Corodva And Rojan - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
Whumpril 2023

Whumpril 2023

Pleasure in Pain #5

Day 2: “Get some rest.”

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I know I’m a day behind, school isn’t helping, but I still want to write so I’m just going to go at my own pace.

Contents: TW amputation, TW blood, Chainsaw, Vampire Whumpee, Lady Whumper, Whumper Turned Whumpee.


Lilith had her arms crossed across her chest, her fingers tapping rhythmically on her bicep. Her eyes were scanning Cordova’s body top to bottom. She finally fixed her eyes to his feet and Cordova’s gaze followed.

“You know, I might have been able to help your legs heal faster by cleaning them up, but your feet are in no position to heal anytime soon. I could cut them off if you want them to heal faster.”

Cordova’s eyes widened. He was finding it harder to believe that she spoke of the act of amputation so nonchalantly. Of course he didn’t want to lose any limbs, he knew they would grow back, but who would wish to be amputated, let alone experience the pain? “N-no it’s fine, I-I can wait for them to heal.”

“Oh please, I’m providing you the mercy of amputating your limbs that have basically become ash. You won’t accept my help?”

“I-it’s not that. I-I just, um, I’ve been without bl-”, Should I say that? What good would it do to tell her I need blood? She obviously knows that and hasn’t offered. “I’m not exactly healing at the highest rate right now.”

“That’s true, you need blood to keep up with your regeneration. Either way, the dead skin has to come off somehow and I don’t have hours to just to peel it off myself.”

She turns around and walks straight to the tools, more like torture devices, and hovers her hand above them as if trying to feel for the right one. She reached to her right and grabbed a chainsaw.

“I think this one would be able to do just the trick. It’ll be able to go straight through the bone. This is definitely the most efficient way. I promise it’ll be worth it.”

Lilith crept forward, teasing the sound of the saw. Cordova’s body shivered. She stood in front of him, holding the chainsaw so that it grazed his right foot. He twitched at the cold steel and his heart rate exponentially increasing with every individual tooth of the saw that took turns touching his skin. “I-I d-don’t think tha-”.

“Didn’t you say you were going to cooperate? That I could do anything I wanted? Why are you being so defiant when you know it won’t change the outcome?”

“I-I’m just-”, scared, “-will you get it over with quickly?”

“If you don’t struggle, it shouldn’t take more than 10 minutes. I’ve had practice.”

Lilith places the saw firmly just above his right ankle. Cordova’s whole body tensed, his fingernails squeezing into his palms, he shut his eyes and faced away as if it would help him forget about what’s about to transpire.

“I’ll tell you what, tomorrow I’ll tell my husband to not do anything to you, so you can heal. Aaannd if you behave, then I’ll consider throwing in some pigs blood.”

Was she seriously bargaining right now? Of course I don’t want to get hurt, and pigs blood tastes like shit but it’s better than nothing. Cordova simply nodded hoping that was enough for her as he prepared himself. Lilith took that as her cue to start immediately.

The sound of the chainsaw echoed off the walls and filled Cordovas ears. The moment the chain hacked into his flesh his shut jaw was pried open by his drowned out screams. He could feel his blood splatter onto his thighs and hands. He reeled his head back as far as the table would allow. His wrists pressed into the silver restraints causing a searing pain that couldn’t compete against what he was experiencing. The chainsaw, relentless, moved passed the muscle and tendons and provided a new sensation that stopped any noise from coming out of his mouth. The chain hit his bone with a force that caused it to rattle up his right leg. Cordova swore he could feel it crack with the power of an earthquake. His foot was hanging slightly off on one side, practically doing some of the work for Lilith as it pulled on the other side. She finished but cutting off the remaining flesh. His foot hit the ground with a thud as the chainsaws visceral sound died down. Cordova hadn’t realized he was crying until he heard his own sobs, he grimaced as he inhaled sharply as if trying to keep his screams to himself.

“One more~”, Lilith said in a singly voice.

Before Cordova could mentally prepare himself, Lilith started to repeat what she had done to his left foot. Halfway through, Cordova was barely conscious, not making a single noise, eyes fluttering. His other foot dropped to the floor. Lilith placed the chainsaw down on the floor and picked his feet up like they were shoes. She walked towards the table and pulled out a waste bin dropping both into it. She wiped her hands on her coat and picked up the chainsaw as to put it back where she found it. Lilith pressed the button and the table leveled itself out horizontally. Cordova didn’t react, if anything it made it easier for him to slip into unconsciousness. Lilith made her way out, but before closing the door she turned to look at Cordova.

“Get some rest.”


Date: April 2, 2023

Taglist: @turn-the-tables-on-them @whumpril

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1 year ago
Whumpril 2023

Whumpril 2023

Pleasure in Pain #6

Day 3: “Hold still.”

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I feel like I’m being so mean to Cordova… sorry not sorry.

Contents: TW blood, TW swearing, TW fear, Threatened with Burning, Vampire Whumpee, Whumper Turned Whumpee, Failed Escape Attempt, Mentions of Amputation, Carewhumper, Defiant Whumpee.


Cordova, although practically forced into unconsciousness, had his first rest since he had arrived. Unbeknownst to him, Rojan was sitting on a chair across from him, he didn’t wake up to the door opening. Rojan considered forcing the vampire awake, but Lilith made it clear that there shouldn’t be any pain today. Even though he agreed to that, he couldn’t believe that she was willing to give this pipsqueak pigs blood. Its probably because he’s younger.

Rojan got up and walked around Cordova to asses the injuries. Any sign that he was ever burned was gone, no sign of burnt flesh anywhere. He saw the two amputated feet and realized how quickly he was regenerating. Lilith said she cut just above the ankle, and yet I can already see the heel of both his feet. That’s fast for a vampire who hasn’t been given a consistent source of blood. Is it because he’s young or is it something else?

Cordova stirred. He tried to pull his hands up but was stopped by the restraints. His eyes felt like they were forced to stay closed, but his mind was awake. He could hear footsteps walking around him, soon stopping next to his right side.

“Hey, wake up.”

Cordova recognized Rojans voice and his head turned to his left side as if trying to avoid him. His body tensed and his hands balled into fists. Even if he could open his eyes, he didn’t want to now. He just wanted to stay asleep, nothing happened when he was asleep.

“Cordova, I’m not gonna hurt you, don’t worry. My wife already chewed me out about it. Look I have something for you.”

Cordova carefully opened his eyes as he looked towards Rojan. His eyes immediately darted to the bag of blood in hand. He could tell it wasn’t human, but it was blood. Saliva started to build up at the mere sight of it.

“Now I’m going to take the restraints on your hands off. If you don’t do anything stupid, then you can have this whole bag, got it?”

Cordova’s eyes were practically sparkling as he nodded his head. Rojan took off the first restraint. Cordova could feel his hand betray him as it immediately tried to reach out, but he found the will to stop himself. Rojan chuckled, then made his way over to the other side. He took the restrain off and Corodva couldn’t help but immediately sit up straight. He looked at his wrists, his skin was droopy and loose, pigmented with hot red. He didn’t realize how relieving it would be for the restraints to be off, he had gone numb to the pain but it felt amazing to have them off.

“Sooo, you want this right?”

Rojan shook the bag in front of Cordova. He couldn’t take it anymore. With lightning fast accuracy, Cordova stripped the bag away from Rojan before he could even think. He sunk into the bag and drained it within seconds. His breathing was erratic and his hands were shaking. Rojan looked towards Cordova’s feet and saw them regenerate within the minute. Rojan was fascinated, normally vampires weren’t effected by pigs blood and only ever healed from human blood, it was more of a way to satiate their hunger, but Cordova showed signs of healing from other factors.


Cordova was starting to calm down and soon noticed his now intact body. He felt amazing. The pigs blood didn’t taste great but it made him feel just like human blood did. He started to feel energized. Rojan must have noticed it too.

“Alright, time to go back down.”

Cordova’s eyes went wide. His hands were free and all he needed to do was free his ankles… this is a perfect opportunity. “No.” Cordova growled and shoved Rojan as hard as he could. He flew across the room until his back hit the wall. He immediately got to work on his ankles. The palms of his hands touching the silver seared his skin making him hiss in pain. He forced himself to get past the pain and managed to break the restraint on his right leg. He started to get to work on his left leg, but was stopped by Rojans voice.

“Hold still.”

Cordova looked up and saw Rojan standing next to the lever. He froze and stopped immediately. His heart started to pound out of his chest. He was so distracted with escaping that he hadn’t noticed Rojan get up.

“I heard you had a panic attack just from the mere thought of the sun, if it scares you that much then I suggest you lie back down or else I’ll leave you burning for hours.”

Cordova pulled his arms towards his chest protectively as his breathing became labored. He slightly shook his head. Rojan could see his pleading eyes making a grin appear on his face.

“Then lay the fuck back down, or so help me god.”

The vampires shivering body slowly reclined back and he laid flat on the table. He stared at the ceiling with terror, hoping that it wouldn’t move a single inch. Then Rojan appeared to his right, but he didn’t dare to look at him.

“I can’t believe you fucking broke one of the restraints. You know what we’re going to have to do right?”

Cordova finally looked at Rojan with a confused expression, one underlined with fear. Wouldn’t it have been enough to just restrain my hands again?

“We’re going to have to cut off your entire leg.”


Date: April 3, 2023

Taglist: @turn-the-tables-on-them @whumpril

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