The Goat Cotl - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago
This Is A New CotL Tarot Card That Apparently Shows Goats Version Of The One Who Waits/Narinder. As You

This is a new CotL tarot card that apparently shows Goat’s version of The One Who Waits/Narinder. As you can see, he’s a white cat with a purple crown. Or at least that’s how it seems. The card is called Renegade Victorious. Its description reads: Those vanquished in this life shall triumph in the next.

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8 months ago

Unholy Alliance feat Mystic Seller

Mystic Seller: Infant God, does thou know not thine actions has cons-

Lamb: hey look I made a new friend, they've got a Crown just like me!

Goat: 'ello

Mystic Seller:

Mystic Seller: what the fuck. what the fuck is that.

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6 months ago


so in the lastest chapter of Daughter of Death and Darkness I brought up the Goat, but just not in the way he appears in the game (not naked and without a crown), he instead works for the species that is the Mystic Seller.

Well, wouldn't it be crazy if the Purple Crown, which is sealed in the basement of Lamb's temple, was to suddenly vanish. Lamb is panicking, Narinder is confused and Shamura is of no help.

When suddenly the Goat appears, furious and ready to throw hands because his halo has been replaced with the Purple Crown and he can no longer communicate with his deity. The purple crown chose him because of how violent he is. he's always been ready to throw hands at the slightest hint of trouble. the mystic seller and its kind are put off by this individual but his patron is like "nah he's cool." <- knows it's only a small time before he's chosen to become the next heretical God of War, figured it could at least try to put its ideals into the Goat before he's chosen to become a God.

Probably not gonna make a fic of it but it's something I'm thinking about and wouldn't that be crazyyyyyy

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6 months ago

the Goat

wouldn't it be fucked up that when the Goat gets the Purple Crown he immediately hunts down Lamb and violently tries to attack them., screaming and shouting they did this to him.

Then the Goat freaks out and starts hyperventilating and crying when the reality of the situation sinks in.

He's not happy the Purple Crown picked him, he's fucking scared and terrified of what this means. Instead of accepting that he's been chosen for his true nature, he wants to blame the Lamb for it all. After all, he talked to them a few months ago, their godlike germs must've gotten on him. Or they released the Purple Crown to be cruel.

He was rather violent and hot-headed as a doeling, he nor his parents knew why he was so aggressive. He threw tantrums, broke horns, broke limbs, and pushed and punched fellow kids. He even once bit a Priest when they mistakenly called him by the wrong name. A cold fire burned within him, and his parents were afraid (and deep down inside he was too) he'd never live a normal life, and would someday be banished from the community. But he couldn't stop himself, he was just so... so... angry at nothing. At everything.

However when he was chosen by his successor, her Master (which is the same species as the Mystic Seller) he was taught discipline and ways to calm himself. He grew out of his temper and roughness thanks to schedules and discipline, though he is rude to those who worship the Gods.

He's devoted to his Master because it pretty much soothed his rage, gave him not only powers, a halo, but a new title and shed his old identity. He was essentially reborn and would gladly spend a hundred years being its mouthpiece until it desired a new Messenger. He knew its true name, he knew its prayers inside and out.

After all, it is an ultimate being, one who can see the threads of the worlds, time means nothing to it, it can never age or die, even if it is forgotten about. Heretical Gods and entities that lurk in the world are beneath it and its kind. To become a worshipper of a God is a sin and heavily frowned upon.

So to lose his halo, to lose his title of Messenger, is horrifying on its own, he is now a false idol that the Priests lectured against. But... he's lost the one thing he turned to to help curb the aggression within him. He cannot remember its name, for mere mortals and Gods cannot comprehend its true name, nor the true name of the others,

He's also lost his community, a sadistic twist to what he feared all along. What his parents had worried about came true, just not in the way they expected.

And worst of all, the thing he once called 'My Lord' and sent prayers to, said absolutely nothing before his halo was replaced by the Purple Crown in his sleep. It essentially iced him out, and he'd later learn it only picked him to instill piety and discipline within him for the cycle that will never be broken. It nudged him to learn about the past and the mistakes that had been made by his predecessor. He had essentially been groomed to become a better God of War, not a Messenger.

The Goat

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6 months ago

WIP of The Goat

WIP Of The Goat

If I don't post this I will cry. The angst and religious trauma must be shown to the world.

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6 months ago

someone is not having a fun morning

Someone Is Not Having A Fun Morning

WIP of The Goat

WIP Of The Goat

If I don't post this I will cry. The angst and religious trauma must be shown to the world.

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5 months ago

Goat post Catholic Guilt

Aka after Goat accepts the fact he's the new God of War despite his deep hatred toward heretical Gods (but mostly the Crowns because they're parasitic)

Goat usually hangs out at Cult of the Lamb but he often wanders back into the domains to vent his anger and frustrations out on heretics, but only for Darkwood, Anura and Anchordeep. In Silk Cradle he collects things from Shamura's domain (mostly things he can repurpose into his image/symbols, their books, and followers.) He's yet to pick a place to establish his domain, for he refuses to dwell in Silk Cradle. Only insects enjoy such a dark, cramped and damp place.

Goat also puts off establishing his Cult, refusing to come up with a name. Right now he's just 'plotting' and 'planning', by that I mean just killing people and stealing their stuff and collecting weapons.

He eventually makes his way back to the Cult of the Lamb where he enters Lamb and Narinder's relationship, though he seems to favor Narinder far more than Lamb. So they're a polycule that's only a polycule when Goat kisses Narinder and (reluctantly) cuddles with Lamb. Narinder's the primary husband and Lamb is the spare spouse.

Goat Post Catholic Guilt

What's the Lamb-Narinder-Goat throuple name?

Also he was initially hesitant when it came to physical and sexual intimacy since the religion goatkind follows preaches that sex should only occur for reproduction. But Lamb and Narinder helps ease him out of his discomfort. (Both are way too experienced with easing each other out of discomfort, thanks trauma.)

Their bed gets cramped at night with there being three adults and a quickly growing child. (and they might have to get a bigger bed when NariLamb gets three shittens... ((only when they're old enough to be in a bed))

Limos + eventual shittens sees him as the "Bonus Papa", the cool guy who shows up every few weeks. He tries keeping his distance but Limos is determined to win him over. At the cost of her being put in timeout for "tormenting" Bonus Papa because she "stalked" and "cornered him" every time he stepped outside. pfft, whatever that means. He is the perfect, no, the ultimate bedtime snuggler because he's the blend of Narinder's warmth with hints of Lamb softness. He does eventually warm up to her.

He goes to Shamura for advice but he holds no attraction or affection to Shamura, or any of the former Bishops, really. (THE IRONY THO, THE IRONY. YOU ARE FUCKING THE NEW GOD OF DEATH AND THE FORMER GOD OF DEATH WHO WAS A BISHOP YOU CLOWN.) Though he is a God now his upbringing and strict teachings by the Church has made him biased. He does wish he could "borrow" Witness Allocer because of the spider's devotion to Shamura/Lamb, and for his wisdom, but the spider wouldn't leave Cult of the Lamb for his Cult.

Unlike Shamura whose library is filled with texts and scrolls on all sorts of information, Goat's eventual library will only be filled with texts and scrolls on wars, battle training, politics, and related documents.

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5 months ago

Goat: i'm upset rn

Lamb: want me to hold your hand?

Goat: no that's gay asf


Lamb: Goat you've been in a throuple with me and my husband for a month now.

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