Dabi Is Touya - Tumblr Posts
I agree, he would make a great Dad. Yeah, he wouldn't really know where to start, but he would definitely treat the kid(s) the way he wanted his own dad to treat him. I think he needs an understanding partner to help him sort things out and help care for the kid(s)!
NOTE: I am NOT a fan of Dabi x Reader Fics. I feel uncomfortable picturing myself doing anything romantic/sexual with any character/anybody. That being said, I am okay with reading smut between two characters. In fact, I ship DabiDeku. I know that it would never happen in canon, but who cares?
So my hot-take fanon of the week is this.
A lot of people say Dabi/Touya does not want kids, because ✨daddy issues✨
I honestly believe the opposite, I think the compulsion to out do Endeavor includes the idea of having kids, he knows it’s not a good idea, but that doesn’t stop him from wanting it.
To be the dad he never had. He doesn’t know the first thing about parenting (obv) but he does know what not to do.
Not saying he would be the best Dad in the world but he would try his damndest. He would do everything he wished he could’ve done with his dad, giving his kid(s) a fun time while healing his own inner child.
He’d definitely be one of those dads that is like the wife/baby mama/ s/o has a adult child. He’d be just as dumb as the kids, and they’d all get in to trouble like ‘fuck mom is gonna kill me’ causing the kid(s) to giggle themselves half to death.
He wouldn’t care about how powerful their quirks were, or if they even had any, he’d love them no matter what and would in a second jump to burn the world for his family. The family he chose and that chose him.
just my two cents tho.
smutty p.s : totally has a breeding kink, man stuffs you like a Twinkie and you can’t tell me otherwise. possible breastfeeding kink, cus you know mans also has mommy issues. (same tho)
i’d literally die for him.
Villain's love
Dabi x reader
Mentions: scolding, torture, pain, betrayal, heartache.
no proof read. Will be a part 2!
“You’re a disgrace to us heroes. How could you stoop so low and fall in love with a villain, and who is the right hand man of the leader of the LOV!” Midnight yelled. Mr.Aizawa, a.k.a your father called you to the principal's office. At first you thought it was about the fact you skipped school for 3 days while he was gone for hero duties. The big 3 are your best friends and they would beg you to attend class and you refused. “ What have you told him?” Principal Nezu asked sternly. All you could do is cry and grip your father’s shirt. “ I haven’t said anything and I don’t plan to.” you replied. “ How did you meet him? How do you even talk to him? These past couple days have you been with him?” Midnight asked so many questions it was overwhelming you. Aizawa gave a dirty look at her signaling to leave his daughter alone. “ I was walking out at night in the city because I needed to clear my mind and I wanted to be alone… There was a group of men… They tried raping me..they tore my clothes off…then Dabi beat them and burned them alive… He tossed his jacket to me due to my torn clothing… I knew he’s a villain..that he’s in the League of Villain. I was terrified and he saved me. I thanked him. He walked me back to campus..he stayed across the street hidden just in case. After about a week later we bumped into each other and we just talked..we set up a day and time to meet up. I needed to give his jacket back… we spent the whole saturday hanging out..No villain shit to be clear. From there we just met up multiple times…We’ve been together for 6 months.” You replied crying. The teachers stayed silent. They felt bad about what could’ve happened to you. “ We can’t trust her..I’m sorry Aizawa but we have to report her to the authorities.” Principal Nezu said. “Are you kidding me? This is my daughter! She’d never do such a thing! She’d never betray UA. If she did, the LOV would’ve made a move long ago.” your dad defended you keeping you close to him if he had to fight.
“ We can’t automatically accuse her of being a traitor without any proof. We can bring in a doctor to give her a lie detector test. His tests are a bit more painful.” All might, said. “I’ll do it. I’d never do anything to hurt people.” you replied. Little did you know it would be painful on the next level.
You were taken to a room and a man started strapping you down to a table. Cables were being attached around your body. You were scared and confused. You looked at the large glass mirror knowing everyone was on the other side listening and watching. You whimpered as a doctor injected a large amount of a clear liquid in your neck. “ What the hell did he inject?” Aizawa asked. “He’s not only checking her heart rate and her brain but also forcing the truth out of her. The serum is the very painful part. If she lies it will torture the truth out of her and if that doesnt work they have other ways apparently.” a nurse replied to him starting the recording.
“I’m going to ask you simple questions and If you don’t want to feel like you're being stabbed or shot continuously you will answer.” the doctor said looking over at your vital signs. “ Are you Y/n Aizawa?” He asked, “ Yes, I am Y/n Aizawa.” “ How old are you?” he asked. “ I’m 18 turning 19.” you replied scared of what crazy he will eventually ask. “ Your heart rate is up a bit. Are you hiding something?” He asked, writing something down on his tablet. “ No.” You lied and suddenly felt pain through your body. “Tell me the truth,” he ordered. Your body twitched. “ Yes! I am hiding something. I’m scared about all of this.” you said as sighed in relief. “Mhm see how easy that is. “ Who is the villain you fell in love with?” he continued with his questions. You started crying. “ I’m in love with Dabi.” you replied. “ You’re crying? Are you sure? Is he forcing you to say that?” he asked, looking at the high tech monitors. “ I am sure. I’m in love with him. He isn’t forcing me to say anything.” you replied knowing this will lead to you being tortured. “ How did you meet him? In detail.” the doctor said. “ I walked alone in the city at night. There was a group of men who grabbed me and took me into a dark alleyway… I tried my best to get them off me… They called me dirty things..like I’m a slut..and whore..that I would be a good treat to them.. They tore my clothes off and their hands roamed my body. Dabi showed up throwing them off me..he took his coat off and covered me..then proceeded to beat them up..he burned them alive. He walked me back to campus making sure we were unseen by anyone. He stayed across the street from campus hidden, making sure I got inside safely. I thanked him for saving me and said goodnight. ” you replied crying. Hating to remember how the men tried raping you. Take your innocence away. “ Did you meet him again after that encounter?” he asked. You nodded yes. “ We bumped into each other a week later after the incident.” you replied. You saw two nurses walk inside with a weird machine. “ Where did you see him again and what was done?” He asked, signaling the nurses to start setting up something. “I saw him by the park…it was around 6am. I was out to do basic errands for myself. We ended up spending the entire day together. No villain activities were done.” you replied. “ What were your errands for that day? Were you planning to do more that day? How did no one recognize him? What activities were done?” he asked. “I needed to get to the store to buy snacks, a heating pad and some pads. I got my monthly period. I was planning to do more. Just watch movies, play video games and eat junk food. No one recognized him. He was wearing a hoodie and he had a face mask to hide his burned face. I saw Tamaki and asked him to take my things to the dorms. After that Dabi and I talked for hours and played some stupid games.It was fun” you replied smiling.
The questions went on and on. Then the difficult ones came up.
“ Have you met any of the other villains?” he asked. You refused to answer because you didn’t want your father to hate you. Your body shook and twitched. Your body moved so much, the straps held you down. “ They’re hurting her! Give her a break!” Aizawa yelled, grabbing a nurse's collar. “ Stop, she agreed to this.” All might, said. He did feel bad. “ Give her another one.” the doctor said. You felt a prick. Another dosage of the truth serum. You screamed in pain. “Yes! I have!! Shigaraki, Toga, Twice and Kai!” you yelled. You cried and cried. “Has any of them asked you for information or threatened you?” you couldn’t handle it. You needed a break. You were overstimulated. “ Y-Yes!!! Toga. She asked for Ua intel on what we have planned. She threatened me.” you replied. “What did she say she’d do?” the doctor said. You couldn’t say what she said to you. “ She’d kill me.” you lied. You cried out in excruciating pain. “If you don’t answer our questions we won’t inject more serum. We’ll just use the old way. Electricity doesn’t seem nicer.” he said. “She said she’d kill my papa! She’d give him a slow and painful death !I don’t want him to hate me if he gets hurt! I can’t let him get hurt! I don’t want him to hate me! My dad is everything I have!”you cried loudly,trying to relax. Failing at it. “ Did you give them any information?” he asked. “No. After that Dabi told Shigaraki to not let anyone lay a finger on me. To keep me out of it. Since then I’ve been safe. He takes great care of me.” you replied breathing heavily. “Why do you think he takes care of you?” you looked at the doctor in rage. “He saved me from two horrible situations and maybe more after this! You and other heroes only care about the greater good!” you yelled trying to get out of the grip of the straps. “You’re talking like a villain alright. What makes you think that? Are you planning to betray the heroes? You’re father?” he asked, taunting you. You fell into it. “ Heroes would sacrifice someone for the greater good. It could be a loved one..a friend..or a civilian. It sucks to know that you don’t matter as much as you think you do to them. At the end of the day they will more than likely sacrifice you…a villain would burn the world to save someone..a loved one and random person who needs help. Dabi knew I was eraserheads daughter. A hero in training and even then he stepped in. He saved me. He’s done so much for me in 6 months. I know every one who knows about him and I highly disagree but it's the truth. I know my dad would never give me up. He’d protect me in the end regardless if he’s a hero or not. He’s the best dad ever. Better together. I’m lucky to still have him even after I caused all this mess. ” you replied. “Him doing so much is the truth and you have a strong bond with your father, you're not in any pain. You are very lucky and privileged” the doctor agreed. You were asked more questions and they let you go 2 hours later. Your dad and All might make sure to take you to the hospital. You stayed there for about 2 weeks. Missing Dabi like crazy.
Your quirk is an amazing one. Very strong. You hold multiple quirks and can create new ones. You were scared. Having to control multiple quirks was difficult as a child. Most parents would keep their children away from society. Your dad didn’t. He sent you to daycare, elementary school, middle school and now High school. To him you grew up fast. He loves and cares for you, his daughter. He’s so proud of the woman you’ve become regardless of who you are in love with. Yes it’s crazy but you found kindness and love within Dabi and the other Villains they just were treated horribly in their past and had no one to help them. They had to fend for themselves. They lost it along the way.
You communicating with Dabi was not through anything cellular. It was through handwritten letters. You managed to buy a bird through the black market. He gets the job done in delivery and fast.
As soon as you were discharged from the hospital and back to your dorm you fed the little fella and started writing.
Dear Dabi,
The heroes found out about us and I don’t know who and how someone saw us together. Don’t worry since I don’t have any info on you guys besides Toga threatening me, you’re all fine.They tortured me badly. They asked how I met you and it was hard to tell them what had happened. It was terribly excruciating pain. All I thought about was trying to relax, being honest and needing you.
I was at the hospital for 2 weeks. I miss you a lot. We should meet up soon. Actually they’re probably going to escort me when I need to go into the city so after awhile.
How are you? Has anything come up? Are you safe? No cough or cold? No fever? Are your friends being nice, if not let them know even if you need to scare them.
I love you very much. Please stay safe. Keep the the love of fire within you ( you’re telling him to get a new hide out or move to a different one.) Keep in touch if you can.
Love you very much. I’ll respond every 3 days after I receive your letter okay so no need to worry if I’m okay.
Much love, Haru
(both agreed on your code name being Haru after all you met in clear weather and since then you felt love and joy.)
Pt.2 will come.
Hiii, i was wo dering if you could write a platonic father Aizawa in which his daughter is kidnapped by the LOV and he has to save her.
Thankss, i love your writing
Kidnapped daughter
Mentions: kidnapping, abuse, rape, trauma, pain.
⚠️Trigger warning!⚠️
reblogs are appreciated.<3
“ I wonder how long it will take for the heroes to show up and save Eraser Head’s daughter. Mhm maybe soon. I’m sure Eraser Head himself will show up, he wouldn’t want to lose his only daughter. I should’ve brought your brother along. They would probably be here already.” Shigaraki said. You were tied from your hands, legs and mouth. You weren’t a hero in training like Shinso, You took the regular courses at U.A ,however your father taught you and brought you along with his class during hero training on the weekends or your free periods. It was very amazing how great you are. Everyone was confused on why you didn’t choose to be a hero. Simple. Your love for music is strong.
You had multiple quirks so you burned the knots being able to stand. You removed the one on your mouth. Dabi surrounded you with his blue flames. He managed to burn a part of your cheek. You knew it would leave a scar behind. “ Don’t bother to escape. You’re surrounded.” Toga said. She was right you were surrounded. There were villains everywhere you turned to scan.
“ We can’t just let time pass by! My daughter could be getting abused! She can be killed!” Aizawa telled. The other heroes stayed silent. “ Eraser Head we can’t make any moves until the league of villains send out a message.” All-Might, said. Your brother was about to enter the office but stopped hearing the conversation. “We can’t have anything else going wrong.” Endeavour said. Every hero in the room was frustrated with the situation. “ My daughter..I can’t lose her. My kids are the most important thing in this world. I would sacrifice anything for them. Even my own life.” Aizawa said. Shinso’s tears slipped while walking back to the dorms. He knocked on the Class 1-A front door.
“ What do you want?” you asked Shigaraki. You knew all about them. How many people they’ve killed, you knew they were gathering people for their “cause”. “ That's nothing for you to worry about,pretty.” Toga said giggling. You were confused on why she was giggling. Suddenly you felt pain and everything went black. They decided to seal you within a large metal box. They made sure you were cold not too much to where your body temperature could kill you but near there.
“ My sister, she’s kidnapped. The League of Villains have her.” Shinso revealed to Class 1-A. “You’re fucking kidding. Not this again.” Bakugou said, grabbing a few things. “Kacchan what are you doing?” Deku asked. “ What do you think? We’re going to save her. This is Mr.Aizawa’s daughter. We can’t just not help.” Bakugou replied. Denki and Kirishima always back him up. “No you guys are crazy. Think about what happened the last two times. Mr.Aizawa got his arm hurt and then you got captured.” Ida said. Shinso was taking those events into consideration. “ She’s my sister…I can’t lose her,” he said. Everyone sat there in silence.
After 3 days of tracking you and another 2 days of investigation you were being treated like crap. They’d let you in and out of the confinement. They were playing with your body, mentally and physically. Your mind wasn’t comprehending anything. Due to your weak and overstimulated body you couldn’t use any of your quirks nor create one. “At this point she might be dead…” Shinso said, picking at his food and on the verge of tears once again. “ You can’t say that about your sister.” Deku said, smacking his head out of character. “Midoriya… that’s a high possibility. They’re not some dumb thugs…They’re the real deal. Bakugou couldn’t even do anything.” Shoto spoke and then continued to eat his cold soba.
Once lunchtime was over, Aizawa pulled Shinso aside and gave him a tight hug. Shinso held onto his dad, releasing all his emotions. “ Your sister is strong. You know she can handle things regardless of how bad it is.” Aizawa spoke. He also let a few tears slip. “ You and her are everything I have.” Shinso spoke. “ I love you both very much. We’re going on the move today in the evening. You have to promise to stay here and be strong. I’ll let you know as soon as she’s safe.” Aizawa said, holding his arms. Shinso was looking down. “Shinso look at me.” he ordered and his son did just that. “ You have to promise to stay here at U.A and be strong, okay.” he said. “I..I promise dad. Bring her back safely.” Shinso said, wiping his tears away. “ Yes, now wash your face and head to class. If you need me you know where to find me son.” he said. They parted ways and went about their day.
While you were in confinement you were hearing things being thrown around, hearing crashes and screaming. You were trying to call for him but your throat was in pain. It hurt. “We have to relocate her.” You hear Dabi say. “ I agree with you.” Toga replied. You kicked the confinement you were in. Deep down you knew your kicks were too weak for someone to hear. “ I don’t think so.” You hear Best Jeanist say. From there you knew you were in rescue. Aizawa was on adrenaline. He was a beast. His mind and body were one with skill, focus and chaos. As villains showed up to help. He went wild. “Give me back my daughter!!!” he yelled. Best Jeanist has never seen such a side of his fellow hero friend. Within that time Aizawa managed to take down many. Heavily leaving some wounded. “ EraserHead that's enough! Your daughter is safe. She’s asking for you!”” Endeavour yelled. That's when he snapped back to his senses and went out to check you.While the fight was going on your brother sat in his dorm room playing with the charm bracelet you gifted to him during kindergarten for siblings day. Your dad saw you wrapped in a blanket the ambulance had. He noticed the bruises by your ankles and arms. The burn on your cheek. The blood stains on your head. They quickly loaded you onto the ambulance. He got on and sat down holding your hand. “ Dada. You’re here.” you managed to say even though it came out as a whisper. “ Yes, I'm here. Don’r force yourself to speak or move. You can let go now little one don't be afraid.” he said. You let go and fell asleep.
You were taken to the best hospital. “ Sir, for your daughter to have a thorough body examination we need you to sign some forms.” a doctor spoke. Your dad signed the forms after reading them. During the examinations you were out. “ G-God..” a nurse said, tearing up. “ W-What? Let me come in. Is everything alright?” Aizawa asked. He was forced to stay outside and the door was closed. Locked in the process as well. “She’s only 16…How could they..” the nurse said. You were tested for any type of vaginal issues. The wounds on your body were being cured. You were taking too many rooms to take exams. CT scan, ECG scan, MRI scan,PET scan, Etc. You were sedated to keep you asleep. Well rested.
Once everything was done the doctors gave the results to your dad. “Mr.Aizawa, There’s something that will be very difficult to take in not only for you daughter but for you as well. We found evidence of rape…there might be a possibility of pregnancy. The decision of keeping the child is her own. By law it's her right and decision no parents or guardians are allowed to choose for her. Aside from that she has a broken wrist, the burn on her week will leave behind a scar, the bruises will heal eventually.” the doctor said with a frown. A young lady, A daughter, having to go through such a thing is cruel. Your dad nodded and was trying hard to process everything.
After 4 days you woke up. “Hey, how are you feeling?” a nurse spoke to you as she wrote down your vitals. “ Good.” you replied. Your dad and brother walked in just in time to see you up. “ Hey baby sister.” Shinso said. “I’m only 4 months younger.” you replied. They both gave you a nice hug.
Another nurse walked into the room. “ We need you guys to step out. I need to have a private conversation with Ms.Aizawa.” “ That’s my dad and brother don’t worry,” you replied. “This is a serious conversation. It’s going to be hard to hear and process,” she said, holding onto a folder. Aizawa knew about what she was going to inform you about. “ I don’t want to be alone. I need my family with me,” you said sitting up carefully. “ Okay, sweetie. We did a thorough examination of your body. We found signs of rape.” she said and you cut her off. “ Yes..I was. I-I’m guessing there's a possibility of pregnancy.” you said starting to cry. “ Yes sweetie…we will know within a month or so..till then think about what you want to do if there will be a child within you. Your broken wrist and burn will be healed by then..excuse me.” she said and walked out closing the door behind her. “ Dad and I are here to support you. We love you y/n.” Shinso spoke. “ I love you guys too,” you replied. Your mind was spinning. “ You don’t have to rush to a decision y/n. Take time.” Your dad said fixing your hair. “ Do you know who the bastard is?” Shinso asked, gripping his scarf. You remembered everything. How could you not? You suffered it. “ Y-Yes..he has blue eyes and black hair…parts of his body were burned..the staples..I..couldn’t push away. It hu-rt.” you replied crying. Dabi’s face was so clear in your mind. You remembered the pain, the way he laughed at you, and enjoyed seeing you struggle.
The Aizawa family knew this was a tough battle to overcome together.
" Better together okay. We will get through this to the end. Love you, my kids." Aizawa said. " We love you too dad." you and your brother said in unison.

See this boy right here? I love this boy🔥💙
I can not lie I am in love with Dabi >/////<.











↳ Happy Birthday to my sweet and awesome Luna @manjiroarchiviste ( ˘ ³˘)♥
Lord Satan Help Me Now! I'm in love with this outfit that Dabi is wearing it suits him perfectly. 👍🖤💜


Happy Birthday to my favorite firehead boi!






— “A single person with a single conviction has the power to change the world.”
・゜✭・ʜᴀᴘᴘʏ ʙɪʀᴛʜᴅᴀʏ, ᴅᴀʙɪ!・✫・゜
Happy Birthday to Dabi!







— “We’ll fill those heroes full of holes... and put them in their place. All for a brighter future.”
✧・゚: * ☆*:. ʜᴀᴘᴘʏ ʙɪʀᴛʜᴅᴀʏ, ᴅᴀʙɪ! .:*☆ *:・゚✧










Today is my favorite fireboi's Birthday today. I wish him a every happy birthday to him.
Lord satan help me now I'm in love now.


He was never a mistake and he will never be a mistake.

Happy birthday Dabi
Awww that's cute.

they captured that lost puppy look
It's his special day!


Make a wish, Touya~ It’s the birthday boy! 🎂✨🔥
Awww this is so cute.

angsty big brother touya lets his little sis braid his hair :>
This is one my episodes honestly.
I'm in love with this video.

Now this is a beautiful master piece!

I just love him so much when he has his white hair.😍😭

I'm speechless of this Master piece right here.😳

Fallen Angel