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9 years ago

Classes Chart

Here's a chart of all the classes, both Standard and Master.

My goal was to define, describe, and categorize them as efficiently and accurately as possible, based on my understanding of the classes. I based as much as I could on canon information, while inferring the rest.

(For clarity, "–" denotes Active, and "+" denotes Passive.)

(Note: If chart looks distorted/shrunken, right-click and View Image.)


Special thanks to bladekindeyewear, dahniwitchoflight, infinitywhale and probably others for their insight and information, helping me understand the classes and aspects. I couldn't have made this chart without them.

Some clarification: I am aware Hussie essentially said any gender can have any class (i.e. female Princes). I don’t like the idea of gendered classes, anyway, and I think it’s needlessly restrictive, not to mention sexist and stereotyping.

However, my chart reflects what’s been depicted in comic, based on what Calliope states, looking at the characters’ classes and gender distribution, and then making some inferences based on Hussie’s penchant for balance and based on class names and god tier outfit designs.

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9 years ago

Useful Classpect Tools and Resources

Classpect Tests

There are many Hero Title tests available, but the two I like best are thepageofhopes' and inaniloquacity's. Both of them use tests from widely accepted psychology theories as a basis.

While both tests are not without their flaws, they provide a good starting point for determining a Hero Title.


My Classes Chart and Aspect Keywords posts provide a simplified overview of the classes and aspects.

InfinityWhale has an amazing Ultimate Classpect Post describing each aspect and each class in detail.

Dahni has in-depth descriptions of ALL 144 (standard) HERO TITLES! An excellent resource for understanding each mythological role.

Space and Time

Light and Void

Hope  and Rage

Heart and Mind

Breath and Blood

Life and Doom

Dahni also describes the tendencies and challenges of each class separately (search her Class tag for detailed information).

BladekindEyewear has a lot of information on classes and aspects, particularly related to duality and inversion. He's basically a father of Classpect Theory, as InfinityWhale, Anna, Dahni, and many others (myself included) base their works on his class- and aspect-related theories.

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9 years ago

Classpect Profile Guide

In my previous post, I posited a theory that all standard classes and aspects can describe an individual, beyond the Hero Title and subrole.

Here's a step-by-step process of how to determine a Classpect Profile, all 12 roles. I will use myself as an example.

1) Divide the aspects into 6 complementary pairs/opposites:

Space & Time

Light & Void

Hope & Rage

Heart & Mind

Breath & Blood

Life & Doom

2) Look at each individual aspect, and consider how you typically interact with it. (See Aspect Keywords post for reference. bladekindeyewear and infinitywhale go into more depth here and here.)

For interactions, here are some keywords for class types:

Manipulate/Change (Witch/Heir)

Understand (Mage/Seer)

Destroy (Prince/Bard)

Create (Maid/Sylph)

Redistribute (Thief/Rogue)

Apply (Knight/Page)

You can also use these keywords for individual classes:

Control (Witch)       Influence (Heir)Experience (Mage)       Study (Seer)Demolish (Prince)       Deconstruct (Bard)Generate (Maid)       Mend (Sylph)Take (Thief)       Share (Rogue)Exploit (Knight)       Empower (Page)

3) Next to each aspect, write the class keywords you think might fit. You should be able to narrow each aspect down to a few potential keywords.

(Note: I recommend starting with the 6 class type keywords instead of the 12 unique ones because it paints a larger picture of the class themes, but if you’re confident (or feel lazy), feel free to start with the 12. You can also mix and match, but just be sure to distinguish types from individual keywords, or it may become confusing down the line. For the purposes of this guide, I’ll start with the 6.)

Possibilities, in my case:


4) Eliminate any keyword that doesn’t have an inverse under an opposite aspect. Inverse keywords are Manipulate & Understand, Destroy & Create, and Redistribute & Apply.

For example, in my case, Manipulate and Redistribute Space don’t have inverses—Understand and Apply—for Time, Space’s opposite, so I can remove them as possibilities.


Narrowed results:


5) Split the class type keywords into individual class (–/+) keywords.

For example, Apply, keyword for Warrior classes, divides into keywords Exploit (Knight) and Empower (Page).

(Note: If you started with the 12 individual keywords, Steps 5 and 6 aren’t necessary.)


6) Narrow your results by removing any class keywords that don’t fit your interactions with an aspect.


7) From there, eliminate class keywords without an inverse keyword for its opposite aspect, just as before. Inverses are Control & Study, Influence & Experience, Demolish & Mend, Deconstruct & Generate, Take & Empower, Share & Exploit.

For example, in my case, Mend Space doesn’t have an opposite Demolish Time, so I eliminate Mend.


8) Use the process of elimination to figure out the rest. No duplicate keywords/classes are allowed, so remove any duplicates of those already solved.

(Note: All class keywords will be used, so if you’re missing any, you’ll have to go back and reconsider your options.)

For example, in the previous step, I narrowed Light and Void to Influence and Experience. That means I can’t use Influence or Experience for Hope and Rage, which narrows Hope and Rage to Mend and Demolish. Likewise, I narrowed Heart and Mind to Empower and Take, because those were the only instances I had of those class keywords.


Simple process of elimination narrowed my results considerably! Most of them are solved!


That just leaves two classpect pairs I’m unsure about, or 4 total.


9) For any remaining pairs left to solve, look at each class description more closely…


…And figure out which descriptions most accurately fit your interaction with each aspect.

In my case, I feel like Knight fits better than Maid for Space, which narrows Space and Time to Knight and Rogue, respectively.

I still can’t determine Breath and Blood, as Maid and Bard both seem fitting. I use dahniwitchoflight’s Aspect posts as a guide, looking at descriptions for all four. Bard of Breath sounds especially like me, and Maid of Blood more than Bard of Blood.


10) Convert the keywords back into classes, and that’s it! You’ve now determined your full Classpect Profile!


I like using my Classes Chart and Aspect Keywords to create a brief description of each of my 12 roles.


Seer of Life: Invites understanding of/with/through Life (life force, energy, growth, power, persistence, wealth, boldness, enthusiasm, efficacy), guiding others.

All 12 seem pretty accurate to me!

How to determine a Hero Title and subrole Look at which aspect pair has the strongest influence on your actions and perspective. Most likely, it will also match the dual class pair that most accurately describes how you naturally operate in general. Both class and aspect are important to consider, especially if you have difficulty narrowing either down to one pair.

One of those classpects will sound like you at your best; it’s your area of greatest potential and method of having a maximum impact on reality. Its opposite/inverse classpect is your primary focus when you are stressed and in an unhealthy frame of mind, yet it’s also something you can put to good use. You’re probably naturally skilled with both classpects.

Your Hero Title is your best, ideal, and healthiest state, and your subrole is the stressed-but-useful state. Sometimes it’s easier to figure out your subrole first and invert it to discover your Title.

As for me, I am a Seer of Life! My subrole is Witch of Doom.

Alternate possibilities? If you’re not fond of your Hero Title, go with the alternate roles that have the next strongest influence in your life. Most likely, these will be the classpect pairs in which you can easily distinguish a “healthy” role and an inverse “unhealthy” role.

In my case, Heir of Light Mage of Void and Sylph of Hope are strong alternate Hero Titles. (Ugh, why do my top three aspects have to be the color schemes I most dislike? Void is awesome.)

Using an alternate role won’t be as ideal as your primary role, but it’s still a useful option.

Now what? After you’ve determined your Classpect Profile and Hero Title, I highly recommend learning more about each of your 12 roles in Dahni’s Aspect posts. Then use your Classpect Profile however you like!

I hope this guide was helpful and informative!

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7 years ago

While this concept is certainly clever, there are a couple major flaws:

1) Classes (and aspects) have to be monosyllabic.

#monosyllablism was never actually a hard rule #just an extremely common pattern that happened to be that way until it didnt

It’s not just a “common pattern”; it’s a Word of Huss rule:

Q: “Are there classes and titles other than the ones shown so far in canon, or have we seen them all?”

AH: Maybe. Readers tend to make up their own. Some of them sound decent to me, others do not. They can only have one syllable. Any that has more than one syllable is automatically not good.

Q: “Are all God Tier titles made of monosyllabic components?”

AH: Yes. Class and aspect, one syllable, always. This is a rule.

Side note: I saw the “Seer” discussion, and was curious about it myself. The class Seer is pronounced as one syllable. While the "seer” can technically be pronounced “see-er” (two syllables) or “sear” (one), "see-er” is only used for an observer/one who sees, while “sear” is used for a prophet, sage, diviner, clairvoyant, or oracle. I checked the pronunciation and definition to be sure.

2) Waste and Matter work as inverses, but not as active/passive pairs.

Lord and Muse are a class pair that do the same thing in different ways, one actively, one passively. (You use the word “define”, while I prefer “embody”, but the concept is essentially the same.)

Active classes [verb] (with/through) [aspect], while Passive classes invite [verb] of/with/through [aspect].

In order for classes to be a +/- pair, that [verb] must be the same. Waste and Matter are OPPOSITE/inverse verbs, not the same verb.

If Waste is passive and “Invites Disregard” of/with/through [aspect], then its active counterpart must be “Disregards (with/through) [aspect].” But you have Matter as Regard, not Disregard. So yeah, they work as inverses but not a class pair.

Still, the concept is clever and I love the pun it makes.

Joke Classes because I think I'm funny/clever

so this was spawned from the thought that each of the 12 classes kind of form their own ‘quadrant’ when looking at inversion possibilities.

Witch, Heir, Seer, Mage. (All the combos between Active/Passive and Manipulation/Information)

Knight, Page, Thief, Rogue (All Combos between Active/Passive and Application/Relocation)

and Prince, Bard, Maid, Sylph (All combos between Active/Passive and Creation/Destruction)

so I thought wouldn’t it be funny if Lord and Muse and two other fake classes formed their own Quadrant also, so we’d have a quadrant of quadrants of classes :oD (also because I like when numbers add up in a certain way, 12 is pretty on its own as 3x4, 14 is kinda :/ but 16, now there’s a fine number if I ever saw one! 4x4 or (2x2)x(2x2) I love it)

the first one I went to was Waste, Hussies own fake class because lol

then I tried to come up with what their class verbs would be and how’d they interact with each other.

Lord and Muse I’d already had as Define, because they both effect action to have effect on Homestuck in either passive inspiring ways or active domineering ways. Lord being active for Muses passive.

so we have this so far:

-Lord = Defines (Aspect) or Defines with (Aspect)

+Muse = Invites Definition of (Aspect) or Invites Definition through (Aspect)

then for Hussie’s I decided that since he’s said before he will not directly affect the story as an author insert in any way (except for the yellow yard thing) and also because I remember him being all wizard of oz-y with his whole “DISREGARD THE MAN BEHIND THE CURTAIN, HE’S NOT IMPORTANT.” and also because ‘Fondly Regard Creation’ etc.

That Waste and the other class’s Verb would be “Regard/Disregard” as in to look but dont touch, just sit and watch what happens or to ignore it completely, able to watch everything happen but not able to do/change anything about it. To counter Lord/Muse abilities to directly affect what happens while not always seeing everything that happens everywhere?

but Waste being the passive of the two would make it

+Waste = Invites Disregard of (Aspect) or Invites Disregard through (Aspect)

which would make the Active counterpart = Regards (Aspect) or Regards with (Aspect)

which I already love :D

and then the last thing would be to come up with a punny name for that Active Regard Class, that means something actively watching something while also meaning something of the opposite of Waste (Because I still consider Lord/Muse to invert to eachother, they are still Master Classes. Waste and ???Class would invert to eachother too, as the 'joke/unmastered’ classes haha. I like my jokes only when they don’t directly change what is already canon lol so they won’t touch Lord/Muse)

I eventually came up something when I figured it would only be a Matter of Time until I did and then boom. Matter and Waste.

You Waste something when you Disregard it. Something Matters because you are Regarding it (Why pay attention to something that doesn’t matter?).

Waste would be passively inviting you to disregard something unimportant. Matter would be actively regarding something that is important. Both can do nothing but watch events unfold. 

so our last Quadrant of Quadrants which includes both the Master Classes and the Joke/Unmastered Classes would be:

-Lord Defines (Aspect) or Defines with (Aspect)

+Muse Invites Definition of (Aspect) or Invites Definition through (Aspect)

-Matter Regards with (Aspect) or Regards (Aspect)

+Waste Invites Disregard of (Aspect) or Invites Disregard through (Aspect)

also something poetic hidden in the fact that while the Author calls himself the Waste in the story. When you ask what really Matters is that there would be no story without an Audience to view it.

Hussie is the Waste of Space, but we the fandom are just a Matter of Time :D

*EDIT* I didn’t mention this originally but I don’t want people to get confused between canon stuff and fanon stuff lol

Muse and Lord are an active passive pair AND an inversion pair, they invert to eachother and they are each others active and passive form. They do both to each other that’s why they are master classes

My additional extra funfanon doesn’t change or interact with that, I like keeping things seperate, so Matter and Waste are also eachothers Active/Passive forms, and they invert to each other as well. 

So the opposite of a Matter of Time is a Waste of Space, just like how the Opposite of a Lord of Time is a Muse of Space

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