Aspect - Tumblr Posts

10 years ago

Healer Classes: Maids, Sylphs, and Revival

I realized something that not only connects Maids and Sylphs, but strongly supports BOTH being Healer classes, as well:

Each Maid and Sylph has died and revived in a non-standard way, AND each revival involved her aspect.

Maid: Heals, creates, and (re)generates (with/through) {aspect}. Sylph: Invites healing, creation, and (re)generation of/with/through {aspect}.

Aradia, Maid of Time

Was dead before her session started. First, she came back by prototyping herself, then by becoming a robot. She eventually revived for real, reaching god tier when her comatose dream self died on her Quest Crypt as Bec Noir destroyed Derse’s moon. Aradiabot exploded as a result.

Her revival involved destruction of Derse's moon and her robot self, being at the right place at the right time, and occurred after the end of their session.

Healing via Time (destruction, timing, endings).


Kanaya, Sylph of Space

Was murdered by Eridan via Hope-blast through the torso. Since her dream self was dead, she couldn’t be revived with a kiss. Unexpectedly, she returned to life, transformed as a Rainbow Drinker.

Her revival involved transformation and came about after space was put through the middle of her torso (physical body).

Inviting healing of Space (physicality) and through Space (transformation).


Jane, Maid of Life

Her dream self was murdered by Jack Noir, “did a lifey thing,” and revived.

Her revival involved the restoration of her life force. Later, this would prove essential for reviving her when her real-self died.

Healing via Life (life force, energy).


Aranea, Sylph of Light

Died along with the rest of the Alpha Trolls as Meenah killed their team before the scratch wiped them from existence. Deciding she wanted to be important and relevant by creating and overseeing a new alpha timeline that prevented the existence of Lord English, Aranea orchestrated events and psychically manipulated others to eventually obtain the Ring of Life. She revived when she placed the Ring on her finger.

Her revival involved manipulating others’ agency, making herself relevant and important, and creating a doomed timeline that she would then heal as the alpha (the most important timeline).

Inviting healing through Light (agency, relevance, importance).


         Porrim, Maid of Space

Uh, okay, not much is known about her, and she's not particularly relevant. So...yeah. I guess ignore her. She is both a Rainbow Drinker (troll vampire) and a Healer class Space player, though, like Kanaya, so that might be worth noting.

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10 years ago

Aspect Keywords

The 12 Aspects all mean significantly more than their literal meanings. Supposedly, collectively, they encompass all of reality.

Here are some keywords that can be used as substitutions for the actual Aspect names. Not only are they useful for understanding the Aspects themselves, but they're also useful for classpecting purposes, for understanding the meaning of a Hero Title.

When paired with my Classes Chart, these Aspect keywords provide broad, basic, simplified information on what a particular role might do.



   Space   physicality, creation, (trans)formation, matter, beginnings, (re)birth, concreteness


   Time     timing, destruction, endings, inevitability, death, abstractness, meta



   Light     information, importance, relevance, fortune, luck, agency, visibility, clarity


   Void      nothingness, lack, irrelevance, submission, misfortune, unknown, obfuscation, invisibility, mystery, secrets, shadow



   Hope     belief, possibility, options, wish, realness, imagination, ideas, conception, sexuality


   Rage     fear, anger, lack of options, fakeness



   Heart    soul, inner self, emotion, desire, love, will, motivation, passion


   Mind     thought, reason, logic, decision, choice, façade, outer self



   Breath  wind, (mis/re)direction, freedom, escape, quest, detachment, disconnection, distance, flight


   Blood    bonds, relationships, pacts, responsibility, duty, loyalty, unity, attachment, connection, groundedness



   Life        life force, energy, growth, power, persistence, wealth, boldness, enthusiasm, efficacy


   Doom    sacrifice, rules, limits, boundaries, decay, restraint, consequences, punishment

Edit 2/21/15: Added keywords to Space, Time, Hope, Breath, and Blood. Changed "self" to "inner self" for Heart (for clarification).

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10 years ago

Useful Classpect Tools and Resources

Classpect Tests

There are many Hero Title tests available, but the two I like best are thepageofhopes' and inaniloquacity's. Both of them use tests from widely accepted psychology theories as a basis.

While both tests are not without their flaws, they provide a good starting point for determining a Hero Title.


My Classes Chart and Aspect Keywords posts provide a simplified overview of the classes and aspects.

InfinityWhale has an amazing Ultimate Classpect Post describing each aspect and each class in detail.

Dahni has in-depth descriptions of ALL 144 (standard) HERO TITLES! An excellent resource for understanding each mythological role.

Space and Time

Light and Void

Hope  and Rage

Heart and Mind

Breath and Blood

Life and Doom

Dahni also describes the tendencies and challenges of each class separately (search her Class tag for detailed information).

BladekindEyewear has a lot of information on classes and aspects, particularly related to duality and inversion. He's basically a father of Classpect Theory, as InfinityWhale, Anna, Dahni, and many others (myself included) base their works on his class- and aspect-related theories.

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10 years ago

Classpect Profile

When people try to determine a mythological role (or "classpect"), they often tend to focus on only one class and one aspect that fit an individual. Possibly two if they subscribe to the inversion/subrole/duality theory. That is, they focus only on the Hero Title and possibly its inverse.

But really, if the 12 aspects are meant to encompass all of reality, and the classes are how one interacts with an aspect, wouldn’t that mean every aspect has influence on an individual, not just one or two of them? That would mean an individual consists of every aspect and class.

I theorize that there are 12 different roles (or classpects) that fit a person—6 unique pairs of roles—comprised of each standard classes and each aspect.

I call these 6 pairs a Classpect Profile. The primary pair is the Hero Title and subrole.

Example profile:


Significance of a Classpect Profile

Essentially, a Classpect Profile helps you gain a better understanding of yourself and how you might affect reality, beyond one or two aspects.

If you’re having difficulty determining your precise Hero Title (and subrole), solving your Classpect Profile can help you discover it, through process of elimination.

A Classpect Profile also provides Hero Title options! For whatever reason, you’re not fond of your primary role, you can choose an alternate role as your Hero Title. Not a fan of the Bard codpiece? Or maybe you have a “gender-exclusive” class opposite of your gender, and you’d prefer one that matches. Maybe your session needs a Space or Time player. Maybe your session has players with overlapping classes or aspects, and you want everyone’s to be unique. Whatever the reason, now you have alternate possibilities!

Determining which roles comprise a Classpect Profile

First, it requires a full understanding of what each class and aspect means. It also requires a lot of introspection, self-reflection, and self-understanding. There are many useful tools and resources to aid you in the process.

In my next post, I’ll guide you through a step-by-step process to solve your Classpect Profile.

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10 years ago

Classpect Profile Guide

In my previous post, I posited a theory that all standard classes and aspects can describe an individual, beyond the Hero Title and subrole.

Here's a step-by-step process of how to determine a Classpect Profile, all 12 roles. I will use myself as an example.

1) Divide the aspects into 6 complementary pairs/opposites:

Space & Time

Light & Void

Hope & Rage

Heart & Mind

Breath & Blood

Life & Doom

2) Look at each individual aspect, and consider how you typically interact with it. (See Aspect Keywords post for reference. bladekindeyewear and infinitywhale go into more depth here and here.)

For interactions, here are some keywords for class types:

Manipulate/Change (Witch/Heir)

Understand (Mage/Seer)

Destroy (Prince/Bard)

Create (Maid/Sylph)

Redistribute (Thief/Rogue)

Apply (Knight/Page)

You can also use these keywords for individual classes:

Control (Witch)       Influence (Heir)Experience (Mage)       Study (Seer)Demolish (Prince)       Deconstruct (Bard)Generate (Maid)       Mend (Sylph)Take (Thief)       Share (Rogue)Exploit (Knight)       Empower (Page)

3) Next to each aspect, write the class keywords you think might fit. You should be able to narrow each aspect down to a few potential keywords.

(Note: I recommend starting with the 6 class type keywords instead of the 12 unique ones because it paints a larger picture of the class themes, but if you’re confident (or feel lazy), feel free to start with the 12. You can also mix and match, but just be sure to distinguish types from individual keywords, or it may become confusing down the line. For the purposes of this guide, I’ll start with the 6.)

Possibilities, in my case:


4) Eliminate any keyword that doesn’t have an inverse under an opposite aspect. Inverse keywords are Manipulate & Understand, Destroy & Create, and Redistribute & Apply.

For example, in my case, Manipulate and Redistribute Space don’t have inverses—Understand and Apply—for Time, Space’s opposite, so I can remove them as possibilities.


Narrowed results:


5) Split the class type keywords into individual class (–/+) keywords.

For example, Apply, keyword for Warrior classes, divides into keywords Exploit (Knight) and Empower (Page).

(Note: If you started with the 12 individual keywords, Steps 5 and 6 aren’t necessary.)


6) Narrow your results by removing any class keywords that don’t fit your interactions with an aspect.


7) From there, eliminate class keywords without an inverse keyword for its opposite aspect, just as before. Inverses are Control & Study, Influence & Experience, Demolish & Mend, Deconstruct & Generate, Take & Empower, Share & Exploit.

For example, in my case, Mend Space doesn’t have an opposite Demolish Time, so I eliminate Mend.


8) Use the process of elimination to figure out the rest. No duplicate keywords/classes are allowed, so remove any duplicates of those already solved.

(Note: All class keywords will be used, so if you’re missing any, you’ll have to go back and reconsider your options.)

For example, in the previous step, I narrowed Light and Void to Influence and Experience. That means I can’t use Influence or Experience for Hope and Rage, which narrows Hope and Rage to Mend and Demolish. Likewise, I narrowed Heart and Mind to Empower and Take, because those were the only instances I had of those class keywords.


Simple process of elimination narrowed my results considerably! Most of them are solved!


That just leaves two classpect pairs I’m unsure about, or 4 total.


9) For any remaining pairs left to solve, look at each class description more closely…


…And figure out which descriptions most accurately fit your interaction with each aspect.

In my case, I feel like Knight fits better than Maid for Space, which narrows Space and Time to Knight and Rogue, respectively.

I still can’t determine Breath and Blood, as Maid and Bard both seem fitting. I use dahniwitchoflight’s Aspect posts as a guide, looking at descriptions for all four. Bard of Breath sounds especially like me, and Maid of Blood more than Bard of Blood.


10) Convert the keywords back into classes, and that’s it! You’ve now determined your full Classpect Profile!


I like using my Classes Chart and Aspect Keywords to create a brief description of each of my 12 roles.


Seer of Life: Invites understanding of/with/through Life (life force, energy, growth, power, persistence, wealth, boldness, enthusiasm, efficacy), guiding others.

All 12 seem pretty accurate to me!

How to determine a Hero Title and subrole Look at which aspect pair has the strongest influence on your actions and perspective. Most likely, it will also match the dual class pair that most accurately describes how you naturally operate in general. Both class and aspect are important to consider, especially if you have difficulty narrowing either down to one pair.

One of those classpects will sound like you at your best; it’s your area of greatest potential and method of having a maximum impact on reality. Its opposite/inverse classpect is your primary focus when you are stressed and in an unhealthy frame of mind, yet it’s also something you can put to good use. You’re probably naturally skilled with both classpects.

Your Hero Title is your best, ideal, and healthiest state, and your subrole is the stressed-but-useful state. Sometimes it’s easier to figure out your subrole first and invert it to discover your Title.

As for me, I am a Seer of Life! My subrole is Witch of Doom.

Alternate possibilities? If you’re not fond of your Hero Title, go with the alternate roles that have the next strongest influence in your life. Most likely, these will be the classpect pairs in which you can easily distinguish a “healthy” role and an inverse “unhealthy” role.

In my case, Heir of Light Mage of Void and Sylph of Hope are strong alternate Hero Titles. (Ugh, why do my top three aspects have to be the color schemes I most dislike? Void is awesome.)

Using an alternate role won’t be as ideal as your primary role, but it’s still a useful option.

Now what? After you’ve determined your Classpect Profile and Hero Title, I highly recommend learning more about each of your 12 roles in Dahni’s Aspect posts. Then use your Classpect Profile however you like!

I hope this guide was helpful and informative!

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10 years ago

How I used all 12 of my roles through my Classpect Profile theory and guide:

Seer of Life I invited others to understand their power and energy to affect reality. Through my own energy and enthusiasm, I invited others to understand themselves better, providing knowledge for potential personal growth.

Witch of Doom I changed the rules for Classpecting!

Heir of Light I invited change in the information regarding Classpects, altering the relevance and significance of other roles in relation to a person’s identity.

Mage of Void I understood the value of roles that were previously unconsidered, unknown, and irrelevant.

Sylph of Hope I invited creation of Hero Title possibilities, allowing people to generate more options for themselves.

Prince of Rage As a result of creating possibilities, I destroyed the lack of options for a Hero Title.

Maid of Blood I created connections between all the classes and aspects, uniting them all as part of an individual.

Bard of Breath As a result of creating connections, I allowed destruction of the disconnection and separation between the classes and aspects.

Rogue of Time I invested a lot of my time putting together this theory and guide, with the goal that others would benefit from it. So I gave my time for the benefit of others.

Knight of Space Uh… Hmm… I made use of Tumblr, utilizing its space as a platform for posting this stuff? I also maximized the usefulness of links and tags …probably?

Thief of Mind I hoarded the logic, reasoning, and thoughts of others (and myself), taking and compiling ideas and theories to come up with my own theory about Classpects. I also redistributed my own thoughts on the subject.

Page of Heart By inviting others to understand themselves and their roles better, as well as creating more Hero Title options, I’m empowering others to discover their core identity, whom they really are, the inner self. I may not have a strong handle on it myself, but I hope others can utilize their information to tap into their potential.

Essentially, I used all of my roles, but all through the filter of my primary, Seer of Life role. The other 11 roles assisted and enhanced the primary role. This is how a Classpect Profile operates.

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9 years ago

Multiple Intelligences as Aspects

Visual-Spatial: Space

Musical: Time

Verbal-Linguistic: Light (and Void)

Existential: Hope (and Rage)

Intrapersonal: Heart

Logical-Mathematical: Mind

Bodily-Kinesthetic: Breath

Interpersonal: Blood

Naturalist: Life (and Doom)

More information on Multiple Intelligences (MI) Theory:

The Nine Types of Intelligence

MI Table

Theory of multiple intelligences (Wikipedia)

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9 years ago

Aspects as Auxiliary Verbs


*For Space/Time, Will is non-conditional and future-tense. For Heart/Mind, Will is conditional (i.e. “if”).

Space: What is (the present). Time: What was (the past) and what will be (the future).

Light: What must be (is too probable/important). Void: What must NOT be (is too unlikely/insignificant).

Hope: What could be (is possible). Rage: What could NOT be (is impossible).

Heart: What would be (based on inner desire). Mind: What would be (based on decision and rationale).

Blood: What should be (is owed). Breath: What should NOT be (isn’t owed).

Life: What could be (is capable/allowed). Doom: What could NOT be (is incapable/not allowed).

Notice the similarities between the perpendicular aspect pairs:


Source: bladekindeyewear

Space/Time and Heart/Mind: be vs. will.

Light/Void and Blood/Breath: must vs. should.

Hope/Rage and Life/Doom: can and may.

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9 years ago

Hi! I was wondering if a Knight of Mind, Heir of Blood, or Seer of Heart would be a better leader?

Well, it would depend.

A Knight of Mind would be good at using façades and choices, exploiting and maximizing the usefulness of thoughts, rationale, and the outer self in order to get things done. If balanced, they could also use their Rogue of Heart inverse to obtain, redistribute, and share souls and inner desires.

An Heir of Blood would be good at influencing and inviting change relating to bonds, pacts, and connections of a group. If balanced, they could also use their Mage of Breath inverse to understand what direction the team should take—their goals and quests—and use that knowledge to act or lead.

A Seer of Heart would be good at understanding the core of each person in the group, such as their strengths, weaknesses, fears, and inner desires. They would then guide the team using that knowledge. If balanced, they could also use their Witch of Mind inverse to change others’ minds—their rationales and decisions—and their outer selves.

I’m inclined to think an Heir of Blood would make one of the best leaders in general, but there are a lot of factors to consider. It’d depend on the individual leading, the group dynamic, the purpose and goal, and what the team actually needed. It’d also depend on how “realized” (and competent) the person is.

Certain classpects are probably naturally better skilled and equipped to lead than others, but each classpect has the potential to be a good leader (or a poor leader), depending on the circumstances.

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9 years ago

ROSESPRITE: I kind of relish the idea of being a "less relevant" party member.

Rose always has gravitated toward Void more than Light.

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8 years ago

Classpect Profile Theory Revision

I've been reflecting upon my Classpect Profile theory, and I've realized... There's no reason all 12 classes have to be used. All aspects, yes, since that's the whole point of the profile. And each aspect pair still must come in paired inverse classes. But having to use every single class? It just ends up shoehorning classes that may not actually fit a person's interaction with an aspect.

As an example, here's my own recently realized profile:

Sylph of Blood - Prince of Breath

Seer of Life - Witch of Doom

Rogue of Light - Knight of Void

Seer of Heart - Witch of Mind

Sylph of Hope - Prince of Rage

Knight of Space - Rogue of Time

Double Sylph/Prince, Seer/Witch, and Rogue/Knight. Notice how Maid/Bard, Page/Thief, and Mage/Heir classes are not used.

While this revised theory removes the process-of-elimination method (Step 8 of the guide), I think it ends up working a lot better. And if anything, many repeat classes may give a clue of a person's primary class.

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2 years ago

🖤Moon - Pluto Aspects🔪

🖤Dives deeply into their feelings

🔪Their emotions are INTENSE and often feel all consuming

🖤fear is usually heightened and they may have strong anxiety or fear of loss, control or death

🔪They might experience emotional addiction (to others emotions or their own)

🖤Often need time to digest what they’re actually feeling and might have a hard time communicating to others what they’re feeling

🔪Might feel the need to control their emotions, wether this means repressing the or keeping a lid on them or controlling how others see them

🖤Might have an extreme fear of loss, change or the unknown (although it might show up in subtle ways)

🔪Usually they have a core need to feel safe, and to feel safe some sort of massive emotional deconstruction or reconstruction usually has to occur (not the easiest cycle)

🖤Often their home life is intense and they need space away from it (sadly a lot of people I know with this aspect have abusive families, but not all moon-Pluto people will)

🔪Those with the hard aspects (conjunction, square, opposition) might feel intruded upon or invaded especially by their family

🖤These people like to get to the root of why they feel the way they do, they want to eradicate the feeling at the source

🔪Are known for ‘killing’ their feelings and might appear cold to others

🖤However feelings aren’t usually killed, but more buried until they reappear later in a burst that can be destructive

🔪Their families might have a skeleton or a secret in their cupboard, some sort of trauma or violation or other messy situation, but again depends on the person

🖤These people are often charged with carrying their family’s secret and to heal them

🔪Can act as a sponge, soaking in any negativity or unexpressed feelings around them (they can easily get drained by being near people)

🖤Whenever there’s a crisis around them, even if it has nothing to do with them, they’ll usually somehow manage to get involved in it (they can smell trauma a mile away)

🔪Usually they are her strong and perceptive people, even if they aren’t vocal on what they observe. Others turn to them for advice especially in hard times

🖤Nothing ever really seems to shock them, they have seen, and more so felt it, all before

🔪Great at providing and safe space for people to express their emotions, can become amazing therapists

🖤Sadly they often attract unhealthy relationships. Relationships that are emotionally intense and dramatic

🔪Also seem to attract who are at polar opposites of the emotional scale, with the conjunction they might find someone who’s very emotionally repressed, who keeps their emotional world hidden or with the other aspects usually someone who feels helpless to their emotions, who’s controlled by their intense emotional swings

🖤They might also choose dramatic partners who can act out the Plutonian emotions that they are not comfortable with expressing yet

🔪On a side note they also tend to just find people who are opposite to them

🖤They often crave intense emotional interaction, and their personal life isn’t usually tranquil for long

🔪They are full of dark, seething undercurrents that can erupt at any minute

🖤They like to keep the details of their personal and domestic life to themselves, and not in public view. They might feel like there’s no need to trust the others with their feelings and secrets

🔪Many come from a background where it wasn’t safe to expose/express ones feelings. They might be used for manipulation, control or blackmail

🖤While they are amazing at detecting things like manipulation, control and blackmail they may use them consciously or unconsciously as well

🔪They might be obsessed with their mother in some way, or wanting to be a mother. Or their mother might be obsessed with them

🖤Mother figure might be controlling and over protective. She might over mother or invade the child’s space, allowing no hiding place, no secrets, no privacy

🔪The conjunction might signal that they won’t be accepted by their family, or that they need to leave their family/community to be authentically themselves

🖤Very in-tune with their subconscious and their primal feelings, and their subcnious is often VERY strong

🔪They might crash into or invade others feelings or be very frightened of doing so

🖤Might have an obsession with motives, what their motives are and what others motives are

🔪 A general philosophy they might have is “if I know the person thourougly, including their weaknesses, then they cannot hurt me, because I hold the power”

🖤They might have power struggles come up again and again in their relationships

🔪Can be very possessive

🖤Might be constantly told they are too sensitive, obsessive, emotional or serious

🔪Very resilient people with willpower of steel and often can uplift others

🖤The most difficult lesson they may need to learn is to let go of their feelings. They may have the urge to purge their destructive emotions like rage, hurt, suspicion and jealousy but their fear of letting go is often stronger

🔪Moon-Pluto people are Intense. Their emotions, home environment and the people that surround them can lead them to be controlling, manipulative and anxious people. However, because of their experience with the darker side of life they tend to be resilient and inspiring, and at their best they can squeeze out depth from every experience. They make powerful,impactful and loyal friends and partners🖤

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2 years ago

🖤Moon - Pluto Aspects🔪

🖤Dives deeply into their feelings

🔪Their emotions are INTENSE and often feel all consuming

🖤fear is usually heightened and they may have strong anxiety or fear of loss, control or death

🔪They might experience emotional addiction (to others emotions or their own)

🖤Often need time to digest what they’re actually feeling and might have a hard time communicating to others what they’re feeling

🔪Might feel the need to control their emotions, wether this means repressing the or keeping a lid on them or controlling how others see them

🖤Might have an extreme fear of loss, change or the unknown (although it might show up in subtle ways)

🔪Usually they have a core need to feel safe, and to feel safe some sort of massive emotional deconstruction or reconstruction usually has to occur (not the easiest cycle)

🖤Often their home life is intense and they need space away from it (sadly a lot of people I know with this aspect have abusive families, but not all moon-Pluto people will)

🔪Those with the hard aspects (conjunction, square, opposition) might feel intruded upon or invaded especially by their family

🖤These people like to get to the root of why they feel the way they do, they want to eradicate the feeling at the source

🔪Are known for ‘killing’ their feelings and might appear cold to others

🖤However feelings aren’t usually killed, but more buried until they reappear later in a burst that can be destructive

🔪Their families might have a skeleton or a secret in their cupboard, some sort of trauma or violation or other messy situation, but again depends on the person

🖤These people are often charged with carrying their family’s secret and to heal them

🔪Can act as a sponge, soaking in any negativity or unexpressed feelings around them (they can easily get drained by being near people)

🖤Whenever there’s a crisis around them, even if it has nothing to do with them, they’ll usually somehow manage to get involved in it (they can smell trauma a mile away)

🔪Usually they are her strong and perceptive people, even if they aren’t vocal on what they observe. Others turn to them for advice especially in hard times

🖤Nothing ever really seems to shock them, they have seen, and more so felt it, all before

🔪Great at providing and safe space for people to express their emotions, can become amazing therapists

🖤Sadly they often attract unhealthy relationships. Relationships that are emotionally intense and dramatic

🔪Also seem to attract who are at polar opposites of the emotional scale, with the conjunction they might find someone who’s very emotionally repressed, who keeps their emotional world hidden or with the other aspects usually someone who feels helpless to their emotions, who’s controlled by their intense emotional swings

🖤They might also choose dramatic partners who can act out the Plutonian emotions that they are not comfortable with expressing yet

🔪On a side note they also tend to just find people who are opposite to them

🖤They often crave intense emotional interaction, and their personal life isn’t usually tranquil for long

🔪They are full of dark, seething undercurrents that can erupt at any minute

🖤They like to keep the details of their personal and domestic life to themselves, and not in public view. They might feel like there’s no need to trust the others with their feelings and secrets

🔪Many come from a background where it wasn’t safe to expose/express ones feelings. They might be used for manipulation, control or blackmail

🖤While they are amazing at detecting things like manipulation, control and blackmail they may use them consciously or unconsciously as well

🔪They might be obsessed with their mother in some way, or wanting to be a mother. Or their mother might be obsessed with them

🖤Mother figure might be controlling and over protective. She might over mother or invade the child’s space, allowing no hiding place, no secrets, no privacy

🔪The conjunction might signal that they won’t be accepted by their family, or that they need to leave their family/community to be authentically themselves

🖤Very in-tune with their subconscious and their primal feelings, and their subcnious is often VERY strong

🔪They might crash into or invade others feelings or be very frightened of doing so

🖤Might have an obsession with motives, what their motives are and what others motives are

🔪 A general philosophy they might have is “if I know the person thourougly, including their weaknesses, then they cannot hurt me, because I hold the power”

🖤They might have power struggles come up again and again in their relationships

🔪Can be very possessive

🖤Might be constantly told they are too sensitive, obsessive, emotional or serious

🔪Very resilient people with willpower of steel and often can uplift others

🖤The most difficult lesson they may need to learn is to let go of their feelings. They may have the urge to purge their destructive emotions like rage, hurt, suspicion and jealousy but their fear of letting go is often stronger

🔪Moon-Pluto people are Intense. Their emotions, home environment and the people that surround them can lead them to be controlling, manipulative and anxious people. However, because of their experience with the darker side of life they tend to be resilient and inspiring, and at their best they can squeeze out depth from every experience. They make powerful,impactful and loyal friends and partners🖤

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2 years ago

🔱Neptune- Ascendant Aspects💠

🔱Appears elusive, enchanting or other worldly

💠Can seem vague or confused

🔱These people don’t make an immediate impact on the physical environment, they blend in and can even seem invisible at times

💠They can have a hard time being noticed

🔱Their persona is not fixed, they can appear as something one day and the opposite the next (for example one day they may seem confident and outgoing, the next shy and withdrawn)

💠They reflect anything they come into contact with (think of like a crystal)

🔱Extremely sensitive to others and their environment, if you want a vibe check go ask a Neptune-ascendant person

💠They have little boundary between them and the rest of the world

🔱Great at picking up what others are feeling

💠 They reflect whoever they’re with (like a mirror)

🔱Usually excellent photographers

💠Might be easily influenced

🔱People with Neptune-ascendant aspects can lack stamina unless other planets like mars or the sun are also in the mix

💠Those with Neptune opposite Ascendant are often rescued by others or rescuing others, this can be a core feature in their relationships

🔱Oppositions also have trouble seeing people clearly, often idealizing or distorting their true nature

💠Boundaries in relating to others may be weak

🔱Usually is great in any creative field

💠Can be difficult for these people to ground themselves

🔱Often can feel or look lost and they might space out a lot

💠Others tend to view them as innocent and/or mysterious

🔱Heightened psychic abilities or senses (or in some cases simply excellent intuition)

💠Neptune-Ascendant people are elusive. They blend in easily and are amazing at reading the room. While others may project upon them whatever they’re thinking or feeling, if you really get to know a Neptune- Ascendant person they are amazing and sensitive people🔱

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4 years ago

This just occurred to me but shout out to aspec folks who figured out they were aspec while having depression. I've never seen anyone mention it but honestly we deserve an award for managing to figure out our lack of attraction while feeling little if nothing most of the time, cheers lads, we're great

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1 year ago

oh hey lmao since we're at the starting stages of a trans genocide in the US, I wanna remind everyone that they will try to erase this. They will try to rewrite history so that this never happened, or everyone was on our side in the beginning, or whatever makes them look better. They're already trying to re-write history and erase us from the start, with bills that make it illegal to teach queerness in classrooms. We cannot let this happen. We cannot let them erase our history.

We're lucky we live in the age of the Internet where nothing is truly erased. We gotta use this to our advantage.

Be loud. Be angry. Do not let them erase us.

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1 year ago

crazy how no one (ive seen) talks about how the breath players in homestuck have fire assosiations with them like john has a fire place always lit and his dad always smokeing and tavros has fucking pyrokentics like??? 

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1 year ago

crazy how no one (ive seen) talks about how the breath players in homestuck have fire assosiations with them like john has a fire place always lit and his dad always smokeing and tavros has fucking pyrokentics like??? 

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