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Hello! I'm also an autistic disabled person and I've thought about getting a cane but I haven't pulled the trigger on it yet. What made you decide? Is it an every day thing or a some days thing? Idk I'm just trying to gather info ig.
Hey! It took me a while to decide to do it honestly but realizing that I don’t need to push myself is a big part of it. I’ve always been a person who has pushed themself to do everything perfectly and I’d get really frustrated when I couldn’t and to be honest I’m still like that. It wasn’t until recently (got my first cane back in January) that I realized that having a mobility aid or aids would help me be able to do what I wanted how I wanted was a big part too.
Also I came to the realization that people don’t think about/dream about how much a cane or mobility aid would help them if they don’t need or would not benefit from it.
I was constantly worried about how other people would perceive me and as an Autistic person I struggle with knowing how people perceive me so I’m always self conscious of that but ive come to realize that the opinions of others don’t mean Jack shit compared to my comfort. Additionally, I was really scared to be rejected by my family and loved ones and to an extent I have faced some ableism from them (my mother especially) the way my mobility aids have helped me way out weigh that.
Basically just coming to terms with the fact that I can’t do everything the same way as everyone else, realizing that people who don’t need it don’t think about it, and that I should prioritize my health and comfort over my fears of how others perceive me. The comfort and safety of my body is the most important thing so I decided to finally listen to the part of me that has been begging for help.
I HATE cobbled streets with a passion OML my cane and crutches both struggle with them and keep slipping into cracks especially since it rained today
I hate feeling guilty and letting my parents down for using my crutches because they see me not using them as “doing better”.
I’m literally an adult who lives in AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT STATE from my parents why does their opinion on my disabilities (or lack there of in their opinion) impact me to the point I have to battle myself every time I use them.
I just don’t understand how they don’t see that I’ve had so much pain and other issues my whole life with the sheer number of times we had to go to urgent care for my constantly hurt ankles, knees, hips, shoulders, elbows, hands etc. While I was growing up.
For context my parents are of the mindset that I’m lazy and just need to exercise and eat well and I’ll be fixed and have no more problems.