Defiant Whumpee - Tumblr Posts
Second Attempt at Writing
Hey guys! I’m back! I’m sorry this took so long, I work retail and this weekend was hell, and my depression has been seriously kicking my ass. So this... this isn’t my best work. I tried really hard to hit all the notes I wanted to, but we’ll just have to see. So enjoy, if you can, my continuation of part one.
By the way, @winedark-whump This is mostly because of you. Enjoy!
Line Break (please pretend I can’t figure out how to put in an actual line)
“A thief like you must be very brave.” Endeavor purred, the knife poised right over Michael’s heart. “You know the consequences of your actions.”
“Fortune favors the brave.” Michael stuttered out, desperately trying to fake a confidence he didn’t have the strength for.
“Oh love, stop it.” Endeavor sighed, as if dealing with an unruly child. “We both know that you would truly do anything to make sure I don’t ruin this lovely piece of art. I certainly hope I don’t have to; it’s a very touching piece.”
Endeavor ran his thumb over the heartbeat lines, then tracing over the words Michael had been able to piece together from different letters and scraps. Feeling Endeavor’s finger trace over Sam’s handwriting “I will always love you” broke what defiance he had left.
“Please. Please don’t.” Michael hated how pathetic he sounded but he knew Endeavor would rip through the last piece he had of his love. After everything, he couldn’t lose anything else. “I’ll do anything.”
“So you will tell me where the diamonds are?” Endeavor asked.
“I’ll return them. All of them. You can count, I’ll give every one of them back.”
Endeavor pouted. “Oh I’m afraid that’s not enough, my love. I can’t trust you not to run away the first chance you get. Or to lead us straight into an ambush.”
Endeavor lowered the knife to right underneath the edges of the ring, then dragged it across his chest. Nausea rolled in Michael’s stomach, as fresh blood dripped down his chest. In the back of his mind, a tiny flame ignited.
“I take it the ring was meant to be his, am I correct?” Endeavor smiled, though it seemed more a grimace. “Obviously, the handwriting is his, I’m assuming the peaks and lows are his heartbeat or perhaps yours when you said his name, all enshrined in a wedding ring. Very touching. Did you design it yourself?”
Michael could only nod, his voice having left him.
“Lovely. Oh how I wish that love could’ve been directed towards all humanity instead of one person.” Endeavor placed a gentle kiss over the last words Sam ever said to him.
With an explosive burst, his previous defiance came back full force. That tattoo was not meant for anyone else, it was meant for him. He wouldn’t let anyone else hurt him like that again. He had lost too much already. He couldn’t lose his self-respect. Sam would never have forgiven him.
“Don’t touch me!” Michael threw all of his body weight against Endeavor, finally finding his voice again. The hero stumbled back in shock, as if unable to comprehend that Michael wouldn’t submit. “Don’t you dare touch me, you deluded power-grubbing asshole. You are not my love, you are not my light, you are not the reason I go on living! The cops may allow you to try and coerce me into confessing but you will not touch me anymore! I’m not some porcelain doll for you to fantasize over!”
Somehow, in his long career of stealing from practically everyone and causing untold mayhem and panic, Michael had never been outright stabbed. Sure, he’d been shot at, burned, and had his left arm blown off, but never outright stabbed.
Michael didn’t even know he’d been stabbed until he saw the knife in his stomach. At first, he’d thought Endeavor had taken his advice and changed his lineup of torture with a strong electrostatic charge. But when he’d looked down, he found a three inch knife sticking out of his stomach.
“You would kill me,” Michael coughed, feeling heat build in his stomach as if he was walking the very face of the sun, “over some lousy diamonds?”
“Kill you? Never, love, never.” Endeavor pulled the knife out swiftly, a guttural scream following out of Michael’s mouth. “Do you know why I got into this business? My gift is helping people, just as yours is destroying everything you touch.”
Endeavor put his hand over the stab wound and glowed purple. Michael started to feel the nerves and muscles trying to knit themselves back together.
“You see,” Endeavor spoke as if Michael wasn’t screaming bloody murder under his touch, “my gift is not meant for hospitals. I don’t have the gift of anesthesia like many other healers do. I can stitch people back together after they’ve been hurt but unfortunately they feel every moment of it. That’s why I got into the hero business. I could get information that no one else can without actually endangering lives.”
Michael forced himself not to throw up, not to show that much weakness. He wouldn’t give Endeavor the satisfaction.
“Oh my darling, I know it hurts.” Endeavor gently ran his bloody hand down Michael’s face. “Tell you what, you promise to be good and I won’t ruin that heartfelt reminder of the only creature who would ever love you.”
Michael took what little strength he had and glared at Endeavor.
“I think I’ll take that as a no.” Endeavor sighed. “Such a pity. It really is beautiful, darling.”
Endeavor pulled his hand back, knife poised to tear Michael’s chest to shreds.
A familiar whooshing sound filled Michael’s ears. Then a scream. It took Michael a moment to realize the scream didn’t come from him. Endeavor dropped the knife, but held another blade. No, a blade had been thrown into his hand. A very particular blade. Familiar, even.
“If you don’t mind, I’d really rather you let him go.”
That first time Defiant Whumpee's finally crumble and whisper 'please...' 😩
“Oh, darling,” the whumper cooed. They looked down at the whumpee, snivelling and crying on the floor. The whumpee shook, heaving with sobs and exhaustion, tear tracks cutting lines through the dirt on their face. The whumper leaned down a stroked hand down their cheek, ignoring the soft flinch from the whumpee.
The whumper smiled, tucking a lock of hair behind the whumpee’s ear. “You look so fucking pathetic.”
Rescued defiant Whumpee who deoesn't exactly realise they're not in captivity anymore.
(Cw: Captivity aftermath, conditioned whumpee, nonhuman whumpee kinda?)
(W): "Go on. Do your worst" (C) ".... Whumpee, look at it closely. It's a tiny bandage. With a kitten pattern on it. At this point I don't know what else to use to be even less threatening"
(C:) "You should at least try to eat. If you don't like this type of food, you can-" (W:) "What? Starve? Or let you push it down my throat? No matter how creative can you be, you won't impress me" (C:) "I meant tell me your preferences. I'm still learning to cook, you know"
(C:) "Do you want a hug?" (W:) "Do I have a choice to NOT be anywhere near you?" (C:) "Dude, you could just say no :'c "
(C:) *comically tearing up* "At this point I don't think you even like me a tiny bit!!" (W:) "S-stop that. What are you doing?" (C:) "What do you think?! I'm crying, cause you refuse to be friends with me! And I tried so hard!" (W:) "....s-stop that watery thing. I don't like it. It's concerning"
whump idea: screaming
cw: recapture, screaming, gag, car, references to past trauma, young whumpee, kidnapping, a lot of swearing/vulgar language, ehh stuff like that
Whumpee is walking home. It’s been a few weeks since she’s escaped her kidnapper Whumper—she’d been there a couple months, hadn’t even been the worst couple months she’d ever had, especially compared to the other incident—and she’s feeling better.
Or at least that’s what she’s telling herself. Truthfully she’s just as jumpy as always.
And tonight is no exception. In fact she’s feeling even worse tonight. She’s walking home after hanging out with her best friend all day. It had been great, she absolutely loves her best friend, but she’d stayed a little later than she’d meant to and now it’s pretty dark out. She feels strangely paranoid and she’s not quite sure why.
No, she does know why. She’s been jumpy ever since her first kidnapping, two or three years ago. She’d barely started recovering from that when Whumper had kidnapped her, that bastard.
Whumpee starts walking faster. She knows she’s just being stupid and paranoid as always, but she can’t shake the feeling that she’s being watched. And also maybe followed—no, no, she’s being ridiculous.
She’s going to get home just fine, and when she does she is going to sit on a fucking counter to exposure therapy herself. (It hasn’t really done anything other than make her unreasonably anxious yet, but she’s sure it’ll work at some point.)
But then Whumpee feels something. Nothing physical, nothing at all, but just a feeling, a feeling of something being Very Wrong. She can’t help it, she starts to turn around to look—
And then hands are on her.
Someone grabs her around the waist, someone much bigger than her, with rough hands and smelling of cigarette smoke.
Whumpee reacts immediately, shrieking and kicking at her attacker.
“..stop screaming,” a voice whispers into her ear. “I told you I’d find you again.” It’s Whumper’s voice.
Whumpee goes into a fit of terror. HELL NO, she is NOT being kidnapped again, she absolutely will not stand for it. No.
She starts to scream. As loud as she fucking can, screaming her fucking throat raw. She is NOT going back. She is not going ANYWHERE except HOME.
“HELP!!!” Come on. There’s gotta be someone nearby, someone who will wake up or who is already awake, someone who will care enough to save a poor teenager being kidnapped. Right? SOMEONE WILL SAVE HER, RIGHT?
She’s so fucking sick of this. She doesn’t wanna go back and she doesn’t wanna go anywhere with anybody, especially not Whumper. While Whumper isn’t the very worst person she’s ever had to deal with, he’s certainly not someone she ever wanted to see again. Fuck this guy anyways.
“Shut up,” Whumper snaps, glancing around to make sure they’re not being follows as he drags Whumpee towards his car.
Whumpee starts to scream louder. She’s getting more desperate. She will NOT go in that car, she absolutely REFUSES.
And then Whumper pulls a piece of cloth out of his pocket and ties it around Whumpee’s head in a gag. Whumpee struggles uselessly. She tries to scream again but her voice is muffled.
Whumper forces her facedown into the backseat of the car, wrenching her arms painfully behind her back and tying them with a length of rough cord. Whumpee feels tears begin to prick at the back of her eyes as she screams her fucking heart out. It’s not enough. It’s not fucking enough.
The car door slams shut. It sounds like a nail in a coffin. Then Whumper climbs into the front seat and starts the car.
The car starts moving. Whumpee has been kidnapped. Again.
(Hello!! Author’s note!! This is technically a oneshot of one of my OCs, but you can apply it to any character!! I also do not mind if you’d like to reblog and continue the story!!)
edit: changed Whumpee’s pronouns to she/her because she’s supposed to be based off of my OC anyways :D
part three of a list of Whumpee polls, cause i’m curious what kinda Whumpees y’all got :D
God, I love tank characters. The fighters. The ones not afraid of getting handed pain or causing it. "I draw the attention to me so they focus on ME and not my teammates 😋"
Could you do a series of lines of a defiant whumpee breaks down over time? I'm having trouble portraying it properly.
First day.
“You think you’re scary? Fine then. Do your worst.”
Fifteenth day.
“H-How long are we gonna be doing this, huh? M-Might– might as well let me go at some po— AGH!”
Thirty-first day.
“Yes, Sir..? Nah, that’s fucking weird, I’m not calling you—...I- I mean.. Y-Yeah. Sorry, Sir.”
Fiftieth day.
“No, no no wait! I- I’m sorry Sir, I’m sorry for mouthing off, just please..don’t...”
???????????th day.
“S-Sir please. No more, I– please. I’ll behave.”

IM SO EXCITED FOR THIS!!!! here’s some sneak peaks of how the website looks right now (if you don’t know what I’m talking about go to my page and look at my pinned post. In short I’m making a whump specific website that’ll be catered towards the whump community).
This site will be free for all, I have no access to your private info except your account name, and it’ll be easier to find prompts/stories that cater to your interests.
Also I need your help in making this an amazing website! Comment or message me some tropes that would be good to add, AND/OR send me some images you’ve done that would be good image headers for these specific tropes! I want you to be involved as well!
I haven’t made an interactive website to this extent before so if you’re interested in helping me try it out and let me know how it goes for you, comment in this post/DM me that you want to view and I’ll send you a link!
Defiant Whumpee is being tortured and Teammate is forced to watch. Teammate is more distressed then Whumpee but refusing to crack while Whumpee spits insults at Whumper. Eventually, Whumper decides that they aren't going to break and puts them both in a cell while they try to think of another method to get to them.
Whumpee uses the last of their energy to crawl over to Teammate, lay their head in Teammate's lap, and cry themselves to sleep, knowing that they have to do it all over again when they wake up.
Yay!! If that's the case, could I please request a hero whumpee that gets drugged and kidnapped by a possessive whumper please?
You got it!
CW: Drugged unconscious, kidnapped, bound, possessive protective whumper
"...Mm..." Whumpee groaned, trying to force their eyes open, but all they could make was a sliver of blurry lights and shapes.
"Ah, there you are. That had me worried for a moment." A voice huffed. Whumpee looked up to see a face standing over them; they had a smug grin and sharp eyes darting them up and down.
".... Who- who are you?" Whumpee groaned, trying to straighten up. They froze when they felt tight bindings all over their body, crudely trying them to a cold metal chair. Whumper chuckled again, leaning back to watch them realize and struggle.
"Just call me a fan. You're a hero after all, I'm sure you have plenty..." They offered a cup of water, holding it to their lips as whumpee shied away. They wanted to refuse, but they were dehydrated enough they took a few sips without fully thinking.
"You were out for quite some time. I almost thought I killed you for a few hours." Whumper hummed. Whumpee gasped after finishing and glared up at them, panting through a growl of teeth. "You-.. You can't do this, you have to let me go!" They shouted.
"No no no tsh shhh sh, don't speak." Whumper stammered, sticking their finger in their face. "Don't you see? I'm on your side. I'm saving you. You were out there doing everything by yourself. I watched you every time - time and time again, collapsing after every encounter, struggling to keep your balance, your composure." Whumper ranted, angrily re-filling the cup.
"You can't be s-serious! I'm needed out there! I chose this, I'm willing to make this sacrifice!" Whumpee shouted at them.
"-And I'm willing to do you this favor. I'm saving your life." Whumper eyed, settling in a chair across from them. Whumpee froze when they felt that same dizzy spell spike through their head. Their vision blurred and whumper's face warped in shape as their grin grew inhumanly wide.
"Close your eyes, don’t fight it.”
Without wanting to, their eyes fell closed. No matter how hard they fought, they lost the energy to open them back again. Their strength was robbed as their head slowly fell in slack.
“Now don’t you worry, I'll make sure to take good care of you.”
It’s dangerous to go alone, here, take this~ ♡ @grizzlie70 @lave-whump @amethysts-sideblog @whump-it-like-its-hot @thingsthatgowhumpinthenight @yet-another-heathen @whatwhumpcomments @hamiltonwhumpdump @as-a-matter-of-whump @whumpasaurus101 @lonesome–hunter @digitalart-dwa @mabledonut @myst-in-the-mirror @melancholy-in-the-morning @anonintrovert @sunflower1000 @shywhumpauthor @dont-touch-my-soup @batfacedliar-yetagain @uvanuva
Terrible sick whumpees who hate when they get sick that:
- Refuse to lay down a while and think downing any medication available is gonna puff away the sickness.
- Doctor of the team gets sick and thinks the team is too inexperienced/careless to deal with them, so they take care of their vitals, stitching, etc all by themselves.
- “I’ll sleep it off” when they’re literally bleeding out whumpee.
- have whumper take care of them, but know they will pay in full for their mercy later.
- who don’t know how to use medication or stitch a wound, so they try every other remedy they know, making it worse.
- can’t move an inch from the bed, so they have to be spoon fed and helped for necessities and cry seas over it being humiliating.
- Still shaking and sick, but in better shape than other whumpees, so they swallow the discomfort and pain so they can take care of the others.
- “medication and rest? I don’t need medication and rest. That’s for the weak” *proceeds to collapse in high fever”
- Has been alone taking care of the sickness for so long, it has come to the point they can’t even keep food down more than a few minutes. So whumpee has to drag themselves in body and mind to someone who will help them.
Give me whumpees that come out the other side dangerous.
Whumpees that have been absolutely shattered, but instead of breaking into harmless sand they stick themselves back together into razor sharp blades and edges.
Whumpees that have been through hell, and you know just by looking at them that it made them deadly instead of weak.
Whumpees that are starved for touch and affection and will cave into any hug, but will just as easily break the spines of any who would hurt them again without hesitation.
Whumpees that are calculating and clever in the desperate survivalist way that forces them to stay sane and smart and not give in to despair.
Whumpees that did not get rescued so they rescued themselves.
Alright I made an intro post a while ago and then never posted anything lmao so let’s try this again. Hi! I’m MJ (you can call me Jay) and I use any pronouns. I’m a minor so I won’t post anything NSFW but here are some things about me that you’ll probably see on my blog :)
Fandoms I’m interested in: cowboy bebop (my fav), mha, samurai champloo, demon slayer, fmab, megalobox, devilman crybaby, opm, invincible, marvel, DC, and star wars
Tropes I like: defiant whumpee, combat injuries, found family, hero x villain, hiding injuries, fainting, broken limbs/ribs, stab wounds, etc
Tropes I’m not a fan of: sickfics, death, pet whump, animal whump, gaslighting/manipulation, etc
What I do irl: I love to skate, draw, write, and listen to music. I am also a (mostly) practiced boxer so I’d be happy to provide any information I can about writing realistic hand-to-hand combat whump :)
So yeah I can’t wait to stop lurking and actually dive into this wonderful community and get to know you guys :)
June of Doom Day 9
"I should have listened to you"
| Sprain | Defiant | Smoke |
Cw: threats, aggravating injury, creepy whumper
I had fun with this one cause the tags were so random, and who doesn't love a defiant whumpee?
Whumpee lay on the ground, clutching their sprained ankle, and tried to drag themself away from Whumper.
Whumper continued to advance though, and Whumpee was nowhere near fast enough to escape them. Whumpee coughed, feeling the smoke begin to claw its way into their lungs. The fire was getting closer. The heat was beginning to scorch the air and the smoke was thickening with each passing second as Whumper drew closer. The smoke didn't seem to affect them in the slightest.
Whumper crouched before them and grabbed their ankle, yanking them towards them. Whumpee yelped in pain.
"You thought you could get away? Aw Whumpee, did you really think you could escape me?"
Whumpee tried to scramble away but Whumper's grip on their ankle was solid.
"I told you I'd burn down this house if you ever returned, but you never listen. I'll tell you what, if you beg me to take you back, it you admit you should have listened to me, I'll help you back home and fix up this ankle of yours. And if you don't..." Whumper twisted their swollen ankle, eliciting a cry of pain from Whumpee, who began to curse them out.
"I'll never beg you, psychopath!"
Whumper chuckled. "Aw, it's cute that you think that. I'll have you begging soon enough." And with that, they yanked Whumpee even closer and readjusted their grip, standing and beginning to drag Whumpee by their injured foot, right towards the flames.
Whumpee squirmed and kicked but Whumper was too strong, and they could do nothing but scream as they were dragged over the burning furniture.
June of Doom Day 9
"I should have listened to you"
| Sprain | Defiant | Smoke |
Cw: threats, aggravating injury, creepy whumper
I had fun with this one cause the tags were so random, and who doesn't love a defiant whumpee?
Whumpee lay on the ground, clutching their sprained ankle, and tried to drag themself away from Whumper.
Whumper continued to advance though, and Whumpee was nowhere near fast enough to escape them. Whumpee coughed, feeling the smoke begin to claw its way into their lungs. The fire was getting closer. The heat was beginning to scorch the air and the smoke was thickening with each passing second as Whumper drew closer. The smoke didn't seem to affect them in the slightest.
Whumper crouched before them and grabbed their ankle, yanking them towards them. Whumpee yelped in pain.
"You thought you could get away? Aw Whumpee, did you really think you could escape me?"
Whumpee tried to scramble away but Whumper's grip on their ankle was solid.
"I told you I'd burn down this house if you ever returned, but you never listen. I'll tell you what, if you beg me to take you back, it you admit you should have listened to me, I'll help you back home and fix up this ankle of yours. And if you don't..." Whumper twisted their swollen ankle, eliciting a cry of pain from Whumpee, who began to curse them out.
"I'll never beg you, psychopath!"
Whumper chuckled. "Aw, it's cute that you think that. I'll have you begging soon enough." And with that, they yanked Whumpee even closer and readjusted their grip, standing and beginning to drag Whumpee by their injured foot, right towards the flames.
Whumpee squirmed and kicked but Whumper was too strong, and they could do nothing but scream as they were dragged over the burning furniture.
Pleasure in Pain
[ Next ]
Contents: Whump, Fear, Torture, Revenge, Whumper Turned Whumpee, Vampire Whump, Hurt/No Comfort, Silent Begging, Defiant Whumpee, Cut Open, Organs Exposed.
Cordova struggled against the silver restraints as best he could, fighting the paralyzing sensation of the searing pain. His body was stretched out and bound to a table. He couldn’t believe how reckless he had been, to allow a human to catch him by surprise.
The silver door opened, the human looking at the rabid vampire with a tired expression. “Don’t you guys ever sleep, all you’ve been doing is making noise since I brought you here. Aren’t you tired?”
Cordova growled in response, attempting to pull himself up off the table. The human pressed a button and the table lifted itself so the Cordova was at an incline. He leaned forward and tried to intimidate the human, “I swear, when I get out of these, I will rip your throat out and ring you dry.”
“Jeez, you don’t even want to introduce yourself first. I thought vampires were suppose to be all proper and shit. Fine I’ll start, my name is Rojan, now what’s your name?”
“Like I’d tell you, human.” Cordova growled.
Rojan sighed. “You know, being all mean and gloomy isn’t going to help your case. Not that I’m going to treat you nice or anything, but you might catch me in a good mood.” Rojan grabbed a silver knife out of the holster on his left side. “I wonder… have you ever been cut by a blade before… have you ever experienced pain in your life up until now. I doubt it.”
Cordova tensed but his defiant attitude didn’t waver. He glared down at the human, constantly looking at his neck.
“You’re probably wondering what you’re doing here. Not that it’s much of mystery, but I want to tell you a little bit about the reason why. You see, I’m sure you’ve noticed, but I’m not that young anymore. I have a family, or well, it isn’t so whole anymore. My daughter… she was taken from me… by a vampire. My wife and I, well, let’s just say we made a hobby out of our family trauma. We kidnap, torture, and kill vampires… because we don’t want anyone else’s kid to be swooped up by monsters like you. So, although you didn’t take my daughter specifically, you were going to take someone’s the night I took you. I couldn’t stand idly by.”
“You think I give a damn what you think of me human. You’re weak and pathetic…”, Cordova chuckles, “and clearly your daughter was too.”
Rojan was furious. He walked up to the struggling vampire and laid his blade on his chest. Cordova hissed and bared his teeth at the human. Rojan pushed his blade down into Cordovas chest and pulled his knife down, creating an opening that revealed his ribcage. Cordova held back a scream but couldn’t stop a tear going down his cheek. He had never felt pain like this before. He could feel his body attempting to seal the wound, but the human didn’t let up. Every time the wound closed, he would reopen it over and over… and over again. Until one time, the human decided to cut a little deeper, exposed organs made Rojan smile.
“Now this is where it gets fun.” Rojan stared at Cordovas insides like a kid on Christmas. He simply touched the tip of his blade to his liver and Cordova wailed. His body was shaking, he couldn’t describe what he was feeling, it was unnatural, unholy. Rojan laughed at his pain and moved onto his intestines. He made a long precise cut and Cordova could barely make a sound. Tears were streaming, his eyes wide, and despite healing fast, that didn’t stop the pain.
Rojan continued to play with the vampires insides, constantly reopening wounds for what felt like hours. At some point, with Cordovas head lolled to the side, Rojan decided to see how the vampire was doing. They made eye contact, only there was no defiance in Cordova anymore. With pleading eyes, he looked down at Rojan and croaked out a simple, “please…”, barely above a whisper.
“Oh poor vampire, but I was just starting to enjoy this.”
Cordova sniffles back his tears, relieved that the human took a break from cutting, even if it was just to answer him.
“Tell you what, if you tell me your name, I’ll stop for today. Deal?”
Cordovas eyes glazed at the thought of being relieved of this torture. Defiance wasn’t on his mind, at least not for now. All he wanted was to heal. “I-it’s Cordova”.
“That’s quite the name. I guess I’ll leave you alone for now. Oh, but do you mind holding onto this for me?” Rojan plunged his knife straight through the vampire. He missed the organs, but pierced through his back. Cordova cried out as his skin attempted to heal around the knife, the handle peeking out as a reminder. He stayed perfectly still, not wanting the feel the knife touch his insides. His breathing was heavy, and he couldn’t take his eyes off of the handle.
With a big smile, Rojan said, “Well then, see you tomorrow… Cordova.”
Date: Feb 18, 2023
Pleasure in Pain #2
[ Previous / Next ]
I realized people are interested in vampire whump… and so am I. Therefore, I decided to make a second part to this Drabble because I need more whump in my life.
Contents: TW Burning Alive, Fear, Bound, Vampire Whumpee, Defiant Whumpee, Whumper Turned Whumpee, Torture, Hurt/No Comfort.
Cordova didn’t sleep, the presence of the knife in his body was unnerving. The handle sticking out acted as a reminder of how easily he could remove the anomaly if he wasn’t bound by the silver bindings that had been burning his flesh. Every time he tried to relax the knife would brush against any organs near it, causing him to stay tensed.
The silver door scratches the concrete floor. For the first time Cordova looks away from the handle and stares at Rojan. His eyes flare a bright red and he bares his teeth. Rojan sighs as he walks in with some sort of a book.
“You do realize that you don’t look all that intimidating when you’re bound, right?”
“It would be an entirely different story if I was free, you would be shaking, screaming, begging me not to kill you.”
“Well obviously, but that’s not the case now is it. Here, let me show you something.”
Rojan pulled up a chair and sat in front of Cordova. He opened to the first page of the book.
“This is like my scrapbook. Every vampire I’ve ever killed is in this book. Now you’re going to be my 25th kill.” Rojan lifts the book so Cordova can see the page. “See, I put their name, their age, how many days it took for them to ask me to kill them, and one of their fangs. Like a little momento.”
“Do you think I give a shit about your weird custom human? If anyone’s going to die here, it’s going to be you.”
“Says the vampire with a silver knife in his body.”
Rojan stands up and places the book on the seat. He walks over to Cordova who, despite knowing how useless it was, was still trying to break out of his restraints. Rojan placed a firm grip on the handle and pulled the knife out with all his strength. The wound quickly sealed, along with the one on Cordova’s back.
Cordova sighed with relief, it was the first time he had relaxed since it was placed there. Rojan grabbed a handkerchief and wiped the blood from the knife before placing it back in his holster. Rojan slightly chuckles getting the attention of Cordova.
“Sorry it’s just, I mean I thought you vampires were supposed to be like apex predators or whatever, but it’s so easy to catch you guys. I mean all I had to do was wrap a silver chain around you and kick you into a silver box. For such strong creatures, you’re not all that impressive.”
“You dare insult me with your cowardice ways human.”
“Oh please, it’s more like leveling the playing field. Besides, you can live for hundreds of years. Speaking of which, how old are you?”
“Why, so you can put it in your book? Why should I give you the satisfaction human?”
“Because if you don’t then I have a fun activity we can do today. I don’t know if you’ve noticed but do you see that circular shape in the ceiling.”
Cordova looks up and sees it. “What about it?”
“Well, that circle opens up to the sky, and it’s the hour where the sun is at its highest and hottest. Would you like to bask in the sun for a little bit?”
Cordova’s heart skips a little at the thought of burning. He’s never been touched by the sun, but he’s heard other vampires accounts and they had all claimed it was the worst pain they had felt. It was bad enough getting burned alive, but to not be able to die after the excruciating pain is horrific. He tried to keep a poker face to not play into Rojan’s threats.
“Or you could just tell me your age.”
Cordova glared, not saying a word.
“Suit yourself.”
Rojan walked past Cordova as he pulled down on a lever on the wall. The circular doorway slowly opened, exposing the bright blue sky. Cordova’s body tensed in preparation. His chest rising and falling faster as the sky became more visible.
Finally, a ray of sunlight peered through, just missing Cordova’s feet. All he could do was stare at the light as it creeped closer to him. Rojan came back into view and sat in the chair holding the book.
The sun touched Cordova’s feet and immediately got to work at burning his body to a crisp. His eyes went wide with fear and panic as it took little time for the searing pain to cause his skin to dry up and practically bubble as if he was being boiled. His screams filled the room as the table shook violently from his thrashing. His dry skin flaked off, his blood boiled, and whatever was left would be charred to a crisp leaving the lingering acrid smell of charcoal and sulfur filling his nose. The sun climbed up his body as the minutes went by. Every time Cordova thought he would get used to the sensation, an untouched area would go through all the stages of torture, causing him to yell and cry. His lower body was burned, unrecognizably melted away. He hadn’t even noticed when Rojan stood up and walked to the lever, closing the opening in the ceiling.
“As much as your screams were music to my ears, I don’t want you to get used to the worst forms of torture so early. It’ll ruin the fun of breaking you.”
Cordova was breathing loudly, he stayed perfectly still, not wanting to feel his burnt flesh sticking to the table. He could feel his body healing, but at an exponentially slower rate than ever before. He dared to look down and witnessed his blackened skin that had also fallen onto the floor. He gagged at the sight, and the smell was enough for him to wish he couldn’t breathe.
“So, did you have a change of heart, or should I leave you to the sun’s will?”
Cordova shook his head, it was hard for him to get a word out. His throat felt thick from all the crying, and strained from the screaming.
“Well then, how old are you vampire?”
Cordova cleared his throat as best he could and quietly said, “120.”
“Wow, you’re the youngest vampire I’ve caught. No wonder you were so reckless.” Rojan wrote in his scrapbook. “Well, that’s it for today. I do hope you heal up fast, tomorrows going to be a special treat.”
Rojan stood up and left the room, shutting the silver door. Cordova had a constant stream of tears flowing. The stench of his own flesh consumed his nose. It was a smell he wouldn’t forget. It was getting harder by the day to stay strong, but he was still determined to find a way to get out, to find a way to kill that human.
Date: February 27, 2023
Pleasure in Pain #3
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Contents: TW torture, TW nail pulling, TW death threats, TW peeling burned skin, Whumper turned Whumpee, Vampire Whumpee, Female Whumper, Multiple Whumpers, TW electrocution, Past Reference to Burning, Implied Sun Burning, Cursing.
Cordova hadn’t slept, he was exhausted. A lack of blood didn’t benefit his situation either, and it was starting to show in his healing speed. Although his bottom half showed progress in restoring itself, it was relatively slower than it should have been. Occasionally, Cordova would look down to see the progress, and each time he was disappointed to see his melted, flaky, charred body. The smell had long dissipated, or so he thought, his nose could've easily become numb to the stench.
As much as Cordova never wanted to see that human's face again, he began to hope for a distraction from this agonizing process. Coincidently, the sound of the door scrapping the floor echoed throughout the room as if his request was fulfilled. Cordova forced himself to eye the human down, glaring and bearing his teeth as he did before, only this time was different. He relaxed his face into a confused and curious expression as he saw another figure behind Rojan. It was a woman, her hair was dark as midnight and contained by long, thick braids. She had a golden hue to her light eyes accompanied by a pale complexion.
"Hey Cordova, I said today was going to be a special treat. Meet my beautiful wife, Lilith. She will be accompanying you today while I take a break. Just a recommendation, try to stay on her good side. She's also not as social as me, so don't be surprised if she doesn't answer you. Okay, I think that's it, so good luck. Bye amor."
Rojan kissed Lilith and left her and Cordova by themselves. Lilith proceeded to walk towards the confused vampire. She stopped a couple feet in front of him and simply stared at the creature, almost observing him. She finally set her eyes on his legs. They practically sparkled at the sight of them as a small smile appeared on her face. This was unnerving to Cordova, he had remembered the other human speaking of his wife and him hurting vampires together, so he's not surprised by this reaction, but unsettled nonetheless.
Lilith stepped closer and crouched down to be eye level with Cordova's legs. She tilted her head playfully while raising her hand. She reached for the melted, charred flesh which warranted the vampire to flinch at the sudden proximity. She notably retreated her hand back for a second, only to reach back out and graze her fingers on the grotesquely mutilated legs that shivered under her. Cordova couldn't help but growl and hiss at her in an attempt to stop her from irritating his injuries, but she never faltered. Lilith continued to examine the burned flesh and as she hovered over a flaking piece of skin, she instinctively ripped it off without a second thought. The vampire groaned and she looked up to see him glaring with bright red eyes. She returned his defiant expression with an ominous smile.
Lilith stood up and walked behind Cordova, out of his view. The sound of metal clanking together behind him undoubtably made his heart rate rise, but he didn't show it. She came back in front of him with a tweezer and a scalpel.
"Don't even think about using those on me, human." He tried to sound threatening, but his sore throat only allowed for a hoarse voice to be strained out.
Lilith didn't pay any mind to the vampire as she crouched next to the melted flesh again, readying her tools. She used the tweezer to grab onto whatever flesh was peeling away, and continued with the scalpel by slicing the decaying flesh off, laying it gently on the ground. Every time she cut away a piece, Cordova would pull and tug at the restraints as he growled and hissed from the pain of his removed skin.
When she finally took a break to admire her work, Cordova took a peek at his lower half and had finally realized how much the human had cut away. He could see his tibia bone along with his actively reconstructing nerves and tissue. He even noticed an increase in speed in his healing, as if the decayed flesh was prohibiting the process. Did that woman do it on purpose? Cordova thought that couldn’t be the case. His leg closed up in no time and the rest of his lower half did what it could without the dried out skin in the way.
Lilith placed the tools in her right pocket and picked up the pieces on the floor in a delicate manner. She then walked behind Cordova once more. She came back with a broom and swept away the left over shavings. Cordova couldn’t figure out what her deal was. Did she not intend to hurt him? Was she’s putting up a front? He could never understand humans, although it’s not as if he ever bothered to try. As he was lost in thought, the sudden jolt of the table made him acutely aware of his surroundings. The table resorted to a horizontal position, forcing him to lie on his back and face the ceiling.
“My husband calls you Cordova, that is your name, isn’t it?”
The humans voice was soft, gentle, almost like she was talking to a delicate animal she didn’t want to scare away. Cordova had always had a soft spot for women, but that didn’t stop him from hurting them. “Yes… what are you planning to do with me human?” The snap of a glove echoed dramatically.
“Nothing worse than the sun, I can assure you of that.”
Not that Cordova trusted her, but he’d much rather take anything other than the sun again. The sound of a cart being pushed on the right side of the vampire could be heard. Lilith stopped next to his head as Cordova looked on curiously at the assortment of instruments laid out. He had no clue what humans used them for, they were all so foreign. “Are you going to torture me?” He couldn’t help but get the question out of the way.
Lilith rolled up in a chair with wheels and sat next to the cart. She tilted her head slightly. “What gives you that idea?”
“Well you’re not exactly letting me go, and you’re acquainted with that other human who’s already put me through pain, so call it a hunch that you want to do the same.”
“Bluntly, yes, I will. At least to you it’ll be torture, for me it’s science.”
Cordova noticed a pattern in the woman’s manner of speech. She always said things matter-of-factly. In a way it was comforting knowing exactly what he was getting into, but it creeped him out how nonchalant she was.
“My husband says you’re 120 years old. Pretty young, most vampires we’ve had, have been at least 300 years, if not older. They’ve had more experience with pain, unlike juveniles. I would like to test your pain tolerance.”
“I’m still older than you woman.”
As Cordova’s eyes focused on the circular door in the roof, a sudden jolt of electricity flowed throughout his body. His body tensed up and arched off the table. He screamed mostly from shock than the pain. It was more of the unnatural sensation that threw him off, and it felt as if his nerves were being zapped. A constant stream of electricity used his veins as currents to flow all the way to the tips of his body. It finally stopped and his body slumped back onto the table. He was breathing heavily and he quickly shot a glare at Lilith who looked at him with curious eyes.
“Did that hurt?”
Cordova tried to scare her by tugging at all his restraints in unison and exposing his fangs as his eyes glowed red. She didn’t even flinch, not even a blink, just that ominous smile.
“I’ll take that as a yes then.”
At least she was right about one thing, electricity was nowhere near the power of the sun, but if anything it felt more internal then scorching the surface did.
“Have you ever lost a nail?”
Cordova didn’t bother hiding his confused expression. Who loses nails, he wondered. Lilith grabbed pliers off the table and rolled over to Cordova’s right hand. She gripped his pointer finger and he immediately attempted to tug his hand away, but it only reminded him of the burning silver bindings he had long gotten used to. She placed the pliers on his nail, digging slightly under the bed before gripping the tip. In one swift motion, she pulled his entire nail out as if it had never been attached to him in the first place. “FFFUUCK… you biTCH.” Cordova groaned and banged the table with his head in pain and frustration.
“No need for vulgar language Cordova. You can simply say that this experiment hurt.”
In a fit of clouded rage, Cordova spat out at Lilith. “You fucking psychotic bitch, when I get out I’m gonna rip you to shreds and give you to the ravagers so they can tear you apart limb from limb and devour every piece of you till your just bones for dogs to chew on.”
There was a long pause of silence, only Cordova’s heavy breaths were heard and a low chuckle overcame them. The vampire turned his head towards Lilith to see her smiling and holding her stomach with one hand as she laughed. When she was done, she placed the nail on the tray and stood up.
“I can see why my husband gave you the sun so early. It’s been a long time since we’ve had such a truculent subject. I have an idea.”
She walks somewhere out of Cordova’s view and the table readjusted itself to be in an upright position and turned 180 degrees to the area Cordova had never been able to see. It was almost a reflection of other side, except there was an entire wall fool of tools, as well as a tables scattered with boxes and organizational systems. Lilith made her way to a switch and laid her hand on it teasingly.
“How about we give your lower half a break and focus on tanning that face of yours.”
Date: March 28, 2023
Taglist: @turn-the-tables-on-them