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Miło zaskoczył mnie fakt, że poprzedni taki post spotkał się z dość sporym entuzjazm... Więc oto kolejny rysunek.

I was pleasantly surprised by the fact that the previous post was met with quite a lot of enthusiasm ... So here is another drawing.
Celegorm and Huan

Maedhros obviously with his friend

Aredhel and Galadriel

Fëanor and his silmarils
Please wait a moment and don't scroll.

I know that this time it's nothing to do with JRR Tolkien's work, but give me just a moment.I want to tell you a story behind this drawing. But one by one: well, I live in Poland. We had an incident recently. Panicked woman called to a Krakow Animal Care Society .She informed there is an animal, which she called "lagun" sitting in a tree in front of her block for two days. The inspector calmed the woman down and determined that it might be an legwan. The notification was accepted, however, when the appropriate services arrived, on the tree was not an legwan ... but a croissant.
I couldn't help but draw my version of this "amazing creature". I hope you like it.
I would like to add that there was even a song about the lagun (it is only in Polish, but if any of you want to listen to it, I will gladly add a link to it and a translation so that you can fully enjoy it) ☺️

Talion and Celebrimbor from Shadow of Mordor/War

I'm not sure if it's work is pretty.
This time Námo (Mandos), Nienna and Irmo (Lórien)

Yes I know it's been a while since the last post. To be honest, there were a few other works during this time that, however, have nothing to do with the work of JRR Tolkien. I slowly lack ideas for them. But for now, enjoy this latest work.