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Half of a Whole

Half Of A Whole

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Spencer Reid Taglist - @asherhunterx, @ilovespencerreidmarryme, @canadailluminate, @nomajdetective,@reidsbookclub, @filmsbyblair, @ready-4-spencie, @mrs-scottmccall, @roseslovedreams, @j-cat, @cinderellacauseshebroke, @black-rose-29, @onlyssca, @memories-from-a-nerd, @chickensrule

Prompt - ‘We would be together and have our books and at night be warm in bed together with the windows open and the stars bright.’


Falling in love with Spencer Reid was the easiest thing in the world.

You felt like you had known him your whole life and loved him even longer. From the minute the two of you were introduced nobody could deny the chemistry, you always joked that you must have known him in another life.

Never had you felt so comfortable with anyone as fast as you had with Spencer, he was the first person you turned to when you received good news, if you needed a shoulder to cry on Spencer gladly offered his, even if he had struggled the first few times it happened.

The two of you were like the same person and yet somehow you were so different, Spencer’s hesitation when dealing with strangers was fixed as you greeted everyone with a smile and friendly greeting and your struggles were countered by Spencer just as easily. The two of you fitted into each other's lives so easily it was like you had never not known the other.

Spencer Reid had never felt like this before. At first it scared him, god did it terrify him when he couldn’t get you out of his head, every thought somehow led back to you, his eyes straying to find yours when you were in a room together.

It was how he ended up at Derek Morgan’s home at two in the morning, knocking frantically on the door before coming face to face with a disgruntled Derek.

“Kid,” he had said, relaxing slightly as he saw there was no threat, “it’s two in the morning, this better be good.”

“I really need to talk to you.” Spencer told him, twisting his hands together. You had all just gotten back from a case, it was a tough one. You had been the unsubs' latest target and they found you just before the unsub could slit your throat.

Spencer had never felt so scared in his whole life.

“This better be good.” Derek grumbled but pulled the door open to let the younger man in.

It wasn’t long before the two were settled on the sofa together, Derek waiting patiently for Spencer to start talking.

Any other time he would have pushed Spencer to start but he had a feeling this was about you and knew Spencer needed to go at his own pace considering how far out of his comfort zone he was.

“Y/N nearly died today.” It wasn’t what Spencer had intended to say but this was the event that had made him realise just how strongly he felt for you.

“Yeah she did but she’s fine. We got her.” Derek assured him, watching as Spencer nodded but didn’t say anything for a few moments.

“I think I’m in love with her.” Was the next statement and, yeah, that was more along the lines of what he wanted to tell Derek.

“I know you are, kid.” Derek couldn’t smother a smile no matter how hard he tried but seeing Derek’s expression made Spencer relax.

“I’ve never been in love before.” Spencer said, causing Derek’s expression to soften.

“It’s not easy but if she’s the right girl she’s worth it and trust me, Spenc, Y/F/N Y/L/N is the right girl for you.” Derek said, his tone leaving no room for disagreement.

It didn’t take a genius to see that you and Spencer belonged together, Derek didn’t believe in soulmates but looking at the two of you, your souls were definitely half of a whole, nobody could deny that.

“What do I do, Derek?” Spencer asked, turning puppy dog eyes onto his friend.

“You tell her.” Was the wonderful advice Spencer was gifted with at 2:24am.

“That’s it?” Spencer asked dubiously, “I just walk up to her and say ‘hey y/n, I’m completely and hopelessly in love with you.”

Derek chuckled but was impressed the kid wasn’t having a bigger freak out. The entire team, besides you of course, had been waiting for the day Spencer realised his feelings and they were also waiting for the major panic to follow it.

Honestly, Spencer was doing better than anyone expected.

“Well maybe don’t start with that. Just ask her on a date,” When he saw Spencer go to cut him off he shook his head, “trust me, she’s not going to say no. That girl is head over heels for you too, pretty boy.” Derek grinned which turned into a laugh as Spencer flushed.

“I just ask her out?” Spencer asked.

“You just ask her out.” Derek confirmed and that was the beginning of your relationship.

The next day Spencer headed into work, determined to ask you out on a date. He knew how badly you wanted to go to the new restaurant that had recently opened so that sorted out the location, now he just had to ask.

Which was easier said than done.

Every time he tried to ask you, someone or something seemed to interrupt. It was like the universe was working against him. As the work day drew to an end Spencer had given up and was sitting at his desk with a pout, staring down at an open folder without registering any words.

You had just dropped off your paperwork to Hotch and were heading back to your desk when you saw Spencer.

“What’s got you so pouty?” You asked, taking a seat on the edge of his desk, grinning down at him as he startled.

“Y/N,” He said, ignoring your question entirely, “are you leaving?” He questioned instead.

With a laugh you let him change the topic, “yeah, I was just grabbing my bag.”

“Let me give this to Hotch and I’ll walk you out.” He said, standing up abruptly causing you to raise an eyebrow as he practically leaped up the stairs into the office before shrugging and picking up your bag.

As you headed to the door to wait for Spencer you missed the matching grins on Penelope, Derek and Rossi’s faces.

“Hey,” you said softly to Spencer once the pair of you were in the elevator, “are you sure you're okay?

“Will you go on a date with me?” Spencer blurted out, face flushing red as he cursed himself. That is not how he had intended to ask you.

Your eyes widened at the question that was asked so abruptly, not fully registering what he had asked for a second. That second felt like decades to Spencer who silently waited for your response.

The grin that spread across your face though…Spencer would remember it forever.

“I’d love to.” Was your response, not a single doubt in your mind that you wanted this.

Surprising nobody but you and Spencer, nothing much changed between the two of you. There was no awkward getting to know each other phase where you both tried to be people you weren’t, being friends first made everything easier.

Besides the fact that you could cuddle with each other on the plane nothing really changed. Most return flights now found you and Spencer sitting side to side with your heads bent together reading the same book or saw the two of you curled up on the sofa, you lying mostly on top of Spencer so as not to fall off.

The two of you hadn’t realised just how much you acted like a couple until you became one. You loved it, it was so nice to enter a relationship and not have the entire dynamic between the two of you change.

From there it was only a matter of time before you both confessed your love to one another.

You knew you loved Spencer, of course you did. What other word could be used to describe the excitement you had to see him everyday or the way your stomach still filled with butterflies? What other word could possibly sum up the feeling of home whenever Spencer wrapped his arms around you or the fact that you couldn’t help but smile when he walked into a room?

As Spencer had turned to Derek when he realised his feelings for you, you turned to Rossi. The man, god bless that wonderful man, had spent hours listening to you talk about Spencer Reid. He always told you that you should just tell Spencer how you felt but you were plagued with thoughts of losing Spencer or messing up the dynamic you two had. Rossi told you that was stupid, Spencer loved you, anyone could see it, and nothing could come between the two of you.

Eventually you decided to take Rossi’s advice and that night as you slipped into a dress ready for your date with Spencer, you swore you would say those three words.

Obviously nothing is ever that simple and not even halfway through dinner both your phones were chiming with identical messages that summoned you back to work.

“Oh no, not date night.” Penelope frowned as she looked at your outfits. Spencer just smiled at her but you were annoyed. You were so ready to tell Spencer how you felt and once you got your hands on this unsub-

Your thoughts were cut off as somebody lightly kicked your foot under the table, looking up you saw Rossi, the only person who knew how much tonight meant to you, raised an eyebrow at you, frowning in sympathy as you just shook your head, trying not to frown as Hotch apologised to the team and gestured for Penelope to start.

The case was hard but finally there was a breakthrough.

“Reid, JJ, I want you to go to Tomlinson’s house and see if he knows anything.” Hotch directed. It should have been that easy, Daniel Tomlinson’s name had appeared as Garcia checked a list of employees on shift the day of the murder. Nobody suspected Tomlinson of anything, his record was squeaky clean and on paper he looked like a model citizen.

How wrong was that assumption?

“Reid and JJ not back yet?” Rossi asked, it had been at least two hours since Hotch had sent them to Tomlinson’s house and nobody had heard a word from them since.

As Hotch pulled his phone out to call them, you couldn’t help the feeling of dread that settled in the pit of your stomach.

“I’m sure they’re fine.” Rossi said as he turned to you, watching as you grew paler as the call continued to ring. When nobody answered Hotch dialled another number and it was a matter of seconds before Penelope’s voice flowed from the speaker.

“Here to help.” She said and Hotch quickly ordered her to track Spencer and JJ’s cells, “Give me a moment, they are…” here she paused, it was a short pause, maybe lasting for five seconds but to you it felt like an eternity. “They’re at Tomlinson’s house.” She said, her voice wavering as she drew the conclusion you all did.

“Let’s go.” Hotch said and you all rushed to the SUV, police following behind you.

Spencer was unconscious when you arrived, you felt your eyes fill with tears as you choked back a sob. The unsub had JJ held against him as a human shield but you paid little attention to that, all of your focus was on Spencer.

You couldn’t recall exactly how it went down, it was only when the gunshot sounded that you moved over to Spencer, gently lifting his head and placing it in your lap as tears slid down your face. Faintly you could hear Rossi calling for medics as you pleaded with Spencer to wake.

“Please, Spenc, just open your eyes. C’mon baby, wake up.” You begged but he didn’t move. Medics surrounded you but you refused to move, it took Rossi gently lifting you up to move you away.

You turned around, burying your head in Rossi’s chest as sobs escaped you. Rossi held you close to him, whispering soft assurances that you barely heard.

“C’mon, cara mia, I’ll drive you to the hospital.” He said, leading you out of the basement and over to the car, only removing his arm from around your shoulder to help you into the passenger seat. He waited until the other members made their way over and once everyone was buckled in he began following the ambulance to the hospital, never letting go of your hand.

“He’s lucky.” The doctor said as he approached you all, “any longer and he would have bled out. He’s tired and weak but he’ll be ok.” Those were the words you needed to hear and more tears fell down your face as you let out a sob of relief. “You can see him now.”

You all made your way over to his room, everyone insisting that you go in and see him first. You couldn’t tell the team how much you appreciated them in that moment, so you just smiled at them and entered the room.

“Spenc,” you said softly, causing him to open his eyes slowly and smile at you.

“I’m ok.” He said before you could say anything else and he lifted his hand, gesturing for you to come to him. You did without any hesitation, sitting on the bed, making sure it was his uninjured side.

“I was so scared, I thought-“ Here you cut yourself off with another sob and Spencer just smiled up at you, lifting a hand to brush the tears away.

“I’m ok.” He repeated and you nodded.

“God, baby,” you breathed out, raising your own hand to cup his cheek, careful of the bruise on the right side of his face. “I love you so much.” You confessed without realising, it wasn’t until you saw Spencer’s expression change that you realise what you had said.

His eyes widened as he stared up at you, a soft smile that stretched into a grin taking over his face. You looked back at him, your own eyes widening but before panic could set in he spoke.

“I love you too, I have for so long.” He told you, the hand that lingered by your face moved to the back of your head. You felt him gently push and you let yourself be pulled down to meet him in a soft, sweet kiss.

When you pulled away you bit your lip in an attempt to hold back a smile so that you could kiss him again but nothing was stopping the smile that stretched across your face.

“You’re so beautiful.” Spencer whispered, his eyes taking in every feature of your face, thumb tracing your bottom lip.

The next big milestone for the pair of you was when Spencer asked you to move in.

Before dating you Spencer couldn’t imagine sharing his apartment with somebody else, though cluttered he knew where every book was placed, he knew everything belonged to him, he didn’t have to worry about people moving his files or misplacing one of his books.

When Derek asked him about how he felt about moving in with you, however, Spencer held no reservations. He wanted to live with you, he wanted you in his space, he wanted to see how your books looked on his bookcase and see evidence of you living there everyday whether it was a toothbrush in the bathroom or a pair of your shoes discarded by the door for him to trip on.

He wanted that.

You were in Spencer’s apartment, it was late and the two of you lay in his bed. There was no better feeling in the world, you believed, than being tucked up against Spencer Reid. Spencer looked down at you, half asleep and gripping his shirt and knew he wanted this more than anything.

He wanted to go to bed with you every night and he wanted to wake up to you. How could any day possibly be bad if he got to see your face first thing in the morning? The thought of you two waking up together everyday, him watching as you woke up before the two of you headed to the kitchen, working perfectly in sync with one another to make breakfast.

God, he wanted it.

“Move in with me.” He said, watching you blink the sleep away before turning your head to look up at him. “Please move in with me.”

“Okay.” You told him, smiling up at him. Giggling as he shifted the two of you so he was on top of you.

“I love you so much.” He told you before leaning down and capturing your lips in a rushed, heated kiss.


“Why do you have so many books?” Derek groaned as he brought another box up.

When the team found out you were moving in together they had offered to help and that is how you all ended up spending your day off, moving boxes from your house to Spencer’s, everyone grumbling about how much books weighed.

“Seriously, are you even gonna have enough room for all of these?” Derek asked as he looked around the room, seeing all the boxes piled up and knowing there was more to come.

“We’ll make room.” Spencer assured with a laugh.

“You’re lucky I love you two.” Derek told you both, wagging a finger as he did  before he headed back down to grab another box.

It took most of the day but eventually all the boxes were brought up, you had handed in your apartment key and the rest of the team had headed home so it was just you and Spencer. You closed the door before turning around to face Spencer with a grin, him already looking at you with the same expression.

“We live together.” You said, causing him to laugh.

“C’mere” he said, pulling you close and leaning down to kiss you softly. “Thank you for agreeing to move in.” He whispered as he pulled away.

“Thank you for asking me.”

The two of you ended up starting to put some of your books away, you couldn’t help but smile as you saw random empty spaces across the bookcases where Spencer had obviously made room for your books. You turned to thank him, giggling at the soft blush that spread across his cheeks.

“Maybe Morgan was right.” You said, flopping down on the sofa next to Spencer who laughed and automatically wrapped his arm around you. It had taken four boxes of books to fill most of the spaces Spencer had cleared out and there were still so many to go.

“We’ll make room.” Spencer told you, repeating his words for earlier. You turned up to face him, lazily leaning up and pressing a kiss against his jaw line.

“Can we go to bed please?” You said, pulling away and giving him your best puppy dog eyes. “I’m exhausted.”

He chuckled at you, leaning down to kiss your forehead before standing up and offering you a hand. It wasn’t long before the two of you had changed out of your clothes and were tucked up in bed together.

The windows were open, allowing a welcomed breeze to cool down the room, and the curtains hadn’t been drawn properly allowing the lights from the street to leak through. You rested your head on Spencer’s shoulder, smiling to yourself as you realised you got to do this every night.

You whined as Spencer shifted, watching as he grabbed one of the books from his night stand. He turned the pages before stopping on a new chapter.

“Read to me?” You asked quietly, not wanting to break the peaceful atmosphere.

“Of course love.” He murmured, placing a soft kiss on your head. “French or English?” He asked, causing you to glance at the book again and sure enough the words printed were in French.

“French.” You whispered, cuddling further into him, smiling as he began.

“J’ai regardé devant moi. Dans la foule je t’ai vue. Parmi les blés je t’ai vue. Sous un arbre je t’ai vue. Au bout de tous mes voyages. Au fond de tous mes tourments. Au tournant de tous les rires. Sortant de l’eau et du feu. L’été l’hiver je t’ai vue. Dans ma maison je t’ai vue. Entre mes bras je t’ai vue. Dans mes rêves je t’ai vue. Je ne te quitterai plus.”

“I looked in front of me. In the crowd I saw you. Among the wheat I saw you. Beneath a tree I saw you. At the end of my journeys. In the depths of my torment. At the corner of every smile. Emerging from water and fire. Summer and winter I saw you. All through my house I saw you. In my arms I saw you. In my dreams I saw you. I will never leave you.”

Before Spencer had finished the poem you were asleep against his chest, the small smile still on your face. Spencer leaned down to press another gentle, barely there kiss against your head before he placed the book down and wrapped his arms around you, drifting off to sleep with his own smile.

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(20) 22

(20) 22

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Prompt - ‘It feels like the perfect night for breakfast at midnight.’

Notes - happy new year!! (this was supposed to be uploaded yesterday but tumblr broke again)

When Rossi informed you that he was hosting a New Year’s Eve party you couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief. Lately everything had been piling up, deadline after deadline, meeting after meeting, everything fell all at once and you found yourself constantly two steps behind where you needed to be.

Thankfully you had managed to get on top of things for the time being, though you still had a to-do list that was way too long.

A David Rossi party was exactly what you needed right now. A chance to dress to the nines, have your hair and makeup done for once instead of rolling out of bed ten minutes before your morning class or thirty minutes before your shift started.

It was a chance to forget about everything for the night. A chance to forget about the stress of essays and research, a chance to forget about the heartbreak of your last breakup that still followed you around despite how hard you tried to push it away. It was a chance to have fun.

When New Year’s Eve finally rolled around you couldn’t help but smile as you woke up with something to look forward to. Today was the first time in as long as you could remember that you were doing something fun and weren’t holed up in the library with piles of research books.

You’d bought a new outfit for the occasion, nothing in your closet seemed appropriate for Rossi’s party. It was fun and you couldn’t help but smooth your hands down the fabric as you looked in the mirror, makeup perfectly applied thanks to the artist, you looked amazing.

A buzz at your door had you quickly throwing your shoes on and grabbing a small bag before you headed out of your apartment. You couldn’t help but laugh as you saw the limounse Rossi had sent, it looked so out of place in this run down part of town.

You thanked the driver as he opened the door for you and it wasn’t long until you were pulling up at Rossi’s.

The front door was open and the party seemed to be getting started if the amount of people already there was any indication. Everybody seemed to get the dress code memo as they all looked incredible. Rossi had gone all out on the decorations too, sparing no expenses.

You made your way further into the house, plucking a glass of something from one of the waiters as you looked around the room. You were definitely one of the younger people there and other than Rossi you had a feeling you wouldn’t know many other people but that didn’t bother you.

“Y/N!” A voice called causing you to turn around. You smiled as you saw Rossi making his way over to you, a grin on his own face. “Oh, it’s so good to see you, kiddo.” He said when he was close enough, pressing his lips to your cheeks before pulling you into a hug.

You let yourself sink into the hug and if you squeezed him slightly tighter than usual, well who was judging? Rossi knew you were having a rough few months, from the breakup with the douchebag he had never liked to your ever growing work pile. He was glad you agreed to come tonight so easily because he had planned on getting you here one way or another.

Besides, there was somebody he had to introduce you to.

“Hi Dave.” You beamed up at him when the two of you finally pulled away, Rossi’s arm staying around your shoulder as he led you out of the room and into the garden, all the while chatting away and asking you questions. You were relieved that you could finally tell him things were better.

“There’s some people I want to introduce you to,” He told you before smirking, “one in particular actually.” You watched him smirk and rolled your eyes.

“Dave,” You began with an over exaggerated sigh, “I came here to have fun not for you to set me up.”

Rossi couldn’t help but laugh, not having a chance to respond as the group turned at the sound, smiling over at the pair of you.

“Everybody this is Y/N, kid you know Aaron and this is Derek, JJ, Emily, Penelope and this here is our very own genius Doctor Spencer Reid.” Everybody smiled and waved at the introductions and there was no mystery as to which one Rossi was trying to set you up with.

You smiled back, watching as Spencer smiled bashfully at being the only one singled out and you couldn’t help but think he was cute, not that Rossi would ever hear you admit it.

“So how do you two know each other?” JJ asked.

“Yeah Rossi, she’s a bit too young to be wife number seven.” Derek grinned causing everybody to laugh.

“Three wives,” Rossi said, wagging his finger at the group, “three wives is a very reasonable number. As for Y/N,” Here Rossi paused looking at you and giving you the chance to tell the story or change the version of events.

You smiled at him, thankful for the chance but these people were his team and they had all seen the type of things that had happened to you on a daily basis.

“I met Rossi before he retired from the BAU, one of his final cases actually.” You told them, giving the nod to Rossi that he could take over.

“The unsub was killing families and Y/N’s was the last family he targeted, from there he went off script and took the kid.” Rossi gave your shoulder a squeeze and you leaned into him.

It still hurt to think of them, of course it did. It hurt to think of what that man had done to them and to you but eventually it got easier to deal with. After Rossi had got to you before the unsub could do much more damage he extended his stay, taking vacation time he had never used, and stayed with you everyday as you recovered in the hospital. He was the reason you weren’t so afraid anymore, without him you don’t know how far you would’ve gotten.

There were murmurs of apologies and sympathetic looks which you brushed off with a wave of your hand.

“It was a long time ago. I’m just glad I had you.” You said, leaning your head against Rossi’s shoulder, missing the soft look that spread across his face before he placed a kiss on your head.

“Well now that that’s out of the way,” Rossi spoke, “Who’s ready to drink?”

The cheers he got in return were all that were needed to get things started.


You were surprised at how easily you fit in with the team, though the drinks probably, definitely, helped with that. To begin with you had stuck to Rossi’s side but eventually you found yourself relaxing and it wasn’t long before the girls took notice and you were pulled over to their sofa and were taking shots with them, laughing all the while.

Eventually you felt the room spin and you were ready to sit the next few rounds out. You stood up before stumbling over to one of the emptier sofa’s that your group occupied and sat down on it, not taking note of who else was there.

“You okay?” A voice asked softly, causing you to look up and see Spencer looking at you with a smile.

You hummed as you sat back, letting your head hit the back of the soft as you smiled back at him, eyes closed to fight against the dizziness. You didn’t feel the sofa shift as Spencer stood up and didn’t take note of how long he was gone for but the next time you opened your eyes Spencer was holding a cold glass of water out towards you.

“You should drink.” He told you, smiling as you shook your head. “One of the reasons you’re feeling dizzy right now is because of the dehydration. Even though you're drinking, alcohol actually doesn’t hydrate you so it’s best if you drink water in between drinks. Also, it’ll help with the hangover you’re going to have tomorrow.” He grinned at you as you looked at him through squinted eyes.

It took a couple more seconds before you took the water with a scrunch of your nose but after the first few sips you ended up happily gulping the drink down, feeling much better already.

“Huh, you really are a genius.” You told him, enjoying the quiet laugh you got in return.

“So they tell me.” He chuckled as he took the glass off you to place on the table.

“You’re not drunk?” You asked him. You’d taken note of the fact that even though he was drinking he was taking it easier than the rest of you. Whilst you and the girls had done way too many shots and Hotch, Derek and Rossi were making their way through a scotch that probably cost more than your apartment, Spencer was still nursing his second drink of the night.

“I don’t really drink.” He told you, watching as you nodded.

As the two of you continued to talk you missed Hotch, Derek and Rossi watching you with matching smiles. For months now Rossi had been trying to hatch a plan to introduce you to Spencer but with your workload it hadn’t happened. Now as he watched the two of you shift closer to each other, heads bent down and talking so softly none of them could hear the words, he knew he’d made the right call.

You and Spencer spent most of the night on the sofa, chatting away and getting to know each other. The cold air and water was definitely helping and you didn’t feel quite so drunk so you were able to enjoy the soft conversation and retain the information he was giving you.

“Oh, oh, quick everybody!” Both you and Spencer startled as Penelope exclaimed loudly, pulling you out of your own little bubble. “The countdown is starting! You’re mine, Derek Morgan.” She grinned, raising her eyebrows at him.

“Oh baby girl, you best believe I’ve been waiting all year for this kiss.” He grinned right back at her.

“It’s midnight?” Spencer murmured, shocked at how fast time had seemed to move as he spoke to you, trying to learn as much as he could about you.

“Hell yeah it’s midnight pretty boy.” Derek said, causing you to giggle. Spencer looked over at you with a smile as he stood up, ready to follow the rest of the team to the living room for the ball drop.

He held a hand out of you, something which didn’t go unnoticed by the team even with all the alcohol in their system, but you were oblivious to the looks as you took his hand and let him lead you to the living room, neither of you letting go.

Spencer managed to grab two flutes of champagne just as people started counting down from ten, handing it to you.

“10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Happy New Year!” With that people erupted into cheers, couples around you were kissing, friends embraced each other and you were surprised to find you didn’t feel the least bit lonely.

You would have thought that after the break up, after the stress and isolation of the last few months you would have felt so lonely reigning in the New Year but right now, Rossi to your side and Spencer’s hand in yours it was hard to imagine being lonely.

“Happy New Year, Y/N,” Spencer said softly, barely heard above the music and cheers but as his lips pressed to your cheek you heard them perfectly.

“Happy New Year, Spencer.” You replied just as quietly, a smile you couldn’t fight back on your face as he pulled away.

Spencer was pulled out of the bubble the two of you created once more as Derek threw an arm around him.

“You got a kiss for me, pretty boy?” He grinned, taking great delight in watching Spencer flush.

Your smile got even wider if it were at all possible even as you tried to wipe it off your face as Rossi wrapped his own arm around your shoulders, pulling you close and kissing your temple.

“Happy New Year, kiddo. Something tells me you’re gonna have a lot to thank me for this year.” He smirked, eyes darting from Spencer to you.

You rolled your eyes but couldn’t help but hope he was right. Judging by the shy smile Spencer gave you at the words he had overheard, he wanted it too.

“Pancakes!” Penelope yelled randomly causing everyone to look at her. “I want pancakes!”

“Where-“ JJ hiccuped, “where even does pancakes at midnight?”

You watched Penelope’s smile fall as nobody spoke up.

“I know a place.” You finally said, causing Penelope’s head to snap around to you, grin firmly back in place as she made her way over to you.

“You’re my new best friend.” She declared, ignoring the protests from the others.

It wasn’t long before the lot of you were piling into one of the many cars waiting out front, Spencer grabbing your hand gently and sitting you down next to him. He didn’t know what it was about you, usually he hesitated to touch even the people closest to him but with you he didn’t even think about it.

Your hand in his felt right, his lips against your cheek had felt right. There was something about you he so desperately wanted to know and he could only hope that you wanted to know him too.

As you all sat around a table, various chairs having to be dragged over to accommodate the group, you couldn’t help but smile. You felt so comfortable around these people, each of them welcoming you in without any hesitation. The table was filled with so many different breakfast foods, fireworks could be heard in the distance and as Spencer took your hand in his once more you couldn’t help but think that this was going to be a good year.


Spencer taglist - @levisbloodcut, @mystic-writings, @siriuslyfearless, @silverose365, @divanca2006, @sia2raw, @chaoticevilbakugo, @kodiakwhiskey, @girloncorneliastreet, @averyhotchner, @grccnaway, @frickin-bats, @fanf1ctionwrit1n, @ilovespencerreidmarryme, @classyunknownlover, @chickensrule, @memories-from-a-nerd, @onlyssca, @black-rose-29, @cinderellacauseshebroke, @j-cat, @mrs-scottmccall, @filmsbyblair, @reidsbookclub, @nomajdetective, @canadailluminate, @asherhunterx, @carmellasworld, @battinsonn, @jasontoddthezombie, @instabull, @honkroselyn, @buckysnumberonegirl, @parkershoco, @father-violet, @mystic-writings, @mmaiamore, @leftmooninfluencer,

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4 years ago

🎉 100 Follower Special!!!!!!!! 🎉

Yes, I know that 100 isn't a lot, but I'm happy about it. I have made a playlist of 100 songs, give me a number, pronouns, and a character on the list and I'll write a prompt for them! My only conditions are that it's not smut.

I also do poly and platonic relationships!


Star Wars:

Kylo Ren

Rey Palpatine

Poe Dameron

Obi Wan

Padme Amadala

Mando/Dyn Djarin


Steve Rogers

Bucky Barnes


Stephen Strange

Natasha Romanova

Wanda Maximoff

Pietro Maximoff

Criminal Minds:

Emily Prentiss

Aaron Hotchner

David Rossi

Spencer Reid

Derek Morgan

Elle Greenaway

Penelope Garcia

Luke Alvez


Tony DiNozzo

Ziva Davidd

Stranger Things:

Nancy Wheeler

Jim Hopper

Steve Harrington

Game of Thrones:

Sansa Stark

Jon Snow

Podrick Payne

Miscellaneous Musicals:

Heather McNamara from Heathers

Eliza Schuyler from Hamilton

Maria Reynolds from Hamilton

Michael from Be More Chill

Jeremy from Be More Chill

Miscellaneous Movies/TV Shows

Zuko from ATLA

Ransom Drysdale from Knives Out


I'm So Sorry - Imagine Dragons

Piano Man - Billie Joel

I'm an Albatraoz - AronChupa

Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap - AC/DC

Help! - The Beatles

Come Together - The Beatles

Human - Rag'n'Bone Man

Counting Stars - OneRepublic

Castle - Halsey

Don't Stop Me Now - Queen

Take On Me - aha

Should I Stay or Should I Go - The Clash

Girls like Girls - Hayley Kiyoko

Welcome to the Jungle - Guns N' Roses

Dream On - Aerosmith

Live and Let Die - Paul McCartney

You Give Love a Bad Name - Bon Jovi

What it's Like - Everlast

Crazy Train - Ozzy Osborne

Survivor - cover by 2WEI

My Life - Billie Joel

Control - Halsey

Monster - Imagine Dragons

No Scrubs - cover by Unlike Pluto

Black Hole Sun - Soundgarden

Like a Prayer - Madonna

Material Girl - Madonna

Mr. Brightside - The Killers

Feeling Good - Michael Buble

Americano - Lady Gaga

You should see me in a Crown - Billie Eilish

River - Bishop Briggs

Love Like You - Rebecca Sugar

Bad Romance - Lady Gaga

Little Talks - Of Monsters and Men

Pound the Alarm - Nicki Minaj

Viva La Vida - Coldplay

Who We Are - Imagine Dragons

Birthday Suit - Cosmo Sheldrake

Good as Hell - Lizzo

Truth Hurts - Lizzo

Juice - Lizzo

Come Along - Cosmo Sheldrake

Welcome to the Black Parade - My Chemical Romance

You Don't Own Me - SAYGRACE

Bury a Friend - Billie Eilish

Bad Guy - Billie Eilish

Tiny Dancer - Elton John

Crocodile Rock - Elton John

I'm Still Standing - Elton John

Come Along - Cosmo Sheldrake

We Didn't Start the Fire - Billie Joel

Somebody That I Used to Know - Gotye

Mr. Glassman - Scotty Sire

Gasoline - Halsey

Don't Go Breaking My Heart - Elton John

These Boots Are Made For Walkin' - Nancy Sinatra

Edge of Seventeen - Stevie Nocks

Juke Box Hero - Foreigner

Uma Thurman - Fall Out Boy

Sweet Dreams - Eurythmics

Oops!... I Did It Again - Britney Spears

Some Nights - Fun

I Will Wait - Mumford & Sons

I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles) - The Proclaimers

Sweater Weather - The Neighborhood

Ophelia - The Lumineers

Hayloft - Mother Mother

Line Without a Hook - Ricky Montgomery

Arms Tonite - Mother Mother

Look What You Made Me Do - Taylor Swift

Shatter Me - Lindsey Stirling

She Wolf - David Guetta

(Don't Fear) The Reaper - Blue Oyster Cult

Renegades - X Ambassadors

Crazy - Gnarls Barkley

Roxanne - The Police

Dude Looks Like A Lady - Aerosmith

99 Luftballoons - NENA

Funkytown - Lipps Inc.

Blood in the Water - Grandson

Verbatim -Mother Mother

Baby One More Time - Britney Spears

Hooked On A Feeling - Blue Swede

Mad World - Gary Jules

Feel It Still - Portugal. The Man

Handclap - Fitz and the Tantrums

Friction - Imagine Dragons

Yesterday - Imagine Dragons

Bleeding Out - Imagine Dragons

Natural - Imagine Dragons

All of Me - John Legend

Ho Hey - The Lumineers

Private Eyes - Daryl Hall & John Oates

Ain't No Mountain High - Marvin Gaye

I Will Survive - Gloria Gaynor

Art is Dead - Bo Burnham

Cake by the Ocean - DNCE

Under Pressure - Queen

Tell Him - The Exciters

Tags :
3 years ago

Hi, this is the anon who requested the David Rossi × wife!reader fic, and i just wanted to tell you thank you and you got all the details right😊

Song🐣🎵- N/A

Artist🤸‍♂️🎤- N/A

Warnings 🥵 ⛔- Fluff

Prompt🥺🔥- “I know you’re working, but can I come over because I miss seeing your face?”

Ship😳💍- Rossi x Wife! Reader

Any extra Information📃- In this story Gibbs never fell into his coma in Season 3. This takes place around season 4 and 5.

2nd Person

You are David's 4th wife, the final and his one and only. The two of you met when you were first accepted into the BAU, you were the first to apply who didn't already work with the FBI. To be honest, David and Jason put you through multiple tests to ensure you were qualified for this job. In about a month the 3 of you were best friends. Jason treated you like a sister yet your relationship with David was awkward. You were there at every one of David's weddings, but you had been in love with him for years. There was something about that Italian flair, but you were starting to think that you would have to sit through a 4th wedding, not in white but in the pews. This was until Jason convinced you to confess. In that moment you found out that the two of you had been circling each other's feelings too afraid to try.

Since that day everything ran smoothly, moving in, proposal, marriage, and ultimately 3 kids, two boys and a girl. A set of twins shortly before David retired and one boy after. The moment David found out you were having twins, he knew something had to give. Both of you couldn't be gone, so he decided to retire and focus on his writing. You remained in the BAU but you focused on finding cases, occasionally going out in the field if it called for it, you were the first Communications Liaison.

David had been retired for 2 years when you decided this wasn't going to work. Leaving the state for days at a time with no guarantee when you'll be home. You had looked into multiple options for where you could work, you looked into intelligence... too top secret, linguistics... that also involved random travel with no guarantees. So you looked into moving agency's, until you found the perfect one, and your brother just so happened to work there.

So now that everything was settled, all you had to do was wait for David to get home from his third book signing this month.

1st Person

I was sat on the couch, when David came through the door, he had a late book signing and an interview with a local news article. It was around midnight, the kids had been placed down about 3 hours ago and I was watching reruns of I Love Lucy. When I heard the door shut it didn't take long for my husband to appear in the doorway. "How was it?" A smile graced my lips from the sight of my husband. "Long, what are you still doing up?" He strolls over to the couch, taking a seat beside me and laying an arm across the back of the leather sofa. I lean into his touch, thinking about my answer. "Some late research. I think I want to change agency's." I guess I caught him off guard because he was silent... which is odd for an Italian (or at least him) it really is. "And go where?" It took him a moment to say anything, his voice laced with confusion, wanting to ask why. "NCIS. I know someone who works there and I can't do these long trips anymore. When I came in the house, Angel and Anthony asked me if I was going to leave again. How do I explain to our 4 year olds that I'm not doing this on purpose?" I could feel myself about to cry, and in all honesty Dave was the only one I let see me like this. "I never thought I would miss you this much, I can barely sleep. And I talked to Jason about it, he said that's fine because the BAU is getting more funding." When I look up he had a small smile on his face, he leans in... kissing my forehead before standing up, a hand reached out to me. "Come on Mi amor. I'll make us dinner, get you to bed, and we'll get your transfer papers through tomorrow.” And that is exactly what we did, I don't know what I did in a past life to deserve this but David Rossi is the best thing to ever happen to me.

3rd Person

The short blonde woman stepped into building like she already owned the place. She was dressed head to toe in black, though she gave off everything but depressed vibes. She had a black cable knit sweater on with black dress pants that fit perfectly. While the woman was entering the building, there was a slight discussion going on upstairs.

The team sat in a make shift circle in Abby's lab. All of them were genuinely curious about their new co-worker. 'Them' being Ziva David, Timothy McGee, Anthony Dinozzo, Abby Sciuto, Jimmy Palmer, Donald "Ducky" Mallard, and even Jethro Gibbs decided to join the party after a very convincing (beg) talk from Abby. Gibbs was about to enter the room, when he caught the tail end of the conversation. "So literally no one knows who they are?" Dinozzo was nervous partially because new meant change and that has proven to be a difficult subject. "Nope, I tried to look for their file but I'm not cleared. Ziva tried too, not high enough clearance." McGee was actually happy, someone new on the team meant that Dinozzo would finally leave the teasing alone. Ziva furrowed her eyebrows. "I heard one thing." Everyone turned towards Abby, curious to what she knew. "They got transferred from the FBI. Or at least that's what I heard." This shocked everyone, the FBI hates NCIS so who would actually choose to transfer. "Do you think Gibbs knows who it is?" In that moment Gibbs walked through the door, putting all those facing Tony into an awkward silence. "He's right behind me, isn't he?" All of then nodded, terrified of their boss… well more like a fearful respect than terrifying. Before anyone could say anything, a voice came from behind him, “Don’t you get tired of doing that?” Everyone turned to the woman now standing in the door. No one knew who she was, well… almost everyone didn’t know who she was. “Uh, who are you?” Mcgee broke the silence that filled to room, the woman was still smiling, not looking at anyone but the back of the man in front of her. As she took a step away from the door, Gibbs turned around, recognizing the voice.

1st person

I could see Jethro turn around slowly, our eyes locked and only I could see the smirk that found home on his face. I looked around him to see the confusion still apparent on the other agents faces. "Me? My name is Y/N Fielding. The FBI transfer." If I learned anything from Jethro it was his ability to sneak into a room without being seen or heard. The boys mouths hung open and the girls had two different reactions. The one with pigtails had wide eyes, I guess she wasn't used to being caught. Finally, there was a girl with black hair but it was slightly wavy. She was indifferent to my appearance. I turned back to Jethro soon enough to see him straighten his face, "Who authorized your transfer?" I looked to the left, pretending to recall who signed the paper. "I think that would be Jason Gideon and Jennifer Shepherd." I look up at him, stonewalling for those behind him. I pull my transfer file from behind my back and hand them to him. "I'm you new senior field agent. I look forward to working with you Agent Gibbs." I smile as he opens the file, I know he isn't actually reading it but it is good acting if I didn't know that already. "You." He pointed to me, looking up from the file. "Come with me. The rest of you go back to your desks." With that, he walks away. I turn back to his team, waving slightly before trailing behind him. When we get to the elevator and the doors shut he flicks switch and the lights within the elevator began to flicker. "When were you planning on telling me." I tilt my head side to side slowly, looking towards the ceiling. "Actually, this was the plan. I really thought Jenny would tell you." He lets out a sharp sigh before flicking the switch back on. I have a feeling this is going to be a very interesting work environment.

3rd Person

4 years later and well…. Y/N was right. Dinozzo had lost all his senior field agent privileges, he couldn't tell Ziva or McGee to do anything anymore and they were loving it. She was nice, smart, she worked well, and she was never wrong. She was a nicer version of Gibbs, like what isn't to like about this. It had gotten to the point that they were too compatible, the whole team shipped the two together. Even Jenny thought they were dating when they first met. Y/N and Gibbs even walked in on Abby and McGee placing their faces in a future child generator that same day Y/N left work early and Gibbs was in a mood until the case ended.

Despite this strange encounter, Abby continued to call each of them husband and wife. It had gotten to the point she started saying it to their faces, every time they walked in together, she greeted them with the nicknames. This time, when they walked in, their faces were on the screen again, a generated picture of a baby in the center. They saw the photo before Abby could take it away. "I am so sorry.. I was just showing Dinozzo and Ziva…" The two didn't say anything, but a smile was on Y/N's face. Before Y/N could tell her she was fine, or Gibbs could ask about the case, Dinozzo spoke still trying to clear the air. "I mean she would be hot, I'd hit." He was laughing, everyone else was simply staring. Gibbs was glaring at him, which wasn't odd, but the weird thing was the smile on Y/N's face disappeared completely. Gibbs moved to head smack him, but before he could Y/N swept Tony's feet from under him. Before his face hit the floor, he caught himself, yet Y/N still knelt on his back, keeping him unable to get up. "She's cute Abby. Do you think you could age her up a bit. To like 19." The shock on everyones face stuck when Y/N went back to smiling. Abby quickly did what she was told, amazed by the abilities she witnessed. When the picture popped up, Y/N was almost brought to tears. The girl was gorgeous, this wasn't the shocking part though. The shocking part was the expression Gibbs wore, he was actually smiling. A genuine smile. "Hey, Abs. Send this to me okay." The girl nodded, it was aggressive and her hair was flying all over the place. Y/N got up off Dinozzo looking at the screen in closer detail, before turning back to look at Gibbs. They were both thinking the same thing and his eyes shifted to Abby, in that moment Y/N finally understood the attachment he had to Abby.

This simple gesture made everyone even more suspicious about the nature of their relationship. The 4 even started a pool. Dinozzo thought they were sleeping together, Ziva thought Y/N was ex-wife number 4 and they had a child who died, Abby thought they were married with children, McGee simply thought they were dating and she was pregnant. It got to the point that Ducky and Palmer decided to join in. Palmer agreed with Abby while Ducky thought McGee seemed really close to the truth. What they didn't know was that Gibbs and Y/N knew about the pool, in fact they were stood in the door while the discussion was taking place. "What if we're all wrong?" Okay, now that caught Y/N off guard, she didn't expect someone to say they could all be wrong, let alone Abby. "We just get our money back." Now Dinozzo didn't shock Y/N, he was expected. "What if we give the money to Gibbs and Y/N. They tricked all of us so technically they win." At that statement everyone agreed, some more confident than others. The two then walked away, the other 6 unaware of Gibbs and Y/N in the first place.

It has now been two weeks since that conversation, every party has attempted in someway to get Gibbs and Y/N to give up information without telling them exactly. By Gibbs and Y/N, it was just Y/N that got asked. Abby pointed out the ring on Y/N's finger, McGee said she was glowing, Dinozzo pointed out every time she was late or when the two would disappear into the elevator; Ziva was more of a silent stalker, she noticed every time Gibbs and Y/N interacted awkwardly or when a child case was brought up two the two seemed to take this one to heart. No one was willing to give up, everyone thought they were right. This was getting really tiring so everyone decided to stop beating around the bush and just ask…. Y/N that is.

1st Person

Today had been a relatively slow day, the boys were at a sexual harassment seminar so Abby was keeping Ziva and me company. "It has been 2 hours, ours only lasted 30 minutes." I couldn't help but complain, I finished all my paper work and to be frank, no one had turned up dead. "Awww... do you miss Gibbs?" Literally the entire floor could hear Abby's teasing, and they all partake when Jethro isn't listening. "Nope, I miss Tony's terrible innuendos." As soon as I said that I heard the foot steps approaching. "You don't miss me." I could hear the smirk growing on his face as Jethro and Dinozzo walked towards the bullpen. "You mean the same person who made me rewrite an entire report?" I turn in my chair to face Jethro's desk as he takes a seat on the table. "It was sloppy." All I could do was stare at him, knowing damn well that was a lie. "I did not spend 3 years learning calligraphy for you to call my work sloppy. I have the best handwriting on the team. You're just mad it was too small for you to read without squinting." I couldn't help but laugh, and I could tell he wanted to as well by the smirk that turned into a smile. Today marks the first year of David's return to work, and the cold bed was starting to kick in again, but this time it wasn't so lonely anymore. The kids sneak into my room when they can, and David calls every night. I could tell today was going to be a good day, especially when my phone rang and my husband's name popped up. His name remained as David in case my phone was ever stolen, so I could feel the looks from the girls in front of me. They were all close enough to read the name on my phone since it was sat face on the desk.

When I picked up the call, I ignore the looks from the girls and answered as if it was a normal professional call. "Agent Fielding speaking." I could hear him laughing on the other end. "Hey baby, are they that close?" I try not to smile, because now everyone was looking at me. "That sounds about right. I believe more than one actually." I can hear chatter in the background, so I start to assume he's at work. "I know you’re working, but can I come over because I miss seeing your face?" I can't help but smile, ok so maybe the loneliness was more than I could every expect. "You never have to ask." He wasn't speaking but I knew he was smiling on the other end. "I'll be there in about 2 hours." I was so distracted that I forgot about the people around me, that was until I locked eyes with Dinozzo. "Alright." I shake my head back and forth, I can literally see the curiosity in the eyes of the team. "I love you. Mi Amor" His tone was different this time, he was honest and I could tell that the distance was effecting him just as much. "You know I do." And with that he hung up the phone. Everyone was still staring at me, I can tell Tony is about to ask but I prolong this a little longer. "Jethro, do you wanna get coffee?" This was the first I said his name at work, and to be honest it was kind of out of instinct. Yet, all he did was nod his head before following me to the elevator. The team was now beyond shocked, this day is going way better than expected.

3rd person- With the BAU

"So, when do we get to meet her?" As the call cut, an unexpected voice broke the silence that filled David's office. The voice came from Hotchner, Rossi's close friend and boss. "Soon." The response was curt, it's not that David didn't want her to meet them. It's just that when ever they were going to plan something, a case came up on either end. "She works at NCIS right?" The moment that left Aaron's mouth, David knew exactly where this was going. "Yes… yes she does Aaron." The older male was obviously suspicious, so his bosses next words were expecting because he had done it before. "So I think the whole team needs to head down for a case we had a while ago." There was a legitimate smile on Aaron's face, one so genuine that David couldn't even be mad at his friend. "Do you, want to go see my wife?" He spoke slow, saying each and every word with emphasis. The only response he received was an equally as slow and emphasized head nod. "God Aaron. Sure."

"Pack up, we are taking a trip to the NCIS naval base in Quantico." Aarons voice boomed over the bullpen, gaining the attention of his team as well as everyone else sat at their desks. There was a confusion looming over the area, JJ was the first to speak up about it. "I didn't get anything about a case…" "No case, no consultation. This is a friendly visit, we are going to see Agent Y/N Rossi. Consider this the beginning of your weekend." Aaron spoke quieter, a bag in hand, as he neared the group of desks his agents occupied, David trailing behind also carrying his regular to-go bag. "Wait, so we actually get to meet the Mrs. Rossi." David was cautious of the teams reaction, but by Dereks response and the rest of the teams easiness to the situation his nerves calmed on their own. Unconsciously, the couple had the same thought, today is going to be a good day.

There were 3 groups:

David drove; in his car was just Aaron.

Following directly behind him was Derek, in the car with Penelope and Spencer.

In the final car, Emily drove with JJ in the passenger seat.

No one had any complaints, apart from Derek. He had to deal with the excessive knowledge and facts of NCIS and their origins. By the time they arrived, he was ready to kill Spencer, his audio tapes, and the 60 books he carries. The 3 groups connected back together at the entrance of the federal building. "I swear, if I have to hear one more damn page turn. I am going to snap." Everyone laughed at the statement, everyone but Reid. While conversing, they walked through the building with ease, flashing their FBI badges at the very entrance. They were motioned to the 4th floor, apparently that is where the directors office is. When the elevators doors opened, they were met with a bullpen similar to their own.

1st person- 5 minutes ago

Jethro just got back 10 minutes ago, and as soon as we walked out the elevator, Dinozzo began speculating. "How was the coffee?" He was smirking stupidly, leaning onto Ziva's desk. I blink at him a few times before responding, "It was good, would you like to try?" I hold up my coffee cup, a smile plastered on. "Nope, that seems like an intimate thing." "Getting coffee?" Ziva responded to his stupidity before I had the chance, yet for some reason he still thought he was correct. I roll my eyes taking a seat at my desk. "Gibbs, can you look at this for me? The director wants it on his desk by Monday and I don't exactly want to do work over the weekend." For the first time I wasn't playing into their little bet, I was genuine on my motive. He trudged next to me, leaning over to read the words typed on the screen. "Yeah, just put your name on it. You've been doing that forever." I sigh from his words, something so simple could have been very bad if I actually turned it in. I typed my name and he checked it over once again before giving me a nod, heading back to his desk. When I looked back up after sending the email, Ziva, Tony, and McGee were all staring at me. Soon, the elevator doors opened and out walked Ducky, Palmer, and Abby. "Hey, Y/N?" Abby's voice reached my ears soon after the doors closed. "Yes Abs?"

"Are you married?"


That was only half of the conversation, it was cut off by McGee. "You were actually wrong Tony," There was a short laugh and a groan from Tony before Abby continued.

"Do you have children?"


The next voice to cut Abby off was Tony, "Ha! You were wrong too Probie." He was laughing a lot harder, I guess he's fine he lost money if it doesn't go to Tim. "So Palmer and Abby won?" McGee was cut off by Abby, "Not yet."

"Is Fielding your married name?


"So it's your maiden name?"


My responses were simple and short, she didn't ask who I was married to so why explain more than I have to. "Now I won." Her smile was too cute to even attempt to crush, I had no intention to… until the elevator doors slid open and out walked agents in formal attire. I was confused until I saw David exit the metal box. The group walked to the small area we had in the bullpen. "Hello, I am Aaron Hotchner. FBI, and we are looking for Agent Y/N Fielding." I could see the team tense up at the mention of my name, they had yet to see me in the corner since Tony was placed in front of me. I stand up slowly, giving them full view of me. David steps forward, and began introducing his team to my own. "This is Derek Morgan, Aaron Hotchner, Jennifer Jareau, Emily Prentiss, Dr. Spencer Reid, Penelope Garcia, and I am David Rossi." He pointed to each member of his team as their words left his mouth before pointing to me. "This is Y/N, my-" The boy he called Spencer cut him off before he could state the nature of our relationship. "You are one of the founders of the BAU. You are a legend, the first communications liaison. Though at the time it was known as the Relations Mediator (I just came up with something)" The boy went on to ramble on about random FBI and NCIS fact I honestly didn't know. "Reid, we can talk about this later. Let me introduce my team." I turned to see the confusion on everyone's faces, all except Jethro. "This is Anthony Dinozzo- our senior field agent, Ziva David- a former Mossad agent, Timothy McGee- our technical genius, Ducky Mallard- our medical examiner, Jimmy Palmer- assistant medical examiner, Abby Sciuto- our forensics scientist. Oh and Leroy Jethro Gibbs." I pause when he smacks me on the back of the head for saying his full name, making me laugh slightly. "My brother-in-law and boss. This is David. My husband." There were various greetings from those across from me, but behind me was relatively quiet. " Can you repeat that again?" I turned around at the sound of Ziva's voice, Jethro's arm falling on the top of my head. "This is my husband." "Is this what you would call, the cat inside the bag?" I giggle at her confusion, "It's cat outside of the bag, but yes Ziva."

3rd person

Y/N's team was shocked beyond belief, there were no words to describe the slap in the face they just received. While David's team was nonchalant and happy to meet their friends lover. "Pause, explain." Dinozzo was pissed that he couldn't tell what was happening, he thought he was good at figuring out these things. "Jethro's first wife was my sister. And when you generated what our child would looked like, it looked exactly like my niece." This sentence seemed to catch the attention of someone on David's teams. "You have an offspring generator? That is that accurate?" Garcia was beyond excited and it was obvious by the smile on her face and the inability to sit still. Y/N and Gibbs could see the similarities between Garcia and Abby, the similarities between them and Kelly… if only she was able to grow up like normal.

Y/N took a seat on Dinozzo's desk, staring at the interaction between the two groups. "I think this also means they owe us, don't they Jethro?" There was a smirk on her face and humor in her voice that even David team couldn't help but smile at. "Wait wait… so you knew what we were doing this whole time and you didn't say anything?" All Y/N could so was shrug at Palmer's question. The situation was quickly ignored as everyone brought up different conversations. The teams even started to split and find their look alike on the other team, Spencer and McGee drifted together, the same for Dinozzo and Morgan. Abby and Garcia were practically best friends while Ziva was struggling to keep up with JJ and Prentiss. Aaron actually had something to discuss with Director Vance so headed up to his office, passing David headed towards Y/N and Gibbs.

Surprisingly, the two had never met. Gibbs was unable to go to her wedding because he was newly deployed on his second tour. So Y/N decided it was time for proper introductions. "Real husband, work husband. Work husband, real husband." Her words came out slow as he hand drifted between the two men, she was still sat on Tony's desk. There was hen out of no where the 3 of you start laughing. "I see it." The two spoke at the same time, giving Abby a little peace of mind that her theory on Y/N's husband might not be as far off as she thought.

"Absence makes the heart grow fonder." His words were random yet directed. "I guess it really does." The couple shared a kiss that was nothing less than passion and affection. Staring into each other's eyes, David and Y/N knew that this was the life they were meant to live, no ex-wives or co-workers was going to change that.


Dinozzo: "So are we going to tell them they won $600?"

Y/N: "I heard that Dinozzo."

Dinozzo: "Sorry boss I mean Y/N, uh… you and your husband are very cute."

Y/N: "I'll pick up my half on Monday."


Tags :
3 years ago

Work Husband, Real Husband

Song🐣🎵- N/A

Artist🤸‍♂️🎤- N/A

Warnings 🥵 ⛔- Fluff

Prompt🥺🔥- “I know you’re working, but can I come over because I miss seeing your face?”

Ship😳💍- Rossi x Wife! Reader

Any extra Information📃- In this story Gibbs never fell into his coma in Season 3. This takes place around season 4 and 5.

2nd Person

You are David's 4th wife, the final and his one and only. The two of you met when you were first accepted into the BAU, you were the first to apply who didn't already work with the FBI. To be honest, David and Jason put you through multiple tests to ensure you were qualified for this job. In about a month the 3 of you were best friends. Jason treated you like a sister yet your relationship with David was awkward. You were there at every one of David's weddings, but you had been in love with him for years. There was something about that Italian flair, but you were starting to think that you would have to sit through a 4th wedding, not in white but in the pews. This was until Jason convinced you to confess. In that moment you found out that the two of you had been circling each other's feelings too afraid to try.

Since that day everything ran smoothly, moving in, proposal, marriage, and ultimately 3 kids, two boys and a girl. A set of twins shortly before David retired and one boy after. The moment David found out you were having twins, he knew something had to give. Both of you couldn't be gone, so he decided to retire and focus on his writing. You remained in the BAU but you focused on finding cases, occasionally going out in the field if it called for it, you were the first Communications Liaison.

David had been retired for 2 years when you decided this wasn't going to work. Leaving the state for days at a time with no guarantee when you'll be home. You had looked into multiple options for where you could work, you looked into intelligence... too top secret, linguistics... that also involved random travel with no guarantees. So you looked into moving agency's, until you found the perfect one, and your brother just so happened to work there.

So now that everything was settled, all you had to do was wait for David to get home from his third book signing this month.

1st Person

I was sat on the couch, when David came through the door, he had a late book signing and an interview with a local news article. It was around midnight, the kids had been placed down about 3 hours ago and I was watching reruns of I Love Lucy. When I heard the door shut it didn't take long for my husband to appear in the doorway. "How was it?" A smile graced my lips from the sight of my husband. "Long, what are you still doing up?" He strolls over to the couch, taking a seat beside me and laying an arm across the back of the leather sofa. I lean into his touch, thinking about my answer. "Some late research. I think I want to change agency's." I guess I caught him off guard because he was silent... which is odd for an Italian (or at least him) it really is. "And go where?" It took him a moment to say anything, his voice laced with confusion, wanting to ask why. "NCIS. I know someone who works there and I can't do these long trips anymore. When I came in the house, Angel and Anthony asked me if I was going to leave again. How do I explain to our 4 year olds that I'm not doing this on purpose?" I could feel myself about to cry, and in all honesty Dave was the only one I let see me like this. "I never thought I would miss you this much, I can barely sleep. And I talked to Jason about it, he said that's fine because the BAU is getting more funding." When I look up he had a small smile on his face, he leans in... kissing my forehead before standing up, a hand reached out to me. "Come on Mi amor. I'll make us dinner, get you to bed, and we'll get your transfer papers through tomorrow.” And that is exactly what we did, I don't know what I did in a past life to deserve this but David Rossi is the best thing to ever happen to me.

3rd Person

The short blonde woman stepped into building like she already owned the place. She was dressed head to toe in black, though she gave off everything but depressed vibes. She had a black cable knit sweater on with black dress pants that fit perfectly. While the woman was entering the building, there was a slight discussion going on upstairs.

The team sat in a make shift circle in Abby's lab. All of them were genuinely curious about their new co-worker. 'Them' being Ziva David, Timothy McGee, Anthony Dinozzo, Abby Sciuto, Jimmy Palmer, Donald "Ducky" Mallard, and even Jethro Gibbs decided to join the party after a very convincing (beg) talk from Abby. Gibbs was about to enter the room, when he caught the tail end of the conversation. "So literally no one knows who they are?" Dinozzo was nervous partially because new meant change and that has proven to be a difficult subject. "Nope, I tried to look for their file but I'm not cleared. Ziva tried too, not high enough clearance." McGee was actually happy, someone new on the team meant that Dinozzo would finally leave the teasing alone. Ziva furrowed her eyebrows. "I heard one thing." Everyone turned towards Abby, curious to what she knew. "They got transferred from the FBI. Or at least that's what I heard." This shocked everyone, the FBI hates NCIS so who would actually choose to transfer. "Do you think Gibbs knows who it is?" In that moment Gibbs walked through the door, putting all those facing Tony into an awkward silence. "He's right behind me, isn't he?" All of then nodded, terrified of their boss… well more like a fearful respect than terrifying. Before anyone could say anything, a voice came from behind him, “Don’t you get tired of doing that?” Everyone turned to the woman now standing in the door. No one knew who she was, well… almost everyone didn’t know who she was. “Uh, who are you?” Mcgee broke the silence that filled to room, the woman was still smiling, not looking at anyone but the back of the man in front of her. As she took a step away from the door, Gibbs turned around, recognizing the voice.

1st person

I could see Jethro turn around slowly, our eyes locked and only I could see the smirk that found home on his face. I looked around him to see the confusion still apparent on the other agents faces. "Me? My name is Y/N Fielding. The FBI transfer." If I learned anything from Jethro it was his ability to sneak into a room without being seen or heard. The boys mouths hung open and the girls had two different reactions. The one with pigtails had wide eyes, I guess she wasn't used to being caught. Finally, there was a girl with black hair but it was slightly wavy. She was indifferent to my appearance. I turned back to Jethro soon enough to see him straighten his face, "Who authorized your transfer?" I looked to the left, pretending to recall who signed the paper. "I think that would be Jason Gideon and Jennifer Shepherd." I look up at him, stonewalling for those behind him. I pull my transfer file from behind my back and hand them to him. "I'm you new senior field agent. I look forward to working with you Agent Gibbs." I smile as he opens the file, I know he isn't actually reading it but it is good acting if I didn't know that already. "You." He pointed to me, looking up from the file. "Come with me. The rest of you go back to your desks." With that, he walks away. I turn back to his team, waving slightly before trailing behind him. When we get to the elevator and the doors shut he flicks switch and the lights within the elevator began to flicker. "When were you planning on telling me." I tilt my head side to side slowly, looking towards the ceiling. "Actually, this was the plan. I really thought Jenny would tell you." He lets out a sharp sigh before flicking the switch back on. I have a feeling this is going to be a very interesting work environment.

3rd Person

4 years later and well…. Y/N was right. Dinozzo had lost all his senior field agent privileges, he couldn't tell Ziva or McGee to do anything anymore and they were loving it. She was nice, smart, she worked well, and she was never wrong. She was a nicer version of Gibbs, like what isn't to like about this. It had gotten to the point that they were too compatible, the whole team shipped the two together. Even Jenny thought they were dating when they first met. Y/N and Gibbs even walked in on Abby and McGee placing their faces in a future child generator that same day Y/N left work early and Gibbs was in a mood until the case ended.

Despite this strange encounter, Abby continued to call each of them husband and wife. It had gotten to the point she started saying it to their faces, every time they walked in together, she greeted them with the nicknames. This time, when they walked in, their faces were on the screen again, a generated picture of a baby in the center. They saw the photo before Abby could take it away. "I am so sorry.. I was just showing Dinozzo and Ziva…" The two didn't say anything, but a smile was on Y/N's face. Before Y/N could tell her she was fine, or Gibbs could ask about the case, Dinozzo spoke still trying to clear the air. "I mean she would be hot, I'd hit." He was laughing, everyone else was simply staring. Gibbs was glaring at him, which wasn't odd, but the weird thing was the smile on Y/N's face disappeared completely. Gibbs moved to head smack him, but before he could Y/N swept Tony's feet from under him. Before his face hit the floor, he caught himself, yet Y/N still knelt on his back, keeping him unable to get up. "She's cute Abby. Do you think you could age her up a bit. To like 19." The shock on everyones face stuck when Y/N went back to smiling. Abby quickly did what she was told, amazed by the abilities she witnessed. When the picture popped up, Y/N was almost brought to tears. The girl was gorgeous, this wasn't the shocking part though. The shocking part was the expression Gibbs wore, he was actually smiling. A genuine smile. "Hey, Abs. Send this to me okay." The girl nodded, it was aggressive and her hair was flying all over the place. Y/N got up off Dinozzo looking at the screen in closer detail, before turning back to look at Gibbs. They were both thinking the same thing and his eyes shifted to Abby, in that moment Y/N finally understood the attachment he had to Abby.

This simple gesture made everyone even more suspicious about the nature of their relationship. The 4 even started a pool. Dinozzo thought they were sleeping together, Ziva thought Y/N was ex-wife number 4 and they had a child who died, Abby thought they were married with children, McGee simply thought they were dating and she was pregnant. It got to the point that Ducky and Palmer decided to join in. Palmer agreed with Abby while Ducky thought McGee seemed really close to the truth. What they didn't know was that Gibbs and Y/N knew about the pool, in fact they were stood in the door while the discussion was taking place. "What if we're all wrong?" Okay, now that caught Y/N off guard, she didn't expect someone to say they could all be wrong, let alone Abby. "We just get our money back." Now Dinozzo didn't shock Y/N, he was expected. "What if we give the money to Gibbs and Y/N. They tricked all of us so technically they win." At that statement everyone agreed, some more confident than others. The two then walked away, the other 6 unaware of Gibbs and Y/N in the first place.

It has now been two weeks since that conversation, every party has attempted in someway to get Gibbs and Y/N to give up information without telling them exactly. By Gibbs and Y/N, it was just Y/N that got asked. Abby pointed out the ring on Y/N's finger, McGee said she was glowing, Dinozzo pointed out every time she was late or when the two would disappear into the elevator; Ziva was more of a silent stalker, she noticed every time Gibbs and Y/N interacted awkwardly or when a child case was brought up two the two seemed to take this one to heart. No one was willing to give up, everyone thought they were right. This was getting really tiring so everyone decided to stop beating around the bush and just ask…. Y/N that is.

1st Person

Today had been a relatively slow day, the boys were at a sexual harassment seminar so Abby was keeping Ziva and me company. "It has been 2 hours, ours only lasted 30 minutes." I couldn't help but complain, I finished all my paper work and to be frank, no one had turned up dead. "Awww... do you miss Gibbs?" Literally the entire floor could hear Abby's teasing, and they all partake when Jethro isn't listening. "Nope, I miss Tony's terrible innuendos." As soon as I said that I heard the foot steps approaching. "You don't miss me." I could hear the smirk growing on his face as Jethro and Dinozzo walked towards the bullpen. "You mean the same person who made me rewrite an entire report?" I turn in my chair to face Jethro's desk as he takes a seat on the table. "It was sloppy." All I could do was stare at him, knowing damn well that was a lie. "I did not spend 3 years learning calligraphy for you to call my work sloppy. I have the best handwriting on the team. You're just mad it was too small for you to read without squinting." I couldn't help but laugh, and I could tell he wanted to as well by the smirk that turned into a smile. Today marks the first year of David's return to work, and the cold bed was starting to kick in again, but this time it wasn't so lonely anymore. The kids sneak into my room when they can, and David calls every night. I could tell today was going to be a good day, especially when my phone rang and my husband's name popped up. His name remained as David in case my phone was ever stolen, so I could feel the looks from the girls in front of me. They were all close enough to read the name on my phone since it was sat face on the desk.

When I picked up the call, I ignore the looks from the girls and answered as if it was a normal professional call. "Agent Fielding speaking." I could hear him laughing on the other end. "Hey baby, are they that close?" I try not to smile, because now everyone was looking at me. "That sounds about right. I believe more than one actually." I can hear chatter in the background, so I start to assume he's at work. "I know you’re working, but can I come over because I miss seeing your face?" I can't help but smile, ok so maybe the loneliness was more than I could every expect. "You never have to ask." He wasn't speaking but I knew he was smiling on the other end. "I'll be there in about 2 hours." I was so distracted that I forgot about the people around me, that was until I locked eyes with Dinozzo. "Alright." I shake my head back and forth, I can literally see the curiosity in the eyes of the team. "I love you. Mi Amor" His tone was different this time, he was honest and I could tell that the distance was effecting him just as much. "You know I do." And with that he hung up the phone. Everyone was still staring at me, I can tell Tony is about to ask but I prolong this a little longer. "Jethro, do you wanna get coffee?" This was the first I said his name at work, and to be honest it was kind of out of instinct. Yet, all he did was nod his head before following me to the elevator. The team was now beyond shocked, this day is going way better than expected.

3rd person- With the BAU

"So, when do we get to meet her?" As the call cut, an unexpected voice broke the silence that filled David's office. The voice came from Hotchner, Rossi's close friend and boss. "Soon." The response was curt, it's not that David didn't want her to meet them. It's just that when ever they were going to plan something, a case came up on either end. "She works at NCIS right?" The moment that left Aaron's mouth, David knew exactly where this was going. "Yes… yes she does Aaron." The older male was obviously suspicious, so his bosses next words were expecting because he had done it before. "So I think the whole team needs to head down for a case we had a while ago." There was a legitimate smile on Aaron's face, one so genuine that David couldn't even be mad at his friend. "Do you, want to go see my wife?" He spoke slow, saying each and every word with emphasis. The only response he received was an equally as slow and emphasized head nod. "God Aaron. Sure."

"Pack up, we are taking a trip to the NCIS naval base in Quantico." Aarons voice boomed over the bullpen, gaining the attention of his team as well as everyone else sat at their desks. There was a confusion looming over the area, JJ was the first to speak up about it. "I didn't get anything about a case…" "No case, no consultation. This is a friendly visit, we are going to see Agent Y/N Rossi. Consider this the beginning of your weekend." Aaron spoke quieter, a bag in hand, as he neared the group of desks his agents occupied, David trailing behind also carrying his regular to-go bag. "Wait, so we actually get to meet the Mrs. Rossi." David was cautious of the teams reaction, but by Dereks response and the rest of the teams easiness to the situation his nerves calmed on their own. Unconsciously, the couple had the same thought, today is going to be a good day.

There were 3 groups:

David drove; in his car was just Aaron.

Following directly behind him was Derek, in the car with Penelope and Spencer.

In the final car, Emily drove with JJ in the passenger seat.

No one had any complaints, apart from Derek. He had to deal with the excessive knowledge and facts of NCIS and their origins. By the time they arrived, he was ready to kill Spencer, his audio tapes, and the 60 books he carries. The 3 groups connected back together at the entrance of the federal building. "I swear, if I have to hear one more damn page turn. I am going to snap." Everyone laughed at the statement, everyone but Reid. While conversing, they walked through the building with ease, flashing their FBI badges at the very entrance. They were motioned to the 4th floor, apparently that is where the directors office is. When the elevators doors opened, they were met with a bullpen similar to their own.

1st person- 5 minutes ago

Jethro just got back 10 minutes ago, and as soon as we walked out the elevator, Dinozzo began speculating. "How was the coffee?" He was smirking stupidly, leaning onto Ziva's desk. I blink at him a few times before responding, "It was good, would you like to try?" I hold up my coffee cup, a smile plastered on. "Nope, that seems like an intimate thing." "Getting coffee?" Ziva responded to his stupidity before I had the chance, yet for some reason he still thought he was correct. I roll my eyes taking a seat at my desk. "Gibbs, can you look at this for me? The director wants it on his desk by Monday and I don't exactly want to do work over the weekend." For the first time I wasn't playing into their little bet, I was genuine on my motive. He trudged next to me, leaning over to read the words typed on the screen. "Yeah, just put your name on it. You've been doing that forever." I sigh from his words, something so simple could have been very bad if I actually turned it in. I typed my name and he checked it over once again before giving me a nod, heading back to his desk. When I looked back up after sending the email, Ziva, Tony, and McGee were all staring at me. Soon, the elevator doors opened and out walked Ducky, Palmer, and Abby. "Hey, Y/N?" Abby's voice reached my ears soon after the doors closed. "Yes Abs?"

"Are you married?"


That was only half of the conversation, it was cut off by McGee. "You were actually wrong Tony," There was a short laugh and a groan from Tony before Abby continued.

"Do you have children?"


The next voice to cut Abby off was Tony, "Ha! You were wrong too Probie." He was laughing a lot harder, I guess he's fine he lost money if it doesn't go to Tim. "So Palmer and Abby won?" McGee was cut off by Abby, "Not yet."

"Is Fielding your married name?


"So it's your maiden name?"


My responses were simple and short, she didn't ask who I was married to so why explain more than I have to. "Now I won." Her smile was too cute to even attempt to crush, I had no intention to… until the elevator doors slid open and out walked agents in formal attire. I was confused until I saw David exit the metal box. The group walked to the small area we had in the bullpen. "Hello, I am Aaron Hotchner. FBI, and we are looking for Agent Y/N Fielding." I could see the team tense up at the mention of my name, they had yet to see me in the corner since Tony was placed in front of me. I stand up slowly, giving them full view of me. David steps forward, and began introducing his team to my own. "This is Derek Morgan, Aaron Hotchner, Jennifer Jareau, Emily Prentiss, Dr. Spencer Reid, Penelope Garcia, and I am David Rossi." He pointed to each member of his team as their words left his mouth before pointing to me. "This is Y/N, my-" The boy he called Spencer cut him off before he could state the nature of our relationship. "You are one of the founders of the BAU. You are a legend, the first communications liaison. Though at the time it was known as the Relations Mediator (I just came up with something)" The boy went on to ramble on about random FBI and NCIS fact I honestly didn't know. "Reid, we can talk about this later. Let me introduce my team." I turned to see the confusion on everyone's faces, all except Jethro. "This is Anthony Dinozzo- our senior field agent, Ziva David- a former Mossad agent, Timothy McGee- our technical genius, Ducky Mallard- our medical examiner, Jimmy Palmer- assistant medical examiner, Abby Sciuto- our forensics scientist. Oh and Leroy Jethro Gibbs." I pause when he smacks me on the back of the head for saying his full name, making me laugh slightly. "My brother-in-law and boss. This is David. My husband." There were various greetings from those across from me, but behind me was relatively quiet. " Can you repeat that again?" I turned around at the sound of Ziva's voice, Jethro's arm falling on the top of my head. "This is my husband." "Is this what you would call, the cat inside the bag?" I giggle at her confusion, "It's cat outside of the bag, but yes Ziva."

3rd person

Y/N's team was shocked beyond belief, there were no words to describe the slap in the face they just received. While David's team was nonchalant and happy to meet their friends lover. "Pause, explain." Dinozzo was pissed that he couldn't tell what was happening, he thought he was good at figuring out these things. "Jethro's first wife was my sister. And when you generated what our child would looked like, it looked exactly like my niece." This sentence seemed to catch the attention of someone on David's teams. "You have an offspring generator? That is that accurate?" Garcia was beyond excited and it was obvious by the smile on her face and the inability to sit still. Y/N and Gibbs could see the similarities between Garcia and Abby, the similarities between them and Kelly… if only she was able to grow up like normal.

Y/N took a seat on Dinozzo's desk, staring at the interaction between the two groups. "I think this also means they owe us, don't they Jethro?" There was a smirk on her face and humor in her voice that even David team couldn't help but smile at. "Wait wait… so you knew what we were doing this whole time and you didn't say anything?" All Y/N could so was shrug at Palmer's question. The situation was quickly ignored as everyone brought up different conversations. The teams even started to split and find their look alike on the other team, Spencer and McGee drifted together, the same for Dinozzo and Morgan. Abby and Garcia were practically best friends while Ziva was struggling to keep up with JJ and Prentiss. Aaron actually had something to discuss with Director Vance so headed up to his office, passing David headed towards Y/N and Gibbs.

Surprisingly, the two had never met. Gibbs was unable to go to her wedding because he was newly deployed on his second tour. So Y/N decided it was time for proper introductions. "Real husband, work husband. Work husband, real husband." Her words came out slow as he hand drifted between the two men, she was still sat on Tony's desk. There was hen out of no where the 3 of you start laughing. "I see it." The two spoke at the same time, giving Abby a little peace of mind that her theory on Y/N's husband might not be as far off as she thought.

"Absence makes the heart grow fonder." His words were random yet directed. "I guess it really does." The couple shared a kiss that was nothing less than passion and affection. Staring into each other's eyes, David and Y/N knew that this was the life they were meant to live, no ex-wives or co-workers was going to change that.


Dinozzo: "So are we going to tell them they won $600?"

Y/N: "I heard that Dinozzo."

Dinozzo: "Sorry boss I mean Y/N, uh… you and your husband are very cute."

Y/N: "I'll pick up my half on Monday."


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8 months ago

Please send in requests

I do NOT write smut

I will write certain ships x reader(Percabeth x reader, Jegulus x reader, Wolfstar x reader, Solangelo x reader, etc.) if you have any specific ones for any of the fandoms I write for please message me and ask

I write female readers, male readers, gender neutral readers(please specify when requesting)

I write (x reader) head canons, blurbs and longer fics for these fandoms:




criminal minds(seasons 1-15)


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