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11 months ago

⚠️⚠️TBB S3 E9 SPOILERS⚠️⚠️


so i noticed that when crosshair was holding his rifle this episode his hand wasn’t shaking (at least when he was fighting ventress) and the thing is he wasn’t thinking about his hand.

he was caught up in helping hunter and wrecker and protecting omega that he didn’t have time to be actively thinking about his hand.

and while it may not be 100% purely psychological it appears that is a BIG part of it

he wasn’t focused on trying to keep his hand from shaking so he could make the perfect shot he was just lining up his shot like he would in any other circumstance

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3 years ago

Why we were robbed with Hischer: analysis

Hischer is the Dark Disciple that appears less than all the others. He is shown to lose the easiest by Gadjah, probably to point out how strong the Spirit Guardians already are. Of course it's not like everyone would care about the sidest of the side villains, but I did (and kind of dragged some friends to it), and after many thoughts, I ended up realising that Hischer himself had a huge potential as an opponent and character.

Read under the cut!

We do see certain development to the other Disciples, especially Foyal and Gaderois in 160-161 (manga chapters 234- 237) who fought against Yuno, Klaus and Letoile, heard their thoughts and learned things about their personalities (I can analyse them in another post if you want, and yeah I don't think it will be what you think (or will it?)). We also see certain development in Svenkin, Halbet and Sivoir (eps 163-164, Manga 248- 250), which allows us to understand their fighting styles and personalities. Even Robero got slightly more development (which, *cracks knuckles* well... I also have things to say about it but in another episode of Katrin rant posts). But Hischer got literally none. And his fight was the lamest I have ever seen.

First of all about his personality:

The pictures of his face give us many hints on how he is as a person, plus the information on his profile. They reason I fell for him was actually his smile and energy, and face in general drawn on his profile. It radiates an energetic person, probably kind of crazy with no hesitation and clever as well. In the anime he is also shown to be smug and very confident. It is also stated that he likes cooking, which also makes him creative.

Why We Were Robbed With Hischer: Analysis
Why We Were Robbed With Hischer: Analysis

The thing is, he has not more than one line that throws all this to the trash can, with making him look like a sheep to Vanica. He could really be so much more than that, have actual lines that show his beliefs and emotions, and enrich his battle with Gadjah, and more importantly, his general role in the series.

Why We Were Robbed With Hischer: Analysis

About his Fighting style: the lost potential of Nail Magic.

In the Manga and Anime all we get is some cameos that show him as one of the menacing opponents. Which is not wrong by itself, but, the execution is actually badly made. All he does is standing in the middle of people (one or two Guardians shown at least) and some giant mushrooms, spreading his nails.

Why We Were Robbed With Hischer: Analysis

This may look impressive at first, but the more you start thinking of it, the more boring it gets. It also makes him look like a coward, instead of a worthy opponent for Gadjah and Sarado. If the Spirit Guardians are that strong, I think it would be more appropriate if we got to see that in this particular fight, and not done like that. Hischer could be a bit (or a lot) more feral and energetic in his fighting style.

What more abilities Nail Magic can have and could be shown in the fight:

Climbing rocks and trees

Nails used as brakes for sprinting

Close combat sharp / animal like / ninja weapon -esque nails

Plus this will sound like a joke, but he could also rock his toe nails well and I'm not joking at all. I actually even think he wears sandal boots for this reason. His kicks could be fatal if his nails cut through his target. Too much lost potential.

Plus this is not only about his fighting techniques, but also the character he showed in the fight. Instead of just playing arrogant and sitting from a distance to fight, he could really play like a crazy madman with no hesitation and no understanding of danger, he could be fast as lightning and make Gadjah's moments a pain. This would even benefit Gadjah as a character. It would show that he can fight a visibly strong and lively opponent and win, living up to the reputation of the Spirit Guardians.

Overall, Hischer is having extremely little screen time, which is unfair to his potential and it would be more exciting to see him fight intensely, show a dynamic personality and be a real obstacle to his opponents.

That's all I had to say, hope you found it interesting :3

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3 years ago

Tailor for military uniforms of the Dark Triad: Sooo, the bosses said you get your personal stylised uniforms.... *Yawns*, be quick with the descriptions because I have more work to do than just taking notes for your asses...

Foyal: Oh, I just want something classy, and a bit mysterious... Maybe add a bit of fur to it, I don't know... *Rolls eyes and swings wrist*

Gaderois: Oh, oh oh, I wanna match Fof, so add fur to mine too! A lot of it actually!!!

Svenkin: nothing too much, mate, I think I'll be ripping it a lot in battles... But don't forget the cool belt! *Finger guns*

Sivoir: I don't have time to think, just make a full body piece and be sure to add cool shoes, and cute socks, I think I want to look younger in my clothes... Leave the rest to me, my hair are always flawless. *Arrogant high nose look*

Halbet: Hmm, let's see, fufu... I think I want something simple, modern and a bit revealing...

Robero: Short sleeves are convenient, also a belt. I need practical gear. I want mobility and simplicity.

Hischer: I wanna look like a Ninja!

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2 years ago
I Havent Read Dark Disciple In A While, But This Is Basically How It Goes, Right?

I haven’t read Dark Disciple in a while, but this is basically how it goes, right?

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