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Cody characterisation help request
So I’m working on my first long multi chapter fic (Codywan), it’s all planned out and I’m going to write it all before posting but I’ve got to a point where I’m just not sure I’m writing Cody right. I set a bunch of goals for this fic and one of them was to write Cody in a way more true to how Tem plays him in AOTC. So this is really random but here’s a snippet of the fic and if anyone has any feedback I’d be really grateful for the help. (I’m open to feedback on anything: Cody, the others, structure or literally anything, I’m just really not sure about Cody right now.)
(set just after the Zero the Hutt arc where Obi-Wan and Quinlan fight Bane.)
“I do feel like we missed some things in the debriefing.” Obi-Wan complained to the ceiling as he lounged along the sofa, his head leaning on the armrest and feet almost in Quinlan’s lap. Cody and Quin had both rolled their eyes when he’d stretched out dramatically, but it was his sofa and he was recovering from electrocution, so what could they do?
Somehow, despite the casualness of the position and the beer bottle in his hand, Obi-Wan still looked like the picture of professionalism. Cody thought that summed up his General pretty well.
“Do you get what I was saying now Codes?” Quin leaned over the coffee table of empty takeaway containers to say to him. “He’s never happy with anything. Something’s always wrong.”
Cody wasn’t sure how he felt about being called Codes by someone other than his brothers, but Quinlan seemed like someone who naturally fell into nicknames and it was better than just ‘Commander’ like he’d been using earlier. Not to imply he didn’t take pride in his rank but it just reminded Cody of the only thing he was ever meant to be: not a person, or a friend or a brother, a Commander.
Codes was better compared to that.
Obi-Wan kicked the Jedi. “Something’s wrong with you.”
Now Cody was looking at their relationship like brothers and not lovers, it all of a sudden seemed healthier. He thought that probably said a lot about social standards for sibling relationships but he could see comparisons to his own dynamics with his brothers and it felt… more fond, as a sibling relationship.
He found himself laughing at their interaction and smiling as he spoke. “I can’t speak for accuracy to the mission but it did sound like a typical Bane fight.”
Quin took a sip of his beer. “Oh yeah, because you guys fight him a lot don’t you?”
It was an invitation to a new topic, a throwing of a different subject onto the table to see what the other two men would do with it.
Obi-Wan snatched it up immediately. “Oh, tell me about it.”
In doing so, he set the tone for a conversation of surface-level complaint and a lighthearted discussion of some of their battles. Cody could work with that.
“It’s him I’m telling you.” Cody said to Quin, pointing a finger at Obi-Wan from around the neck of his bottle and his General gave a small laugh. “He’s like a bad-guy magnet. Pirates, Sith, Bounty Hunters, Seppies and all sorts.”
“Oh, he’s always been like that.” Quin told him. “Trouble follows Obi like a love sick puppy.”
Obi-Wan laughed at that and Cody suppressed a grin with a fake eye roll. “Oh you bet half of them are in love with him.”
Cody’s Jedi threw his head back and cackled, before turning his head on the armrest and smiling at the Commander. “Cody.”
“It’s true though!” Cody argued, pushing himself forwards to lean his forearms on his knees. “They don’t even try to hide it.”
Obi-Wan kept laughing, despite his efforts to hide it in his hand.
“Wait, wait,” Quin started. “Explain that, man. Like, give an example.”
“There are no examples! He’s fibbing!” Obi-Wan argued.
Cody loved it when his General teased him, or treated him in that way. It felt, to him, like being seen. Infinitely more seen than the polite, respectful way most clone allies treated him; like they were more interested in being seen as politically correct than actually getting to know him and seeing who he was. Obi-Wan saw him, that that was evidenced by his willingness to completely take the mick in the face of his dry humour.
“I’m not!” Cody shot back and then turned his attention to Quin and his question. “First of all there’s Ventress.”
“No,” Obi-Wan pushed up and sat properly on the sofa and Cody’s full attention was on him in an instant. “I know what your taking about, but it’s just the same thing I’m doing: flirting as a distraction.”
The Jedi took a sip from his beer to indicate he’d finished his point.
“I don’t know what he’s on about!” Quin argued. “What kind of stuff does she do?”
“Strip tease.” Cody deadpanned and Obi-Wan choked on his drink.
“Cody!” He gasped.
“That’s all I’m going to say.” The Commander shrugged, and then with a roll of his eyes added. “And then there’s Hondo.”
“Hondo is defiantly not in love with me.” Obi-Wan argued, composing himself from the choking. “That smuggler would proposition anything that breaths.”
“Who’s Hondo?” Quin asked but went ignored.
“Exactly,” Cody said. “He’s definitely not picky with partners but who does he keep coming back to?”
“I- Cody!” He said again, disbelief lacing his voice.
“That’s my name, don’t wear it out.” Cody leaned back on the sofa again. “And anyway, with the whole Cad thing, I’m sure if you missed something it probably wasn’t important. He probably just said something like, I hate having my job done for me.”
Obi-Wan gave a surprised laugh at Cody’s impression and the Commander couldn’t be happier that he didn’t even try to hide it.
“That’s exactly what he sounded like!” Quin butted in, a stupid grin spreading over his face.
“It’s spot on.” Obi-Wan agreed through his subsiding chuckle.
“Don’t laugh.” Cody continued in Cad’s voice, pushing to keep that smile on his General’s face. Force knows he doesn’t do it anywhere near often enough. “I am being serious.”
“Oh, I know you are my dear.” Kenobi laughed.
yeah. This is just an in-between scene at the start of the fic. The general premise is based around Cad saying the Separatists are paying a million credits for a Jedi and these three idiots coming up with a plan for Cody to fake betray Obi-Wan to get the credits then escape. Obviously, it doesn’t go to plan and Anakin comes to rescue his master, trying to hurt Cody in the process and when Obi-Wan defends him Anakin’s like: Master I know you’re in love with him but he’s a traitor! And Cody’s just like: what. theres also some good angst about Cody pretending to be evil and feeling awful about it. i might post that scene for more feedback if this one is well-received.
anyway, any and all feedback is appreciated! If you take the time to help I will be infinitely grateful to you!
I just realized that Quinlan's message on the wall which said "Only when the eyes are closed can you truly see the way" kind of relates to A New Hope, you know the iconic scene where force ghost Obi-wan tells Luke to use the force and Luke turns off his targeting computer. He shuts down distractions in order to fully focus on the force and what it is telling him to do, just like Quinlan's advice to close your eyes and then you will see the way.
I love this because it emphasizes the spiritual, mystical side of the force where you have to trust in the it. When Obi-wan makes Luke wear a helmet that covers his eyes while blocking lasers, when Ahsoka trusts in the force to find Rex's chip, and when Luke turns off his targeting computer. I love this sentiment that the jedi have, that Quinlan expresses in his message, that as jedi, they need to look past the physical aspects of their world and listen to the force.

he was the cool uncle

inspired by this post^
the difference between canon and legends Quinlan its too funny, i cant even be properly mad about it. canon Quinlan is shown as the most cool confident laid back guy while legends Quin is standing in a corner of a room looking like he has been hunted for sport since birth. he is the struggler. the issues haver. he always has something going and none of it is good

We won or we think we did When you went away you were just a kid And if you lost it all and you lost it Well, we’ll still be there when your war is over
After the war
No one prepared me for how unhinged Dark Disciple is
Like Obi wan prepares Quinlan to meet Ventress by saying, basically, “Yeah she’s hot and she knows it and you need to flirt with her to gain her respect and trust” WHAT

bringing my man back

Old and new drawings
Category: M/M Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types Relationship: CC-1010 | Fox/Quinlan Vos Characters: Quinlan Vos, CC-1010 | Fox Additional Tags: are they boyfriends?, is fox quinlan’s extremely dangerous and attractive escort?, is quinlan fox’s extremely dangerous and attractive escort?, You Decide, some nebulous medieval fantasy setting, fox experiences Multiple Emotions and doesn’t like it one bit!!!, not me just fully projecting on to fox, idiots to lovers, Undercover, Undercover as a Couple
“They’re going to find us out in an instant,” Fox grumbles, though his complaint lacks the heat that existed in earlier iterations of this conversation.
He’s practically resigned to his fate now. Well—he’s not actively fighting it anymore, which he personally feels is deserving of a round of applause, or maybe a new knife that he can better fit under this ridiculous outfit he’s wearing.
“Not if you play along,” Quinlan replies out of the corner of his mouth.
Fox does not glare at him outright because he is at least trying to do his job here. Even if his job currently involves playing arm candy to Quinlan Vos as they schmooze with a bunch of obscenely wealthy people that are morally questionable at best.
or: Fox and Quinlan go undercover. It goes about as well as can be expected.
Category: M/M Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types Relationships: CT-21-0408 | CT-1409 | Echo/Quinlan Vos, CT-21-0408 | CT-1409 | Echo & CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives Characters: Quinlan Vos, CT-21-0408 | CT-1409 | Echo, CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives, Original Clone Character(s) Additional Tags: Pre-Relationship, Flirting, snark as a flirting method, echo has no idea how to respond when quinlan flirts with him and i love him for it, 70 percent of this fic happens while echo is bridal carrying quinlan, on my rare-pair bullshit again, dungeon rescue
“Are you able to walk, sir?” Echo asks, hand reaching out as if to steady Quinlan, before flitting back.
“Just call me Quinlan. I think getting me out of this horrible place gives you that right.”
Echo's face does something complicated before he manages to tamp down on his control. “Haven't managed that yet, sir,” he replies evenly.
“Does that mean you’ll call me Quinlan once you have?” Quinlan asks, aiming for cheeky and not quite managing it.
“I’ll consider it, if that is your wish,” Echo responds in a tone that means absolutely kriffing not, never in a million years. Oh, Quinlan is going to have fun with him if they can manage to get out of here alive.
((sorry but I purposefully left out Plo Koon bc he's a huge favourite and I figured he'd sweep up the votes; plus I think it already goes without saying we'd all love a Plo & Rex episode lol))
Obi-Wan: Bros before hoes.
Fox: But my hoe is your bro.
Quinlan: I’m right here.
Obi-wan: *stares at Cody with heart eyes* Quinlan, gagging: I liked you better when you were a whore.

quick concept for two padawns, heavily inspired by obi-wan and quinlan. not sure if i should finish this

Image description: It's a drawing of Aayla Secura and Quinlan Vos from Star Wars. They're both very young, with Aayla being a toddler. Quinlan is lifting the long sleeve of his robe to show Aayla hiding inside it. Quinlan is grinning affectionately while Aayla seems to be laughing nervously. The prompt of this drawing was to draw Aayla trying to convince her future teacher to take her with him on a mission. End of description.

I haven’t read Dark Disciple in a while, but this is basically how it goes, right?

I imagine when Quin finds out Obi and Satine banged it goes exactly like that 22 jump street scene