Cotl The Goat - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago
This Is A New CotL Tarot Card That Apparently Shows Goats Version Of The One Who Waits/Narinder. As You

This is a new CotL tarot card that apparently shows Goat’s version of The One Who Waits/Narinder. As you can see, he’s a white cat with a purple crown. Or at least that’s how it seems. The card is called Renegade Victorious. Its description reads: Those vanquished in this life shall triumph in the next.

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7 months ago

I did it. I drew Goat. Considering doing one for the Bishops too...

I Did It. I Drew Goat. Considering Doing One For The Bishops Too...

Nakey version (in game nudity) below the cut

I Did It. I Drew Goat. Considering Doing One For The Bishops Too...

My brother helped me figure out a bit of the character design, btw. So big thanks to the kid with literally no social media

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7 months ago

I was bored while helping my mom out at her clinic on Friday and I came up with an idea for Narinder and the other Bishops in Goat-verse

I Was Bored While Helping My Mom Out At Her Clinic On Friday And I Came Up With An Idea For Narinder

So Narinder is a Maine Coon cat instead of a British shorthair like my Nari in the Lamb-verse. I like dog Narinder and Lion Narinder, yes, but I like my idea

In the Goat-verse, Narinder is more cheerful and sort of clingy towards his vessel. He misses interacting socially and craves their visits. He's the one who ends up falling first between the two of them while the Goat grows to love him

As the One Who Lingers (instead of TOWW), he understands death to it's full potential and becomes a great help to the Goat upon his indoctrination. They also get instantly married when Narinder shows up because the Goat and Narinder don't have the same emotional constipation as the Lamb and Narinder.

I haven't finished with the Bishops in the Goat-verse, but I will draw them! Just let me rest after my last art piece, lol

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6 months ago

Happy Unholy Alliance day!!!!!!

Happy Unholy Alliance Day!!!!!!

Alternate versions below the cut

without highlights
flat colors
background mockup

(This post was written on August 11th. I'm getting ready to post this now)

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6 months ago

I did a line up! This is mostly for personal use and the lines are NOT completely straight but it sure is a line up

Including the Bishops, the Lamb, the Goat, Dr. Sozonius and the fankids! I'm considering doing one for the followers but that would require me to draw full-bodies of them so idk if I will

without characters
I Did A Line Up! This Is Mostly For Personal Use And The Lines Are NOT Completely Straight But It Sure
I Did A Line Up! This Is Mostly For Personal Use And The Lines Are NOT Completely Straight But It Sure
I Did A Line Up! This Is Mostly For Personal Use And The Lines Are NOT Completely Straight But It Sure
I Did A Line Up! This Is Mostly For Personal Use And The Lines Are NOT Completely Straight But It Sure

I am removing the cross horns from my Bishop designs because I always forget them, so ignore those... uh yeah!

That's everyone! Followers possibly coming soon! (Don’t hold me to it, I'll probably just do the follower partners of the Bishops that aren't here)

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5 months ago

I added my High Priest OCs to the lineup!

I Added My High Priest OCs To The Lineup!

Dayna being generally the same height as Heket actually makes so much sense to me (I didn't do any of this on purpose lmao

Also Felli is now canonically taller than the Lamb, you read it here folks!

I did a line up! This is mostly for personal use and the lines are NOT completely straight but it sure is a line up

Including the Bishops, the Lamb, the Goat, Dr. Sozonius and the fankids! I'm considering doing one for the followers but that would require me to draw full-bodies of them so idk if I will

without characters
I Did A Line Up! This Is Mostly For Personal Use And The Lines Are NOT Completely Straight But It Sure
I Did A Line Up! This Is Mostly For Personal Use And The Lines Are NOT Completely Straight But It Sure
I Did A Line Up! This Is Mostly For Personal Use And The Lines Are NOT Completely Straight But It Sure
I Did A Line Up! This Is Mostly For Personal Use And The Lines Are NOT Completely Straight But It Sure

I am removing the cross horns from my Bishop designs because I always forget them, so ignore those... uh yeah!

That's everyone! Followers possibly coming soon! (Don’t hold me to it, I'll probably just do the follower partners of the Bishops that aren't here)

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