closely behind him with puppy-like loyalty and the other half of the Marines. Team Two’s - Delta - mission started through the underground passage they sniffed out, a long and unwinding hall that went straight through the heart of the facility. Ghost’s team went dark, needing the cover of silence to stay hidden in a highly protected area of the base to run this clandestine mission. They spoke only when needing to, to make calls, to reaffirm intel or to let both Bravo and Watcher know a change, the tech team in the temporary safe house a few miles away from the compound watched through the cams, from the subtle change in the air to a jarring lead to what was happening. 

While Price and Gaz worked on creating a distraction, taking a load off team Delta’s shoulders, they could work through the system faster and more efficiently with the fire taken off their backs and front. It was controlled chaos for both teams, creating a mass discordance within the enemy lines: panicked higher-ups at the sudden attack, while they had a small squad of personal soldiers, they were unprepared, taken by surprise by both teams attacking on two fronts; and confused mercenaries, their quiet and boring schedules made them lose the edge of suspicion, of wariness towards what awaited them and the sheltered job with little to no action apart from a few failed escape attempts by the subjects.

“Delta 0-1 moving in,” Ghost mumbled into the coms, his team following him closely, rifle held tightly with the muzzle pointed forward as they crossed the threshold of section C, heading towards the one holding the monster subjects. 

They left behind them groups of bodies, slumped over the walls or limp on the ground, blood painting the sterilised and glossy walls, turning the once white hall into a grotesque place, dead bodies covering the length of the corridor like the ones they walked through before, leaving the stench of death that even the Marines could sniff out. It wasn’t clean - they weren’t aiming for it to be clean - but they wouldn’t need it to be clean when the Laswell would send a clean-up team to deal with this, Ghost would steal a bite before they arrived, quenching his hunger for revenge with them. 

A few guards stayed to watch over the cells, doors unlocked by a keycard that most guards kept in their back pocket, Ghost would have to take one off a dead body. Under Ghost’s cover, Soap dashed to the other side of the hall, taking a few with him to corner the mercenaries, boxing them into a closed hallway until they all died. Despite a few of the Marines taking shots, bruising the skin under their plate, black and blue blossoming like a bloody flower under the thin layer of skin, they kept their heads high and minds clear, moving forward without a misstep or hesitation. Soap swiped a few cards from the bodies, throwing one to Ghost. 

“Delta 0-1 to Watcher, can you hear me?”

“Solid copy, Ghost,” Laswell voice rang out clearly, reaching his ears in seconds.

“We found the cells,” his eyes roved over them, white paint over thick, cement walls to hold whatever they locked into the cells, perhaps the children the saw or the big one, C34.

“Do you have the keycards?”

“Affirm,” Ghost growled slowly, hearing Laswell's confirmation to continue. “Going in.”

He tapped the pad, a loud beep ringing in their ears as the lock’s mechanism creaked to life, unlatching from its metal hold to let them in. Both he and Soap walked in, leaving the others to watch their backs while they surveyed the first room. It was dimly lit as it was bare of any decorations apart from a visible toilet, a small sink and a few metal beds. It looked like any usual cells they came across, made barren and empty of anything useful to prevent the prisoners from escaping or causing a ruckus, but the people they kept in these cells were children. Soap swore under his breath at the sight of children huddled together, seemingly no older than 12, he lowered his rifle. They were backed into a corner, three older kids holding a younger one in their arms, protecting her from them, from whoever meant to harm these children. 

They looked malnourished, left to slowly rot in these cement boxes until the scientist found something worthwhile in them, their cheeks sunken in, eyes droopy and swollen with bruises - they were beaten, it made something ugly rear its head inside Ghost dead heart - and lips dried. One was armless, having wings that they used to cover both of their cellmates, naked with only feathers covering their body, this one looked more like a harpy than it did human. The two others had arms, both having the lower half of a mammal, neither of them was sure which four-legged mammal it was, but one had a pair of wings, while the other’s back was bare of anything. 

“We’ve found the children.”

Hallo! Truly Loved The MonsterAU Stories! Wonderful, Amazing Writing!

You could hear the chaos from your cell, the blaring alarm and the smell of death. The building shook from its foundation, vibration emanating from both the ground floor and the basement, just farther from your hall, the closed and sectioned-off area. They separated you from the defective ones, all your young mistakes they made after achieving success —you. They tried to recreate it, but it never came out how they wanted it. Maybe it was a mistake on their part or maybe it was the lack of a certain gene in their DNA, a subtle difference that you and the rest had. You didn’t want to know and you didn’t want them to succeed a second time, it was painful, the shift, the tests and the change, the storm of pain, terror and confusion weren’t worth this power. 

You could hear the booming sound of gunfire, a loud ricochet of the bullet when the nitrocellulose sparked and sent the bullet outwards, finding its destination in the warm flesh of human guards. You usually enjoyed this kind of chaos if you knew what started it, and laughed when something caused trouble for your captors, but you were cautious of this one. You neither knew who thought to disturb the peace nor did you know who was behind this, their scents strange and the sound of steps unknown. All you knew was that their steps were heavy, out of breath but pushing their way into - what you thought to be - section C. The place they kept the young and willful. 

You might be blinded by your cell, but the guards outside your confinement knew how to talk, their chatter and barking orders loud enough for you to hear through the thick walls. From them, you knew they were strangers, unknown players on your board of pawns. You didn’t know their goal, whether they were here to let you out or keep you in a cage of their making, but you knew they were a gamble on your fate. As the noise got closer, you sat down, crossed your paws and waited, cautiously awaiting to see what your verdict would be.

Hallo! Truly Loved The MonsterAU Stories! Wonderful, Amazing Writing!

Strangely enough, there was a different section, separated from the other one by many gates and stricter security, but they were able to break through it. Security was concentrated in one hall as if the monster they locked at the end of this hallway was of big importance. It had higher security, stronger and thicker. Ghost wondered if it was to keep the monster in or keep people out, either way, this meant that they found the thing they first came here for: the trained and dangerous subject C34. 

Ghost was apprehensive about opening this metal door, built taller than any doors he’d seen, it was as wide as it was tall, metres over what would be considered normal for a human or monster, similar to the wide gates that protected British castles, tall and imposing, but the most worrying was it’s vast amount of security measures. He thought back to the blurrier giant he saw in the picture, their shape indescribable and otherworldly, almost alien-like. His eyes met Soap’s reassuring ones, standing steadfast and unyielding to do good in the world. So with a nod, Ghost worked through the locks and scans of the heavy, metal door made to keep this cement cage closed. This door clicked loudly, echoing down the hall with ominous intent, foreseeing something damming and destructive. 

Yet they hadn’t expected to see another cage within the cage, a box made of reinforced glass, large and robust and inside of it was another cage, a rough metal one with bars for walls, a sick joke of a bird’s gilded cage. It would’ve seemed almost exaggerated to have three layers - three different cages - to keep one subject safely locked up until he caught sight of the monster. Lying on the cold, metal ground with legs folded in, tail curled around them and staring at both him and Soap with cautious curiosity. It looked like a gryphon if it were more reptilian than a mammal, this monster had a human torso, a head wearing a stoic expression, dressed in rags. Where there would normally be legs was the body of a bird, an eagle perhaps from the golden-brown plumage and reptilian legs from the knee down, followed by a fully scaled back, hind legs and a strong tail. Each toe was tipped with a sharp claw, big and deadly if it got its hands on someone, it could easily rip into anyone without putting in much effort. The biggest thing about it was the folded wings, feathered and equipped with a talon. If it could fly, these wings would be powerful. 

He understood why they kept it locked, it was neither man, monster or hybrid. It was a beast of human creation, a creature made to be at the peak of its condition. It was smart, he could see it, the glint in its eyes and the pursed lips, mien kept monotone and calm —observant. 

What did Laswell sign them into? 

Taglist: @craxy-person @crowbird @dead-cipher @iwannabealocalcryptid @iizx7y @mxtokko @yeetusspagheetus @capricorn-anon @perfectus-in-morte @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @tallmanlover @distracteddragoness @konigsblog @vxnilla-hxrddrugs @havoc973 @angelcakes-22 @cassiecasluciluce @ramadiiiisme @ramblingsofachaoticthinker @ki-cant-spel @im-making-an-effort @love-dove-noora @jinxxangel13 @daisychainsinknots @0alk0msan @mul-pi @danielle143 @dont-mind-me-just-existing-sadly

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1 year ago

makarov hunting an/a (enemy? long assassin?) reader who doesn’t really want to work with him- reader knows their stuff, erasing tracks, setting up traps, etc- its a game

призрак Cw: canon-typical death, murder, assassination, mercenary, blood, tell me if I missed any.

You were a ghost —призрак in his mother-tongue. Appearing whenever you wanted and disappearing before anyone could find you, a phantom in the business of assassination, a killer without too high of a price. He’s watched the aftermath of your handiwork, the shows you played and the kills you made, they were a masterpiece he wanted to witness, to utilise for his goals. Even from the darkness of his solitary cell, locked away in the Gulag - the Zorgaya prison complex - he kept hearing about your endeavours.

You interest him, your brought out a certain excitement, made adrenaline pump in his blood, when you were first brought up. You were the a ghost - a wraith - that haunted the world, killing off men and women for the right number. You were a killer for hire, one of the best in the industry that even he - Vladimir Makarov - had attempted to recruit, to tie you down to his name and fame, to have you work for his purpose. Permanently.

But you were a slippery one, escaping whatever trap he carefully laid out for you, falling through his fingers, finding the smallest crack - mistake - in his plan that he once thought was full-proof. You were smart, feisty and skillful, able to see through his carefully crafted words for a hire, pushing past the firewall of his mind and planting a virus, corrupting his original purpose, rooting yourself into his sick mind. This feeling, the way his heart rammed against his rib when you sent a warning shot, or when you escaped from his grasp, this wasn’t love —no, he was a being detached from such frivolous affairs. He didn’t love. He couldn’t with his cold, dead heart. This was an obsession, Makarov obsessed over things, he knit picked, he stole and took apart.

Makarov was a being whose conscious transcended the likes of capitalist westerners who’ve corrupted his motherland, small-minded and parasitic politician who made the Soviet Union crumble to dust; whose forgone the primal needs that made humanity weak —vulnerable; Vladimir Makarov was better than any man.

That’s where stemmed his obsession with you, the need to hunt you down. You portrayed yourself as a being higher than him. A better strategist and killer than him. It went from word of mouth to ear, Makarov heard from the other guards and new inmate speak of you, you achievements, the spike in your demands and the people who were ready to give you an arm and leg to pay for your service. Powerful men and women routing you an undisclosed amount of money to kill of someone, to have them assassinated in their own bedroom, to be drowned in their own bathtub or to be poisoned by their own wine.

He had Konni keep a track on your work while he waited for the right time to be freed, jumping back to work once he landed in Russia. He took it on himself to follow your steps, he had a hand in every sector of the underworld, dabbing in everything to keep his hold over the world. He couldn’t find anything about you, neither your past nor your character, you were nameless and faceless, the hooded mask obscuring your face from the world. Makarov’s best couldn’t even track you through cameras and find your deposit account, it seemed as though you had a team of your own, working in the dark to keep your and their livelihood going.

You evaded his traps, able to figure out which deals were made by him as a ploy to catch you, to find the ghost that haunted his mind. You were a disease, a parasite that unknowingly clung to him. You knew him, the messages he received through the grapevines, taunting remarks and threats that made him see red. You were too skillful, erasing your steps, making it seem as if you were never there in the first place, uninvolved with it, but the world knew who committed the crime. This was a game - or so he liked to think - of cat and mouse, he preferred being the cat, the dangerous and cunning feline who stalked the small mouse, he had to swallow his pride and confess that he played the mouse as often as he played the cat, being hunted and narrowly escaping because you let him.

But this, this meeting was a surprise, to see his призрак stand before him, tempted by the proposition he had to offer you —without any underlying meaning or hidden thoughts.

“мы наконец встретились, Призрак.” (We finally meet, ghost.)

Taglist: @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @tallmanlover @distracteddragoness @vxnilla-hxrddrugs @konigsblog @havoc973 @im-making-an-effort @daisychainsinknots @0alk0msan @danielle143 @dont-mind-me-just-existing-sadly @tuttifuckinfruttifriday

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6 months ago

Back on my affectionate reader bullshit because I just want to smother those assholes with love.

TF 141 x Male! Reader

Kissing the homies goodnight.

18+ Minors DNI!

Cw: whole lotta fluff, it only gets suggestive at the end and that's it

It started with a joke. Gaz drunkenly saying "Hey, if I win will you give me a goodnight kiss?" Before you start a game of cards, you all laughed it off then. Until it starts getting later in the evening and when you excuse yourself to go to bed Soap calls out to you with a chuckle, "Ey, don't forget about Gaz's kiss" you trudge your way back to them eyes drooping. They all expect you to kick Soap or something akin to that, but you surprise them by leaning down and placing a kiss on Gaz's eyebrow before tiredly muttering a "goodnight" and walking away.

And if that didn't give them any ideas..

For the next week it was usually Soap and Gaz pestering you about your kisses being rewards.

"If I shoot all the targets will you give me a kiss?"

"If I beat him in this fight will you give me a kiss?"

It gives them such a boost of energy.

You don't expect anyone else other than them to ask you for one until you're watching a game on the telly with Ghost. "If my team wins, I want a reward like them" He says to you, referencing Soap and Gaz and you nod albeit a bit shocked.

And by a stroke of luck his team wins, you reward him with a kiss to his temple.

And when it comes to Price.. 

It occurred after a tough but successful mission, and it was all thanks to you. What you had to handle was rough but you still came back with minimal injuries.

After a quick check up and shower you head to the common room on base to lounge with your team, but when you just stepped in the area Price got himself up from the couch claiming he needs to get back to work. 

As he passed you he said a quick "Good job out there lad." And held you by your shoulder to pull you close and kiss you right on your cheek before walking away leaving you stunned.

The team saw it all of course, sitting still a bit stunned as well, seemed like your habit of kissing your homies rubbed off on the captain.

You were too focused on the lingering feeling of Price's beard scratching your face that you didn't hear Soap saying how that it's so unfair, how he also had a successful mission but didn't get a kiss from their dear captain, only realizing you've been standing there like an idiot this whole time when Soap ran past you trying to catch up with the captain to claim his well deserved prize.

And it just evolves from there, everyone gives each other kisses. 

It started off as conglatutory kisses like before, then it'll go to "kiss it better" kisses

(Like if Ghost trained so hard he gets bloody knuckles Price will kiss them better, or if Soap suffered an injury Gaz would be there to kiss his bandages, or if Gaz just had a rough day and is incredibly stressed you'd kiss his temple)

Then eventually everytime any of you are about to leave for a mission you all give a kiss to whoever's going for good luck, and when they come back it's those pushing mouth aggressively to cheek kisses happy that they came back alive and well.

And it goes to the point where any chance you get you'll exchange small kisses. Passing each other in the hall way? A kiss to the cheek. Finding each other in the kitchen late at night to grab a drink? A kiss on the forehead. One of you had a brutal nightmare? Boom, get kissed on your damn head, hell why not cuddle while you're at it? (You did cuddle while you're at it)

It doesn't take long for the kisses to trail closer to the lips, for the kisses to trail to your neck and collarbones as well. It doesn't take long for it to evolve from small pecks to heated make out sessions, desperate to feel each other's mouths even deeper. It doesn't take long for the five of you to end up swapping spit late at night, sloppily making out with whoever's mouth is open and wanting, stripping each other's clothes even with your mouth occupied.

After that it's no question to kiss the homies goodnight, hell it usually ends with more than a kiss.

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2 years ago

Price should be grateful for the raccoon battalion

《Incorrect Quotes mw2》

Y/n: we can't tell you because your not part of the club

Alejandro: What club?

Y/n: The hating Graves club.

Alejandro: …The fuck? I should be the leader of that club!


Soap: Are you a painting?

Y/n: What-?

Soap: Because I want to pin you to a wall.





Simon : I did?

Y/n: Kiss you and buy some more, you haven't been eating anything today Simon .

*walking away*

Simon :

Simon : Their gone Soap.

Soap, coming out the closet with bread stuffed in their mouth: Twankh uh!


Simon , working at McDonald's: Sorry sir, we don't serve a McFuck here, so either you throw that one slice of pickle out or we're gonna have a McProblem.


Y/n: You know, , when you generalize, you tell general... lies.

Gaz: ...

Gaz: Are you trying to teach me moral lessons through puns.


König : May luck (and this picture of Y/n eating shredded cheese at 3 in the morning) be with you.


(Gaz trying to flirt 💀)

Gaz: Hey, I’m getting in the shower. Wanna help me out?

Y/n: ...Have you never taken a shower before?


Gaz: When you said 'Magic in Bed', I wasn't expecting this...

Y/n: *pulls out card from deck* Now, was this your card?

Gaz: Holy moly-


Price: So, y/n is no longer allowed to take the trash out at night.

Soap: Why?

Price: Because I've caught them trying to train raccoons to fight five times in a row.

Y/n, arms crossed and pouting: You'll be thanking me when the third raccoon battalion saves your ass.


Alright that is all folks thought this would be funny to share if you guys have any requests l will be happy to see them but before you do go to my page and check out the post where it talks about what l can and can't write and other things l will do in the future love you all and have a wonderful day/morning/night :) <3

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2 years ago

He's hot ya can't help it 🤷

Y/N : Damn, it’s cold.

Soap : Here, take my jacket, I’m not even that cold.

Y/N : Thanks, I’ll give it back tomorrow.

[Later At Night]

Y/N, aggressively inhaling in Soap’s jacket scent whilst curled up inside it : I’m not giving this back.

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1 year ago
simp-council - Reject Modernity, Return to Simping

Saccharine and Monstrosity pt.1

Saccharine And Monstrosity Pt.1

Pairing: Eldritch Horror!König x mermaid!reader

Cw: kidnapping, manipulation, DARK FIC, trap, luring, mention of breeding kink, protective König, mention of partial nudity, hunting, tell me if I missed any. Wc: 4K

I got inspired by @konigsblog ‘s post.

Saccharine And Monstrosity Pt.1

You enjoyed the sun as much as any other betta fish mermaid, laying on the warm rocks and bathing under the bright, yellow sun. You lived in a school of fish that moved near the shores of a tropical island a few generations before, building houses under the coral reef and rocks where newly placed branches would grow and work as a natural shield. The world you lived in - the part of the ocean you called your home - was bright and colourful, the shallow waters clear and gleaming under the warming sun.

You liked all things bright and colourful, either big or small, you decorated your part of the cave with things you found while swimming around your territory. Be it a golden coin shining on the ocean floor, or a shard of coloured glass, you picked it all up and stuck it around your room. Sometimes, you found pretty things near the limits of your home, and other times, you ventured closer to the edge of the darkness when something shiny caught your attention. 

Over the ridge of sand that drew the start of the darkness, that deep and menacing slope down to the deepest part of your ocean, where darker, meaner and cruel beings born of cruelty and madness lived. It was somewhere all mers were warned of, to stay far away from the darkness and never stray from the light that fed and protected you. You thrived in the light, your body absorbing the warmth from the sun that made your scales vibrant and feeding from the fauna and flora that lived beside you: seaweeds and small fishes. 

Your kind grew up with stories of horrifying monsters and cruel creatures that lived in that abyss, lingering near the shallow to catch a pretty, little mer for their hoard. Whatever became of the taken was still unknown, once a mer was taken by One, no one would hear from them from then on. Your parents had warned you about straying too close from the shallow, daring fate when you swam over the ridge to collect those pretty gems you fancied so much.

“Don’t worry,” you’d grin at her, fins flickering behind you. “I’m a fast swimmer, mom!”

You were a fast swimmer, slipping between rocks and corals, hands cradling your little shells while you fled from the dark, twisting over the ridge and vanishing between the corals. That’s what you did most days, picking up people’s trash to make it your treasure, fingers cleaning the sand off the holes and crevasses before sticking them to your walls. You also tinkered with metal creations you found, a silver fork or a rusted-looking instrument. 

Granted, you joined in hunts, catching sardines and herrings, claws digging into its scaled bodies and teeth ripping into its flesh, the only other taste being sea salt, or bathed under the sun, but you preferred scavenging for loot. Although mers hunted alone, most found it easier to do it in groups, swarming shoals of fish and catching in a group of a dozen at a time for your little colony. So when you were fed and rested, you were back out, treading the line between the shallow and the abyss.

You swam slowly, head turning left and right for anything that would catch your attention, for that small glint hidden under a thin veil of sand or a long metallic object sticking out from the ground. You already had a few things in your arms, a few shells, human objects thrown overboard or floated into the sea, and small treasures: white pearls. You picked things up from both sides, mind in a comfortable and pleasant space, prideful of your catch so far that you were oblivious of the eyes following your colourful body. 

His pale eyes wandered over your puffy cheeks and sweet lips, those squinted eyes in mirth as you searched for more. He went down the curve of your shoulders and the swell of your breasts, perky nipples covered by pretty shells, over your soft stomach and that bright, colourful tail of yours that first caught his attention. Every scale glistened under the sun, reflecting the light on the sand while you swam, your fins curving with the twist of your tail. 

You were the prettiest thing he’d ever seen, an angel collecting treasure, just like he did. He saw the batch in your arms, clutched between your breasts when you dove to pick something up on his side. You were as adorable and innocent as you were pretty, your action oblivious of his predatory eyes, dipping into his territory without fear of retribution on his part. He liked that bold and daring attitude of yours, fitting for someone so courageously bright and flashing your bold colours to him. 

If he were to drop something closer to him, would you still swim towards it or ignore it for something closer to the ridge? If he hid until you were close enough, would he be able to wrap his limb around you? To feel your soft skin and coarse scales under his slimy arm. He was glad he decided to hunt today, searching for both prey - mer or fish, he isn’t picky about what he ate - and treasure. Hidden under a couple of tentacles, he dropped a golden coin a few feet away from him, his veil and the darkness helping him hide from your sight. 

His heart soared when he saw your eyes widen, a smile curling at the corners of your lips when you saw his little coin, diving towards him with enthusiasm. You were so close to him, hand stretching to grab the object with small, clawed fingers. When you held it in your hand, appraising it, he felt pride bubble in his chest, rising to his mind as he took this occasion to get his arm around you. You flinched when he wrapped the tip of his tentacle around your tail, squirming around in terror. In a panicked struggle to escape him, you dropped everything you’d collected and fled from him with a cry.

He watched you swim away from him through saddened eyes, hearing the thudding from the things you dropped, even the coin he gifted you. His eyes never left your fleeing body until you jumped over the edge, your tail the last thing he saw in that moment of self-deprivation and sadness. He hoped you’d come back, forgetting the fear of his sudden attention and daring fate once more.

He came the next day and the day after that, but you weren’t there, your precious smile and happy eyes were a memory in his mind, a fleeting moment in his gloomy world. He came back every day, hiding in the darkness, on the line between pitch darkness and light shading. He wished you were there every day, his eyes bleeding with optimism and hope for a single smidgen of bright colours. 

He hadn’t seen you in the following week. His shoulders slumped and caved into himself in sadness every time he came by, his blue eyes dulling bit by bit, that hopeful thinking drowning under realistic thinking and a pessimistic mind. Then he caught a glimpse of colour against the white sand. Before long, he saw arms filled with shiny items, trailing nearer to your side than his, but still chasing for treasures. 

If he wanted to approach you, to touch your soft-looking skin and run his arms over your scaled tail, he’d have to find a way to lure you in. He watched you the first few days, his tentacles curling on itself and burying himself in the sand, the hundreds of suckers searching for buried treasures to leave for you. When you turned your back to him, his unwinding arm left the things he found near the ridge for you to find and take. Little gifts for you, courting gifts he left and gifted you in an attempt to woo you. 

You were skittish and fleeing but took all his gifts with shaky smiles and grateful eyes, you knew he gave them to you. Of course, you did, you were his brave and smart little mermaid, approaching his offerings with apprehension - he felt hurt you feared and got nervous around him, but he understood you, his kind ate yours - and scanned the sand around you for any danger before crossing the line. He felt giddy when you added them to your stack, his mind-blowing with dreams and thoughts of you decorating your little cave with the things he gave you. On the ceiling, against the wall and on the ground or surfaces, you would use the things he gave you for your home. 

It sent him up the walls of his caves with joy and excitement, his limbs curling to rearrange his home to prepare for you, to accommodate your arrival to his big, lonely home.

It took a week or two - or so he thought, his perception of time was and had always been warped in some way - before you became comfortable enough to approach him, to let him curl his slimy tentacle around your tail and up your body. He could finally feel you and it made him ecstatic - he was over the moon every time he got to touch you. Little pokes, fleeting squeezes and feathery bites from his suckers on your flesh, all things he let himself taste before your coupling. A coupling between the prettiest and the cruellest beings in the ocean would unwind the seams that made your worlds, pulling the string that separated the beauty and the beast in this cursed universe.

Granted, you hesitated to cross into the pitch darkness of the abyss, dancing just a few inches from his abode with an armful of trinkets from König. Your slow and steady breath, words you blessed him with when you muttered to him, calling out to know if he was there and your grateful grin were a common, yet welcome sight in his daily swim. While a bit reluctant to join him on the other side, you eventually swam across, your eyes melting into the black before you. You were unseeing as much as you were blind, if not for the guiding palm of the Eldritch creature that you befriended and the shine of treasure you saw around him. 

You wished you could see anything but the gleam of treasure and the black mist of the abyss, your hand wandered over his, searching for his body, to feel the one who’s been gifting you treasures. Your fingers trailed upwards, feeling the tightness of his muscles, the curves and hardness of his arms were sinful. You truly wished you could see him at this moment, but you kept at your advance, clawed fingers moving slowly with unbridled curiosity. When you reached his broad shoulders and well-pronounced chest, it rumbled, a purr coming from König. Its deep sound shook you with need, your tail enthusiastically moving back and forth as you listened to him. 

“Are you happy, Schatz?”

His voice was even better than his soft purrs, in a way that made you want to melt into his arms and never bother moving if he kept talking to you, the sound of the creature that gave you gifts and affection. König’s spine-chilling voice seemed like a mix of many voices, both soft and raspy, and both deep and smooth, but it was something you enjoyed, that you found yourself liking a bit too much. 

“Yes,” you breathed, eyes travelling skyward, towards the source of his voice.

Your breath caught in your throat, choking a gasp at the prettiest blues you’d seen staring down at you. They were majestic, gem-like with a pretty sheen that made them glow like a beacon of light. You wondered why you’d never seen them, seeing how bright his eyes were. They lit up his face, or the veil he wore over his face, showing the pale streak of makeshift tears down the incision he made for his eyes. You shamelessly admired him, unbothered by the lost puppy-like stare you gave him in your glowing beauty. 

You’d crossed a threshold, where a creature of light never dared to cross, stepping into the arms of an Old One and embracing their madness. Although you were oblivious to his intentions, the loud proclamation of his courting rituals and attempts of crying out his love - the Old One’s rituals and cultures were much of a mystery to those who didn’t study them, much of a taboo for anyone outside of delusion and greed - he hadn’t refrained from his deliberate show that would be nearly shameful and embarrassing to others of his kind. 

Some wouldn’t bother with such frivolous acts: confessions from the deepest part of their dark soul, proclamation of love and undying adoration, or having to scavenge for gifts - offerings - to the subject of their attention. His kind took and took, reaching for that small glimmer of hope and beauty and corrupted it, bending it to their liking and building something from the ashes. It wouldn’t - would never - be the same as they were before, but that was how the Old Ones liked it: control, corruption, ruin, madness and power.

König wouldn’t do that, he wanted to cherish you, add to what you were and watch it bloom like those bioluminescent creatures in the abyss; even against his creator’s wishes. He’ll put you on the highest pedestal he has, eternally imprinting the image of you as his most precious treasure into his mind. You’ll be a thing of miracles, a thing of blessings, a thing of new beginnings. He wanted all and everything with you, but he’d have to take it slow, to coax you into this redundant pattern that ensured your trust and comfort and have you follow him of your own volition. 

He doesn’t mind waiting, he’s had hundreds of years of sitting and waiting, patience was a virtue he grew to learn, to hold in his giant palm and clutch like a gift from the ever-growing, chaotic universe. He can wait and plan, so he will, König will lay down his plan and wait until he can bring it to reality.

Wait he did, for you to grow comfortable enough to follow him deeper and let him pull you in from your side. It took you a month of back and forth, squirming around your infatuation with König and exchanging trinkets, words and fleeting kisses with him. He adored your little giggles when he traced your sides with a bolt tentacle, curling under your plush tits and the tip sliding under your strap. He loved the pretty shells you gave him, cleaned from sand and any barnacles, it showed him how much time you spent on it for him. His heart bloomed and swelled to impossible heights when you pecked his lips, giving him shy and gentle kisses that he grew addicted to. 

You were so sweet and so soft, your lips the taste of heaven for a creature of madness. Your hands were gentle like a cool balm over a burn, soothing his wild thoughts. Your little gifts for him - reciprocating his affection - were currently the most important things in his cave, a sign of your love and devotion. It made him wonder what would you let him do once you gave yourself to him. Would you succumb to the everlasting pleasures he could give you, or would you demand to help him take care of his own in a mutual haze? He couldn’t help himself, letting his chaotic mind conjure the most absurd and erotic dreams, his body vibrating with excitement; and now, at the peak of your trust in him, he watched his plan - a well-placed trap - come to fruition. 

“Come, Schatz,” he beckoned you forward, his burly arm stretching to coax you to follow him, holding out his open palm to you. “I have something I want to show you. Pretty things.”

Without a thought, to question his intentions or to ask why he couldn’t have bought them for you like he usually did, you took his hand and let his fingers curl over yours, intertwining your smaller digits to his as he pulled you to his chest. His embrace was as safe and pleasant as the last one - yesterday - and caused a flurry of emotions to erupt in your chest, he was warm in the cool darkness, loving in all the ways you could think. You could close your eyes and imagine a smile rippling across his face with joyfully squinted eyes peering down at you. 

Held against his chest, his other arm wrapped around your waist with a firm squeeze of his hand where your skin turned to scales. He whispered sweet promises, words of encouragement to see the way to his home and excited explanations of what awaited you. Pretty things, he said, you knew what he meant - at least you think you did - you shared much in common, and pretty things were something you both agreed on: shiny metals, interesting trinkets, shimmering shells or finely-minted coins. All things humans valued before throwing away; one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. 

How unfortunate that you couldn’t see in the dark, yet how fortunate you wouldn’t know the way back, it was something he relied on heavily to keep you, if you didn’t know how to navigate in this utter blindness, there were no risks of you trying to escape his caring hand. You were smart, you wouldn’t simply venture off without knowing where to go and how to see, especially with how vast his territory was and how dangerous it was. He shared his home with other simple-minded animals, sharks, fishes, eels and any other abyssal creature that lived and depended on the dark to live. 

Your innocent curiosity about the things he deemed pretty enough to hoard made his heartbeat, that addicting feeling he got from touching you, kissing you and speaking to you. Even if the deeper he went, the colder it became, you never once complained, your wide eyes and grinning face were the only thing you gave him. He was truly relieved to know that you were patient and understanding of his home, not one hiss or pout while you shook and clung to him, depending on him for warmth. He liked that, to see you rely on him so much. 

“We’re here, mein Liebling,” he hushed, cradling your face as he dove down, through the entrance of his cave. He shielded your fragile body with his many arms, protecting you from the rush of water current flowing against him. He chose this one to build his nest, using the strong current as a natural barrier against weaker creatures. 

When the waters calmed to a still, he loosened his hold on you, unravelling his arms to let you explore the many passages and alcoves in his home. To accommodate you, he strung up bioluminescent flora, using them as light to find your way around, with silken algae over a few rocks to mimic the beds mers slept in and a few other things that he thought you’d need: a mirror, a few floating plants to add to its mystical beauty and clusters of soft materials in nearly every room. 

He let you wander, your tail flapping back and forth to lead you down the long hall and explore the many rooms. He used a room to sleep, one as a pantry and storage, and another one to hold his hoard, but he had a lot of empty and unused space, more than enough for you and your children to thrive. He wanted to let you roam at your own pace, but he had something to show you, something he was proud of making. 

He pulled you from your little cloud of joy, wrapping an arm around you, his sticky suckers latching onto you as he coaxed you his way. Only then had you taken the time to admire König under blue light, cheeks warm with a burning flush and doe-like eyes staring at the naked expense of his hard abdomen, stomach sculpted to perfection that had Adonis shying away. His arms were big and round, muscles straining the scarred skin with delicious appeal. 

Downwards, following the sharp dip of his navel, were dozens of dark tentacles lined with round, pulsing suckers. Like an octopus, they were covered in a slimy sheen, every limb flexible and able to move independently. The lower ones were thick and soft, acting as a cover for whatever he hid beneath them, while some were thinner, whose source came from under his veil. Those, however, were a mix of normal and horrific tentacles, some had eyes replacing the usual suckers, tinted in the same colour as his irises, that glowing, pale blue. 

It made your body heat up, fingers tingling with nerves - or was it? When faced with something you found appealing, it’d be natural to feel flustered, no? König thought so, that’s how he spent the first days reacting to you, heating up to a bothersome flush to everything you did. He watched your awed stare, that daydreaming haze in your eyes when you looked him over, his whole body clear under the gentle light in his cave. 

“This way.”

Without making your gaze leave his figure, he drew you in, heading towards his biggest room where he caught and strung everything to fit his pleasure and mood. It was somewhere deeper into the system with walls strong and sturdy, and the round ceiling higher than the other rooms. On one side was a pile of golden objects of all shades, light yellow to a darkish gold, nearly bronze; on the other was a mix of pretty silver things and metallic black objects, rusted by age and the salty ocean; and on another, the smallest of them all, comprised of a few dozens of colourful shells and corals frozen in time that you’d given him. 

He saw your chest expand, your smile growing brighter and brighter at the pile of gifts you gave him, your bubbly laugh as you swam towards it, twirling around it proudly. You looked around the room, admiring his large collection and how it seemed to spill down every pile in an attempt to reach the other one, forming a protective ring around your presents, but always coming back to the bright pink, blue and yellow shells. You were happy and appreciative of the time he spent working and arranging his hoard. If he could, he’d preen and purr to you, to show just how much your proud smile meant to him, watching you appraise his work was satisfying. 

He already felt like things were falling into place perfectly, he could see the life he had envisioned with you coming to life, the little intricacies that popped into his mind seeming too appealing. His dreams were slowly becoming a reality, the things that he could only imagine were now tangible to his hands, and the future he salivated at was so, so close that he could sink his teeth into its flesh. 

He knew it. He knew it when he watched you swim to him with that big, adorable smile on your face, that it was in his hands. He could see it now, how his lonely cave would be filled with life and laughter, children with a mix of your beauty and his madness chasing one another between the many openings and your round, swollen stomach welcoming another of your children to the world. That was all he could think of while he cradled you in his arms, his tentacles latching to your tail and back. 

“You’re happy, ja?”


Taglist: @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @tallmanlover @distracteddragoness @vxnilla-hxrddrugs @konigsblog @candlewitch-cryptic @im-making-an-effort @0alk0msan 

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1 year ago

[COD MW2 HCS] 141 + Los Vaqueros + König with a Neutral Gender! Writer! Reader

A/N : How come we never see a Reader as a writer in whatever fandom - or am I blind - in headcanons ? I mean... So many people writing amazing fanfictions or headcanons on this platform or everywhere else and... No ? Really ? We’re talking about a military Reader here, by the way. 

TW : none (for once) except the ugly typos you may encounter. Only one very little mention of smutty litterature 

John “Soap” MacTavish 

So... Let’s start with our lovely Scottish sergeant 

It is apparently canon that he likes to draw on a small notebook he keeps with him dearly. 

So he knows. He is acquainted with the ‘writer’s zone’ we flee into when inspiration holds us within its graceful arms. When the images of action flood through out brain when a stroke of genius light up our features and how we appear lost in some kind of parallel universe only us are able to interact with (well... it’s how it looks like for me, feel free to comment - writer or not - how your imagination works) 

However, Soap is mostly aware about the tropes and what we can consider as the technical side of writing such as relashionship dynamics for your characters - if it implies the said relashionships - 

I think he is the kind to prefer roomates universes because of the domesticity he is able to find there and friendship warms his heart. Although, that’s just an impression. 

He is actually the biggest help out of the 141 because when he draws he also uses the codes of his type of creation for his cute doodles you suspect him to scribble on the yellowed paper of his little diary. 

He knows what it is to lack of insipiration, even though he tends to throw his thoughts on the paper and reproduces his surroundings. 

He appreciates the smallest details that compose his world. He notices them all. 

But I digress. 

You two share a world not so accessible for the rest of the team. When you talk about [Insert fiction character of trope here] in a very specific context, the others gaze at you confused. 

More than writing, it is a little sweet thing you two share and you would never lose that for anything in the world.

Simon “Ghost” Riley 

He... Understands... Not like Soap. He doesn’t have that much imagination. 

He gets it is your hobby. It is as valuable as any other activity. 

Simon thinks it’s cute in some way. You, lost in thought, next to him, about and into something he can’t quite grasp. And a sheet of paper or the blank screen of an app on your tablet or whatever device you judged comfortable.

At first, you asked for his help about some details, or his opinion, or his advice. Then, you understood he was too down-to-earth and wounded by his abusive past to allow himself to relax this way next to you. 

Yet, you used your hobby as a way to stay with him as a support. He had just to tug a bit at your sleeve and all your attention would be on him. 

It was the first step. 

You understood quickly that your writing might be able to help him unwind and finally get comfortable. 

You write him silly stories, made for him to laugh, or to smile at least. It wasn’t a big deal, just fables. You have no idea what he does with it. You just hope it enables him to dream even if just during the day like a fleeting thought clinging to him. A distant echo of something nice his heart and his memory agreed on keeping dearly underneath his leaden shell. 

You also may be the one reading your own stories to him. But the mistakes, the inconsistencies or the lack of meaning and every little flaws in your writing may appear much more visible once clearly uttered. 

By dint of effort, you manage to soften him a bit. He doesn’t want to ask you if he could read either what you are writing or if you have something for him. However, he eventually hopes within the depth of his heart that he can flee from reality for a few minutes. 

He is so grateful to you even though he is bitter on the fact he can’t bring you much constructive criticism. 

Kyle “Gaz” Garrick 

Another one who understands one might have such a hobby but he may not relate. 

I don’t see Gaz as someone who reads a lot. It’s just not his thing. He’ll read for sport news or something related to one of his own hobbies. 

I guess he doesn’t have the patience to sit somewhere comfortable and allow his mind to wander this way thanks to your words. 

Except maybe when he desperately needs to unwind and his thoughts are too noisy so he needs to occupy his plagued mind with something totally different. 

However, he is curious about the creation process. 

He’ll ask about your ‘tools’ after you explain to him that your scenario and elements of the story doesn’t entirely pop out of thin air and you may have to rethink and to shape your ideas to make up a story both understandable and enjoyable. 

He laughs when he notices about your nonsensical Internet history. How can it be so weird ? And then, he remembers what kinds of research he does when the night isn’t kind to him and he doesn’t laugh anymore.

Sometimes, your brain amazes him. You sound so cool when you take the time to explain some of your ideas. 

Kyle is awesome at helping you for worldbuilding. He has a lot of imagination when he manages to leave his military universe on the side and peeks at yours. 

He is an excellent beta reader since he is actually very neutral about writing in general and he’ll try to give you the most help possible when you ask him. Too short ? Too long ? Not enough or too much emphasis on a detail ? He just aims at your betterment ! 

John Price 

You are a writer ? Well... As long as you do your duty you can be whatever you want. 

He is neutral with the idea of you being a writer. He is a soldier before anything. And a leader at that. He’ll support you because Captain Dad... I mean... Captain Price always supports his team but sometimes the said team gives a hard time to his comprehension and patience. 

You’re mostly quiet, with music for your ears, typing or penning something on a sheet of paper. Moreover, it seems like you have some sort of natural distance with Soap’s or Gaz’s - or both - usual chaos. 

Price has to say that it amazes him how you are distant of everything when you are in what Soap would call a writer’s fever. 

By the way, he happens to watch over you both when Soap draws and you write on the couch of the common room. If you both eventually show him what you created - if you don’t he will not force you - he’ll gaze at you like a proud momma duck despite his best behavior. 

He is mostly the one staring in disbelief as you use vocabulary, tropes, imaginary events for your own type of art since he can’t understand it even though you all speak the same language. 

Price notices very early you are a skilled writer, or at least you have some experience. The reports he gets from you are probably the best from the soldiers he got under his orders. He might have something to say about the spelling and the shape of your letters if you give him handwritten reports. Depends on you I guess. 

He will not ask to read what you write. You can call that the appropriate distance induced by hierarchy. You remain soldiers. You may as well act like it. 

Sometimes, you’d like his opinion. An outside point of view about your work is always good, no ? Well... John Price has a Ghost syndrome. He is annoyingly ass deep in his military life. Hence, he faces a very limited imagination except when it comes to interrogate an enemy. 

The worst about him is that he could be an amazing beta reader. Constructive criticism and probably giving you ways to improve yourself in what you already are so good at. 

Just give him time. He’ll get interested one way or another. First, you may try to be closer emotionally to him. Might be a good start to go past this military hierarchy and to know what his tastes are to get his heart beat only at the tone of your phrasing with your unique talent 

Rodolfo Parra 

He thinks it’s so cool to have a hobby as enjoyable as he thinks you have just by the way you act when you are writing. 

Rudy doesn’t have the time to delve that deeply into a hobby. Los Vaqueros constantly demand his attention. However, when he gets the time he - like Gaz - tries to ask about the process of writing. He even tries to write by himself. 

You explained about the tropes and dynamics and he seemed to get it immediately. Childhood friends to lovers is his favorite one by the way. 

It was just a little story he came up with. It was the first thing that stuck to his imagination, appearing out of an obscure place of his brain. It was uncertain, somewhat shaky but simple and, in a way, adorable.  

He almost took it personally when you said this small piece of text was just like him. 

However, before you sink even deeper in awkwardness, you dismissed this last interaction and tried to correct him the best you could. 

After that, he was looking forward the little time when you could write with him and he could learn. Another thing, it’s quiet around you, focused, relaxed. Alejandro knows where to find him when he is looking for his right hand. 

He could be an amazing beta reader if he wasn’t so kind. He forgives you everything. “Have you noticed inconsistencies or flaws ?” you’d ask. “Maybe a little something here but I’m sure it’s me” he’d reply. Unnerving, right ? The gentlest reader but you don’t need him to be so nice. You need him to be observant. 

He also comes up with very simple ideas when it comes to writing but his way of apprehending things has something one can’t quite describe. My closest synonym would be a vibe, something like raw talent that only needs to be explored thoroughly. It resembles to cutting a diamond, sharpen the edges to make it glistening and precious. 

His imagination is not too chaotic but his thinking and reasoning develops and fill in the gaps of his originality. 

Anyways, Rudy is amazing. As always. 

Alejandro Vargas 

There has to be one who does not take you very seriously. Well... It is Alejandro. The Mexican colonel is... something else, to say the least. He considered himself a man of action and not a man of words. So, to him, whatever you were doing with those scraps of paper during your free time was none of his business. 

He’ll try some kind of joke with you writing nasty things in the secret of that little head of yours. Two answers now. “No, colonel, I’m not into writing that kind of litterature” would be the first reponse with a hint of scorn hidden behind your deadpan aspect. 

The second answer though... “Yeah ! I write smut ! Now that we’re talking about that, do you mind if I use your features for my next...” and then you proceed to make a very descriptive, thoroughly explained speech about your imaginary Alejandro and what you planned him to do in this small story of yours. The point was to make the colonel embarassed. Although, it worked better on Rudy who went blushing like a tomato. 

If you choose the second option, it will end up in nasty jokes each time you meet each other. This silly game is absolutely unsufferable for everyone making the mistake to listen to you. 

If anything, your relashionship suffers from this disregard. You didn’t ask Alejandro’s appreciation, hardly tolerance even but it left a sort of bitter taste. Rudy is... Kinder. More understanding. 

However, what happens is that you tend to be consequently more distant from Alejandro. It may have been a silly joke about a pastime of yours but writing is so personal that it was as if he made a joke about your own self and this was intolerable. He had no business disrespecting you this way. 

Beyond that, you banished him from your writing process. His opinion, his hypothetical help, what he might like to see within a story - doesn’t matter how silly it may be - he was no part of it. 

If he changes his mind, you’d tend to retort him something alike “Let’s stay in our own field of expertise colonel. Let me dream about my stories. And you, dream about chasing El Sin Nombre. Good fences make good neighbors as one says”. 

Something that also might happen is that Rudy’s new habit of unwinding with you quietly in the common room and having long conversations with you about that hobby you were now both sharing made him feel weird. Alejandro was surely passionate and admitting he’s wrong - at least for this - was no part of his character but this was the proof he should’ve acted differently. The realisation took its time but he eventually accepts the fact he made an asshole of himself. 

He’ll apologise when he catches you alone, writing. Now the question may be about how much time do you want to play with him for having been such an arse. 

Eventually, Alejandro learns his lesson and he even asks you to read what you write. When he’s done, he is so silent, gawking. You laugh at him. 


Our gigantic, adorable Austrian operator is a book worm. It’s horrendous. The heavy bullying he has been a victim got him to be safe between the shelves of library. The scent of old paper and the calm of the library got him out of his skin, journeying between worlds out of his appalling daily life. He was typically the dreamy, lonely kid who had characters inside his head as sole company. 

So yeah. Books mean relief, respite, getaway for him as well as a way to heal himself from the pain he received from his classmates or whoever hurt him in his younger days. 

He doesn’t have much time for reading anymore and these books are a little too bulky for the small package he was allowed to have. So having you near him is like a blessing. He can talk out his thoughts.  

Beyond writing, it is the vibe around you that convinces him to sit next to you in the common room. He tried to make himself small, to not take too much of the couch but you couldn’t deny his thigh touching yours. You raised your head and smiled at him. König did not utter a single word, already flustered to fail at conversing. But, as time goes on - and after numerous times he just sat next to you enabling himself to move a muscle - you made most of the conversation. He felt almost immediately at ease. 

You two daydream together now, talking about little things always related to writing or reading. It is also a way to relax after close calls and the danger of being killed. 

He is the KING at worldbuilding. König has always several ideas coursing through his brain. His mind is sometimes chaotic, full of details. He gave you the impression once that telling the history of one of this world would create a great saga on it own. Moreover, König is so passionate about these little bouts of thoughts put together. 

He is also very aware about tropes and dynamics. His favorite of the latter is the small protector x the big shy character because he can relate. And he also has a soft post for a good ol’ mutual pining or a hypothetical love at first sight - as unlikely as it seems in real life - 

He doesn’t try to write with you though. He knows he is not too good at this, which is weird considering the tremendous amount of time he can spend while reading. Although, König knows he may have a chance if he writes in German. It depends on you being able to understand him or not.

König is also a dissatisfactory beta reader, different from Rudy though. He doesn’t dare utter what he judges as flaws because he thinks he’d lose you. He is so happy to be the first reading whatever you are working on because it makes him feel so special. 

He always supports you and tries to relax you when pangs of frustration creeps inside your mind because your writing doesn’t go the way you plan it to be. 

Just like with Soap, what you two have is not understandable by the people around you. What’s more is that König’s anxious nature tends to keep you both distant from the people outside of your little bubble. 

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