Babe With A Mobility Aid - Tumblr Posts

I feel seen. He’s just in there doing everything he can to get out while also screaming

It feels like there is a little man under my kneecaps trying to get out

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So as y’all know Ive started using crutches because of my chronic pain (and also my pots) but my mom is very dismissive of both my pain and all the other shit up with my body so I’m honestly kinda scared to go home for a couple weeks because I don’t know if I’ll feel comfortable enough to bring and actually use my mobility aids even if I just use my cane. I just really wish my parents took my pain and fatigue and etc seriously instead of just saying “you just need to workout more” or “you just need to eat better” when I know that neither of those nor the THOUSANDS of other things they suggest won’t take away the pain I’ve been in my entire life.

I just want my parents to actually care that I’m in constant pain and not make me feel guilty for using things that actually help

Also wtf is up with abled people and thinking that using mobility aids will make those of us who use them worse??? Like I’m pretty sure me being able to walk more because of my crutches is better than me barely being able to walk a couple blocks without them. (Technically I can walk further than that but it starts to get really painful at that point)

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Going home to my parents today and I’ve brought my Mobility aids with me (crutches and cane) and honestly I’m terrified of how my parents are going to react but I’ve decided to put my health and pain above their opinion and I’m honestly really proud of myself for that.

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Non caps: mobility aids are not fucking toys goddamn it. They are not here for you to play with!!!!

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Not my mom trying to walk with my crutches today and asking me if I can “do any fun tricks like idk spin around” with them.


1. Don’t touch them. I didn’t say you could touch them and it’s disrespectful to mess with someone’s mobility aids

2. Don’t fucking play with them they are how I get around you could break them

3. Don’t touch my shit if I don’t say explicitly you can touch it

4. The fuck do you mean a spin??? Are you asking me to do a color guard toss or???

No I didn’t say any of this to my mother cause hahaha I hate confrontation and simply didn’t have the energy. I was literally IN THE MIDDLE OF A NAP that I desperately needed after going to the doctor.

Also Who’s gonna tell her not to barge into my damn room?? Evidently not me cause I’ve told her and she still doesn’t listen

I guess a good thing regarding my parents and my mobility aids is that they’ve just let me be and not questioned me too much though they do give me the “look” of “do you REALLYYYYYYYY need that”

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Had a group of teens laugh at and make fun of me for walking with my cane today. Wtf y’all wtf.

Is decency not a thing? Is kindness non existent? I am just a person and sure I use a mobility aid but goddamnit that doesn’t mean you cam/should laugh or make fun of me or any other disabled person for how they walk or behave and what not

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The fuck is up with abled people and thinking that using or having a mobility aid makes us weak? Or that our goal should be to not use them? Why can’t they just accept that using mobility aids is not a bad thing and that we use them because they help and give us more freedom? My mobility aids enable me to do so much more than I can without them and my goal is not to get rid of them or not use them or whatever my goal is to have the ability to do what I want and be independent and not be in excruciating pain. Maybe at some point I wont need my mobility aids but right now I do so idk about other disabled people but stop telling me to try to not use something that makes my quality of life so much better and stop telling me to get better soon I’m just trying my best and the fact people don’t see that is really disheartening just because I don’t fit what someone thinks i should look like or be doing to “get better” doesn’t mean they should feel free to tell me their opinions on my body and what I do to accommodate myself

Honestly this started out as a rant about ableist bullshit regarding mobility aids but it definitely applies to so much else like neurotypicals complaining about how I accommodate my autism and telling me to “just be normal” and other shit like that.

It definitely applies to more than what I’ve said here but goddamn it abled people stop policing disabled bodies and minds, stop trying to control us, stop thinking you know our bodies better than we do

Tl;dr: abled people need to stop with their bullshit and leave disabled people and their tools and accommodations and self accommodations alone. Abled people believe they know our bodies better than we do and that’s simply not true.

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Hello! I'm also an autistic disabled person and I've thought about getting a cane but I haven't pulled the trigger on it yet. What made you decide? Is it an every day thing or a some days thing? Idk I'm just trying to gather info ig.

Hey! It took me a while to decide to do it honestly but realizing that I don’t need to push myself is a big part of it. I’ve always been a person who has pushed themself to do everything perfectly and I’d get really frustrated when I couldn’t and to be honest I’m still like that. It wasn’t until recently (got my first cane back in January) that I realized that having a mobility aid or aids would help me be able to do what I wanted how I wanted was a big part too.

Also I came to the realization that people don’t think about/dream about how much a cane or mobility aid would help them if they don’t need or would not benefit from it.

I was constantly worried about how other people would perceive me and as an Autistic person I struggle with knowing how people perceive me so I’m always self conscious of that but ive come to realize that the opinions of others don’t mean Jack shit compared to my comfort. Additionally, I was really scared to be rejected by my family and loved ones and to an extent I have faced some ableism from them (my mother especially) the way my mobility aids have helped me way out weigh that.

Basically just coming to terms with the fact that I can’t do everything the same way as everyone else, realizing that people who don’t need it don’t think about it, and that I should prioritize my health and comfort over my fears of how others perceive me. The comfort and safety of my body is the most important thing so I decided to finally listen to the part of me that has been begging for help.

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I love my forearm crutches but damn they make my forearms tired so fast especially when I’m having a flair day (both pots and pain) like today. I’m so glad I have them but holy shit it’s exhausting.

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I hate feeling guilty and letting my parents down for using my crutches because they see me not using them as “doing better”.

I’m literally an adult who lives in AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT STATE from my parents why does their opinion on my disabilities (or lack there of in their opinion) impact me to the point I have to battle myself every time I use them.

I just don’t understand how they don’t see that I’ve had so much pain and other issues my whole life with the sheer number of times we had to go to urgent care for my constantly hurt ankles, knees, hips, shoulders, elbows, hands etc. While I was growing up.

For context my parents are of the mindset that I’m lazy and just need to exercise and eat well and I’ll be fixed and have no more problems.

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