Cult Of The Lamb Bishops - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago
This Is A New CotL Tarot Card That Apparently Shows Goats Version Of The One Who Waits/Narinder. As You

This is a new CotL tarot card that apparently shows Goat’s version of The One Who Waits/Narinder. As you can see, he’s a white cat with a purple crown. Or at least that’s how it seems. The card is called Renegade Victorious. Its description reads: Those vanquished in this life shall triumph in the next.

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7 months ago
Shamura Es Uno De Mis Favoritos, Aunque Yo Le Tenga Pnico A Las Araas

Shamura es uno de mis favoritos, aunque yo le tenga pánico a las arañas

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1 year ago

Fallen gods, new followers

Fallen Gods, New Followers

Fallen Gods, New Followers

Fallen Gods, New Followers

Fallen Gods, New Followers

The fellas. The sillies. The filthy heretics

Some miscellaneous tidbits under the cut ; )

Once integrated into the cult, I would like to inagine that the bishops sort of... pick up jobs opposite of what they represented as gods?

Leshy,rage-filled as he was once he was (unwilling) indoctrinated,found himself a little aimless and more than a little isolated. It took a lot to crack his shell but he eventually became a bit of an every-man, a jack of all trades. He mostly settles with taking care of the farm

Heket, once representing famine,now a mortal bound to the dreadful affects of starvation,found a talent in gastronomy. Her main specialty lies in meat oriented dishes. Aside from that ,she helps the lamb train in physical combat as she can literally punch through concrete

Kallamar,he of pestilence, gets infatuated with medicine and the art of healing. His mortality subjects him to many an infection and thus he dedicates himself to studying was to combat sickness. His house, a box afloat upon a candlelit pond,is surrounded by medical tents

Shamura, avatar of war and conquest, despite their debilitating injury, has found peace with cataloguing the resources of the cult and aiding the lamb in fortifying it . Besides that, they've discovered a hobby in decor and designing

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4 months ago

Your Heket made me act up so bad you don't understand i muttered "mama" under my breath while blushing so hard i love big women that could easily just crush my skull without struggle i love being a lesbian tbh

HEHEHE tbh she has me acting so bad too- why do you think I draw her like that >:]

And here! For you! Since it seems you’re Really Down Bad for Heket, and this can only be cured by a strong diet of More Heket Being a Hot Powerful Goddess

Your Heket Made Me Act Up So Bad You Don't Understand I Muttered "mama" Under My Breath While Blushing
Your Heket Made Me Act Up So Bad You Don't Understand I Muttered "mama" Under My Breath While Blushing

(And now she has TWO girlfriends because she too loves loving women HEHEHE)

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Narinder's birth

CW: childbirth, stillbirth, gore, dead bodies, pregnancy

I took inspiration from Gatsu's birth in Berserk manga, I believe that Narinder could be born from a dead cat's body in a similar setting.

Thank you @rainysnow for the inspiration!








Narinder's Birth

Shamura and Kallamar were thirteen and seven years old, they were on a mission with Haro and Kudaii to learn the art of war in the field.

Kallamar had to practice in the field with weapons, under the strict teachings of Kudaii. Furthermore, he would have been a simple observer of how certain environments favor the profiling of diseases.

During their journey, they came across a macabre scene: a group of heretic corpses hanging from a willow tree. Some were practically reduced to skeletons, others devoured by worms and in an advanced state of decomposition.

Kallamar tried to hold back his vomiting and hid behind Haro, who muttered “How horrible, poor souls…”.

Kudaii, though disgusted, maintained a cynical expression and cast a disapproving look at Kallamar. Shamura was next to Haro, they seemed very intrigued: they are now getting used to the horrors of war, but at the same time they’re shocked by such brutality.

Shamura particularly noticed the hanging corpse of a female black cat, in rigor mortis and brutally wounded and her neck broken tied by the cord.

They particularly noticed the size of her belly, which looked like that of cat who has just given birth, in death. Or maybe, the baby felt from her womb who started to rot.

Shamura lowers their sight: under her feet was her newborn kitten with three eyes, cradled by a mixture of blood, guts and amniotic fluid, still connected to her via the umbilical cord, on which the flies were already landing.

As soon as they notice this apparently dead kitten, Shamura wides their eyes and they run to him, beside Kudai tried to hold them still.

“Shamura! We're leaving!” Haro shouts stritct.

“Sibling, please! You can get ill!” says Kallamar concerned, with a low voice.

Shamura picks the looking dead baby kitten. They observe him, and they look sad because when children are involved in macabre scenarios, their heart breaks.

"Shamura, this baby is already dead! Leave him here!" orders Kudaii.

But when this kitten is on Shamura's arms, starts slowly breathing opening his little mouth, and suddenly cries loudly, shocking everyone.

Narinder's Birth

In Shamura's arms, the kitten let out his first cry, still dirty of a mixture of blood and amniotic fluid.

The young spider breathed a sigh of relief and tears pricked their eyes.

“He’s alive...”

They feel their heart invaded by a deep affection towards this fragile creature born in such a terrible context.

Haro takes a dagegr from Kudaii’s hand.

He approaches towards Shamura, he’s witness by both concerned Kudaii and Kallamar. He’s amazed by this miracle, he dare say.

Shamura looks at him with begging eyes: “Haro! Kudaii! I beg for the Great Ones! Can we keep him? We can’t leave him here! I’ll look at him, I promise! But please, it’s not right to leave him rotting here!”

Kallamar says: “Shamura is right! Can we keep him? I always desired another sibling!”

Haro remains silents for a moment, and he announces those words: "This child has overcome Death itself... he's born from Death, from a dead and rotting womb. Death rules every creature... and only Death can be born from Death."

Haro cuts with the dagger the umbilical cord. Takes the crying newborn kitten from Shamura’s arms, and he raises him towards the light of blood coloured skies.

"You shall be named Narinder, ruler of all mankind, as Death is the ruler of this world".

Narinder's Birth

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the bishops based off the culture their name is from :)

The Bishops Based Off The Culture Their Name Is From :)

Narinder, Sanskrit

The Bishops Based Off The Culture Their Name Is From :)

Leshy, Slavic

The Bishops Based Off The Culture Their Name Is From :)

Heket, Egyptian

The Bishops Based Off The Culture Their Name Is From :)

Kallamar, Greek (calimari is the Greek word lol)

The Bishops Based Off The Culture Their Name Is From :)

Aaaand Shamura, Akkadian (it was hard to find a source for this so I’m unsure)

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after weeks of pretending to work on it i've finally finished my Lamb voice headcanon video (remember when this was like. The Thing everyone was doing. im not late to the party i swear)

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6 months ago

While I Am New To The Fandom, There Is Something I’ve Noticed;

The Bishops Are Idiots.

Think About What They Did For A Moment:

They Committed Mass Genocide, Killing Every Single Lamb, Until MC Is Left.

Idiots. The Lot Of Them! Like- Why Would You Do That??? Logically Speaking.

I Know It’s Explained. But Even THAT Is Stupid!

“Kill Them To Prevent The Prophecy From Happening”

If Anything, Your Making It Happen Faster! You Fucking Morons!

If You Hadn’t Done That, The Lambs Wouldn’t Have Known! The Lambs Wouldn’t Have A Reason To Fulfill It, The Lambs Would’ve Just LIVED THEIR LIVES.

If Anything It Would’ve Taken Longer For Narinder To Be Released!

Just- Wha..?

What Was The Thought Process Here?

“Let’s Kill Every Single Lamb, Speeding Up The Prophecy, And Bringing Us Closer To Deaths Door!”

And Did They Seriously Think Narinder Would Just Sit By, Let The LAST LAMB Permanently Die??

His Ticket Out. Just- What The Hell..?

While I Am New To The Fandom, There Is Something Ive Noticed;

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1 year ago


So, about Leshy...

Apparently, we now have confirmation as to what his exact species is.


At first, the use of “caterpillar” struck me as odd. In-game, there isn’t any real evidence to suggest that he’s anything but an adult. He’s eligible to be married when recruited as a follower, and he can fall in love with other cultists. So I did some Googling on bagworms, and I found something interesting out.


Adult females, larviform, and Leshy is male… As such, I think there’s only one logical conclusion can be drawn here:


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Hapless Leshy , youngest of the five. T'was his eyes he lost. Temperamental Heket, with her throat cut neat. Cowardly Kallamar's ears, torn from his head. And Shamura, once the brightest of the five, 'till their skull was split. See no evil, speak naught, hear nothing and think none. The One Who Waits made it so.


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a piece of paper lays underneath leshy's pillow, unnoticed.

one day, as he reaches underneath, he finds it.

his hands cross it, but detect no physical signs of writing.

merely a blank sheet of painter's paper.


isn't he supposed to do something with this?

he reaches into the mud.

he has not seen mud in many years. the crown could not give him sight, even if he was a god. he could only sense its presense and know it was there.

now, without the crown, he could see nothing.

mud, he remembered, was brown. what was brown again?

it had been so long, he could not remember.

his muddy fingers scrape the paper, forming some sort of shape that he does not know.

what is he doing?

time time time later he still holds the paper. his hand is devoid of mud.

he does not know what is on it, whatever it may be.

i miss painting, he might think, if he could remember something so long ago.

on the paper is a perfectly drawn, muddy crown.

in the center is a triangular eye, stained green with grasses.

leshy leaves the paper outside to blow away in the hot nighttime breeze.

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after her throat was cut, did heket try to scream?

did she starve?

did she bleed?

after his eyes were taken, did leshy try to see?

did he cry?

did he bleed?

after his ears were taken, did kallamar try to hear?

did he strive?

did he fear?

after their mind was taken, did shamura try to shed a tear?

did they think?

did they fear?

five does not become four if they already were nothing.

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