Danneel Ackles - Tumblr Posts
Hey i love your writing. Can I request the Amber song prompt please? I apologise for the details haha but can I request it with Jared & adopted daughter reader, Gen & adopted daughter reader, Jensen & reader, Danneel & reader and if you can fit it in somewhere Rob Benedict & reader. Can the reader write the song? I'd like to have the reader to be in the care system and jared and gen foster her. Either she sings the song to them or they hear it without her wanting to, up to you. thank you somuch!
I’ll Stay

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Prompts - Amber song prompt - I’ll Stay - Isabela Moner
Jared and Gen adopt the reader and she struggles to accept that they really want her.
You’d recently been fostered. That was a miracle in itself considering you were a teenager and nobody, usually, wanted to foster and then adopted them. The couple, Jared and Genevieve Padalecki, had wanted an older kid and decided you would be a welcome fit in their home.
There was another couple visiting today, they were coming in to foster a kid. You sat in your room, knowing you weren’t needed downstairs, you weren’t going to be fostered so what was the point. With that mindset it was a shock when somebody knocked on your open door. Looking up you saw a man, a tall man with long brown hair, leaning against the peeling door frame. You felt like you recognised him from somewhere but couldn’t quite place it.
“Hey um, I’m Jared.” He told you with a smile. His overall presence made you relax but you still raised an eyebrow in confusion.
“Y/N. Why are you up here?”
“Nice to meet you, Y/N. Actually, I-uh, I only came up here to use the bathroom. How come you’re up here? We got told everyone would be downstairs so me and my wife could meet them.” You felt yourself growing more confused, why would he want you down there?
“Yeah, well, trust me after all my times in different homes I’ve learnt that people only want babies and little kids. Once you hit your teenage years you’re pretty much stuck here ‘til you can leave on your own.” You watched him take in the information, a frown playing on his face as he did.
“Actually me and my wife, Gen, we’re here to adopt an older kid. We already have three kids of our own, we’ve got Tom whose 7, Shep whose 5 and Odette whose 2. Gen’s always wanted a big family, me too actually, but we got told we couldn’t have more kids.” The fact he already had a family didn’t surprise you too much, a lot of couples had their own kids, it was the fact he wanted an older kid that shocked you, especially considering all he kids were considerably young.
“Sorry to hear that.” You told him, gaining a small smile, “but I gotta ask, why an older kid? You’re eldest is seven so why’d you want older?”
“Well with my job I travel around a lot. Whilst we have help from family and friends it would add to the stress if we brought another baby or toddler into the mix, it wouldn’t be very fair to them I guess. A teenager would better understand the situation of me not being around as often as Gen is, I guess. Our kids get it, they know what I do but a new addition, well, it would be difficult to adjust especially since most of the kids, older and young, have a complicated history.” You took in what he was saying, it made sense.
“What’s your job then?” You asked, he gave you a questioning look before answering.
“I’m, uh, I’m an actor. Right now I’m on a show called Supernatural.” Never hearing of the show you just shrugged at him, it was cool that he was an actor. You’d probably seen his picture on social media or something.
“So, Y/N, let’s get to know each other.”
It had been a long process of course, everything had to be arranged, you had to spend nights at their house and go on day trips with the couple and their three children. It was nice but as you lay in your new bed you couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed.
You’d been in the care system pretty much your whole life, families had fostered you and given you right back. The disappointment and sadness you’d felt each time faded into nothing, you’d learnt not to care too much, knowing that the only way you were getting out of the system was when you turned the legal age.
However, Gen and Jared were adamant in trying to convince you that you were wanted here, how they wouldn’t bring someone into their family, to meet their children, if they weren’t serious. You liked the Padalecki’s, you really did, and you knew that was the worst thing because when they sent you back, and they would, it would hurt the most.
Eventually you gave up on tossing and turning, instead you grabbed the new phone they’d recently gifted you and checked the time, 02:32 AM. Usually when you couldn’t sleep you went out for a walk, probably not the safest idea for a young girl to be alone at this time of night but it helped clear your mind. When you were at the group home you would usually go to the hill top, it was secluded, hard to find and perfect for just sitting and contemplating everything.
You hadn’t had a chance to explore your new home town in Austin, Texas, before the family had took you in you’d never even been to Texas. Now was as good a time as any to explore though, you thought. Genevieve had showed you the alarm system that they had, luckily you knew the code so you wouldn’t wake anyone up. Getting out of bed you grabbed a bag and threw your notebook, pen, phone and headphones in before throwing a jacket on too.
Sneaking out of the house was easy, hell you had mastered how to do that by the time you were twelve. The neighbourhood you were in was nice, rich but homely you would say. The Padalecki’s home had been a shock to you, considering you only knew apartments, group homes and peeling houses. You looked around and picked a direction before heading down the road, what better way to explore, and if you got lost at least you had your phone.
You’d been walking for a while before you came across a forest, walking even further until you found a lake. It was beautiful and you quickly found some large rocks to sit on. Checking your phone you realised you been walking for way longer than you thought considering it was 3:30 in the morning, that was around an hour since you’d left the house.
Sitting there, you took in the scenery before pulling out your notebook. In it contained a bit of everything, entries of your days, how you were feeling, a few drawings and some songs you’d wrote. You weren’t a song writer by any means but it was helpful, easier to express your emotions. Some were quite good whilst other were scribbled out completely. It was something that you’d read online, some crap about how it would help you deal with your emotions and you guessed, though you’d never admit it, it did help. You grabbed a pen before opening the book to a blank page and began writing.
‘My feet are sore from walking all night long.No direction when there’s no where to go.’
The Padalecki’s keep saying how their house was your home too and whilst they seemed completely sincere about that, you couldn’t let yourself feel like it was your home, like they cared about you.
‘Empty picture frames of times all gone
Lonely echoes of the stories we‘ve told
If you put on my shoes walk a mile or two
‘til your eyes open wider than they used to.’
You bit the end of your pen, willing the tears in your eyes to go away as you closed the book. Turns out writing about this situation was harder than you’d thought it would be. You wanted to let yourself be happy but how could you when nothing ever went your way.
- Time skip - 1 week -
You were being taken to the Ackles house today for a BBQ, the whole family was going and you were going to meet Jensen, Danneel and their kids for the first time. They’d wanted to meet you earlier but Jared said they were letting you get settled in a bit first. You’d heard great things about them from Jared and Gen and if you were being honest you had Googled both families and seen clips of them on YouTube along with people like Misha Collins, Richard Speight Jr and Rob Benedict who all seemed pretty cool too.
You had began, secretly, watching the show and had to admit you really liked it, how you hadn’t watched it before was a mystery to you considering it was in the realm of shows you liked.
Before you knew it you were being pulled into a hug by Danneel, she squeezed you tightly and you froze for a moment. You had never really been affectionate with people, another side effect of being in the system for so long, you either became touch starved or just got used to not being held. A small paused passed before you wrapped your arms around her too, it was awkward but nice. You were greeted the same way by Jensen too, a warm hug and a tight squeeze, again it was awkward but you quite liked it. You met the twins who were adorable as was their eldest, JJ.
For most of the afternoon you drifted towards Danneel, who seemed more than happy to let you sit with her and get to know you. She asked you about your life growing up, you asked her about her family, living here in Texas, she asked you about the states you’d been to. Danneel even invited you to join her and Genevieve to get your nails done sometime when the boys were away, you tried to decline, not wanting to intrude on her day with Gen but she insisted, as did Gen when she found out.
When Danneel went to check the twins Jensen came and occupied the seat his wife had just left.
“How you doing?” He asked, looking at you with a soft smile and concern in his eyes. You nodded a few times before speaking.
“I’m OK.” You told him, only for him to raise his brow at you, “seriously I’m OK. I mean sure it’s a bit overwhelming at times but still that’s to be expected.”
“You know,” Jensen started, wrapping an arm around your shoulders as he did, “they spent a year doing them courses to be able to foster and adopt, they spent just about the same amount of time trying to find someone they really liked. I know them and, trust me, they don’t ever wanna give you back. They want you to be a part of their family. I know it’s overwhelming but give it time and you’ll see there’s nothing to be worried about.”
- Time skip - 6 months -
You laughed as Jared stuffed the remains of his burger into his mouth causing him to grin at you. Rolling your eyes, you pressed the napkin into his hand and made him wipe his face. Jared and Jensen were leaving soon, heading to Vancouver to film for their show, which you had finished watching and wanted to know what happened next.
Life had been pretty good. Sometimes you still got overwhelmed, sometimes you had moments when you were sure they were going to make you go back to the group home, back into the system, but they were always there to reassure you that you were stuck with them.
Jared had decided that he would take you out for the day, just you and him. You’d felt guilty at first, not wanting him to miss out on spending time with his family before he left but he wouldn’t take no for an answer. As you sat opposite him in a cute little diner, you were glad you’d gone out with him.
“You know,” You began as you laughter faded, tone full of amusement still, “I finished watching your show.” You watched as his eyes lit up, could see the pride and passion he had for the show even after all the years he’d spent on it.
“You did? I didn’t even know you’d started watching it! Did you like it?”
“I thought I’d watch it considering it’s such a huge part of yours and Jensen’s life. You know, I actually really enjoyed it. Gotta say though, think Dean’s my favourite.” You laughed loudly at his overly dramatic reaction before continuing. “OK maybe not Dean, maybe, oh I don’t know…Gabriel?”
“Now listen here you, Sam Winchester is the best! If he’s not your favourite then I don’t think you watched the right show.”
Today Jared had taken out to the arcades that weren’t too far a drive from where you guys lived. You’d both spent hours trying to beat each other before deciding to call it a draw, though for the record you totally beat him. There was also a crazy golf course that he’d taken you to, which you didn’t beat him at but still had fun joking around with him.
Both Jared and Genevieve took you out individually to get to know you one on one. Like recently you and Gen had gone hiking once she found out you loved nature and the scenic views, you hadn’t told them of your spot near the lake, you liked the privacy it offered you and you still snuck out to write or just be alone. As well as that she had taken you to the spa, Danneel also came along, and you all got spa treatments and your nails done.
You had also gone out with the kids, you’d took the boys to see the newest films they wanted to see and took Odette and the boys to the park, sometimes joined by both Jared and Gen. All together you had gone to the zoo, farms, the arcades, ice skating and more. It was nice to see the family do so much together, a bit strange for you at first considering you’d never had anything like this but now you looked forward to making more memories.
Jensen had become a large part in your life. He was there when you needed to talk about them overwhelming feelings that you didn’t want to burden Gen and Jared with. You knew they wouldn’t mind and wouldn’t take it as a personal attack on them but for some reason it was easier with Jensen. He took you out to get food as you talked over everything that was bothering you. You also hung out with him when there was nothing wrong, just a few days back you and Jensen had taken JJ out whilst Danneel had the twins.
Having Jared and Jensen leave for Vancouver would be strange. You’d gotten so used to them being around, become dependent on them in a way you hadn’t been with anyone ever, that it was a bit daunting.
The fans knew about you, between the two families there were a lot of pictures featuring you on their Instagram’s. They had asked you before hand obviously, not wanting to evade your privacy if you weren’t comfortable with it but you were.
Jared and you kept joking around whilst you ate your desserts. You were still scared but you felt more comfortable now.
- Time skip 1 year + 6 months -
You’d been with Genevieve and Jared for about two years now. You loved them and the kids so much, they were your family. You’d finally accepted it and for the first time in years you were happy, you had parental figures who loved you, aunts and uncles who you adored and siblings, nieces and nephews who were your world.
Jared was home for a few days before he was flying off to another convention, this one you had been invited too. Genevieve was coming too, her parents offering to watch the kids so she could. In the time you had been with Gen and Jared, you’d been to the set of Supernatural and meet a lot of the cast including, Misha, Alexander, Richard, Ruth, Mark (Sheppard and Pellegrino) and Rob plus a few more.
You’d become close to them all. You took an extra liking to Rob Benedict, feeling comfortable around him since you met him. Something about him calmed you down completely even though he himself was a ball of nervous energy, though you’d seen him on stage, only in videos, and could hardly believe it was the same man. Rob had took you to explore Vancouver, taking you on hikes and for dinner. You shared a lot with Rob and ended up telling him that you liked to write songs yourself, he had been persistent that you show him something and it had taken weeks before you showed him the song you’d been working on since you moved into your home.
“You have to perform this at the convention!” Rob had told you, he was grinning brightly as he looked from the book to you.
Your cheeks flushed as you replied, “I- I can’t perform that! It’s, well I, seriously I can’t!”
“You can, Y/N. They’ll both be there and they’ll love it. I promise, I wouldn’t suggest it if I didn’t think it’d turn out good for you. At least think about it.”
And you had. You had thought about it. Rob said you could perform it during the concert he put on, knowing Jared and Gen, plus the rest of the Supernatural cast, would be there. You had politely declined each time.
You sat at the airport in the early hours of the morning, eyes drooping closed as you felt the tiredness weighing down on you. Why you had to take such an early flight you’d never know but here you were. Your eyes stayed closed but you jolted slightly as an arm wrapped around your shoulders and pulled you against a warm body, Jared your mind supplied. You smiled as you cuddled closer to him, feeling him press a kiss against your forehead before continuing his conversation with Jensen and Gen a bit more quietly.
You didn’t sleep, just rested your eyes until Jared shook you and told you the plane was ready. Before you had to switch your phone off you wrote a text, hesitating to send it. You looked up at Jared, who still had an arm around you, then to Gen who smiled softly at you, you quickly returned it before clicking send on the text.
‘I’ll do it.’
You’d finally arrived at your hotel and having slept on the plane you know felt wide awake as you walked in ahead of Gen, Jensen and Jared. You were instantly greeted by Rob Benedict who walked up to you with a smug grin on his face causing you to roll your eyes as you stepped into his arms.
“Knew you’d do it.” He whispered, amusement clear in his tone.
“Shut up.” You laughed as you pushed him away, causing him to do the same.
After everyone had their bags put away they decided that they were going out for a few drinks. You were welcomed by everyone but decided you’d stay in the hotel room and just relax for a bit, as well as going over the song Rob was making you perform.
“We can stay in with you if you want?” Gen asked but you just shook your head.
“Go out and have fun. I’ll be fine, honestly I’m just gonna put Netflix on and go to bed.” After convincing Gen, then Jared, that you’d be ok they left and you were alone.
You sat on the bed with the notebook in your lap. Tomorrow you’d perform one of the most personal songs you had ever written in front of a crowd of strangers as well as your friends and family. To say you were terrified would be an understatement but Rob had promised you that he’d be with you the entire time and so would the guys from the band who you’d met and got along with great. It help ease your nerves a bit.
‘My feet are sore from walking all night long
No direction when there’s nowhere to go
Empty picture frames of times all gone
Lonely echoes of the stories we’ve told
If you put on my shoes walk a mile or two‘til your eyes open wider than they used to
Then I will meet you there where the air is clear
Pinky swear I’ll meet you there.’
The day was here. You had woken up feeling sick, Gen and Jared fussed over you. You stayed in the room as Jared went to do his meet and greets and panels and whilst Gen went with him she came back to the hotel room to check on you throughout the day.
Rob had been texting with you in an attempt to calm you down, it had worked and by time everyone was getting ready for the concert you were feeling more like yourself. Gen and Jared fussed but you assured them you were feeling better and they let you come.
Now you stood to the side with Jared, Gen and Matt Cohen, who you’d only met today but absolutely adored. Matt had an arm around you as you all watched Jensen and Rob sing on stage together. Once they’d finished Rob began to speak.
“So many of you are going to know my next guest but some may not. She’s never performed in front of anyone so give her your full support. She wrote this song herself and she’s a bit nervous. Everyone please welcome Y/F/N Y/L/N!” Jared and Gen turned to look at you in surprise but you didn’t look at them. You felt Matt give your shoulders a squeeze before he gently pushed you forward. The crowd cheered as Rob took your hand in his and handed you the mic.
“You’ll be fine. I’m right here. Don’t look at them if you don’t want to.” You nodded as you looked at him. Rob gestured for the band to start playing.
“My feet are sore from walking all night long
No direction when there’s nowhere to go
Empty picture frames of times all gone
Lonely echoes of the stories we‘ve told
If you put on my shoes walk a mile or two‘til your eyes open wider than they used to
Then I will meet you there where the air is clear
Pinky swear I’ll meet you there
And I’ll stay, with you I see new colors
And I’ll stay, today until forever
And I’ll stay, with you I see new colors
My eyes are open wider today until forever
I’ll stay with you
Familiar faces as we chase the moon
Fall in love and I’ll come crying to you
Through the changes and the Earth’s bad moods
I’ll lay my troubled bones on you
If you put on my shoes walk a mile or two
‘til your eyes open wider than they used to
Then I will meet you there where the air is clear
Pinky swear I’ll meet you there
And I’ll stay, with you I see new colors
And I’ll stay, today until forever
And I’ll stay, with you I see new colors
My eyes are open wider today until forever
I’ll stay with you
(Ah, ah aaah, aaaah)
I’ll stay with you
(Ah, ah aaah, aaaah)
And I’ll stay, with you I see new colors
And I’ll stay, today until forever
And I’ll stay, with you I see new colors
My eyes are open wider today until forever
(Ah, ah aaah, aaaah)
I’ll stay with you
(Ah, ah aaah, aaaah)
Oooh woah woah woah
My eyes are open wider
When I’m a hundred two , and I can’t sing to you
Close your eyes, memorize how I used to”
Your eyes had closed as you sung but you opened them once you heard the cheering from the Supernatural fans, letting out a huge sigh of relief. The meaning of the song was obvious to anyone who knew the circumstances, you’d finally finished it when you’d accepted that Gen and Jared were going to keep you, when you realised they love you and you loved them, when you recognised that you were their family and they were yours. To you the song was perfect for expressing that to them because finding the words had been hard.
You thanked everyone and Rob pulled you in for a hug before you left the stage. Gen had tears falling down her face, Jared was no better. Your own eyes filled with tears at the sight but before you could say anything Jared pulled you against him into a tight hug, bringing Gen in as he did. The three of you stayed there for a long while, just holding each other as a family.
“You know we were gonna ask if we could adopt you officially but we weren’t sure how you felt.” Jared told you with a wet chuckle, “but now I think it’s safe to say that you’ll allow us to adopt you?” He asked causing you to look up at him, even more tears streaming down your face at the news.
“Yes, yes, I’m totally ok with you guys adopting me. God, I love you guys so much!” You told them. You felt Gen rub her hand up and down your back as Jared kissed your head.
“We love you too, Y/F/N Padalecki.”

I know my value, anyone else's opinion doesn't really matter

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Warnings - Self harm, suicide attempt, self hate, depression
Requested - anon ~ I know there is a load of prompts in here but I was wondering if you could do Jensen & daughter reader w/ Jared & niece reader. Basically the fandom is sending Jensen’s daughter a lot of hate about whatever you want and she ends up self harming and one day she just decides she’s done and cuts herself too deeply, but then Jared calls her and she talks to him whilst she’s dying or smth. Then in the hospital Danneel’s with her until Jared and Jensen come from vancouver. Happy ending.
Reader saying 12 and 32 to Jared whilst she’s bleeding out or smth. Then reader saying can we stay like this for a little while?”’ to Jensen “you’re not a burden” to the reader. Can I request Danneel & reader as well. IDK if I can request my own prompts so if not then they don’t really matter but I’d appreciate it. Sorry I sent so many asks it wouldn’t let me fit it in one box:/xxxx
Jensen’s daughter, Y/N Ackles, is receiving a lot of hate messages on social media that over time cause her to become depressed. What happens when she’s pushed over the edge?
It was an odd feeling to feel like you were a stranger in your own home, to feel like you didn’t really fit in. It was nobody’s fault, nobody in the house treated you any differently to how they treated each other but you couldn’t help but feel like a burden.
Your dad was around as much as he could be with his job, you knew how much he loved being an actor, going to the conventions and whatnot. Danneel treated you just how she treated her own biological children, sure she spent more time with them but that was only natural considering they were so much younger than you. The kids obviously didn’t see you as anything other than big sister Y/N.
It wasn’t any of them that made you feel like you weren’t properly apart of the family, no it was the constant stream of hate messages you received on the daily. People telling you that your dad, Jensen, didn’t love you and that you were a burden on his perfect family with Danneel and the kids. It was the messages that told you that you were worth nothing and that your family wouldn’t miss you if you were gone.
It was just strangers online but it affected you in such a serious way. You were able to block it out to begin with but over recent years it had really affected your confidence and the way viewed yourself. You started thinking that maybe all those people were right, maybe you weren’t good enough, maybe your dad would be better without you.
Over time you had started to become more withdrawn, hiding away in your bedroom and distancing yourself from your friends and family. Slowly at first but eventually Danneel began to worry and she called Jensen one night.
“Have you spoken to Y/N recently?” She had asked him once the younger kids had gone to bed and she had the privacy to talk seriously.
“Um, yeah I spoke to her this morning for a bit. She didn’t seem too chatty though.” Jensen’s response only made Danneel worry more for you and she decided, after discussing it with Jensen, that it’d be best to try and talk to you and involve you in things.
Most nights were spent in your room, Twitter open on your phone with a new stream of mentions telling you how you weren’t good enough. You knew looking at the messages would only hurt you more but for some reason you couldn’t not look.
Some time not too long ago you had taken to hurting yourself. It made you feel a bit better, like you were finally getting what you deserved for being such a burden on your dad and his family. At first you’d cried as you cut yourself but eventually it was like a comfort, you craved it and with every new hate message the cuts got deeper and the what if’s left your mind.
You grabbed one of the blades you had hidden away and pulled your pants down, it was too risky to do it on your arms. You let the blade sit in your hands, moving it from palm to palm as you took in some of the messages, these people hadn’t met you and they knew you didn’t deserve to live. Why would you? You were a burden to Jensen and Danneel. Strangers knew it, you knew it, Jensen and Danneel probably thought it.
With that you guided the blade over to your thigh, pressed deeply and cut at the flesh. It hurt, of course it hurt, but it eased the mental pain just a little so it was worth it. It was less than you deserved but it’d have to do.
It had been a few months and little had changed other than the fact that your mood had significantly lowered, your thighs were littered with new and old cuts, the hate messages continued and you hated yourself. You had no idea what you’d done to deserve this but your mentality to all the hate was bad, you had accepted it and believed what everyone was saying.
One afternoon when things were really bad and Danneel had taken the kids to Genevieve’s, you sat in your room with bleeding thighs and tears streaming down your face. You didn’t want to do this anymore. You were ruining your dad’s life, Danneel and the kids hated you and nobody else on the planet seemed to cared if you lived or died and honestly neither did you.
Without much thought you brought the blade away from your thigh and sunk it into the unharmed flesh of both your wrists, slicing deeply at the skin with a wince of pain.
Of course it was that moment your phone rung and Uncle Jared’s name was flashing up on FaceTime. One last phone call you thought to yourself with a humorless laugh.
“Hey Y/N.” Jared’s voice was filled with concern. He had seen the messages that had been wrote about you in the past few days and after a little digging he’d come across far too many hate messages aimed at you.
“Uncle Jared.” Your voice was breathy, like it was taking all your energy to talk. You weren’t holding the phone either, Jared was currently looking at your ceiling. You didn’t think you had the energy to hold the phone and with the mix of tears and blood it was probably for the better.
“Y/N/N, sweet heart, is everything alright?” The concern in Jared’s voice doubled, something in his stomach turned as a bad feeling washed over him. His eyes scanned the set looking for Jensen but he wasn’t anywhere to be seen.
“Ever wonder if the world would be better off without you?” You asked him, eyes clenched shut as you focused on him and not the immense pain you were feeling. Your voice sounded distant even to you but you weren’t worried.
“Y/N, what are you talking about? Of course the world wouldn’t be better off! Misha, get Jensen now! Hey, Y/N, stay on the phone with me, yeah, keep talking to me.” He stayed on the call but clicked off the FaceTime so he was able to text Gen and tell her to get Danneel in the house. Something bad was happening and he was worried sick.
“M’sorry, I…I can barely keep my eyes open.” You told him sadly.
It wasn’t long until you felt yourself feeling weak, tired, sick and lightheaded. You let out a small whine as your head spun, making you feel dizzy. Your vision blurred dramatically and you were glad you were sat down. All it took was a few slow blinks before your world turned dark and the last thing you heard was Uncle Jared calling you name worriedly.
All you could feel was pain.
You were awake but didn’t open your eyes. Confusion was another strong feeling and it took a few moments before the events that had occurred caught up with you. You remember talking to your Uncle Jared, telling him that you wanted to die or something along those lines, remembered him talking to Misha and calling for your dad whilst trying to make you stay on the phone. Remembered cutting into your wrists without a care in the world, without caring if you would survive.
Clearly you had survived though. Even without opening your eyes you knew you were in a hospital, the smell that every hospital seemed to have and the consistent beeping of a monitor were a dead give away.
You felt someone holding your hand and could hear soft sniffles coming from the person. You knew you had to open your eyes, had to face the reality and the consequences of what you had done but now, when you knew you had to speak about it, the reason behind it seemed silly. To you it was a big deal but you figured your dad and Danneel would brush over it by just telling you they cared.
Reluctantly you forced your eyes open and saw Danneel sat in an uncomfortable looking chair next to your bed, dried tears remained on her cheeks, as she clutched your hand tightly in hers.
“Danneel?” You asked, throat dry and croaky before you let out a fit of coughs. In seconds she was up and pouring you a glass of water, helping you guide it to your mouth and held it steady as you gulped it down greedily.
“How are you feeling?” She asked once you were finished and she’d sat back in the seat.
You honestly didn’t think you were capable of answering that question right now so you opted to just shrug your shoulders and avoid eye contact.
“Yeah, that was a stupid question, huh?” She asked rhetorically before continuing, “so your dad and uncle are on their way home. Jensen texted me right before they got on the plane so they should be landing within the next half hour.”
You nodded at her though you couldn’t help but feel guilty that both Jared and Jensen were flying home because of you, cutting into their busy filming schedule.
“The kids?” You managed to ask, wincing at the pain in your throat.
“They’re fine, they don’t know what happened yet. Gen offered to watch them as soon as we got Jared’s text.” She informed you and you couldn’t help but raise your eyebrow questioningly at the last part.
“Uncle Jared called you and once he started speaking to you, well, he said he had a bad feeling and asked Gen to get me to go home and check on you. Thank God I did, any later and-” Here she cut herself off as her eyes filled with tears, you looked down and began to play with your bed sheets as the guilty feeling grew within you.
“Oh sorry, this probably isn’t helping you. Anyway the kids are fine.” She finished, drying her eyes quickly.
It was another hour or so before Jensen walked into the hospital room, immediately making his way over to you. As he embraced you tightly you saw Danneel leaving the room and caught a glimpse of your uncle Jared.
“Baby girl, what’s going on in that head of yours, hey?” Your dad asked softly and that was all it took before you broke down in his arms. Tears fell down your face as you finally let out everything you were feeling. Jensen held you tightly, letting go only to climb into bed with you before clutching you tightly to his chest and letting you cry.
“That’s it baby, let it out. Good girl, that’s it. So good.” He continued to whisper random words of encouragement to you, soothing you marginally.
It took a while but eventually the tears began to fade and you had calmed yourself down enough to talk.
“I’m sorry.” You choked out causing him to tense up.
“Don’t say that baby girl, don’t you ever apologise. I’m sorry. I should’ve been there. I knew something wasn’t right and I didn’t do anything. God, I nearly lost you.” You looked up at him and saw his own eyes were filled with tears, some having spilled when you yourself were crying.
“S’not your fault daddy. I hid it, didn’t want help. Thought it was better this way. With me gone I wouldn’t be a burden to you or Dani.”
“What? You thin- Y/N Ackles, you’re not a burden. You’re my whole world, you, Danneel, Zepp, Arrow, JJ. My whole world. I’d be lost if I lost any one of you!” The passion and sincerity in his voice made you pause. “Don’t listen to people online, I know it’s easier said than done, trust me I know baby, but they don’t know us. We love you, Y/N/N, so damn much!”
Your eyes filled with tears again but they weren’t completely sad. You had this overwhelming sadness clouding over you, your head was telling you Jensen was lying but a part of you knew that was just because of the mentality you had adopted over the past few years. Nothing was going to get better instantly but something needed to change.
A few tears fell down your face as you cuddled further into Jensen’s chest, arm slung over his stomach and asked “can we stay like this for a little while?”
He kissed your head, telling you of course you could.
That night you fell asleep feeling some sort of hope for the future.
Three years.
That’s how long it had taken you to get better.
It was a long, hard, challenging, emotionally draining road but you had come out of it so much better. You’d deleted social media, realising that it was so toxic and you didn’t need that in your life. You’d given up going out of your way to search things about yourself and it had helped so much.
Jensen was home more now that seasons were shorter so he could spend more time with the family, a family you were very much a part of.
Right now you were sat in Jensen’s bed, smushed between him and JJ, whilst Danneel had her arms full with the twins. A Disney movie was playing on the TV, JJ and you singing along loudly and overdramatically causing you all to laugh. You turned your head in time to see Jensen looking at you with soft eyes and a fond smile.
“What?” You asked quietly causing his smile to grow.
“Nothing, it’s nice to see you this happy again, that’s all.” You couldn’t help the proud grin that made its way onto your face at his words.
It had taken so much time, a few different therapists and a whole lot of breakdowns but you were finally genuinely happy and confident with yourself and your emotions. You knew that your family cared about you and you wouldn’t let people’s opinions drag you down any longer.
“Nice to be this happy again.” You told him honestly and laughed as he dragged you closer to him and pressed a kiss on your head.
“I love you so damn much, baby girl.” Jensen told you softly.
“I love you too daddy.”

My IT couples are Danneel and Jensen Ackles, and Georgia and David Tennant, literally love them sm

Ten Inch Hero (2007) | Supernatural 14.01 Stranger in a Strange Land

Love my tinfoil hat 🥰

Omg this is the most precious, lovable thing I’ve ever seen <3 <3 <3 Everything in this video is so perfect! Especially Jensen’s “Hey, what’s going on there?” Oh, I would love to be “a fly on the wall” in their house for a day, just sitting there, looking at them being happy ^^ <3
jensenackles: “There are other ways to lose $ on #superbowl weekend. Nice shot @danneelackles512 …you won this round. (🎥 JJ)”

Misha’s comment is killing me...
What do I focus on?

The stunning photography?
The subject?
The subject's hair?
The subject's jawline?
The tag placement?
Misha being on top?
Misha being on Jensen's (aka: the subject's) heart?
The fact that Jensen is reading Misha's book?
The fact that Jensen is reading the "Love Poems" section of the book?
The fingers in the mouth?
The post being posted on National Coming Out Day?
The fact that Danneel is my queen?
How I'm dying?
Omg omfg HELP!!!

Danneel thanks you for your service.
They messed with the wrong family.
@JensenAckles: And we’re off… #SaveTheWinchesters (x)

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