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1 year ago

Forced To Believe Chapter 18- I Know What I Have To Do

Forced To Believe Chapter 18- I Know What I Have To Do

Chapter Summary: Morgan experiences AJ's Pipe bombshell, Morgan continues to express frustration on the abuse of power from The Authority and the roster's lack of action.

Words: 7,000+


'Tuesday Morning'

Melanie carries several boxes of cereal to her hotel room while she wears her navy blue pajama pants and a navy blue tank top. 

"Oh my gosh, why so many boxes?" Celeste asked with a towel around her. 

"Getting ready for the next prank I'm planning." Melanie grinned and filled the bucket with cereal and milk.

"Can't wait to see this. I'm getting a front row seat." 

Melanie takes a photo of the bucket and tweets 'My next plot of pranking WWERollins. #BreakfastIsServed'

Celeste helps her set up the bucket on top of the door. "How do you know if he'll come?"

"Colby has a habit of ruining my mornings," Melanie mentioned, remembering the moment she and Jon had in bed before Colby barged in.

"That was kind of funny though." All of a sudden, the door knocks. "It's open!" Celeste called out as she and Melanie sat on the couch.

Jon opened up the door. "Good morning!" he happily greets, but then the bucket falls on top of him. Melanie widens her eyes and puts her hands on her mouth in shock.

"O­oh my gosh! I am so sorry!" She quickly stood up as Celeste looked on in shock. Colby starts laughing as he and Joe stand behind Jon.

"That was freaking awesome!" Colby clapped.

Jon sighed and wiped some of the cereal off his face. "I'm surrounded by prankers..." he grumbled.

Melanie quickly got a towel and tried to clean his face up. 

"Wow, cereal and milk? So glad I didn't get hit with that. Nice try, Melanie." Colby grinned.

"Jon, I am so sorry!" Melanie exclaimed

Joe looked on with a half smile, trying not to laugh. "I'm taking another shower." he left the room.

Melanie turned to Colby. "Dude! This is all your fault! You're supposed to be pranked, not Jon." 

Colby laughed and left the room with Joe. 

"Wow..." Celeste giggled.

Melanie ran her hands through her hair and sighed. "I am SO not getting grapes this afternoon..."

"Oh yeah, you and Jon were gonna go to the store."

" long grapes..."


Melanie and Celeste walk back to their hotel room after eating lunch together. Once Melanie opened the door, she got covered in red paint as she sighed. 

"...Nice..." Melanie said as she looked down at her body, covered in red paint.

"Yikes..." Celeste cringed as she looked at Melanie.

Colby grinned at his success as he rushed to their hotel room. "Success!" he cheered while Melanie turned around.

She smirked and put her arms out. "Want a hug?"

"Oh crap." Colby ran away.

"Why you running?" she asked in a teasing manner. 

Celeste takes a photo of Melanie while she shrugs at the camera. 

She tweets 'Poor WWEMorgan101 Looks like WWERollins got this round. Right? #BloodyMorgan'

'WWE Main Event'








The Shield walk out with their titles while Morgan walks in front of them.

"And these may be the 4 untouchable superstars in the WWE, coming out of Monday Night Raw. Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, Morgan Lopez, Dean Ambrose, The Shield as we welcome everyone to Main Event. Josh Mathews ringside along with the Miz. We start things off with six man tag team match up." Josh said.

"From SummerSlam, to Raw there is so much to talk about in the WWE." Miz said. 

Morgan goes to ringside as she watches The Usos and Kofi do their entrance and get in the ring.

'Ding Ding Ding'

Kofi and Dean start the match as they lock up. "Dean starting things off with Kofi. Dean also started off SummerSlam with his title on the line against RVD." Josh mentioned.

"Yeah. RVD should have been the US champion in my mind but Rollins and Reigns got involved." Miz added as an Uso and Seth started wrestling in the ring. 

Morgan looks at the action with a focused look on her face as her hair lays on the left side of her shoulder.

"As beautiful Morgan is, she has a wicked, aggressive personality when she's in the ring. No doubt she will be a great Diva's Champion during her reign." 

"Yeah, she can be nice when she wants to be but that feisty attitude of hers gets her wins in her matches. Her aggression with the divas shows that she is not playing around. I wonder who will challenge her for the title." Miz wondered.

"My concern is her reaction on Raw. She looked so conflicted when she was with The Shield, Orton and Triple H. And now she seems more at ease when she is just with the Hounds of justice."

"She did say she did not like the best for business motto."

Morgan watches as the Usos take control of Rollins. 

She banged on the mat. "Let's go, Seth! Come on!"

Seth gains control and starts to take control of Jey Uso. But then the Usos throw Ambrose out of the ring and kick Roman out of the ring with Kofi's help. Kofi and the Usos pick up Rollins and throw him on top of Roman and Dean as Morgan rushes over to them. 

"What a stunt by the Usos and Kofi!" Josh exclaimed. Morgan quickly rushes out of the way as The Usos and Kofi fly on top of The Shield. "That's how you play offense with The Shield."

Later on in the match, The Shield take control 

"Whenever you like the Shield or not, they always have a great game plan. You look at Roman, he is kind of the muscle of the group. Seth Rollins is the high flyer. Dean Ambrose is the wild card. You never know where he is gonna come from or what he is gonna do. And Morgan is kind of a mix of all three of them. Her aggression and anger remind me of Roman, her high flying skills and speed remind me of Rollins and her personality and unpredictable moves remind me of her boyfriend Dean Ambrose." Miz said. "The Shield never lets you breathe; they are just always on you like a pack of dogs."

The Uso manages to get a tag from Kofi as Kofi hits a crossbody to both Roman and Dean inside the ring and dropkicks Seth off the apron. Roman runs toward Kofi but Kofi holds down the ropes and he falls out of the ring. Kofi turns his attention to Dean as his momentum builds. He does the twin leg drop on him as he gets ready for the Trouble in Paradise. Just in time, Ambrose backs up into a corner to evade it.

"Very smart by Ambrose." Miz complimented as Morgan looked relieved.

Seth runs in the ring but gets thrown out by Jimmy. Jimmy tries to jump on him but hits his face on the barricade when Seth moves out of the way. 

"Did that hurt? Good." Morgan laughed as she looked at Jimmy. She turns her attention to Dean. "Duck!" 

Hearing her shout made Ambrose turn around quickly and duck Kofi's Trouble in Paradise. But then Kofi catches him in the SOS and Roman breaks up the pin. 

"Yes!" She cheered as the crowd got very into the match.

"Kofi was just a second away from winning the match!" Josh exclaimed as an Uso jumped on top of Roman and they both fell out of the ring. 

Dean rolls up Kofi for a pin but Kofi counters it and Ambrose kicks out of it in time. Kofi goes to the corner as Ambrose runs to him. He kicks him and Ambrose falls down. Seth rolls an Uso inside the ring as the ref turns his attention to him. While the ref was distracted, Morgan got on the apron while Kofi got on the top rope. She grabs his legs and he falls down while the ref tries to push the Uso out of the ring. She quickly gets off the apron so she won't get caught.

"Effortless," she smirked and high fives Rollins.

"You see! I told you! Keep your eyes on Morgan! She's a wild one." Miz yelled as Dean did the headlock driver on Kofi for the win. 

Morgan grinned and got in the ring as Ambrose stood up. 

"The Shield pick up another victory," Josh announced as The Shield's theme came on. 

Morgan grabs Dean's title and gives it to him. He then grabs her by the waist to smooch her, making the crowd scream.

"Whoa! Was not expecting that." Josh looked on.

"That's a kiss of justice." Miz chuckled. 

Fans tweet:

'Ambrose planted one on Morgan. #KissOfJustice'

'Morgan is awesome! She took down Kofi like it was nothing. Go Morgan!'

'OMG! Ambrose and Morgan kissed! Ahh! Fangirling!

'Watching Dean and Morgan kiss made me fangirl a little'

Morgan tweets 'We do what we do best. #DoYouBelieveNow #Effortless'


In the opening of Raw, The Shield were guarding the ring, looking at the ramp as their theme plays around the arena. 

"Welcome Ladies and gentlemen to Monday Night Raw, live in Phoenix, Arizona. Here are the members of The Shield..." Cole said.

"Ladies and Gentlemen...The Shield." Justin announced as Morgan was in the middle of Dean and Roman. Triple H's theme came on as he walked out. "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the COO of the WWE, Triple H!"

"You saw The Shield and now we know why they are standing there. It seems they have become personal security for Triple H." Cole recapped. 

Triple H walks down the ramp and gives The Shield a smirk. Once he walks past them, Morgan rolls her eyes. She did not feel like listening to another segment about what's best for business. She wanted this to stop but wondered if it was the right thing to do. She knew she would have to pick a side. Stay with The Shield, her boys, her two guy friends and boyfriend, or step up and be outspoken. While she played the scenarios in her head, Orton walked out and got in the ring. She hears that Triple H got Orton a gift.

"You have got to be kidding me..." she retorted as Randy's gift was a car. 

A Cadillac Escalate. 

Orton starts grinning and is surprised. "I don't know what to say. I don't know what to say. Thank you, thank you Hunter for the very generous gift. And you know what? I want to thank you for having a vision. Of realizing that the only man who could be the WWE champion and the face of the WWE is me."

Triple H smiled. "Go check it out." He gestured but then Daniel Bryan came out with a grin on his face as the crowd chanted 'Yes'.

"Would you look at that? Sweet ride Randy, sweet ride. That's way nicer than my Honda Fit. I mean, that's awesome and you know what? Well deserved. You worked really hard for that WWE championship. But while you're out making thank yous, I got a couple of thank yous I'd like to make. I think it's a good time to thank each and every person here. To thank everybody in the WWE Universe. Because I'm not the biggest, I'm not the strongest, I'm not the prettiest, I mean, clearly, that's twinkle toes Orton in there." Daniel said.

Morgan starts to chuckle, earning an annoyed look from Triple H. 

"You people have believed in me, have supported me, and you have no idea how much that means to me," Bryan continued. "Secondly...I would like to thank John Cena. Thank you John, for giving me the chance to wrestle in the main event of SummerSlam because Triple H would have never given me that chance. John, thank you. And lastly, and most importantly, I would like to thank Triple H. I would like to thank him because he finally showed his true colors. Heck, Morgan was right, you are a sellout in a suit."

Orton and Triple H snap their heads to Morgan as she smirks at Daniel. "I mean, look at yourself, Hunter. Look at him, everybody just look at him. The rebel in the leather jacket that used to break the rules, is now, in Morgan's words...'A sell out in a suit.'" he went on

"Hey Dan, you need to think about who you're talking to right now. This is the COO of the WWE! And I'm the WWE champion! You need to show us respect! The same goes for you Morgan! And you're lucky Hunter assigned you with The Shield."

Morgan starts to look annoyed and slowly turns around to look up at him. 

"Excuse me? I'd like to catch myself respecting your ass, you don't deserve crap, you asshole!" She snapped as she was grabbed by Rollins and Ambrose.

"Don't." Seth warned

Orton looks at her, not expecting her to lash out at him like that but Triple H ignores her. 

"She's not worth the time." Triple H advised Orton as he turned his attention back to Daniel.

Morgan calmed down and turned to look at Bryan as she stood guard once again.

"Maybe you didn't hear me. I am the face of the WWE-"

"Oh the face!" Bryan exclaimed, cutting Orton off. "Now ladies and gentlemen, he's the face! Let's hear it for the face of the WWE. At Night of Champions, when I get my rematch for the WWE championship, that face is going to be rearranged." he determinedly said as the crowd cheered for him. "And Triple H, your vision of the future, that's gonna be rearranged too. Because I will become the new WWE champion! Yes! Yes! Yes!"

"Oh~ isn't that a sweet little fantasy? Yeah, it really is, it's really sweet." Triple H replied. "When you wish, upon a star." He started to sing. 

Morgan slowly turns around and looks at Triple H like he's crazy. 

"Make no difference who you are." He finished his song. "You know what Daniel? In the real world, it makes a difference who you are. You are not an A player. Randy Orton is an A player. You, my friend, are nothing more than a B at best. Now, you wanna prove yourself to the world? I'll give you your opportunity to live your dream to have your little fantasy. Tonight when you go one on one with Seth Rollins. Oh, and by the way, when you're done with Seth Rollins, if you make it past him, you get to go one on one with Dean Ambrose." 

Morgan looked amused at the reception Dean got since she could hear loud fangirl screams.

'Must have been the kiss.' She thought as she remembered the kiss she and Dean shared on Main Event. She lost count of how many fangirl tweets she read about them.

"And if by chance, you limp away from Dean Ambrose, I'm gonna give you the gift of Roman Reigns. I am gonna give you the gift that just keeps on giving. I am gonna give you the gift of justice! I am gonna give you the gift of The Shield. And you know why Daniel? You wanna why I am willing to do all that for you? Because I believe in you and I believe that this is what's best for business." Triple H dropped his mic as his theme came on.

"Is that what is best for business?" Cole asked

"I don't know if this is all about business. I think it is personal." King said.

Fans tweet:

'Wow, those were some loud screams for Ambrose. Was it because of the kiss?'

'Morgan owned Orton!'

'Morgan and Dean might steal Triple H and Stephanie's spotlight of being one of the top couples. What a loud fan girl reception.'

Morgan tweets 'I'm tired of listening to the same crap over and over again about what's best for business.'



After Natalya's match against Brie with the Total Divas but Morgan, at ringside, AJ comes out to a nice reception. 

"Omg, you guys. I just watched last night's episode of Total Divas. And it was insane, oh my gosh, I mean the Bellas were dealing with their obvious daddy issues. The funks broke up and got back together again, Natalya's fiancé isn't much of a man. And the other two were also there. It was great, it really was and it was like the end of the world and it was only on Sunday nights on the E! Network! Ahhhh!" AJ sarcastically exclaimed, jumping up and down as the crowd laughed.

"Oh wait, there is someone else. Hmm...what is her name...Harley Quinn...Shield's girl...Dean's sinister girlfriend...the chick who had a justified lip lock with Dean...Oh! The Diva's Champion! Morgan!" AJ said as the crowd erupted in cheers. "Morgan, could you come out here please?"

Morgan walked out with her championship on her right shoulder and in her normal Shield attire but with a small vest that stops underneath her upper torso. The crowd gives her a warm welcome as she waves at her fans. 

"What...?" She asked AJ in a monotone.

"Here is my buddy! Morgan Lopez! I saw you on Total Divas! Ugh, you were just great! Just great! I mean...during some of the unaired bonus scenes that were shown on WWE's website, I saw that you really couldn't handle the pleasure." Morgan was surprised at her sudden explanation and her face started to heat up. "I mean, lately, the way you look shows that Ambrose is certainly giving you justice. A lot~ of justice." AJ grinned as Morgan's face got redder.

"Look at her face! It's like a tomato!" King exclaimed.

"Are you done embarrassing me?" Morgan asked with an irritated tone.

"Morgan, I am not out here to embarrass you. I'm trying to tell everyone that your boyfriend is a man, unlike Natalya's fiancé. And Eva, I would back off of Morgan's man, he isn't interested." AJ stated. 

Eva glared at the two while Morgan smirked in amusement at AJ's comment. 

AJ continued, "But I want you out here because I have something to say to you and the Total Divas. Do you want to know what I see when I look in that ring? Honestly? A bunch of cheap, interchangeable, expendable, useless women." The crowd cheered as the Bellas started to get furious.

"Say it to our face!" Brie yelled.

"Women who have turned to reality television cause they just weren't gifted enough to be actresses." AJ continued. 

Morgan was mentally preparing herself for the diss that AJ was about to say to her once she was done with the divas in the ring. 

"Say it to our face! Say it to our face!" The Bellas yell.

"And they just weren't talented enough to be champion just like Morgan here." AJ turned to Morgan as she snapped her head to her.

"Excuse me?" Morgan asked, making sure she heard her correctly. 

Why would she praise her?

"I'm standing right here!" Brie yelled

"I have done more in a year than all of you done in your entire collective careers. I have saved your divas division, I have shattered glass ceilings, and I have broken down doors, why? So a bunch of ungrateful stiff plastic manikins can waltz on through with a thank you?" AJ asked

"You just skip! You just skip!" Brie yelled

"You guys can't even go backstage and shake my hand and look me in the eye cause you know that I worked my entire life to get here. Morgan is the only diva besides myself who takes heart in the ring. She showed me at Money in the Bank and shows it every week unlike you. If she wins or loses, if she's with or without top superstars, Morgan has done more in a year like me. She saved this divas division along with me. All the challenges she has faced, she overcame them and continues to prove week after week that she can really be a great diva." AJ praised. "And you know what? She is the only one I would want to face out of all you Total Divas." 

The crowd cheered for AJ as the Total Divas looked annoyed.

"I am so going to have targets on my back now..." Morgan mumbled as she had her left hand on the back of her neck.

"You see, I gave my life for this. And you were just handed 15 minutes of fame." AJ said to the Total Divas in the ring and at ringside. "Morgan left a huge opportunity to be in the WWE years ago but left because she wanted to wrestle, not just be a manager. Which isn't what any of you women would do. Morgan didn't want to be here because she was related to another WWE wrestler, she wanted to be herself and show what she could do and be different. She is the only one who shakes my hand and thanks me for the hard matches we go through and all the hard work we go through in matches. Morgan never sucked up, she earned the right to be here as she worked her ass off in so many development areas,"

"I didn't get here because I was cute, or because I came from some famous wrestling family. Or because I sucked up to the right people." AJ continued

"Jealous! Jealous!" The Bellas yell.

"I got here because I am good. I earned that championship." She pointed at Morgan's title. "And lost it in a good match with Kaitlyn and Morgan. But no matter how many red carpets you want to walk on, in your 4,000 dollar ridiculous heels, you will never be able to lace up my Chuck Taylors. You're all worthless excuses for women. And you will never be able to touch me. And reality." AJ dropped the mic as her theme came on.

AJ turns to Morgan, tilting her head to the side. She grinned and began skipping around the stage as she looked at her in amusement. Before going backstage, AJ blows a kiss at the Total Divas while Morgan mouths 'Wow'

'Backstage fallout'

"What did you think of AJ's PipeBombShell?" Renee Young asked

"Shocked. I was not expecting her to praise me. I thought she was going to diss me. But just because she praised me does not mean I'm going to give her a title shot right off the bat. She has to earn it just like every other diva, here. And besides, I have my guard up. I won't fall for any of her tricks. Who knows what is going through her mind," Morgan determinedly replied.

'Later On RAW'

The whole roster is out on the stage to watch what happens with Daniel Bryan. If anyone gets involved, they will be fired. While Daniel is in the ring, The Shield walk through the crowd while Morgan is in front of them. 

Once the Shield jump over the barricade, Morgan sees Renee Young, interviewing the Big Show. 

"Now Big Show, while I have you here, you made some comments about how SummerSlam ended and then you were in a handicap match against all three members of The Shield at the same time, what are your thoughts about that?" she asked but The Big Show remained silent as Morgan looked at him with disappointment.

Renee walked over to Ziggler. "W­-well Dolph, I know you were in a similar situation last week as well, you must be holding back some anger and frustrations about that, are you?" 

Dolph stayed silent as well.

'This is not good...' Morgan thought.

"Let me get the Miz. Miz you are one of the most outspoken superstars here, it looks like we are about to witness the annihilation of Daniel Bryan, do you care to comment?" Renee asked.

"Yeah, I would but what happened to Dolph and Big Show last week and what's gonna happen to Daniel Bryan is..." The Miz stopped talking, fearing getting fired as Morgan ran her hands through her hair and sighed. 

She knew she had to do something soon. But would the roster listen to one woman? A diva? A part of The Shield? Did they know she didn't like what the authority was doing? Did they see her reactions towards the punishment Daniel faced? She'll have to find out.

"Okay, it looks like you don't want to get fired as well, let's go back to ringside," Renee said, giving up since no one wanted to comment.

'Ding Ding Ding'

Morgan stands in between Ambrose and Reigns as they watch Daniel's match against Seth. Daniel takes control and clotheslines Seth outside the ring as they both fall out of the ring. Daniel recovers but sees Dean and Roman walking to him on each side of the ring. The distraction led to Seth pushing Bryan to the barricade. 

Morgan was so confused. One side was telling her to try to help Daniel and not let him get mobbed again, and another side told her to grin and bear it. Rollins throws Bryan to the apron and then to the barricade before he throws him back in the ring.

She sighed. She loved being with The Shield, but she just had a distaste for doing Triple H and Orton's dirty work. Bryan catches Seth in a half crab submission before Seth grabs the rope. 

"Come on Seth!" she cheered as he recovered outside the ring.

"Look out!" Cole exclaimed.

Morgan looks on in shock and has a hand on her mouth as she witnesses Bryan diving onto Rollins, making him stumble back and over the broadcast table.

"Good grief," JBL said as he, King and Cole moved out of the way.

Later on in the match, Rollins takes control of Bryan and starts trash talking him. "All you gotta do is stay down. It's that easy. Come on, huh?"

Daniel Bryan fights back and hits Seth with a German suplex off the turnbuckle as Morgan winces at the impact. Daniel waits for Seth to get up before doing the running knee to eliminate him. 

"He got it!" Cole exclaimed

"Believe in that Rollins. You jerk." King retorted. "Oh come on! Can't he get a break?" he looked on as Ambrose quickly got in the ring and started attacking him.

"You can just see it in his eyes, Ambrose is just psychotic," Cole said.

"What does Morgan see in him?" King asked in disgust.

"Well, I guess she digs psychotic men," JBL replied.

"I'll keep that in mind." King chuckled.

"King, I'd doubt Morgan would want to date you."

"Hey, you never know. She's one of my favorite divas."

Morgan and Roman check on Rollins but then they see Ambrose getting caught in the yes lock. 

"That quick!?" Morgan yelled.

Roman quickly gets in the ring and breaks it up and the ref DQs Ambrose.

Roman starts stomping on Bryan while Ambrose recovers by sitting down on the bottom turnbuckle. But then Roman gets caught in the yes lock. Ambrose breaks it up.

"Oh man, now it's three on one. None of the superstars can help." Cole said as the boys started attacking Bryan. Seth and Dean hold Bryan up for Roman to spear him as Morgan gets in the ring. Triple H's theme comes on as he walks out, looking at the superstars while they avert their eyes. Morgan looks away as The Shield triple powerbomb Bryan. "And The Shield doing Triple H's dirty work again."

Orton walks out and walks down the ramp with a sinister smile. Seth and Dean hold Bryan before Orton RKOs him as Morgan looks at him in disgust. 

"You want to laugh? You want to laugh huh?" Triple H asked the roster before leaving with Orton. The Shield and Morgan do their pose before Raw goes off the air. 

After the show, the guys leave the ring while Morgan stays behind. The cameras still roll and make a WWE off the air video as she grabs a mic. The fans started to chant her name as she sighed

"What is she about to say?" Cole asked

"I'm sorry...I just...I just really need to get this off my chest. I may regret it later but this needs to be done now." she spoke up as the roster looked at her. She glances at Daniel Bryan's fallen body and then back at the roster. " all don't want to speak out? You all don't want to help? Afraid to get fired? Afraid to step up?" She asked as some averted their eyes. 

"You all are a bunch of cowards!" She exclaimed as the fans agreed with her.

"You know, I thought there would be one person, at least one who would help out. But I guess I was wrong...I mean, do you actually think Triple H is gonna fire you guys? The fans are only gonna riot. Petitions would be signed and their persistence would bring you guys back if you did get fired." she continued. "Look...if you guys don't want to speak out...then...maybe...maybe I will. I'll speak out. Cause I'd rather stand up for what is right than be forced to be ordered around by Triple H. Especially doing his dirty work. I know I'm just one person, a diva, a member of The Shield, but I just hope some of my words reach out to you guys. Just think about it." 


'On Smackdown'

Backstage, Morgan is talking with Kaitlyn as the crowd gives them a loud reception. 

"You know, instead of yelling at the roster, how come you didn't do anything on Raw? You could have done something. You have a huge advantage since you're with The Shield." Kaitlyn suggested.

Morgan sighed. "I should have done something. I don't know, I just feel conflicted..."

"You'll know what's right. The roster will come to their senses. We all know you don't like what The Authority is doing. It's just that the roster is pretty shaken up."

She nodded. "Well...hopefully my words will reach out to them soon enough. I have to go. I'll see you later."

"Try to stay out of trouble. Especially with your mouth."

"No promises," Morgan smirked and walked away. 


Morgan is with Triple H in his office while The Shield have their match against Ziggler. 

"Well Morgan, I saw your little promo at the end of Raw. Care to explain? I really thought I could trust you, but it seems like I can't. But I won't deal with you. My wife wants to deal with you. So I'll leave her to it." Triple H told her.

"Fine. What she throws at me, I'll overcome it." Morgan retorted.

"Really? Well, let's see at Night of Champions when my wife tells you, your match."

"Why are you abusing your power, like this?"

"Abusing my power? That's insulting. This is what's best for business. Now, until you get your act together, maybe we don't have to do the match Stephanie is planning for you at Night of Champions. Keep that in mind. I hope you know what to do later on tonight. Now get out of my office."

Morgan resisted the urge to give him a loud earful and left his office. Now even more conflicted, she thought about the consequences if she decided to go against The Authority.

What was she going to do?

'In The Ring'

During Daniel Bryan's match against Ryback, Orton walks to the ring and gets involved, only to be put in the yes lock. But then The Shield but Morgan comes out to attack him. Orton and The Shield started to jump him while Morgan watched, looking conflicted again.

It amazed her how Orton couldn't fight his own battles and needed someone to help him. Before SummerSlam, he wasn't like that. Why now? The Big Show stands up and runs in the ring as the crowd cheers. The Shield, Orton and Morgan back up to a turnbuckle as they look at the Big Show. But then Triple H walks out, making Morgan sigh since she knew The Big Show would have to back off.

"No! Get out of the ring! Now!" Triple H ordered.

Morgan shook her head at the Big Show as he looked at her. "Don't do it," she said as he looked conflicted.

The crowd chants 'No!' while The Big Show looks like he is about to cry and gets out of the ring. Morgan looks at him with a sympathetic look. He begins walking up the ramp as the crowd boos while Triple H gives The Shield and Orton permission to attack Bryan. 

"Pick him up!" Orton yelled and kicked Bryan down. 

He starts trash talking Bryan while Seth and Dean hold him. Morgan looks away, feeling even more disgusted.

"It's show time," Seth said as he and Dean picked Daniel up. 

Orton turns to Morgan. "Morgan, do the honors," he smirked as she shook her head.

"I think the powerbomb was enough don't you think? Are we done here?" she replied, wanting to leave.

"No. Do the kick." Orton ordered.

"I think the powerbomb was enough," Morgan repeated sternly.

"This is a bad situation," Cole said.

'Randy Sucks' chants surround the arena while Morgan looks at Daniel. The Shield give her the nod and she closes her eyes and sighs.

"Forgive me..." she opened her eyes and gave Daniel a hard kick in the face.

The crowd boos.

"That was brilliant." Orton praised as they all looked at Bryan.

"I can't believe Morgan would do that." Cole looked on with disappointment as she gave Orton a fake smile.

Rollins gives Orton a black spray paint bottle and Orton shakes it. Ambrose grabs Morgan by the waist from behind and has his head on her shoulder as they watch the scene. 

Orton spray paints 'NO' on Daniel's chest while Ambrose releases her and gives Orton his title. 

'WWE Exclusive Video'

Morgan is on her phone reading the fans' tweets.

Fans tweet:

'What the hell WWEMorgan101!? Why?! You said you'd step up? Was that all a lie?'

'I don't understand WWEMorgan101. You said you would stand up for what is right.'

'I guess Morgan is a true member of The Shield. It was all a joke on Raw.'

'Please say it isn't so! Why would you kick Daniel WWEMorgan101?'

'Do you even feel guilty for kicking Bryan? Was everything a joke and a lie? Was it all an act?

Pretending to not like what's best for business?'

'Disgusted at Morgan's actions. She serves the name Harley Quinn since she would do anything for her boss.'

As Morgan read the tweets, they stung. It really hurt her. She sighs and starts packing up her bag as the divas look at her. Tired of the stares, she turns to look at them. 

"What?" She snapped. "Is it because I kicked Daniel? I'm sorry, okay? Can you stop looking at me, like I'm an outcast? I'm not like The Authority!"

"Hard to believe..." Alicia mumbled.

"Yeah..." Layla agreed.

Brie barges into the locker room with Nikki holding her back. "Brie­!" Nikki tried to hold her back but Brie pushed her away. 

She stepped up to Morgan and slapped her hard in the face, making the women around them gasp. Morgan rubbed her cheek.

Yeah...she deserved that.

"Why? Why would you kick him!?" Brie asked with tears in her eyes. 

Normally, Morgan would attack her but she was just so confused and broken by The Authority, that she felt like she earned that slap. She could have stepped up but didn't.

"I didn't have a choice..." Morgan murmured.

"Yes, you did! You could have refused! What happened on Raw? Huh? What happened to you, yelling at the roster, saying that they were cowards? What happened to you saying that you would step up for what is right? What happened to all that stuff about you not liking doing Triple H's dirty work?" Brie shouted as Morgan looked down.

"Brie..." Nikki placed a hand on her shoulder.

"No! She needs to be put in her place. I don't care if you attack me but I need to say this so this can be in your thick skull. I know you love being with The Shield. Especially with your crazed boyfriend Dean, but I see you with Orton and Triple H and you hate doing their dirty work." Brie continued. 

The rest of the divas watch with interest, fear that a fight might break out, and hope that Morgan will step up.

"We're not the cowards are. You said you'd step up. Well, you're not...go back to the Morgan we know. The feisty, wild, outspoken Morgan. I may not like it, but at least it's better than being a follower and a coward." Brie stormed off with Nikki following her.

Morgan glanced at the divas watching her. She quickly grabbed her bags and ran out of the locker room with angry tears in her eyes.

Brie was so right. As much as they hated each other, she was so right.


'Next Week, Hours Before Raw'

Morgan arrives backstage with her gym bag, already in her Shield attire. Seth, Dean, and Roman already left to go to their locker room, leaving her to fend for herself in her own World War against the WWE roster. She already had a feeling she was going to get either slapped or lectured by someone once she was seen. 

She was hoping that maybe everyone forgot what happened last week and that they could all just move on. But once she spotted the Bellas, she was wrong. Brie was in a deep conversation with her sister until she saw Morgan walking past them.

Brie shot her an icy glare while Nikki gave her a disappointed look. 

Morgan sighed as she kept walking. 'This is not going to be a good night...' She thought. 

While she kept walking with her head up high, she couldn't help but notice everyone staring at her. Make up artists, Superstars, Divas, Producers,

Referees, it was getting awkward. Some looked at her in fear since she was part of The Shield and close with The Authority and some gave her disappointed looks as they knew this wasn't the real Morgan. 

She wanted to explain that she didn't like the feeling of being pressured and that was why she kicked Daniel. But she knew some wouldn't listen or avert their eyes. She felt like she didn't have a choice when she kicked Daniel Bryan in the face, but then Brie's words ran through her head. 

While Morgan was thinking, she bumped into her good friend Kaitlyn. At least...she thinks they are still good friends.

As soon as she saw Kaitlyn's eyes go soft and with sympathy, she felt relieved. She really didn't want to get slapped again. One slap was enough. 

"Here to lecture me? About how I'm a coward and a hypocrite for what I did last week?" Morgan asked.

Kaitlyn shook her head. "I'm here to give you a message. From the roster and myself. Everyone is waiting."

"For what?"


"To do what?"

"Step up to Triple H," she said without any suspicion and walked away.

Kaitlyn knew it was risky to talk about The Authority but she needed Morgan to snap out of it and be herself again. She missed the days when she would attack someone out of nowhere and just be wild and crazy. It was occasionally amusing to watch. She missed those good days and hoped to get them back if only Morgan would open her eyes.

"Is there a future with Triple H abusing his power?" Morgan asked herself.

"Excuse me?" Brad Maddox asked as he walked past her.

"It's nothing..." Morgan mumbled and walked over to catering. 

Maddox smirked to himself. He knew Morgan had gotten soft over the weeks. Usually, she would tell him off and disrespect him. She would also often intimidate him but now he felt tougher than her and could order her around now. He was happy with what she had done last week. She got weak and lost her touch. 

Best day ever for Brad Maddox.

Morgan never felt so awkward in her life. All the disappointing stares she was given by the superstars and divas were really bugging her. She decided to go to the fruit table. She picked up a yellow apple as Layla and Alicia Fox stared at her every move. They knew she changed once she didn't take a glance at the big bowl of grapes next to the apples. Ever since Morgan debuted, the backstage crew would always buy extra grapes just for her since she always gobbles them up before everyone else does. 

She stares at the apple and then turns to see Alicia and Layla quickly looking away from her. She puts the apple down and walks over to them. 

"Uh, hey guys." she awkwardly greeted. 

She felt like a new student who had to see where she would fit in.

"Is she actually talking to us?" Alicia asked.

"Shh, she may get The Shield on you. Let's go." Layla said and quickly left with her.

'Well that hurt...' Morgan thought with disappointment. 

Not only were her friends ignoring her, but they were afraid. They thought if they disrespected her in such a way, she would get Triple H to punish them. Morgan fought her own battles. She would be the punisher, not ask someone to help her punish someone. She looked around as catering got silent. Superstars and divas were looking at her again. She saw Jojo shaking her head. 

The guilt was setting in. Morgan messed up. She messed up badly. How was she ever going to be embraced by the fans again? Her friends? Co-workers? The whole company? 

She left catering and sat down on one of the black boxes that was used for technical stuff. She sat on the box, deep in thought, and sighed. She knew what she had to do. It was risky but it was the one thing she should have done in the beginning when she did her promo on Raw.

She was tired of her old friend ordering her around. Ever since Orton won that title, he turned into a real jackass. She was also tired of Triple H's big mouth and abuse of power. 

Do this and do that.

This is best for business.

And all that bull crap he would say. It was so corny and so annoying that she wanted to punch him in the face. He needed to get knocked out. If there were consequences, she had no problem dealing with the spoiled brat of a princess Stephanie McMahon if she needed to. No matter how much abuse of power she would have to face, she knew she would prevail.

'All right.' she smiled to herself and hopped off the box. 

She did some quick stretches before meeting up with The Shield to get ready for the opening segment. Triple H, better known as the King of Crap was going to run his mouth again. Same old speech and again with the praising of the undeserving 'Face' of the WWE, Randy Orton.

"Hey, you ready?" Roman greeted her

"Oh yeah. This is going to be fun." Morgan smirked. 

The guys knew what she was going to do and decided to support her without suspicion. They knew she would come around. Morgan wanted to tell everyone that the old Morgan was back, but would they believe her? 


She'll have to show it instead.


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1 year ago

Forced To Believe Chapter 19- Do You Know Who I Am!?

Forced To Believe Chapter 19- Do You Know Who I Am!?

Chapter Summary: Morgan opens up her eyes and begins to speak up. Having enough she confronts The Authority

Words: 4,000+



"Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome the COO of the WWE, Triple H!" Justin announced as The Shield stood guard in the ring. Morgan exhaled as she had her title around her waist while she stood in between Roman and Seth.

"I would like to introduce to you...the face of a company. The WWE champion, the Viper, Randy Orton!" Triple H announced.

'I hear voices in my head'

Orton walks out with his title as Morgan watches him in disgust. Why the heck does he need a grand introduction? 

Orton walks into the ring while she turns around, shaking her head at him.

Triple H decided to call her out. "Uh, Morgan are you all right? You're making all these faces. Care to explain why?"

She gives him a fake smile. "No reason. Face exercises. Just warming up." She replied as the camera caught her words.

"Let me remind you that you are one of my henchmen and top divas here. Don't get on my bad side and screw that up."

She smirked at his comment. "Oh don't worry, I won't."


She turned back around to face the stage and rolled her eyes. "Asshole..." She mumbled as some fans watched her say that and laugh.

"Morgan." Triple H called out again as she sighed and turned around.

"What now?"

"I've seen the looks you've been giving the face of this company. Don't ever do that again. Do not ever look at this face of the WWE in disgust again. I don't know if you're in a bad mood or if it's that time of the month-" he was cut off by Morgan who gets handed a mic by a producer.

"Um, I can look at who I want to look at. Any way and any facial expression. You can't force me to look a certain way." she declared.

There is a dramatic pause while the crowd cheers at her statement. 

Triple H slowly put the mic to his lips. "...Did you just interrupt me?"

'Yes! Yes! Yes!' The crowd chants 

She mocked his actions by putting the mic to her lips. "...Yeah. Problem?" 

Triple H chuckled to himself and decided to ignore the disrespect for now. 

"Good." She dropped the mic and turned back around as she crossed her arms.

Triple H motions for Orton to do his promo. It was the same stuff over and over again. He did not deserve that title. Daniel worked so hard for it. They started talking about how Daniel could be the cruiserweight champion and how he would never be WWE champion. And also how Doink the Clown was never WWE champion because it would be Bad for Business. 

After a few moments of them bashing him, Daniel Bryan comes out on the stage and he gets a loud, warm welcome from the crowd. 

"Wow you guys made a lot of really good points and I am thrilled to be compared to Doink the Clown. The only clowns I see are the two standing in the ring right now. And I understand that you want me to give up my championship match against Orton at Night of Champions, so will I? I think the answer to that question is the same answer to Is Randy Orton more masculine than Stephanie McMahon?"

Morgan was enjoying watching Orton get fed up as Daniel chanted "No! No! No!"

"How many times do you have to get punched in the face, kicked in the face, Triple powerbombed, or RKOed, before you realize, Daniel Bryan, that there's not a chance in hell that you could win this fight," Orton exclaimed

"I was told in my entire career that I can't do something. I was told I can't do any better than wrestling in high school gyms, I was told I can't get into the WWE. And when I got here I was told I couldn't be a top guy because all I was, was a good little hand. And all those things they told me I could do made me the man I am today. I love to fight, I loved scrapping and crawling to get to the top. You will never understand that because you were handed everything!" Bryan went on.

"So true..." Morgan mumbled. 

He was handed the title because of Triple H's help. Bryan was fired up at

SummerSlam and would have won if Triple H had not gotten involved.

"So, do I think I can beat you for the WWE championship? No, I know I can beat you for the WWE championship," Bryan continued. "And Randy, deep down, you know it too, and so do you Hunter, otherwise you wouldn't have three men beat me down, or a woman kick me in the face, you would just let me and Randy wrestle one on one. But you guys know, what everybody else here knows, Randy may have the genetics to be a champion but Randy you don't have the heart of a champion. And you may walk around here like a big dog but you're nothing but Triple H's little-­"

"Hold on hold on hold on." Triple H cut him off. "Before you get carried away here angry little man... why you so angry? You look so grumpy. Little grumpy old troll. Let me tell you something Daniel, you shouldn't be angry at us, there is one guy you should be angry at. An angry guy who is 7 foot tall and he happens to stand by even though he has an iron contract, each and every week, he stands by with a tear running down his cheek while you get beaten and beaten and beaten. Your anger should be to the Big Show. So, I'm gonna let you take your anger out on the Big Show tonight Bryan. Because in tonight's main event, it will be Daniel Bryan, one on one with the 7 foot, 500 pound, Big Show." he ended the segment as his theme came on.

"Things keep getting worse and worse for Bryan." Cole said.

"He brought a lot of this on himself, Michael," King replied.

Fans tweet:

'Haha, Morgan cut Triple H off #Problem?'

'Kind of think I saw Morgan rebelling a little. #IsSheWakingUp?

'She's waking up. Praise the heavens! #Raw'

'Still not enough to prove to me that she is still the old Morgan. She better do something better than that.'

'I want to see more of Morgan before I believe she is back.'

Later, Morgan tweets 'Heyman better upgrade his insurance #PunkIsGonnaGetYou' after watching Punk's promo.


Morgan was walking but then Maddox walked up to her with a smirk. 

"Good evening Morgan. Shouldn't you be working for Hunter? Oh right, you are. Well, he said to get me some coffee." Brad said. She stared at him before laughing a little. Maddox laughed with her and smiled. "Chop chop."

Morgan's face turns serious as she glares at him. 

"...You have ten seconds to get the hell out of my face before I break your face." She threatened as Maddox's eyes widened. 

He was surprised at her mood change. Wasn't she just losing her touch? What did he miss? She was just vulnerable last week! 

"Nine...eight... seven...six..." She counted down as Maddox quickly turned around but bumped into Ambrose.

"Is there a problem?" Dean asked while Maddox averted his eyes from him. 

Brad cleared his throat and adjusted himself. "N-­no problem, M­-mister Ambrose."

"Then why are you ordering her like she's a servant? You think I'm just gonna stand there and do nothing?"

"S-sorry." Maddox turned around back to Morgan and he stepped to the side but Morgan stepped to the side as well, blocking his way. 

She shook her head and made a humming noise, meaning that he wasn't going anywhere

"You want me to hurt him?" Ambrose growled as she responded by shaking her head.

"It's nice to see you again B...long time no talk. We had some interesting moments together didn't we, B-man?" She said with a crazed grin, tilting her head to the side.

Maddox was now scared out of his mind. He just wanted to leave but he knew there was no way out. Note to self, do not order Morgan around, she will find a way to turn things around quickly. 

"Y­-yeah we did." He managed to say.

"Right-a-roony!" She said kneeing Maddox in the stomach, making him kneel and cough. 

"You're crazy. I'm the GM of Raw." Maddox said in a strained voice as she kneeled and grabbed his chin.

"I'm the GM of Raw." She mocked his voice. "Does it look like I care?"

"And we sure as hell don't work for you either," Ambrose added.

"And what are you gonna do about it? Nothing. Now...if you ever talk to me like that again I will hurt you. Do you understand me?" she sternly declared. Maddox quickly nodded. He didn't want to feel any more pain from her. "Good." She stood up. 

Ambrose put an arm around her and smirked at Maddox before they walked away together.

Fans tweet:

'Kneeing the GM? She's getting there. Not enough though! #IWantMoreOfMorgan'

'Getting convinced! I hope she does something else tonight, Something big. #IsMorganBack?'


'In The Ring'

AJ and Morgan were on commentary to watch Natalya, Naomi and Brie wrestle to be the number 1 contender for Morgan's title. Eva, Nikki, Jojo and Cameron are at ringside cheering them on. 

"We got Morgan here! So, what's been going on with you lately?" King asked.

"Chilling like a villain and watching this match to see who is worthy of my title," Morgan replied.

"Me! Hi there." AJ waved at her while she was sitting next to her.

"I see that...anyway, the match is supposed to be a triple threat match for now. I don't know if the witch changed it or not..."

"The witch?" King asked.

"Stephanie," Morgan replied.

"You sure you should be calling the Billion Dollar Princess a witch?" Cole asked

"Does it look like I care? If she wants to slap me or put me in some handicap match, I'll deal with it. I'm not gonna be an ass kisser and praise her and pretend I like the chick." she answered in a blunt tone.

"I guess not..."

"That mouth is gonna get you places. Morgan is just a great champion. Someone who should be facing me and only me. Not be in a triple threat match..." AJ said.

"Some say you were jealous of not being on Total Divas," Cole recalled.

"They want to be actresses, it's disgusting," AJ complained. "Natalya is as boring as watching paint dry. No one deserves that title shot, I do!"

"Calm down..." Morgan said as Naomi pinned Natalya after doing her signature move.

"Where's she going?" Cole asked as AJ removed her headset and broke up the pin. 

The ref calls for the bell.

"I knew this was gonna happen...I knew it...this is ridiculous, the same crap every freaking time!" Morgan grumbled as she threw off her headset.

In the ring, AJ starts unloading on Naomi as she yells at them, "None of you deserve the divas championship! None of you do!"

But then Brie runs in and hits her down to the mat as Naomi, Natalya and Brie start to jump her. 

"The diva meltdown!" King exclaimed as Morgan looked annoyed.

After they are done, Brie, Naomi and Natalya leave the ring, leaving AJ hurt. Morgan grabs a mic and gets in the ring. She glances at AJ's beaten down body, before bringing her attention to all the Total Divas who are on the ramp.

"Wait, wait wait...all of you hold on. I'm sorry, but I need to speak my mind about what I just saw." Morgan spoke as the crowd cheered her. "...What...was that...? What...the heck...was that?"

"This was trash! I came out here to watch a match and to see if you were worthy of this." she pointed at her championship on her shoulder. "But after what I saw? one minute match? I can't even call it a match, so I'll call it...a waste of time. A waste of TV time for that matter. Even the NXT diva matches are so much better than this. How do you expect me to think any of you deserve this? Better yet take you seriously. I mean, come on, you can do better than that. I know that you did not train all these years to do this trash that you just did on national television."

The Total Divas start getting angry at her statement.

Brie started yelling at Morgan. "You think you're the best diva here because you got the title! Shut up!"

"I'm not done, shut your mouth and wipe the cheap lipstick off your face!" The Philly Diva snapped as the crowd's cheers got louder. Brie had some lipstick smeared over her cheek while she was in the match. 

Brie was angry and wasn't going to take that. She is about to run into the ring but gets grabbed by the divas. 

"Brie that is not a good idea because you're only gonna get your ass kicked by me again. I did it on Raw after SummerSlam and I'll do it again. Try me." Morgan sat on the middle rope for her to get on the ring.

"Let's see it happen! Fight!" JBL encouraged

Moments later, Brie doesn't get in the ring and Morgan gets off the rope. 

"Typical...all talk but no action. All you divas do that and it makes me wonder if AJ's words were right. Now...back to my point...Ever since I've been out of the ring, these diva matches have been going south. Winning by shots...DQs...typical twin magic...that is not wrestling to me. So after what I saw tonight, it's very safe to say that I am the only Total Diva who makes diva matches interesting. I know it, the crowd knows it, my boys know it, the commentators know it, and everyone back in that locker room knows it and knows it good!" 

"Now, most of this is AJ's fault because she interfered so..." she dropped her title and the mic. She then picked up AJ to hit her with the backfire. 

She picked the mic back up and spoke, "I don't care who I have to face, but just be prepared for a real wrestling match." she flipped up the mic as it spun in the air and onto the floor as her theme came on.

Picking up her title, she raised it in the air.

"Wow, what a statement!" King exclaimed

"Morgan is really speaking her mind tonight. This Raw could turn chaotic if she keeps it up." Cole said as they went to the commercials.

Morgan tweets three times, 'Week after week I prove myself to my fans, critics, coworkers, bosses, and myself. #ImNoPushOverSweetie'

'I'm getting tired of AJ getting in the matches. Next time she does it again, I'm ripping the hair out of her crazy head. #Raw'

'People need to be put in their place. Even the good guys. #OneAtATime'


After Melanie's segment, she goes to catering. "Awesome promo girl!" Brie praised


"You look tired." Nikki looked concerned.

Melanie was a little tired. She was running around all night doing segments and practicing her promos, thinking of what to say. The part she needed to get used to was being onscreen with no script. She was usually just told the scene and what creative would want out of her actions. 

"I'll get used to it. I guess it's because of the new gimmick and all. I have a segment with Stephanie later on tonight, so for now I'm chilling." Melanie replied

"Ooh, sounds interesting." Eva Marie commented 

Colby walked over to the girls to greet them and praised Melanie for her promo. He grabbed two Cokes from the vending machine but shook one up while Melanie was preoccupied with her conversation with the divas. He sat next to her and gave her the shaken up soda. 

"Thanks." she grabbed the soda but ultimately felt bubbles flying everywhere inside the can. She looked around. "Hey, is that Joe calling you?"

"Where?" Colby looked away as she switched the cans. Seconds later he looked back. "I don't think so."

"Guess it was someone else." 

Melanie and Colby open their cans but then Colby gets splashed by soda as the divas laugh.

"Ooh, that doesn't look so good," she says with an amused smile.

"What the hell?" Colby exclaimed as he grabbed some napkins in front of him.

Melanie patted his shoulder. "Nice try. But I know the difference between a shaken up can of soda and a regular can of soda. But here's a regular Coke." she gives him a bottle of coke from her gym bag but when he opens it, the drink starts overflowing like a volcano and Melanie starts laughing.

"Very funny...I should have known..." Colby huffed, fully drenched in soda.

"Haha, I put Mentos in it. Snooze you lose. Think of some better plans."

'In Stephanie's Office'

Morgan walks into Stephanie's office as the crowd gives her a loud reception. 

"What do you want?" Morgan bluntly asked.

"I don't like that tone," Stephanie said sternly, wanting her to stop with the attitude.

"And I don't like your tone either. Now we're even. Now what is it?"

"Since you can't seem to control that little attitude of yours, I'm making your title match a five way match. You versus AJ, Naomi, Natalya, and Brie at Night of Champions."

"Typical..." she shook her head as the crowd boos Stephanie.

"No, just think of it as...a punishment since you aren't cooperating with what's best for business. Just know that you are going to be in a fight for your life. You better hope you succeed in your title match."

"Whatever you say, Stephanie. You're the one who's going to be salty when I win the damn match..."

Morgan tweets 'Opportunity handed to you or not, I'll make you divas cry as I make you tap out. #CryMeARiver.'

'Reciting JT's song? Wow...You'll be the one crying once you lose that championship of yours.' Brie replies.

'I earned everything. I wasn't handed anything in life. And I will make sure I earn more things, unlike you. #YouSuckedUp #OpportunitiesHanded'

AJ tweets 'In a match with my good friend WWEMorgan101! Wow, I cannot wait to face you for the title! You and I are gonna rock this match!'

'Cut the crap...' Morgan replies to AJ. 

Kaitlyn retweets and favorites her comment to AJ.

Kaitlyn tweets to AJ 'You just got backfired by Morgan and you're still sucking up? Wow...'

'No one asked you!' AJ replies.


'In The Ring'

During Big Show's match against Daniel Bryan, Big Show was getting ready to punch Daniel. 

"Knock him out, Big Show." JBL said.

"No..." King retorted. As soon as Big Show gets a leg over the ropes, about to leave the ring instead of finishing the match, Triple H's theme comes on. Morgan slowly walked down the ramp while her teammates speed walked down with Triple H following. "Oh no."

"Show...get back in that ring and finish it." Triple H ordered.

Morgan stopped walking and stood in the middle of the ramp while The Shield and Triple H were at the end, looking at Big Show. She began to look at Big Show with empathy. He didn't deserve this.

"No..." Big Show got out of the ring and stood up to the COO.

"Did you not hear what I said? Get back in that ring and finish it." Triple H repeated.

"No." Big Show walked past him and started walking up the ramp but then Dean, Roman and Seth slid in the ring and started attacking Daniel. Big Show quickly gets in the ring as The Shield regroup.

"Hey! Don't make me do this." Triple H said to Show as he got in the ring and stood up to him. Morgan gets in the ring and stands next to The Shield. "Think about your family, do what's right for you. Back up and step back. Do not make me do this, Paul you know I don't want to do this."

It was the same stuff over and over again. Triple H would put Big Show's family into the situation, knowing that it would make him vulnerable. She hated the feeling of being weak and helpless. It wasn't right. 

The Shield hit the triple powerbomb on Daniel while Big Show started to cry.

"Dammit..." Show wept in frustration. 

Morgan wished he would step up. She really wanted him to knock Triple H out one day. He was just asking for it.

"Show, turn around and look at me. Turn around! Let me tell you what you're gonna do. You're gonna ball up that big fist and you're gonna do what I tell you for your family. Show...ball it up real tight and knock Daniel Bryan out." Triple H ordered. 

'No! No! No!' The crowd chanted.

"Don't do it, please don't do it," Morgan mumbled as she looked at Show with worry while Roman picked up Bryan.

She started to smile when Big Show yelled "No!" to Triple H and exited the ring. 

"Leave me alone! Just leave me alone!" Big Show pleaded as he started walking up the ramp. 

Morgan couldn't take much more of this. She was truly repulsed at this abuse of power. She knew she was going to break soon. It was only a matter of time. 

Moments later, Stephanie's theme comes on and she walks out to use her charm to make him punch Daniel. To much of Morgan's disappointment, The Big Show starts walking back to the ring as Roman has Daniel in his arms, ready for Show to strike.

"Now, ball up that fist and knock out Daniel Bryan." Triple H ordered. 

Big Show looked at Morgan as she gave him a sad look. He looked up at the ceiling and then back at her.

"I'm sorry." he balled up his fist. 

Morgan looked away as he punched Bryan. Triple H started to smirk while Stephanie told Big Show that he did the right thing. 

Morgan shakes her head slightly at the Big Show. 

'I guess I have to...' She thought as she heard 'I hear voices in my head' around the arena. 

Orton walked out slowly with his title as Big Show, Stephanie, Triple H and The Shield stand on the ramp. They thought Morgan was going to do some last minute damage with Orton on Bryan so they didn't question her. 

As Morgan stayed in the ring, she looked at Daniel's knocked out body with her hands on her hips. Orton slid into the ring and glanced at her and then at Daniel. Orton looked like he was about to punt him but she blocked his way, shaking her head at him as the crowd erupted in cheers.

"Uh oh," JBL said as Orton looked at her in shock.

"What are you doing?" Orton questioned.

"He's already out! Give it a freaking rest!" Morgan exclaimed.

"Are you yelling at me!?"

"Don't treat me like some servant! I'm one of your friends! And don't treat me like I'm beneath you either! We've been doing a lot of stuff together, and it was mostly because of The Shield. Now you're gonna let them do your dirty work?! What happened to you? We've been through hell and back and now you want to treat me like this? Who the hell are you? I don't even know you anymore!"

"This is getting intense," Cole said.

"What is going on?" Stephanie asked her husband as they watched Orton and Morgan argue.

The Shield knew what was about to happen and decided to just watch instead of getting involved. They knew Morgan would want that. 

"Get out of the way." Orton ordered but Morgan stood her ground.

"Make me." she challenged

Orton started to look frustrated. "Would you get out of my way!?" He yelled in her face.

"How about you make me? I dare you."

Orton was about to push her out of the way but she slapped his hands away as the crowd erupted in cheers once more. 

"Do not! Touch me!" She sternly said as they got in each other's faces.

"Get out of my damn way!"

"Get out of my damn face!"

Triple H and Stephanie start to look alert at the situation as they glance at each other with worry.

"Things may get a little physical. What is going to happen?" Cole exclaimed. 

'Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!' The crowd encouraged.

"What is going on?!" Triple H shouted.

The roster who stood on the stage watched on with intensity. They really wanted some action. Especially if it was against Orton. But will they get it? They had their doubts. 

"She's about to blow," Rollins mumbled to Dean and Roman as they agreed

"Morgan," Orton called out in a stern tone. "Get out of the ring. Now."

She looked at him in disappointment and sighed. 

"Fine..." She backed off as the crowd became disappointed in her actions. She turned around and was about to leave the ring but stopped.

"Is she having second thoughts?" JBL asked

"It's the moment of truth." Cole pointed out.

She quickly turned back around and kicked Randy in the balls as the crowd popped and chanted 'Yes! Yes! Yes!'

King screamed in a high pitched voice as he watched what had just transpired. 

"She just low blowed the face of the company!" JBL yelled.

Orton falls down and holds his lower area in pain as Triple H and Stephanie's eyes widen. 

Triple H started to have a fit. "What the hell is she doing!? WHAT is she doing!? She just low blowed the face of the company! What is the meaning of this!?" He hollered.

The Shield smirk to themselves while The Big Show was grateful for what Morgan did. Even the roster was mentally happy that Morgan did what she did. 

She ran her fingers through her hair and glared at Orton as she took in everything that she had just done. 

"All that anger built inside is finally coming out tonight," JBL looked on.

Once the crowd stopped chanting, she began to blow. "You asshole! Who do you think you are talking to me like that!? Do you think you can order me around like some dog?! I don't think so, pal! Do you know who I am!? Do you know who you're dealing with here!?" Morgan screamed in frustration.

"I have never seen Morgan this angry before in my life. Her face is getting red by the minute." Cole yelled.

"I am the Diva's Champion! I am The Shield's girl! I am Morgan Lopez!" She yelled as Orton started to recover.

Triple H and Stephanie look on in disbelief. They could not believe what they were seeing. They were too stunned to even give orders to Big Show or The Shield to calm her down and take her out of the ring.

"Who are you to order me around, acting like some big shot!? Oh, I'm Randy Orton, The WWE champion. The so called face of the WWE." She mocked. "Well listen up pretty boy! Morgan says she just kicked you in the balls and it felt great! And I don't give a damn if you're the face of the company!"

Orton grabbed the ropes as he stood up. He started to mumble threats towards her, as his anger quickened. His temper was short. Very short.

"Morgan needs to get out of there," Cole warned.

"Oh, you want to hit me? You think I'm scared of you? You think you're the best? An A plus? You can't back anything up! You need someone to fight your battles, huh?" Morgan yelled but then Orton grabbed her by the neck. 

She managed to knee him in the midsection and hit him the backfire as the crowd went wild. The crowd starts chanting 'Yes' all over the arena. Morgan stared at his laid out body while she was on her knees. The Diva's Champion realized what she had just done and began to smirk. She stood up as the crowd chanted her name. 

"Let's go!" She yelled at the crowd, while Triple H was seething and Stephanie and The Shield tried to calm him down.

"We will handle it. We will. Just not tonight. Let her have her fun, for now. She is going to regret it later. Won't she boys?" Stephanie turned to The Shield, mostly Ambrose.

Ambrose faked a plotting smirk as he watched his girlfriend taunt the crowd while her theme came on. 

Morgan looked at The Authority and grinned. She started brushing her hands, proud of a job well done, and got out of the ring. After tagging some hands, she left through the crowd.

"It's official. Morgan is back." King happily said.

"Yeah but what will the Authority do, and The Shield? This is going to be a mess." JBL sighed at the mess Morgan had made.

"All that matters is that Morgan knows what she is doing now," Cole said.

Morgan tweets 'Should have done that a long time ago. Sorry for the wait. #ThatFeltGood #DidThatHurtRandy?'

Fans tweet:

'Yes! Finally! Oh my gosh she finally did it! #AboutFreakingTime'

'#MorganDropsTheViper That low blow was priceless. You tell them how it is Morgan! Represent!'

'She woke up big time. #TheSellOutPillIsGone #ShesBaaaaccckk'

'All that anger finally came out. Orton deserved it. I hope he finally gets the message. Morgan will put people in their place one step at a time.'


Favorite Hashtag?
















Tags :
1 year ago

The next set of Chapters that will be posted after these Bangtan Gal chapters are posted today.

Forced To Believe

The Next Set Of Chapters That Will Be Posted After These Bangtan Gal Chapters Are Posted Today.

Chapter 20- Total Divas Season 1 Episode 6 (Melanie expresses concern over Jojo's choice of men and enjoys vegas)

Chapter 21- Army of One (An old friend pops back into Morgan's life and begins to become an issue for Ambrose. Ambrose and Morgan begin to antagonize Ziggler. Morgan continues to speak up against her bosses. Morgan defends her championship at Night of Champions.

Chapter 22- Wiping That Smirk Off Your Face (Morgan interferes in Stephanie trying to make Big Show hurt Dusty Rhodes and faces consequences)

Chapter 23- You Look Like You've Seen a Ghost (Melanie visits another wrestling company which sparks a ton of debate as she reunites with an old friend)

Chapter 24- Total Divas Season 1 Episode 7 (Melanie continues to spend time with the divas and encourages Jojo to sing)

Chapter 25- Mommy Knows Best (Morgan's mother, Jane, tries to defend her honor as she feuds with Stephaine. But things aren't what they seem)

Chapter 26- Revenge is Sweet (Eva and Morgan continue to have problems. The Wyatts begin to get into The Shield's business. Morgan begins to be on Luke Harper's radar)

Chapter 27- Total Divas Season 1 Episode 8 (Melanie gets upset with Jon when he misses their dinner. Melanie attends Nattie and TJ's wedding)

Chapter 28- Is That You Being Serious? (Morgan tries her best to survive with her team for Survivor Series)

Forced To Believe Masterlist

Tags :
1 year ago

Forced To Believe Chapter 20- Total Divas Season 1 Episode 6

Forced To Believe Chapter 20- Total Divas Season 1 Episode 6

Chapter Summary: Melanie expresses concern over Jojo's choice of men and enjoys Vegas

Words: 1,000+


Eva Marie, Jojo and Melanie go to the gym. "We're gonna do some planks." Eva Marie said.

"Have fun, I'm going to the punching bag." Melanie walked away.

Eva and Jojo get started on their planks. "Okay, let's hold for ten seconds." Eva told her.

Eva Marie (So while Jojo and I were doing planks, we couldn't help but hear a lot of battle cries and grunting from Melanie and we saw her seriously kicking the punching bag's ass. I mean literally. Her face expression? She looked pissed.)

"Go Melanie go!" Jojo cheered.

"Is she mad about something?" Eva asked

"She's seriously not giving that punching bag any mercy."

Melanie gave the punching bag a big kick as she did a battle cry. The bag dropped and fell out of its holder as Jojo and Eva looked surprised. 

Melanie's eyes widen as some workers and other superstars look at her.

"Oh my gosh! I am so sorry!" Melanie exclaimed as they laughed.

"It's fine." The worker chuckled and set it back up.

"Wow, Melanie." Eva chuckled.

"I said I was sorry. I had a moment." The Philly diva rubbed the back of her neck, with an embarrassed smile.

"Who were you thinking about while you were doing those hard shots?"

"I was working on my anger. I was thinking of Randy. Not in real life but in the storyline Creative wants me to be a little more aggressive soon since I'll be in a storyline with Randy again."

"Yikes, I totally don't want to get on your bad side." Jojo giggled

'Eva Marie and Jojo's apartment'

Melanie (Jojo and Eva are having a little get together since they got their new apartment. So happy for them. This is gonna be fun.)

"What's up, guys?" Melanie grinned as Jojo hugged her and shut the door.

"Where your Joker at?" Trinity grinned.

"Out of the States doing a wrestling show with Colby and Joe. He'll be going to Vegas though." Melanie explained as she sat on the couch with Nikki and Nattie. "You know what? Let's turn up!"

"Now you're talking!" Trinity put on some tunes and everyone started dancing and having fun. Later on, the girls sat down with Jojo to talk about Justin.

Melanie (Honestly, she just got out of a relationship and Justin is in his 30s. I just don't think it's going to work out. So, we are giving her a warning but we'll be there for her no matter what.)

"Hey, girl, I like me some older guys. Nothing wrong with that." Ariane said. "I had an ex boyfriend, I was 17 and he was 25. But when I turned 20, I dated a 41 year old."

"Yikes!" Melanie exclaimed as some divas gasped.

Melanie (She takes 'Age isn't nothing but a number' seriously.)

Jojo (It's true Justin is older than me but whatever happens, happens.)

Jojo and Justin go to another room while Melanie and Nikki sit on the couch. 

"Aren't you gonna drink some wine?" Nikki asked.

"Nah. Not tonight." Melanie replied.

"Oh come on, let's all have a drink for a preview of Nattie's bachelorette party."

"I kind of stopped drinking,"

"Shut up!" Nikki exclaimed. "No, you did not."

"Sort of."

"When did this happen? When's the last time you were drunk or had a buzz?"

"Uh...a while. It's a bit of a long story..."

Melanie (Ah...for personal reasons...)

"Girl talk." Nikki motioned to the other girls.

"What's wrong?" Nattie asked.

"Melanie stopped drinking," Nikki replied.

"I didn't stop completely. I just try to limit it." Melanie replied.

"Really? You were always the party girl." Eva asked.

"Yes, girl. She always be booty popping." Ariane started shaking her ass as the girls laughed.

'Las Vegas, Nevada'

The divas and guys but Melanie arrive in a hotel room and get situated. 

"Where did Melanie go?" Nattie asked.

"She went to meet up with Jon," Eva answered. "She said she'll meet up with us before it's time to go to your bachelorette party."

"Let's have a pool party. Can someone text Melanie to tell her what's up?" Brie asked.

"I will." Trinity said as she whipped out her phone.

'To Melanie'

Melanie (Jon is coming back from his international tour with Colby and Joe. So now I just gotta wait for him to get to the Palms hotel.)

Moments later she saw him arrive in jeans, a blue shirt and sunglasses as he carried his bags inside. 

"Yay, you're here!" She ran to give him a big hug.

"What I miss?" Jon greeted her with a kiss.

"We're having a pool party and we gotta get in our rooms. I have the keys. Follow me." She replied 

Later on, at poolside, Melanie and Jon walked over to the gang. 

"Sorry, we're late. Had to find our hotel room." Melanie gave everyone an apologetic smile while Jon had an arm around her waist. Moments later, she went over to Nikki and Nattie. "Hey!"

"Wow, you look hot." Nikki grinned as she gave her a friendly hug. She checked out Melanie's dark blue two piece swimsuit.

"Haha, thanks."

"You look so good." Nattie smiled and hugged her. 

The three girls sit down.

"So, what's going on?" Melanie asked.

"Jaret sent me another text." Nattie said as Nikki and Melanie glanced at each other. "It's harmless." She reassured.

"Nattie, it's not harmless," Nikki said.

"Agreed," Melanie replied.

Nikki (These texts from Jaret are so flirty)

Melanie (Someone's flirting up a storm. Nattie isn't seeing how he's really flirting with her.)

"That smiley face in that text means it's time to get it on." Nikki stated.

"Kind of agree. I mean, he said he'll be thinking about you in his dreams. That's uh...yeah..." Melanie shrugged.

"Please don't mention this to Brie or anyone else." Nattie said.

"I'll be back, I'm gonna pull a prank on Jon." Melanie grinned. She got up and walked up to him as he was talking to Justin, Jon Uso, and Trinity. "Hey guys."

"Hey, girl." Trinity grinned and hugged her.

"Hey, Jon you see that over there?" Melanie asked as Jon turned around. She quickly pushed him into the pool and everyone laughed. "Haha, couldn't resist."

"You are so dead." Jon grinned and got out of the pool to chase after her 

"I didn't do anything!" Melanie yelled with laughter as she ran from him.

"Run!" Trinity shouted.

"He's so gonna catch her." Jon Uso chuckled.

Nikki (These two like to play around a lot. Wonder if they play around like that in bed.)

Melanie (If Jon ever sprints towards me, the only thing on my mind is...Flee! Get the hell out of there! But he always catches me so, I always get thrown in the pool with him.)

Jon easily caught her bridal style. 

"No! Time out! Time out!" Melanie yelled but got thrown in the pool. She swam back up to the surface and pushed her hair back. "Not cool man! Not cool!"

Jon laughed. "Here I'll help you up." He had his hand out to help her out of the pool but she grabbed it and pulled him down to make him fall in.

"Oh!" The gang exclaimed.

Melanie grabbed Jon in a headlock. "Victory is mine!"

Jojo (They are just so funny together.)

After Melanie and Jon's little playful fight, TJ and Nattie get in the pool 

"Let's play a game!" Melanie suggested

TJ and Nattie agreed to play chicken with Melanie and Jon as the girls got on the guys' shoulders. 

Melanie (Not going down without a fight. It's on!)

"On your mark...get set...go!" Ariane announced as Melanie and Nattie tried to push each other off.

Melanie managed to push Nattie down after a while.

"Yes! Justice has been served!" Melanie cheered.

"Damn right!" Jon shouted as she got off his shoulders and kissed him.

Nattie (I have never seen Melanie smile this much. Ever since her relationship with Jon, she has just been glowing. I'm really happy for her.)

'Back To The Hotel Room'

"Us girls are gonna get ready for Nattie's bachelorette party and we can't be late. We love you guys but we gotta go." Nikki said.

"Eva, Jojo and I are gonna go out and look around while you girls do your thing. Have fun. Tell us all about it when you get back." Melanie waved.

I hope you guys are okay with just walking around." Jojo said as she walked around the hotel with them.

Jojo (I'm not 21 so I can't do anything. I can't gamble, I can't go out.)

Eva Marie (Jojo is so upset, she's nineteen, she can't even legally drink if she wanted to. I don't drink because of personal reasons and Melanie is trying to limit her drinking so we decided to walk with Jojo. And...guess who we see?)

The girls see Justin with another girl. 

"He told me he was out and I'm like cool, whatever. Fuck you, that's all I care." Jojo retorted.

Melanie (I knew this was bound to happen. I knew it.)

"That's the thing, he's stupid right now and doesn't understand what's going on." Jojo went on as they walked outside.

Eva Marie (I see Justin go inside a cab with another chick.)

"Oh my God, he just bounced in the cab with another chick. That's it, dude, I'm done. I'm fucking done..." Jojo shook her head.

Melanie (I feel so sorry for her...)

Eva Marie (I feel bad for Jojo but we all warned her. Now hopefully she learned her lesson.)

"I really, really liked him. I really did." Jojo sadly said

Melanie nodded as Jojo vented to her and Eva on the bed in their hotel room. 

"I still do." Jojo sighed as Eva Marie and Melanie glanced at each other

Melanie (It's going to be tough but I just hope she learns her lesson. She needs to get over that man for real. He's not worth it)

Eva Marie (What more do you need to understand that he's not serious with you?)

"Everything will be all right." Eva Marie tried to make her feel better and Jojo gave them both a hug.

'Next night'

Melanie and the gang have dinner to celebrate Nattie's upcoming wedding with TJ.

"Cheers to 13 years of a relationship, that finally the time has come to make it official even though I know in their hearts that it's already been official. So thank you for having us here for the special time and we look forward to being there on your special day, at your wedding." Brie smiled, making a toast.

Brie (I find Nattie and TJ's relationship beautiful.)

Melanie (They are such an awesome couple. I cannot wait for their wedding.)

"Toast to orgasms and boners!" Nikki toasted with everyone as everyone laughed.

"Happy bachelorette Nattie." Nikki grinned as a waiter brought in a cake of a man's chest and abs and his lower area.

"" Nattie looked in surprise. 

Nattie bit the lower area as everyone laughed and cheered. Later on, some people started to notice that Vincent and Ariane were starting to have some problems. He kept acting wild as Ariane tried to tell him to calm down and stop. Later on, the waiters bring out cotton candy.

"Thank you! Thank you!" Jojo said happily.

"Yes! Cotton candy! Childhood memories" Melanie cheered. She grabbed a handful and fed it to Jon as he did the same to her. "All right that's enough for you. This is mine now." She said while he laughed in response. 

"Babe!" Ariane pushed the long piece of cotton candy from her face as Vincent started playing around with it. "No."

Ariane (Okay, you're making an ass out of yourself. What are you doing? I'ma need you to get it together.)

After dinner, everyone went to the Ghost Bar and started to party as Melanie danced with Trinity and Nikki.

"Go Trin!" Melanie grinned as she started going all out with her dance moves. 

But then Vincent started drinking too many shots.

Ariane (Right now we're having a great time but Vinny might have had one, two, three too many shots. I just hope tonight, he doesn't get too crazy.)

As the night went on, Melanie and the rest of the girls started to notice Vincent and Ariane arguing.

Melanie (I'm not touching that with a 60 foot pole. I'm gonna mind my business.)

Trinity (Ariane and Vinny are just back and forth arguing. And he's crying, I mean you're supposed to be turnt up. Not turnt down.)

Tags :
1 year ago

Forced To Believe Chapter 21- Army of One

Forced To Believe Chapter 21- Army Of One

Chapter Summary: An old friend pops back into Morgan's life and begins to become an issue for Ambrose. Ambrose and Morgan begin to antagonize Ziggler. Morgan continues to speak up against her bosses. Morgan defends her championship at Night of Champions.

Words: 9,000+


'WWE Exclusive Video'

Ambrose, Rollins and Reigns were in Triple H and Stephanie's office. "Why did you let Morgan do that? To the face of this company? Were you aware of this?" Stephanie asked The Shield as they shook their heads no.

"Well then, I guess we need to take some action." Triple H declared.

Stephanie turned to Dean. "Yes...action...Mister Ambrose, I'm sure you can do whatever it takes to make sure Morgan won't rebel against the Authority. You seem like the right one to talk some sense into her. Do whatever it takes."

"She's a tough nut to crack," Seth commented.

"Try. If you can, I'll let her off with a warning. Next time I won't be so nice." Stephanie ordered and left with Triple H.

Roman and Seth turn to Dean. "What are you going to do, man?" Roman asked while Dean started to think

Meanwhile, with Morgan, she packed up her bag and began walking backstage. 

"See you guys later." Morgan waved at some friendly faces and started walking towards a darker area backstage. But then she dropped her bag as she got her mouth and waist grabbed by someone. She screamed in their hand as she was pulled aside. 

'Great...another conflict...' Morgan thought before she was pinned to the wall with her mouth still covered.

She tried to fight off the culprit. "Get off of me!"

She tried to push them off and she managed to remove their hand from her mouth. Whoever this person was, they had a strong grip. She was in no mood for another conflict. All she wanted was to go home and keep her distance from The Authority. After what she did, she was gonna have to stay away. She knew Orton was out to punt her, Stephanie and Triple H would force her into some handicap match, and she knew they would send one of the members of The Shield after her. Most likely her boyfriend since they are the closest.

"Relax..." The person calmly said.

She knew that voice. All the panic turned to relief. 

"You scared the crap out of me! Why'd you grab me like that? Are you crazy?" She exclaimed to Wade Barrett after hugging him.

"I saw Orton walking the same way you were going far away and thought he was going to follow you. I'm glad I caught up with you in time," he said.

They gave each other a long stare before Morgan broke the silence. 

"Long time no talk..."

"Agreed." He replied. But all of a sudden she punched him in the face as he held his jaw in pain. "I know, I deserved that..."

"You damn right you do!" She shoved him slightly.

Wade shushed her. "Keep it down or people will notice."

"How can I? After all the crap I've been going through, you now decided to come here and see me? I have every right to be upset with you."

Wade sighed. "I know I have a lot of explaining to do."

She nodded and waited for his explanation. "Well?"

"I couldn't see you because I had to take care of some business and I've been busy."

Morgan scoffed. "Yeah...Busy...Bullsh­-" She began but he put his finger on her lips.

"For an outspoken beauty, you really have a mouth on you. I missed that."

Morgan took his finger off her lips. "I bet you missed everything about me. But it's your fault that you decided to blow me off and diss me."

"I did not diss you, love..."

"Don't call me that anymore. I'm pissed at you. Some friend you are."

"I'm sorry. I had business to take care of. Honest."

Morgan looked into his eyes and her anger sizzled down. She sighed and accepted his answer. "You have a lot of making up to do. It's been months. You haven't talked to me...who knows how long. No congrats on the Divas Championship, no nothing...and you were there at Money In The Bank! Where were you when I needed you?" She started to get upset again. "I was all alone while the whole backstage crew stared at me and made me feel like an outcast."

"I thought he was supposed to help you out." Wade retorted.

Morgan already knew he was talking about Dean. Just the thought of Ambrose, made him clench his fists. 

"He really can't since he's part of The Shield and is close to the Authority. I don't want to bring the boys down if I go down. They'll just mentally support me."


"Don't start..." She sighed.

"It is true. You always defend him. Always. If he was a real man, he would step up with you and for you. He doesn't even act like a man to you."

"Don't start right now, I'm already going through a lot of stuff right now. Why are you making it worse?" She rubbed her temples.

"Because I'm trying to get through your head that maybe he's not the one you should be hanging around with. Or be with for that matter. He seems to be too focused on Hunter's dirty work right now instead of being with you. I just hope you understand I'm just trying to help." Wade kissed her knuckles having his trademark smirk on his face before walking away.

Morgan sighed and ran her right hand through her hair. "Confrontation after another..." She mumbled

'Main Event, backstage'

Melanie had a towel on and grabbed her blow dryer. "Ready for our match girl?" Victoria grinned

"Totally­," Melanie said as she turned on the hairdryer, only to be covered in white powder. Victoria gasped and started laughing. "Oh yeah, I'm going to kill him."

"Wow, he put white powder in your hair dryer." Victoria giggled.

Nattie and the Bellas walked in. "Oh my gosh, it's not Halloween yet!" Nikki exclaimed.

"I got pranked..." Melanie wiped her face off.

"Yikes. Hope you get him back." Brie said.

"Oh, I will." Melanie guaranteed.

After Melanie took another shower and cleaned her face, she put on her Shield attire, with black fingerless gloves. She put her hair in a ponytail then left the locker room and found Colby's hat in his locker room. She decided to put glue inside it. 

"Hey, you forgot your hat." She gave it to him when he found him in catering with Celeste.

"Thanks. Did you like my prank?" Colby grinned and put it on.

"Oh, joy..." Melanie sarcastically replied and walked away to get ready for her match.

'To The Ring'

"Welcome to WWE Main Event. In the ring are Morgan and Alicia Fox, while all the rest of the beautiful divas surround the ring. As you can see, this is supposed to be a punishment match." Josh said.

"Yeah. Stephanie has forced Morgan into a no DQ, lumberjill match." Miz mentioned.

"I think this is the first even No DQ lumberjill match, these two are making history. But this is crazy."

"And also, Stephanie said, once this match is over, Morgan will learn her lesson."

'Ding Ding Ding'

Rosa, Aksana, AJ, Tamina, Layla, Summer Rae, (The heels) and Brie, Nikki, Naomi, Cameron, Natalya, Kaitlyn, Eva Marie, and Jojo (The faces) surround the ring. Morgan locks up with Alicia and Alicia manages to get the upper hand and slam her down the mat with a headlock. Alicia releases the hold and takes control of Morgan and then she kicks Morgan in the gut while Morgan leans down. Alicia was about to do the scissors kick but Morgan moved out of the way just in time. She ducks Morgan's spinning kick, and then Morgan ducks Alicia's spinning kick. They both kick each other in the face and Morgan falls on her face first while Alicia falls on her back. 

"Beautiful kicks by these two." Miz complimented.



"Come on Morgan!" Naomi and Cameron cheered as she kicked out. 

The face divas start to cheer on Morgan as she tries to get up. Morgan starts hitting Alicia with clotheslines and then jumps on the middle rope, attacking her a crossbody.

"She's flying all over the place." Josh chuckled. 

Morgan pins Alicia for a two count. The champion decides to get out of the ring where the face divas are to look under the ring for a weapon.

"Morgan's not playing around," Miz said as she grabbed a chair which made the crowd cheer.

Alicia quickly rolled out the ring when Morgan was walking to her with the chair. Aksana decides to get on the ropes and trash talk Morgan but gets whacked in the face with the chair as the crowd chants 'Yes! Yes! Yes!'

"Get in the ring!" Morgan yelled at Alicia. 

The heel divas decide to grab her legs and drag her out of the ring to start jumping her. The face divas run to her aid and a fight breaks out as Alicia manages to roll back in the ring and grab the chair. When Morgan gets in the ring, she gets her arm hit by the chair as she holds it in pain.

"Right on the arm." Miz winced. 

Alicia starts to take control of Morgan's arm and puts her in an arm submission. The face divas bang on the mat to try to support Philly's Outspoken Diva but Alicia maintains control. She gets out of the ring and taunts the face divas before going to get a weapon. Cameron turns her around and the face divas start to argue with Alicia.

"Uh oh." Josh said as Alicia shoved Cameron. 

All of a sudden, they attack her and the heel divas come to her aid.

"And the divas run wild!" Miz exclaimed.

Morgan gets on the top rope and dives right on top of everyone as the crowd cheers. She throws Alicia back in the ring and sets a chair on the mat. She picks Alicia up and hits the backfire on the chair.

"And this is why Morgan is the Diva's Champion," Josh informed. "This may be it!"

While the ref was distracted because he was trying to stop the divas from fighting outside the ring, Tamina gets in the ring and manages to hit her Samoan drop on Morgan as the crowd boos her. She drags Alicia on top of her and rolls out the ring. 

"Why did Tamina do that?" Miz yelled.

"Probably for Stephanie," Josh said as the ref counted to three 

The face divas help Morgan as she holds her arm. "That arm doesn't look so good," Miz said as the heel divas helped Alicia out of the ring and celebrate.

Morgan shakes her head. "I'll remember that." She says to Tamina.


Melanie saw Colby trying to take his hat off. She laughed at him as he finally got his hat off. 

"What the hell!?" Colby exclaimed as he saw that his hair was all glued up. "Melanie..." He glared at her.

"What? I didn't do anything." She innocently said.



Morgan is walking with Kaitlyn while her arm is in a black arm brace because of the damage she took from Alicia's chair shot. "Seems like you really have some problems," Kaitlyn spoke up

"Already got The Authority on my back. And Wade saying that Dean isn't supporting me. So much drama..." Morgan sighed.

"I think Dean is doing what he can. I mean, you didn't want The Shield to help you out, so that's saying something. So, what's going on with Wade? I'd stay away from him if I were you."

"I know..."

"Does Dean know about him?"


"Is he mad at you?"

"No. He's more mad at Wade. I just need to make sure he doesn't kill him."

Kaitlyn chuckled. "You may want to make sure the conflict doesn't get out of hand too much,"

"Duly noted,"

'WWE Exclusive Video'

Morgan walked to where The Shield usually stayed backstage and saw Ambrose sitting on a stack of black crates. She walked over to him to hug him as he wrapped his arms around her waist. 

"You okay?" She asked in a low tone.

"Yeah." Ambrose released her as she stood in front of him. "Enough about me. Morgan, I just don't want you to get fired. You've worked too hard to get here. Don't screw it up for one person."

"One person? This is for everyone. Nobody can speak their mind. I'll do it for them. We need our freedom of speech back, Dean."

"Your arm..."

"Look..." She caressed his face and looked into his eyes. "You can't protect me all the time. I chose this decision because it was the right thing to do. It's wrestling. I'm gonna get hurt. Just let me do what I have to do, okay?"

"All right..."

"We'll get through this. Against all odds. No matter who, when, or where, okay? I know we can. I gotta go okay?" She removed her hand from his face and smiled at him. She turned around but got her hand grabbed by him. 

Turning back around to face her, he grabbed her hips and looked up at her. When she called out his name, he shook his head.

"Don't talk..." He said and she started to lean down, about to kiss him.

"Ambrose!" Triple H called out from afar with Stephanie walking to them by his side. The sound of his voice made the two lovers release each other. They both were mentally annoyed that they interrupted their moment.

"Well...I see Ambrose is giving you that talk I wanted him to give to you, right? You did give her the talk, right?" Stephanie asked.

"Yeah." Ambrose answered as he got off the crates.

"Good. Ambrose, you are needed along with Seth and Roman. In the meantime, Morgan, I want you to be on commentary for Ziggler's match." Stephanie requested while Morgan resisted the urge to roll her eyes. 

Slowly but surely she'll put Stephanie in her place. Just not now. Morgan had a problem with Ziggler. She thought he could be annoying at times and needed to be put in his place. Plus, he was Dean's enemy. Even though she couldn't stand Triple H and Stephanie, she decided to go along with it. Things will happen all in due time.

"Fine..." Morgan replied. 

'In The Ring'

During Ziggler's match against Ryback, Morgan's theme comes on as the crowd erupted in cheers. She walked down the ring as Ziggler stared her down, not happy. 

She smiled and waved. "Hey, how ya doing?" 

"We know Ziggler has problems with Dean Ambrose, but now he has bigger problems with his outspoken girlfriend in the arena," Cole said.

"Ziggler needs to watch his back. Morgan can be unpredictable sometimes." JBL replied as she went on commentary, putting a headset on.

"Hey guys." She greeted.

"You have been on a roll lately. Calling out the divas, low blowing the face of the WWE, how can you get away with so much?" JBL asked.

"I actually don't. I suffered a lot on Main Event. My arm still hurts and I know that's going to affect me at Night of Champions when I face AJ, Natalya, Brie and Naomi. But that's not going to bring me down."

"So what are you doing out here?" Cole asked.

" are one of my favorite people." she grinned at him.

"I'm getting a little nervous now," Cole admitted.

Morgan laughed. "Relax, I'm not going to hurt you or anything. The reason I'm out here is because I don't like Ziggler. I think he needs to be put in his place."

All of a sudden, Dean arrived at the commentating table. Michael jumped out of his seat while Morgan looked amused. "Where ya going, Michael? Relax~, sit back down. Get comfortable. You got a job to do. You are the voice of the WWE, and you always do a great job." Ambrose said.

"Well, would you look at this? One of WWE's favorite couples. It's nice to have you, Ambrose." JBL said, smiling at Dean who put a headset on.

"You look a bit nervous. But trust me kiddo, you've never been safer." Ambrose said to Cole. "JBL, it's always a pleasure."

"Well, look who decided to show up." Morgan chuckled

A smirk came across his face as he grabbed her by the waist. He pressed his lips onto hers while she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"You have to do that here?" Cole asked, disgusted at their making out.

"Shut up Cole, they're having a moment," JBL argued while Dean and Morgan released each other. "It's nice to see ya Dean, champ."

Morgan leaned on the barricade and Ambrose stood in between Cole and JBL. 

"Can I ask you whatever I want?" Cole asked.

"Ask away," Morgan replied to him, watching Ziggler's every move.

"We have the US and Diva's Champion with us. How great is this?" JBL exclaimed.

"It's interesting that you are out here Dean because we were wondering why you would ambush Dolph before his match on Raw," Cole said.

"You know why I like you, Michael? You are a great employee and have a great attitude. The real question is...why does Dolph Ziggler have a poor attitude, why does Dolph Ziggler, continually disrespect the business and the company that made him a star? He's acting like a punk. I taught him a lesson." Ambrose said with a smug look.

"So did Triple H tell you to come out here and punish Dolph Ziggler on Monday night?"

"The Shield will always be there to serve justice, and to establish order. And without order, we have nothing. If Dolph Ziggler gets out of line, there will be consequences."

"Major..." Morgan retorted.

"Are you, The Shield working for Triple H?" Cole asked.

"The Shield works for The Shield. The Shield works for the good of the business and The Shield always does what's best for business." Dean answered. He watched as Dolph started to gain momentum against Ryback. "Come on, big guy. You can take out this little punk."

"You've been quiet Morgan," Cole mentioned.

"Actions speak louder than words." Morgan gave him a half smile while Ryback threw Ziggler out of the ring. "He's so pathetic..."

"What you doing out here? What you doing out here?" Dean asked Ziggler as he tried to recover. "Your jobs in the ring. Get back in the ring and do your job, Dolph. Come on~. You can't even stand up." 

Ryback runs towards Ziggler as he leans on the steel steps. But he moves out the way, making Ryback hit the steps as the crowd cheers. 

"That was luck..." Morgan retorted and took off her headset.

Ziggler gets up and leans on the barricade.

"What is she about to do?" Cole asked.

"Shut up and watch." JBL fussed as Ziggler looked at Morgan and Dean. 

"Don't look over here at us, do your job." Morgan snapped. "What are you gonna do? Nothing."

"What? What? You think you're gonna do something? You're not-­" Dean began.

"Oh look out!" Cole yelled as Ziggler started to run after them. Dean and Morgan run across the commentating table. "Look out! Look out! Look out!" As soon as Dean and Morgan ran past Ryback, he hit Ziggler with a hard clothesline. "Oh man!"

Ambrose and Morgan look relieved that Dolph got hit. 

"That's what you get!" Morgan yelled at Ziggler.

"Dean and Morgan almost seemed like they were baiting Ziggler," Cole said

Ryback threw Ziggler back in the ring while Ambrose sat on the steel steps and watched the match. He let Morgan sit on his lap, and he wrapped his arms around her, as they watched Ziggler get beaten down. 

Ryback hits his finisher on Ziggler for the win. 

"And the bully picks up the victory." Cole looked on.

Dean and Morgan get off the steps and walk to the barricade as they smirk at Ziggler. 

"Snooze you lose." Morgan said while Ambrose had an arm around her.


During Brie's match against Naomi, Cameron was in Naomi's corner, while Nikki was in her sister's corner. When Brie and Naomi were out of the ring, AJ, Layla, Aksana and Alicia ran down the ring to attack them. 

AJ starts laughing as she watches the Total Divas get attacked. The divas throw Naomi and Brie in the ring while AJ gets in the ring to grab Brie. 

"Get her!" AJ yelled as Layla hit Brie with a kick in the face.

The crowd cheered loudly when Morgan rushed down the ring in blue jeans, black boots and a black tank top. Her title was around her waist before she unhooked it and threw it in the ring. 

"It's Morgan!" Cole yelled. 

After getting in the ring she double clotheslines Alicia and Layla before spearing Aksana down as she rolls out the ring. Morgan waits for Layla to get up and hits her with a hard kick in the face as the crowd yells 'Oh!'

As Layla rolled out the ring, Brie and Naomi were still down and so was Alicia. Morgan runs towards AJ but she quickly gets out of the ring. 

"What was that huh? What was that!?" Morgan yelled as AJ grabbed a mic. 

They stare each other down for a few seconds. 

"Morgan, I know you think you are doing the right thing here but this is reality. Ask yourself...are you a so called Total Diva? Or a True WWE Diva?" AJ asked

Morgan grabbed a mic. "I'm neither at Night of Champions. Reason? It's every diva for themselves. I'm an army of one." She dropped the mic and grabbed Alicia. "This is gonna be you!" She pointed to AJ and hit Alicia with a backfire.

Morgan puts her right hand up in the air and taunts the divas while her theme comes on.

"Thank goodness for Morgan," Cole said as the crowd cheered for her. 

She grabs her title and raises it up in the air for AJ to see as AJ scowls.

"This isn't over!" AJ yelled


'WWE Exclusive Video'

Backstage, Morgan was walking and gets stopped by Orton, who glared at her. She grinned, enjoying that she was driving him crazy. "Hey dude, long time no see. How are ya?"

"You're a real piece of work, you know that?" Orton said with venom.

She wasn't going to be intimidated by him. "Your point is?"

"Let me remind you that I am the face of this company and the WWE champion." Orton seethed and got close to her face.

Morgan nodded. "Okay. Well, you want to know the reason I did what I did? The reason I did that is because I wanted you to be yourself again. not you. So until you go back to the Randy Orton I know, I'll keep low blowing you, I'll keep yelling at you, and I'll keep giving you a backfire until you get your act together. Get it? Got it? Good." she smiled and walked away, leaving Orton angry.

'Next week, Raw'

Backstage, Morgan just found out that The Shield dragged a beaten up Christian to the stage for Edge and Daniel Bryan to see. Edge and Daniel were having a promo with Triple H and Randy Orton at the time. She knew Edge was pissed. She didn't like how Triple H got under his skin and attacked his friend. That was not cool. Friends and Family should not be involved in these kind of situations. 

So, Morgan decided to walk to Triple H's office to see why he would make The Shield attack Edge's friend. As she was about to go in, she saw Edge storming towards his office.

Rushing over to him, she got in front of him, blocking his way. "I wouldn't if I were you." She warned

"Morgan, get out of the way," Edge growled, having a pissed off look on his face. 

She felt bad for him. He did not deserve that. Nor Christian.

"Calm down. I know you're angry­" She tried to warn but Edge barged in the office. She followed him in and stopped in front of him, again. Edge was about to walk past her but she pushed him back as she put her hand on his chest and shook her head. "Don't do this."

He grabbed her wrist and pushed her away from him as Morgan stumbled back in the process. 

Stephanie exclaimed, "Whoa! Whoa!" while she was talking to Triple H, noticing her stumbling back. 

The Shield quickly rushed in front of Morgan once they saw what Edge had done.

"Did you just touch my girl?" Ambrose growled with a glare. 

No one puts their hands on Morgan like that. That was an injustice. No one touches The Shield's girl. 

But Morgan thought they were all overreacting. She wasn't pushed back violently or hard. She just stumbled on her boots. One of her boots was untied.

"Big mistake..." Roman glared at Edge. 

No matter what, The Shield always had Morgan's back. She was grateful for that, but this was just a little misunderstanding.

"Dean. It's fine." She reassured, having a hand on his chest to back him away from Edge, since he was right in his face, ready to strike. Ambrose glanced at her. "I'm fine, guys. Really" She reassured as Seth and Roman calmed down. 

"Is there a problem?" Triple H asked while The Shield turned their attention to him. Morgan held on to Dean's arm while they looked at Edge and Triple H talk back and forth. "Got something you want to say to me?"

"Yeah." Edge spoke. "I wish that you and your doctors would clear me because I'd be coming for you."



"Who the hell do you think you are? And who the hell do you think you are putting your hands on the Diva's Champion?"

"Oh great...put me in the situation..." Morgan retorted. "I already said I was fine..."

"Excuse me?" Triple H asked.

She released Dean's arm and sighed. "It's not that serious...he didn't hit me. He's not even the problem. You're the problem. You're the one who fucked things up." 

"Whoa!" King, JBL and Cole exclaimed as the crowd cheered loudly when she said a curse word on the PG show. The Shield smirked at her comment and so did Edge who was amused.

"Language!" Stephanie exclaimed as her eyes widened.

Triple H turned to Morgan. "What did you just say?"

"Do I need to do it in sign language?" she raised a brow.

"Don't you dare," Stephanie snapped but she ignored her.

"What happened to your mastermind plotting? Maybe instead of revealing that The Shield attacked Christian, you could have done it discreetly and made Edge wonder who did it. But since you thought that was 'best for business' it didn't really go too well since Edge looks like he's about to put you through a meat grinder. But you know what? That is best for business. The crowd seems to like it. I mean, everyone would want to see that." Morgan said as the crowd cheered at her statement.

"Did you forget you're working for us? Do you know who you are talking to?" Stephanie asked.

She could not believe her ears. Who does this woman think she is? How dare she speak to her husband like that.

"I'm sorry, was anyone talking to you? This is between me, and your husband. Not the Billion Dollar bitch." She snapped. Stephanie dropped her jaw while King screamed in a high pitched voice. "God...sometimes I wish you would mind your own business for once!"

The guys watched as Morgan and Stephanie went back in forth. "Listen little girl..." Stephanie's voice got shaky and deeper from anger.

"Little girl? Oh ho ho~ now she's mad." The Outspoken Diva grinned.

"Trust me Morgan, you do not want to mess with me­"

Morgan stepped up to her. 

"Uh oh." JBL said.

"You know what? Sometimes you need to get dropped." Morgan retorted. Stephanie was about to slap her but Morgan grabbed her hand. Stephanie's eyes widened while Morgan smirked at her. "Lose your touch?"

Suddenly, Ambrose grabbed her by the waist, while Seth grabbed Stephanie. 

"Enough!" Triple H yelled as the two women continued giving each other dirty looks. Triple H turned his attention back to Edge while Morgan calmed down in Dean's arms. "First up, your doctors will never clear you, cause your stack of dime neck there is all broken up. And you know it, and I know it. So you better take the bass out of your voice and that look out of your eyes. Who the hell do you think you are, to walk into this building, on my show? My show! You walk in here, running your mouth, in my town. That's right, Toronto, today is my town."

Ambrose released Morgan. She really wanted to destroy Triple H for talking to Edge like that. Toronto was not his town, that's for damn sure. 

"You walk into my town! My city! I'll tell you what...get out. Get out of our town. Get out of our city, get out of our building, get off of my show. You don't want to go on your own? I can always have you escorted out." Triple H patted Dean's shoulder as Roman nodded and Seth smirked. Edge shook his head at The Authority and left the office as Morgan sighed.

Morgan was about to leave the office but Stephanie called her out. "And where are you going?"

"Far away from you as possible..." Morgan responded and left the office as the crowd laughed.

Fans tweet: 

'I love it! She dropped the F bomb! Yes! #MorganCurses'

'I loved how The Shield got in front of Morgan like that. No one messed with The Shield's Girl!'

'WWEMorgan101 is officially my all time favorite diva. When's the last time a diva stepped up to the boss like that?'

'Slammy award moment! #MorganDropsTheFBomb'

'I love the Morgan and Stephanie feud. Could be the next Trish versus Stephanie feud.'

'RAW just got interesting! #MorganCurses'

'It just got real! #MorganCurses'

'Stephanie and Morgan feuding? Awesome! #MorganWillDropThePrincess'

'Morgan owned Stephanie! #GoMorganGo'

Morgan tweets 'Sometimes you need to be put in your place. #SomeoneNeedsToGetDropped'


Morgan was walking but got stopped by Edge. "I've been looking for you­"

"Did you know about this?" Edge cut her off.

"No. And you saw I wasn't even out there."

"You're lying..."

"No, I'm not! I want to break Triple H just as much as you do. Especially that wife of's just a matter of patience for me."

"And what are you going to do?"

"Bring our freedom to speech back, turn on Triple H and Stephanie and all that jazz. I've been carefully planning everything. Look, just keep a cool head and check on Christian. Focus on your friend. I'm really sorry about everything." She gave him a sympathetic look. 

Edge sighed. "I may not trust you but I saw what you said to Stephanie and Hunter. I hope you continue to do that."

"Yeah." Morgan nodded as he walked away.

'Later On The Night'

Morgan was straightening her hair in the Diva's Locker Room. Once she was done, Brie walked over to her. 

"What is it?" Morgan asked

"Uh, these are for you." Brie gave her a bouquet.

"From who?" Morgan looked confused as she took the flowers from her hands and checked out the card. 

"Who is it from?" Kaitlyn looked at the card and frowned. "Great..."

"What's wrong?" Natalya asked while Brie left. Kaitlyn gave her a look and Natalya got annoyed.

"Can I throw them away?" Kaitlyn asked

"Wouldn't that be rude? It's not that big of a deal." Morgan replied.

"Are you listening to yourself?" Kaitlyn put her hands on her hips.

"It's just flowers. All Wade said on the card was 'Good luck at Night of Champions. I'll be rooting for you.' See? Harmless. Don't get your panties in a bunch, all right? It's fine." The Outspoken Diva shrugged.

"Just wait till Dean finds out..." Natalya shook her head.

Morgan sighed. "You act like Wade is in love with me. Relax..."

Natalya and Kaitlyn glanced at each other while Morgan left the room.

"This bad..." Kaitlyn sighed.

"She's just mistaking the flowers for a friendly gesture," Natalya added.

"He's trying to charm her. Not good. We need to make sure he doesn't do any more moves on her." 

'Later on at ringside'

"All week long, all these girls have been tweeting about me, talking about me. Going on the WWE website, crying and screaming. Do you know why? Because they know I am right and I am getting to them." AJ vented as she, Morgan, JBL, King, and Cole watched Naomi, Natalya, Brie go up against Aksana, Layla and Alicia Fox.

"Is that how fights start? You tweet each other?" JBL asked

"Apparently. I said what I had to say to their faces." AJ spat.

"Really? And what about me?" Morgan spoke up.

"Morgan, I have nothing against you. All those things I said about you were true. But what you need to know is that you are a True WWE Diva and don't need to be hanging around with these Total Divas. It's beneath you." AJ said.

"I know how badly you wanted to be in this match, Morgan. What are your thoughts?" Cole asked.

"It's very hard not to ring AJ's neck as she sits here, venting about the same crap over and over again. I just can't wait to shut her up at Night of Champions." Morgan answered.

"Oh Morgan, you don't mean that. The Total Divas are getting to you. They made you act this way towards me. Deep down, you and I are friends." AJ grinned. Morgan held her head in annoyance as she listened to her vent again. "...And I didn't say what I said on that stage for attention. These girls are attention hungry. I didn't say it for attention. I didn't say what I said to piss anybody off. What I said on that stage was to make these girls do better. Step it up."

"I agree with you saying that the divas need to step it up but they do have potential. I just can't see them having potential since you want to keep interfering in the freaking matches. This is basically your fault. How are we supposed to see these divas step it up if you want to attack them every match? And you know what? It really makes me want to come over there and wipe that grin off your face." She glared at AJ.

"Let's not be hasty girls," Cole said.

"Let them fight, this is awesome," JBL said.

"Oh, don't want to do that..." AJ grinned and began spinning around in the chair.

The Outspoken Diva exhaled and calmed down. Night of Champions couldn't get here fast enough.

"Morgan, you look hot when you're angry." King complimented.

The Outspoken Diva slowly turned her chair and stared at him unamused. "Are you hitting on me...?"

"Who wouldn't?"

"Let me remind you that I'm Dean's woman. Dean Ambrose's woman."

"Really?" AJ asked. "Cause it seemed to me that those flowers from Wade said otherwise."

"Oh my GOD! WHY are you making it such a big deal? It was just flowers and he said good luck at Night of Champions on the card. Harmless." Morgan countered, sighing loudly.

"Looks like Dean has some competition. Ouch..." AJ smirked.

"This is what you do. You get into people's personal business just like you did with Kaitlyn, and attack them with it to make them vulnerable. That's not going to happen to me. You have nothing against me. Now next topic." 

"Well, how about you being mine one day?" Jerry teased.

Morgan bluntly replied, "I'm not yours and I will never be yours...just like AJ said, you like em young. I ain't gonna be one of them. So I suggest that you take your Viagra somewhere else."

Cole and JBL started laughing at her response.

"Next topic please..." Morgan let out another breath.

"How about we talk about me being the champ again?" AJ asked.

"How about we talk about me kicking you in the face if you don't shut up about that?"

"Morgan, the Total Divas are getting to you. You are never this angry with me. Don't let them get in your head. They make me sick...they don't even deserve a shot at the title."

"Well, I believe they do. They proved it before you kept interfering in the match." Morgan retorted.

She watched as Natalya hit Alicia with the discuss clothesline and put her in the sharpshooter. She then tapped out

"The winners of this match, the team of Brie Bella, Naomi, and Natalya!" Justin announced.

"AJ is a bit feisty tonight. Maybe she is concerned about getting past Brie, Naomi and Natalya to get to Morgan's championship." Cole said as AJ glared at the divas in the ring. "Who will win at Night of Champions? We will find out this Sunday." 

Fans tweet: 

'Hahaha #Viagra'

'Morgan is owning everyone tonight. #Viagra'

'I can't wait till Morgan gets her hands on AJ. She needs to get dropped! Give her a backfire WWEMorgan101'

'After the match'

Kaitlyn and Natalya walk backstage and find Wade Barrett. He looked like he was waiting for someone near the locker rooms. 

"Hello Wade." Natalya gives him a smile.

"Waiting for someone?" Kaitlyn asked.

"No, I'm not." He lies.

"Cut the crap Barrett...why can't you just value your friendship with Morgan?" Kaitlyn asks.

Wade smirked. "Ladies, shouldn't you mind your business? This is between Morgan and myself. Ambrose could never live up to being her boyfriend. He doesn't do anything for her at all. I can do more for her than that street dog."

"Morgan is our friend, and we won't let you get inside her head. She even said she wants to take care of The Authority herself and with no help." Natalya said.

"She'll choose the right man for her." Wade determinedly said.

"Yes, she will. Dean. So what if he can be crazy, psychotic and slightly off? They have been through a lot together and can't do anything with The Authority on their backs. Do you know how hard it is to deal with your bosses always ordering you around and not having time alone with your lover? You don't know a thing about what Morgan is going through and we won't let you ruin her relationship with Ambrose." Kaitlyn snaps.

"Agreed. They already have to deal with The Authority, so don't put anymore conflicts in the situation." Natalya nodded. "We're asking you nicely here."

Wade chuckled. "You see, I can't do that. Morgan will realize that she is better with me instead of him. She'll be in my arms. In due time..." 

"We need a Plan B." Kaitlyn said as she crossed her arms and glared at Wade, walking away. "Gosh, what an ass...I want to spear him...can I spear him? Natalya? Nat?" she saw Natalya looking down.

"...We...we need to tell Dean..." Natalya murmured as she turned her head to her.

"You sure? We don't know how he'll react."

"He needs to know Wade's intentions since Morgan doesn't see it."

"You're right. Plus, he needs his ass kicked..." 

"All right, let's go see Ambrose." 


Natalya and Kaitlyn walk around backstage. "It shouldn't be hard to find The Shield or at least one member," Kaitlyn said and saw a dark area. "Ready?"

"Yeah." Natalya nodded. 

They walk to the dark area and see Rollins and Reigns. The two approached them as they started to feel intimidated by their questioning stares. 

"E-­enough with the looks. We need your help." Kaitlyn stuttered.

"And give us one good reason why we should help you." Roman's deep voice filled their ears.

"Because it's about Morgan," Natalya said, sparking their interest.

"Talk," Seth ordered, with his arms crossed.

'To Morgan'

"Ready for Night of Champions?" Jojo smiled at Morgan.

"Very ready. Can't wait." Morgan replied as they chatted near the locker rooms.

"Hey, Morgan. Can we talk?" Wade asked, approaching the two ladies. 

Jojo glanced at Wade and then at Morgan. 

"Uh, sur­-" Morgan began but Jojo started to sob loudly. "Whoa, Jojo, are you okay?" She exclaimed as Jojo hugged her and started to fake cry as some tears started to fall down her cheeks. 

Natalya wanted her to make sure Wade did not have any alone time with Morgan. Luckily her plan was working. Jojo looked at Wade and stuck her tongue out at him as he glared at her. Morgan released the nineteen year old and put an arm around her. 

"I'm sorry Wade, can it wait till later?" she requested.

Wade frowned. "Yeah. See you later." He walked away.

"What's wrong?" Morgan asked.

"I'm sorry, I just miss home." Jojo said, which was true. She did feel homesick.

"Listen, we all feel that way sometimes. But you are spreading your wings and learning how to do things on your own. I'll be here for you. You're not alone." Morgan smiled at her as Jojo sniffed and nodded.

"Thanks." she grinned and hugged her again. 

Jojo was happy with Morgan's words but also happy that Wade wasn't near the Diva's Champion. Win/win situation for her.

'To The Shield'

"Are you kidding me?" Seth exclaimed and started pacing around. "Just wait till Dean finds out about this. He's gonna flip. His temper is short."

"He's just asking for a spear..." Roman grumbled.

"We'll take him out."

"I'm with you."

"That would be nice." Kaitlyn grinned. She really wanted Wade to be taken out.

"Why are they here?" Dean looked confused as he walked over to them.

"Bad news. Wade is after Morgan. He wants her all to himself. He claims you're not the one for her." Natalya said.

Ambrose smirked. "Does he know who he's dealing with here?"

"Uh, about that...I think he does because he's already made his move. He already gave her flowers and wants to be alone with her later on tonight." Kaitlyn mentioned with a frown. "He is persistent and really coming on to her. We need to do something and something fast."

Ambrose started seething at the news. "I'm going to kill him." He growled and stormed off. 

The two divas look at each other in shock at his sudden mood change.

"Dean!" Seth called out, running after him with Roman.

"Don't kill him...yet!" Kaitlyn rushed after them with Natalya.

'To Wade'

Wade was talking to a producer but the producer quickly ran away. Wade turned around to see an enraged Dean Ambrose. 

"Well well well, if it isn't Dean Ambrose," Wade said in his accent. "I guess you heard. But don't worry, I'll take good care of her. You're scared, aren't you? You're afraid you're going to lose her. Well, you're right."

Ambrose was about to hit him but then Seth and Roman ran to him. 

"Dean!" Seth and Roman grabbed him away from Wade while Kaitlyn and Natalya met up with them.

"You got another thing coming pal." Kaitlyn glared at Wade as he walked away.

"We'll handle him, just not tonight." Seth tried to calm Dean down


Morgan walked backstage as the crowd gave her a loud reception but instantly boo once they see Wade walk next to her. "Not managing The Shield tonight, love?" Wade asked

"Unfortunately...all because of The Authority..."

"Guess they are still upset with what you said to them on Raw. Well, how about we hang out tonight to get your mind off things?"

"Oh um, sorry I can't. I'll be hanging with the girls. But maybe next time. I'll see you later." Morgan waved and walked away.

Wade watched her leave and smirked, clearly smitten by her. He turned around to see a seething Ambrose. 

Angrily, Ambrose grabbed him and pushed him to a wall, hard. "I guess I need to show you what happens when you mess with someone that's mine," he said in a dark tone.

"Don't you mean the woman that's soon to be mine?" Wade smirked before Ambrose threw him to the wall hard again.

Morgan walked back to see Wade. "On second thought-­Whoa! Dean, what are you doing?" Morgan exclaimed as Seth and Roman rushed up to them.

"Dean! Let go!" Roman yelled as they grabbed him off of him.

"Is that your best?" Wade asked, provoking Dean.

Morgan got in between them while Natalya and Kaitlyn rushed over to them. 

"Let's not be hasty here. What the hell is going on?" Morgan asked as she looked at Wade and Dean. Ambrose stormed off while Seth and Roman rushed after him.

"March. Now." Kaitlyn pointed to Wade as he smirked and walked away.

"Somebody better start explaining. Now." Morgan said as turned to Natalya and Kaitlyn.

"You should go see Dean. He isn't gonna calm down unless you see him and you know that. We'll talk about it later." Kaitlyn said


'WWE Exclusive video'

Dean was silently seething on a chair as Morgan barged in. "What the hell Dean?! You storm off for a few minutes and next thing you know I find you sitting here like you want to murder someone. What is going on?"

"You need to check that friend of yours, that's what's going on. He wants to replace me as your boyfriend," he spoke angrily.

Morgan sighed. "Not this again...I told him­-"

"What did he do?" Ambrose stood up.

"It wasn't really­-"

"Morgan. Do you know how much I want to hurt this guy? The thought of him coming after you makes me want to rip his head off."

She leaned on the wall. "Dean..." 

He walked over to her and placed his hands on the wall, on each side of her head. "I shouldn't have let him go."


"He thinks he's going to take you away from me? And get away with it­-"

Ambrose began but Morgan put her hands on his face. "Dean. You need to know that even if someone wants me, I won't fall for them or let them take me away from you. I don't care what anyone says, no matter if you're slightly off or all the other stuff they say, you'll always be my Joker and no one is going to replace you. I love you and only you. We may have hated each other but I guess opposites attract. I know you're always here for me, for the good times and bad. And I know we can't really spend a lot of alone time together because of The Authority, but we'll find a way to get through this. Through The Authority, and Wade. Everything that comes our way. We need to be strong and we need to be a strong couple. We can't doubt each other. Okay?" 

Dean calmed down and removed his hands from the wall as she removed her hands from his face.

"You always know how to calm me down..."

"That's a good thing, right? As for Wade, let me see for myself what his motives are. I'll keep an eye out and be observant. Just don't hurt him...much. I already know you want to kick his ass so...just not too much that could lead him to the hospital."

"No promises, sweetheart." Dean smirked. "It's for his own good. He needs to know that you're mine and no one is gonna take what's mine."

Morgan chuckled and shook her head. They looked at each other and she ran her fingers through his hair with her right hand and leaned in to kiss him as he wrapped his strong arms around her waist.

"I love you." he told her.

"Love you too."

'To Wade during a WWE Exclusive video'

Wade was talking to a producer but instantly got speared by Roman as he held his stomach in pain. The Shield walked up to him and smirked down at Wade as Ambrose kneeled to him. 

"What happened Wade? I thought you were tougher than that...So you want to take what's mine? Over my dead body. Morgan is mine and that is going to stay that. This is just a preview of what The Shield will do to you if you keep messing with her." Ambrose watched him in pain as he glared at him.

"Hope you learned your lesson pal." Seth said as Roman chuckled

"Mess with Morgan, you go through us. Believe in The Shield." Roman said 


'Night Of Champions'

Since WWE was doing awards for best WWE champions and etc, Morgan won the title of the female internet sensation as she reached 1,010,000 followers on Twitter. 

'This is AWESOME! I'm so blessed to have all these fans supporting me through my ups and downs. Thanks for making me have over 1 mil!' Morgan tweets.

Morgan has on her Shield attire but with a black hoodie on top of her head as she walks on the stage. Her title is up in the air and she twirls around with it before posing. 

"This is a divas 5 way match scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, she is the divas champion, from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Morgan!" Lilian announced. 

Morgan grins and removes her hoodie, walking down to the ring, tagging hands. 

"Morgan looks ready to go in this match up. Interesting week it has been for the Outspoken diva. Do you think she'll be able to win this match?" Cole asked

"Morgan's momentum has been very high this week from the words out of her mouth, to the actions she does. I believe she can do it." JBL said.

"I'm still upset that she rejected me." King pouted.

"Oh stop King..." Cole retorted

"Despite the rejection, she is still one of my favorite divas. Go, Morgan!" King cheered

Morgan gets in the ring and gets on the turnbuckle as she raises her title with her left hand and does her taunt with her right. Then she lowers her right hand and does The Shield pose with a smirk before jumping off the turnbuckle. 

After Natalya, Naomi and Brie get in the ring, AJ comes out. 

'Let's light it up!'

"And from Union City, New Jersey, AJ Lee!" Lilian announced as she skipped to the ring. 

When she gets in the ring, Morgan glares at her and starts walking towards her before the ref holds her back with an arm in front of her. 

"Everyone wants a piece of AJ." Cole looked on.

"Morgan has been getting tired of AJ's mind games," JBL said as the ref lifted up the Diva's title and started the match.

'Ding Ding Ding'

The divas circle around each other. They look at AJ and AJ runs out of the ring as Natalya, Brie and Naomi grab her from jumping into the crowd. Morgan shakes her head in amusement as she sits on top of a turnbuckle and watches the action. 

"Looks like Morgan is enjoying the show." King chuckled. 

They throw AJ back into the ring but AJ crawls out the ring on the other side. They throw her to the barricade and throw her back in the ring to surround her.

"Come on AJ get up." Naomi shouted.

"Get up!" Natalya yelled.

Brie knees AJ out of the ring and turns around and double clotheslines Natalya and Naomi. As Brie turns her attention to the two laid out divas, Morgan gets on the top rope and hits Brie with a dropkick as the crowd cheers. Morgan starts to take control of Brie with a headlock but Brie fights out of it and throws Morgan to the ropes to dropkick her. 

"Wow, what a dropkick by Brie!" King exclaimed 

Morgan crawls and leans on the bottom rope as Brie gives her a running knee to the face. She holds her mouth and lays down on the mat.

"That's gotta hurt." JBL said. 

Brie and Naomi start wrestling in the ring while Morgan continues to recover from Brie's knee.

"As you can see, Morgan still has her arm brace on her left arm, I wonder if that will turn into a weakness for her in this match." King looked on.

AJ and Natalya get back in the ring and AJ does a roll up on her but she kicks out. AJ pushes Natalya and she pushes her back. AJ was about to hit her but Natalya slapped her in the face. Meanwhile, Morgan rolls out of the ring while Naomi hits a double rearview on AJ and Natalya. She pins Natalya but Brie breaks it up. As Naomi and Brie go at it again, Natalya chases AJ outside the ring until Morgan stands up and clotheslines her. 

"What a clothesline!" Cole exclaimed. 

AJ looks at Natalya's laid out body and starts laughing at her but stops when Morgan slowly turns her neck towards her. AJ runs into the ring but Morgan follows her. She tries to reason with Morgan as the crowd chants 'Let's go Morgan! AJ Lee!'

The chants for Morgan and AJ Lee with equally matched as they were the fan favorites to win the match along with Natalya. Morgan and AJ lock up but AJ pushes her away and hides in the ropes as Morgan rolls her eyes. She tries to grab her but AJ hits her bad arm, making her yell out in pain. 

"Oh! And AJ hurting Morgan's bad arm! This isn't good." Cole said as AJ started taking control of the arm while Morgan tried to deal with the pain. 

While AJ was taking control of Morgan, Naomi miscalculated with the cross body on Natalya. AJ throws Morgan out of the ring and Natalya tries to kick her but AJ grabs her foot and pushes her out of the ring. Then, AJ gets thrown out by Brie as Naomi and Brie fight on the apron. AJ grabs Naomi down the apron face first.

"What an impact!" Cole exclaimed. 

AJ turns around and gets speared by Morgan. The spear was weak, due to her trying to take it easy on the arm, but it was enough to bring AJ down. She grabs AJ and hits the backfire on her as the crowd cheers. Morgan grabs Naomi and hits the backfire on her as well. 

"Backfire after backfire! Morgan isn't messing around. Bad arm and all." King exclaimed. 

Brie and Natalya face off in the ring and Morgan runs in and double clotheslines them three times and hits a running crossbody on them both. She picks them both up and hits them with a double backfire.

"And this may be over!" JBL yelled. 

Morgan decides to put Brie on top of Natalya face down and she sits on top of them and gives them a double breakdown submission.

"Whoa! Double breakdown!" King exclaimed

Brie was about to tap out but AJ ran in and broke it up. 

"That's my championship!" AJ screamed at Morgan as she started unloading on her with hits.

Natalya grabs AJ and tries to put her in the sharpshooter but Brie grabs her by the hair and slams her to the mat. Brie hits the Bella Buster on AJ and pins her but Morgan breaks it up. She waits for Brie to get up to give her a hard kick in the face.

"Gosh...Morgan may have put her out there. That was not pretty." King said as The Bella Twin rolled out the ring.

Morgan turns around, only to be caught in the black widow.

"Oh no! Morgan's bad arm Morgan's bad arm Morgan's bad arm!" Cole exclaimed. "Will Morgan tap?!"

"Tap! Tap out!" AJ screamed. 

Morgan was in serious pain. The way AJ had her submission was really aggravating her left arm. Luckily Natalya breaks it up and starts taking control of AJ. She hits the discuss clothesline on her as AJ falls out of the ring. But once Natalya turns around, she sees Morgan waiting for her and is hit by a backfire.



"3!" The ref shouted as the crowd cheered

"Here is your winner! And still the WWE Diva's Champion, Morgan Lopez!" Lilian announced as the ref gave her the title and raised her hand in victory.

"Yeah! That's what I'm talking about! Let's go!" she yelled as she held her bad arm. 

As she celebrated, The Shield walked out to join her.

"This is the Diva's Champion, right here! Nobody can touch her!" Seth pointed at her with a big grin on his face.

"Later on tonight, Dean Ambrose will face Dolph Ziggler, and Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins will take on The Prime Time Players," Cole said. "Will the rest of the members of The Shield retain their titles? We will find out later on tonight." 

'WWE Exclusive video'

"Morgan, you were the Army of One in your match. How does it feel to retain the Diva's Championship?" Renee asked.

"I'm so happy that I won. From the crowd cheering, to the nearfalls, it was pretty cool. All the divas in that match were great competitors. Some divas just gotta learn to watch your back. Morgan is still going strong. You can't have this championship. It's mine. The Shield is unstoppable."

"So do you still have a score to settle with AJ? I think you still have some anger built up inside for her."

"Yeah but right now I have someone else I need to deal with. And that's Stephanie McMahon." She smirked and walked away.

Morgan tweets 'Thank you #Morganteers for supporting me tonight! You guys rock!'


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1 year ago

Forced To Believe Chapter 22- Wiping That Smirk Off Your Face

Forced To Believe Chapter 22- Wiping That Smirk Off Your Face

Chapter Summary: Morgan interferes in Stephanie trying to make Big Show hurt Dusty Rhodes and faces consequences

Words: 6,000+


'Night of Champions'








After The Shield walk through the crowd, Seth and Roman fist bump Dean and Morgan and go back up the steps.

"This contest is set for one fall, and it is for the United States Championship. Representing The Shield, accompanied by The Diva's Champion Morgan Lopez, weighing 225 pounds, he is the current United States Champion, Dean Ambrose!" Justin announced. 

'I'm here to show the world!'

"And the challenger, from Hollywood, Florida, weighing 213 pounds, Dolph Ziggler!" Justin announced.

Morgan shook her head in annoyance as she watched Dolph walk down the ring.

"Big opportunity tonight for Dolph. He goes up against Dean Ambrose for the United States Champion." Cole said as Ziggler got in the ring.

'Ding Ding Ding'

Dean and Ziggler lock up but Dean catches him in an arm submission on the mat. Dolph gets up and Dean puts him in a headlock near the ropes. Ambrose releases him and runs to the ropes and hits him with a shoulder block, making him fall down. 

"That's what I like to see!" Morgan grinned. 

Ambrose runs to the ropes but Dolph makes him hop over him as he gets up and runs to him again, only for Dolph to do a big leap in the air, making Dean run under him. Ambrose grabs onto the ropes before Dolph can do an attack.

"Woo~" Dean turned around smoothly and ran his fingers through his hair, doing Ziggler's taunt while Morgan smiled at his silliness.

"Dean Ambrose trying to play mind games on Dolph­-oh!" King exclaimed as Dolph hit him with a dropkick to the face. 

He drops Dean to the mat and hits 10 elbows on him while Morgan holds her chest, feeling the pain. The two men get up and Dean stumbles to the ropes. Dolph jumps over him, making them both fall out of the ring.

The Philly Diva began to scowl at Dolph and started stalking him. 

"Stay away from him Morgan!" The ref warned.

"I didn't do anything! Chill!" She snapped at the ref, while Dolph turned to face her. "Take a picture, it'll last longer."

Cole and King start laughing with Dolph runs his hands through his hair and shakes his butt at her.

"You think that's funny!?" She shouted while Dolph threw Dean back in the ring as he stumbled to a corner. 

He starts giving him some hits until Dean reverses it and hits him with chops to the chest. Morgan watches on as Dean throws Ziggler to the ropes. Ziggler was about to jump on him but Dean caught him.

"Uh oh." King looked on as Dean slammed Dolph to the mat. "Well, there's a difference maker."

"Yes, it is," JBL said.

"He's slightly off, Dean Ambrose," Cole said. "And Morgan doesn't look like she's bothered with that."

"Unfortunately..." King groaned. Dean puts his knee on Dolph's spine and puts him in a headlock. "Morgan is enjoying this. Look at that sinister grin."

Dolph gets up but then Dean drops him down and puts him back in a headlock.

"Thanks for stealing my move." Morgan joked as she watched Dean grab Ziggler's arms around his neck like a straightjacket, similar to her submission, the breakdown. 

Dean met her gaze and smirked before turning his attention back to Ziggler. 

Later on in the match, Ziggler catches Dean with the Fameasser.

"No!" Morgan shouted. Ziggler pins him but Ambrose grabs the bottom rope. "Yes!"

Dean rolls out of the ring but then Dolph throws him back in the ring. As soon as Dolph gets in between the ropes, Ambrose kicks him and puts him in the headlock driver position but Dolph counters with a roll up. Dean kicks out and walks back to a corner. Dolph runs to jump at him but Dean moves out of the way just in time and he grabs him for the Headlock Driver. 

"And now Ambrose plants him," Cole said as Dean went for the cover.




'Ding Ding Ding'

"The winner of this match, and still the United States Champion, Dean Ambrose," Justin announced as Dean got his title and had his hand raised. 

Morgan got in the ring and wrapped his arms around his neck to give him a kiss and hug. He wrapped an arm around her while he held the title in the other hand.

"The Shield's dominance continues," JBL looked on.

"And Morgan's kisses." King pouted. "I'd wish she'd give me one."

"In your dreams, King." JBL retorted.

Seth and Roman meet up with them in the ring. When the titantron showed the results on who was the greatest United States Champion, Morgan kissed Dean goodbye and stayed with Roman and Seth. 

"The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WWE Tag Team Championships. Introducing the challengers at a combined weight of 509 pounds, Darren Young and Titus O'Neil, the Prime Time Players!" Lilian announced.

'Ding Ding Ding'

"You got this!" Morgan supported at ringside. 

Rollins and Titus start in the ring and Seth keeps giving him slaps in the face which starts to aggravate Titus. He tries to do it a third time but Titus tosses him down the mat, near his corner. He hits him with a scoop slam and a leg drop before tagging in Darren Young. 

Later on in the match, Titus starts to use his whistle as he keeps stomping on Seth who is seated in Darren's corner. 

"Are you kidding me? Shut up with the whistle! Lose the whistle! Lose the whistle!" Morgan shouted. 

Titus looks at her and whistles again just to get under her skin. Roman tries to run in but Titus and Darren double clothesline him out of the ring. That gives Seth time as he gets out of the ring but starts getting chased by Darren. He runs past Roman and goes into the ring as Darren slides under Roman and punches him to the mat. When Darren gets in the ring, Seth takes control and tags in Roman. He throws Darren to the turnbuckle as he falls out of the ring. 

"Good job Roman!" Morgan cheered as she gave him a pat on the back when he went out of the ring.

He throws Darren back in the ring and tags in Seth. Moments later, Roman takes control of Darren and tries to prevent him from making a tag. Once Roman tags in Seth, Darren finally makes the tag to Titus as Titus runs into the ring and flips Rollins over with a shoulder tackle. 

"Jeesh!" Morgan exclaimed

Titus pins Rollins but he kicks out at two.

"That looked like somebody got hit by a car," King said. 

Titus starts to take control of Rollins and as soon as Rollins fights back, he runs to the ropes but gets hit with the Clash of the Titus as Titus goes for the pin.

"The Prime Time Players are gonna do it!" Cole exclaimed but then Roman broke up the pin as Morgan looked relieved. "And Roman Reigns saving the match up!"

Darren tosses Roman out of the ring and then gets on the apron, only to get swept down off the apron by Reigns. Meanwhile, in the ring, Titus grabs Rollins by the head but then Roman throws Darren in the ring, distracting the ref. Seth pushes Titus away from him as he gets speared by Reigns. He rolls out the ring, lying on his back while Seth goes for the pin and wins for his team. 

"Yeah!" Morgan jumped and cheered.

"Here are your winners and still the WWE Tag Team Champions, Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns, The Shield!" Lilian announced while Morgan got in the ring to celebrate with them. 

Dean meets up with them as they raise up their titles. 

"Morgan successful, Ambrose successful, Rollins and Reigns successful. The Shield standing tall at Night of Champions." Cole said.

Morgan tweets 'The Shield and I are unstoppable. #BelieveInTheShield'

'Later on Night of Champions'

Melanie walked over to Colby in catering with a bag of Oreos. "Want some?" she asked

"Yeah, why not." he grabbed one as Melanie ate one. Once he took a bite, he spit it out and she started to laugh at him. "What the hell toothpaste?"

She grinned and patted his back. "Yep."

'Monday, hours before Raw'

Melanie walked backstage and saw Colby sitting at catering. "Yo dude. Ooh, are those sugar cookies? May I have one?"

"Why should I? You pranked me with toothpaste Oreo cookies. Toothpaste Melanie. Why should I give you these soft, chewy, sweet, delicious sugar cookies?" Colby grinned.

"Oh come on! They look so good! And stop teasing me. That prank was a sign to show you that you need to step up your game."

"All right, knock yourself out." Colby showed her the bag of sugar cookies and Melanie grabbed one. He started to smirk once she took a bite. 

She immediately twisted her face in disgust. The taste was awful. She spat it out in a napkin and coughed. "Ugh, what the heck did you put in this?"


"You used SALT instead of SUGAR!?" she shouted.

"Catering helped make the cookies with salt instead."

"You suck dude! Injustice! He made Sugar cookies, salty cookies! Injustice!" she exclaimed as she got a bottle of water and started drinking it. "I need some gum. You got gum-­oh hell, no, I'm not asking you for stuff again. Eva, do you have some gum?"



In the ring, Stephanie was having a segment with Dusty Rhodes. Morgan was already in the ring, forced to be Stephanie's bodyguard. She did not feel like listening to Stephanie and her crap. She had just about enough of her abuse of power. She was this close to confronting her about it. In the ring, Stephanie just told Dusty that Cody could have his job back. 

"Or...we can give the job back to your oldest son. The one who fought so hard for Cody's contract last week on Raw. There's only one open spot and who better to make that choice, than you." Stephanie smiled.

Morgan did not like where this was going. She stood by a turnbuckle as she watched the two talk. She felt bad for Dusty Rhodes. This wasn't fair.

"No, no, no, no, let me tell you something. You not gonna catch me off guard. Let me tell you something, I'm not gonna make that choice. Let me ask you a question too." Dusty said.

"Before you ask me a question, let me put it to you this way­-"

"No." he retorted.

"No, no."

"No no no­-"

"You need to listen to this-­"

"Don't interrupt me!"

"Excuse me!"

"Don't interrupt me!"

"You need to listen. You can give this job to your glorious baby boy, the one who does everything absolutely right, just got married, got his whole life ahead of him, or you can give this job to the son that you neglected all those years, traveling on the road." Stephanie said. 

Morgan was getting tired of how Stephanie got into people's minds and put their family in the situation. First Big Show, now Dusty? This needed to stop. Now. 

"Dusty, I know you blame yourself. For Dustin's transgressions. And this is your chance to make that right. You could be a hero. To your sons. The choice is yours. The opportunity is right here in front of you."

"Let me ask you a question. In the mornin' when you get up and go to breakfast and you got some beautiful daughters." Dusty spoke.

"Yes, I do."

"How are they by the way? They good?"

"They're wonderful, now this isn't about me or my daughters."

"Let me ask this, you line them up at the table and you say 'Okay, you're my favorite, you other two, go on back to bed.' Is that what you do? That's my answer to you. And I'll tell ya one thing else. I'll tell you, I'll tell your husband, and I'll tell this company."

"You know what, this is very typical of you. You make this all about yourself, it's all about Dusty Rhodes and his decisions. Well, what about Cody? What about Dustin? What about Goldust? You're just gonna leave them behind? Like you always have, putting yourself first?"

Morgan's blood started to boil. "Morgan looks like she can't take much more of this," Cole observed.

Stephanie needed to stop pushing people's buttons.

"I hope they can find it in their hearts to forgive you," Stephanie said.

"You gonna forgive this. Stephanie, you can go straight to hell!" Dusty said in her face while Morgan smirked in amusement

"Well, I'm sorry you feel that way..."








Morgan looked in the crowd and then walked up to Stephanie. "Is this necessary?" The Philly diva asked.

"Yes it is," she answered.

Morgan wanted to smack the crap out of her. How can she do this to Dusty? He's all alone and now she wants The Shield involved? 

"Are you kidding me?" King retorted.

"Wait a minute, no no no." JBL looked on

The Shield surrounded the ring and Morgan began to look worried as they got on the apron. She knew she would have to handle this herself. After all, she wanted to in the first place. 

"Stephanie! Call it off. It's not worth it." Morgan tried to reason.

"Hang on a second, hang on a second." Stephanie stopped The Shield from getting in the ring. "This hardly seems fair. I got somebody who's been waiting in the back and can maybe even things out. Oh, Big Show! Big Show would you mind coming out here please?"

The Big Show walked out in confusion and Morgan sighed.

Great...Stephanie was just asking to get hit. It's one thing to call The Shield to attack a Hall of Famer, but it was another thing to call a 7 foot giant out here. She already knew she was gonna make Big Show do something bad. Morgan just needed to think of a plan to stop it, if she could.

"Allow me to shed a little light on this situation dream...since you couldn't make a decision about which one of your sons would get a job here. Then you're gonna have another choice. Would you prefer to be dismembered by The Shield...or knockout by the Big Show? Your choice." Stephanie said after he got in the ring.

"Oh come on!" King exclaimed.

"Stop it already! This is unnecessary!" Morgan complained but Stephanie ignored her.

"Oh, you're not gonna make a choice again? Well, I'll tell you what, I'll make it for you. Big Show, knock him out!" Stephanie ordered.

"Enough! He doesn't deserve this!" Morgan shouted.

"He brought this on himself," she said to Morgan. "He didn't want to give one of his sons a job."

The Big Show looked concerned. 

"Don't do it. Do not do it, Show. Don't!" Morgan said in a hard tone to the Big Show. Big Show looked at Morgan and then at Dusty and shook his head no.

"Fine. Shield, get him!" Stephanie ordered but then Big Show stepped up.

"Don't touch him! Do not touch him!" Big Show yelled as The Shield backed off. 

Roman got out the ring and brought in four chairs as he, Dean and Seth had chairs in their hands. Morgan looked at the fourth chair. She knew it was for her. But she couldn't bring herself to get the chair. Big Show walked over to Dusty and hugged him.

"Do it! Do it!" Stephanie yelled.

"I'm sorry." Big Show sobbed and made a fist. 

Suddenly, Morgan got in front of him and grabbed his big fist with both her hands. The crowd cheered while Stephanie watched Morgan in surprise.

"Was that a wise move?" JBL asked.

"I'm glad she stopped that punch," King said.

"Don't. Don't do it, please!" Morgan begged. "Please!"

"Morgan! Step away. Now." Stephanie ordered.

"No. Call off everything! You don't need to do this, there's another way, just leave him alone already!" Morgan exclaimed.

"Morgan. Step away." Stephanie ordered once more.

Morgan ignored her and looked into the Big Show's eyes as he gave her a sorrowful look. 

Dusty touched Morgan's shoulder. "It's okay Morgan. I see the good in you," he said as she turned to look at him after she released Big Show's fist. 

"Morgan! Move! Now!" Stephanie ordered.

Defeated, Morgan stood back next to Stephanie. She watched in disbelief as The Big Show punched Dusty before holding him into a hug and laid him down on the mat as the crowd booed. 

She turned to Stephanie and grabbed a mic. "Why? Why is it that you love to see people who love and care about each other get hurt? Do you enjoy watching other people's pain and suffering? I don't understand. You think this is funny? You actually think this is funny?"

"Morgan, Morgan, this is what's best for business. He had it coming." Stephanie smiled sweetly.

After that, Morgan saw red. She had enough. 

"He had it coming..." Morgan chuckled and shook her head. "Okay...and you had this coming." She dropped her mic and smacked her hard in the face as the whole arena erupted into cheers.

"What!?" King screamed in a high pitched voice while Seth, Roman and Dean looked on in shock. 

Dean motioned his teammates to stay calm while Stephanie held the side of her face in surprise, looking at the Philly diva in disbelief.

"Is she crazy!?" Cole shouted as the Philly diva shot a dirty look at Triple H's wife.

Stephanie could not believe Morgan dared to hit her. 

"Do you know what you have just done?!" Stephanie yelled before getting shoved down to the mat by Morgan. She was about to attack her on the mat but The Shield quickly grabbed her as the crowd chanted 'Yes! Yes! Yes!'

"Get off of me! Get off of me! Let go of me!" Morgan screamed as she tried to escape the strong grip that they had on her. 

"Morgan has lost it!" Cole shouted

"How dare you! Do you know who you are dealing with!?" Stephanie yelled.

Big Show looked on with shock while he held Dusty in his arms. The outspoken diva broke free from The Shield's hold and grabbed a chair. 

"Oh my gosh, she is gonna hit Stephanie with a chair!" King exclaimed but then Morgan threw the chair near Stephanie, almost hitting her as she flinched

"I've had enough of you! Everything! All the stuff you've done. I'm over it! No more of it!" Morgan yelled as The Shield grabbed a hold of her again.

Stephanie stood up and glared at her. 

"What the heck have we just witnessed?" JBL asked.

"Chaos." Cole said as Morgan broke free of their hold again, storming out of the ring.

Stephanie started to have a fit. This was going to be a big conflict between The Shield and Authority. 

"She is so fired! Find Morgan and bring her to my office! NOW! I don't care what you have to do. Knock her out, spear her, tie her up, drag her, I don't care. Bring her to my office. FIND HER~!" Stephanie screamed at The Shield as they got out of the ring and started running backstage.

"Oh boy. This is not good." King said.

Morgan tweets 'Sick to my stomach. Hope you're happy Stephanie. Someone should really slap that smirk off your face and teach you a lesson. Oh wait...I just did. #SpeakUp.'

'WWE Exclusive Video'

Big Show found Morgan sitting on a bench and walked up to her. "I'm sorry..." He murmured.

Morgan really wanted to put Big Show in his place but he was going through a lot and she started to feel bad for him. She let out a sigh. 

"Look, it's not your fault. I'm not angry at you, The Shield or Dusty. I'm mad at Stephanie. Look, can you tell Dusty that I'll get Stephanie back for him? And tell him I hope he gets better." She responded as he nodded and went to go to the hospital to see him.

Morgan ran her right hand through her hair and headed over to an empty locker room. She sighed and put her bag on a table and started to look inside it. 

So many things went through her mind. Her anger got the best of her. But she was happy she at least did something to Stephanie. But she wasn't done. Not by a long shot. All she wanted to do was give her a backfire. Just one backfire.

Moments later, she heard the door slam open as she gasped and jerked her head up. 

She turned around and saw Wade. 

"We need to talk..." He said.

Morgan frowned. He was one of the last people she wanted to see right now. He would just add more drama. 

"Look, I'm not in the mood. I already got too much bull crap going on. I don't need you to add more to it." She retorted.

"You need someone to talk to."

"Thanks but no thanks. I'd like to be alone."

"Are you mad at me, love?"

"A little bit."

"Can we just talk?"

"You know what? Fine. Natalya and Kaitlyn told me everything and I want everything on the table. Right now. You magically appear up again. Something is up. What is it?"

"All right then. I've fallen for you."

Raising a brow, she looked confused. "Excuse me?"

"I've fallen for you." Wade repeated.

She started to laugh. "Tell me that's a joke."

"I'm afraid not, love."

She ran her hands through her hair. "Wow. You learn stuff every day..."

"I want you to choose me instead of Dean."

"What is this? Twilight? You're Jacob Black, and Dean is Edward Cullen?" She rolled her eyes. "Give me a break," 

Morgan's anger towards Stephanie led her to give Wade the cold shoulder a little bit. She didn't mean to be so mean to him at first, but she needed to let him down as gently as she could. She hoped that he would accept the fact that she was with Dean and it was going to stay that way.

Wade chuckled. "When you put it that way..."

"Don't answer that...look, I'm flattered, but you're gonna have to get over these feelings you have for me, all right? Too much stuff is going on, and you know I'm happy with Dean. So just, forget about this conversation, okay?"

"How can you love someone like him? I can give you so much more than him."

"Now you're trying to buy me? That's a turn off..."

"He's violent. That's a turn off. He could hurt you."

"No. He could hurt you. And I think I want that to happen now. And so what if he's violent? He's not violent towards me. Sometimes I need a little rush in my life."

"I can't believe what I'm hearing. You changed Morgan."

"No. You changed. Don't flip this on me."

"He's got you brainwashed, Morgan. He's got you acting like a crazy person!"

Morgan looked at him in disbelief. "Now you're calling me crazy because I won't choose you over him?"

"Yes. Plus you assaulted Stephanie McMahon."

"And if you were in my shoes, you'd understand why. God...I knew there were ass kissers in this company but I never knew you would be one..."

"You know what? Fine. Your lost. I think I can upgrade a little bit better, anyway." Wade retorted.

"Wow...I'm so glad you just said that, cause you really got on my bad side, this time. Girls aren't toys. You can't just drop them if you want an Upgrade or whatever. You really screwed up now." 

'The Shield's hideout'

"Where is she man?" Seth asked, looking around.

"She's in hot water." Roman sighed. 

Moments later, Morgan walked over to them.

"There you are. We've been looking everywhere for you-" Dean walked over to her.

"Hurt him." She interrupted

"Who do we have to hurt?" Roman asked with an angry look. 

"I should have listened to you guys in the first place. Hurt him and hurt him good." She gave them the OK.

"You serious?" Dean asked and she nodded. He smirked. "Well, boys...I think you know what we got to do."

She sighed. "Thanks. So are you going to turn me in to Stephanie?"

"Morgan. We have your back. No matter what. We'll just say we couldn't find you." Seth reassured.

"Besides, Stephanie already left. She'll be back either on Smackdown or next week on Raw." Roman added.

"You guys...are the friggin' best." She grinned and bumped fists with them.

'WWE Main Event'

In the ring, Wade takes control of Justin Gabriel in a back and forth match. "Nice takedown by Wade," Josh said on commentary.








"What?" Miz asked as the crowd stood up from their seats.

"What is The Shield doing out here?" Josh asked as they surrounded the ring. Wade turns to Dean and glares at him while The Shield gets on the apron while Justin is still down on the mat. "And The Shield attacks!" He exclaimed as they started jumping Wade. 

Seth and Dean hold Wade as Roman does the spear on him.

"Spear by Reigns!" Miz shouted. 

Roman and Dean pick up Wade slightly before Seth hits the blackout on him. Ambrose picks Wade up and connects with the headlock driver on him.

"Let's pick him up." Seth said. 

Roman roars as Dean and Seth pick him up. The Shield hit the triple powerbomb on Wade as their theme comes on.

"This was punishment. But who sent them out here?" Miz asked.

"Well, whatever Wade did, he won't be doing it again," Josh said as The Shield did their pose.

'After show, in Melanie's hotel room'

"You want to just stay in tonight?" Melanie asked as she walked out of the bathroom.

"Yeah. I want to spend time with you tonight instead of going to the bar." Jon responded while lying on his back on the bed.

Melanie smiled and gave Celeste a quick text to tell her they wouldn't be joining tonight. "Want to watch a movie?"

"Die hard?" He suggested.


Jon sat on the floor and leaned his back on the end of the bed while Melanie's legs were on each side of his shoulders as she sat on the bed. 

While they watched the movie, she started playing with his hair. Jon chuckled. "Like playing with my hair?"

"Yep!" She giggled and then made his hair really messy. "Haha. Someone had a bad hair day."

"You're gonna pay for that." He grinned and turned around. He crawled on the bed as she laughed and tried to get away from him. "Get back here!" He grabbed her leg and pulled her to him. 

He started tickling her as she laughed. After he stopped tickling her, he hovered over her and put his hands on each side of her head. 

"What?" Melanie grinned.

"Just thinking about how lucky I am to be with you." he kissed her left cheek, then her nose, then her right cheek as she giggled. 

She pushed him off of her and pinned him down while having her knees on each side of his hips. Acting like she was about to kiss him, she ended up grabbing a pillow to hit him with it.

"It's on now!" He grabbed a pillow and they started to have a pillow fight. 

She tried to run away from him as she got off the bed but he grabbed her by the waist from behind.

"No!" She laughed before she turned around in his arms and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I'll let you go this time."

"What happens if I don't want you to?" she grabbed him by the shirt as she walked back towards the bed. 

She fell back on the bed, grabbing him with her as he hovered over her and kissed her.


Stephanie tweets 'WWEMorgan101 We need to talk on RAW about your actions.'

The Shield are in the ring, getting ready for their gauntlet match. They watch as Darren Young walks down the ring while Morgan looks on from ringside. 

"The Shield getting ready for this match." Cole said.

"And Morgan is at ringside. I still can't believe Stephanie hasn't confronted this woman. She slapped the billion dollar princess! And pushed her. And not to mention almost hit her with a chair since she nearly threw it at her. She is not going to get away with this." Cole exclaimed.

"Morgan knows what she's doing." JBL replied

The Philly Diva watches Darren Young get in the ring as Vickie is at ringside sitting on a chair. The Shield attack Darren like a pack of hounds while Morgan looks amused. Seth and Dean hold Darren as Roman spears him to eliminate him. 

Titus O'Neil runs into the ring and fights back against The Shield. He held his own for a while until Dean got on his back and Seth held his leg. Roman takes him down with a shoulder tackle then The Shield pick him up for the triple powerbomb to eliminate him.

"That's how you do it!" Morgan cheered. Dolph runs down the ring and jumps on Dean, unloading on him with strikes. "Are you kidding me!?" 

Dolph starts unloading on Seth until Roman grabs him off of him and throws him to the turnbuckle. Roman clashes with the turnbuckle once Dolph moves out of the way. He jumps on Roman and starts unloading on him with punches before Dean and Seth throw him down. The Shield start to take control of Ziggler before he takes down Dean and starts to fight back.

"This should not be happening!" The Philly Diva yelled as Ziggler threw Roman out the ring and dropkicked Seth. 

He throws himself and Dean out of the ring. When Dolph gets on the apron, Ambrose holds his leg before Seth kicks him off the apron. And then Roman spears him hard on the mat, making the ref count him out. 

"Beautiful! Just beautiful!" She clapped 

Kofi Kingston walks down the ring as Roman gets out of the ring and runs towards him. Kofi leaps over him and jumps on the apron to take down Dean and Seth. 

Kingston gives them both a cross body in the ring and takes control of everyone. But in the end, The Shield becomes too much for him as Ambrose hits his finisher to eliminate him.

RVD walks on the stage as the crowd erupts in cheers. 

"This is gonna be interesting," Cole said. "One man who has been a rebel his entire career." 

Rob starts to take control of both Ambrose and Rollins while Reigns is still out from Kofi's trouble in paradise. Roman gets on the apron while RVD gets on the turnbuckle but gets kicked in the face by him. Once RVD does the rolling thunder on both Ambrose and Rollins, RVD gets set for the five star frog splash on Ambrose. 

All of a sudden, Triple H comes out which distracts RVD while Roman takes advantage and throws him off the turnbuckle, onto the floor outside the ring.

'Ding Ding Ding'

"Are you kidding me?" Morgan yelled.

Triple H went to Vickie and started arguing with her. 

"Shut it down! Shut it down! Come with me. Come to my office now." He ordered as the crowd boos.

Morgan got annoyed and grabbed a mic. "Are you freaking kidding me?! So what's next? Cancel the whole show? Is that best for business? Is that best for freaking business!? They've been wrestling all this time and now you want to call off the match? This is bullshit!" She yelled in frustration as the crowd cheered started to cheer 'This is bullshit'

Morgan threw the mic at the ramp as The Shield tried to calm her down. 

"Morgan, it's all right." Seth held her shoulders.

"Morgan's anger issues have really gotten the best of her lately." JBL looked on.

Ambrose grabbed her by the waist and started talking in her ear to calm her down while she continued to look pissed off.

"And just for that, you're banned from The Shield's match later on tonight. Shield, escort Morgan out of the ring." Triple H ordered as the crowd boos.

"Weak!" she exclaimed.

"Morgan can't manage The Shield later on tonight. What will The Shield do now? We'll find out later on tonight." Cole said as they went to a commercial.



The Shield were guarding the ring while Triple H and Stephanie were doing a promo. 

"I am gonna give you the opportunity to take that frustration out tonight. I am gonna give all of you Darren Young, Titus O'Neil, The Usos, RVD, Dolph Ziggler, Kofi Kingston. Zack Ryder, R Truth, Justin Gabriel, all of you are gonna be in an elimination handicap match against The Shield." Triple H announced while all members of The Shield turned around slowly.

"You got to be kidding me..." Morgan retorted.

"And I am gonna give you a partner. Your partner will be Daniel Bryan." Triple H said.

"So there you have it, the first ever 11 on 3 handicap match," Stephanie added.

"After all what's best for all of you is what's best for business." Triple H said.

"11 on 3? Is this best for The Shield?" King asked as Triple H's theme came on.

"Wait, before you go, I would like to speak with Morgan alone," Stephanie said as Morgan turned to look at her. 

She sighed and got to the ring as the crowd cheered while everyone else left.

"I'll say this right now...I don't regret anything." The Outspoken Diva said on the mic. "I'm not going to sit here and do nothing anymore."

"Well, as I recall, you put your hands on me. Now I could fire you but that would be...too easy. So what do you have to say for yourself?" Stephanie sternly asked.

"Oh, Stephanie! I am so sorry for what I did! I didn't mean it. I have anger problems. My anger got the best of me Oh who the hell am I kidding, you needed to be put in your place." Morgan bluntly said as the crowd cheered.

Stephanie's eyes widen. That was not the answer she was looking for. 

"You are such an ice queen," Morgan continued, "Going around forcing Big Show to do all these things to keep his about you leave him alone? And what you did to Dusty...You had no right!"

"You know what? Give me that title."

"No, I earned this!"

"Having you as Diva's Champion is not good for business." She slapped her and snatched the championship out of her hands. The crowd boos her loudly. "Get out of my ring before I call security."

"Is that all you got? Is that supposed to intimidate me?"

"You are not the ideal diva. You don't have the body, the skills, or the looks to be top of the Diva's Division." She spat

"Is that so? Do you think I have what it takes to try to be on top of Diva's Division?" The Philly Diva asked the crowd as they chanted 'Yes!' in response. "And the crowd has spoken."

"They're lying!" Stephanie yelled.

"Stephanie, I am tired of your abuse of power and you will not take away from freedom of speech! You know what you are? You are a spoiled, conceited, narcissistic bitch and I have had it with you!" she shouted as the crowd was behind her, cheering her on. 

Morgan ended up throwing her mic on the mat and walked out of the ring, angrily. 

"Wow..." Cole looked on.

"I'm done! I'm done with this! Everything!" Morgan yelled at Stephanie before storming off backstage.

After the show, Melanie was told to go home to continue the storyline. She wouldn't be on WWE TV or events for weeks. No Twitter, no social media, nothing. 

Being away from WWE for a while because of a storyline was going to be tough. Especially from her boyfriend and close friends but she knows she'll make it through. 


Melanie arrived home and parked in front of her parents' house. 

"Home sweet home." She smiled as she grabbed her bags. 

As soon as she got on the steps, the door opened to reveal her mother with a huge grin on her face.

"Sweetie!" Jane crushed her with a hug


"It's so good to see you, honey. Come on in." She walked in with her bags. "You don't know how thrilled I am to have you home for a while. Part of the storyline right?"

"Yep. Oh, I talked to Jane, Mark and Stephanie. You are going to be part of the storyline."

"Really? Oh my goodness!" She exclaimed and hugged her again. "When?"

"A few weeks. Stephanie is really looking forward to it. She thinks it'll put a little bit more drama into the storyline."

"Thank you. You know how much I want to be a part of the WWE." She started to give her kisses on her cheek.


"Oh, hush!" She gave her one last kiss on the cheek. "Hungry? I'm making some pasta."

"Ooh. Yes please."

All of a sudden, Ellie (Melanie's dog) ran into the living room and started jumping around Melanie as she grinned and kneeled before the dog. She starts petting her. 

"Ellie! It's been a while huh?" She started petting her as the dog licked her. After she was done playing with the dog, she turned to her mom. "Where's dad?"

"At his new studio, working. He's doing a late shift." She replied. "He loves the studio. You and Jon are so generous. How is Jon by the way?"

"He's doing great."

"I'm glad he's still the US champ. You have to introduce me to Colby and Joe. You always talk about them."

"They are really fun to be around. You'll love them."

"Oh, how is the prank war going?"

"I believe I've had the best pranks so far."


It was about time for WWE Main Event to come on, so Melanie turned on the TV and saw Main Event coming on. Jane had dinner ready and they started to watch Main Event while eating their pasta. 'We want Morgan' chants were loud and all over the arena.

"Whoa." Melanie looked on in shock.

"Wow. You are really popular." Jane looked on in amazement.

"I didn't think the fans would be this worked up on me leaving."

"As you can hear the loud chants for Morgan, we haven't seen her since RAW. She hasn't updated her Twitter or anything. We all want to know where Morgan is." Josh said on commentary.

After minutes of Melanie's mother cheering and booing at the TV, Melanie's phone rang and she smiled at the caller ID. 

"Hey! How are you...that's awesome...I'm doing great...really? Sure, I'll be there and meet you in town tomorrow...all right, bye."

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1 year ago

Forced To Believe Chapter 23- You Look Like You've Seen A Ghost

Forced To Believe Chapter 23- You Look Like You've Seen A Ghost

Chapter Summary: Melanie visits another wrestling company which sparks a ton of debate as she reunites with an old friend

Words: 2,000+


After Melanie got off the phone, it was revealed to be Dixie Carter from TNA who was hoping she could come by for a short time to join AJ Styles in a storyline. Surprisingly enough, WWE had talked with TNA about it and had permitted Melanie to attend, They made sure to keep it under wraps with everyone besides the higher ups of each company. It would also enhance the current storyline she was in since her character stormed out of the ring, yelling that she was done.

She was excited for the extremely rare opportunity and she hoped the forbidden door would continue to be open for future opportunities in the future of WWE.

'Next Morning'

When she got through security and all the other qualifications, she knocked on Dixie's office door. 

"Melanie! I am so happy to see you here sweetheart." She grinned and hugged her. "Come on in." 

Melanie walked in with her gym bag and smiled. "Thanks for having me. I missed TNA."

"TNA has missed you, honey. Since you will be here a little while, I have not told anyone you are here but some producers and Allen (AJ Styles) since you will be in a little storyline with him. I know the fans want to see you and him reunite."

"Yeah, I've been seeing a lot of that on Twitter."

"I'm shocked WWE agreed to this. But we won't take it for granted. I know your stay on TNA is temporary but it's never too late to consider staying full time. You have some loyal fans here sweetheart."

The Philly Diva nodded. "For now my heart is with WWE. But in the future never say never to coming back full time for TNA,"

'Knock Knock Knock'

Allen (AJ Styles) walked in. "Long time Melanie."

"Hey!" She hugged him and kissed him on the cheek. "Long time no see! How are your wife and kids?"

"They are doing great. They miss you."

"I miss them too. I gotta visit them again one day." She turned her attention back to Dixie. "So Dixie, what do you have planned for me?"

"For this week, Allen will do a promo and you'll come out to confront him. Just a simple thing. Later on, Gail Kim will do a promo about you and you confront her." Dixie explained.

"This is going to be really fun." Melanie grinned

'In the TNA Ring'

AJ Styles was in the ring doing a promo but all of a sudden his old 'I am 11' remix' theme surrounded the arena. 

"What is going on?" Mike Tenay asked on commentary.

"What is this? Mind games from Bully Ray? Dixie Carter?" Taz asked on commentary. 

All of a sudden, Melanie slowly walked onto the stage as the crowd began to go wild. 

"What the hell!? What the-what is she doing here!? Did you know about this!?" Taz yelled.

"No, no, I did not. Why is Melanie here on TNA?" Mike asked.

A smile came across her lips as she tagged some hands before walking to the ring while AJ stared at her in shock. 

'Melanie! Melanie! Melanie!' chants surrounded the arena as her heart soared. She missed the PG 14 wrestling and the TNA crowd. It was different from the WWE crowds. Both are unique in their own way. She wore light blue skinny jeans, black Converses and an 'AJ Styles P1' Raglan sleeve shirt. The shirt had a wide scoop neck that rocked off her shoulders a little bit and stopped below her belly button. Her hair was also straightened and she wore black eyeliner.

"AJ Styles looks pale as a ghost. It's been years since they last seen each other." Mike looked on.

"Yeah, and it was all AJ's fault. That man blew her off and embarrassed her in front of the world." Taz spat.

"Hello AJ. It's been a while. You okay? You look like you've seen a ghost?" Melanie stared at him dead in the eyes with a mic in her hands. 

The two stared at each other intently. He changed. To his dark attire, to his beard and hair. AJ stepped up to her in the ring as the crowd cheered. The crowd really wanted them to reunite.

"I cannot believe Melanie is back on TNA. This is awesome. This is freaking awesome." Taz exclaimed.

"Do you think she has forgiven AJ?" Mike asked

"I don't know but all I know is, AJ looks speechless."

'To Celeste'

Celeste was in her hotel room and was on Twitter on her phone and saw a fan tweet 'Oh my gosh! I just saw Melanie on TNA!'

"What?" She asked herself and quickly turned on her hotel TV. "What the hell!?" She exclaimed as she watched Melanie in the ring with AJ Styles. 

She quickly called April on the phone. "April! Get over here! Bring all the divas!"

"Whoa! Whoa! Calm down! What is going on!?" April exclaimed. "I just got out of the shower!­"

"Melanie is on TNA!" 

"What!?" April screamed on the other line. 

Not even 5 minutes later, Celeste's door was pounded by all the divas and she quickly ran to open the door as they rushed to the TV.

April, still in a towel, looked at the TV in shock. "Oh my gosh..."

"Why the heck is she on TNA!?" Layla exclaimed.

"Shh! Let's just watch!" Celeste replied.

"Wait, we gotta tell the guys!" Danielle grabbed her phone.

"Wait! Wait! How will they react!?" Trinity exclaimed, trying to calm everyone down.

"Call the guys!" Ariane yelled. 

All the girls were in shock and confusion. Why didn't Melanie tell them that she was going to TNA? What is going on? Did she really quit WWE? Was she really going to stay on TNA? Was this just for a storyline?

Trinity quickly called Jon (Jimmy Uso) "Jon, get the guys and bring them to Celeste's room. Melanie is on TNA!"

30 Seconds later, the guys barge in. "What the hell do you mean she's on TNA?!" Colby exclaimed as he, Joe and Jon stared at the screen.

"She really looks like a different person. What happened?" Eva Marie asks, looking at her hair and makeup.

'To TNA'

"Why so quiet? Is that any way to treat a friend? Your old friend? So what is this?" She touched his jacket. "You being the lone wolf? Forgetting about me after all we've been through?" 

She released her hand from his jacket. She could remember the incident like it was yesterday.

"Well...don't want to talk? I'll let my actions speak," she added and pulled him in for a hug as the crowd cheered. 

AJ stood there motionless, still in shock that she was here. 

After she released him, she spoke, "I know what you are going through right now. You and Dixie. But, whether you like it or not, I'm standing by you. I forgive you for everything and I want us to have that strong bond again. I hope you think about it. Why? Because the Lone Wolf's girl has arrived." She smiled before dropping the mic as AJ's old theme came on.

"You think Melanie and AJ are going to reunite?" Mike asked as she got out of the ring.

"I think so. Maybe Melanie can take AJ's head out his­-" Taz began.

"Okay! Well! Melanie is back on TNA Impact!" Mike exclaimed. "Let's hope we'll see more of 'The Phenomenal Prince and Princess' as a tag duo once again on TNA Impact."

AJ began to smirk, nodding to himself, accepting everything that just happened. 

'To Celeste'

In the room were the Total Divas, April, Celeste, Victoria, The Shield, Fandango, Danielle, The Usos, and Stu watching the TV.

"Damn..." Ariane said.

"Yeah," Trinity replied.

"What's going on Twitter?" Victoria asked as Celeste looked at her phone. 

TNA's ratings skyrocketed because of how a popular WWE diva is on another company's show.

People tweet:

'Melanie looks better than ever! She looks awesome! #TNANeedsMelanie'

'OMG YES! YES! #MelanieIsBackOnTNA'

'Please don't go back to TNA! Please! #WWENeedsMorgan'

'Stay on TNA! DO NOT go back to WWE! No one wants to see that PG crap! PG 14 is where it's at! #TNANeedsMelanie'

'#WWENeedsMelanie Please don't go back to TNA! You are the Shield's girl! Not the Lone Wolf's girl!'

'Melanie made the right choice when she decided to go back to TNA. #WWEIsBuryingMelanie'

'So glad she's back where she belongs. #MelanieBelongsOnTNA'

'Ugh, why is she on TNA? #MelanieBelongsInTheWWE'

'Yay! I hope Melanie and AJ reunite! I would love Melanie as #TheLoneWolfsGirl'

'Yes! #TheLoneWolfsGirl is back! No more Shields girl. Melanie is back where she belongs.'

'I don't care if Melanie is on WWE or TNA but it's nice for her to be #ThePhenomenalPrincess again.'

'Why is WWEMorgan101 on TNAwful!? #MelanieBelongsInTheWWE'

"She is all over Twitter. She's one of the top trends along with TNA Impact." Celeste looked on.

"As expected from her with the way she worked hard to make a name for herself," Joe replied. 

"I just want an explanation. I thought she was having time off." Ariane said as the divas agreed.

"Maybe she knew we would protest?" Jojo asked.

"Damn right! It's TNA! WWE is against TNA!" Colby exclaimed.

"Maybe she's just visiting?" Celeste said

"Nah, she had her wrestling mode on. She isn't there to visit." Jon (Jimmy Uso) added.

"Or it could be a storyline," April pondered.

"Let's just wait till the show is over and we'll call her," Stu recommended.

"Good idea. Maybe we should finish watching TNA just in case she is still on the show." Nattie mentioned.

'To Melanie, offscreen'

After Melanie to the Knockout's locker room, she was attacked with hugs.

"Oh my gosh! I didn't know you were coming back!" Gail Kim grinned.

"Aw, thanks! Long time no see Gail!" Melanie smiled. It was so nice to see her old friends from TNA.

"I'm so happy you're back!" Jamie (Velvet Sky) exclaimed.

Brooke walked in. "Ahh! Melanie!" she yelled as they ran and hugged each other. "I missed you girl!"

"Haha, missed you too! So glad to be back!"

Jessica (ODB) hugged her as well. "Nice to see you back here on TNA Mel."

"Good to be back!" The Philly Diva smiled. 

After she was greeted by the knockouts, she went to walk backstage.

She said some hellos to some people and while she was walking, she heard a voice. 

"We meet again short one."

She grinned and turned around to look up at a tall figure smiling down at her. 

"Hey, Jake! Long time no see!"

"Yeah, it's been a while. How's the weather down there?"

She chuckled. "It's great. We have a lot to catch up on. You got a match, right? Mind If I go watch?"

"Not at all. I was just heading to the stage now."

"All right! Let's do this!"

'In The Ring'

In the ring, Venom by muzeOne surrounded the arena. "This match is scheduled for one fall! Introducing the challenger, accompanied by Melanie! The Giant Boa, Jake Roberts!" Christy Hemme announced.

"Melanie is out here again, accompanying her old friend Jake Roberts. Do you see how tall this guy is? Wow." Taz said.

"Jake and Melanie have history together. He helped her out during her feud with Madison Rayne." Mike informed as Jake got in the ring while Chris Sabin was already in the ring, warming up.

'Ding Ding Ding'

Melanie watches on as Chris tries to give Jake some kicks but it does little damage. Jake gains control of him and gives him a suplex, making the ring shake a little bit. "What a suplex! Wow. Did you feel the ground shake?" Taz asks.

Jake grabs Chris into the chokeslam hold but goes to the ropes and performs a chokeslam off the turnbuckle. "And Jake goes to the world's biggest chokeslam." Mike exclaims.

"Yeah!" Melanie cheers. Jake pins him for the win.

"Here is your winner! Jake Roberts!" Christy announces as Melanie gets in the ring to congratulate him.

'To Jon'

Jon was watching TNA in his hotel room as Colby and Joe glanced at each other. Even though Melanie was looking smoking hot on TNA, he really wanted some answers from her. 

"Dude, you all right?" Colby asked.

Jon ignored him and just stared at the TV. He couldn't believe Melanie was on TNA of all places. He had a feeling she would still do wrestling while she was having time off but thought it would be in an independent circuit. 

"Look, we'll talk to her after TNA goes off all right?" Joe said. "I'm sure she'll give us all a good explanation."

"She better." Colby sighed


'At TNA, onscreen'

Later on TNA, Gail Kim walked out as the crowd booed her. 

"While I was backstage, watching TNA, I couldn't help but feel disgusted at what I saw. Who the hell does Melanie think she is, going around here, thinking she can take my spotlight? Why is she getting so many chants? She barely did anything in this place! Only a 1 time TNA Knockouts champion. Look at me! I've won it plenty of times and I was the first Knockouts Champion-" she was cut off by AJ's old 2011 theme

Melanie walked out to a loud reception. She was working overtime today and the crowd was eating it up every time she came back on stage. Instead of having her right hand up in the air to do her taunt, she had both her hands up and did her taunt before she twirled around and got in the ring. She grabbed a mic and chuckled at Gail as she stood before her but not too close. 

"Here we go, week after week I have to deal with girls hating on me. You're no different." She snapped as Gail glared at her. "The reason you're hating on me and everyone appreciating me is that your welcome back appreciation party sucked ass and no one gave a shit. I mean, come on, you walk down the ring and ignore the fans. Now, I'll admit, Gail, you've done a lot more than I have during my stay on TNA, but that doesn't mean I don't have anything left in the tank." 

Gail laughed. "So you're here to prove something? That you're better than me? No one is better than me Melanie."

"Oh really? You're not going to be the best forever. Someone is going to take you down."

"Oh really?" she dropped the mic and speared her down to the mat.

"And here we have a brawl!" Mike exclaimed as Gail started unloading on her with punches. 

The crowd booed as Gail continued her attack on her but then Melanie fought back and started taking control.

"And Melanie is fighting back!" Taz looked on

Melanie picked her up and was about to do her finisher but Gail escaped the hold and scrambled out of the ring. 

"This close." The Philly Diva said with her hair disheveled as she pointed at Gail. 

"I'm the best knockout here!" Gail yelled

"Oh sure! Sure! Prove it!"

"I will! That was just a test! A test! I'll show you next week!" 

Melanie got on the turnbuckle and put both her hands up in the air to do her taunt. 

"Well, next week on TNA Impact, we'll have a knockouts tag match. Melanie and Velvet Sky against Gail Kim and Brooke. What a match that is going to be." Mike said.

"Oh man, I cannot wait to see Melanie in action. I know she still has a lot to show after being away from TNA for so long. Good to have Melanie back." Taz said.

"Yes, it is. We'll see if what she says is true next week on Impact Wrestling."

'To Jon'

Jon had to admit, Melanie looked awesome and better than ever. 

"Hey, the good thing is, you see Melanie in the TNA ring and she looks hot for you right?" Colby tried to calm down Jon who looked a little upset. "Guess that didn't work..."

"I'm not really bothered with Melanie going to TNA. It's wrestling and she wants to wrestle. I think she knows what she's doing. I mean, it's not like she's going to stay there." Joe replied.

"What if she does?" Jon spoke up and looked at him. Joe had no answer to that.

"That's why we are upset, Joe." Colby sighed. "She's like the glue of The Shield. No one can ever take her place. She can't stay on TNA. She just can't."

Joe nodded. What would The Shield do without Melanie?

'After The Show'

Melanie, back at home, Skyped with Chyna. 

"Hey, Mel. I saw you on TNA. Shocker. Guess you couldn't stay from the ring huh?" Chyna smiles.

"Yeah, WWE permitted me to attend for a little bit until it was time for me to go back to WWE for my storyline! They kept it under wraps for a surprise. I know everybody is probably losing their minds right now. Also, my mom is going to be a part of the storyline in WWE soon."

"No way! Jane? I'll be tuning in for that. Hey, you'll be on TNA next week, right? I'll be there to see you in action next Thursday."

"Really? That'll be awesome!"

"Uh huh. Can't wait to see you in action, live. So how's Jon treating you?"

"He is treating me great."

"Good and it better stay that way. I don't want to kick his ass."

"I don't think that'll be necessary." Melanie laughed.

"I was cracking up with you called Stephanie a bitch. That made my night."

"Haha. Glad to hear." 

"So have you talked to your WWE friends yet about the storyline?"

Melanie chuckled nervously and looked at her phone at the numerous texts and missed calls.

"Hoo boy...I guess I should start explaining huh?"

Chyna laughed, "Have fun."


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1 year ago

Forced To Believe Chapter 25- Mommy Knows Best

Forced To Believe Chapter 25- Mommy Knows Best

Chapter Summary: Morgan's mother, Jane, tries to defend her honor as she feuds with Stephanie. But things aren't what they seem

Words: 8,000+


After getting off Skype with Chyna, Melanie decided to call Celeste first and she answered on the first ring. 

"What the hell were you thinking!?" Celeste yelled on the other line as Melanie couldn't help but start laughing at her reaction. "Are you-are you laughing!? Do you know how upset I am? Why would you go back to TNA if you spent your entire wrestling career working to get to the WWE? What is wrong with you!? How could you go to that place?!"

"Whoa, wait a minute, what are you talking about­-"

"Why are you staying on TNA?!"


"No! At least go to a different wrestling company. That was a slap in the face. You could of least told us and given us a heads up so we wouldn't be freaking out!"

Melanie laughed again, "I couldn't. WWE told me to keep it under wraps,"

"Wait what?"

"Put me on speaker,"

After Melanie explained the situation to the girls whole were still in Celeste's room. Relief seemed to wash over them as they were happy she wasn't staying and that it was just a misunderstanding due to her being told not to share her plans with anyone yet.

After chatting with the girls, Melanie called Colby and he answered on the third ring. 

"Well...if it isn't the TNA Knockout." Colby greeted, making her chuckle

"I'm not staying, you goofball. Put me on speaker. I know Jon and Joe are there."

Colby announced to the boys that she was on the phone and put his phone on speaker. 

After explaining, she was glad her friends and Jon understood what was going on. She missed them so much and couldn't wait to be back when she was told to return. But for now, she wanted to live in the moment and enjoy this rare opportunity given by WWE and spend time with her TNA friends. 

Jon grinned, "Good that you're not staying permanently. I'd drag you back to WWE myself if I have to," he teased

"Oh trust me, I know," she replied. "I'm happy you guys understand. I'll be back in WWE before you know it!"

'Next Thursday, TNA'

"This is a Knockouts tag team match scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, the team of Melanie and Velvet Sky!" Christy Hemme announced as Melanie and Velvet walked out to Velvet's music. 

"Melanie is set for her match in her first TNA match in years. Her cousin, Chyna is in the crowd." Mike said as they got in the ring.

"Yep, Chyna. She was in a huge match with Kurt Angle against Karen and Jeff Jarrett. What a match that was." Taz looked on while Gail and Brooke got in the ring.

Melanie was wearing pants similar to AJ Styles and an AJ Styles shirt as a crop top. 

Velvet starts off the match against Gail. She begins to taunt Velvet before pushing her head. Velvet spears her and starts unloading on her until the ref grabs her off. While the ref tries to hold back Velvet, Gail manages to hit her with a cheap shot, taking control of the match with her partner.

"Come on Vel!" Melanie cheered on as she tried to fight back and overpower Gail.

She manages to fight back against Gail's headlock and drops her down with a facebuster. Velvet crawls over to Melanie as she gets the tag and the crowd cheers. She runs in the ring as Gail stands up and Brooke scrambles in the ring. Melanie double clotheslines them as they both roll out the ring.

"She's all over the place. Good grief!" Taz exclaimed as she jumped through the ropes and on top of them.

"Welcome back Melanie!" Mike laughed. 

She grins and gives him a high five before throwing Gail back in the ring. Gail scrambles to the turnbuckle, sitting down and tries to beg for mercy.

"That's not gonna work on me," Melanie shook her head, making her way to her. 

But then Gail pulls her forward and throws her face first into the turnbuckle. 

"Hard shot by Gail." Mike looked on and pinned her for a two count. 

"Are you serious?" Gail complained. 

She starts to take control of Melanie and then decides to pick her up to prepare for the eat defeat. Melanie manages to reverse it and gives her a backfire. She pins her but Brooke breaks it up.

"So close!" Taz exclaimed. 

Velvet runs and tackles Brooke down, and takes care of her outside the ring. 

Melanie decides to put Gail in the breakdown as she tries to break free. Gail manages to escape the hold by putting her foot on the rope. And near the end of the match, Melanie catches her in the backfire and pins her for the win.

"Here are your winners! Melanie and Velvet Sky!" Christy Hemme announced

Velvet goes into the ring to hug her as Chyna smiles and claps for them.


Later on the night, Melanie was backstage, near the entrance, waiting for her cue to interfere in Bully Ray's match against Samoa Joe. After a producer told her that it was her cue to go out, She ran down the ring, still in her AJ Styles shirt but her pants had been replaced with jeans. 

"Here comes Melanie!" Mike exclaimed as the crowd gave her a big pop.

She saw the ref down on the mat and Bully Ray hitting Samoa Joe with a chain off the ropes. She quickly motioned the ref to look at what Bully had done. The ref witnessed it and signaled for the bell to be rung while Melanie grinned in satisfaction. 

"What?" Bully Ray exclaimed. 

Earl Hebner (The ref) grabs the chain and shows it to Bully before throwing it back on the mat. Melanie looks amused at ringside but then Bully turns and glares at her while she gets in the ring. 

"Your winner by disqualification Samoa Joe." Christy Hemme announced.

"You..." Bully Ray growled at Melanie after pushing the ref down. 

He got right in her face but she stood her ground and narrowed her eyes. She would not be intimidated by him.

"What? Are you gonna do something?" She asked

"So, think you can come back and help your little friend out? AJ is going down and I am going to make you watch." He grabbed her arm. 

She manages to knee him in the stomach as he stumbles away from her. Brooke and Garett Bischoff, allies of Bully Ray and members of his team called 'Aces & Eights' quickly get in the ring. 

"Grab her!" He yelled as Melanie was grabbed by Garett. Bully grabbed her chin and forced her to face him. "You think you can assault me and get away with it little girl!? I should teach you a lesson about respect!"

"Screw you!" Melanie retorted.

All of a sudden, AJ runs down to the ring from the crowd and begins to unload on Bully as they roll out the ring. Melanie breaks free of Garett's hold as he turns his attention to AJ. Brooke tries to grab Melanie but she kicks her in the stomach as she stumbles to the turnbuckle. She starts unloading on her with punches before she throws Brooke out of the ring. The Philly Diva turns around and sees Garett back in the ring. She ducks his clothesline and AJ gets into the ring to clothesline him down.

AJ and Melanie glance at each other before striking Garett with a double dropkick as he falls out of the ring. Bully, Brooke and Garett scramble to the back. 

Standing in the ring, she turned around to face AJ. She smiled widely and jumped on him for a hug as the crowd cheered loudly when he hugged her back.

But then, security rushes down the ring as they quickly escape them and go into the crowd and celebrate with them. 

"Well, it seems the lone wolf and Melanie have reunited!" Mike exclaimed.

"Oh great..." Taz retorted. "AJ was supposed to be out of the building! Not inside the arena! Wasn't he escorted by Dixie?"

'Next week, Raw'

It was October 7th and Stephanie was in the ring while the crowd booed her loudly. 

"I bet you all miss your precious Morgan, am I right?" She asked as the crowd cheered for Morgan. 'We want Morgan' chants surround the arena. "No, you don't want Morgan."

The 'We want Morgan' chants get louder as Stephanie gets annoyed. 

"You want Morgan? Well, too bad, I terminated her contract and she will never ever be a part of the WWE again!"

"Stop!" A voice called out. 

Stephanie turned her attention to the stage to see a woman running down the ramp with a mic.

"Who is she?" Cole asked.

"Please. Please give my daughter her contract back." The woman got in the ring while the crowd cheered for her.

"Well, well, if it isn't Jane Lopez. Morgan's mother." Stephanie retorted

"Stephanie, my daughter shouldn't have done what she did. I believe she learned the consequences. Just please give her back her contract,"

She chuckled. "Well Jane, it seems that I can't do that. You know why? Because you raised a wild child!" She spat as the crowd booed and Jane looked down. "How dare you have your daughter put her hands on me? Haven't you taught your daughter some manners?"

"Yes, I have. Sometimes I agree with what my daughter has done to you. I saw how you treated her. She did not deserve that and neither did the Rhodes family." 

"I'm sorry, what did you just say? Do you think you can just come here and talk like that to me? I am Stephanie McMahon."

"Yes, we all know who you are. What we all don't like is your abuse of power." Jane remarked as the crowd cheered again. 

"Abuse of power?" She asked before slapping her down to the mat as Jane held her face in shock. She starts unloading on Jane and yelling "Where's your daughter now? Where's your daughter Jane? She's not here to rescue you!" 

"I cannot believe she just put her hands on Morgan's mother!" Cole exclaimed. 

Stephanie throws her out of the ring and a ref rushes down to help her 

"Morgan isn't going to stand for that." Cole guaranteed. "She isn't going to let Stephanie get away with this."

"I'm afraid for Stephanie's well being now," King added.

"Stephanie has a game plan. She knows what she is doing. Morgan is not a part of the WWE anymore." JBL reminded.


Eva Marie was walking around and saw Dean Ambrose and the rest of The Shield prepping

"Hi guys." She gave them a grin while the crowd gave her mixed reactions

The Shield look at her in confusion. Although they were intimidating, Eva didn't seem to be scared.

"Is she crazy?" JBL asked.

"Who knows," Cole said

"So...any word on Morgan coming back?" She asked as they stared at her, unamused. She could feel herself blush at their attention. Especially Dean's. She was loving it all. 

"Well...since she isn't on the WWE roster, I guess you need a new Shield's girl. I'm that girl for you. I can be The Shield's girl. First Lady, Harley Quinn, anything you want me to be. I'll do a better job than Morgan if you give me the chance. Think about it." She winked and walked away as The Shield glanced at each other.

"Is she serious?" Seth retorted while Roman shook his head. 


Offscreen, Jane walked backstage, talking with Stephanie who praised her for her efforts on working with her on the storyline.

"Jane?" Celeste grinned.

Jane turned around and her eyes lit up. "Celeste! It is so good to see you, sweetie." she hugged her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. 

"Nice promo out there. You were great."

"Why thank you, doll baby."

"Hi, Jane!" April grinned 

"April! So nice to see you, sweetie! How are you?"

"Great! We are so happy to have you here."

"I'm happy to be here too. It's so nice to be in the WWE." she said and turned to see Jon, Colby and Joe approaching them. "Jon!" 

"It's great to see you here," he smiled after she gave him a hug and kiss.

Jane looked at Colby. "Ah, so you're the prankster."

"Guilty as charged." Colby grinned. "It's nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too. Melanie has told me all about your prank war with her. I'm rooting for you. Don't tell Melanie."

"I won't. I can't wait till she comes back. I got a lot of pranks to pull on her."

Jane turned to Joe. "You must be Joe. Melanie has told me a lot about you too. It's nice to meet you. She tells me how understanding and patient you are with her."

"Melanie is the best. It's nice to meet you, too." he smiled.

'Thursday, TNA'

Melanie was managing AJ while he was in a handicap match with two members of Aces & Eights. Knux and Garett Bischoff were taking control of AJ while Bully Ray was at ringside, on commentary. 

"Come on AJ!" Melanie supported but he got butterfly suplexed by Garett. 

AJ starts to fight back and hits Garett with a spinning kick in the face. AJ manages to roll up Bischoff for the win but then Knux and Garett gang up on him until Bully Ray gets in the ring with a chain.

Melanie gets on the apron, about to get in the ring but Brooke runs down the ramp and grabs her leg to bring her down. She hits her head on the apron and holds her head while Bully hits AJ with a chain.

"Brooke making sure Melanie doesn't get in the ring," Mike said. "Bully is trying to make sure AJ doesn't make it to Bound For Glory." He continued after Bully Ray was done hitting him with a chain. 

AJ starts to get up and Bully Ray throws him over to the ramp as his theme comes on. 

The members of Aces & Eights taunt the crowd as Bully Ray trash talks AJ. 

"The last person you see will be me! The last voice you hear will be mine. I'm gonna take you out. I'm gonna bust you open AJ! I'm taking you away from here!" 

"Can AJ even make it to Bound For Glory?" Mike asked as they got off the air.

'Next Thursday'

Melanie was backstage with AJ Styles. She had just heard the news that Dixie Carter put a bounty on him for 50 grand. 

"Dude, they have a bounty on you! This is not cool." Melanie leaned on the wall.

"I got it handled," AJ reassured.

"You said that last week..." She rolled her eyes.

"We both got blindsided. It won't happen again. I'm going to go out there to respond to Dixie's bounty."

"Well, I'm coming with ya." she said and followed him when he started walking

'In the arena'

AJ and Melanie walk down the ring to his entrance theme. She walked in front of him and stopped at the end of the ramp as AJ stopped behind her. Once the song says 'Get ready to fly!' AJ removed his hood and did his taunt while Melanie did his taunt in front of him and kneeled a little. Melanie grinned and tagged some hands and AJ held the ropes for her to get in the ring. 

She got on the top rope and did AJ's taunt with her hands while wearing a pair of his trademark gloves. Once she got off, she stood next to him and they both had mics in their hands. 

"Dixie Carter, you reek of desperation. Are you kidding me? You want to put a bounty on my head and then give someone the opportunity to go to Bound for Glory if they take me out?" AJ exclaimed.

"Weak~." Melanie said and shook her head.

"I gotta tell ya, I'm flattered. I'm flattered because you know that I'm gonna win at Bound For Glory." AJ said as the crowd cheered. "You're scared to death, and you know when I win that World Heavyweight title at Bound For Glory, I am gonna make you pay."

'AJ' chanted surround the arena. 

"She really needs to get put in her place. And we all want to see AJ make Dixie pay, right?" Melanie asked as the crowd cheered.

"So all of you, who want to cash in on your bounty, I'm not gonna run, I'm not gonna hide, come and get paid." AJ dropped the mic.

"He's nuts. He's crazy." Taz exclaimed.

"Dude, you sure?" Melanie asked after dropping her mic and he nodded. She decided to leave the ring and let AJ handle his business. 

Moments later, backstage AJ was in the locker room and Melanie walked up to him. 

"What the hell!? What happened to you now?! I leave you for 30 minutes and you're banged up?" She exclaimed.

"I got ambushed. I'm fine. I got away." AJ responded.

"This is not friggin' cool! We gotta do something."

"Mel, just for now let's focus on the contract signing."

She sighed. "Fine. You win."


"What do you mean good? You don't always win." Melanie pushed him on the arm but then he winced in pain.

"Oh crap, I'm sorry!"

'In the ring'

"Ladies and gentlemen it happens this Sunday on PPV, The main event for Bound For Glory, in the presence of the President Dixie Carter, we will make it official. Here to do it are the combatants. Introducing first, the TNA World Heavyweight Champion, Bully Ray." Jeremy Borash said, standing with Dixie Carter and Security. 

One of them is holding the briefcase filled with 50 grand. With Brooke and Bully Ray already in the ring, AJ Styles and Melanie come out.

She walked in front of him and AJ stretched his arm. They stand at the end of the ring and do his taunt after they hear 'Get ready to fly.' Melanie jumped in the ring while AJ got in by the middle rope. She leaned on the ropes while AJ and Bully stood on the podium. 

"Gentlemen it happens this Sunday on PPV, the main event of Bound For Glory. We need now to make it official, the World Heavyweight Champion will go first, Bully Ray if you will please?" Jeremy asked.

'AJ' chants surrounded the arena while Bully signed the contract and grabbed the mic. 

"I did not waste any time signing that contract did I? I'm gonna make this real simple for you redneck. You can't beat me." 

Melanie rolled her eyes and Bully took his hat off and put it on Brooke's head. 

"You ain't got the brains in your head to beat me, you ain't got the passion in your heart to beat me and you ain't got the thunda' in your fists to beat me. I'll give you the microphone when I'm done!" Bully snapped at Jeremy, who wanted the mic back.

"Let me give you a little wrestling history lesson. In 1985, a man by the name of Ric Flair destroyed and took out 'The American dream' Dusty Rhodes. A month later Dusty Rhodes returned and told the world how Ric Flair had put him on hard times. How Ric Flair had put the wrestling industry on hard times. How Ric Flair had put the wrestling fans on hard times. How Ric Flair put Dusty Rhodes' family on hard times." Bully continued. "Fast forward almost 30 years later. Do you know who I am? I'm Bully Ray and for the past year and a half I have put the wrestling world on hard times. I started off with Jeff Hardy inside of a steel cage on Lockdown and became the World Heavyweight Champion. I defeated Sting at Slammiversary and made sure that he could never have a shot at the championship again."

Melanie sighed. She was getting bored as he rambled.

"I ran Chris Sabin back into your X Division. And make no mistake, I'm the guy that ran Hulk Hogan out of here and put him on hard times. What does this have to do with you? I can see the confusion in your eyes kid. In 3 days, at Bound For Glory, when I defeat you, I'm gonna put you on hard times. I'm gonna put your fans on hard times. I'm gonna put your little scank on hard times." he pointed at Melanie as the crowd booed him. 

She glared at him and was about to step up to him but AJ put his hand out and she stopped. 

"But most of all, I'm gonna put you on such hard times, that I'm gonna send you home a defeated man with no contract, with no championship and when you get back to that trailer park in Georgia, I wouldn't be shocked if your wife and 3 kids weren't there anymore. I'm the Darth Vader of the wrestling business. And you ain't no friggin' Luke SkyWalker"

Bully pushed the mic to AJ's chest.

"You know what, I can appreciate your little story, but let me remind you, you're no Ric Flair and I'm no Dusty Rhodes. That was in the past, we're in the future, kid," AJ said. "The fact that you can compare yourself to someone like Ric Flair just shows who you really are. And to disrespect Melanie just shows who you really are as well. Now it may be inappropriate, I may regret it tomorrow but let me tell these people who you are. You're no more than a big...dumb...bitch!" The crowd cheered as he pointed at Bully Ray. 

Melanie laughed and high fived him while Brooke dropped her jaw. Bully looked taken aback by his comment. 

"And you have no idea who you are getting in the ring with this Sunday. I have everything to lose and everything to gain. I have to win this Sunday. To make you beg." AJ pointed to Dixie. "To make you lose the World Heavyweight Title and everything that means to you." he pointed at Bully Ray. "I am the most dangerous, the most intense and the most desperate man you will ever get in the ring with. And I will beat you at Bound For Glory. And I will make you pay and be the next World Heavyweight Champion."

He signed the contract as Melanie patted his back.

"You know what Dixie? Hold up a second. I'm taking it back. I'm not putting my world title on the line. But what I am gonna do is cash in the 50Gs right now." Bully dropped the mic and threw the podium to AJ's chest as he grunted and stumbled back. 

Brooke takes Melanie out with a cheap shot while she is distracted by the fight. She starts stomping on her and waits for her to get up as she has Bully Ray's title in her hands.

"Oh no, she isn't about to hit Melanie with that title, is she?" Mike asked with worry.

Melanie stands up and Brooke runs towards her with the title. She ducks at the last second and strikes her a spinning kick in the face as Brooke stumbles out of the ring. Bully tries to hit AJ with his chain but AJ moves out of the way and grabs the briefcase out of one of the security guard's hands, hitting him with it as he stumbles out the ring. AJ opens the briefcase and Melanie helps him throw the money at Dixie. Melanie laughs at Dixie trying to collect the money on the mat. 

"You are looking at the new World Heavyweight champ. You might as well hand that over to me, right now!" AJ said to Bully as he stood in front of him by the ramp and raised up his title. "That is everything to me! That is gonna put food on my kids' table, that is everything to me." He pointed at the title.

"Can AJ close the deal? Can Styles gain the power and control of the champion? We'll find out on Sunday. You gotta join us at Bound For Glory." Mike said.


'Friday Night, at Melanie's parent's place.'

Melanie was with her Aunt Aria, watching Smackdown in the living room, on the couch. 

"Miss wrestling in that ring huh?" Aria grinned.

"Guilty as charged," Melanie admitted.

"Did you see Triple H getting knocked out?"

"Yes! Man, I wish I was there! WWE had to make me leave when the good parts happen."

Aria laughed. "The firecracker is on." She said as she and Melanie watched Eva Marie in a Shield attire

"Wow." Melanie chuckled. Eva strutted to where The Shield are. "Man...Jon looks so hot in his Shield attire..."

"He does look like he's been working out." Aria added. "I know you two miss each other."

"Oh, you don't even know."

"I'm afraid to ask what you two will do to each other once you take one glance at one another." she giggled and then they continued to watch Eva on screen.

"Hi, guys. So...I was wondering if you think I should be in The Shield. I need someone who is more fiercer right? Morgan really isn't the girl for you. And that is all she is. A girl. You need a woman. A woman who can be a true believer in The Shield. She was forced to believe and has been pretending to believe for months. It's time for a change. I am that change." Eva said as The Shield glanced at each other. "I guess you need more time to think about it. I'm always patient. Especially for you Dean. You know...Morgan has been playing you for a while. She's only with you because she is forced to. She wants to leave The Shield. She said it herself." 

"Hahah!" Melanie laughed.

"Dean...I think it's time for you to upgrade. To a real woman." She smirked as Ambrose gave her a blank stare. 

"Wow. Eva really wants Morgan to hurt her." Melanie chuckled.

"Are you two friends offscreen?" Aria asked.

"Yep. That's my girl, right there. Creative had some talks about her getting involved. You'll see more on it on Total Divas,"

Later in the night, Dean Ambrose was walking backstage and Eva Marie rushed to him and held on to his arm. 

"Hi, Dean!" Eva grinned.

Dean exhaled, looking annoyed. "Get off of me..." He retorted and pulled away.

"Of course Master J. Anything for you." Eva smiled while he walked away. 

"Ha! Hahahaha." Aria laughed as she fell off the couch, while Melanie dropped her jaw.

"This chick is crazy!" she laughed and clapped her hands. "That was gold. Gold! Eva is living up to her annoying character," 

Later, Melanie and Aria watched Alberto's in ring segment with Josh, and then Melanie's phone rang.

"Ooh." She grinned and answered it. "Hello?"

"Melanie! It's great to hear your voice. How are you?" Stephanie asked.

"I'm great. Watching Smackdown as we speak. How are you?"

"I'm well, thank you. So, I just got done talking to Creative. We want you back in the WWE to continue the storyline. We are ready for you to come back,"

Melanie gets up from the couch and does some silent Jumping ballet dance moves out of excitement.

"Great!" Melanie cheered.

"We'll go into more details when you come by on Monday. Keep it a low profile. Details will be sent to you shortly,"

"Awesome." she got off the phone and jumped up and down. "Yes! Yes! Yes! I can't wait to see everyone again!"

"All good things happen to those who wait," Aria smiled


'Sunday, TNA Bound For Glory'

Backstage, Melanie helped AJ put on his jacket. "You don't have to baby me, you know?" AJ said.

"Just like old times. I know you don't want me to interfere and this is my last night, but if I see anything going on, I'm coming down there. I really hope you win. You deserve it."

AJ smirked and hugged her tightly as he thanked her for everything and for sticking by him. 

"I'm sorry for everything," he said.

"I already said I forgive you. It's okay. We're okay. Now go out there and win that title." she grinned after he kissed her forehead.

Later on AJ's match against Bully Ray, Melanie watched backstage as Dixie Carter walked out. 

Dixie asks the security for a chair and they give it to her. But then she gives it to Bully Ray. But then AJ springboards on the ropes and kicks Bully in the head with it. AJ pins him but Dixie tries to intimidate the ref as Bully kicks out. 

Having enough, Melanie runs down the ring and goes to ringside as the crowd cheers. She watches in horror as AJ gets thrown onto the exposed boards of the ring while trying to do the piledriver on Bully. 

"What are you doing here!? Get back! Go backstage!" Brooke yelled at her, who was managing Bully Ray at ringside.

"Uh oh," Taz said as Melanie and Brooke walked over to each other. 

Brooke shoves her around but then Melanie spears her down and starts unloading on her. She then hits her with the backfire to take her out as the crowd cheers.

"Let's friggin' go!" Melanie shouted at the crowd

"Melanie! What are you doing?!" Dixie exclaimed but she ignored her and turned her attention to AJ.

"Come on AJ! No distractions! You can do it!" Melanie yelled as she saw him on the mat and Bully on the top rope. 

Bully hits an elbow on him and blows a kiss to Dixie while Melanie looks at him with disgust. 

"Yes!" Melanie cheered when AJ kicked out. She cringed when Bully hit him with a chair shot on the back and then he does it again. "AJ, come on! You've worked too hard to lose now!"

Bully positions AJ for the pile driver but AJ counters and kicks him on top of the head. 

"Yes! Keep going! You got this!" Melanie cheered. 

AJ grabs a chair and hits him with it.

"Knockout Blow," Mike said.

"No DQ and now it's backfiring on us. Dammit." Taz retorted.

AJ gets on the turnbuckle and points to Dixie and does the Spiral Tap on Bully. He pins him for the win.

"Yes! New champion!" Mike exclaimed.

Melanie jumped up and down and ran in the ring. She jumped on AJ as they hugged and celebrated

"This is a nightmare!" Taz exclaimed as the announcer announced that AJ was the new champion while Dixie got upset on the ramp.

After the show, Melanie breaks her Twitter silence with one tweet for her Morgan Lopez character that shooked the WWE Universe, '#WatchYourBack'


'Next week, Monday Night Raw October 21st 2013'

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have some interesting news. Morgan has finally broken her silence after being away from the WWE for weeks. She has tweeted '#WatchYourBack' and I wonder what she means." Cole saod.

"I don't know but I can't wait to find out." JBL grinned.

"Sounds threatening."

"You think Stephanie is worried?" King asked.

"She should be," JBL admitted.

Later in the ring, Stephanie and Triple H were doing a promo. 

"So, Morgan decided to tweet watch your back. Does she actually think I'm scared of her? I have way more power and I can have her arrested. No one can touch me. I mean, Morgan is the worst diva in WWE history! Who would want a diva who curses? Who would want a diva who slaps a boss? Who would want that? Who would want a diva to speak up for others and say everything that's on her mind? That's not a Divas Champion. A Diva's Champion is pure...strong... someone who stands out. Morgan is not that diva. And never will be. So tonight...I am stripping her of the title." Stephanie smirked as the crowd heavily booed. "No, no, no, I am doing you all a favor. This is best for business. So, do you want to see a new Divas Champion? Someone better than Morgan?"

The crowd chants 'No! No! No! No!'

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Stephanie grinned. 'We want Morgan' chants surround the arena. "Oh, you all don't mean that..." She waved them away while Triple H chuckled.

Suddenly, Brad Maddox quickly rushed down the ramp in panic and got in the ring as the crowd booed him. 

"Stephanie, Triple H, I am sorry to bother you­-" Maddox began.

"Give us one good reason why you just interrupted us." Triple H said, unamused.

"Um, w-we have a problem," Maddox said with nervousness.

"What?" Stephanie asked, not interested.

"M-­Morgan is in the building," Maddox announced to a big pop from the crowd as Stephanie's eyes widened.

"What!?" King screeched.

"Well, that sparked Stephanie's interest," Cole said.

"There is going to be hell to pay," JBL said in amusement as Stephanie and Triple H started to panic

The crowd was exploding when they heard that one of their favorite divas was back. 

"This crowd is electric!" Cole yelled. 

Stephanie reluctantly looked around the arena in shock, and worry. This can't be happening, right now. Triple H on the other hand, was livid.

"What the hell do you mean, she's in the building?!" He yelled at Maddox as he tried to explain. "How did she get in!? How did she get in the arena!? Where was the security!? I thought you said you had everything handled!"

"Sir, I tried to but somehow she found a way." Maddox tried to explain.

"Do you know what you have just done!?"

"Where are you, Morgan?! Come out here and show yourself! Where are you, in the crowd?! Backstage? Come out right now!" Stephanie yelled, trying to act tough. 

She had some backup, so she may be okay.

"Is she here? Is she really here?" Cole asked.

Morgan walked out on the stage, wearing black skinny jeans, black fingerless gloves and a black shirt with its sleeves cut up, as the crowd exploded. She smirked and put her hands on her hips.

"It's Morgan!" King screamed in a high pitched voice.

"Oh my!" Cole exclaimed. 

She had the Diva's Championship around her waist and her hair was back to its straight and curly style.

"How did she get the title!? Maddox! This all your fault!" Triple H yelled 

Morgan took the title off her waist and set it down. She started to take some steps down the ramp while Stephanie hid behind Triple H.

"Brad, do something! Do not let that woman in this ring!" she ordered as Brad reluctantly got out of the ring and walked up to Morgan.

"Stephanie isn't acting so tough now huh?" King taunted. 

"Agreed," Cole said.

"Morgan, I'm going to have to ask you to leave," Brad ordered.

"Okay. I will. Right after I take care of something." Morgan walked past him but then Maddox grabbed her arm. She turned around and kneed him in the balls. "Don't touch me." 

"This is what you get if you put your hands on Philly's diva." JBL said. 

She grabs Maddox and hits him with the backfire on the ramp as the crowd cheers. Triple H and Stephanie's eyes widen and they look at each other. Morgan turns her attention to the ring and fixes her gloves.

"She's ready to pulverize Stephanie for what she did to her mother." JBL added

"Here we go!" Cole shouted as she ran into the ring. 

She dodges Triple H and spears Stephanie as the crowd explodes. She starts unloading on her with punches while Stephanie starts screaming for dear life. 

"Look at those punches!" King exclaimed. 

Triple H grabs her off of her but she escapes his hold and smacks him right in the face as he stumbles back. She turns her attention back to Stephanie and runs after her but she runs out of the ring. The crowd boos

Stephanie as she runs up the ramp while Triple H follows her.

Morgan glared at them. "You will never get away with this!" She screamed.

"You're out of your mind!" Stephanie yelled as Triple H held her back. 

Morgan tried to calm herself down and ran her hands through her hair. She turned her attention to Brad Maddox and got out of the ring. She grabbed a chair as the crowd cheered.

"Uh oh." Cole looked on.

The Outspoken Diva pointed to Stephanie and walked to Brad Maddox who was still trying to recover from her earlier attack, at the end of the ramp. 

Angrily, Morgan hits him hard with the char.

"What a chair shot!" King exclaimed. 

She started hitting Maddox with the chair again and again and again, taking her frustration out on him. After she was done she threw the chair away and did her taunt with her right hand as her theme came on. 

"You are going down." The Philly Diva declared as the crowd backed her up, cheering loudly.

"Morgan has made her mark. She's back and back with a vengeance." JBL said

"Where is The Shield?! We need to do something!" Stephanie grabbed her husband by the suit, shaking him as he tried to calm her down.

"Calm down. We'll handle it." Triple H reassured

Fans tweet:

'Stephanie got her ass handed to her! #MorganIsBack'

'Yes! She's here! She's here! The Shield's girl is back! #MorganReturns'

'Haha! Stephanie is scared! #MorganIsComingForYou'


Melanie walked backstage and was attacked by hugs from the divas. 

"One at a time! Yikes! Don't squeeze me to death!" she laughed as she fell on the floor.

"I'm so happy you're back!" April gave her a big hug after the divas helped Melanie up.

"I'm happy to be back too." Melanie smiled. They all catch up she is told to go to Renee for an interview.

"Melanie! I missed you!" Renee smiled and hugged her.

"Hey! I missed you, too!" Melanie grinned. 

They got ready for the segment and waited until Raw came back from their commercial break.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, the returning, Morgan Lopez." Renee smiled and the camera revealed Morgan as the crowd cheered loudly for her. Morgan did the rock on sign to the camera before giving Renee a small smile. "First I would like to say, welcome back."

"Thanks," Morgan said. "It's good to be back. Especially with the fans cheering me on. I never heard them give me this much loudness, so it's pretty awesome."

Renee smiled. "So, how do you feel about Stephanie? We all saw the violent attack you did to her, Triple H and Brad Maddox. How are you feeling right now?"

"I'm pissed! Beyond pissed! It's one thing to torment me, but it's another to get my family involved. Especially when you put your hands on my mother. After what I did to Brad, just think of what I'm going to do to you, Stephanie. All I have to say is...Stephanie...I'm coming for you." she looked at the camera with a serious face and walked away.

After the segment, Melanie started walking to the diva's locker room. 

"Grapes!" Colby called out as she turned around and ran to give him a big hug as he spun her around.

"Colby! I missed you! What's up, man!?"

"So glad to have you back! Wait till you see the pranks I have for ya."

"Ooh, can't wait." She grinned but then squealed when she got bearhugged by Joe.

"There she is!" he cheered

"Joe!" she gets set down. 

After catching up, Melanie goes back to the diva's locker room to grab her bags. "Hey, Anyone seen Jon?"

"Yeah, he's already at the hotel. He's waiting for you." Nikki winked.

"We all know what that means." Trinity teased.

Melanie blushed. "Haha. Can't wait to see him."

Later, Melanie goes to her hotel room. When she opened the door, she saw rose petals all over the floor leaving a trail from the entrance to the bedroom with candles. She grinned and looked around to see the lights dimmed as well. Walking to the bedroom, she saw more rose petals and the bed sheets were red and satin.

"I need to leave more often if I get this type of treatment," she teased when her waist was grabbed from behind by Jon. "Damn, this is nice,"

"You're back..." He murmured in her ear. She turned around and pressed her lips against his, smooching him deeply before breaking apart. "I missed you."

"I missed you, too. What's all this." She looked around.

"Ah...decided to do something a little romantic. Hope I did okay. I'm not used to doing this stuff but you deserve it." He rubbed the back of his neck and smiled. 

She missed his cute little smiles when he always wanted to try something new.

"I love it!" She squealed when he picked her up and laid her on the bed.

"Glad to hear." He murmured against her neck before locking lips with her again. 

Melanie started to gain control of the kiss as her hands traveled down to his jeans. Before she could unzip them, he grabbed her hands and shook his head.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

As much as he wanted to get things heated quickly, he wanted to take his time and show her how much she meant to him. 

"I want this to be about you tonight. So just relax..." He put the covers over them as he began to kiss her again.

'WWE Main Event'

Stephanie and Triple H are in the ring. "As you can see, Stephanie and Triple H are in the ring. They decided to confront Morgan and her mother. I just hope this doesn't turn into a blood bath." Josh said.

Morgan and Jane walk out hand in hand as the crowd cheers for them. They tag some hands and walk in the ring.

"Well Morgan, I know that you want to settle this battle, and so do I. But, the board of directors has ordered a match for Hell in a cell. It will be you against AJ Lee for the Diva's Championship. If you win, I am forced to get in the ring with you and must leave you alone..." Stephanie said.

Morgan smirked. Stephanie had her hand out to shake her hand with her. She was about to shake it but got slapped by her as the crowd booed. 

Angry, Morgan was about to attack her but Jane stopped her and stepped in front of her.

"Sweetie, it's okay. I'll handle it." Jane said and turned to Stephanie but then turned back around and slapped Morgan as the crowd was shocked.

"What?!" Miz and Josh exclaim.

Morgan was stunned and looked at her mother. "What the hell? Why would you just slap­-" She began but got grabbed by Jane for the backfire as the crowd booed

"Jane just backfired her own daughter!?" Miz shouted as she shook hands with Stephanie.

"Welcome back Morgan!" Stephanie taunted and raised hands with Triple H and Jane. 

Triple H's theme came on while Morgan held her head and looked at them with confusion.

"Are you kidding me?" Miz asked.

"I'm so confused right now," Josh added.

"Was this a plan by Stephanie and Jane from the beginning?"

"What a swerve..."

'WWE Exclusive Video'

"What do you think of your mother's actions?" Renee asked.

"Well, she got brainwashed," Morgan declared. "Stephanie is deep in her head and that caused her to do what she did. It was a setup. Right now I'm not happy at all and I am pretty pissed off that my mom gave me a backfire but you know what? Stephanie started this and I will end it."


Melanie and Jane chat backstage. "Did I do that DBT right?" Jane asked.

Melanie laughed. "It's called a DDT."

"Oh! I have to remember that."

"Haha, you did it well. Even though it took us a while to try to do it." she giggled at the memory of her and Jon trying to teach Jane the DDT.


Jon watched in amusement, on the apron as Melanie and Jane were in the ring, hours before Raw. Melanie had on a sports bra and gray sweatpants. 

"Okay, you put me in this position..." Melanie began as she was in the backfire position in Jane's arms.

"Uh, I don't want to hurt you, sweetie," she said in a wary tone.

"Mom, I got this. Kick your leg out and drop me."

Jane obeyed and kicked her leg out to give her the backfire. Melanie dropped down the mat hard. 

"Oh my gosh! Sweetie are you okay?!" she freaked out when she got up and still saw she was on the mat.

Melanie got up, unharmed and chuckled. "I'm fine, mom,"

She sighed out of relief. "Great! How did I do?"

Jon and Melanie give her a thumbs up and she cheered



Morgan was backstage, primping as the crowd gave her a loud reception. Eva Marie walked over to her as the crowd booed her heavily. "Well, well, it's the so called Shield's girl."

Morgan rolled her eyes. "What do you want...?"

"I'm so sorry about your mom. Maybe it was for the best." she chuckled. "Never mind, I didn't come to say that to you. What I wanted to say was that...your spot is going to be taken by me. The Shield want me as their new Shield's girl."

Morgan scoffed and started to put on lip gloss. "Well, if you want to get your ass beat again, I have no problem doing that."

Eva Marie glared at her and slapped the lip gloss out of her hands as the crowd looked on with shock and said 'Oh!' 

Morgan exhaled, trying to maintain her patience and slowly turned to face her with a scowl.

"Oops, my hand moved on its own." she heard Eva mention.

"You know...I saw your little moments with my boys. Enjoy it while it lasts."

"Oh, I will. You know, Dean has been working out a lot. He even lets me feel his muscles."

"I don't know how many times it will take for you to get through that head of yours that Dean is mine and you should stop trying. You see, those." Morgan pointed at her chest. "Will not win you anything. This is why you can't be me. I don't flaunt my body around. And I don't rub every accomplishment in people's faces. You say that you are going to replace me but you can't. A, you don't that the heart that I have in the ring, B, you don't have the guts I have in the ring, and C... your jaw is messed up." She said before punching her straight in the face.

Eva held her mouth in shock as she fell on her butt. 

"Oops, my hand moved on its own. Joke's on you," she smirked and walked away while Eva continued to hold her face.

"Wow. Well, Morgan is in action next." Cole said as Smackdown went to a commercial break.

'In the ring'

AJ gave Morgan a spinning kick in the face as she fell face first on the mat. She then began to skip around in the ring.

"AJ and her skipping," Cole said. 

While AJ was taunting the crowd, Morgan got up and started giving her repeated clotheslines until and hit her with a dropkick. 

Morgan gets on the top rope and waits for AJ to get up to give her a crossbody.

"Beautiful move!" JBL complimented. 

She was about to pin her but then Jane runs down the ring as the crowd boos her.

"What is Jane doing here?" Cole asked with confusion.

"What are you doing here?" Morgan asked as she walked to the ropes and gave her mother her full attention.

"Is she trying to apologize?" JBL asked as Jane tried to plead for forgiveness. 

But then AJ grabbed Morgan for a roll up and won the match. 

"Here is your winner! AJ Lee!" Lilian announced.

"Are you kidding me!?" Morgan yelled at Jane who smiled innocently.

'Later on Smackdown'

The Shield guards the ring while Jane stands in the ring. The crowd booed her heavily for what she did to Morgan.

"Is that any way to treat a woman? To boo her? That is dis­re­spect­ful!" Jane exclaimed. 

"Disrespectful has become Jane's catchphrase as of late," Cole informed.

"I know you all want to know why I'm doing what I'm doing to my daughter. Well, my reason is that Stephanie is right. Morgan needs to respect her and Triple H. They were right about everything and I believe that this is best for business."

"Jane has become a puppet for Stephanie. She fed her lies." Cole said with disappointment.

"Enough! Stop with the best for business crap!" Morgan's voice was heard as she walked on the stage with a mic. The crowd erupted in cheers as she wore jeans and a Hounds of Justice shirt.

"Oh, sweetie! You're here! Great. Don't worry Shield, you can let my lovely daughter pass. We need to have a mother daughter talk."

Morgan walked down the ramp and stopped, looking at her team. 

"I wonder what The Shield thinks about all this." JBL said.

"I wonder what Ambrose thinks about this," Cole recalled as Ambrose and Morgan locked eyes.

"A lot of history between these two,"

"Um, hello? Morgan, get in the ring, please. Come to mommy!" Jane said impatiently

Morgan reluctantly walked past Ambrose and got in the ring. She looked at her mother in disappointment and shook her head. 

"Don't you dare shake your head at me? I did this out of love! Love!" Jane shouted

"Do you hear yourself right now? You've been brainwashed." Morgan stated.

"Brainwashed? Ha! I beg to differ." she scoffed.

"At Hell in a Cell, Morgan will take on AJ Lee and defend her Diva's Championship against her. If Morgan wins, she will continue her reign as champion and Stephanie McMahon will be forced into the ring with her and must leave Morgan alone. What a match that is going to be." JBL said.

"You see sweetie; Mommy did what she did because it was best for business," she informed her. Morgan laughed and she started to get upset. "Stop laughing! Don't laugh at your mother!"

"Oh my gosh! I cannot believe you got brainwashed! You got attacked by Stephanie and now you are aligning with her? Knee slapper! Knee slapper!" Morgan exclaimed as the crowd took over and chanted 'Knee slapper'

"Knee slapper? The only knee slapper I should have is how you have bad taste in men." Jane snapped.

That caught Dean's attention. His facial expression turned to confusion as Roman and Seth glanced at him. Then he slowly around, giving Jane a stare. 

"Uh oh," Cole murmured.

Morgan looked around. "Excuse me?"

"He is only going to break your heart. Don't pick the street dog. He is a bum. You shouldn't be with him, sweetie." Jane pointed at Dean as Morgan looked down and the crowd booed. "I mean, he's made you so violent over the months. I mean, what you did on Raw was uncalled for. Come back to Mommy, not The Shield. They are not good for you." 

That caught Seth and Roman's attention as they turned around. 

"Stephanie was right, you can be a wild child when you are with The Shield. From kicking people in the face to giving Brad Maddox those chair shots," she went on. "I mean, you have acted like Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins but not Roman and I do not want you to explore your beast mode. Those men are not a good influence on you. So please, do not go back to The Shield. Come back to mommy. Mommy knows best."

Jane smiled and had her arms out for a hug. The crowd chants 'No! No! No!' 

Morgan put the mic to her lips. "Mom. I love you and I always will no matter what. I'd never put my hands on you or even dare to call you a bad name." she decided to give her mom a big hug.

She then got out of the ring and started walking past The Shield but then stopped. " for my taste in men. I think my taste in men is just fine." 

She turned around and made her way to Ambrose. Grabbing him by the neck, she pulled him in for a heated kiss, making Jane drop her jaw. 

"Oh my God!" Cole exclaimed as the crowd cheered loudly. 

Dean and Morgan started making out as he slowly wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her close while her arms wrapped around his neck. 

"No! Get off of my daughter!" Jane shouted while Seth and Roman looked amused.

Morgan stopped the kiss and wiped the corner of her mouth with her right thumb before turning her attention to Jane. 

"Sorry Mom, but my relationship with Dean is justified." She said as her theme came on. 

Jane started freaking out in the ring while Morgan taunted the crowd and made her way up the ramp. Dean smirked and touched his lips

"I guess we got our answer that Morgan isn't going to stop hanging out with The Shield," JBL said.

"I still can't get over that kiss!" King exclaimed.

"Yeah. That kiss was Justified." Cole said with amusement.

Fans tweet:

'Hahah, Jane is a trip! #MommyKnowsBest'

'Jane is funny as heck! #Janepower'

'How dare Morgan make out with Dean in front of her mother like that? #Disrespectful'

'Kiss of the year! #TheJustifiedKiss'

'Lol, Morgan and Dean making out in front of Jane. #KneeSlapper'

'Morgan will find a way to her mother. #ComeToMommy'

'Backstage Fallout with Jane'

"How do you feel about your daughter and what she did?" The interviewer asked

"I am disgusted at how that street dog put his hands all over my daughter! Those hands were close to her behind! That is dis-re-spect-ful! My daughter will not be with that dog any longer. I'm making sure they don't stay together. My daughter deserves better. Much better. She needs an upgrade and Mommy will find her a real man. Ugh! I cannot believe my daughter would kiss that dog! And with the tongue! They were sucking each other's faces off! Disgusting! My daughter should not be kissing that way! Mommy knows best! Good day!" She walked away with a determined look.

After the cameraman stopped rolling, he looked shocked. 

"Your mother got some talent." He complimented as Melanie stood next to him and smiled.

"Yeah, she's always like this when it comes to wrestling. She'll be on full throttle and make sure that she does her best at all times."

"How did I do sweetie?" Jane asked, walking over to Melanie as the cameraman walked away.

"That was amazing. I did not know you could vent like that." 

"This is so fun! I love the WWE! I want to wrestle. Maybe I can be the New Shield girl,"

"Okay, you are pushing it." She laughed with her.


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1 year ago

Next Chapters!

Hi! I’ll see y’all next year in January 2024 for more uploads! So happy new year and have a safe new years! Super excited to be enjoying New Year’s in NYC this time! 😁 and I want to thank you all for checking out my stuff. Whenever it’s lurking, liking or reblogging, I appreciate you taking the time to give my creativity a chance as I put myself out there again for fanfiction 🙏🏾

The Bangtan Gal

Next Chapters!

And What If I Don't? (Out to dinner with her family, Jen is questioned about her personal life as a few family members want her to date someone within her race. But she questions what the problem is with not. JenKook spend a night in the dorm alone while the guys are out.) Major Jungkook fluff! Another one of my favorite chapters ❤️


BTS Now 2 (Jennie gets an allergic reaction to Pineapple as she teams with Hobi for BTS Now 2)

Our First Win (Jen joins V, Rap Monster and Jessi in an episode of Hello Counselor. BTS promote their new album and get their first set of wins)

He's Smitten (Jungkook’s white shirts go missing. Jen gets noticed by Baekhyun. Bam Bam finally meets Jennie at Dream concert. Jennie and Jungkook go against each other for dodgeball at school. Jennie checks out Jungkook’s English.) (GOT7’s BamBam fluff and major Jungkook fluff! One of my favorite chapters❤️)


Forced To Believe

Next Chapters!

This will be after I post the remaining 3 chapters from the previous post about upcoming chapters for Forced to Believe 💯

In Due Time (Morgan visits NXT to team with Bayley. Goldust continues to be an issue for Morgan. CM Punk is on The Shield's radar. Melanie and Jon spend Thanksgiving together with Melanie's family)


Trying To Gain Momentum (Morgan continues to have targets on her back while Punk butts heads with her)

The Slammy Awards (Melanie celebrates Jon's Birthday. Ambrose confronts Morgan on why she has been lying to him. Problems arise when Ambrose's attitude problems start to annoy Morgan and the rest of his teammates. CM Punk makes a shocking request at TLC)


That Was A Miracle (The Shield face CM Punk at TLC. Ambrose continues to be on thin ice with Morgan) (definitely one of my favorite chapters!!)


The Answer Is No (CM Punk continues to annoy Morgan with his ridiculous request. Morgan's rivalry with Tamina heats up again)


Tribute To The Troops (The Shield attend Tribute To The Troops as Morgan and Tamina continue to go at it)

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1 year ago

Forced To Believe Chapter 26- Revenge Is Sweet

Forced To Believe Chapter 26- Revenge Is Sweet

Chapter Summary: Eva and Morgan continue to have problems. The Wyatts begin to get into The Shield’s business. Morgan begins to be on Luke Harper’s radar

Words: 11,000+


Morgan was stretching her arms backstage as the crowd cheered. While the Philadelphian was stretching, The Shield walk over to her and she turned around. 

"Hey." She greeted.

"We wanted to wish you luck tonight. We hope you win." Roman said as she fist bumped him and Seth.

"Thanks guys." She smiled and met Dean's gaze. 

Seth and Roman got the memo and left to give them some time alone.

Dean wrapped his arms around her waist as she wrapped her arms around his back and rested her head on his chest. Once he released her, he kissed her

"Good luck in your match tonight." he smiled

"Thank you." 

'In the ring'

"This match is set for one fall and it is for the Divas Championship! Introducing first, the challenger, from Union City, New Jersey, AJ Lee!" Lilian announced as AJ skipped down the ring.

"The queen of Crazyville, AJ Lee, sets to take on Morgan," King said.

Morgan's theme came on as the crowd erupted in cheers. "And her opponent, she is the Divas Champion, from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Morgan!" Lilian announced. 

She walked out in her shield attire and grinned at the crowd. She twirled around while holding up the title.

"Oh, I love it when she twirls." King grinned.

"You say that every time she walks out." JBL retorted. 

She tagged some hands before getting in the ring. She got on the turnbuckle and raised up her title as does her taunt with her right hand. She lowered her right hand in front of her and did The Shield's pose before jumping off the turnbuckle.

Morgan looked at AJ leaning on the ropes before she gave her title to the ref. The ref raised the title and called for the bell. The two women circle around each other and lock up.

"The Shield will not be a part of the match up. If Morgan wins, she continues her reign as Divas champion-OH! What a shot by AJ." Cole exclaimed as AJ gave her a spinning kick in the face. She went for the pin but Morgan kicked out at two. "As I was saying, if Morgan wins this match, Stephanie will be forced in the ring with her and cannot force her into any more matches and she must leave her alone."

"We all know that Morgan wants to get her hands on Stephanie. After all she has done to her." King said

Later on in the match, AJ throws Morgan to the turnbuckle and starts unloading on her as the ref pushes her back. Morgan takes advantage and kicks her in the gut and grabs her for a butterfly DDT. She was about to pin her but then Stephanie runs down the ring as the crowd boos.

"What are you doing here?" Morgan asked angrily. She was pretty banged up by AJ's moves.

"I'm watching the match," Stephanie smirked. 

Morgan turns around and gets caught in the black widow.

"Morgan's caught!" Cole exclaimed.

"Tap out Morgan! Tap out!" Stephanie yelled. Morgan was about to tap but then Jane ran down the ring.

"What is Jane doing here?" Cole asked before she grabbed Stephanie by the hair and brought her down as the crowd cheered.

"What!?" King screeched.

"Tap! Tap!" AJ yelled as Morgan kneeled.

Jane turned her attention to Morgan. "Come on sweetie! You can do it!"

"Looks like Jane has been playing Stephanie all along," JBL said. 

Morgan fights out of the black widow as the crowd cheers. She rolls out the ring but then AJ starts to have a fit. She storms out of the ring and throws Morgan to the barricade.

"You are supposed to tap! That is supposed to be my championship! Mine!" AJ exclaimed before unloading on her.

"AJ! Get back in the ring! 4!" The ref continued to count. 

She picks Morgan up by the hair but then Morgan fights back and starts giving her punches to the face and throws her back in the ring. She hits her with some clotheslines before giving her a flying crossbody. She then picks her up and hits AJ with a knee to the gut and hits the backfire on her. She pins her for the win as the crowd cheers.

"Here is your winner! And still your Diva's Champion, Morgan!" Lilian announced as Morgan held her head and got her hand raised. 

Morgan grinned and taunted the crowd while Jane jumped up and down, cheering for her. 

"Stephanie has to get in the ring with Morgan," King exclaimed as Jane got into the ring to hug her daughter. 

Stephanie holds her head and is shocked at the outcome of the match while she is at ringside, on the floor. She gets up and starts to walk up the ramp but then Jane runs out of the ring as the crowd cheers. Jane grabs her and throws her in the ring as Stephanie is on her knees before Morgan. 

"Please! Don't do anything!" Stephanie begged and started apologizing as Jane got back in the ring.

"Look at her, trying to suck up. She brought this on herself." Cole said as King agreed. Morgan and Jane look at each other and then back at Stephanie. Then she watched as her mom started to attack Stephanie. "Look at Jane go!"

"That's Jane power right there," JBL said as Morgan looked amused.

After Jane was done, Morgan waits for Stephanie to get up to give her a clothesline. She picks her up and taunts the crowd before giving her a backfire. Morgan spins on her right knee before stopping herself in front of Stephanie's fallen body. 

"I know that had to feel good for Morgan and Jane." JBL added

"And the mother-daughter duo has gotten their revenge on Stephanie," Cole said as Morgan and Jane hugged again.

'WWE Exclusive Video'

Renee Young was with Morgan and Jane who were sitting on a crate, laughing at what they did to Stephanie. "Right now I am here with Morgan and Jane Lopez. I gotta say, what happened out there?" Renee grinned.

Morgan chuckled. "It was a plan all along. My mom fooled Stephanie. We made the plan."

"How'd you come up with it?"

"It wasn't hard. Stephanie seems to love to hurt me and do anything to get under my skin but in the end, she started it and I finished it."

"Yes, and I'm really happy this is all over and my daughter can finally continue her career without any more Stephanie drama." Jane smiled.

"We heard this will be your last night in the WWE. Will this be the last time we see Jane in the WWE?" Renee asked.

"No, she'll return one day. For now, she'll just keep supporting me from home." Morgan smiled. "I love you."

"Aw. I love you too," Jane smiled and hugged her

"Well, there you have it. Thanks for taking the time to talk with us." Renee smiled.

After the interview, Renee helped Melanie take a photo of her and Jane hugging and Melanie tweeted 'Stephanie got what she deserved. She will never break our #MotherDaughterBond #ILoveMom #MomsAreTough'

'Later on HIAC'

Melanie and Jane watch Jon's match against Ettore Ewen (Big E Langston). Melanie winced as she saw Jon's chin cut open and Ettore's eye cut. 

"Ooh. This match is getting real." She looked on in amazement.

"They are pretty talented," Jane commented. 

After Jon's match, Melanie decided to see how he was doing. She started walking to the doctor's office and saw cameras following her. She decided to get in character a little.

Once she went inside the office, she saw Dean sitting down. "Hey. Sorry, I wasn't there to support you." She gave him a small smile and sat next to him.

"It's no problem." He chuckled.

"How's your chin?"

"I've been through worse."

"I'll kiss it to make it better." She kissed his chin but then he yelled 'Ah!' "Oh my gosh, are you okay!? I'm sorry!"

He started laughing. "Just messing with you."

"Dean! That's not funny!" She slapped his arm.

"You fell for it." He chuckled and kissed her on the lips.

'After the show'

Melanie drove Jane to the airport. "Can't believe you're leaving." She frowned as she parked her rental car at the airport.

"Oh sweetie, I'll be cheering you on from home. Plus, your father and I need some loving."

"Oh no! Too much information!" Melanie exclaimed. Jane giggled as they both got out of the car. She grabbed Jane's bags from the trunk and hugged her. "I'm going to miss you."

"I'm going to miss you too sweetie. It was so nice being a part of the WWE for a while. I cannot wait to come back if they want me to. I have to go. Don't want to miss my flight. Love you!" She kissed her on the forehead.

"Love you too." Melanie gave her a sad smile and waved goodbye to her as she walked inside the airport.

'Next day, Raw'

The titantron showed The Shield on the screen. "Tonight could be the most important night in the history of The Shield. I'm being forced to defend my United States Championship against Big E Langston. If Big E has a stock, I'm buying it. He's a human bulldozer and I felt that last night." Dean pointed to his stitched up chin. "But make no mistake about it Big E. It was a privilege to give you a few minutes of my time at Hell in a cell, it was a privilege for you to share a ring with the United States champion Dean Ambrose."

"Last night, we made a mistake. We underestimated the potential of Big E Langston. But tonight we have an opportunity to rectify that mistake. Tonight guys, we get back to basics." Seth said.

"Look, I'm gonna defend my US title successfully, the only championship The Shield has left is the US title," Ambrose smirked. Morgan cleared her throat and The Shield turn their attention to her. He nodded. "Right." He said before looking at the camera again as Roman, Morgan, and Seth look at Dean as he continued to be cocky.

"How do you forget that?" Seth snapped. "She had one hell of a match last night "

"Seth, it's fine." Morgan touched his chest to calm him down.

"I am gonna get the job done like I always do 'cause I'm the United States champion," Dean went on as Morgan glanced at Seth and Roman giving Dean dirty looks. She was getting a little worried. "I am the baddest man alive. Believe that!"

After a long period of Roman looking at Dean, he turned his attention to the camera. "Believe in The Shield!"

'In The Ring'

After some back and forth action, Dean's match against Big E ended up as a DQ once Roman Reigns decided to pull the rope back, making Big E fall out of the ring. The Shield but Morgan jump Big E. Morgan gets in the ring but then the Usos run down the ring and start fighting Roman, Seth and Dean. They throw The Shield out the ring and Morgan looks at them as they turn their attention to her. They all turn their attention to the stage as Eva Marie walks down the ring in her wrestling attire and the crowd boos.

"It's Eva Marie!" Cole exclaimed. Eva smirks while Morgan has her arms out, waiting for her to come into the ring.

"Do something! I'm right here. What are you gonna do?" Morgan taunted as Eva got in the ring and got in each other's faces. 

The Shield, Usos and Big E look on intently, wondering if they should stop things or let them argue. Eva and Morgan start yelling at each other until Morgan shoves her face back. Eva turns around and tackles her down as the crowd cheers.

"Catfight!" King screamed in a high pitched voice.

"This is not a catfight; this is a brawl!" JBL exclaimed as both divas relentlessly hit on each other. 

The Shield quickly get in the ring to try to break it up. Morgan gets pulled off of Eva by Rollins and gets backed up into a corner by him, while Ambrose and Reigns help him hold her back.

"Get off of me! Get off!" Morgan yelled as she tried to break free of The Shield's hold. Eva was being held back by the Usos and Big E right across from her. "Seth! Back up! Get off of me!"

"Calm down, calm down." Rollins said in a calm tone.

"Wow, you don't see this every week. We should have this more often!" King looked on

"These two really hate each other," Cole said.

"Relax, Morgan, relax," Reigns added.

"Don't tell me to calm down! She needs to get her ass kicked!" Morgan yelled as she tried to squirm her way out of The Shield's hold. 

She manages to break free from their hold and run towards Eva. Eva escapes Big E and the Usos hold and spears Morgan to the mat and starts fighting her again.

"It's on!" Cole yelled.

"Woo Hoo!" King cheered

Eva managed to give her a couple of hard hits to the face until Morgan turned things around. Eva's hard hit managed to leave a red mark on Morgan's face. Seth grabs Morgan off of Eva and pushes her to the ropes and holds her tight while holding her and the ropes as she tries to break free. Meanwhile, Dean and Roman were arguing with Jey Uso and Big E.

"Control that ring rat of yours!" Dean yelled.

"We didn't know she was gonna come out!" Jey Uso shouted.

"Seth, get off of me!" Morgan yelled.

"Not until you calm down..." he responded. 

There was something about his calm voice that made her less angry. She gave up trying to break free of his hold while Eva Marie got out of the ring. Seth managed to get Morgan out of the ring but quickly grabbed her by the waist before she could run after Eva.

"This ends right here! Right now! Tonight! I'm gonna teach you a lesson!" Morgan yelled.

"Bring it on!" Eva yelled back. 

"Hang on! Hang on!" Brad Maddox said, walking on the stage. "Get those women calmed down!"

"Hey, Brad is back," JBL said. 

"We haven't seen him since Morgan gave him those chair shots," Cole reminded.

"I got a real simple solution. That match is now a 4 on 4 match. I want to see it right now." Brad said.

"What are you talking about?! I don't have to listen to you!" Seth yelled.

"Brad Maddox just ordered a 4 on 4 tag match. Divas vs. Divas. Superstars vs. Superstars." Cole announced.

"I like it!" JBL said as Raw went to a commercial break.

After the commercial break, Morgan watches as The Shield take control of an Uso. When the Uso fights back and hits Dean with a kick, Eva Marie shoots her hand out for a tag as the Uso looks at her. He decides to tag her in as the crowd boos. Eva blows Dean a kiss as Morgan shakes her head and gets tagged in by Ambrose.

They lock up and Morgan takes control and grabs her by the hair and throws her down. 

"Give her no mercy, Morgan!" Dean cheered on.

Eva stands up and elbows her in the midsection. She runs to the ropes but Morgan runs after her and when Eva turns around, Morgan gives her a knee to the gut.

"Nice!" Seth cheered

Morgan drops her down with a backbreaker. She drags Eva to the middle of the ring and is about to put her in the breakdown but Eva manages to grab the ropes. She gets dragged neck first to the middle rope by Eva as she holds her neck in pain. Eva takes advantage and pins her but Morgan kicks out at two. She starts to take control of Morgan and then taunts the crowd by flipping her hair and blowing kisses. 

While Eva is taunting the crowd, Morgan recovers and hits her with a clothesline and then dropkicks her. She was about to grab her for the backfire but Eva escapes and quickly tags in one of the Usos.

"Seriously?" Morgan retorted as an Uso got in the ring. 

Morgan tags in Seth. While they wrestle, Eva tries to distract Seth while Roman and Dean are wrestling Big E and the other Uso at ringside. 

Morgan gets in the ring. "Dude!" She called out before running to Seth. 

He caught her and spun her around as Morgan gave Eva a kick in the face as she fell off the apron.

"Wow, what a move!" King exclaimed as Seth set her down. 

Morgan gets out of the ring and puts her into the breakdown.

"They aren't even tagged in!" Cole exclaimed.

"Morgan wants to make her suffer." JBL looked on.

"Are you going to stay away from my boys!? Are you gonna stop messing with me!? Are you gonna stay away from my man!? Are you gonna mind your own friggin' business?!" Morgan leaned back as Eva yelled 'Okay!' and submitted.

Meanwhile, Seth brings his knees up when an Uso is about to do a splash and tags in Roman. They were about to double suplex him until the other Uso caught his brother and they hit them with a kick in the stomach. Morgan gets in the ring to help Roman as he leans on the middle rope, recovering from the Usos kick. Seth runs to the Usos but they duck and give him a kick, making him fall out of the ring. 

Morgan steps up to the Usos and gives them both slaps in the face which gets them angry. They look at each other and then at Morgan as her eyes widen.

"Grapes!" Roman yelled as she moved out of the way and he went on to spear the Usos.

"Oh! A double spear by Reigns!" Cole exclaimed as Reigns pinned one of the Usos for the win. "Distraction by Morgan gave Roman the advantage."

"Yeah!" Morgan exclaimed as she high fived Roman.

"The winners of this match, The Shield!" Justin announced as Dean gave Morgan her title while he had his title in his hands. 

Morgan turned her attention to Eva who was holding her right arm while standing up on the ramp and blew her a kiss.

'At the ending segment of Raw'

Morgan looked amused as Stephanie and Triple H walk down to the ring as The Shield got in the ring too. After Triple H's promo about Randy Orton, Orton gets in the ring. Stephanie was about to speak but she stopped when she heard the crowd chant 'Morgan got you'

Stephanie sighed and turned her attention to the Philly Diva. 

Morgan flashed her a grin. "Hey, how ya doing?"

Stephanie rolled her eyes and turned her attention back to the crowd. "Okay, so she beat me up. I'm still standing here. more important things. Randy Orton isn't just our champion, he is everyone's champion. Which specifically means, Randy Orton represents all of you. So I'm asking you to show the WWE Champion the respect he so richly deserves." She said before giving Orton the mic.

"Having this title, being WWE champion, makes me simply put, better than you," Orton said.

"Wow..." Morgan mouthed.

"Do you have something to say, Morgan? Cause I'm tired of you talking behind my back." Orton snapped.

Morgan got handed a mic and spoke as the crowd cheered for her, "Oh trust me, you do not want to hear what I have to say. And I don't talk behind your back. I say stuff to your face. Get your facts straight." 

Orton glared at her. But then, The Big Show's theme came on as the crowd exploded. 

"What!?" Cole asks. "Can it be "

"It better not be!" JBL exclaimed as the Big Show marched down the ring.

The Shield but Morgan run out of the ring to attack Big Show but then The Usos and Rhodes Brothers attack them. Morgan got out of the ring, running away from The Rhodes brothers and Usos.



The Shield are shown on the titantron. "Jimmy...Jey...I'm getting a little sick of ya." Dean said as The Shield agreed. "The Shield is getting a little tired of the Usos sticking their noses in our business. We've beaten you time and time again, we've proven you're not contenders, you're not threats. Ya'll just speed bumps and's no contest."

"It seems like they can't get the memo. Looks like we have to kick their butts once again." Morgan retorted.

"The Shield united. We can beat any tag team on planet Earth, we've proven it over and over and over, and tonight, we prove that the Usos are no exception." Seth said.

"I'm gonna speak up for The Shield right now." Dean began as Morgan and Seth turned to him while Roman glanced at him. Roman met Seth's and Morgan's eyes while Morgan shrugged at Roman. Rollins didn't look too pleased. "Tonight, the United States champion and Seth Rollins are gonna make sure that justice gets served."

"Believe in The Shield," Roman said to end the segment.

'In the ring'

Morgan and Roman manage Seth and Dean. Dean and Jimmy start the match. 

"Come on Dean," Seth said before Jimmy tagged in Jey and they did a double team move on him.

Dean fights back and tags in Rollins but Jey quickly takes control. Once Dean fights back and tags in Seth, Jey throws him to the turnbuckle and runs to him but Seth moves out of the way. 

"That's how you do it," Roman said once Seth began to get the upper hand.

"Yeah! Go, Seth!" Morgan cheered. 

Later, Jey was outside the ring after Dean threw him out. Roman was walking towards him until Big E's theme came on which made him upset.

"Are you kidding me!? No way! No way! He should not be here! Tell him to leave!" She argued with the ref.

"The Usos got themselves some back up," JBL looked on.

"Do what you want, step up." Big E said to Roman who is standing with Morgan and Seth.

"Get out of here!" Seth exclaimed.

Morgan started to get annoyed and was about to walk up to Big E to hit him but got grabbed by Seth. 

"Who do you think you are!?" she yelled.

"Looks like we have the guys all even. The Shield doesn't seem too happy." Cole said before Smackdown went on a commercial break. 

After the show comes back on, The Shield takes control of Jey.

"Justice!" Dean yelled on the apron as the crowd boos.

"Come on Uso! You can't handle the best! You can't handle the best." Seth got on the middle rope and jumped off of it but Jey counters and does a Samoan drop.

"You gotta get in. You gotta get in." Roman urged Dean as Morgan agreed. 

Jey tags in his brother while Seth tags in Dean.

"Tags are made. Jimmy Uso and Dean Ambrose." Cole said. 

Jimmy quickly takes control by doing his signature moves. He hits Dean with a kick in the face and pins him but then Seth breaks it up. Jey gets in the ring and gives Seth a spinbuster. Roman gets on the apron but the Usos hit him with a double kick. 

Morgan goes to help Seth and Roman but quickly moves out of the way as Jey dives on top of Roman and Seth outside the ring.

"Cannot catch a break," Morgan mumbled.

Meanwhile, in the ring, Jimmy pins Dean in a roll up for the win. 

"Here are your winners! Jimmy and Jey, The Usos." Lilian announced. 

Dean takes his frustration out on Jimmy and throws him out of the ring but gets clotheslined by Big E.

Morgan gets in the ring. "Hey! Put him down!" She exclaimed. Big E put him down and turned his attention to her. "This is all your fault! If you didn't come out here, we would have won!" she shoved him.

"I wouldn't do that Morgan," Cole warned. 

Morgan pushes him again and then slaps him in the face. She turns around but then the crowd cheers once Big E picks her up. 

"Big E isn't gonna stand for that." Cole looked on.

She tries to fight her way out of his arms but then Roman slides into the ring and hits Big E's leg as he kneels and drops her. Morgan crawls over to the turnbuckle and sits at the corner, recovering from what just happened. Roman rolled Dean out of harm's way and went to grab Morgan by her hands to pull her up to her feet.

"You all right?" He asked.

"Yeah, thanks." She responded but then Roman slowly turned around. 

He and Morgan turn their attention to Big E and The Usos across from them.

"Come on!" Big E provoked. "Come on!"

"Bring it on!" Roman yelled.

"Wait, wait, Roman, stop." Morgan grabbed his arm. "Don't do this right now. Hey!" she exclaimed as Roman tried to walk towards the three guys but Seth and Dean restrained him.

"Not today! Not today!" Seth tried to calm Roman down.

"I love it! Let him go, let him go! That's a big tough guy, Roman Reigns." JBL said while the crowd was loving it too.

"Morgan, Seth and Ambrose trying to be the voice of reason here," Cole said. 

The Shield get out of the ring as the crowd boos, wanting for Roman and Big E to go at it.

'Next week on WWE Main Event'

Tonight, Melanie was planning on dropping the Diva's Championship to April. She was excited to see what Creative had planned for her without the title.

In the ring, Morgan and AJ circle around each other. Morgan was set to defend her title against AJ in a lumberjill match. 

AJ and Morgan lock up but then AJ kicks her in the gut and throws her down on the mat as Morgan holds her head. She watches as AJ skips around the ring. 

"Mind games are being played," Miz said.

Morgan gets up and clotheslines her as the crowd cheers. She mocks AJ by skipping as the crowd laughs. AJ starts to get angry and runs to spear her but she moves out of the way while AJ runs into the ring post. Morgan starts to take control of her at the turnbuckle and then throws her out the ring. Later on, AJ starts to take control of Morgan and puts her in a headlock submission. 

"That champion is going to be mine title is going to come back into my arms. Where it belongs. Not with you." AJ said as she started to get angry and fights out of her hold.

Morgan gets on the apron, about to do a high risk move but Tamina grabs her legs and brings her down while AJ distracts the ref. 

"Oh! Tamina taking advantage of the distraction." Josh said. 

The face divas start to argue with the heel divas as AJ gets out of the ring and throws Morgan back in. She skips around before pinning her but Morgan kicks out at two. She puts Morgan in a camel clutch and the Philly Diva stands up. AJ wraps her legs around her stomach and holds her neck in a headlock. Morgan grabs her by the hair and throws her on the mat as AJ holds her back.

After AJ and Morgan give each other moves back and forth, AJ kicks her in the midsection and runs to the ropes to try to kick her again but Morgan ducks. She tries to kick AJ but she ducks and AJ gives her a spinning kick in the face as she falls on the mat. 

"What a kick by AJ." Josh exclaimed. 

AJ pins Morgan for a two count. Morgan gets up but then AJ gets on her back and tries to give her another submission. Morgan sighs out of frustration loudly. She backs up to a turnbuckle to get AJ off of her. She starts giving her clotheslines but then Tamina grabs her legs and brings her down. 

All the divas start to fight the heel divas as the crowd cheers. 

"And the divas go at it!" Josh yelled. 

Morgan gets on her knees but is hit by a shining wizard by AJ. She takes advantage and grabs Morgan into the Black Widow.

"Morgan's caught!" Miz exclaimed. Moments later, she was forced to tap.

"Here is your winner! And the new divas champion, AJ Lee." Lilian announced.

AJ let out a crazed laugh and grabbed the title, raising it up in the air.

Morgan held her arm and looked disappointed while AJ got out of the ring and was greeted by the heel divas. 

The Philly Diva glares at Tamina while getting helped by the face divas.

"Because of the distraction by Tamina, AJ is now the new Diva's champion," Miz looked on.

'WWE Exclusive Video'

Morgan is walking backstage, still disappointed in the match. She wiped the tears, threatening to fall from her eyes and saw Seth. 

"Come here." he wrapped her arms around her tightly, as she hugged him back.

"I feel like I let everybody down. I let The Shield down, I let Philly down, I let the divas division down, and I let the WWE Universe down." She said with disappointment.

"Hey." He sternly spoke as he released her. "You did not let anyone down. You tried your best. Let it motivate you to continue being the best diva you can be. You don't need the title to prove that you are worthy of being here." He reassured her with a smile and wiped her tears.

"Thank you, Seth. Really. Thank you for always being there,"


Morgan tweets 'Upset that I lost but that motivates me. I lost to the better woman. Congrats AJ. 116 days as Divas Champion. I'm proud of it and I hope I get a longer reign the next time I win the championship back.'

'Next Week, Monday Night Raw'

Orton was backstage in the medical room, being tended by a doctor. The doctor was putting ice on his shoulder. Orton had just been put into a table by the Big Show earlier this evening. 

The doctor tries to raise up his arm. "How does that feel?"

"How does it feel? You see what happened to me out there?" Randy retorted, still in a foul mood from getting his ass kicked.

The Shield but Morgan walk over to him. 

Dean puts his hand on the doctor's shoulder. "Peace out for a minute. Go take a walk." Dean gestured as the doctor left.

Seth stands next to Dean while Roman stands next to Seth. Morgan arrives and stands next to Roman but The Shield don't notice since they have their attention on Orton. 

"Sup man?" Seth greeted with a smile.

"What's up? What's up you say huh? Where the hell were you guys?" Orton asked. "Oh, I don't know about an hour ago? You know when I was in the ring getting my ass handed to me by the Big Show? Did you see what he did to me?"

"Champ..." Dean spoke

"Obviously not because you wasn't there " Orton vented on while Morgan stared at him with a confused expression. 

He was out of it. She couldn't believe how much whining he's been doing, blaming others for his problems. She rolled her eyes and ran a hand through her hair


"...You didn't come for my rescue like last week." Orton threw the pack of ice off his shoulder and started to get upset. "We beat his ass last week! And now I'm getting my ass chokeslammed through a table! Where were ya?! What Dean!?" 

"'s none of your business where we were."

"Look man...we don't work for Vickie, we don't work for Brad Maddox, we don't work for Kane," Seth added.

"And we damn sure don't work for you," Roman remarked.

"Yeah..." Morgan retorted as she crossed her arms and looked away from the guys. 

A pause occurred as the crowd cheered for Morgan. She noticed the silence and looked to see the guys looking at her.

"What? Why is everyone staring at me? Do I have something on my face? What? What did I do?" she looked down at her attire and sighed. "Okay, I look weird in a cowgirl attire, don't judge me. I was doing a photo shoot for Raw Country next week. So, you can stop looking." She waved them away. 

The staring began to be too much and she started to blush out of embarrassment. "Okay, awkward! I'm out of here. You, you and you." She pointed at Dean, then Seth and then Roman. "Handle this...big baby." She gestured to Orton and walked away.

Roman and Seth turn their attention back to Orton. Seth noticed Dean staring at Morgan walking away and nudged him as he quickly turned back to Orton, clearing his throat. 

"Feel better all right?" Seth said to Orton.

"Heal up," Dean said as they walked away, leaving Orton angry.

'Later, Backstage'

Morgan is walking backstage and gets stopped by Tamina and AJ. "Oh look, it's the bitch who decided to cost me my match on Main Event. What the hell do you want?" She snapped as Tamina was about to step up to her but AJ got in between the two. 

Morgan did not like Tamina. Not one bit. She wanted to grab her by the hair and bang her head to a wall. She was so angry at her for making her lose the Diva's Championship.

"No fighting. Anyway, hi Morgan! See this?" AJ showed her the title. "This is mine. And it's back where it belongs. To me."

"Woopy doo." Morgan retorted. "You only won that because of this chick, right here." She pointed at Tamina. 

It's been a while since Tamina and Morgan faced each other. Tamina was more intimidating than ever. Morgan was wondering how tough she had gotten in the ring. 

She was competition.

"Don't blame me, sweetie, you got distracted." Tamina looked amused.

", you think you can give me cheap shots and get away with it sweetie?"

"I know I can, sweetie." 

"Well let me tell you something..." Morgan got in her face as they glared at each other. "You better give it all you got, Snuka."

"Oh, I will and I am gonna hurt you so bad, you'll run back to that boyfriend of yours...who was it?" Tamina looked at AJ.

"Well, I don't know..."AJ grinned at her. 

AJ had a feeling another Shield member was getting a little too close with Morgan. She would have to keep a close eye on that for mind games in the future.

"Tamina, I may not be intimidating to you, but I'm gonna make sure you get your ass kicked," Morgan said.

"Oh really? By who? You're gonna make The Shield go after me like you always do?" Tamina asked

The Philly Diva smirked. "Nope. I'll show you on Raw Country. Just watch your back."

Morgan tweets, 'I'm getting sick of Tamina. She better #WatchHerBack on Raw Country. Things are going to get Morganized.'


'Next Week Raw'

Morgan was at ringside while she watched The Shield go at it with CM Punk and Daniel Bryan. She was back in her Shield attire and saw Punk and Dean starting the match. They lock up but Punk throws him to the ropes, only to be taken down by a shoulder tackle. Dean rolls his neck before running to the ropes, only to be kicked in the face by Punk. Punk tags in Daniel and they do a double suplex on Ambrose. 

"Let's go, Dean!" She cheered on.

Dean started to gain momentum by taking Daniel down and tagging in Seth. She winces as Seth is put into a submission by Daniel before tagging Punk back in, making Punk kick Seth in the chest. 

"Wonder what Morgan has planned tonight. The Authority is on vacation." King said as Roman got tagged in and took control of Punk. "I mean, she lost the championship and she's having problems with Tamina. What do you think is going through her mind right now?"

"Yeah!" She cheered as Roman double clotheslined Punk and Bryan. 

She loved the United Kingdom crowd. They were loud and entertaining to listen to.

"I think Morgan is just focusing on The Shield right now. She knows what she's going to do next week on Raw. I'm just curious about what she is going to do with Tamina. It's been a while since they faced each other. They both have improved so much over the months. It's going to be an interesting battle if they face each other in the ring soon." Cole said as Roman took control of Daniel and tagged in Seth.

Daniel manages to fight back and throw Seth and Roman out of the ring. He tags in Punk while Dean gets tagged in. Punk wears Ambrose down with some signature moves and the diving elbow. Punk pins him but Seth breaks up the pin.

"Phew. That was close. Seth look out!" Morgan warned but he got hit by Daniel's diving drop kick.

Seth falls out of the ring and Daniel dives out of the ring, almost throwing Seth into the crowd. As soon as Daniel gets up, he gets clotheslined by Reigns. 

"Almost took his head off!" Cole exclaimed as Morgan high fived Roman. 

The duo turns their attention to Punk, diving out of the ring, Morgan quickly moves out of the way as Punk attacks Roman.

"Bodies are flying everywhere," King exclaimed. 

Punk traps Dean in the anaconda device but then The Wyatt Family's intro comes on out of nowhere as the lights go out. The lights go back on to reveal, Seth and Morgan helping Dean up while they are in between Luke Harper & Erick Rowan and Punk & Bryan.

"Oh my god!" Cole exclaimed. 

Punk and Daniel's eyes widen while Morgan turns her attention to the big men. They were so scary looking. She slowly stands up with Seth and Dean. Bray Wyatt was outside the ring, and so was Roman. Punk pushes Seth while he and Morgan stumble into Luke Harper.

"Real mature." She glared at Punk and turned her attention to Luke. 

Seth was not happy when Luke pushed him out of the way. She could see Seth breathing heavily out of anger. This was not good. He and Luke faced each other while Seth started to point at him.

"I want them! I came to get them!" Luke pointed at Punk and Bryan. "I don't want you!"

"You put your hands on me!? Who do you think you are!? This is our match!" Seth yelled in his face as Luke showed off a wicked grin and nodded. "I don't know why you're here, what do you think you're doin' out here!? We had a match!"

"I came to get them! I came to get them!" Luke yelled in a hoarse voice. Dean pushed Seth back and tried to calm him down.

Morgan turned her attention to Luke. "Hey! Don't think you can just come here and interrupt The Shield's match!" She was about to hit him but he grabbed her forearm. She was taken aback at the sudden action.

Maybe she should have thought things through. She thought the Wyatts were here to pick a fight with The Shield. Maybe she should have listened to what they had to say.

"Oh no." JBL said. Morgan tried to pull her arm back but Luke wouldn't release her. He pulled her to him. "Morgan maybe should have kept herself out of this situation."

"I am not here to fight you!" Luke yelled in her face.


"I'm not here for you!"

"Then why are you here?!"

He had her forearm gripped pretty tight. There was no way she could escape. She was creeped out by Luke, especially with Erick standing there with that crazy looking mask on. It was like a horror movie. A horror movie she did not want to star in. The way they looked at her creeped her out as well but she saw that they did not want to hurt her.

"I came to get them!" Luke pointed at Punk and Daniel. 

Realization hit her. The Wyatts wanted Punk and Bryan. Dean and Seth saw she was grabbed by Luke and quickly came to her rescue. Morgan looked at them with worry. The last place she wanted to be was with a bunch of guys, wanting to rip each other's heads off.

"Get the hell off of her!" Dean and Seth yell while they grab her other arm and try to pull her to them. 

Luke grabbed Morgan to him as the crowd was loving it.

"Stop it! I'm not a toy!" Morgan exclaimed. The crowd was chanting 'Yes!' when Luke pulled her to him and 'No!' when Seth and Dean pulled her to themselves.

"Poor Morgan, she's being grabbed like a doll," King said.

"I don't want to die!" She yelled, being pulled back to Luke. "I don't want to die!" She got pulled back to The Shield.

"Wouldn't want to be in her shoes," JBL said.

"Stop! I'm only 26!" Morgan continued to yell as she got pulled back to Luke. "Don't rip me in half!"

She got pulled back to The Shield once again.

"I don't think Morgan would want to be in Morgan's shoes," Cole exclaimed.

"Get your freakin' hands off my girl!" Dean glared at Luke before Luke released her as she stumbled into Dean's arms. "You all right?"

"Yeah." She replied. 

Seth started arguing with Luke again before Dean and Morgan tried to push him back.

"Are you kidding me? You're gonna come here and you're gonna put your hands on The Thorn of Justice?" Seth pointed at her.

"He was trying to explain something to me! If you were just friggin' listen!" She tried to explain but then Dean got in Luke's face. "Would you guys calm down for a freakin' second?!"

"I don't even know who you are." Dean said in Luke's face while Seth got in his face as well. "But I'm not going to be nice to the people who touch what I know belongs to me. Touch her again, see what happens."

Morgan was about to give up trying to separate these guys. "This is such a guy thing..." She retorted. 

There was no way she could stop this fight if they wouldn't even listen to her.

Luke slaps Dean's hand off his chest. 

"Don't you touch me." Luke said. 

Erick starts to get provoked and turns his attention to Dean as they both get in each other's faces. The crowd starts to get hyped. Seth and Morgan tried to push back Dean as a shoving match started to occur.

"Dean, listen to me. Calm down okay?" Morgan got in front of him and put her hands on his cheeks.

"All right, all right." Dean said as Seth held him and Morgan released him. 

Dean and Luke turn around and back off.

"They aren't gonna do it they are!" Cole yelled as Dean and Luke turned back around and punched each other.

"Oh my god!" JBL exclaimed

"Woo hoo! Woo hoo!" King cheered as the crowd exploded in cheers.

Morgan face palms as Dean & Seth fight Luke & Erick. 

"For crying out loud!" She yelled, throwing her arms up in the air. She shook her head and leaned against a corner, crossing her arms. "This is ridiculous..."

"Haha, Morgan looks like she's saying 'Screw it, do what you want, I don't give a damn anymore, you won't listen to me. " JBL said.

While she was watching them fight, she couldn't help but feel a little angry inside. Just because she's a girl does not mean they shouldn't listen to her.

'At Ringside'

"Hey!" Roman yelled, getting Bray's attention. 

Bray takes his hat off as Roman walks up to him.

"Get yo' boys and that rose out of here." Bray pointed to the ring, looking at Seth, Dean and Morgan.

"Get their asses out!" Roman yelled. "I'm not gonna ask you again. Get their asses out." 

He grabs him by the shirt and shoves him back but then Bray hits him in the face and starts to fight in the ring.

"That is it! Enough!" Morgan screamed. 

Roman grabs Erick off of Seth as both teams regroup. The Shield were still trash talking to the Wyatts and Morgan started to get even more irritated. 

She turned to The Shield. "Calm down! Calm down, right now! Enough of this BS! Get your freaking act together!" She pointed at them. 

Morgan got so frustrated while she kept looking at The Shield and Wyatts argue back in forth that she decided to scream with her hands on her head. It got the Wyatts' attention. The crowd was cheering loudly once again. She removed her hands and was breathing heavily from the yelling and screaming. Some hair was on her face as well. She turns her attention to The Shield again and gives them a stern look.

"That scream. Morgan is angry." Cole exclaimed.

"You all just pissed me off! Every single one of you! Instead of fighting, why don't you three just listen?!" She yelled. The Shield was about to protest but she cut them off. "Get your damn act together. Do you hear me? I said do you hear me!?"

The Shield reluctantly stopped fighting with The Wyatts and obeyed her.

"I'm tired of this, think of a resolution instead of escalating the conflict!" She got in the middle of the two teams and had her arms out, trying to separate them while the crowd chanted 'This is awesome!'

"Enough is enough." She continued.

"Morgan, trying to be the voice of reason here," Cole observed.

"You are going to listen to me whether you like it or not, I will kick each and every one of you if you don't shut up and listen." Morgan looked at both teams. "Now, give them a chance to explain." She said to The Shield, calming down a little.

Bray started to agree. "The rose with thorns is right!" He yelled, still trying to keep his men in check.

She turned to Bray. "State your purpose here, without violence." She demanded. 

She was a little intimidated by the Wyatts since they were tall and looked disturbing but she had to be the peacemaker and listen to their side.

"We aren't the ones you want. I'm saying, we have a common enemy! We have a common enemy!" Bray yelled at The Shield and over the crowd cheering loudly. 

Realization hit the male members of The Shield as everyone in the ring turned their attention to Punk and Bryan.

"Uh oh." Cole said. 

The two teams get out of the ring and go after Punk and Daniel but they slide in the ring. The Wyatts and The Shield surround the ring and jump Punk and Bryan. The Usos, Goldust and Cody run into the ring and brawl with the Wyatts and Shield while Morgan watches from outside. Once

The Shield are thrown out of the ring, she rushes over to them as the faces stand tall in the ring. 

"A chaotic ending for Raw. Guys, the question is this though, what will happen when the Authority returns to Raw Country live from Nashville." Cole looked on

"I can't wait for next week. What a night." JBL exclaimed as Raw went off the air.

Morgan tweets 'Never again will I play #TugOfWar with The Shield and Wyatts.'

'Buying myself some lemons, halls and hot tea to soothe my throat. That screaming messed me up. #ScreamQueen!' Morgan also tweets.

'Tuesday morning, at Jon and Melanie's Hotel Room'

Melanie was asleep while Jon was getting ready to go to the gym. "Mel, you gotta get up," he said.

"Five more minutes..." She mumbled and put a pillow over her head.

"You said that 15 minutes ago."

"I'm tired..."

"Well...I had something to do with that." Jon smirked to himself, reminiscing on last night.

"Yeah, it's your fault."

"My fault? You were the reason."

She removed the pillow from her head and sat up with some covers covering her upper body.


"Because of that cowgirl outfit. You almost got me hard while we were working on screen." He confessed as Melanie started laughing. "Not funny."

"Haha, yes it is! Wow, that's a first. I'm taking a shower."

"Can I join?"

"Nope." She stuck her tongue at him and rushed to the bathroom.

"All right, and when you want it, I'll be waiting to hear you beg for it," Jon replied while he leaned on the bathroom door.

"Bluff!" she yelled from the bathroom as he chuckled. 

After Melanie was done, she put on green sweatpants, a black sports bra and a green sweat jacket over the sports bra with sneakers. "Ready?" She asked, while she put her hair in a ponytail.

"Yeah." he opened the door. "Ladies first."

"Such a sweetheart." she kissed him on the cheek and walked out the door. The couple hold hands while walking down the hall and after a few moments, they see Joe with a GameStop bag. "Oh my gosh, did you get COD Ghosts!?" She rushed up to him.

Joe chuckled and took the game out. "Hell yeah."

"Yeah!" Melanie high fived him. "I'm playing with you."

Melanie tweets 'Woo! WWERomanReigns got #CODGhosts today. #VideoGameMode #LetsPlay'

A fan asks 'Who's the better gamer WWEMorgan101? You or WWERomanReigns?'

'Lol, the one and only WWERomanReigns. #RomanIsABeast' Melanie replies.

'OMG! Thanks for replying to me! You are so cool!' the fan replies back.

'Aw, no problem. :)' Melanie replies to the fan.

A fan tweets 'I hope WWEMorgan101 gets another title shot.'

Melanie replies 'One day :)'

Another fan tweets 'Can I please get a retweet for my birthday?'

Melanie smiles and retweets and replies 'Happy birthday! Hope you have a rocking day :)'

The fan replies 'Thank you so much! You are the best! You made my day!'

Melanie tweets 'Going to the gym. #NoPainNoGain'

'To The Gym'

Melanie sees Colby chatting with Joe. "Yo dude." she grinned and hugged Colby.

"Aye, it's Melanie. What's up?" Colby asked while she stuck a piece of paper that said 'Kick me' on the back of his shirt.

"Oh nothing, just getting a kick out of you." she released him and kicked him in the leg.

"Ow! The hell was that for?" 

"Prank war is back on." 

He removed the paper from his back that said kick me. "Slick...don't worry, I'm going to get you back."

"I'll be waiting." She walked away and went to lift weights. 

Jon was sitting down on a bench, shirtless and sweating from his workout and watched her. 

A few minutes later, she caught him staring. "Take a picture, it'll last longer. Aren't you supposed to be working out?"

"I did, and I saw you staring at me."

"Oh yeah, seeing you sweating and shirtless, really turns me on." She joked again. "Now if you excuse me, I gotta work out."

"Well, let's just say, we're gonna have a workout the bedroom."

"Cute." She chuckled while he walked away. She set the weight down and saw Brie and Nikki walking over to her. "Hey!"

"Hey, Melanie. The girls are working out over there. Wanna join?" Brie smiled.

"Sure." she followed them and met up with Nattie, Eva Marie, Jojo, Trinity, Ariane, Celeste and Victoria. "What's up?"

The divas greet her. "How's the working out coming along?" Celeste asked, sweating from lifting weights.

"I can't do as many weights as you but I'm managing. You do inspire me to work out more."

Celeste smiled at her. "Aw, thanks."

After the divas stretch and do their workouts, they sit down on the floor and have their girl talk. While Melanie was chatting with the girls, Colby walked up behind her. He grabbed a long piece of her hair and she heard the sound of scissors. 

"What the­-" Melanie turned around and saw Colby smirking at her and holding up a piece of brown hair and scissors that he got from his gym bag. "Colby! You cut my hair!?"

He started laughing and Melanie began to chase him.

"It's a joke, it's fake!" he exclaimed and showed the fake hair with its tag.

"Colby, you jerk!" She slapped him on the arm as he laughed.

"Can't believe you fell for it." Celeste laughed. "Poor Melanie. I don't think you're on your game today."

'WWE Main Event'

Backstage, Dean finished taping up his hands. Morgan walked up behind him and covered his eyes. "Guess who?" 

"Hm...Chyna." He smiled.

She laughed and uncovered his eyes as he turned to her. "Cute. Ready for our match, tonight?"

"Born ready."

"Great. Now, let's go slowpoke!" She started walking but then he wrapped an arm around her shoulder and walked with her.

"Who you calling slow?" He smirked.

'To The Ring'








Dean and Morgan walk out. "This is a mixed tag team match scheduled for one fall, introducing first, representing The Shield, Dean Ambrose and Morgan Lopez!" Lilian announced. 

Once Dean and Morgan walk through the crowd, Morgan jumps in the ring and gets on the turnbuckle to do her taunt to the crowd.

"Let's go!" She yelled as the crowd cheered. 

She grins and lowers her hand down and does The Shield taunt before getting down. She decides to sit on the top turnbuckle while Dean stands in front of her, waiting for their opponents. She massages his shoulders while Dolph Ziggler and Alicia Fox get in the ring. She gets off the turnbuckle while Ambrose holds her from behind and starts whispering in her ear.

"Ambrose and Morgan talking strategy, coming up next, Morgan and Ambrose will face Dolph Ziggler and Alicia Fox, when we return to Main Event," Josh said.

'Ding Ding Ding'

"And here we go. The ladies will be starting this mixed tag match. Morgan Lopez, the first and only female member of The Shield and also the girlfriend of Dean Ambrose is ready to face the foxy Alicia Fox. These two have history together." Miz said as Josh agreed.

Morgan and Alicia circle around each other in the ring. Alicia puts her hands into a heart and smiles at her before breaking the heart and glaring at her. 

"Ooh, I'm so scared." Morgan retorted before they locked up. 

Alicia grabs her into a headlock.

"What should Morgan look out for while she is in the ring with Alicia?" Josh asked.

"Her legs. Alicia has improved a lot lately. She executes beautiful dropkicks and her scissors kick has gotten more deadly. I fear for Morgan's teeth tonight." Miz answered.

"Alicia takes control," Josh said as she took down Morgan with a clothesline. She goes for the pin but Morgan kicks out at 1. "I have to agree, Alicia's long legs give her an advantage but these two know each other well. They've had a wild rivalry that escalated to a WrestleMania match."

"Yes, and that match was awesome," Miz said. "These two hated each other. They had wild food fights and backstage attacks and brawls. Morgan was not the one to be attacked from behind and she loved getting the last laugh. She showed us." He continued. Alicia throws Morgan to the ropes and dropkicks her. "Beautiful dropkick by Alicia!"

Alicia puts her into a headlock but Morgan fights back and elbows her in the stomach. Morgan starts giving her clotheslines and then throws her to the ropes. Alicia ducks her spinning kick while she is running towards her and kicks her in the mouth as Morgan holds her mouth in pain while she is down on the mat. 

"Ouch...I hope Morgan didn't lose a tooth." Josh looked on and cringed.

"Every time Morgan wants to fight back, she can't because Alicia is always in control. She needs to dig down deep." Miz said.

"Come on, Morgan." Dean gripped the ropes. Alicia grabs her by the hair but she quickly counters and stands up. She hits Alicia in the stomach with her knee and gives her a DDT. "Atta girl."

She grabs Alicia and throws her to the turnbuckle. She runs and gives her a dropkick and Alicia slides down to the bottom turnbuckle. 

"Morgan's fighting back," Miz said as she hit Alicia with a running knee to the face.

She then grabs her legs while Alicia holds the middle ropes. Morgan pulls her up and slams her down while Alicia releases the ropes.

"Stay on her, Morg." Dean encouraged. "Don't let her go."

Alicia and Morgan were standing up and Alicia decided to punch her in the face. Morgan returns the punch and they start punching each other back and forth as the crowd cheers 'Yay!' for Morgan and 'Boo' for Alicia. They go to clothesline each other but end up clotheslining each other at the same time as they both fall on the mat.

Dean and Ziggler had their hands out for a tag. "Come on, baby," Dean exclaimed as he tried to encourage her to give him a tag. 

Morgan and Alicia manage to tag in their partners. Morgan slides out of the ring to recover. Later on, Morgan was back on the apron, watching Dean give Ziggler a knee to the midsection. He puts him on the middle rope near her and starts distracting the ref. Morgan takes advantage and gives Ziggler a kick in the face as he holds his face in agony.

"Ooh! Did you hear that?" Josh asked as the crowd reacted to the sound of the kick.

"She's dangerous like Ambrose. They were made for each other. That's one unpredictable pair." Miz said


Ziggler fights back and gives Dean 10 elbow drops before pinning him. Morgan gets in the ring and breaks up the pin.

"And Morgan saving the match," Josh said. 

The ref orders her to get back on the apron and she obeys. Alicia gets off her apron and walks over to her. She grabs her left leg and brings her down but Morgan lands on her feet. Alicia is about to clothesline her but she ducks and kicks her in the midsection. She then throws her to the barricade.

"Not today sweetie," Morgan said. 

She gets on the apron and gets a tag from Dean. They both give Dolph a double DDT while the ref was complaining. She gets out of the ring and throws Alicia back in the ring. She picks her up and gives her a backfire. She was about to pin her but stopped herself and looked at the turnbuckle. 

"What is she going to do here?" Josh asked as she got on top of the turnbuckle. Morgan executes a moonsault on Alicia as the crowd cheers. "Wow. Nice moonsault."



"3! Ring the bell!" The ref yelled as The Shield's theme came on.

"Here are your winners! Dean Ambrose and Morgan Lopez." Lilian announced. 

Morgan gets up and is picked up by Dean as she chuckles. She grins and caresses his face as she wraps her legs around his waist and gives him a long, passionate kiss.

"Guess they can't wait to get a room huh, Josh?" Miz asked as Josh chuckled.

"What a night it has been so far for Main Event." Josh said

Morgan tweets 'You can't run away from justice #JusticeHasBeenServedOnceAgain'

'Next Week, Hours Before Raw Country'

Melanie tweets 'Raw Country! Gonna party tonight! #CowGirlStyle'

Melanie and Sarona (Tamina Snuka) were in the ring. Melanie had a chair in her hands. "Okay, so, hit her like this." Melanie motioned her chair gently to Tamina's back as Stephanie nodded. They were making sure they had everything handled for tonight's diva fight. Melanie and Sarona were both used to being hit with chairs since they'd been practicing all evening.

"Hey, can we practice the part when you push me?" She asked as Sarona nodded and smiled. 

Sarona was one of the coolest people she had worked with. She loved her strength in the ring and can't wait to wrestle her again soon. She was so talented in the ring. It was an honor working with Jimmy Snuka's daughter.

'Backstage, Raw Country'

All members of The Shield and Orton were in a locker room, looking at the TV. Morgan had on the same cowgirl outfit she had worn for her photoshoot. Dean was smirking at the TV, watching Big E celebrate with the fans after his win against Curtis Axel. He had just won the Intercontinental Championship. Morgan showed a small smile. She was happy for Big E.

Orton turned his attention to The Shield. Morgan had her arms crossed and was standing next to Roman at the end but the camera didn't show her yet. 

"So tonight we have a new IC champion. Let's just hope that on Survivor Series, there is not a new WWE champion. Now I talked to the Authority. We're all on the same page and we have an understanding. You, The Shield, will have my back." Orton said.

"If that's what the Authority wants, that's what they'll get. But if we have your back, you better have ours." Roman replied.

Morgan cleared her throat as the camera revealed her with The Shield and Orton. She unfolded her arms. "As long as you don't whine like a big baby, we'll have your back. Excuse me." She retorted and left while Randy and The Shield watched her walk away.

Orton sighed. "You need to control her."

"S-­" Dean began but Seth cut him off.

"She's fine just the way she is," Seth spoke up as Dean and Roman looked at him and then agreed. "And if you weren't so cruel to her, and apologize to her, she wouldn't be acting this way towards you." 

Randy knew Seth was right as put his championship onto his shoulder. "I'll talk to her...soon."

'WWE Tout'

WWE decided to let WWE post a tout video of Morgan. "What's up Morganteers? It's The Shield's girl. Morgan Lopez. I just wanted to say that I hope Tamina watches her back tonight. She'll never know what hit her." She winked and walked away.

'Ooh, Musical chairs. My kind of game but without the musical part. #Chairs #TimeForSomeExtremeMeasures' Morgan tweets.

'In The Ring'

The Bella twins theme faded in the arena after they got in the ring. "And last but certainly not least, please welcome, Morgan Lopez!" King exclaims in the ring. 

The Bellas, Jojo, Eva Marie, Summer Rae, Cameron, Naomi, Rosa, Kaitlyn, Alicia Fox, Tamina, and Aksana were already in the ring, in their cowgirl outfits.

'I've had enough, I'm taking you down'

The crowd cheers loudly when Morgan walks out on the ramp with a grin and twirls around while doing her taunt. She starts walking down the ramp. Every time Morgan gets in the arena and hears the fans cheering for her, she can't help but feel blessed. If it wasn't for the fans, she wouldn't be in the WWE right now. She was grateful for everything she had accomplished so far. 

"Morgan seems to be in a good mood tonight." Cole said, looking at her grinning and tagging the hands of some fans. 

She walks on the steps and gets in the ring by the middle rope. She gets on the turnbuckle and gets on the turnbuckle and does her taunt.

"Let's go~!" She yelled as the crowd cheered. She lowers her hand down in front of her, to do The Shield's taunt before opening her hand, making an explosion gesture with her hand. She jumps off the turnbuckle and gets ready. Tamina glares at her while Morgan smiles at her and waves. "Hey, how ya doing?"

"Hey, Morgan, can I see another twirl? Just one more." King asked.

"Sure." She smiled at him and twirled around again. Alicia, Aksana, Summer Rae and Tamina start hating while Morgan looked amused.

"Thank you. I love it when you twirl."

"Yes, you told me that 8,000 times already."

"Sorry. Well ladies and gentlemen, tonight on Raw Country, we're gonna have ourselves a special little game of musical chairs." King announced as the crowd cheered. The chairs were already set up in the middle of the ring. "It's gonna feature all the divas, the divas from the reality show and the other divas who didn't make it." he continued as the non total divas started to roll their eyes.

"Haters..." Nikki said as Brie agreed.

"Ladies, let's get this game going!" King exclaimed. 

The music starts playing but some of the divas start to argue and not move.

"Um, are we gonna move?" Morgan asked. None of the divas were walking around. "M.O.V.E!"

"Who are you yelling at?" Alicia snapped.

"Hello!? Go! March!" she snapped back. 

The divas start to slowly move but then the music stops. Morgan quickly sat down, next to Kaitlyn while Natalya was left standing. Natalya looks disappointed and Alicia starts waving goodbye.

"Okay, let's start the music again," King said as Natalya got out of the ring. 

The divas stand up while one chair is taken away. The divas start walking around again. The music quickly stops and everyone sits down. Alicia got bumped by Naomi's butt when they were both going for the same chair. Alicia was the only one not sitting down while Morgan was sitting next to Summer Rae.

"Snooze you lose," Morgan said to Alicia as the divas waved bye to her. 

The music starts again but then the divas start pushing each other. Morgan decided to remove herself from the conflict.

"Hey, hey ladies." King tried to calm everything down. "Y­-you gotta keep walking."

The music stops and Nikki pushes Kaitlyn out of her seat and a fight breaks out. All the chairs were scattered around but just one. Morgan looks around and rushes towards the chair to sit on it as the crowd cheers. She crosses her legs and looks at her nails. 

"We have a winner!" King announced

All the divas look at her. Feeling the attention, Morgan looked up.

"What?" she asked. 

Tamina steps up to her and pushes her as she falls backward off her chair. 

'Oh!' The crowd exclaimed.

"Jeesh!" Cole shouted. 

The non total divas but Kaitlyn started laughing at Morgan and that was when the Total Divas attacked the non total divas.

"Now you've done it." Morgan stood up 

"Musical chairs has broken down." Cole said. "Divas everywhere. Get out of there King."

Tamina starts fighting with Natalya and takes her down. Morgan grabs a chair and waits for Tamina to turn around. Once she does, the crowd 'Ohs' when Morgan whacks her with it in the face while the Total Divas are throwing out the Non Total Divas. Tamina stumbles and turns around as Morgan whacks her back. 

"She just hit Tamina with a chair!" Cole shouted.

"I don't think Morgan cares," JBL said. 

Morgan drops the chair and hits the backfire on Tamina, on the chair as the crowd cheers. The Non Total Divas drag Tamina out of the ring as she holds her head and glares at Morgan. 

The Total Divas Theme, 'Top of The World' comes on as the Total Divas stand tall in the ring.

" may wanna ice that." Morgan chuckled at Tamina and tapped her head.

"This isn't over!" Tamina yelled.

"You started it! I'm gonna finish it!" Morgan yelled back

Fans Tweet, 

'This segment sucked until Morgan hit Tamina with a chair. Highlight of the segment!'

'Worst diva segment ever until Morgan grabbed a chair.'

'Pointless segment until Morgan proved me wrong.'

Morgan tweets 'That looked and sounded like those chair shots hurt TaminaSnuka #ThatsWhatYouGet #NeverMessWithTheThornOfJustice'

'Later on Raw'








The Shield walk through the crowd while Morgan had on her Shield attire. She smiles at the crowd and tags some of their hands while Justin Roberts introduces them. 

"It was a year ago at Survivor Series when all 4 members of The Shield debuted." Cole said as they jumped over the barricade and regrouped in front of the announce table.

All of a sudden, the Wyatt family's intro came on. 

'We're here'

Morgan watches the Wyatt family slowly walk down the ramp. 

"This is going to be interesting." She mumbled with her arms crossed as the lights came back on. 

She could hear Bray chuckling as the Wyatt family walked over to The Shield. It was so creepy. That chuckle was disturbing. 

The Wyatts meet up with The Shield as both teams stare each other down. The Wyatts looked away to get on the apron but Morgan noticed that Luke Harper was looking at her longer, than the other members, which made her ponder.

'Ding Ding Ding'

"Let's go baby!" She cheered for Dean. He was starting the match against Jimmy Uso. Moments later, Jey and Roman Reigns take on each other. Then, the faces take control of Roman. "Come on Roman!"

The Shield start making quick tags until Luke decided to tag himself in by tapping Seth on the back. Luke gets off the apron to face one of the Usos that was hurt outside the ring. 

"What's your problem, huh?" Seth shouted as he got out of the ring.

"Stop. Don't." Morgan held him back.

"We're a team here," Luke said.

"I agree!" Morgan nodded and tried to reason but then Roman and Dean helped her hold back Seth as the Wyatt family came to Luke's aid. They all started arguing while Morgan rolled her eyes. "Forget it...I'm not wasting my breath anymore."

The crowd chants 'Fight' as the argument starts to escalate. The ref breaks it up and the crowd boos once Luke gets in the ring. 

"Are we going to hear Morgan scream again? Last week was hilarious." JBL said

"I hope not." Cole replied. "I brought my earplugs just in case."


Daniel Bryan tries to make a tag to one of his teammates since he was beaten down by The Shield and Wyatts tagging back and forth. Seth, Roman and the Wyatts get in the ring and knock down their opponents off the apron. Morgan starts laughing at the opposing team until Goldust stands up and turns his attention to her, walking over her way.

"What? What are you gonna do?" She asked with a smug look. Goldust takes a deep breath and breathes in her face as she stumbles back. She automatically got creeped out. "Back off! What is up with me and mad men this month?" She exclaimed as the crowd laughed.

"Uh oh." JBL said as she backed away from Goldust and started to get chased by him. The Shield try to come to her rescue but Punk and the Usos take them down. 

Luke gets out of the ring and stands near the announce table, watching Morgan getting chased

"Get him away from me!" She shrieked as the crowd was enjoying the sight

"Run Morgan! Run!" King cheered on. 

She trips and falls near Luke as Goldust starts to stalk over to her. He does his deep breath taunt as she scrambles back.

"Get away from me!" She yelled. 

Goldust looked amused until Luke came out of nowhere with a running clothesline.

"What a clothesline!" Cole exclaimed. 

Morgan's eyes widen and snaps her head to Luke who has his attention on Goldust. Luke slowly turns to her and stares.

"He just saved Morgan." JBL looked on.

"Why would a member of The Wyatt family want to save a member of The Shield?" Cole asked as Luke had his hand out. 

Morgan reluctantly takes it as he helps her up.

"Are you all right?" He asked in his hoarse voice.

"Yeah. Why'd you save me?" She asked.

"I don't know." He vaguely replied and turned his attention back to the match, leaving Morgan in wonder.

Near the end of the match, CM Punk gets tagged in and cleans house. 

"Here we go! Air Punk!" JBL exclaimed as Punk hit Ambrose with a diving elbow. 

He puts Dean in the GTS position but he escapes it. Bray Wyatt distracts Punk and that allows Dean to grab him from behind. Punk counters Dean's attack and puts him in the Anaconda Vice. Luke and Erick break the submission up but then the Usos throw them out of the ring and hit them with a dive outside the ring.

Dean and Punk get up and bump backs. They quickly turn around and Punk sets him up for the GTS once again before Dean escapes it and hits his finisher on him. 

"Yes! Pin him!" Morgan cheered. Dean goes for the pin but Goldust breaks it up. "Are you kidding me!?"

As soon as Goldust stands up and turns around, he gets speared by Roman. 

"Spear!" Cole exclaimed. 

Cody gets in the ring and hits Roman with the Cross Rhodes. Seth gets in the ring and attacks him with a powerbomb on the turnbuckle. Then Punk and Daniel do a double team move on Seth and throw him out of the ring. And then, Punk hits the GTS on Dean for the win.

"The winner of this match, Jimmy and Jey Uso, Cody Rhodes, Goldust, Daniel Bryan and CM Punk." Justin announced.

Fans tweet:

'Morgan has been attracting some weird guys lately. Lol.'

'Lol, Goldust chasing Morgan. #RunMorganRun'

'Yikes! Luke saving Morgan? Something is not right.'

'Awesome save by Luke for Morgan.'

Morgan tweets 'This is interesting. So, I guess I attract weird, disturbing, crazy, bizarre and eccentric men now. #IAmAttractingMadMen #IDigMadMen'


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1 year ago

Forced To Believe Chapter 27- Total Divas Season 1 Episode 8

Forced To Believe Chapter 27- Total Divas Season 1 Episode 8

Chapter Summary: Melanie gets upset with Jon when he misses their dinner. Melanie attends Nattie and TJ's wedding

Words: 2,000+

----- 'To Melanie and Jon's hotel room on Tuesday, in the afternoon'

Melanie was doing her hair, in casual clothing, already in the bedroom and Jon walked in. 

"Hey, I was wondering if we could hang out here, alone tonight. Eat in and have a romantic dinner." Jon smiled.

"Really? Wow, that sounds awesome." Melanie beamed.

Melanie (This is really unexpected. We really haven't been on a lot of romantic dates lately because of our schedules but I'm really happy that he decided to do this for me. So, while Jon was out, doing some errands, I decided to go food shopping. Since he likes pecan pie, I wanted to buy a premade one that I could heat in the oven.)

'Later on, at 9o'clock'

Melanie sets up the table and lights a candle in the middle of the table. She then checks on the food. She made steak and also had a bottle of wine for them. After she was done preparing the food, she got her hair done and put on a nice red dress.

Minutes later, she tried to call Jon but he wouldn't answer.

"Oookaayy..." She decided to watch TV and wait for him. 

Hours later, she was on the couch waking up after falling asleep. She looked at the clock and it read 12. "Are you serious right now?"

Melanie ( can't spend one night with your girlfriend instead of hanging with the guys? I know for a fact he did. How can you forget our date? I'm like so upset right now)

She decided to put the food up and watch TV, on the couch. When it was 2'o clock, Jon walked into the hotel room. 

"What's up? Why are you looking mad?" Jon asked, taking his leather jacket off,

"Oh, I don't know...forgetting a romantic dinner which I cooked." She retorted, glaring at him.

", I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry? Saying I'm sorry isn't going to fix anything!"


"How could you forget? We've both been talking about this. It was your damn idea!"

"Well, maybe I don't think I'm good enough for you." He countered.

"What? Are you serious? Are you serious?"

Melanie (Bullshit! You are not going to play the victim and play the pity game on me. That's not cool. No, don't do that. We had this talk about this before. Enough already)

"Don't try to put this on you and be the victim. Don't because it's not gonna work. Gosh, I just wish you would at least spend some time with your girlfriend. At least an hour or two. Is that too much to ask? Just us. Alone, with no interruptions, and chilling at home. You holding me and telling me you love me. Do you love me?"

"You know I do."

"Then prove it. Show me. Don't ditch me like that if you say you want to make plans with me and not show up." She stands up as he walks over to her.

"Baby­-" He reached out to grab her arm but she pushed him away.

"Do not touch me. And don't even speak to me. Please. I'm not happy." She went to the kitchen and started doing the dishes.

Melanie (I am pissed. Beyond pissed!)

"You got me waiting for you, all fucking night, but you were hanging with the guys. Are you kidding me? What was the point of you saying you wanted a romantic dinner with me?" She snapped. "I know I'm nice and all but I'm not gonna be played like that. No freaking way..." 

Jon walked behind her and held her. He rested his head on her left shoulder. "I'm sorry..."


"Mel, I really am. Let me make it up to you." He started to kiss her neck.

Melanie (Really? Really!? That really got me angry...)

She pushed him away and turned around, slapping him in the face.

"What the fuck was that for?" He exclaimed, rubbing the side of his face in surprise.

"For being an asshole! Are you fucking kidding me!? You are gonna try to have makeup sex with me to get yourself off the hook? Hell to the fucking no!" She yelled as her face started to flush from anger. "I hope you aren't thinking about sleeping in bed with me tonight, cause your ass is sleeping on the couch." She walked past him and slammed the bedroom door.

Melanie (I feel so stupid...)

'On Thursday, hours before WWE Superstars'

Ariane, Eva Marie, Trinity and Melanie were chatting backstage. 

"What's up, girl? You seem pretty pissed." Trinity said to Melanie.

Melanie sighed. "Jon wanted to have a romantic dinner with me, so I was like, that'll be awesome, I'll go shopping and cook for us. I cooked all day, I was tired, wanted to relax, and was waiting for him to come home. He told me he had some errands to run and will be back soon. Come to find out, once he was done his errands, he hung out with the guys at the bar."

"What?!" Ariane exclaimed.

Trinity (That's not good.)

Ariane (Melanie has every right to be upset with him.)

"When did he come home?" Eva asked.

"2 fucking o'clock. 2 o'clock in the morning." Melanie retorted.

"Oh no, gurl, you better make him sleep on the couch or something. What did you do?" Ariane asked.

"Gave him an earful. He kept saying that he was sorry and forgot. When I was doing the dishes, he came up behind me and started kissing my neck, trying to have makeup sex. Are you fucking kidding me right now!? I slapped him in the face."

Eva Marie (I never knew Melanie could get so angry. But she has the right to be. How can a guy stand her up like that? I feel so bad for her.)

"Yes girl, don't give in to that, he needs to earn your forgiveness a different way," Ariane replied.

Trinity (I've never seen Melanie this angry off camera. She even started venting in Spanish since she was so mad. Even her face was getting red. She told us she started hanging around her father more and when he was mad, he would cuss in Spanish, so now we know where she gets her anger from)

"Gosh! Everything that guy said was bullshit!" Melanie said angrily.

'To Nattie'

Nattie (I decided to find Jon because I really don't want him and Melanie to be an unhappy couple at my wedding. Maybe Melanie is overreacting about something. So I decided to go to Jon to find out to get the man's side of the story of what might be going on between them)

"Hey, Jon." Nattie smiled as he turned around.

"Hey, what's up?"

"You and Melanie look like you have some tension. Something happen?"

"I messed up...bad...I fucked up big time..."

Nattie ( that got me worried...)

"Melanie cooked dinner for us all day but I hung out with the guys and forgot about our date." He confessed.

"Jon! She has every right to be upset with you."

"I know..."

"You need to fix this. Like, now. You need to make it up to her in a good way."

Nattie (I really hope Jon mans up and makes sure to earn Melanie's forgiveness. Melanie is one of the nicest divas here and to see her angry and upset can be heartbreaking at times since we always see her smiling.)

'To Melanie'

Melanie calmed herself down. "Enough about me, let's just stay positive. So, what's going on with you girls?"

"I'm nervous." Eva Marie replied.

"Nervous about what? "Ariane asked.

"Tonight is the night when we find out who will be accompanying someone to the ring."

"That's exciting, now maybe it's your time to shine." 

"I agree." Melanie smiled

Mark Carrano, senior director of WWE Talent Relations, walked over to the girls. "Hello, ladies."

The divas greet him while Jojo and Nattie walk over to the gang. "Mark, are we in trouble?" Nattie asked.

"Nah. First of all, Nikki is hurt, she will be out for 6 to 12 weeks. You." He pointed to Trinity. "Who is your BFF?"

"Her." Trinity pointed to Ariane.

"Girl bye." Ariane joked as the divas laughed.

"All right, Nattie, in your corner for WWE Superstars will be...Eva." Mark informed.

The divas but Jojo cheered while Eva hugged Nattie. 

"Seriously Mark? Seriously?" Jojo asked, looking upset.

"Listen, it's not the end of the world." He said. "You are on the radar."

Eva Marie (I am seriously so excited that I get to valet Nattie because Nattie is a dope wrestler but I feel like I have to downplay my excitement because of Jojo)

Nattie and Eva Marie get ready and leave the girls with Mark. "You going to be okay girl?" Ariane asked Jojo.

"Yeah, I'm good," Jojo replied while Melanie hugged her

"You'll get your chance. All good things come to those who wait patiently." The Philly diva smiled.

"Yeah, and Jojo is the youngest out of all of us. Once we long gone, she'll still be here, kicking butt." Trinity grinned.

"I know right!" Ariane exclaimed as Jojo started to smile.

'Later at night'

Melanie (After WWE Superstars, I decided to go back to the hotel room and just relax. But when I came back to the hotel room, I saw a nice candlelight dinner. I was in awe.)

She walked into the room to see Jon in a suit. "Surprise!" he smiled.

She couldn't help but grin. "Oh my gosh..." She chuckled at the sight. There was a nice candlelight dinner in the room, and she was handed a bouquet of red roses. "Jon..."

"I know I fucked up, and I deserved the slap and the earful, but I just want you to know that I'm really sorry. So, I decided to heat up the food you made and recreate the romantic dinner. Just us tonight. No hanging out with the guys tonight. Just you and me."

"This is so awesome." She set the flowers down and hugged him tightly. He wrapped his arms around her waist and looked down at her.

"So am I forgiven?"

"'re forgiven." She kissed him


'Nattie & TJ's wedding day'

Brie, Melanie, and Trinity arrive at the place and walk up the stairs. 

"Hello? Nattie?" Brie called out as she and the girls carried their suitcases. 

Nattie opened her door and let them in. "Hi!" she greeted the girls with hugs.

"You look awesome." Melanie grinned and looked at her wedding dress.

"This is unbelievable," Brie said with a smile.

"So...Jaret is coming," Nattie whispered as she shut the door.

Melanie (Really? I don't think that's a good idea. I mean, ever since the text messages, I just think it'll cause problems but it's her wedding so, she can do what she wants to do)

"Did you tell TJ?" Trinity whispered.

"No. How do I always get myself in these awkward positions?" Nattie frowned.

"I'll tell you this, if the pastor says please stand up or forever hold your peace, and he says anything, we're dropkicking him." Brie guaranteed as Trinity agreed.

"Dibs on me giving him the backfire!" Melanie raised her hand as the girls laughed

'2 hours until ceremony'

The women get ready. Melanie had her hair out with curls at the end. She wore a black dress that stopped near her knees and low black heels. 

"How come you're not wearing real heels?" Brie asked.

Melanie laughed. "I am not a high heel person. Low heels I can handle. I just don't want to break anything. You, Nattie and Brie are high heel veterans."

Melanie (So, while we all are getting ready for Nattie's wedding, we all find out that a thunderstorm is occurring outside. Lightning and thunder, are not a good mix, so the workers had to move everything inside.)

Nattie (I'm trying to fight back tears. All I wanted was a beach wedding. That's all I wanted and this day is starting to turn into the worse, like, what else can go wrong today?)

Later on, while the divas were upstairs, Melanie was downstairs, waiting for Jon. 

"Ooh, you look awesome Mel. Showing some skin." Trinity cheered. "Where's Jon?"

"He's coming, he needed to pick up his suit " Melanie trailed off as her phone rang.

"Haha, speaking of the devil." Trinity chuckled.

"Hey, you here?" She answered.

"Yeah, I'm getting soaked, can you open up the door?" Jon said on the phone.

"Yeah, see you in a few." Melanie hung up. She went to the entrance and opened the door. "Yikes, it's really raining." 

She looked at the sky. She saw Jon, in a suit, jogging up the steps. His hair and suit were a little damp from the rain. 

"Glad you made it." She wrapped her arms around his neck to kiss him.

"Get a room!" Trinity joked.

'30 Minutes Until The Wedding'

Melanie sat next to Trinity and Jon at the table. Brie and Bryan, Jey and Jon Uso also sit at the table, waiting for the wedding to start. 

TJ walked in. "Hello!"

"TJ!" Melanie grinned and kissed him on the cheek, hugging him.

Trinity (Melanie is grinning like no tomorrow. I'm happy Melanie and Jon are not fighting and there are no conflicts between them)

"Ready for the big day, brother?" Jey (Jon Uso's Brother) asked.

"So ready." TJ replied.

"You're in the back of the curtain and when that music hits, you're totally fine."

"What's up, man?" Jaret greeted as he walked up to TJ.

"Jaret, hey, how ya doing man?" TJ stood up and shook his hand.

Melanie (Oh boy)

"You must be excited, Nattie's awesome." Jaret sat next to him.

"Yeah," TJ replied.

Trinity, Brie and Melanie glanced at each other. 

"We've been talking a bit lately, she came in for a spray tan while I was working and we started talking," Jaret mentioned. Trinity, Melanie, Brie and their lovers were looking at TJ and Jaret talking. "She said that you two had some issues."

Trinity (I'm like, aw shoot, it's about to go down)

TJ and Jaret leave the room to talk privately. 

"Ladies and Gentlemen, the wedding is about to commence, if you would please take your seats, thank you." Damien Sandow announced. 

Jon Uso sat next to Trinity, who sat next to Melanie, who sat next to Jon. The band started playing as Melanie listened to the violin and viola. But no one came down the steps.

Brie (I have to admit with Jaret showing up, and the way TJ reacted, I don't know if this wedding is going to happen or not.)

Melanie and Trinity grinned when the wedding continued to happen and TJ was down the aisle.

Trinity (Woo! The wedding is still happening!)

Nattie walked down the steps with her father as everyone stood up. She walked down the aisle with Gismo in her arms.

Melanie (Nattie is so beautiful. She's smiling, she's just glowing)

Nattie (I honestly could not feel any happier. My dad in one arm, Gismo in the other, this is just a reminder of how perfect my life is.)

After TJ and Nattie said their vows, they kissed as the audience clapped and cheered.

Nattie (I cannot believe that I'm married now.)

'The Reception'

"We don't know how to dance," Nattie said as everyone laughed while watching her and TJ have their first dance. 

"I have a hurt knee, that's the excuse." TJ joked. 

Melanie smiled while Jon held her from behind while they watched them.

"All ladies on the dance floor," TJ announced

"Come on Melanie." Brie grabbed her arm and dragged her to the dance floor.

"What? I'm not interested." Melanie exclaimed.

"Oh yes, you are." she grinned.

Melanie (Catching the bouquet...Yikes, I hope I don't get attacked by heels if I slip and fall.)

Nattie threw the bouquet up for some of the women. The bouquet was near Brie but she jumped and pushed it towards Melanie, making it fall in her hands. 

Melanie's eyes widen. "Brie!"

Brie laughed and clapped. "Yay, Melanie!"

Brie (I decided to let Melanie catch the bouquet because I wanted to see her reaction and plus, I want to see Jon put the garter on her. They're cute. I think marriage is in their future.)

"Melanie catches the bouquet, yay!" Nattie cheered.

Ariane (Melanie catches the bouquet and I'm like, ooh girl, good for you, I wasn't ready for all that.)

"Can we get the garter?" Brie asked. "Let's let Jon put the garter on Melanie."

"What?" Melanie blushed. 

Brie grinned and walked Melanie to the chair. TJ took the garter off of Nattie and gave it to Jon. Jon looked at the garter before smirking at Melanie as she started to laugh nervously.

"She's blushing." Brie giggles. 

While she was seated on the chair, Jon kneeled before her legs. He grabbed one of her legs and slowly put the garter on her leg with his teeth as everyone was cheering.

"Omg!" Brie exclaimed, getting hyped with Trinity.

"That was awesome." Trinity clapped.

Brie (That was great. Go Melanie and Jon!)

Melanie (Hahaha, my face was such a tomato. I'm not surprised Jon did that, he can be a little...adventurous.)

"Now for a word from our groom," Damien said before giving the mic to TJ.

"Well, it's kind of hard to keep a surprise from Nattie since she is usually organizing everything, but I put a little something together," TJ announced as he showed a video of him and Nattie together in the WWE.

Melanie (That is so sweet.)

Nattie (TJ put together some moments that I even forgot that happen and I was just so touched)

After TJ's video, everyone started to dance and have a good time.

Nattie (At the end of the day, I am such a lucky girl, it's been such a roller coaster of a day. I couldn't imagine spending my life with anybody else than TJ. TJ is my family and he will be a part of my life forever)

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1 year ago

Forced To Believe Chapter 28- Is That You Being Serious?

Forced To Believe Chapter 28- Is That You Being Serious?

Chapter Summary: Morgan tries her best to survive with her team for Survivor Series

Words: 10,000+


'Smackdown, backstage'

Morgan was backstage in her Shield attire and a cap that had The Shield's logo on it. The cap was black and on her head backward with her hair out and curly at the end. She was with Kaitlyn, chucking at a joke she just told. 

"So, what was up with Luke saving you on Raw?" Kaitlyn asked.

"I...honestly don't know," Morgan replied, trying to forget about the situation.

"Does Dean know?"

"I don't think so."

"You plan on telling him?"

"I don't think it's a big deal. Plus, you know how worked up he can get."

"Haha, you've been attracting some weird men lately. I saw Goldust creeping you out. That was funny."

"It's not funny..."

"Yes it is." Kaitlyn giggled.

Morgan rolled her eyes. "I think he's doing mind games to creep me out so I won't be on my toes to support my team at Survivor Series."

"You know, I've been watching the Wyatt family's matches with Cody and Goldust. Luke looks like he does a lot of damage to Goldust."

"He always does damage, doesn't he?"

"If I were you, I would be alert. We all know what the Wyatts are capable of. What happens if they kidnap you?"

"Can we stop talking about them? And I don't think that will happen­-"

"And what happens if it does? Morgan, you can't always be that tough chick and think nothing is going to happen to you. One day, you are going to be alone, with no Shield, no Total Divas, no one. Your boyfriend isn't going to be your knight and shiny armor; your Total Divas aren't gonna be your backup. And you know what? I can imagine that. I can imagine that on...Survivor Series." She snapped as the crowd 'Oohs'

Morgan looks at her in disbelief and confusion. "I don't understand, where is this coming from?"

"First of all, you are a Total Diva. I'm a non Total Diva. Total Divas get to win the matches, they get to do everything and win everything, but you know what? At Survivor Series, you guys are gonna look stupid when the Non Total Divas get the win." Kaitlyn says with seriousness. She didn't look like she was joking at all. It was like she really wanted to tell Morgan this for a while now.

"I don't get everything..."

"As soon as you stopped being my manager, you've become a high rising star. Higher than me."

"Are you kidding me right now?"

"I'm trying to make a point."

"Well, your point is wrong. I believe I worked hard to get here,"

"It's only because you are related to Chyna, right? People expect you to be just like her. To bring some of the Attitude Era back to the PG WWE. Is that it?"

"No, I told you and everyone here that I don't want to follow in Chyna's footsteps. I want to be Morgan Lopez and that's what I'm doing. You know what? I see now. I guess AJ got into your head, huh?" Morgan comes to a sad conclusion. She knew AJ got inside her head. This was not the Kaitlyn she knew.

"Did your new hair dye screw your head up a little? Maybe you should go back to black and blond instead of being a brunette." Morgan added.

"Look, we may have to go against each other. The Shield aren't going to be there to help you, and I can almost guarantee that your little Total Divas are going to get eliminated faster than a spear. I'm just telling the truth. I don't think you can handle being alone during Survivor Series. Am I right or am I wrong?"

"I don't get how you can say that to a friend."

"Why are you avoiding the question? We have to put our friendship aside and do business. And to give you a little word of advice, I'm not going to go easy on you and the reason you won the Divas title at Money in the Bank was because I went easy on you. I regret that now and that won't happen again. Morgan, I just doubt you will survive at Survivor Series. But I want you to prove to me and all the doubters that you can do it. I can't sugarcoat things for you anymore. You've come a long way. Now show me how far you've come." She walked past her as Morgan watched her leave.

Doubt was shown on Morgan's face and also shock. She was at a loss for words and couldn't think of a comeback. In the background was Luke Harper, watching her with his head tilted to the side before the segment ended.

"Wow, talk about a reality check from Kaitlyn," Cole said.

"What was Luke doing there?" JBL asked.

'Later On'

The Shield takes on Rey and The Usos. Morgan got distracted easily because all she could think about was Kaitlyn's words. She was at ringside near the ramp, standing there, still pondering. 

During the match, she didn't notice Seth and Dean outside the ring and The Usos hitting a double dive onto them. She was an inch away from getting hit, while she was standing there.

"What in the world is going on with Morgan? Did she not see The Usos? She almost got hit." JBL exclaimed.

Roman gets off the apron and makes his way towards her as the Usos go back in the ring. 

He grabs her shoulders. "Are you blind?" He asked.

Morgan pushed him off of her. "Don't yell at me! Are you kidding me?" She snapped at him. 

Dean and Seth quickly held Morgan back while Roman was taken aback by her outburst.

"What are you talking about? I didn't yell at you." Roman exclaimed. "What is your problem?"

"Everyone wants to lecture me. I didn't do anything. Just leave me alone!"

"What the hell is going on with you tonight?" Dean exclaimed.

"What is going on with Morgan?" Cole asked.

Later on in the match, while The Shield was distracting the ref in the ring, they were waiting for Morgan to do a sneak attack on Jimmy Uso who was in the ring but she was still standing, thinking about Kaitlyn's words. 

"Morgan! You missed your cue!" Seth yelled.

His yelling made her look up. "What?" She asked, not knowing what he was talking about.

Seth face palms. "You've gotta be kiddin' me..." He sighed.

"This is a first. The Shield are pretty upset with Morgan tonight." Cole said.

During the end of The Shield's match against Rey and the Usos, Roman spears both of the Usos and takes his attention to Rey as he puts him into a powerbomb hold. He walks to the ropes but Rey manages to take him out of the ring. Rey trips Seth into the 619 position and runs to the ropes. Morgan manages to grab his legs and bring him down but the ref sees it. 

"Morgan! You're out of here!" The ref yells as the crowd cheered

"What? I didn't do anything! I didn't do anything!" she exclaimed.

"I saw you! I saw you grab his legs!"

"Are you kidding me!?" Seth shouted at Morgan. "What the hell happened!?"

"I'm sorry!" She yelled.

"Morgan! You're out of here! Go!" The ref yelled. 

She reluctantly starts walking back up the ramp but when she does, Rey hits the 619 on Dean to win the match. She looked disappointed that The Shield lost.

Moments later, The Shield meet up with her on the ramp.

"What the hell, Morgan?" Seth asked.

"Why is everyone blaming me?" She exclaimed

"Rey is back with a vengeance on Friday Night Smackdown," Cole said

"Welcome back Rey," JBL added.


The Shield storm backstage. They were giving Morgan the cold shoulder as she tried to catch up with them. 

"Guys, I'm sorry." She said but got ignored. The ignorance sparked her anger. "Okay, first of all, I'm trying to be nice here, so don't ignore me. It's like you guys are lecturing me."

"We're not. We just want to know what the hell happened." Seth declared.

"Look. I'm not thinking clearly right now." She said as she held her head. "I've been going through a lot of stuff lately."

"What stuff?" Dean asked.

"You better start thinking clearly. Survivor Series is this Sunday. You need to get your head in the game." Roman reminded.

"Why does everyone keep yelling at me?" Morgan exclaimed.

"Morgan, we're not yelling at you." Dean's voice got sterner. "What's going on with you?"

"All the things that Kaitlyn said, I just­-"

"Are you kidding me? You are going to worry about 1 person during our match which we lost?" Seth asked.

"I'm sorry. I don't want to be the cause of you guys losing at Survivor Series." She grumbled.

"About that...Morgan, I'm having doubts about you managing us at Survivor Series." Dean rubbed the back of his neck.

"What?" She looked at him in shock as Seth and Roman agreed. It was a tough choice but they started to have doubts. "So, everyone is doubting me now huh? Right?"

"Just sleep it off, all right?" Dean lifted her chin gently before walking away with Seth and Roman.

Morgan scoffed softly. "Unbelievable..." She retorted as tears ran down her face. 

She was frustrated and upset with herself. She sat on the black storage box and looked down, silently crying. Moments later, she heard chucking and started to look a little scared as the crowd cheered, knowing who it was.

"The Rose with thorns does not deserve this. She deserves to be comforted...cherished...we wouldn't do that to you Rose...We would treasure you." A chilling voice said. 

She turned around but didn't see anyone. She turned back around the see The Wyatt family standing before her. She let out a loud 'Ahh!' out of surprise as she began breathing heavily out of shock and fear. 

"Shh, my dear..." Bray wiped a tear from her face.

"Wha-­what do you want from me?" She asked in a wary tone.

"We are not here to make you fear us...we are here because we understand you...we have watched you for the past week now and you have intrigued the family. Rose, we will be waiting for you. You'll know when the time is right, my rose." He said.

Bray left with Luke and Erick as Morgan watched them, confused.

The camera goes back to Cole and JBL.

"Gosh, what must Morgan be thinking right now? She's going through a lot now. Can she handle this?" Cole asked.

"We'll have to find out," JBL said


Later on, AJ was in a handicap match against Cameron and Naomi while Tamina was at ringside. Cameron and Naomi push Tamina down at ringside and grab AJ, who was trying to escape the match, back to the ring. Naomi gets in the ring but when Cameron gets on the apron, Tamina grabs her down the apron as she hits the apron face first. She attacks Cameron while the ref is distracted and in the ring, Naomi takes control of AJ.

Morgan comes on the stage as the crowd cheers. "It's Morgan!" Cole exclaimed.

Tamina turns around and frowns. 

"What do you want?" Tamina yelled. "You gonna do something?"

"Yeah, yeah I am," Morgan said before marching down the ring. 

But then, Naomi hits AJ with a kick and pins her for a two count. Tamina gets on the apron but then Morgan runs down the ramp and grabs her by the ankle to bring her down. Tamina lands on her feet and tries to clothesline her but she ducks and connects with a spinning kick in the face.

"Oh! What a kick by Morgan!" Cole exclaimed.

"That's what you get!" Morgan yelled.

When Cameron gets on the apron, AJ knees her back to ringside. But when she turns around, she gets hit with the rearview and Naomi pins her for the win.

'Somebody call my momma' comes on as Cameron gets in the ring and gets her hand raised in victory with Naomi by the ref. 

"Here are your winners! Cameron and Naomi!" Lilian announced. Morgan gets in the ring and celebrates with them.

"Huge win for Naomi, taking out the Diva's Champion," Cole said. Tamina decides to step up and attack the three divas from behind. "Oh no, Tamina is not happy."

"She's tired of the cheap shots by Morgan," JBL looked on. 

Tamina throws Cameron and Naomi out of the ring and turns her attention to Morgan. She takes out her ponytail and glares at the Philly Diva, who is holding her head in pain.

Tamina grabs her by the hair. "You think you can beat me, Morgan? Huh?!" She yelled in her face before hitting the Samoan drop on her. She gets on the ropes and does the splash on her as the crowd 'Ohs'

"That was a sick splash. Just nasty." Cole exclaimed.

"This is gonna be you at Survivor Series. You will never beat me." Tamina trash talked. "Maybe you should watch your back this time."

"Did Morgan's attack against Tamina backfire?" Cole asked.

"She helped Cameron and Naomi win but Tamina got the last laugh in this one. What will happen with Morgan at Survivor Series?" JBL asked.


'Sunday, hours before Survivor Series'

Melanie was shaking out of nervousness in the Diva's locker room. 

"Why are you nervous?" Celeste asked, already in her wrestling attire.

"Creative wants me to show some moves that The Shield does," Melanie responded

"That's awesome that you get to act like The Shield. You'll do fine. How are you going to portray Roman Reigns?"

"That's the problem. I don't think I can."

"You should ask Joe."

"I should. Good idea." Melanie left the Locker Room and walked to find him. She sees him, already in his wrestling attire, stretching. "Joe! I need your guidance!"

"What's up, baby girl?" He smiled.

"I need help with trying to portray your character."

"Oh yeah, for your match right? I heard about that. Give me a roar."

"Um...roar!" Melanie exclaimed by saying the word roar.

He chuckled. "That was the fakest roar I've ever heard. Mel, make it realistic. At least do a battle cry. Be angry and vicious. Just remember what you did with the Wyatts on Raw with that segment."

Melanie started to remember her screaming and yelling. She then does a loud battle cry. 

"There you go. Do it again." He advised. After 5 minutes of mimicking the character of Roman Reigns with Joe, she finally got it. "You got it."

"Thank you, so much!" She hugged him.

"No problem." He hugged her back.


Morgan was walking while playing with her hands. She sees The Shield getting ready for their match and walks up to them. 

"Hey." She softly greeted. "Look, I'm sorry, for all the crap I've said and done on Smackdown. And, I really want to support you guys in your match tonight. I slept it off, I'm not mad, or anything. None of Kaitlyn's words are getting to me, I'm ready to go."

The Shield look at each other before cracking a smile at her. "We forgive you grapes," Roman replied.

"Great. You guys are my boys and I'm The Shield's girl. We gotta stick together no matter what. So are we ready to serve some justice?"

"Hell yeah. Now let's serve some justice." Seth said as they all bump fists

'In The Ring'

Rey, The Usos, and The Rhodes Brothers were already in the ring, while The Real Americans were on the ramp, with Zeb doing a promo about twerking. Zeb tried to twerk but his hip started to bother him as the crowd was amused. 

"Enough! Enough Zeb! None of these people paid to listen to you talk. And none of these people wanna see you twerk." Cody said before twerking a little bit.








"Accompanied by Morgan and weighing in 707 pounds, the United States Champion Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, and Roman Reigns, The Shield!" Justin announced. 

"You think Morgan can twerk?" JBL asked.

"Maybe we should ask her," King replied.

"What a way to kick off Survivor Series," Cole said as The Shield got over the barricade. Morgan bumps fists with The Shield and The Real Americans.

'Ding Ding Ding' 

Cody Rhodes and Dean Ambrose start things off. 

"What a night this is for The Shield. Tonight marks the one year anniversary of The Shield. Morgan, Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns have all debuted at Survivor Series. Morgan started out as Kaitlyn's friend to help her against Eve while The Shield triple powerbombed Ryback. A lot has changed since then." Cole looked on.

"Remember when Morgan feuded with The Shield?" King asked.

"Brings back some awesome memories," JBL said

"Didn't she push Seth Rollins through a table with the help of Ryback at TLC?" King asked.

"Yeah, and she low blowed Reigns and gave Ambrose 15 chair shots. I guess The Shield likes to forgive and forget." Cole replied.

Dean and Cody start to have a back and forth match until Dean knees him to the stomach. 

Seth laughed. "How's that feel?" He asked

Dean starts to stomp on Cody at the corner while the ref tries to push him off. Dean's temper got the best of him as he started arguing with the ref. 

"Dean! Don't lose your cool!" Morgan exclaimed. 

All of a sudden, Dean gets eliminated with a roll up by Cody. The crowd goes wild while Morgan's jaw drops.

"Cody Rhodes eliminated Ambrose," Cole exclaimed. 

Dean was shocked as Justin announced that he just been eliminated. 

He starts lashing out and he shoves Goldust's face before getting punched by Cody and goes out of the ring.

"I guess his second year isn't as good as his first year," JBL said 

Roman and Seth get in the ring and throw Goldust and Cody out of the ring. The Usos kick The Shield out of the ring and kick the Real Americans out of the ring on the other side, near the announce table, as the crowd gets hyped. One Uso dives on The Shield while the other dives on The Real Americans. 

"We got ourselves some flying Usos! Welcome to Survivor Series!" JBL announced.

The Rhodes Brothers were still out of the ring as Dean went backstage. 

Morgan turns her attention to Cody. "You can't twerk! You can't twerk!" She yelled.

"You can do better?" Cody asked. 

Goldust starts twerking with Cody in front of her as the crowd cheers. The crowd starts chanting 'Twerk' to Morgan as she looks at the crowd and then back at the Rhodes Brothers.

"Are you kidding me? You're doing it wrong!" She pointed out before twerking in front of them as the crowd cheered.

"She's twerking!" King said, screaming in a high pitched voice. 

Goldust was backing up while holding his heart while Cody started laughing.

"That's how you do it." She spread her arms apart.

"Haha, I love it. A twerking battle between Morgan and The Rhodes brothers." JBL said. 

She laughed and had a grin on her face while shaking her head. Cody heads back into the ring as one of the Usos throws Seth inside the ring.

"Cody's team has a 5 on 4 advantage now," Cole said. 

Once Goldust gets tagged in by Cody, he takes control of Seth and Antonio before Jack takes control when he gets tagged in.

"Stay on him." Morgan supported the Real Americans. 

She watched the Real American's teamwork against Goldust and was impressed. She could see them as tag champs one day. 

As the match progresses, a fan tweets 'Haha, Morgan and The Rhodes Brothers are funny. #MorganTwerks'

Goldust tags in Rey and starts to do his signature moves on Jack. He tags in the Usos and they eliminate Jack with the splash. 

"It is now 5 on 3!" Cole exclaimed.

"We still got this. Keep a cool head." Morgan said to The Shield as Antonio faced Jey Uso. 

Antonio manages to do the big swing on Jey over 14 times and then does it to Jimmy who gets in the ring.

"Swing him all night!" JBL exclaimed. 

Antonio was a little dizzy after swinging Jimmy while Jimmy managed to tag in Cody. Cody puts Cesaro in roll up pin to eliminate him. Morgan's eyes widen and she looks at Seth and Roman.

"Don't panic." She calmly said.

"It is now 5 on 2!" Cole exclaimed.

She gets on the apron to talk to The Shield. "Okay, there's five of them, two of you guys. Don't be intimidated by the numbers game just because it's not in your favor."

Roman and Seth nod and Roman proceeded to get in the ring.

"It's your time to shine!" Seth supported as Morgan got off the apron.

"Morgan seems to be at her best to try to motivate The Shield," Cole said.

"Indeed, especially after how she acted on Smackdown. She's keeping a cool head." JBL said. 

Jey manages to throw Seth out of the ring and tag in Jimmy Uso to take on Roman.

"Come on Roman!" Morgan banged on the apron. 

Roman manages to get Jimmy on top of the turnbuckle.

"Here we go, baby!" Roman yelled at the crowd as they cheered for him. 

He was about to suplex him but Jimmy headbutts him off the turnbuckle. He goes for the splash but Roman brings his knees up. Roman recovers and does a loud roar before spearing him and eliminating him.

"Yes!" Morgan cheered. 

Cody hits Roman with a missile dropkick before tagging in Seth. Cody starts to take control of Seth and catches him in the Cross Rhodes position but Seth manages to tag in Roman as he gets hit by Cody's finisher. Roman spears Cody and pins him to eliminate him. 

But then Jey Uso throws Roman out of the ring and gives him a flying punch. 

"Huh!? Huh!?" Jey taunted before throwing him into the barricade as Morgan started to look worried. "Usos!" Jey chants before punching Roman. 

"Huh? Look at me! Look at me!" He throws Roman's head on the apron and throws him in the ring. 

Jey gets on the turnbuckle, attempting to do a dive but Roman rolls out the way. He tags in Seth as he does the blackout on him to eliminate him.

"That was sick! Go Seth!" Morgan cheered.

"Now it's 2 on 2." Cole said.

Morgan high fived Roman at ringside while Seth starts to take control of Rey. 

"Welcome back Rey!" Seth yelled before he fought back. 

Roman gets tagged in and slides Rey out of the ring which makes a sick thud. Goldust goes to check on him as the ref starts counting. Rey gets back in the ring at the count of 9. Roman runs toward Rey who is at the turnbuckle but hits his shoulder on the steel post once Rey moves out of the way. Morgan puts her hands over her mouth in shock. She hoped Roman was okay. 

Roman tags in Seth who runs and dropkicks Goldust off the apron, who was trying to make a tag to Rey.

"Smart move!" She cheered before going to Roman. "You all right, bro?"

Roman nodded as he kneeled on the apron. Meanwhile, Seth gets caught with a roll up by Rey as the crowd goes wild. 

"Yes! He got it!" King said in a high voice.

"It is now 2 on 1!" Cole exclaimed. 

Seth is shocked but then hits Rey with a cheap shot and starts stomping on him before he gets taken out. Roman gets in the ring and watches Seth walk away.

"Man..." Roman mumbled.

"Hey! Roman! Don't give up! Just because you are the only one left doesn't mean you'll lose! Don't doubt!" She yelled some sense into him.

"Morgan has been trying to motivate Roman in this match up." Cole observed.

Rey tags in Goldust and he quickly takes control of Roman and does some signature moves. Goldust gives Roman a powerslam and pins him for a two count. 

"Come on!" she banged on the mat for Roman. "I believe in you, Roman!"

"You know, we haven't heard Morgan screaming in a while. You think she'll be yelling and screaming during her match with The Total Divas against the True Divas?" King asked.

"She can scream all she wants because I have my earplugs," Cole responded. Goldust is about to do a bulldog on Roman but he pushes him away and spears him. "Spear!" He exclaimed as Goldust was eliminated.

"You got this Roman! 1 more! Just 1! 1 more then you are the sole survivor!" She supported. Morgan sees Rey getting up on the turnbuckle. "Heads up!" She warned as Roman got up and turned around. 

Roman catches Rey in a powerbomb hold as the crowd gets hyped but Rey starts punching him and throws Roman into the 619 position. As soon as Rey runs to the ropes, Roman gets up and spears him out of nowhere.

"Spear!" Cole yelled

"A spear!" JBL exclaimed.




"Yes!" Morgan jumped up and down as The Shield's theme came on.

"The winner of this match, Roman Reigns," Justin announced. 

Roman gets his hand raised and he gets on the turnbuckle to taunt the crowd.

"Roman has stepped into the spotlight. What a performance!" JBL looked on.

The Outspoken Diva gets in the ring and runs to hug him. She didn't care how sweaty he was, she was so proud of him and had to give him a big hug. 

"You did it!" She cheered. As soon as she released him, he picked her up as she sat on his shoulders. She was a little surprised but grinned. "That's how you do it!" She pointed down at him.

Roman puts his fist up in the air while Morgan puts her fist in front of her, touching his fist. Roman set her down as the titantron showed the highlights of the match. Roman and Morgan get out of the ring and look at Rey, recovering from the spear.

She hugged Roman again as he chuckled. "You did awesome." She said. 

When she released him, he did a short roar as the crowd cheered.

"Yeah, you did it big guy." King said.

Roman tweets 'Thanks for supporting me WWEMorgan101'

Morgan replies 'RomanReigns of course bro! You always have my back, now I'm returning the favor. So glad you won. You kicked butt tonight!'


Morgan tweets 'Ladies...Put On Your War Paint #TotalDivas #TurnUp #TwinMagic #AllRedEverything #GirlBye #SurvivorSeries'

The Bellas reply 'Yes. It's Time for some twin magic :) WWEMorgan101'

Eva Marie replies 'Yep, all red everything. Don't forget that WWEMorgan101'

Jojo replies 'Can't wait :) WWEMorgan101'

Cameron replies 'Yeah gurl! WWEMorgan101'

Naomi replies 'Turn up WWEMorgan101!'

Nattie replies 'I'll lead us to victory WWEMorgan101'

Morgan sends out another tweet by saying 'Let bygones be bygones. No drama tonight. Kapish? #TeamWork'

The Bellas reply 'No drama :)'

Eva Marie replies 'Fine. But don't get mad if I stand out more. Lol, JK #AllRedEverything'

'Natalieevamarie Haha, you funny! #BrunetteMafia' Morgan replies to Eva.

'WWEMorgan101 Lol, Let's rock this match tonight' Eva replies.

Then the Bellas tweet 'You sure you have your head in the game WWEMorgan101?'

'nicoleandbri We'll see.' Morgan replies to the Bellas.

Morgan tweets 'Tonight, I will try to give it my all #MorganWillSurvive'


'WWE Exclusive Video, Backstage'

Morgan is walking and stops when she sees Kaitlyn. "Hello, Kaitlyn."

"Hello, Morgan. I just wanted to wish you luck tonight. But, if only you can make it." She shrugged.

"AJ really screwed up with your head huh? I guess she turned you into a backstabbing jerk. That really sucks." She walked past her but got ambushed by Tamina and thrown against the wall. 

Layla accompanies Tamina by stomping on Morgan. Tamina makes her stand up while Layla connects with a kick to the face.

"What is going on!?" Cole yelled.

"This is smart, take care of one of the strongest players early. I like their strategy." JBL looked on as the three divas drag Morgan into a janitor's closet and put a door on the knob to lock it.

"Guess you won't be joining the divas now, huh?" Layla asked.

"Are you kidding me!? Get me out of here! What the hell!" Morgan started banging on the door.

"You're alone Morgan. Let's see if you can do things alone." Kaitlyn said before she, Layla and Tamina walked away.

"Just wait till I get my hands on you three!" She yelled and tried to kick the door. 

Bray Wyatt was watching the whole scene and walked over, leaning against the wall next to the door. Morgan stopped banging on the door when she heard him giggling. 

"Freakishly weird, beard dude?" she called out

"What happened to the thorns, my rose? You need to unleash what's inside of you. Are you going to let them do this to you? Show them that you are not the one." Bray said in a haunting tone.

"Look, can you just help me and let me out? Please. I have no time for this, supernatural crap."

"I'm afraid I can't do that. You can let yourself out. You have it in you." He replied. 

Morgan ran her fingers through her hair and started looking around. She heard Lilian introducing the Total Divas. 

"Unleash." He chuckled and walked away.

Morgan lets out a frustrated scream and kicks the door multiple times. 

"Damn it!" She choked back a frustrated sob and slid down, burying her face in her hands. After a couple of moments, she heard AJ's theme from the arena and got back to her feet. 

"No, no, no." She tries to burst the door down, bumping into it three times and breaking free. She grunted as she fell and scrambled back up to her feet.

Swiftly cleaning herself up, she dashed to the gorilla. 

No one was going to sabotage this moment.

'In The Ring'

"Is Morgan okay?" King asked as the Total Divas were looking worried. 

Natalya looks at AJ's team. Layla, AJ, Tamina, Alicia, Rosa, Aksana, Summer Rae, and Kaitlyn were getting set for their match against the Total Divas. She knew something wasn't right when she saw the smirks on the faces of Tamina and Layla.

"Have you seen Morgan?" Natalya asked as the Total Divas shook their heads.

"Maybe she's running late?" Jojo asked.

"She was here, all ready. Remember she showed us her new dyed hair?"

"Yeah, and then she told us she was going to get some grapes before the match started and she would meet us at the gorilla," Nikki said.

'To Morgan'

Morgan was running in black pants, black boots, and a shirt that stops in the middle of her stomach that says '1 Year Strong' with The Shield symbol and on the back it says 'Believe In That'. Once she arrives at the gorilla, she puts on her hat, wearing it backward instead and puts on her fingerless gloves. She fixed her newly dyed black hair to make sure it was neat. She decided to straighten her hair and dye her hair to support the color black for The Shield.

A producer cues her music. 

"Great..." Tamina retorted and rolled her eyes in the ring as the Total Divas looked relieved.

"There she is!" King happily said. "I get to see her twirl!"

The crowd cheers when Morgan comes out. She walks out while doing her taunt and twirls around when she gets to the middle of the ramp. She tags some hands and runs in the ring Mickie James style and stands up to go on the turnbuckle. 

"Let's go!" Morgan yelled. She takes her hat off and throws it in the crowd and jumps off the turnbuckle. She turns her attention to Layla, Tamina and Kaitlyn. "Don't think I'm done with you three." She pointed at them as they started trash talking her.

"You think you're so tough?" Layla yelled.

"Whoa, wait, what happened?" Nikki asked, holding Morgan back.

"As you can see, Morgan doesn't look so happy with Kaitlyn, Tamina and Layla. Let's find out why." Cole said as titantron showed Morgan being ambushed by the 3 divas. The Total Divas look on in shock as AJ smirks, happy that her plan is in motion even though Morgan is still going to be a part of the match.

"Are you serious?" Brie yelled at the Non Total Divas.

"That's not cool!" Naomi exclaimed

"It's fine. I'm here now." Morgan tried to calm them down.

"They are gonna get it." Natalya glared at her opponents.

"Big mistake being here little girl. You should have stayed out of this match. You should have gone back with The Shield." Tamina said. "You're gonna regret staying in this match."

"We'll see." Morgan retorted. 

Arguing with Tamina wasn't going to solve anything. She'll let her fists and legs do the talking in the ring. The Philadelphian and the rest of the divas go on the apron while Naomi and Alicia start off the match. Morgan's anger decided not to get the best of her for the first time and she calmed herself down. She was patiently waiting to get her hands on 3 certain divas. Layla, who needs to check herself, Kaitlyn, who needs a reality check so she can snap out of AJ's mind game, and Tamina who is just begging for an ass whooping.

Alicia and Naomi lock up. She throws Naomi to the ropes and hits her with a backbreaker. She pins her for a 1 count. 

"Come on Naomi!" Brie cheered as Alicia took control. 

Alicia puts Naomi on the turnbuckle but Naomi elbows her off and does a moonsault to eliminate her.

"And that's the athletic ability of Naomi!" Cole exclaimed as her team cheered her on.

"That's what I'm talking about!" Morgan grinned. 

Rosa gets in the ring but quickly backs away from Naomi's incoming rear view. Rosa runs into a forearm by Naomi as she tags in Cameron. They do a double suplex on Rosa and a double split. Cameron pins her for a two count. She throws Rosa to the turnbuckle and runs towards her but runs face first on the turnbuckle by Rosa. Rosa pins her to eliminate her. 

Rosa starts cheering but then Nikki gets in the ring while she is dancing. Nikki puts her hands on her hips and waits for her to turn around. Once she does, Nikki connects with the facebuster finisher to eliminate her. Nikki tags in Morgan as Summer Rae gets in the ring. 

"Here comes Morgan," Cole announced 

Summer Rae starts doing some ballet dance moves in front of her as the crowd cheers.

"Look at these moves," King exclaimed. 

Morgan glances at her and then at the crowd. Summer Rae does another dance move and starts to taunt her.

"Ha! You think you can top that?" Summer smiled smugly. Morgan remembered that Fandango hates the Gangnam Style dance and starts to do it as the crowd cheers. Summer Rae's jaw drops as she starts moving her hips. "What!? What!?" She exclaimed. 

The Total Divas were cheering as the Non Total Divas started to protest.

"This is an amusing dance battle." JBL laughed. "Ha! Ha! I love it!"

"Yeah, girl!" Naomi cheered.

As soon as Morgan was done, she had her arms out and said "What!?"

"Oh, you better top that!" Layla yelled at Summer. "Top that!"

"Out dance her!" Aksana exclaimed.

"No way! I can do that too!" Summer Rae said and did an awkward version of the Gangnam Style as the crowd laughed.

"I guess the Gangnam Style isn't her thing," King said.

"That is not dancing! This is real dancing!" Summer exclaimed and started doing more ballroom dancing. 

Nikki asks Morgan for a tag and Morgan tags her in. Summer Rae starts dancing more and Nikki decides to do the worm as the crowd cheers.

"Oh! Look at her! Scotty 2 hotty!" JBL exclaimed. 

Summer does a spin and a split but Nikki runs to the ropes and dropkicks her to eliminate her. The Bella tags in Eva Marie as the crowd boos her. Kaitlyn gets in the ring and is hit with some elbows by the redhead. But as soon as Kaitlyn fights back, she quickly hits her with a gutbuster to eliminate her.

Morgan watches Kaitlyn. She didn't look like she was messing around. Naomi gets in the ring and starts to take control of Kaitlyn. Later on, Naomi slides onto the apron and kicks her. But once she got back in the ring and ran to the ropes, she got caught by Kaitlyn. The Hybrid Diva battle cries as she hits the gutbuster on her to eliminate her.

"Kaitlyn is just dominating!" Cole looked on, impressed.

Having enough, Morgan decides to get in the ring. 

"Kaitlyn! I want her! Tag me in!" Layla has her hand out. 

Kaitlyn glances at her and tags her in. Morgan really wanted to face Kaitlyn but Layla was on her target list, so she was satisfied. The two divas lock up and Morgan takes control. She tosses Layla to the ropes and connects with a dropkick. Layla rolls out the ring, holding her face but Morgan decides to run to the ropes and hit her with a suicide dive outside the ring.

"What a move!" King exclaimed. As soon as Morgan recovers, she turns around to get clotheslined, hard by Tamina. "Oh! Hard shot by Tamina!"

The remaining Total Divas start to protest at Tamina's actions but the ref backs them up as AJ looks on with delight. Layla throws Morgan back in the ring and pins her for a 2 count. 

"That should have been 3!" She yelled. 

She starts to have a fit but then decides to roundhouse kick Morgan as the Philly diva slowly falls back down the mat while the crowd 'Ohs' at the impact.

"Nighty night!" Tamina yelled as Layla pinned her.

Morgan kicks out at 2. 

"Are you kidding me?" Layla retorted. She picks her up and hits her with a spinning facebuster and pins her again. After 2, Morgan kicks out, again. "You've gotta be kidding me!" The British Diva yelled and started unloading on her.

"Come on Morgan!" Jojo cheered. "You can do it!"

"Shut up!" Layla yelled at Jojo, turning her attention to her as she stood up. Morgan quickly got up and gave Layla a thesz press and started unloading on her with punches.

"Morgan will not stand for disrespect to Jojo." Cole reminded. 

The crowd cheers for Morgan as she picks Layla up and throws her to the ropes to hit her with a bicycle super kick. She gets behind Layla and rests her hands on her knees, waiting for her to get up. Once she does, Morgan positions her for the sit out full Nelson facebuster. She lets out a loud battle cry while she slams Layla hard on the mat.

"And the yelling and screaming has begun," King said. "Woo hoo!"

"What a move by Morgan!" Cole exclaimed.



"3!" The crowd cheered.

"Layla has been eliminated," Lilian announced. 

Morgan tags in Brie as Aksana gets in the ring. Brie takes control and runs to the ropes only to be kicked in the back by AJ. Brie tries to hit her but AJ gets off the apron. As soon as she turns around, she gets blasted with a spinebuster by Aksana and is eliminated. Aksana throws Brie out of the ring and starts trash talking. 

Nikki gets in the ring and runs to attack her from behind. She then, does the torture rake on her to eliminate her.

"Uh oh. Here comes Tamina." JBL said as she got in the ring.

Tamina starts headbutting Nikki and hits Natalya and Morgan with a cheap shot off the apron. Meanwhile, in the ring, Nikki hits Tamina with a kick as Morgan gets back on the apron. Nikki backs up to the corner and sees Jojo, having her hand out for a tag. She reluctantly tags in Jojo as she slowly gets in the ring while the crowd cheers for her. Tamina stands up and looks at the 19 year­ old and takes out her ponytail.

"I don't know how wise this is," Cole said. 

Tamina and Jojo lock up but Tamina throws her down and starts trash talking. The Samoan takes off her jacket and throws it at her before grabbing her hair and throwing her to the turnbuckle. She then runs to her but Jojo kicks her away. 

"Wait a minute!" Cole called out

Jojo gets on the ropes but is caught by Tamina. She manages to roll underneath her for a roll up but Tamina kicks out at 2. When Jojo gets up, she is clotheslined by her. Tamina picks her up for the Samoan drop as Morgan looks worried. 

"Morgan is seething on the apron..." King looked nervous as AJ was tagged in and began skipping around Jojo with a smirk on her face

"I'm gonna hurt you so bad when I get in this ring!" The Outspoken Diva yelled at her. 

AJ was feeding off the yelling of Morgan and it made her laugh. AJ pins

Jojo to eliminate her. Nikki gets back in the ring as AJ tags in Tamina. Nikki runs to Tamina but is hit by a clothesline. Tamina's power was too much for Nikki as she got hit with the Samoan drop and big splash to get eliminated. 

Natalya and Morgan look at each other. 

"Two against three," Cole said as Kaitlyn, AJ and Tamina were representing the Non Total Divas. 

Natalya decides to get in the ring. Tamina kicks Natalya hard in the gut and hits her with shoulder thrusts on the turnbuckle. She grabs Natalya by the hair and gives her a scoopslam.

"Come on Nattie!" Morgan cheered. 

Tamina gets on the top rope and does a loud battle cry to do the splash but Natalya moves out the way. She puts Tamina in the sharpshooter but AJ distracts the ref. Natalya decides to release the hold and turn her attention to the crazy chick. She tries to attack her but AJ gets off the apron and laughs.

"Watch your back!" Morgan tried to warn but as soon as Natalya turned around, she got kicked hard in the face and picked up for a Samoan drop. 

Tamina hits the splash and eliminates her as the crowd cheers.

"Morgan is alone," Cole said as she let out a breath and entered the ring. Tamina and Morgan circle each other in the ring. "We've been waiting for these two to go at it."

Nikki and Natalya were still at ringside, helping each other up. 

"If Roman can do it...maybe I can." Morgan said to herself. 

She locks up with Tamina lock up but Tamina pushes her to the turnbuckle as the ref breaks it up. 

"Ah!" She yelled in pain as Tamina struck her with a big chop to the chest. 

The Samoan grabs her hard by the hair and pushes her back to the turnbuckle.

"Does that hurt!? Huh!? Does that hurt!? Are you gonna cry!? Are you gonna cry, Morgan!?" Tamina yelled in her face before throwing her across the ring. Morgan could feel her body getting hot from anger and her neck slightly jerked.

"Did you see that?" Cole exclaimed.

"No, what I miss?" King asked.

"Morgan kind of reminded me of Dean for a second. She just twitched." JBL pointed out as Cole agreed.

Tamina grabs her and puts her in the chinlock.

"Give up!" Tamina yelled as Morgan tried to find a way out. She stands up but is quickly slammed back down the mat as she holds her head. Tamina starts pushing her head around. "You think you can beat me? You think you can win this match?" She taunted before picking her up and hurting her with a snap suplex. 

She goes for the pin but stops once the ref counts to two.

"I don't think Tamina cares about winning right now, she really wants to hurt Morgan," King said.

Tamina picks her up and hits her with a pumphandle slam.

"Tamina is really taking it to Morgan. Morgan desperately needs to turn things around." Cole looked on as Tamina put her in a tight headlock. "Morgan's fading. This may be over."

"Come on Morgan!" Nattie cheered with Nikki. "You've come too far to quit now!"

"Hey! Ref! Make them go backstage! They've been eliminated!" AJ yelled. 

Meanwhile, Morgan starts to get up and elbows Tamina in the stomach before hitting her with a quick enzuigiri. She gasps for air and turns to her corner, about to tag someone, but, realizes that she is the only one left.

"You're alone Morgan." JBL reminded. 

The Philly diva turns her attention to the remaining divas and holds her head. She would have to deal with Tamina and Kaitlyn's power and AJ's speed and black widow. Morgan looked at the mat and saw strands of her black hair pulled out of her head by Tamina. Tamina really wanted to break something.

"Aw, are you gonna cry? The Shield can't save you and the Total Divas can't save you. You're alone." Tamina taunted.

She was really starting to push her buttons as Morgan's arm jerked slightly. The Philly Diva felt her blood starting to boil. 

"There it is again. That jerk. What's going on with Morgan? It's like she's getting possessed." Cole pointed out. 

Tamina decides to tag in Kaitlyn as she slowly gets in the ring. Morgan slowly gets back up to her feet and has a staredown with her former best friend.

"These two know each other so well. Morgan debuted at Survivor Series and was Kaitlyn's manager. She would be her guide in the WWE until Morgan could spread her wings. But ever since AJ kept getting into the Non Total Divas' heads about them not being chosen to be a Total Diva, Kaitlyn's attitude towards Morgan had changed." Cole said.

"You think their friendship is over?" King asked.

"Or maybe Morgan can snap Kaitlyn out of it? Beat the mind games out of her head?" JBL asked.

Morgan and Kaitlyn step up to each other but then Kaitlyn pushes her. 

"You weren't a good friend to me at all." She pushes her again as Morgan looks away. "You never supported me!" The Hybrid Diva shoves her down to the mat as Morgan looks at her in shock.

"What the hell? Where did that come from? What did I do?" Morgan yelled but then started to get angry. She wasn't going to be pushed around like that. She gets up and slaps her. "First of all! I've been your friend since the beginning! Okay, so at Payback I told you to suck it up. You should have! I can't sugarcoat things for you! I keep it real!"

Kaitlyn slaps her back. "You've done more stuff in a year than I ever have! How is that fair? How is that fair?!"

Morgan returns the slap. "You've won the championship way before me and I was happy for you. I wasn't jealous of you at all! AJ is getting in your head!" She yelled. 

This was not Kaitlyn. This was all AJ. 

AJ looks on with a smirk.

Kaitlyn slaps her again. "You were too involved with your boyfriend to even have time for a friend!"

The Outspoken Diva slaps her once again. "Don't get him involved in this!"

"Do you see how red their faces are?" Cole asked.

"Yeah, and they are still going at it," King said.

Kaitlyn slaps her again. "It's true! You've been brainwashed by him ever since The Shield won at WrestleMania! He's a weirdo! I don't even support your relationship with him! He stalked you! He kidnapped you! How can you love someone like that!?"

Smacking her in the face, again, Morgan yelled, "What has gotten into you!? He's a good guy! Who are you to tell me who I should be with? Just because you don't have a guy doesn't mean you can torment me because I have one!"

Kaitlyn slaps her as Morgan's face is to the side. "He's an obsessive guy and he doesn't even love you. He's probably using you! Just like all street dogs do! You're his ring rat!"

Morgan jerks her head back as she stares her down. Kaitlyn was taken aback and stepped back as the Philly Diva began to glare at her. 

"That was a wicked head turn," King said. She hits her with a lariat and starts unloading on her. "Is it me or is Morgan reminding me of someone eccentric?"

The ref grabs her off of her. Kaitlyn recovers as Morgan runs towards her but gets clotheslined. She grabs Morgan and throws her to the corner and strikes her with multiple head smashes onto the turnbuckle. She throws Morgan to the ropes and attacks her with a running shoulder block as Morgan holds her shoulder. 

"What power by Kaitlyn," JBL said as she pinned Morgan for a 2 count.

"Come on! She's just one person! Finish her!" AJ yelled. "Remember what I told you, Kaitlyn! She thinks her boyfriend means more than you!"

That was a lie. Morgan puts her friends first. She'd never put her boyfriend in front of her friends no matter how much she loved him. 

"You stupid psycho bitch, that's not true!" Morgan screamed at AJ and ran to her but AJ got off the apron and laughed. 

While she is distracted, Morgan gets picked up by Kaitlyn and is hit with a backbreaker as she yells in pain.

"Did you feel that?" King asked as he winced. 

Morgan holds her back and tries to recover as Kaitlyn watches her. She crawls to a corner and Kaitlyn decides to try to spear her but Morgan quickly moves out of the way while Kaitlyn hits the steel post. Both divas were down as the ref began to count for a double knockout. They get up at the count of 7 and Morgan gets on the turnbuckle to hit her with a missile dropkick.

They both get up and Kaitlyn kicks her in the stomach and runs to the ropes but Morgan follows her and gives her a knee to the gut as Kaitlyn yells in pain. 

"Oh, I'm sorry, did that hurt?" Morgan asked while tilting her head to the side. "Poor darling..." 

She removes her knee from her stomach and takes her out with the backfire. She pins her but Kaitlyn kicks out at 2.

"That was Morgan's best move, wasn't it?" Cole asked. 

Morgan stares at her and then slowly gets up. She does a slow neck roll as she walks back to a corner and glares at her.

"What is going on with Morgan?" King asked as her arm was jerking repeatedly.

Kaitlyn held her head and was taken aback by Morgan's attitude. "Is that you...being serious?"

"It's like she glaring at her prey. Did you see that neck roll? Wicked." JBL said, thinking of Dean Ambrose.

"What is she about to do?" Cole asked as Morgan ran and hit Kaitlyn with a knee to the head. She then picked her up to hit her with a sitout belly-to-back facebuster on her. "What impact!"

Morgan rolls away from Kaitlyn and stares at her. She rolls her neck slowly and laughs while running her hands through her hair. 

"Morgan has a few screws loose, folks," Cole commented as she goes back to the corner and starts banging on the mat repeatedly, waiting for Kaitlyn to get up. "Yep, she's Harley Quinn in disguise."

"I have to agree this time," JBL said. "But in a good way."

"I know Ambrose must be loving this," King said. Morgan does a loud battle cry as she hits Kaitlyn with a spear. The crowd 'Ohs' as Kaitlyn sold the spear pretty well, making the move look even more devastating. "Oh my God, did she just use a spear!?"

Morgan spins on one knee before stopping and staring at her opponent while standing on one knee. She smirks as she tilts her head to the side. 

"Oh, I'm sorry Kaitlyn...did that hurt? Did that hurt you badly, sweetie? It'll all be over pretty soon."

"We gotta see that spear again," JBL said as the titantron showed Morgan spearing Kaitlyn 3 times from different angles and 1 in slow motion. 

Morgan pins her to eliminate her as the crowd cheers.

"2 on 1!" Cole exclaimed. 

Morgan stands up, watching Kaitlyn roll out the ring as she tilts her head to the side and smiles. Tamina gets in the ring and Morgan smoothly turns around like Dean as Tamina gives her a weird look.

"The hell is your problem?" Tamina retorted.

"Is it scaring you? Why so serious, Tamina? Lighten up." 

She drops the act and goes back to her normal self as she and Tamina circle each other around the ring. They lock up but then, Tamina throws her to the ropes and gives her a big slap as Morgan holds her chest in pain.

"Did you hear that!?" Cole exclaimed.

"Morgan is or should I say, was the only Shield member who hasn't had big slaps to the chest. Now it's even." JBL said.

Tamina decides to rip off her Shield shirt. "1 Year strong huh?" She yelled, leaving Morgan in a black sports bra.

"Ah!" She yelled out in pain as Tamina gave her another hard slap to the chest. 

The slap echoed around the arena as Morgan kneeled and held the ropes for support. AJ was looking in delight as Tamina grabbed Morgan by the hair and raised her up to give her another hard slap. Morgan's chest was red and she fell

"How's that feel Morgan? How's that feel?" Tamina taunted before grabbing her by the hair and raising her back up. "You want another? Huh?" She asked before giving her one last slap on the chest and it was the loudest one and echoed around the arena.

Tamina grabs her and finishes her off with a powerbomb before pinning her but Morgan kicks out at 2.

"What!? That was 3!" Tamina yelled in shock.

"What a near fall," Cole said. 

Tamina waits for her to get up and once she does, she runs to the ropes and is about to connect with a big boot but Morgan grabs her leg. She pushes her down as Tamina falls on her back. She quickly rolls her over and gets her in the breakdown.

"She's screaming again," King said as Morgan leaned back and screamed.

"She's got that hold locked in! Will Tamina tap!?" Cole exclaimed as the crowd was getting hyped up. 

But, Tamina found a way out by putting her legs on the ropes. Morgan waits for her to get up so she can hit her with a leaping clothesline. She gives her another, and then another. Then, she picks Tamina up and connects with a spinning bulldog.

"The shades of Roman Reigns are now in Morgan's system," Cole said as she went to a corner and waited for Tamina to get up. 

Once she does, she runs and yells "Ha!" as she gives Tamina a leaping punch, similar to Roman's Superman punch. Morgan goes back to the corner and roars as she spears Tamina.

"Another spear!" Cole exclaimed as the crowd cheered.

Morgan spins on her knee and stops and stands on one knee while smirking at AJ. 

"Did you hear that roar? Jeesh, did Roman teach her some moves?" King asked

"Roman must be so proud of her," JBL mentioned.

"This is going to be you," Morgan said to AJ before standing up.

Tamina gets up and grabs Morgan from behind when she was trash talking AJ. Morgan escapes the hold and knees her in the stomach. The Philly Diva hits her with the sit out full Nelson facebuster to eliminate her.

"1 against 1!" King exclaimed.

AJ smirks and gets in the ring. Morgan stands up and they circle around each other. 

"Just one more..." The Outspoken Diva murmured to herself. 

All of a sudden, Tamina gets on the apron and is about to attack her but Nikki and Natalya save her. Morgan was distracted by the fight and turned around to a kick by AJ. She quickly pins her but Morgan kicks out at 2. 

AJ starts throwing a tantrum in the ring as she starts banging on the mat. She glares at her and waits for her to get up. Morgan ducks AJ's kick and tries to kick her but AJ evades her kick, too. AJ tries to kick her again but she grabs her leg and brings her leg down as AJ does a split. The Philly diva connects with a spinning kick in the face. 

"Yikes!" King exclaimed.

Morgan gets on the apron as Natalya and Nikki are fighting Tamina outside the ring to keep her from getting in the ring. She hits AJ with a springboard clothesline. 

"I'll bet you that Seth taught her some moves," JBL said

She pins AJ for a two count. She takes control of AJ in a headlock but then AJ reverses it and puts her in a headlock 

"Have you told The Shield that you've been talking to the Wyatts? Or are you too scared that the Wyatts will hurt them? I saw you...I saw you talking to them...I wonder how The Shield will react if they find out about you and the Wyatts..." AJ said in her ear. "So you are actually going to join the Wyatt Family after all you and The Shield have been through? Oh Morgan, the situations you put yourself into. First, it was the WrestleMania match and you were forced to be in The it's this situation. Poor, poor Morgan..." she grinned while Morgan tried to ignore her.

AJ's mind games will always help her in matches. But this time, AJ was wrong. Morgan wasn't planning on joining the Wyatts. She was planning to tell The Shield if the Wyatts started to really bother her. But for now, since they are leaving her alone, she has no problems. 

Morgan tries to fight out of the hold as she stands up but AJ hits her with a swinging neckbreaker. She looks at Morgan while laughing before she pins her for a 2 count. As soon as Morgan stands on her knees, AJ connects with a shining wizard. 

"That should be it." JBL said and AJ pinned her but Morgan kicked out at the last second.

"Another near fall." Cole looked on. 

As soon as Morgan gets up again, AJ traps her in the black widow.

"Give up Morgan. Give up and it'll be all over. The Shield will not have two sole survivors in one night. I will not allow it!" AJ screamed. 

Nikki gets on the apron as AJ gets distracted and breaks the hold. 

"What is she still doing here!? She's been eliminated!" AJ yelled at the ref but then decided to dropkick Nikki, off the apron while Natalya was still fighting Tamina. 

The refs finally came down to separate them from fighting outside the ring.

"Watch your back," Morgan muttered as AJ turned around. 

She hits her with an enzuigiri and continues to take advantage by hitting AJ with a moonsault. She pins her for a 2 count.

"Another near fall! AJ kicked out!" King exclaimed as Morgan ran her gloved hands through her new black hair, trying to recover. 

AJ rolls out the ring and Morgan gets between the ropes, about to grab her but AJ grabs her arm and bangs it on the steel post.

"Smart move by AJ." JBL said as Morgan screamed in agony, holding her arm while she was on the mat.

AJ gets back in the ring and laughs at her. She starts skipping around and then begins to wear the Philly Diva down with some arm submissions.

"As you can see, AJ is really targeting the arm. That is a good strategy because it won't allow Morgan to do the breakdown or her full Nelson facebuster." Cole added. 

Morgan fights back and starts hitting AJ with one leg dropkicks. When AJ was on her hands and knees, she ran and stomped on her, like Seth's blackout finisher and pins her but AJ kicks out before the ref said 3.

The crowd chants 'Let's go Morgan! AJ Lee!'

"I know Rollins is happy." King said.

"These two really want to beat each other. Morgan wants to win to silence AJ and also do more history for The Shield by making them have 2 sole survivors in one night. There's a lot of expectations for Morgan. AJ wants to prove that the Total Divas can't beat the Non Total divas." Cole says.

Morgan's left arm was still bothering her as she held it. AJ had really outsmarted her. She would usually do damage with the right arm, so Morgan did extra stretching on her right arm instead of the left. She didn't know how much more she could take of this punishment. She needed to end this and end it now.

When AJ and Morgan stand up, AJ runs towards her. Morgan does a loud battle cry as she catches AJ and does a spinning side slam, similar to Jon Moxley's Moxicity finisher. 

"That knocked the wind out of AJ!" King exclaimed as Morgan slammed her down hard.

"Move out of nowhere!" Cole exclaimed.

"Could this be it?" JBL asked.



"3!" The crowd cheered as Morgan's theme came on

Nikki and Natalya run into the ring and jump on Morgan for a hug as she falls on the mat and laughs.

"Here is your winner! The sole survivor of Team Total Divas, Morgan!" Lilian announced.

"History has been made. The Shield now has 2 sole survivors in one night. The Shield may be one of the best teams in the WWE." Cole said.

"We won!" Nikki grinned while Natalya raised Morgan's right hand in victory.

"Thanks, guys," the Philly Diva smiled and hugged them.

Natalya and Morgan get on the top rope and taunt the crowd as Nikki taunts the crowd in between them, on the mat.

"Let's friggin' go! The Philly diva grinned at the crowd. "One year strong! Believe in The Shield!"

Morgan tweets 'That...was...awesome! #TheShield1YearStrong #BelieveInThat #TotalDivasRule'

'WWE Exclusive Video'

"That's what I'm talking about! Woo!" Seth cheered for Roman. Morgan walked up to them, in her wrestling attire. "There she is. There's our girl!"

Morgan laughed as Seth and Roman bumped fists with her. Dean greeted her with a kiss and took his Shield jacket off to give it to her to wear. She put it on and shot him a thankful smile. 

"You two dominated all night baby, all night!" Rollins continued to praise.

"For the past few weeks, there's been a lot of doubters. But the only thing that matters is, Rollins, you believe right?" Roman asked.

"Oh, I fully believe baby!" The two toned male happily replied.

"Ambrose, you believe right?" The Samoan turned his attention to him. Dean responded by doing a wave with his hand. "No doubt. And what about you, Grapes?"

"Totally." Morgan grinned.

"You were pretty badass out there," Roman mentioned, nodding in approval.

"Ain't that the truth? She nailed it out there." Seth praised. "One year later, and the story stays the same! We come in, we dominate, we win, and we leave, why? Because we're the best thing going, we said it since day 1! You better start believing, if you don't already."

"I tried to warn y'all, we tried to warn ya'll. You don't want us to release the big cat here. We tried to warn you what happens when you push Roman's buttons too hard and uh, and all those brothers found out. 1 spear, 2 spears, 3 spears, it's getting embarrassing now, 4 spears, how many spears?" Ambrose turned to Roman.

"Enough," Roman replied as Dean laughed in response.

"And that's what happens with you motivate The Thorn of Justice right here." Dean put his arm around his girlfriend. "You see when you give Morgan a cheap shot from behind, it motivates her to do more damage and more ass kicking. All those sisters found out. Backfire, spear, even doing some of our moves which she nailed, including that last move on AJ to win the match. We're going to Moxicity huh?" He joked as she chuckled and nodded.

"Morgan also did some high flying moves, springboard clotheslines, the breakdown, received hard slaps to the chest, and even that full Nelson bulldog. That was pretty wicked." Seth mentioned.

"It's getting pretty violent now, huh?" Dean asked.

"That blackout was sick, Morg." Rollins high fived her.

"Haha, thanks. I just really wanted to have some fun in the ring, to spice up the match." She replied.

"You made it more entertaining to watch, that's for sure," Roman replied.

Morgan looked at the camera. "People didn't believe in me when it was 3 on 1. I didn't believe in myself for a minute but after showing the power of Reigns, the speed of Rollins and the technical moves of Ambrose, it helped me out. So, you can sneak attack me, lock me into a closet, do anything you want but I will get back up and I will keep fighting. Nothing is going to stop me from doing justice."

"That's right," Seth commented while Roman and Dean nodded. "Quick question, how'd you nail our moves? We haven't even taught you, our moves."

"Eh...I guess it's my eyes? I've been pretty observant lately. Watching almost all of your matches, really helped me out in the match." Morgan chuckled at Seth.

"Fellas, I taught her well when she was doing my in ring attitude out there. You can be my Harley Quinn, anytime." Ambrose smirked.

"That was a wicked spear out there." Roman complimented. "You did good."

"Thanks." Morgan smiled.

Roman turned to the camera. "And there's plenty of more spears where that came from, believe! In The Shield."

Morgan tweets 'There have been some injustices from certain NXT Divas. It looks like justice needs to be served. #WatchYourBack'


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1 year ago

Forced To Believe Chapter 29- In Due Time

Forced To Believe Chapter 29- In Due Time

Chapter Summary:  Morgan visits NXT to team with Bayley. Goldust continues to be an issue for Morgan. CM Punk is on The Shield's radar. Melanie and Jon spend Thanksgiving together with Melanie's family

Words: 5,000+



"Welcome to NXT! We have a special guest, visiting NXT and it's WWE Diva Morgan Lopez. During Survivor Series, she tweeted that certain NXT Divas were doing injustices. Do you think she's going to target Paige?" Byron Saxton asked, on commentary.

"We'll have to find out," Regal replied.


"My guest at this time, Morgan Lopez." Renee Young said as the crowd cheered

"Hey." Morgan smiled at her.

"Morgan, during Survivor Series, you made history by making The Shield have two sole survivors in one night. How do you feel about that?"

"It's unreal. The Hounds of Justice are still going strong. I'm glad I made it through the match against the divas and their unique wrestling styles." She replied. 

Renee looked at Bayley who was behind Morgan, grinning at her. Morgan saw Renee looking behind her and turned around.

"Hi!" Bayley beamed.

"Hey, Bayley." The Philly Diva greeted nicely.

"Oh my gosh, you know my name!" Bayley exclaimed.

"Of course."

"Wow. You're-­you're Morgan! Morgan Lopez!"

"In the flesh." She was shocked when she got hugged abruptly. "Um..." She glanced at Renee who shrugged.

"You are like, so cool! Wow! I can't believe I am hugging you! You're huggable!" she exclaimed as Morgan hugged her back. "You were so awesome at Survivor Series. I mean, you mimicking the male members of The Shield was really cool! You're crazy!"

Morgan snickered and took the sentence as a compliment while getting released. "Thanks."

Bayley giggled. "I'm really happy that you're nice to me. I know you can be pretty tough and mean at times but thanks for showing me kindness."

"Bayley, I honestly couldn't bring myself to be mean to you. You're a sweetheart."

She gasped. "The Morgan Lopez just called me a sweetheart!"

"You know, you're actually the person I wanted to see."

Bayley squealed. "Really!? What would The Shield's girl want with me? Oh my gosh, this is so exciting!"

"Yes. I saw what happened to you when Charlotte betrayed you to be with Sasha and Summer. That was an injustice. The reason I came here is because I don't think that was nice. Bayley, you have firepower in you."

"I do?"

"When you get mad. You should use that more often."

"Injustice? Please..." Sasha Banks said as she, Summer and Charlotte walked over to them, from behind. "You forgot that I'm the boss of NXT."

"Yeah, you don't mess with the BFFs." Summer Rae snapped.

"Ah...the so called boss...the blondie who claims to be the best dancer but can't do the Gangnam Style, and the sellout..." Morgan retorted.

"What did you call me?" Charlotte snapped as Morgan turned around with Bayley staying behind her.

"The Gangnam Style is a disgrace to my baby." Summer fired back.

"And who are you calling the so called boss? I'll bankrupt your ass." Sasha retorted.

" don't even have any money, Sasha Broke." Morgan bluntly replied.

"OH NO, she didn't!" Sasha exclaimed, getting held back by Summer Rae as Bayley giggled. "Shut up fangirl!" She yelled while Bayley got quiet.

"No. Hell no. You aren't going to talk to her like that. Bayley isn't going to be a target around here. Not on my watch." Morgan said. 

"Yeah!" Bayley spoke up. "You guys are mean. What you did was an..." She looked at Morgan.

"Injustice." the Philly Diva replied.

"Yeah! An injustice!" Bayley grinned while Sasha and Summer rolled their eyes.

"Roll your eyes again and I'll stab them out with my grape fork." Morgan took out a fork as Sasha backed up.

"She's bluffing..." Summer scoffed but Morgan glared at her. "Okay, she's not bluffing." She backed up.

"Morgan, if you have a problem with us, face us in the ring," Charlotte spoke.

"Gladly," Morgan smirked and walked away with Bayley as the NXT theme came on.

Morgan tweets 'Okay...who wants to get stabbed with my #GrapeFork? #MorganShallGrantYouJustice'

'Later, in the ring'

"This is a diva tag match, scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, the team of, Bayley, and she is one fourth of The Shield, Morgan Lopez!" Veronica Lane announced as the crowd cheered for them. 

Bayley and Morgan walk out, holding hands and grinning at the crowd. They were walking out to Bayley's theme. They tag some of the fan's hands and Morgan runs in the ring. She gets on the turnbuckle and does her taunt. 

Once she jumped down, Bayley got in the ring to hug her while she chuckled and hugged back.

The BFFS come out to Summer Rae's theme. "Introducing the challengers, accompanied by Sasha Banks, the team of Summer Rae and Charlotte!"

Morgan shakes her head in amusement when she sees Sasha in glasses. After they make their entrance, the crowd chants 'Ratchet!' to Sasha as her jaw drops. Morgan and Bayley start to laugh. 

The Outspoken Diva gets in the ring as Summer and Bayley get on the apron and Sasha goes to ringside. Morgan and Charlotte circle around each other and lock up as Charlotte takes control. She throws Morgan to the ropes and hits her with a shoulder block. She pins her for a 2 count. Charlotte starts taking control of Morgan's left arm that she hurt at Survivor Series. 

"Charlotte, targeting the arm," Regal said.

"Come on Morgan!" Bayley cheered as Charlotte started doing flips and bridges with her arm submissions.

Morgan fights back and starts giving her one leg drop kicks. Charlotte stumbles back and tags in Summer Rae. Summer flips her hair and gets in the ring. To be funny, the Outspoken Diva decides to mock her hair flip.

"What was that?" Summer exclaimed and went to the ropes and put her head down and up, flipping her hair again. 

Morgan mocks her again by doing the same thing as the crowd cheers. Summer glares at her while Morgan smirks and motions her to come at her.

"Let's dance, blondie." The Philly diva said before they locked up. 

Morgan knees her in the midsection and slams her to the mat. The crowd chants 'We Believe' as she ducks Summer's clothesline and runs to the ropes again to hit her with a bicycle super kick

"Get off of me!" Summer yelled as Morgan dragged her over to Bayley. 

She tags her in as the crowd cheers. They throw Summer to the ropes and hit her with a double dropkick. Bayley pins Summer for a 2 count. They stand up as Bayley does an arm twist but gets kicked by Summer. Summer throws her to the turnbuckle and connects with a foot choke as the ref starts counting. She releases the hold at 4 and pulls Bayley down on the mat by her hair.

She then decides to put her into a headlock as Bayley stands up and tries to fight out of it. She continues the pressure and makes her go back down on the mat. Morgan starts clapping to try to motivate Bayley as the crowd assists her. 

"Come on Bayley! You can do it! I know you can!" She yelled

Bayley gets motivated and starts fighting back by hitting Summer with elbows to the face. She throws Summer to the ropes and gives her a running splash. 

"There you go!" Morgan praised

Bayley grabs Summer and tags in Morgan as the crowd cheers again. They give her a double suplex and Morgan pins her for a two count. The Philly Diva tries to trap Summer into the breakdown but her long legs circle her neck as she releases the hold.

"Summer's legs are so long," Regal said as Morgan managed to release Summer's legs from her neck

Summer quickly tags in Charlotte as she slowly gets in the ring. Morgan gets slapped by her, as the crowd oohs. Morgan responds by spearing her and unloading on her. The ref breaks it up and when they both recover; Morgan hits her with the sitout full nelson facebuster. 

"She now calls this The Morganizer," Regal informed as Morgan pinned Charlotte but Summer Rae broke it up.

"Seriously?" The Philly diva retorted but then Charlotte hit her from behind and threw her to her corner.

Charlotte tags in Summer and they both choke Morgan with their feet as the ref starts counting. Charlotte gets on the apron as Summer puts Morgan on the middle rope and puts her knee on her neck to choke her again.

"Why won't you stay down!?" Sasha yelled at ringside after Morgan kicked out of Summer's pin at 2. "Come on Summer! Finish her!"

Summer puts Morgan in a headlock but she gets up and lifts her up to slam her to the mat. She crawls over to tag in Bayley as Summer tags in Charlotte. The fangirl runs and hits her with a couple of clotheslines and gives her an exploder suplex which she calls the hugplex. When she goes for the pin, Sasha and Summer grab her leg to pull Bayley off of Charlotte at ringside, breaking the pin.

"Not today!" Morgan shouted and got off the apron. 

She runs to the two divas and double clotheslines them.

"Morgan isn't going to let the Beautiful, Fierce Females get in the way of this match," Byron said. 

In the ring, Bayley manages to duck Charlotte's clothesline and give her the arm twist transitioned to a headlock driver which she calls the Rose Plant to pin her for the win. 

"Yeah!" Morgan cheered and got in the ring as Bayley's theme came on.

"Here are your winners! Bayley and Morgan!" Veronica announced. 

Bayley was jumping up and down, celebrating as the Outspoken Diva grinned. She turned to Morgan and hugged her tightly as the crowd cheered

"Whoa!" The Philly diva looked surprised as Bayley managed to pick her up and twirl her around. 

Bayley released her and grabbed her hands, jumping up and down, happily.

"We won! We won, we won, we won!" Bayley exclaimed. "We did it!"

"You did it." she smiled at her as Bayley grinned and hugged her again.

Bayley tweets 'A big virtual hug to WWEMorgan101! It was so awesome wrestling with you! I hope to hug you again soon! #MorganIsHuggable'

Morgan replies 'itsBayleyWWE Sending a hug back. It was fun wrestling with you too! #HugsAreCool :)'


The Shield were in the ring while Morgan was at ringside. The Shield were going up against The Rhodes Brothers and Rey Mysterio. "Let's talk about Survivor Series, last night. And Roman Reigns and Morgan were the Sole Survivors for their teams last night and made history. They tied a record for the most number of eliminations and may have made The Shield one of the best teams in the WWE." Cole said.

"Roman Reigns and Morgan went on a tear. When the odds weren't in their favor, they made it through." King said.

"I was surprised at Morgan's performance at Survivor Series. I had my doubts but she proved me wrong." JBL added.

"4 spears last night by Roman Reigns," Cole said in amazement. "And I lost count of how many moves that Morgan did that were similar to The Shield's. I didn't know she could pull off their moves so well."

Once Rey and The Rhodes Brothers get in the ring, Roman and Goldust start things off but Dean and Seth decide to ambush Rey and Cody as Goldust gets distracted and attacked by Roman. The Shield start to take control of Goldust. 

"The Shield looks like they have a strategy, right out of the box tonight." Cole went on

"The Shield always has a strategy. These 4 may be the first individuals to have a greater impact in their debut year than anyone else." JBL said. 

Roman gives Goldust a flying clothesline and pins him for the two count and continues to take control.

"What's up with Morgan's new hair color?" King asked

"On the WWE website, she said that it was to support the color black for The Shield since it's their trademark color," Cole said. "You think The Shield wear any other color besides black?"

"I think so."

"I should ask her. Let me try to get her on commentary." King said and tried to get Morgan's attention. After a few attempts, The Outspoken diva glanced at him. "Hey Morgan, you want to commentate?"

"Eh, why not." She shrugged and took a seat. She put on a headset as she watched Dean take control of Goldust.

"It's nice of you to join us, Morgan! How ya been?" King grinned.

"Surviving." She smiled.

"Good one," JBL replied.

"Morgan, I have a question, does The Shield wear any other color besides black?" King asked.

"That's a weird question. I mean, in the ring, The Shield wears black but outside the ring, we're colorful," she replied.

"Interesting. So, what do you think of the match so far?"

"Well, I'm watching my puddin' take control of Goldie and he's looking hot doing it." She watched Ambrose with a smile.

"Morgan, we've been noticing that you've been attracting some madmen lately, care to explain that?" Cole asked.

"It's weird, I know. I don't know why but I'm done running. Me and Goldie have some unfinished business and I'm going to make sure he doesn't mess with me anymore." She declared.

"Uh oh!" Cole exclaimed as Goldust hit Roman and Dean with a double DDT. 

Roman tags in Seth and hits Cody off the apron.

"Atta boy." Morgan complimented but then Goldust managed to tag in Rey. "Great..." She retorted as Rey hit Seth with some of his signature moves.

"Excuse me." She spoke and took the headset off. 

"Where is she going?" Cole asked as she started to slowly walk around the ring.

"She's unpredictable. Who knows." JBL looked on.

Meanwhile, in the ring, Rey manages to get Seth in the 619 hold but he escapes and they both give each other a crossbody as they both are hurt but continue to wrestle in the ring. Morgan continues to slowly walk around the ring, plotting to distract Rey, without the ref seeing but Goldust gets off the apron and starts to follow her.

"Uh oh, this doesn't look good. Does Morgan know that Goldust is following her?" Cole asked

"I'm afraid not," JBL replied

Goldust grabs her by the arm near the ramp and turns her around as her eyes widen. Before she can run away, she gets pulled into a messy smooch as the crowd cheers

"What!?" King yelled in a high pitched voice as Morgan started freaking out.

"Oh my gosh! That is disgusting! Get off of her!" JBL exclaimed as Cole started laughing. 

Ambrose witnesses Morgan being kissed by Goldust against her will and snaps. He gets off the apron, seething.

Goldust pushes Morgan off of his lips and does his taunt again.

"Ahh! You're crazy! You're friggin' crazy!" She screamed at him, wiping her lips off in disgust. She saw some black face paint on her right hand and stood up. "You sicko!" She yelled and slapped him hard in the face. "You do not ever! Ever! Touch The Shield's girl! Do you understand me!?"

Goldust was amused. "Let's have another kiss, baby."

"No-­no way." She exclaimed and started running around the ring as the crowd laughed.

"Run Morgan! Run like the wind!" King tried to support her when she ran past the commentating table. 

She trips and starts scrambling back as Goldust does his taunt and starts walking after her.

"Hey!" Dean yelled as Goldust turned around. He runs and hits Goldust with a hard Lariat as the crowd 'Ohs' again.

"Good grief!" JBL exclaimed. 

Dean gets up and starts seething as he stares down Goldust while Morgan looks at him.

'Deja Vu...' she thought of Luke Harper saving her from Goldust like this. 

Did Dean know about Luke but didn't want to confront her yet? Dean would have saved Morgan earlier and before she was getting chased. It was like he was mimicking Luke's actions when he went to save her. 

Dean turns to look at her. 

Not good.

He was in his possessive stage. 

He walks over to her and picks her up bridal style.

"You okay?" He asked with a growl.

"Yeah..." She replied as he set her down, near The Shield's corner. 

Dean managed to not do any more damage to Goldust, thankfully. Morgan didn't want him to go on a rampage.

"Try not to get yourself into any more trouble, all right...?" He mentioned as she nodded. 

Was he mad at her? She could feel some tension between them as he got back on the apron. 

And that's when reality hit her. She was screwed. 

He knew.

Dean was seething on the ropes. Half of him was seething because of Luke Harper. The man who saved his woman. And the other half was because of that Gold prick putting his lips on his woman. Morgan was his and only his and he'll make sure of it. Looks like Luke and Goldust didn't get the memo. He'd have to take care of them, one by one.

'In due time...' He thought as he tried to calm himself down. 

He glances at Morgan who is in deep thought. He didn't want to confront her about Luke and the Wyatts yet, but when he did, she better explain every single detail. He didn't mind locking her in a room with him, making sure she didn't escape. He wants the truth and no more lies. Every time he asked her if she was all right, she would lie to his face and not tell him about the Wyatts. 

That was going to end, real soon.

Dean knew since day 1. When Luke saved Morgan. He saw it and saw how she looked at him. She grew a soft spot for Luke. That was going to change real soon. 

Later on in the match, Cody hits Dean with the Alabama Slam and pins him but Roman breaks it up. Rey manages to throw Roman out of the ring and put Seth back into the 619 position. Rey runs to the ropes but gets speared by Reigns.

"Spear! Spear!" JBL yelled

"What!?" King yelled in a high pitched voice.

"From out of nowhere!" Cole exclaimed as the crowd went wild. 

Goldust gets in the ring and runs to the ropes but gets speared by Roman. Cody dropkicks Roman out of the ring but Roman lands on the apron. Cody hits him with a disaster kick and puts Seth in the Cross Rhodes position. But then he gets grabbed by Ambrose from behind from behind and hit with his finisher, losing the match.

"The winners of this match, The Shield!" Justin announced

"What a great match. What a great team. Already after one year, they are one the greatest teams." JBL complimented.

Goldust tweets 'WWEMorgan101's lips tasted like heaven. I will make those lips black and gold.'

'Hell no! That will be the LAST time you kiss me!' Morgan replies.

Morgan tweets 'I am disgusted by that kiss from Goldust! Yuck! #YouDontTouchMorgan. This cannot be happening. I'm attracting bizarre men. What's next?'

'Later, in the ring'

Daniel Bryan and Punk got beat up by the Wyatts and Daniel was carried out the arena by the Wyatts. Punk manages to get out of the ring and try to go after them but gets speared. 

"What the hell who the hell!? R-­Roman Reigns!" Cole exclaimed. Seth and Dean, who wasn't wearing tape on his hands, walk up to Punk. Morgan was in the ring, leaning on the ropes, watching. "Reigns just speared Punk out of nowhere! And there's Rollins...and Ambrose...Morgan is in the ring."

The Shield taunt Punk and drag him into the ring.

"Pick em' up," Morgan ordered as Dean and Seth held Punk by his arms.

"Punk is helpless," JBL said.

She walked up to Punk and kneeled. "Oh Punk...Punk...Punk...I wish it didn't have to be this way...but you need to believe." She lifted his chin. "But don't worry. I'll make it quick and painful." She smiled and stood up.

"Oh no, not the sinister kick!" Cole exclaimed as she hit Punk with a hard roundhouse kick in the face.

Roman roars while Seth and Dean pick Punk up again and they hit the triple powerbomb on him.

Morgan shook her head. "Pitiful..."

"CM Punk is seriously hurt," Cole said as The Shield walked up the ramp.

"Guys, I guess the message here tonight is, you don't mess with the Wyatts and you don't mess with The Shield," King said.

"Bless his little heart." Roman grinned.

CM Punk tweets 'WWEMorgan101 Just because you're a female doesn't mean I won't get you back from that kick. You're going to be sorry.'

'CMPunk Ha! Are you threatening me? If you even think about putting a FINGER on me, you're wrong. The Shield won't let you. I'm untouchable.' Morgan replies.

'In due time due time. I'm going to get you. I vow it.'

'CMPunk Ooh, I'm sooo scared!'

'WWEMorgan101 You should be. You better watch your back.'

'No. Watch YOUR back CMPunk'



Melanie tiptoed to Colby's hotel room and knocked on his door. When the door opened, she sprayed a bottle of silly string in the victim's face. 

"Haha! Got ya Colby!" but then her eyes widened when she saw Joe, covered in the silly string. "Oh my gosh! Joe! Dammit! Why'd you open the door? My plan failed!"

He chuckled and picked the silly string off his face. "I wasn't aware that you were going to prank me."

"It wasn't meant for you!" She exclaimed and heard Colby laugh as he stood next to Joe.

"Looks like your prank backfired." He grinned.

"Darn it!" Melanie exclaimed.

"Hey, I get to do my prank." Colby moistened his right index finger.

Fear took over her as she started to back up. "Oh no..."

"Oh, yes. Wet willy time."

Melanie started running down the hall as Colby chased her. 

"Get her Colby!" Joe cheered.

"Joe! You're supposed to be on my side!" she exclaimed but shrieked when Colby grabbed her. "Ew!" She cringed when he put his finger in her right ear and released her.

"Got you!" he laughed.


He patted her shoulder. "Can't wait for your next prank."

"You suck bro. Not cool."

"Haha, I love you too sis."

'Later, in Melanie's hotel room'

Melanie was packing up her bags for Philly since Thanksgiving was tomorrow. She couldn't wait to see her parents.

Her phone rang and she put the phone on speaker. "Hey, mom!"

"Sweetie! How are you?" Jane happily asked.

"Packing up, so I can go home and see you and the family for Thanksgiving. I can't wait. I can smell the turkey already." Melanie chuckled.

"Great! Will Jon be coming?"

"Yep. He can't wait."

"Aw, we can't wait to see him too. When is your flight?"

"It's an early flight tomorrow. It's at 5:30 in the morning." Melanie looked at the clock and it read 10:18 PM. "Most of the roster are already home with their families. Right now, I'm just waiting for Jon's slow behind to get home, so he can pack up."

"Who are you calling slow?" He asked, from the bathroom as she jumped. 

He started laughing at her being startled.

"When did you get in?" She asked in surprise.

"A minute ago." He grinned at her as she rolled her eyes.

"Haha. I hope you're helping me cook. Mimi is coming over to spend Thanksgiving with us. The rest of our family will be visiting us during Christmas time instead. We had to reschedule because of the work

hours and the traffic. My side and Diego's side of the family will all be there for the holidays. I can't wait. Now, about Mimi, I want you and her to be cordial with each other." Jane mentioned

"Why? She's so annoying! All she keeps talking about is her modeling career and plastic surgery, these days. She's evil!"

"I'm not choosing sides but I think you two should talk it out. Mimi wants to talk to you, anyway. But only if you don't try anything crazy like last time. Sweetie, that was unnecessary to put her in a headlock and put her head in mashed potatoes a few years ago..."

Jon smirked at the memory as he packed his bag. That day was funny as hell. 

"Hey, I am innocent! She wanted me to show her a wrestling move!" Melanie defended but also chuckled at the memory.

"Melanie, just don't do that again."

"No promises."

"Melanie Nichole Laurer Rivera, I mean it." she sternly called out.

"Ha, she called you by your full name. Melanie's a bad girl now." Jon grinned. 

The Philly diva responded by throwing a pillow at him. He effortlessly caught it and stuck his tongue out at her. She mocked him by doing the same.

"All right, Mom..." She replied.

"I want this to be a cordial Thanksgiving..." 

"Ha! Cordial...I doubt it. You and Aunt Aria are going to be disagreeing to no end."

"She is the one who starts it."

"Uh huh."

"Oh, hush."

"Haha. Anyway, I gotta finish packing up. Love you."

"Love you too! Can't wait to see you and be safe!"

Moments later, her phone rang again and Melanie put the phone to her ear.

"Hey Celeste! What's up?" she asked as she zipped her suitcases.

"Melanie! I have some exciting news!" Celeste squealed.

"What's up?!"

"I got engaged!"

"Shut up! Seriously!?" Melanie jumped up and down while Jon looked at her with a confused look. "He popped the question!?"


"How does the ring look? Tell me!" Melanie happily demanded. 

She was thrilled that Celeste's boyfriend PJ Braun, who is the president of Prime Nutrition and Blackstone Labs, asked her to marry him.

"He got me a rare orange chocolate diamond."

"Sounds just like you." The Philly Diva grinned. Celeste wasn't into those traditional diamonds. "I can't wait to see the ring after Thanksgiving."

"I can't wait to show you! And tell you more about it. I gotta go, hope you have an awesome Thanksgiving Melly."

"You too, hun."

'Thursday Morning'

Melanie and Jon arrive at Melanie's parents' place with their luggage. 

"Melanie! Jon!" Diego greeted and hugged them both. 

"Hey, Dad!" Melanie beamed and kissed him on the cheek

"How you doing, son?" Diego gave Jon a bro hug.

"Doing all right."

"Are you treating my daughter well?"

"Yes, I am," Jon replied with a smile.

"He's telling the truth." Melanie grinned and kissed Jon on the cheek.

"Your mother and Aunt are in the kitchen," Diego informed them as Melanie nodded and headed to the kitchen.

The Philly Diva began to hear barking and saw her dog running to her.

"Hey, Ellie! I missed you, too." She petted the dog and walked into the kitchen.

"There you are!" Aunt Aria grinned and hugged Melanie.

"Melanie!" Jane happily said and gave her a big hug and numerous kisses on the cheek.

"Mom!" she giggled.

"You're on your own, this time," Aria said as she gave Ellie a dog treat.

"I missed you! I'm so glad you're here!" Jane smiled.

"I'm glad I'm here too. How is everything?" Melanie asked.

"Everything is great! I saw you on Raw. That was awesome how you got kissed by Goldust."

Melanie laughed at the memory. "I like working with The Rhodes family. It's an honor."

"I'm here!" A female voice called out. 

Melanie could hear the high heels clicking from the kitchen. 

"Aunt Jane! Aunt Aria!" Mimi grinned and greeted them with a hug and kiss. 

"Haven't seen you in a while. How's modeling?" Melanie asked.

"Oh, it's going really well! I walked my first runway show in New York last week. So proud of myself. And what about you? I heard you lost the Diva's Championship. What a bummer. So, how's that stupid wrestling career of yours?" Mimi asked

Melanie frowned at her. " and your stupid modeling..."

"You know you still owe me for giving you that stupid bar job in the first place. If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be in the WWE, so remember that."

"Let's not argue. Mimi, I thought you wanted to talk." Jane said.

"Her attitude disgusts me." Mimi retorted. "Aren't you going to hug me or greet me more nicely?"

"Your fakeness disgusts me. Head to toe. To your fake breasts to those ridiculous heels." Melanie ranted.

"How dare you!?"

"How dare you?"

"Okay, enough of the arguing. You two need to talk it out. Right here. Right now. What's going on?" Aria asked.

"I don't understand why she likes wrestling so much. It's fake! It's so stupid. You should've just gone to college, but no, you whined and made me get you that job. It's unfair how popular she is at such a young age when I've been going to school and working hard to model." Mimi pointed out.

"Wrestling is not fake." Melanie set the record straight. "And you couldn't handle wrestling, remember? Jeez. And besides, isn't modeling better for you? You'll get there eventually."

"And what do you say, Mimi?" Aria asked.

Mimi sighed and crossed her arms. "I'm sorry for calling wrestling fake..."


"And I love you and I'm sorry..."

"Say it like you mean it." Aria sternly said.

"I'm sorry, Melanie."

Melanie shook her head and rolled her eyes with a chuckle. "I forgive you. Now can we continue cooking and celebrating Thanksgiving as a happy family?"

"Yes." Mimi grinned.

"So, what are we cooking Jane?" Aria asked.

"I already have the Turkey, staying warm in the oven. I just need help finishing the rest of the food."

"Do we have cranberry sauce?" Mimi asked.

"Yes, we do." Jane smiled.

"What's for dessert?" Melanie asked, craving some sweets.

"You and your sweet tooth..." Aria chuckled.

"I haven't had sweets in a while! And do we have grapes around here?" Melanie went to the fridge.

"Yes!" She took the bag of grapes out of the fridge and opened it.

"Melanie, that's not just for you," Jane said.

"Can I at least have half?"

"Jane, no one can forget Melanie's love for grapes. I'll get another bag tomorrow." Aria mentioned.

"You sure you want to be out tomorrow? It'll be black Friday and that's when people get mobbed. Well, at least I do when I go out there." Melanie said as she popped a few grapes in her mouth.

"I'll survive. And plus, maybe it's because you're a WWE Diva, right?"


After Melanie, Mimi and Aria helped Jane make all the food and set up everything, everyone sat at the table.

"Before we do anything, what is everyone thankful for?" Jane asked. "I'm thankful for my beautiful family and my health."

"I, for one, am thankful for modeling and high heels. Oh, and family, family is great." Mimi grinned.

"I'm thankful for the dance studio that my beautiful daughter and her boyfriend generously gave me. I'm also thankful for my beautiful wife and family." Diego kissed Jane on the cheek.

"Aw." Melanie grinned at them. "I'm thankful for my boyfriend, friends and family, grapes, my wrestling career and my fans."

"What about you Jon?" Jane smiled at him.

"Everyone here, accepting me as a family member. But, I'm mostly thankful for Melanie." He looked at her. "For everything you've done for me for the past years. Remember the time when you first invited me for Thanksgiving with your family?"

"Oh, I remember. That was such a nice time. I'm really happy that you can spend Thanksgiving with us every year, Jon." Jane smiled.

"I'm glad too," Jon replied.

"Can we say grace and dig in?" Melanie asked as everyone nodded in agreement.

"I'll make it short and sweet," Mimi suggested.

"No, you make it long and sweet," Jane called out.

"Short," Aria replied.

"Long!" Jane exclaimed.

"Short...I want to eat."

"We need to truly thank God for this food."

Melanie sighed. 'Here we go...' She thought. 

Jon held her hand under the table and she looked at him and smiled. He leaned in and gave her a long, sweet kiss while Aria and Jane were still arguing.

"Hey! No making out at the table." Diego playfully glared at them before grinning as the couple quickly pulled away.

Jon cleared his throat and adjusted his shirt while Melanie fixed her hair.

"I want grace to be long," Jane said

"It doesn't have to be a full book," Aria retorted. "We can still be thankful to God without saying a long prayer. We hungry up in here. We haven't even eaten breakfast."

Melanie and Jon glanced at each other and then Melanie glanced at Diego and Mimi. 

They nod at her.

"THANK The Lord for letting us travel safely to Philadelphia and having everyone here," Melanie started the prayer so they could hurry up and eat. "We truly thank the Lord for this food that we are about to receive and bless the hands that prepared this food. God is good, God is great, Lord I thank you for this food. Amen."

"Amen!" Everyone else replied.

"Thank you!" Mimi exclaimed and turned her attention to the mashed potatoes. "Nice save. Who knows how long they were going to argue."

"Exactly." Melanie grinned.


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1 year ago

Forced To Believe Chapter 30- Trying To Gain Momentum

Forced To Believe Chapter 30- Trying To Gain Momentum

Chapter Summary:  Morgan continues to have targets on her back while Punk butts heads with her

Words: 3,000+



The Rhodes Brothers were already in the ring while The Shield jumped over the barricade. Morgan was frowning. 

"Morgan looks like she's in a sour mood." JBL pointed out.

"Well, she did get kissed by Goldust," Cole said. "Roman and Seth take on The Rhodes Brothers for the WWE Tag Team Champions."

Morgan and Dean go on commentary as the match starts. 

"How are you, Morgan?" Cole asked.

"I'm doing good. I'm just surviving and chilling." She replied.

'Sure...' Dean thought. 

He was gonna make her eat those words. 

"You sure?" JBL asked. "What's been going on?"

"Well, that crazy gold psycho in the ring kissed me and I'm going to get revenge on him tonight." She declared.

"Not if I get to him first..." Dean glared at Goldust.

"You know, you've been acting pretty weird since Monday. Are you okay?" She asked him, looking concerned.

"I'm fine, never better."

"Do you think Cody and Goldust have The Shield's number?" Cole asked.

"First of all, nobody has The Shield's number," Dean stated. "The Shield has had everybody's number. Look at the list of superstars that we've taken out and defeated. I don't have enough time in this broadcast to list the number of superstars we put on the shelf. Let me ask you, Michael, where's The Undertaker these days? He's probably still in London where we left him laying. Where's The Rock these days? He can't hang anymore, he's in Hollywood."

Later on in the match, The Shield start to take control of Cody. 

"So, what are your plans for the new year? We know you lost the title. How do you feel?" JBL asked Morgan.

"A little disappointed but I lost to a better woman. I'm not going to be champion forever. I'll just have to earn another title shot. That's going to be my New Year's resolution. To try to earn another title shot." She replied.

"Earn?" Cole asked.

"What do you mean earn? She earns her stuff." JBL retorted to Cole.

"Yes. Earn, Michael. Right now Natalya is going to be up against AJ for the title. It's her time to shine. I'm rooting for her." She replied.

"So Morgan, what's been going on with you and CM Punk," Cole asked. "You've been having quite the targets on your back."

"I don't mean to have targets on my back. People just love to feud with me. But they just don't seem to remember that I can drop them" she snapped her fingers. 

"CM Punk says he's after me. Well, go ahead. I'm not scared of him. If he wants to fight with me, then we can rumble. I can't run away or hide by The Shield. I need to be responsible for my actions. I kicked Punk in the face. I did it. I did it on Raw and I admit it." She continued. "I know what I did and I know Punk has a problem with that. So, if he wants to grow some balls and step up to The Shield's Girl, then he can take me on one on one and I can give him the Morganizer, a backfire and the breakdown to shut him up and take him back to Chicago. He does not know who he's messing with. I am from Philly. He may think I'm all talk but no action but once he steps in the ring with me, it's over. D.O.N.E. He's done. Finished!" She motioned her hand to her neck like she was slicing her neck.

"Be careful what you say. That may come back to haunt you." Cole replied.

Morgan had a feeling that it would but she loves a challenge. "I know that. But, I have to step up to my actions and deal with the consequences. The Shield can't always help me and I proved that I can do things alone at Survivor Series."

"This is why I love a woman with confidence," Dean smirked at her. 

In the ring, Cody starts to fight back and he throws Seth out of the ring. During this, he hits the announce table as Dean stands up. 

"He moved our table. Come on buddy. Get back in there." Ambrose said.

"I hope he's okay." Morgan looks concerned. 

Seth gets in the ring and manages to tag in Reigns but Cody tags in Goldust. Goldust starts to take control and do his signature moves. Meanwhile, Dean was biting his knuckles.

"You all right?" She chuckled at Dean.

"Yeah, I'm not worried, just excited," Dean replied.

Later on, Cody hits Seth with the Cross Rhodes and Ambrose runs into the ring to break Cody's pin on Seth as the bell rings. 

"I knew that was gonna happen...I knew it..." Morgan said. Dean starts to attack Cody until CM Punk runs out with a chair. "Great...It's him."

Punk runs down the ramp and hits Roman with the chair twice. He runs in the ring as Dean runs out of the ring. Goldust gets in the ring to help Cody as The Shield regroups. 

"Are you kidding me?" Morgan yelled at Punk as she removed her headset. 

As The Shield regrouped, Vickie was on the titantron and made the match a 6 man tag team match.

"What's she talkin' about? Six man tag? Are you kiddin' me!?" Seth yelled as Dean tried to calm him down.

When they get in the ring, Morgan is at ringside and Punk takes control of Dean.

"Come on Dean! Break his neck." Morgan cheered.

"I'll break yours if you don't shut your mouth." Punk turned his attention to her.

"I wish you would! I am not scared of you, cookie monster!" She snapped. "I dare you to put a finger on me! Do you wanna get hurt?" 

Near the end of the match, Morgan was near the ramp, watching the match. Dean was put in the GTS position by Punk but all of a sudden, the Wyatt Family's opening surrounds the arena and the arena goes black. The light comes back on and the Wyatts appear at the end of the ramp.

"Oh, we got company," Cole said as Punk got distracted.

Morgan turned around and looked at Bray. "I thought I told you to leave me alone." She exclaimed, narrowing her eyes at him

"We simply came for Punk, my rose," Bray replied with a sick smile as she backed away from them.

Dean turns to Punk and attacks him from behind as The Shield takes control of him. The Wyatts attack Goldust and Cody before Punk could tag them in and the faces get beat up by the heels. 

The Usos run into the ring and attack the Wyatts as a brawl occurs. Then, Rey runs into the ring to clear house. Outside the ring, Luke is attacking Goldust and sees Morgan near him.

Morgan was keeping her distance and watching the action in the ring. She thought it would be best to keep herself out of more trouble. 

Suddenly, Luke picks up Goldust and brings him to her. She looks at Luke in confusion and then looks at Goldust. 

Luke wanted to give Morgan what she wanted. She wanted revenge on Goldust and he decided to give that to her. 

"What are you doing?" She asked, looking confused.

"You wanted revenge, correct? Don't stray, get your revenge." He said.

As much as Morgan hated to admit it, she had a soft spot for Luke. She thinks that he has a heart even though he is with the Wyatts. 

She grabs Goldust and hits him with the backfire.

"What? Morgan and Luke Harper working together? This is scary. The Shield and Wyatts working together. I wonder what's going on between them." Cole said as the crowd chanted 'Yes! Yes! Yes!'

Morgan gets up and looks at Luke. She wasn't expecting to get Goldust back this quickly but she was thankful for what Luke did for her. She decides to give him a small smile. A smile wouldn't hurt. Call her crazy but she actually forgot the fear she had for the Wyatts as she looked at the bearded, strong, and erratic man in front of her.

"Thanks." Morgan turned around but he grabbed her wrist and she turned around to face him.

"You're welcome," Luke mumbled and released her but then they turned their attention to the stage.

"Excuse me! No! No! No! Excuse me!" Vickie yelled as she walked onto the stage. "This chaos will not continue, not on my show, not on Smackdown! I demand order!" 

"This match is now a 12 man tag team match!" She announced as the crowd cheered.

Later on in the ring, CM Punk was in the ring with Bray Wyatt. He was out of the ring and saw Morgan, glaring at him. 

"What? What are you gonna do? Step up, I'm ready." She motioned Punk to come at her. 

Punk smirked and made a loud slapping sound with his hands and fell down. The crowd cheered once the ref looked at Punk and then Morgan. 

"I didn't do it! He faked it! He faked it! He's faking it! He's not really hurt!" She tried to explain.

"That's it! You're out of here!" Ref yelled as the crowd erupted in cheers and The Shield start to protest.

She shot Punk a dirty look. "Bastard! I'm gonna frickin' kill you!" She yelled while Punk grinned and waved goodbye to her. 

"I'm gonna get you! I'm gonna get you Punk!" She reluctantly walked up the ramp.

Morgan tweets 'Well it looks like the #CookieMonster is going to be #Morganized real soon. Thanks for making me go backstage CMPunk. That was so funny, I forgot to laugh.'

'Next week, Hours Before Raw'

Melanie was in a black dress that stopped before her knees and with black low heels. Her hair was down and curly at the end. 

"Hey, Melanie!" Brie beamed and hugged her. She was wearing her dress for the Slammys next week.

"Hey. How was your shoot with Bryan?" she asked.

"It went great. I love your outfit."

"Thanks, I love yours too. I'm surprised I'm surviving in heels. Nicole and Nattie are the veterans when it comes to heels."

"Yeah, that's true."

Jon walked up behind Melanie and wrapped his arms around her. He kissed her on the cheek and she turned her head and smiled. 

"We're up next." He said.

"Have fun you two." Brie smiled at them as they walked to the set.

Melanie looked at Jon's suit. "I'm not surprised that The Shield has to keep wearing black."

"I still look hot right?" He grinned.

She punched his arm and laughed. The cameraman finished setting up his camera and turned to the couple.

"Okay, we are going to take a few photos for couple of the year. Not a lot but we should be done in 5 minutes."

"All righty." Melanie grinned.

"Okay, can we have you lean on the wall?" The cameraman asked. 

Melanie leaned on the wall and The cameraman motioned Jon to stand in front of her and put his hands on the wall on each side of her head. 

"Can we have Morgan and Dean's smirk?" 

As they continued to snap photos, Melanie turned her head away from Jon and the photographer took the shot. 

She then looked up at him with a smile. "Does this remind you of Mr and Mrs Smith? Since we're wearing black?"

"Kind of. All we need is guns." He grinned.

They get off the wall and stand in front of the camera. She stood on her tippy toes and wrapped her arms around his neck, smiling at him while he grabbed her waist. 

The photographer also started taking pictures when Melanie grabbed his tie and when he kissed her on the cheek. 

He then got behind her to wrap his arms around her waist while she leaned to the left side 

"All right, that's a wrap!" was announced as the photographer stopped snapping photos.

"Sweet. High five." She said as Jon gave her a high five. 

"Down low." He gives her a low five. 

"Too slow!" She laughed as he tried to give her another high five. 

Jon reacted by picking her up bridal style and spinning her around as she laughed.

'Raw, In The Ring'

The Rhodes Brother, Kaitlyn and Big Show were in the ring to take on The Shield. Dean, Seth and Roman were walking through the crowd. "Wait, where's Morgan?" King asked. "It's supposed to be a 4 on 4 match, not 4 on 3."


"Wardrobe malfunctions can be a pain." Sandra Gray, the seamstress said as she pinned Melanie's Shield shirt like how AJ had her CM Punk shirt.

"Yeah, it happens. I really appreciate you doing this for me." Melanie replied.

"Oh no, problem honey, I just hope you're not late for your match."

"Nah, I can go out to my own theme. You're fine." She smiled as she got her shirt fixed.

"There. Good to go."

"Thank you so much!" She sprinted to the gorilla as the producer cued her music

'In The Ring'

"And introducing their tag team partner, from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Morgan Lopez!" Justin announced as she walked out with a grin and did her taunt. She twirls around and runs to tag some hands before running into the ring. She spins on one knee and stands up on the other foot.

'Ding Ding Ding'

Dean and Big Show start the match. Show takes control and pushes Dean to the turnbuckle. He lifts up his shirt and slaps him on the chest. He then decides to throw Dean to the turnbuckle across from him as he falls down and holds his chest. 

"Believe in The Shield now, huh?" Big Show taunted.

"Shut up! You shut up!" Seth yelled as the ref restrained him.

"He's not worth it." Morgan put her hand on Seth's shoulder. 

Dean stands up and leans on the turnbuckle, only to have his shirt lifted up again by Show. Show gives him a big slap on the chest as Morgan holds her chest. 

"Gosh..." She murmured as she remembered the hard slaps that Tamina gave her during Survivor Series. Cody, Goldust and Kaitlyn were holding their chest too.

"One more?" Big Show asked the crowd. Dean was leaning on the ropes, shaking, trying to recover from the big slap.

"No!" She yelled. "Don't do it! He's had enough!"

"This one's for you, Morgan." Big Show gives Dean a hard slap on the chest as she holds her chest again, feeling the pain. Dean stumbles and tags in Rollins.

"You all right man?" Roman asked him.

"No!" Dean exclaimed before getting on the apron, and standing next to Morgan.

Rollins was being manhandled by the Big Show. He grabs Rollins by the vest as he tries to make a tag and decides to release him as he tags in Reigns. The crowd cheers while Dean pats his shoulder. 

"Here comes the big man," Cole said as Roman got in the ring.

"Show em' what you got." Morgan supported him. 

Unfortunately, Roman gets thrown to a turnbuckle and gets his vest unzipped. Big Show gives him a big slap on the chest and the slap echoes around the arena. Morgan holds her chest when Big Show gives him another slap on the chest. She was glad she wasn't in the ring with him right now.

Roman gives Show a rake in the eyes and tags in Dean. Dean gets on the top rope but gets grabbed by the neck and thrown off by Big Show. 

"Pull on his beard! You gotta pull on his beard." Seth exclaimed as Morgan started laughing at his statement.

Later on in the match, Cody tags in Kaitlyn as the crowd cheers loudly while Morgan gets in the ring. Kaitlyn has her hands out, trash talking as the Outspoken Diva smirks at her. 

"Here we go! These two hate each other." JBL looked on.

"Woo hoo! Diva action!" King cheered.

"Two former best friends in the ring. Anything could happen." Cole said as Kaitlyn and Morgan started to get in each other's faces and talk trash. 

Kaitlyn slaps her as the Outspoken Diva places a hand on her now reddened cheek. She returns the slap and they slap each other back and forth.

"Slap, after slap," King exclaimed. 

Kaitlyn tries to clothesline her but she ducks. She waits for Kaitlyn to turn around and hits her with a roundhouse kick. 

"Whoops, too bad..." She retorted and pinned her for a two count. 

She takes control of Kaitlyn, putting her in a headlock. Kaitlyn stands up and elbows her in the stomach, picking her up over her shoulder to slam her down. She pins her for a two count. She picks her up and throws Morgan to the ropes, aiming for a clothesline but Morgan ducks and holds on to the ropes to stop herself. 

Morgan shook her head at her. "Nope."

They lock up again and Kaitlyn throws her to the ropes. She runs towards her but Morgan moves out of the way. She takes advantage and hits her with the Morganizer and pins her but Kaitlyn puts her leg on the ropes. Kaitlyn tries to make a tag but gets her leg grabbed. She kicks her away and tags in Cody while Morgan tags in Seth. 

"The Shield really enjoy doing things like this," King said as The Shield continued to dominate the match.

Later in the match, The Shield continue to take control of Big Show until he tags in Goldust. Goldust does his signature moves on Seth and pins him until Dean breaks it up. Cody gets in the ring but Dean throws him on the apron and dropkicks him as Cody hurts his arm.

Ambrose runs to the run but falls back as Big Show grabs the ropes for payback. Roman spears Big Show out the ring but then Cody jumps on top rope and dives on top of him, hurting himself in the process.

Morgan gets off the apron and runs to where Kaitlyn is. She tries to grab her off the apron but Kaitlyn kicks her away and jumps off as Morgan holds her mouth. She runs to spear her but Morgan pushes her to the steel steps. She grabs her by the hair and hits her with the backfire while Goldust suplexs Dean. The Philly Diva leans on the barricade to recover as some of the fans pat her arm and back.

She watches as Seth rolls up Goldust to win the match and roll out of the ring. She runs and hugs him as he has his arms up in victory. 

"The winners of this match, The Shield!" Justin announced as Seth and Morgan jumped over the barricade.

"Woo!" Seth cheers as Roman and Dean meet up with them and celebrate.

"Numbers, numbers and more numbers," Cole exclaimed as Kaitlyn and the Rhodes brothers were hurt and recovering in the ring. "What's gonna happen when it's 3 on 1 with The Shield against Punk at TLC?" 

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1 year ago

Forced To Believe Chapter 31- The Slammy Awards

Forced To Believe Chapter 31- The Slammy Awards

Chapter Summary: Melanie celebrates Jon's Birthday. Ambrose confronts Morgan on why she has been lying to him. Problems arise when Ambrose's attitude problems start to annoy Morgan and the rest of his teammates. CM Punk makes a shocking request at TLC

Words: 5,000+

------ 'Saturday Morning.'

Melanie was in jeans and one of her Morgan shirts as she was in her shared hotel with Jon. She saw him in jeans and a dark blue shirt and walked up to him, hugging him from behind. 

"Guess who?" She grinned as Jon smiled. She released him and he turned around. "Happy Birthday!" She showed him a gift out of her bag.

"Thanks, babe." he opened the gift to reveal a mug that said 'World's Greatest Boyfriend.' "Wow. This is nice."

She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. "Get ready! We're gonna have an awesome day."

"What are we doing?"

"We, are going to an amusement park."

"Really?" his eyes lit up.

"Yep! We should have a fun day today at Six Flags since we're in a warm state today." 

Jon picked her up and twirled her around as she giggled and kissed him again.

"Awesome, let me grab my jacket and we can go." He released her.

When they arrived at the amusement park around 2 PM, Jon's eyes lit up. "Aw man, are those go-carts?" He pointed to them

"Yeah, wanna go "

"Let's go!" He grabbed her hand and dragged her to the go-cart station as she laughed. 

He reminded her of a little boy on Christmas, opening up presents. It was nice to see him happy since he wasn't able to enjoy a lot of fun things like this as a kid. Jon won 1st place while Melanie won 2nd.

"Haha, I know you're happy." she chuckled as Jon was grinning like crazy since he won. She then dragged him over to where the cotton candy was. "Hi, are you open?"

The cotton candy lady looked up in surprise. "O­oh my gosh, you're Morgan and Dean Ambrose."

"In the flesh." Melanie smiled.

"Sup." Jon greeted.

"Wow s-­sorry I'm trying not to get excited." The lady blushed

Melanie giggled. "It's okay. May I have a bag please?"

"Of course!" The cotton candy lady gave her a bag of pink cotton candy. "You can have a discount."

"Oh, no, I'll pay full price. I don't want to be treated with discounts because I'm famous," she replied and the cotton candy lady nodded and respected her wish.

"If it's not any trouble, do you mind signing my cotton candy hat?" The cotton candy lady took off her hat and took out a Sharpe.

"Anything for a fan." The Philly diva signed it with Jon.

"Thank you so much! Have a nice day! Oh. And happy birthday Dean!" 

Melanie happily ate her cotton candy, savoring the sweet taste. "You really have a sweet tooth." Jon chuckled and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

"Ha, when I was a kid, my mom and dad had a huge cake that they got from a party. It was 12 inches. Guess who ate the whole cake and got a stomach ache for a week? Yours truly. I got grounded too."

"Someone's been a bad girl..."

"Hey! I am not bad. I am a good girl. Innocent."

It was getting dark out after they went on a few roller coaster rides and ate lunch. They decided to go on a Farris Wheel before they leave. 

Melanie leaned on Jon's shoulder as she looked at the sunset. 

"You really made my day." he smiled down at her.

"Glad to hear. I love making you smile."


"Because you make me happy when you smile." she smiled at him.

He leaned down and kissed her. "I love you, Mel."

"I love you too."

'Back at Jon's Hotel Room'

Melanie was in the bathroom while Jon was watching TV. "Mel, are you all right in there? You've been in there a while," he called out.

"Hey! Don't rush me!" She yelled as he laughed.

Melanie was in the bathroom, looking at herself in a dark blue Victoria's Secret set. She decided to put her hair up as well. 

"All right." She grinned to herself. She walked out of the bathroom and leaned on the door. "What do you think?"

He turned his attention to her and stared at her body, checking her out, up and down.

"Damn..." He got up and walked over to her but she shook her head.

"You're always in control. Now it's my turn. Let it be about you tonight." She pushed him on the bed. "So, sit back, relax and let this chica work her magic. Let your Mox girl tonight."

"Your wish is my command..." He smirked as she straddled him and started to kiss him.

'Next week, Hours before The Slammy Awards on Raw'

Morgan was walking backstage, all ready in her black dress but gets grabbed by Dean. 

"Dean, what the heck?" She exclaimed as he dragged her to a room and shut it behind him. She watched him seething in anger. "What's wrong? Dean, what is going on with you? You've been off your rocker for a while now and I want to know what is going on." 

She leaned on the wall while he was glaring at the floor. He was already in his suit for the Slammys. She couldn't help but notice that they were in a storage closet. Wouldn't a locker room be better to discuss stuff? 

"Was it the kiss? Dean, there was no way I could have stopped the kiss, okay? Plus, I already got my revenge with the help of I mean, I already got my revenge on Goldust by giving him a backfire on Smackdown. We don't need to worry­-"

"Why didn't you tell me about the Wyatts?" He looked up at her. 

Morgan froze. She was in hot water now but knew that it was coming. She really didn't want to talk about the Wyatts right now, so she decided to play dumb.

"What are you talking about?" She asked with a confused look.

"What happened between you and the Wyatts?"


"I'll ask you again...what happened between you and the Wyatts?"


"You know I don't like it when you lie to me..."

"I'm not lying."

"Yes, you are."

"No, I'm not!" 

"What happened between you and The Wyatts?"

"Drop it." She retorted.

"Answer me."

"Drop it. Drop it right now. You're being ridiculous..."

" you want to play that game huh? Well, let's play another game." He pushed her to the wall and pinned her arms on top of her head with one hand. "Now, I'm going to ask you again...what is going on between you and the Wyatts?" He asked as she was taken aback before regaining her composure.

"I have no idea what you're talking about..." She narrowed her eyes.

"Won't tell me the truth huh? Then I'll make you." He began to touch her thigh with his free hand, raising it up slowly.

"Okay!" She exclaimed as he released her. "It all started on Raw when Luke saved me from Goldust. I asked him, why did he save me and he said that he didn't know. On Smackdown, Luke was watching me talk to Kaitlyn and that was the time when I got distracted. So, when you, Roman and Seth kept giving me the cold shoulder and told me I couldn't manage you guys at Survivor Series, The Wyatts came and told me that they would be waiting for me." She explained as Dean started to get angry. "And, when I got locked in a closet during Survivor Series, Bray was there, saying I had to unleash what's inside of me. Then, last week on Smackdown...Luke...helped me get revenge on Goldust..."

"So you lied to my face, every time I asked you what was wrong or what was going on with you and the Wyatts..." He muttered.

"I'm sorry, okay?"

"Sorry? You're not sorry, not yet." He pinned her arms to the wall again. She could smell his cologne and could feel his body heat on her. "Do you know how it made me feel when you gave him a small smile? Hm? That smile...should have been for me and me only, not any other man..." He growled. 

"And do you know how it made me feel when he grabbed your wrist? When he touched you? The only man who should touch you is me and me only." He breathed in her ear as she closed her eyes. "You're mine...Not Goldust's and certainly not Luke' got that?"

She couldn't speak because she was too hypnotized by his words. It turned her on a little. "I..."

"You're mine and I'll destroy anyone who wants to take you away from me."

"Why are you acting like this?" 

"Because you drove me to this, make me lose my mind...I'm crazy about you..." He started to kiss her neck as she bit her lip and sighed. "Say you're mine...Answer me, Morgan." He said in a demanding voice.

"I-­I'm yours."

"Say it like you mean it."

"I'm yours."

"Good and that better stay that way..." He looked at her as she was breathing heavily. He was about to kiss her but backed away as she was about to kiss him. "I'm sorry, did you want a kiss from me? Well, maybe next time you'll remember who makes you hot and bothered all the time instead of giving smiles to other men and lying to me." He smirked at her and left the room as she tried to get herself together.


During the preshow, they announced that The Shield won Hashtag of the Year, Breakout Star of the Year, and Faction of the Year.

Morgan tweets 'Woo! My boys and I are on fire tonight! #BelieveInTheShield'

Then, on the WWE Website, they revealed that Dean and Morgan won Couple and Kiss of the Year.

Morgan tweets 'Couple and Kiss of the Year? Nice. Looks like it's the start of #MrAndMrsAmbrose #BelieveinDeanAndMorgan'


Later on Raw, "Ladies and Gentlemen please welcome the presenters for Double Cross of The Year, The Shield!" Justin announced.








The Shield walk out in black. The male members had on black suits while Morgan wore her black dress and had her hair out and curly at the end. 

"Hey! Wow, do they ever look like winners," JBL said. "They look great!"

Seth was on the left while Morgan, Dean and Roman were next to him. Morgan heard the crowd cheering loudly and heard the women screaming. 

"I know...I know...I look great." Dean smiled as the fangirls screamed for the male members.

"Wow." Morgan listened in amazement. "I think you guys killed the Fangirls. Yikes," She said as the screams got louder.

"And what about you?" Seth asked.

"I didn't do anything, you three made the women fan girl like crazy. Am I right?" she asked as the women cheered in agreement.

"And what about the fanboys?"

"Oh, I don't have fanboys." She shrugged.

"Oh really? Does Morgan have some fanboys out there?" Seth asked as the men cheered loudly.

Morgan looked flattered as the guys chanted 'We Love Morgan!'

"Oh, you guys are just trying to make me blush..." She giggled. Moments later, the fans, mostly the males, chant 'Twirl.'

"You guys wanna see Morgan twirl?" Seth suggested as the guys cheered loudly. "Let them see your dress."

"Okay, fine." She walked to the stage and twirled around as she heard wolf whistles in the crowd. She giggled and walked back to The Shield and stood in between Dean and Seth.

"Stay away, she's mine," Dean announced as the guys boo him. "I know, I know, I'm lucky. I got the sexiest woman in this company. Kiss and Couple of the Year. Top that." He bragged.

Seth started to get annoyed. Dean's cockiness was starting to tick him off, especially when he bragged about having Morgan as his girlfriend. 

'We get it, you're her boyfriend. Don't be cocky'. He thought. 

He really wanted Morgan to at least slap the cockiness off his face one day. 

The Outspoken Diva didn't like Dean bragging and or his cockiness just like Seth and Roman. It was a little bit too much. And extremely unnecessary.

"Um, let's not make it about me, let's make it about the Double Cross of the year." she grinned at the crowd as they cheered.

"Double Cross of the year...Now we've already picked up two awards, tonight in the pre show, along with me and Morgan winning kiss and couple of the year, but this is one award, we know nothing about," Dean said.

"That's right my man," Seth spoke. "2013, year of The Shield. But all that justice we dispensed, we did it our way. Man to Man, straight up. Hahaha."

"So, if you're thinkin' about crossing." Roman began. "Or even double crossing The Shield, I'd wake up. Because you're gonna pay the price. And that's why-"

"That's why you'll never see our names." Dean interrupted as Morgan and Roman glanced at him. "In this category. Your nominees are..." He continued as the titantron showed the nominees which were Mark Henry, Shawn Michaels, Paul Heyman, and Triple H. After the fans voted, and when the Miz was in the ring with Kofi, Seth began to talk again.

"And your winner for Double Cross of the year is..." Seth trailed off as Dean opened up the envelope. 

The group takes a look at the result as Dean widens his eyes and looks up and then back at the envelope. Seth and Morgan were waiting for Dean to say the winner but Roman was tired of waiting and spoke up.

"Shawn Michaels!" he announced as the crowd cheered and Dean looked a little annoyed. 

When Shawn walks out, he shakes hands with The Shield and hugs Morgan, kissing her on the cheek

Morgan tweets 'Thanks for the support #FanBoys! I love you all! #KeepBelievingInMorgan'

In The Ring'

Punk was in the ring while Dean was with The Shield at ringside. CM Punk and Morgan lock eyes and smirk at each other.

"You're just asking for a punch in the face," Morgan said to him.

"I got this. I don't want help. I got this." Dean said to his team.

"Okay. We got you." Roman replied.

"It's just CM Punk, you got him, man," Seth added. 

When the match starts Dean and Punk lock up.

"Take him out." Roman looked on.

Punk starts taking control of Dean's arm. "Don't yank his arm off!" Morgan exclaimed. 

The crowd was chanting 'CM Punk' as he continued to take control of his arm. Morgan was watching Punk's movements closely. Punk can hurt people, the hand, wrists, arms, legs, knees, anything. 

Dean manages to knee him in the ribs when he goes high risk and starts to take control. Later on, Punk manages to do a flying clothesline outside the ring on Ambrose and turns his attention to Rollins and Reigns who are stalking him on each side of the ring. Morgan was on Seth's side, keeping her distance from the drama.

"CM Punk is in deep trouble," Cole said as they went to a commercial.

Near The End Of The Match, Punk hits Dean with a crossbody but Dean rolls them over and pins him for a near fall and as soon as they get up, Punk kicks him in the head. He pins him for another near fall as The Shield were relieved. 'This is awesome' chants surround the arena as Dean throws Punk out the ring, near The Shield. Dean distracts the ref as The Shield look at Punk and trash talk to him. 

But then Ambrose gets out of the ring and starts arguing with his team.

"You know what? How about the three of you just go." Dean throws Punk in the ring.

"Are you kidding me, right now?" Morgan asked, looking confused.

"I said leave!" Dean yelled.

"Excuse me? Who do you think you're talking to?" She snapped and stepped up to him. "You're not gonna talk to me like that. You've lost your mind!"

"Uh oh! Uh oh!" Cole exclaimed as the crowd started to get hyped. The fans were standing up to get a good look at them fighting.

"Back up, Morgan, back up..." Ambrose growled as Roman held him back.

"You wanna yell at me? Who do you think you are?" She shouted in his face.

"Would you calm down and just go? Damn it! You don't freaking listen! Just go!"

"How about you ask nicely instead of yelling at me!"

"Morgan! Calm down! Don't argue with your boyfriend! Where is the love!?" JBL yelled as Seth and Roman were looking amused at Morgan, pleased that she was putting him in his place.

"The Shield are showing cracks..." King looked on.

"More like Dean and Morgan are showing cracks. Morgan looks livid." Cole said.

"I wonder if the WWE Universe wants to see them feud again someday," King said.

"They better not!" JBL retorted.

"Get out of here. I don't need you." Ambrose waved her away.

"You don't need me?" She slowly repeated, taking it all in.

"Are you deaf? I don't need you. Get out of my damn sight." His anger got the best of him.

"Oh, okay then." She decided to smack him across the face as the crowd went wild and Roman released him.

"Morgan!" Seth held her back, secretly happy that she slapped him.

Dean holds his cheek and looks at her in shock.

"Damn..." Roman murmured, looking at the red handprint on Dean's face. He was amused and happy she did it.

"She just slapped her boyfriend! I thought you two loved each other!" JBL complained and started freaking out. "Morgan! What are you doing?! Couple of the year! Mr and Mrs Ambrose! This should not be happening!" 

"Oh well, it's happening!" Cole cheered as the crowd chanted 'Yes!'

"What the hell was that for?!" Ambrose yelled while Seth let Morgan go.

"You're cocky, that's why. I'm tired of it." She confessed. "We're tired of it." She pointed at Seth and Roman. "So, if you're this confident and don't need us, fine. Bye, have a nice life. Go focus on your match, don't worry about me, you don't need me or Seth and Roman." She started walking near the ramp as Seth and Roman followed her. 

In the ring, Ambrose gets hit with the GTS as The Shield look annoyed and Ambrose loses the match.

"Wow..." She retorted and shook her head, turning around and getting on the apron. Punk looked alert as she smirked at him. "Hey, how ya doing?"

Punk was about to run after her but she smoothly gets off the apron and laughs. Seth tries to get in the ring as Punk tries to go after him but he slides out of the ring. Once Punk turns around, he gets speared by Reigns and holds his stomach in pain. 

"A spear! A spear by Reigns!" Cole exclaimed. "Now those ribs may be broken."

Morgan gets in the ring and stalks Punk. She waits for him to get on his knees and she hits him with a spinning kick in the face, dropping him as the crowd 'Ohs'

"Ooh, you may wanna put ice on that." She slid out of the ring as The Shield's theme came on.

Rollins helps Dean get over the barricade as Punk recovers and holds his ribs. He looks at The Shield and then Morgan, nodding to himself.

"Okay...all right...okay," he said to himself.

Morgan tweets 'Couples aren't perfect. We are going to argue and fight. #INeedSpace'

Morgan also tweets 'Oh poor CMPunk. Those ribs aren't gonna heal in 6 days. You sure you want to face my boys at TLC?'

'WWEMorgan101 You picked a fight. You started it. Now I'm going to finish it. It's on now.' Punk replies.

'Hit me with your best shot CMPunk.' Morgan replies back.

'Be careful what you wish for. I found your weakness.' Punk replies back.

'WWE Exclusive on Raw'

Morgan was walking backstage, annoyed and sat on a black crate and tried to calm herself down. 

"Rough night?" Roman asked as he walked over to her.

"Ya think?" She snapped.

"Easy tiger. Just trying to be a friend."

"I'm sorry. You didn't deserve that. I just need space."

"From Dean?"

"You can say that. He can be so annoying at times. I'm tired of him bragging. It kind of gets out of hand, you know?"

"Me and Seth agree. I didn't like how he snapped at you moments ago. That was uncalled for." 

"I'm used to his anger issues..."

"Couples argue you know. You're not perfect. You're going to disagree."

"I know. I guess my anger just escalated until I couldn't take it anymore."

"Seth and I understand why you did what you did. Don't beat yourself up. So, are you going to talk to him?"

"Me? Talk to him? No. He can talk to me. I'm not speaking to him until he apologizes."

"Sounds fair enough."

"Anyway, thanks for listening to me vent. You're a good friend." Morgan got off the crate and hugged him.

"You're here for me, I'm here for you. We have each other's backs. I told you from the beginning when you started being The Shield's Girl."

"Yeah. I can't wait for the new year."


"To see you rise as a big star. You're a beast in that ring, man. I can see you as WWE Champion one day." She playfully punched his shoulder as he chuckled.

"Thanks. You know Morgan, I want to see you wrestle superstars one day."

"Like my cousin?"

"Hey, you never know. I can see you do it. You're not fragile."

"One day, just not anytime soon. I need to mentally prepare myself for that. I'm just not ready to face any superstar this year." 

Roman grinned. "It better be in 2014."

"Never say never."



The Shield was in the ring while Dean was on commentary. 

"We're back on Friday Night Smackdown, The Shield in tag team action against The Usos and we're joined by the United States Champion, Dean Ambrose at ringside. We'll be talking a lot with Dean about his match with The Shield on Sunday against CM Punk. Dean, a match that hardly seems fair to CM Punk." Cole said.

"Well, I thought I just join you guys out here on the booth because I wanna make sure that you guys understand how much trouble CM Punk is really in. It's just a hopeless situation that CM Punk is gonna be in this Sunday at TLC when he steps in the ring...with The Shield." Dean replied as the Usos made their way to the ring.

Cole and JBL start talking about their show and how they won a Slammy for it. 

"You wanna talk about Slammy awards..." Cole began.

"The Shield picked up a lot of Slammy awards," Dean said.

"Indeed you did, listen to this Dean, The Shield won, breakout star of the year, hashtag of the year." 

"I didn't have enough room in my suitcase to fit all my Slammys."

"The faction of the year and the maneuver of the year for Roman Reigns' spear."

"And don't forget kiss and couple of the year with Dean and Morgan," JBL reminded.

"Morgan and I won those awards hands down. We sacrifice things for each other, we love each other and we are the hottest couple in this company. Plain and simple. If we didn't win those awards, it would have been an injustice. Now, it was an injustice that she didn't win diva of the year but she is still one of the most dominant divas in this company and she continues to shine each and every time she gets in the ring. She's the Harley Quinn of my dreams." Ambrose smirked.

"Speaking of the Outspoken diva, where is she?" Cole asked.

"She should be here soon. She had to get ready since she had some errands to do." Dean explained.

'To Morgan'

Morgan was already in her Shield attire and was putting on her gloves. She then began to hear footsteps.

"Guys, I said I'm coming..." She called out but heard a thump. "Guys?" She looked around.

"Think again." A voice said as her eyes widened.

"W-­what are you doing here?"

"Sit down." The voice ordered as she quickly obeyed and sat on a chair.

'Back to Dean'

"I have a question, are The Shield showing cracks? You've kind of rubbed Morgan the wrong way on Raw when you yelled at her." Cole said.

"Yeah! What the heck Dean? You two are my favorite couple. Why would you two argue like that?" JBL exclaimed.

"Well, the crowd seemed to love it."

"No, they didn't. That's a lie."

"Listen, Morgan and I aren't perfect. We're gonna argue and we're gonna fight. All couples do that." Dean replied.

"So, what's your status with Morgan?" Cole asked.

"We're...still not talking."

"Still not talking? Dean, you two gotta get it together!" JBL exclaimed.

"Guess you two hit a rocky road." Cole declared. "You think you alienated yourself from Rollins and Reigns as well?"

"What about the last 365 days? That didn't show cracks." Dean said.

"Okay, and what about the cracks now? Crack number one was on Smackdown when you said that you were the baddest man in The Shield and went to take on Punk all by yourself to much of the dismay of Rollins and Reigns. Crack number two was on Raw when you decided to yell at Morgan and got slapped in the face while you two were arguing. And crack number three was when The Shield decided to walk up the ramp." Cole mentioned. "What's up with that?"

"We eat, sleep and breathe this business. That's why Rollins and Reigns and I are like brothers. We're passionate about this business." Dean replied.

"Morgan still isn't here. You sure she even came to work?" JBL asked.

Dean was starting to get worried. "Now I am getting a little worried," Dean admitted with concern in his voice as he wondered where she was.

Near the end of the match, Seth mocks CM Punk and does the GTS on one of the Usos as Roman spears the Uso for the win. 

"And The Shield are victorious," Cole announced.

"At TLC, CM Punk will...Believe in The Shield." Dean took off his headset and celebrated with his teammates.

Suddenly, Morgan is on the titantron in a dark arena, looking worried as The Shield's theme comes off.

"Guys...we have a problem..." She said in a shaky voice as the screen revealed CM Punk behind her and the crowd exploded. 

Ambrose glares at Punk while Roman and Reigns aren't looking too happy. Normally, Morgan would disobey but Punk had a kendo stick and kendo sticks hurt. She started to remember the days when Tommy Dreamer had his back bloodied up by the Sandman with a Singapore cane during the ECW days. She did not wanna go down that road. Weapons would be her weakness if she didn't have a weapon to defend herself. It's been so long since she's been hit with a weapon.

"This is CM Punk, broadcasting in an undisclosed location...actually this is just a basement in the arena." Punk spoke as Ambrose was about to get out of the ring but Seth and Roman stopped him. "Ambrose, I wouldn't do that if I were you...wouldn't want your precious little girlfriend to pay the price, would you?" He smirked as he revealed a kendo stick.

Ambrose starts seething while Seth and Roman glare at Punk. Punk puts the kendo stick on Morgan's left shoulder as she shuts her eyes, looking nervous.

"Just get that stick out of here. It's not necessary." she opens her eyes, shaking her head.

"Oh, so now you're begging? After all the trash you've said? I've found your weakness. Weapons." Punk said as she started to get annoyed. "One of these days Morgan, I want to see if you can actually put those words into truths in the ring. So, you ask why is it necessary to put this stick on your shoulder? Maybe it's because I am this close to whacking you in the face with it. I hope you don't think I forgot about that kick in the face...Now...I could get my revenge on you now..." He continued as the crowd cheered to encourage him.

"Don't you touch her! Don't you dare hurt her!" Seth yelled as Roman tried to calm him down while Ambrose shot a dirty look at Punk.

Punk chuckled. "Don't worry...I'm not gonna hurt her...yet...she can wait. So, you guys make your videos here? It's stinks...but I understand that this is your little clubhouse and this is where you like to gather to say your messages. And...I like to send messages too...Like on Raw when a certain somebody decided to put his hands on me just like Morgan here."

He sets the kendo stick down and starts taping his hands. 

"Now on to this Sunday...I's three on one, The Shield against CM Punk. I believe I'm walking into a whole sail of slaughter. I've said it in the past...Shield, I may be going down...but the question you need to be asking yourselves, Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, Dean how many of you I'm takin' with me. 'Cause I believe, the last two times...I've been in the ring with a member of The Shield, I've exposed your weaknesses boys..." He grinned as the crowd cheered again. "Believe! In the best in the world." Punk showed his fist to the camera and pushed it away.

"We got this. No one can touch us!" Seth yelled before the three of them quickly ran to find Morgan.


The Shield was on the titantron during the preshow. 

"Good for CM Punk...putting on that brave face...Who do you think you're kidding?" Dean asked. "You know exactly what this is. You know exactly what The Shield is going to do to you tonight, Punk. We're going to beat you to a pulp so you should be scared."

"Punk, you think you can divide and conquer? Well, to steal a catchphrase from another man we put down, it doesn't matter what you think." Seth laughed. "You can't divide damn sure ain't gonna conquer us. Punk, we're forged out of iron. The Shield is unyielding."

"Punk, after what you did on Smackdown, I really can't wait to see you get your ass beat by my boys tonight." Morgan retorted.

"Punk, Punk, Punk, the way I look at it, you're just a liar. In front of the whole world, you've lied. You have no chance tonight. To be honest I think uh, I think you got a little confused last week when I speared you in half, but the thing is, there's one more waiting for ya. You can't take us with you." Roman said.

"CM Punk is a man of conviction. CM Punk is a man of beliefs. But after tonight, Punk, you're only gonna believe in one're gonna believe in The Shield." Dean pushed the camera away.


The Shield was in the ring with CM Punk as their theme song faded. Morgan was in her Shield shirt with black jeans and black boots and fingerless gloves.

Before the bell rings, Brad Maddox walks to the stage. "Wait a second! Wait a second!" He yelled as the crowd boos.

"What is he doing here?" JBL asked as The Shield looked confused.

"There's been a slight change in the match up." Brad said as The Shield looked at each other.

Morgan grabbed a mic. "Um, what do you mean slight change? This match was fine as a three on one match. Punk deserves this beating that he's gonna get tonight " She got cut off by Dean who snatched the mic out of her hands. 

The crowd gave him mixed reactions while Morgan looked at him in surprise and annoyance. 

"Wow..." she muttered, shaking her head at him. 

"What she meant to say was Brad, even if you change the stipulation of the match, it's still going to be a win/win situation for The Shield. The Shield are going to beat Punk into a pulp." Ambrose said with a smug look while Morgan rolled her eyes.

"I see there's another crack in The Shield." King pointed out as Seth and Roman were annoyed at Dean's actions too.

"Well, then maybe your confidence might boost a little bit. Because, since Punk, personally requested this, this match is now a 4 on 1 match!" Brad announced.

"Wait, what? With who?" Morgan asked Seth and Roman.

"It will be...CM Punk versus Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns and Morgan Lopez!" Brad announced.

"What!?" King yelled in a high pitched voice as Morgan slowly turned her head to Brad.

The crowd went wild, chanting 'Yes!' while Punk laughed.

The Outspoken Diva looked at Brad in disbelief. 

Did she hear him correctly? There had to be some kind of mistake.

"Punk personally asked for Morgan to be in the match!?" Cole exclaimed.

"This is not good," JBL said as The Shield turned at Morgan as she looked at Brad and then Punk. "Morgan, run. Run now, run fast."

"Nowhere to hide now." Punk pointed at her.

"Who said I'm hiding?" She retorted.

"Calm down. We got this." Seth said and put her hand on her shoulder.

"Morgan is going to face a WWE Superstar?" King exclaimed.

"Only if she gets in the ring. The Shield might not let her, so she should be okay." JBL added.

"When's the last time a WWE Diva went on to face a WWE Superstar?" Cole asked.

"I'm going to enjoy making you go to sleep, Morgan." Punk taunted.

"And I'm going to enjoy kicking you in the face." She stepped up.

Ambrose smirked. "Over my dead body." He stepped up to Punk as the ref tried to separate them. 

Morgan started to get annoyed again since Dean decided to fight her battles when she didn't need help defending herself. She got on the apron with Seth and Roman as Dean and Punk started off the match.

She tried to get her head together, processing everything that just happened. She wasn't mentally prepared to wrestle a superstar yet and to be dropped with a bombshell like this was insane. She had a feeling she would be going down but decided to keep her head up high and step up. She brought herself into this, so she needs to face the consequences. 

She studied Punk's moves, but was she ready to face him? 

Physically? She'll have to see. 

Mentally? Not so much.

"Put up or shut up time Morgan. You talked trash about Punk, now let's see if you can live up to those words." Cole said.

"Punk says that Morgan is all talk but no action. I'd like to see her take action." King said.

"We just won't tag her in," Dean said to Seth and Roman.

"Um, excuse me, who said I didn't want to be tagged in?" Morgan asked, gaining her composure back. "I'm not hiding behind you guys any longer. Tag me in. Right now." she had her hand out as the crowd cheered. 

Punk was looking forward to this as Ambrose looked at him, Morgan and then the crowd.

"No," Dean answered and turned his attention to Punk. 

Roman glared at Ambrose for that while Rollins looked annoyed.

"Seriously...?" She grumbled while Roman put his hand on her shoulder.

"Don't lose your cool." Roman calmly told her as she nodded. 

He knew she wasn't going to take much more of this. Punk knew it, the crowd knew it, and Seth knew it.

"It's a whole different ball game for Morgan. We've seen her argue and put her hands on The Shield. But let's find out if she has what it takes to be in a match with a WWE Superstar." JBL said as Morgan was in deep thought, watching Punk's movements, thinking of a plan as the match started.


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1 year ago

Forced To Believe Chapter 32- That Was A Miracle

Forced To Believe Chapter 32- That Was A Miracle

Chapter Summary: The Shield face CM Punk at TLC. Ambrose continues to be on thin ice with Morgan

Words: 4,000+


Roman was pounding his fist at Punk while the crowd chanted 'CM Punk'. Meanwhile, Ambrose and Punk were talking trash to each other and ended up locking up. Dean tried his best to get Punk near his team but failed.

'Smart...' Morgan thought as Punk hit Ambrose with an arm drag.

"Hey! I already beat you twice, give somebody else a shot." Punk said.

Ambrose tags in Rollins while Punk gets out of the ring and takes a breather. Seth gets out of the ring to go after him but Punk slides back into the ring.

"This is a simple game of cat and mouse." JBL looked on as Seth got annoyed.

"You think this is funny huh? You think you're real funny!" Seth angrily yelled at Punk while he grinned at him.

"What do you think is going through the mind of Morgan?" Cole asked as the camera showed Morgan's blank expression towards Punk while he wrestled Seth in the ring.

"Hard to tell but I really want to see her get in this ring already," King said. 

Punk hits Seth with two neckbreakers and continues to isolate him from his teammates. But Seth manages to tag in Roman after a while.

"Uh oh. The big guys in the ring." JBL said. 

Roman picks up Punk and throws him to his corner. He stomps on him as the ref starts to count. When he tries to go after Punk again, he gets kicked in the face. Punk elbows Dean and Seth off the ring while Morgan ducks his attack.

"She ducked that with ease." King complimented. 

Punk turns his attention to Roman but gets dropped by him. He tags in Seth as Seth takes control of him. 

The crowd started chanting 'CM Punk' again and then began to chant 'We Want Morgan'

"Uh oh. Here we go!" Cole listened to the crowd. 

The Philly Diva watches as Dean gets in the ring and stomps on Punk's lower stomach.

'The ribs...' Morgan thought as she continued to observe.

Dean throws Punk to the corner and tags in Roman. He throws Punk out of the ring, near the announce table and once Punk gets up, Roman grins. He runs to spear Punk but runs into the announce team and hits his eye on JBL's chair as the crowd gets hyped. 

"Roman!" She yelled. 

This was not good. Seth gets off the apron to check on him while Dean has his hands on his head in shock.

"Roman Reigns sent over the announce table!" Cole exclaimed as King cheered and Punk rolled back into the ring. 

The doctor goes to help Reigns and sees that his eye is cut.

"Oh no," Morgan murmured as Roman started holding his eye. 

When he gets back in the ring so he won't be counted out, Punk starts to take control of his eye as Roman yells out in pain. 

Morgan did not like what she saw. She was getting worried about Roman's wellbeing and it began to make her angrier and motivated her more to want to get in the ring.

After throwing Punk out of the ring, Roman holds his eye, saying "Ah Shit..." and tags in Seth.

Morgan gets off the apron to go comfort Roman with the doctor while Seth and Punk wrestle in the ring.

Dean gets off the apron as well to check on Roman. After Roman explains what happened, Morgan and Dean get back on the apron. 

She was hoping that Roman would be able to continue the match. She hates to see him hurt like that. 

Seth picks up Punk but he fights out and throws Seth into Dean, as he falls off the apron. When Seth turns around Punk kicks him and pins him for a 2 count.

'We Want Morgan' chants surround the arena again. After Punk recovers, he turns his attention to the Outspoken Diva as the crowd cheers. Morgan shoots Punk a blank stare before slowly smirking at him as he points at her.

"You're next." 

"Okay." She replied, not bothered by his words. 

Seth recovers and rolls over to his corner but sees only Morgan on the apron. Dean gets back on the apron while she has her hand out for a tag. The crowd chants 'Yes!' once Seth and Morgan make eye contact.

"Tag me in," Dean demanded with his hand out.

The crowd chants 'No' once Rollins looks in Dean's direction

"What's it gonna be? Is Rollins gonna tag in Morgan?" Cole looked on.

"Do it, Seth! Tag her in! Don't tag in Ambrose!" King cheered on.

Making his decision, Rollins decides to tag in Morgan as the crowd erupts into loud cheers.

"What the hell, Seth?" Dean angrily asked

"Morgan's tagged in!" King exclaimed.

"Ambrose doesn't look too happy!" Cole yelled.

"The Outspoken Diva has been chosen! It's time!" JBL shouted

"Chill out. Let her have her time to shine." Seth retorted to Dean as Morgan slowly got in the ring. 

When Punk was about to run after her, Seth quickly picked her up and spun her around as she hit Punk with a kick in the face. 

He stumbles back as he goes to the corner across from The Shield's corner. Seth gets on the apron as Morgan looks at Punk. Punk holds his mouth and looks at the crowd.

"I got my wish." He said as the crowd cheered when they circled around each other. "Let's see what you got,"

They lock up and Punk throws her to the ropes but misses his trademark kick as she holds on to the ropes.

"Smart girl. Impress me more." He said as she released the ropes.

"Looks like Morgan has been watching Punk's moves. She knew what was coming," JBL said. 

Punk steps up to her but she manages to kick him in the gut as he winces and holds his stomach. 

"She's targeting the ribs. That's a good advantage." Cole looked on

"Listen to me. Do not ever wrestle me gently because I'm a woman. Wrestle me like you would do with a WWE Superstar. Don't hold back against me." She said before kicking him in the stomach again and grabbing him for a butterfly DDT.

"Stay on him. You're doing great!" Seth cheered on. 

She tries to hit Punk with a bulldog but he pushes her away. When she turns around, they both kick each other as their legs cross but she stumbles back since Punk's kick had more of an impact. He throws her to the turnbuckle and gives her a chop to the chest as the crowd 'Woos' and he does it three more times until she reverses it.

"Look at this!" King exclaimed as she hit him with a few chops and then hit him with a neck choke with her foot while the ref counted. 

Punk manages to grab her leg by the ankle and walk away from the turnbuckle as Morgan hops back. 

"Uh oh." King looked on

He trips her down and she falls on her back. Punk was about to strike with an elbow but she moved out of the way. 

They look at each other and Punk nods. 

"Interesting..." he said. 

Morgan runs to Punk but he strikes her with a hip toss and puts her in a headlock on the mat as she tries to fight out of it. 

"Come on Morgan. I know you can do better than this." He provoked her as she managed to stand up. 

She knees him in the stomach as he falls and holds his ribs. She drags him to the middle rope and gets on the apron to give him a running knee to the face. 

"Yikes! That may have hurt Morgan a bit." Cole said as she held her knee from the impact.

"You're hardheaded." She complained before getting back in the ring. 

She waits for him to get on his knees and she runs to the ropes to hit him with a shining wizard, pinning him for a 2 count. 

"Atta girl." Seth cheered on while Ambrose watched, still upset she was in the match.

Morgan decides to go onto the ropes and goes for a moonsault but Punk moves out of the way as the crowd 'Ohs'

"And nobody home. Could this be it?" Cole asked as Morgan held her stomach. 

She holds on to the ropes, near her team's corner and sees Dean.

"Tag me in," Dean demanded as he had his hand out.

She shook her head as the crowd continued to support her. "I got a lot to prove." 

When she stands up, Punk puts her in a waist lock from behind and lifts her up and she counters with a falling facebuster.

"What a counter!" Cole exclaimed as she quickly pinned Punk for a near fall. 

Punk rolls away from her and holds his mouth.

"Clever girl." he complimented as she smirked.

"Save it. Get up and wrestle," She said as he got up. 

They run to each other to give each other a clothesline but Punk brings

her down since he is stronger. He pins her for a two count. Then he grabs her up and throws her to the corner and strikes her with a step up high knee. He follows the move with a clothesline as she holds her mouth and gets pinned for a 2 count.

"She's still kicking out. Maybe Punk underestimated her." JBL said. 

Punk grabs her but she fights back and manages to hit him with the backfire as the crowd cheers. She decides to get back on the top rope and hit him with a crossbody and pins him for a 1 count.

"She's flying all over the place," King said as Morgan got back on the top rope and hit Punk with a dropkick. 

She waits for Punk to get up from behind and puts him in a crossed arm choke like a straightjacket and brings him down as his back hits her knees.

"She's got that locked in. What is this move? A new breakdown?" King looked on

She releases the hold and positions him for the breakdown as she leans back to put pressure. 

"This would be an upset if Punk taps out," Cole said. Punk escapes it and grabs her for the Anaconda vice as Morgan tries to go to the ropes and the crowd gets hyped. "Anaconda vice!"

Dean tries to distract the ref as Punk releases the hold. He turns his attention to Ambrose who yells at him. 

Morgan holds her head and looks at Dean. 

"I am so not surprised..." She retorted as she recovered.

Not cool. She didn't want anybody to distract her opponent. She wanted to do this fairly. 

Punk turns his attention back to her and throws her back to the turnbuckle. He runs to her but she uses her legs to stop him and trap his neck in between her legs. She hits his head on the back of her right leg making him stumble back.

She throws him to the turnbuckle across and hits him with a handspring back elbow as the crowd cheers.

"Shades of Chyna are showing in Morgan's moveset," Cole said as she threw him away from the turnbuckle. "Going high risk again,"

She goes for another cross body but Punk catches her and puts her into the GTS position. The crowd gets excited but Morgan fights out of it. She leans on the ropes near her teammates

"So close. I underestimated you. Show me more." Punk said as he motioned her to come at him. 

She was about to go after him again but Dean tags himself in by tapping her arm and the crowd boos, clearly displeased that she wasn't wrestling Punk anymore.

"What? I wanted to see more of Morgan." King exclaimed as Morgan turned to Ambrose, irritated.

"Really?" she exclaimed as she had no choice but to get on the apron. asks and gets on the apron as the crowd chants 'We Want Morgan' again.

"You've done enough. Just rest up." he responded over the loud 'We Want Morgan' chants. 

"I wasn't done with her." Punk pointed to her while she had just rolled her eyes at Ambrose.

"I don't care. You're going up against me now." Dean retorted. 

Morgan felt her adrenaline running. She just wrestled the Best in The World and loved every second of it. 

It was an honor.

Later in the match, Punk puts Dean in the GTS position but Seth runs in the ring and gets hit with the GTS instead. Punk turns his attention back to Dean and puts him in the GTS position again but Dean escapes as Roman gets in the ring. He runs towards Punk about to spear him but Punk moves out of the way as Ambrose gets speared. The crowd goes wild as Morgan's eyes widen and puts her hands on her mouth. 

"Dean!" Morgan exclaimed after removing her hands.

"Oh my God! Oh my God!" King shouted.

"Punk sidestepped him!" Cole exclaimed as Morgan got in the ring and grabbed Punk from behind. "What is she doing?"

"Roman!" she called out as he held his eye and looked in her direction to see her holding Punk. 

He runs, attempting to spear him but Punk escapes the hold as Morgan gets speared instead. The crowd went wild as she sold the spear well and made it look even more devastating 

"No!" King shouted

"Oh my gosh!" JBL exclaimed.

"Two in a row!" Cole yelled as Roman was hovering over Morgan. 

"Morgan!" Roman shouted as realization hit him.

"Oh my God! What have we just witnessed? He just speared Morgan! She's probably broken in half." Cole looked on.

Reigns looks at what he did in disbelief. He just speared Morgan. One of the people most important to him. He couldn't forgive himself for this. 

"Morgan, are you all right? I'm sorry!" He exclaimed and held her head but then got thrown out of the ring by Punk.

Punk pins Ambrose to win the match and runs out of the ring while the crowd goes wild that he has managed to win.

"Here is your winner! CM Punk!" Lilian announced.

"That was a miracle," JBL said as Roman looked at the damage he had done, feeling disappointed once he got back in the ring.

"Morgan is really hurt," Cole said as she held her stomach in pain.

"Morgan. Morg are you okay?" Seth asked as he went to comfort her with Roman.

"Roman, it's not your fault," Rollins reassured and put his hand on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry..." Roman said to her.

She looked at him and shook her head. "It's fine." She managed to say. "It wasn't your fault."

Once Ambrose got back up and saw her down, he kneeled before her, yelling, "What the hell happened!?" 

"He accidentally speared her," Seth explained as Dean started to look upset.

"Punk moved out the way," Roman said as Ambrose held his stomach, still recovering from his spear.

"Could have been worse." She said as a doctor came into the ring.

"Is she going to be all right?" Seth asked as the doctor checked her stomach.

"It's definitely her ribs." The doctor explained while Roman's face began to show even more guilt.

Seth sighed out of disappointment.

Dean was seeing red and growled, "Damn it! I'm going to kill Punk for this."

"Let's focus on Morgan for now," Seth replied. "Calm down."

"This is my fault..." Roman grumbled.

"Roman, it's okay. It's not your fault." Morgan spoke as she winced in pain.

"We need to get her backstage and into the trainer's room." The doctor said as he was about to help her up

"Don't...I can walk..." She managed to help herself up with the ropes and held her stomach. "I can walk." 

The crowd cheered to support her. But when she tried to take a step, she stumbled and fell into the arms of Rollins. 

"I'll help her," Seth said as he gently held her while Dean was still hurt from Roman's spear and Roman's eye was still messed up.

"I feel weak now..." She said, disappointed that she had to be carried out the ring.

"Morgan, you showed guts out there. You're not weak." Seth reassured as they went backstage.

"I hope Morgan is okay," King said.

"I hope so too but don't be surprised if she has her stomach taped up," JBL added.

Morgan tweets 'No pain no gain right? #TLC'

Punk tweets 'WWEMorgan101 you've impressed me at TLC. You put your words into action. But, don't think this is over between us. I still want a match once you're cleared.'

Morgan replies 'I'm Honored. CMPunk'

'So, is that a yes?' Punk tweets.

'Maybe...' Morgan replies back.


'At The Shield's Hideout'

The Shield were recovering after their match with CM Punk during TLC. Roman was sitting on a crate, trying to fix his eye, Dean was holding his side and Morgan was standing next to Seth. 

"It happens every once in a while, okay? It's not a big deal." Seth said.

"I agree," Morgan spoke. "You don't have to be upset about it, it's just­-"

"Oh yeah." Dean interrupted. "Ah. Yeah, my best friend spears me and I get a broken rib..."

"You act like I did it on purpose. You know I pull the trigger. If I see a spot, I take it." Roman replied.

"Ah~" Dean held his ribs. 

"I didn't mean to. I can't see anything right now..."

"Hey! Look! Come on. CM Punk didn't beat The Shield." Seth said.

"What do I look like? Do I look like a target?" Ambrose asked Roman, still bothered as Seth and Morgan glanced at each other. 

"Chill out!" Seth exclaimed. "Sit down and calm down. The Shield beat The Shield, but guess what? People win the lottery every single week. You know what? Even the Cubs win the World Series once a century."

Dean groaned and held his stomach again as Morgan was amused at his actions. He was being too dramatic. 

"CM Punk is the luckiest man alive. Look, this thing is gonna heal." Seth pointed to Roman's eye and then Dean's ribs. "These are gonna be all right."

"I'm pretty lucky, you speared the crap out of me," Dean grumbled. "Ow..."

"We are still the most dominant force in this industry," Seth went on.

"Does it look bad?" Dean lifted up his shirt.

"Dean, you're fine," Morgan replied with a hint of irritation in her voice because of his constant complaining.

"Yeah, you'll be fine, man. Take it easy. Nothing's gonna stop us. Not tonight, not ever all right?" Seth added.

"Just watch where you're going next time, huh?" Dean said to Roman.

Morgan rolled her eyes. "Oh my gosh..."

"I can't see anything. I got all kinds of fluids floating out of my eye." Roman explained.

"It looks horrible." Dean went on.

"Hey! Focus!" Seth patted Dean's chest.

"Don't touch me like that right now," Dean replied

"Believe in The Shield, guys. Come on," Seth put his fist out and his three teammates bumped fists with him. "We run this joint. We­-we fine, chill out, jeesh man. Morgan got speared too and she's quiet as ever. And look at my eye for crying out loud. Common, I got busted in the face. Look at this. Pff," he pointed to his eye 

"Pff, yeah, you did." Roman chuckled at him after taking a look at his bruise.

"You should spear him next time, see how he likes it." Dean pointed to Seth who was walking away.

'WWE Exclusive Video'

Morgan was in the trainer's room while the doctor was taping her stomach. She saw Seth walking into the room and smiled. "Hey."

"Hey. How are you holding up?" he asked.

"I'm doing okay. It could have been worse. Thanks for supporting me out there."

"No problem. It was your time to shine. Dean needs to stop being so protective and let you do you. You have what it takes to take on WWE Superstars. Just keep doing what you're doing. I'll support you no matter what. I'll always have your back." 

She chuckled as the doctor finished taping her stomach. "Thanks. I really appreciate it."

Seth kissed her forehead. "Feel better all right? You were a tough chick out there. Keep shining. I'll see you on Raw," he gave her a wink and left the room.

Morgan touched the tape on her stomach and sighed, turning to the doctor. "How long?"

"You should be cleared before Tribute to the troops." The doctor replied as she nodded.

"Guess I'm going to be out of the ring for a while." 

Moments later, Roman walked into the room as the doctor walked away. "Hey, Morgan," 

"Hey. How's your eye?" She asked as she placed a hand on his cheek to get a good look at his face.

He smiled and placed his hand over hers before gently removing it from his face. He ended up holding her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.

"It's doing okay but more importantly, how are you doing?"

"I'm out of the ring until Tribute to the Troops..." She sighed. 

"I'm sorry..." He looked down.

She gave his hand a gentle squeeze in return as he looked back up at her. "Hey. Don't apologize. I'll be okay."

"I'll get him on Raw for you. Punk needs to pay for this."

"You don't have to do that."

"I have to do that. He can't get away with that, Morgan. I'm going to spear him in half and make sure he feels what you felt. That spear was not meant for you. It was meant for him and he got lucky. On Raw, he won't get lucky."

"I know. I forgive you. It's not your fault."

"I promise I'm going to give Punk a spear for you and make sure it hurts. Badly."

"That sounds great­-"

"Morgan." Dean's voice interrupted the two as they quickly removed their hands.

"I'll talk to you later. Feel better." Roman said and left once Dean approached them

"How long are you out?" Dean asked.

"Mostly likely until Tribute to the troops." She replied.

Dean sighed. 

Morgan knew that sigh. 

'Here we go...another lecture...' She thought.

"You see the stuff you get yourself into? You always keep having targets on your backs and now look where it got you."

"Okay, let's back up a second. I knew the risk and I'm not surprised I got hurt. Jeesh Dean, I wish you would at least support me just a little bit more, instead of being so protective. I can handle myself."

"Really? Well, what I saw out there thought otherwise. You shouldn't have gotten yourself involved."

"First of all, what Roman did was an accident, and second of all, I'm not going to just sit back and watch the men of The Shield do everything. I'm The Shield's girl for a reason and I'm not going to sit there and be weak or be eye candy. I'm not Eva Marie. Seth and Roman agree with me on that. So if you think I'm going to be somebody's bitch around here, that's not happening. I'm tired of you being overprotective. Let me face the challenges."

"Who said you were anyone's bitch? I treat you like a queen."

"When your anger doesn't get in the way. You're a different person when you're angry, just like right now. Fix it and check yourself before you lose me. For the past few weeks it's been about you, you, you, you and not us. We're wrestlers, Dean."

"It's about me? I don't see you doing anything around here. Since you lost the Diva's Championship, you've been just sitting and watching our matches, attracting guys like you just don't care."

"You're losing your mind, right now. Do you hear yourself? This is not you at all. You think I like having the Wyatts stalking me? You think I like having Goldust kissing me? And do you think I like having CM Punk target me? I hate it but I'm willing to grin and bear it. I'm not going to back down from anything or anybody. I'm going to face the consequences. Dean, what is triggering your anger right now? Is it because Punk is calling you the weak link? Are you still jealous of all the men after me? Dean, I'm not going anywhere. No one is going to take you away from me. I don't love anyone else but you."

"I'm not the weak link. You just keep bringing yourself into problems that The Shield can handle on their own."

"I cannot believe what I'm hearing from you, right now. So, are you saying that just because I'm a woman, I can't go and wrestle guys and can't deal with targets on my back? So, I guess you are also blaming me for The Shield losing the match, huh?"

Ambrose tried to calm himself down as he let out a sigh. "No...look, I'm sorry." 

He placed a hand on her cheek but she removed it from her face.

"No. You've said enough. Now I want you to listen to me and listen to me good." She got off the seat and looked up at him. "Get your act together before you make an enemy out of me." 

Once she walked past him to leave the room, Ambrose sighed out of annoyance and glared at the floor.

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1 year ago

Forced To Believe Chapter 33- The Answer Is No

Forced To Believe Chapter 33- The Answer Is No

Chapter Summary: CM Punk continues to annoy Morgan with his ridiculous request. Morgan's rivalry with Tamina heats up again

Words: 6,000+

Author's Note: Lowkey tired of these total divas chapters lol. I'm going to put them on hold and focus on the main story in the ring for now as I edit. 


'RAW, during the opening segment'

The whole roster was on the stage while The Shield were on the side of the ramp, lower than them. Morgan was in her Shield attire but her stomach was taped up. They all watched as Triple H and Stephanie walked down the ring. Stephanie started talking about giving Orton respect and honor while Triple H began talking about the dawning of a new era.

While they talked, Dean held Morgan's hand and she looked up at him as he stood next to her. 

"What?" She asked.

"How's your ribs?" Ambrose asked with concern.

"They're fine." She replied dryly.

"Look, I'm sorry."

"It's okay. Just drop it."

"No, it's not." He turned to her and held her hands. 

His sudden movements caught the attention of some from the roster. Even the crowd started to look at them.

She looked around before meeting his gaze. "Dean."

"I was an asshole last night..."


"No, I need you to listen to me. Please. I'll admit, my anger gets the best of me at times but I want you to know that I'm proud of you." 

She looked around, feeling all eyes on her. "Dean, people are staring."

"I don't care. Look, I'm not used to having a girlfriend all right? I mean in a serious relationship that you and I have together. And I just felt like I always have to protect you, but you can handle yourself. You spread your wings. You're strong and the most beautiful woman I've ever met and I'm lucky to have a woman like you in my life. I know I'm not used to saying all this but you're the only one who can make me say this stuff." 

"What is going on back there and what are you all staring at?" Triple H called out as the titantron showed Dean and Morgan.

"Dean..." She murmured in a nervous tone as he kneeled down and held one of her hands.

"Last night, you've given me a reality check and I know you're trying to shine on your own in the ring instead of always having me around. I accept that." He clarified as she looked at him in shock. 

What the heck was going on? 

Did he hit his head? 

Did he just tell her what she wanted to hear for weeks?

"You drive me crazy, you can make me possessive at times but I love you and I know I have to get my act together. I just don't want you to leave me. If you did, I wouldn't know what I would do with myself."

He stood up and grabbed her face to kiss her as the crowd cheered. The kiss made her have butterflies in her stomach and she happily kissed back. Before they knew it, they were smooching.

"Ahem...ahem!" Triple H exclaimed but the two ignored him as they were too into their kiss. "Hey! Lovebirds of justice!"

His yell made them release each other and turn their heads to the ring. 

"Mr and Mrs Ambrose, stay focused." The King of Kings ordered, making everyone amused

Dean and Morgan held hands while Orton walked out. Unfortunately, they all had to sit and suffer through Orton's most annoying promo ever which would be a time waster. At least, that's what Morgan thought as she rolled her eyes.

"I've got news for everyone. I am the most powerful person standing in this ring. I am the champion of champions. I am the WWE World Heavyweight Champion." Orton said.

Morgan got handed a mic by a stagehand. She thought of the words she was going to say and then put the mic to her lips. 

" one gives a crap!" She exclaimed as the crowd cheered and some of the roster nodded in agreement. 

Orton snapped his attention to the stage and looked annoyed. "Who said that? Who just said that?" 

Morgan raised her hand and grinned at him as the titantron showed her with a mic in her hands. "Hey, how ya doing?"

"No, no and no. You are not going to ruin my moment Morgan! You're supposed to be supportive of me."

"Am I now? I thought we dropped that once I kicked your ass in the ring, months ago and gave you a low blow. Now, instead of wasting everyone's time, can we wrap this up? There's grapes in catering and they're calling my name."

"Morgan. Shut your mouth. Your mouth always gets you into trouble "

"No one! Wants to hear you talk." She walked to the ramp and Cena helped her up because of her ribs. She thanked him and stood a little bit in front of the roster. "Randy, nobody wants to hear the same bullcrap every time you get in that ring. I wouldn't be surprised if people change the channel when you get in the ring and talk."

"That's not true...that is not true!"

"Let me do a scenario of what I hear from you..." She cleared her throat and decides to mock his voice. "My Randy Orton." She said in a deep voice as the crowd got hyped. Stephanie and Triple H looked on in shock as the roster laughed. The Outspoken Diva mimics Orton's serious face. "The champion of champions."

"Shut up!"

She began to mock his temper. "Nobody! And I mean nobody can beat me! I am the Apex Predator and The Viper! I demand respect! I deserve respect! I am the face of this company and nobody can touch me!" she continued to pace around like she was angry.

She stopped pacing and cleared her throat, going back to her normal voice as Orton started seething. "Dude, like, come on, we get it. We all get it. You won last night. Woopy doo. Let's give him a round of applause. Now can you shut the hell up so we all can go on with our lives? Thank you and good day." 

She saw Cena motioning her to give the mic to him and she gave it to him as he stood in front of the roster.

"Yes, I agree," Cena said. "You're an idiot."

"No, no, no. Turn his mic off. You will not ruin this moment for me, this is my moment. All of you need to shut up and stop trying to ruin my moment!" Orton yelled as Morgan looked amused.

"Randy...Randy...I'm not gonna ruin your moment. Last night at TLC you earned the title. Congrats. But I want to remind you of something that Stone Cold said about that championship. That championship forced you every night to put up or shut up."

"I see what you're trying to do but you will not get your rematch tonight Hunter, Hunter." Orton turned his attention to Triple H.

"Easy big guy. I wasn't talking about me. I was talking about you facing him." Cena pointed to Daniel Bryan. "Randy Orton versus Daniel Bryan. For the WWE World Heavyweight Championship."

Orton did not like the idea. "No, no. I don't have to listen to you...I don't have to listen to Morgan and I don't have to listen to Daniel Bryan or all these idiots sitting in the stands. I don't have to listen to anybody. Nobody."

"Except us," Stephanie recalled.

"Owned!" Morgan yelled.

"Morgan if you don't shut your mouth..." Orton said, trying not to lose his temper.

"You sure you want to speak to WWE's Outspoken diva like that? If I were you, I would praise her for the guts she had last night at TLC. She wrestled The Best in The World." Cena said as the crowd cheered while Punk nodded. "Heck, Punk wants a one on one rematch with her too because she impressed him."

"I honestly thought Punk was going to lose to The Shield last night but he proved me wrong. Morgan also proved me wrong," Cena continued to praise. "I thought she was going to back out but she showed guts to a man taller and bigger than her. She put her words into action as well and I give her respect for that. Now, she may have gotten her ribs hurt from Roman over there but she fought to her heart's content. I'll even bet you that she can kick your ass, Randy. And when was the last time a diva wrestled a WWE Superstar? One thing Morgan has that you don't is heart in that ring."

"No one can beat me! And I'll even beat the Outspoken of out her smart mouth." Orton snapped while Morgan grabbed the mic out of Cena's hands as he gave it to her. "And maybe Reigns didn't spear her hard enough to take away the smartness from her mouth." 

The crowd booed while Reigns shot Orton a dirty look and clenched his fist. He started to get angry and was about to walk to the ramp but Dean and Seth held him back. Morgan turned her head to him and shook her head as he calmed down.

She turned her attention back to Orton. "...Are you done talking? Orton, wait until 2014. You're going to be on my hit list soon enough. Watch your back. Now, I know we all want to go backstage and get on with the show, so please do everyone a favor and get to the conclusion of this segment, thank you very much."

Orton's face was getting red as she gave the mic back to Cena.

"Stephanie, aren't you going to do something about her?" Orton asked.

"I'm not touching that with a 60 foot pole..." She replied as she remembered the history she and Morgan had and the crowd laughed. 


"Oh boy..." Morgan said as the camera turned to show CM Punk leaning on the wall as the crowd cheered. Punk looked at her and was about to speak but she cut him off. "I know why you're here. Punk, why are you so persistent in wrestling me? Is it because you want to take The Shield down one on one? You want to get the last laugh?"

"Everyone is talking about the men of The Shield and I want to know what The Shield's girl has in the tank. Everyone does since you gave me a preview at TLC. I want to wrestle you one on one, Morgan." he got off the wall and looked down at her. "And, I believe that you can prove you aren't the weak link of The Shield."

"There's no weak link in the oh...I see what you're doing. No wonder everyone thinks there's a weak link. You're getting in everyone's head."

"Morgan, why are you avoiding the question?"

"Why are you trying to do mind games?" She countered.

He smirked. "I know you want to wrestle me as much as I want to wrestle you."

"Don't flatter yourself...You see this?" She showed him her taped stomach. "You did this."

"And I know you want to fight me because of that. Get your revenge. Now answer the question, will you wrestle me when you're cleared?"

She sighed. "Look Punk, I'm honored-"

"But you aren't going to give me an answer because you want your boys to do your dirty work." he cut her off as the crowd 'Oohs'

She glared at him and was about to say yes but stopped herself. "I see what you're doing again. You're trying to provoke me to say yes. Look, how about this? We'll see about a match in the near future."

"I'm not giving up until you say yes." Punk called out as she started walking away.

"I know you aren't..." 

'Later, in the ring' 

HBK and Punk were having a promo until HBK said "This pains me, more than this is gonna pain you. Let me introduce you to your opponents."








The Shield walk out as HBK got out of the ring. The titantron shows the WWE App and shows who will be Punk's tag team partners are for the match. It reveals to be the Usos as The Shield are at ringside. Punk starts mocking Roman's eye.

"Looks like Punk and The Usos are gonna have some fun." King said.

"How was that victory for CM Punk last night?" Cole asked.

"Well, you see Roman with that black eye and Morgan's stomach is taped up because of her ribs. Last night, she accidentally got speared by Roman. It was pretty hard to watch. I'm surprised she's out here tonight." 

"The Shield need to be on the same page tonight. They can't have any more miscalculations tonight. Especially with Roman's spear." JBL looked on as the bell rang

"Two losses in two nights would be devastating for The Shield," King said as Jimmy took control of Dean.

"How impressive was Morgan last night against CM Punk?" Cole asked as Jimmy tagged in Jey. "I still can't believe she had the guts to take on CM Punk."

"Indeed. She held her own last night." JBL said as Jimmy took control of Seth.

"She did want to put her words into action and she proved that. There were times I thought Punk was going to pin her to win and times when I thought Morgan was going to pin Punk to win the match." King added.

"Let's go, Seth!" She banged on the apron. Seth was not looking too good as Jimmy started to take control of him with arm submissions. 

Seth throws Jimmy to the ropes and hits him with a knee to the gut. Jimmy manages to clothesline himself and Seth out of the ring. Roman, Morgan and Dean were about to come to his aid but Jey and Punk got off the apron, ready to strike as the ref tried to separate them.

"Got a feeling this is gonna get out of hand," JBL said as they went to a commercial.


"Things have not been going The Shield's way in the early going of this match," Cole said but then Seth tags in Roman as the crowd cheers. 

Roman starts to take control of Jey in the ring. Dean gets tagged in and puts Jey in an arm submission as the crowd chants 'CM Punk'.

Roman and Punk make eye contact as Punk starts mocking his black eye again. Roman really wanted to get in the ring with Punk and spear him in half so badly. To at least give Morgan some closure since she can't get in the ring right now. 

'We want Morgan, we want Punk, we want Morgan, we want Punk' chants surrounded the arena as Dean looked at Punk with annoyance. 

Punk smirked and put a finger to his ear while Morgan looked at the crowd in surprise. 

"And would you listen to this? They want Morgan in the ring." Cole said.

"I guess Punk versus Morgan is a match the crowd wants to see," JBL looked on. 

Later on in the match, Jimmy hits Seth with a crossbody and tries to tag in one of his partners. Seth tags in Roman and he drags Jimmy back and puts him in a submission. 

"Come on uce! You gotta fight! Come on!" Punk supported him.

"You gotta fight." Roman mocked. "Shut up."

Punk starts to hype up the crowd as Jimmy fights back against Roman and kicks him in the face. The crowd gets hyped when Jimmy tags in Punk and Roman tags in Dean. Dean and Seth get in the ring as Punk goes on the top rope and double clotheslines them. He hits them both with a running high knee and a double neck breaker. Punk then hits Dean with a suplex and pins him until Roman breaks the pin.

Jimmy gets in the ring but gets hit by a Superman punch from Roman. 

"Wow, that Superman punch!" JBL exclaimed. 

Jey gets in the ring, kicks Roman, and then throws him out of the ring. Jey runs and dives on top of him out of the ring but then Seth throws him into the barricade. Punk hits Seth with a suicide dive and turns his attention to Morgan. 

The Outspoken Diva looked down at Roman and Seth and slowly looked up to meet Punk's gaze as the crowd popped. 

"Uh oh." JBL looked on in anticipation 

She took a step. "...Problem...?"

Punk pointed at her. "Just wait until those ribs are healed. We will have a match together."

Ambrose runs to the ropes, attempting to attack him but Punk turns and hits him on the middle rope. Punk gets on the top rope and attacks him with the diving elbow and pins him for a 2 count.

"Ambrose stays in it for a near fall," Cole said as Dean started bleeding from the head while Punk put him in the GTS. 

Seth gets in the ring as Punk releases Dean and hits him off the apron. While Punk was distracted, Dean tags in Roman. Dean runs to Punk as he ducks his clothesline and Roman gets kicked in the face by him. Punk hits the GTS on Dean but when he turns around he gets speared by Reigns as Morgan looks on with a satisfied look. 

"A spear! A spear to Punk! Reigns is the legal man." Cole called out. 

Roman looked at Morgan as she mouthed 'Thank You' and he nodded. 

He pins Punk for the win as he holds his eye. 

"The winners of this match, The Shield," Justin announced.

"This was a much needed victory tonight," Cole said as The Shield got over the barricade and celebrated.


Morgan was at ringside while The Shield, Cena and Punk were in the ring. They all just found out that Daniel Bryan got attacked by the Wyatts and the match will now be a 3 on 2 tag team match. 

"Here we have the Outspoken Diva, Morgan Lopez on commentary with us. How are ya?" JBL asked

"I'm doing all right. Trying to take it easy." She smiled.

"The Shield look pretty confident now that the match is a 3 on 2 match," Cole said as Punk and Dean started the match. "What do you think of this match?"

"Honestly? It's anyone's match. Why? Because Punk outsmarted The Shield at TLC when he was alone. And now he has John Cena in his corner. The guy who never backs down from anything. It's going to be one interesting match." She replied as Punk and Cena took control of Dean.

Later on in the match, Roman hit Cena with a Superman punch and grinned.

"Roman Reigns hit Cena so hard," Cole exclaimed as he tagged in Seth. "And here comes to underrated Seth Rollins."

"I agree. This guy is awesome. He kicks ass every week and continues to prove himself." Morgan added.

"There are a lot of people who underestimate Seth Rollins," Cole said. "So, Morgan, we see that your stomach is still taped up. Are you in a hurry to get back in the ring?"

"Yes, but the rest of the women are kicking butt in the ring and proving themselves. I'm just looking forward to the competition." 

"Who would you like to face?" JBL asked.

"Hm...either Naomi, Brie, Kaitlyn, or Aksana. Aksana has improved in the ring and even on NXT. I want to see what she got." She replied. 

Seth puts Cena on the turnbuckle and is about to give him a suplex but Cena fights back and pushes him off. He tags in Ambrose but he gets hit with a tornado DDT by Cena.

"This is John Cena's opportunity," JBL said. 

Cena tags in Punk as the crowd goes wild. Ambrose tags in Seth and Punk starts to take control.

"Looks like Punk is going to fly," Cole exclaimed as Punk hit Seth with a suicide dive. 

The match was at a fast pace as Punk gave Seth an elbow drop off the ropes. When he gets up, he looks at Morgan.

"What?!" Morgan yelled. "Stop staring at me!"

Cole started chuckling. "Looks like Punk is trying to do some mind games."

"You see? Every week he looks at me, trying to taunt or provoke me to wrestle him." She grumbled. 

Punk smirks and does the GTS taunt towards her before putting Seth in the GTS position. Ambrose runs in the ring but gets hit with a neckbreaker along with Seth. Punk pins Seth but Roman breaks it up. 

"And let the chaos begin." She added as Punk and Reigns go at it. 

Ambrose and the rest of The Shield jump him and it results in a DQ. Cena throws Roman out of the ring and throws him to the barricade. He gets back in the ring to attack Ambrose. But when he turns around, he gets speared by Reigns. 

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, and this is why you should always watch your back." She said and took off the headset. 

The Shield started to attack Punk and hit Cena with the triple powerbomb. Punk spears Seth and starts unloading on him until The Shield gains the upper hand. Big E runs down the ring as the crowd gets hyped and Morgan gets on the apron.

"Guys! Let's regroup!" She shouted but watched as The Shield got thrown out by Big E. 

Punk gets in the ring with Big E and looks at her. The Outspoken Diva decides to get in the ring, too. 

"You two proved your point." she declared.

"You sure that's a good idea, Morgan? Bad ribs and all?" Cole asked.

"She can be reckless at times," JBL mentioned. 

Punk starts taunting her which makes her furious. The anger was too much for her and she decided to slap him in the face. 

"Uh oh!" JBL exclaimed as Punk held his face.

"You're angry, aren't you? So am I gonna have that match? Don't you wanna try to hurt me? Get your revenge?" Punk provoked before she slapped him once again.

"Shut up!" She snapped.

"Hey! What was that? Calm down." Big E exclaimed before getting slapped by her too.

"Who do you think you are, trying to order me around? I don't think so." She yelled as Big E rubbed the side of his face and looked at her. He stepped towards her and she took a step back. "Back up."

Big E wasn't going to hurt her, but he was going to try to get her out of the ring by intimidating her. 

"Oh, wait, wait, look at this," JBL exclaimed as Roman slid into the ring. 

He grabbed Morgan's hand and gently pulled her behind him. He turned his attention to Big E and he got himself ready to fight.

"Oh, this is gonna be good," Cole said as Big E took off his straps.

"This is gonna be awesome. This is gonna be great." JBL grinned.

"It's time," Roman said.

"Bring it!" Big E got hyped up as he and Roman exchanged words. 

Morgan looked at them back and forth and decided to let them be but Punk got in the ring with a chair.

"He's got a chair. He's got a chair." Seth said to Roman. 

Morgan and Roman look at Big E and then Punk and decide to get out of the ring as the crowd boos.

"The Shield will retreat for now," Cole said as Big E's theme came on.

Morgan tweets 'I guess CMPunk really wants to get #Dropped. Keep it up and I'll kick you in the face #YouThinkImPlaying?'

'WWEMorgan101 Nice, is that an early Christmas present? Can I get a match too? #StillWaiting' Punk replies.

'Maybe. #PatienceIsAVirtue CMPunk' 


'Next Week, Raw'

Morgan tweets 'Congrats to the #TotalDivas for winning the jingle belles match. You rocked it!'

Morgan also tweets 'Whoa wait a second, did I just see CM Punk, John Cena and Big E do The Shield's pose? #HeckNo #Injustice! #YouCantDoThePoseBetterThanTheShield'

'In The Ring'

The Shield were taking on Punk, Cena, and Big E. Morgan was at ringside as Cena and Dean started off the match. She could hear the 'Let's go Cena, Cena Sucks' chant as Cena takes control of Dean. Once Dean gets hit with a shoulder block, he tags in Rollins. 

Cena hits Seth with two shoulder blocks and a side slam. He looks at The Shield and does the 'You Can't See Me' taunt and runs to the ropes. Seth rolls out the ring to regroup. He angrily bangs on the apron four times in frustration.

"Hey! Look at me!" Morgan put her hands on Seth's shoulders. "Do not lose your cool. Calm down. You got this."

Later on, The Shield take control of the match with Seth in the ring with Punk. Punk's injured ribs begin to aggravate him when Seth throws him to the turnbuckle. Moments later, Roman and Punk are in the ring with each other. 

"I got a feeling Morgan is happy about Punk's ribs," Cole said as Roman put Punk in a bear hug while Morgan looked on in delight. 

Near the end of the match, Rollins jumps off the ropes but Cena catches him and goes for the AA Position as the crowd gets hyped. Roman gets in the ring and spears Cena off of Seth. 

"Oh and a spear!" Cole exclaimed. 

Punk hits Roman with a flying clothesline off the ropes as he falls out of the ring. Punk also clotheslines Seth out of the ring. Ambrose strikes Punk with a knee to the back and he falls out of the ring too. Dean turns around but gets caught in Big E's big ending finisher. 

Rollins and Reigns run into the ring and break up the pin as the ref calls for a DQ. The Shield begin to attack Big E and position him for the triple powerbomb. 

"Welcome to the deep end Big E," JBL said. 

Roman roars but gets his legs grabbed by Cena as he gets dragged out of the ring. Cena throws him to the barricade and runs into the ring with Punk. Big E hits Dean and Seth with a double clothesline. Cena hits the AA on Seth, and Punk hits the GTS on Dean as they roll out of the ring.

"Not cool..." She retorted as she and Roman helped out Seth and Dean.

Punk gets on the ropes and pointed at her. "Still waiting for ya!" 


Morgan was walking backstage but got pushed by Tamina. 

"Ow." Morgan held her ribs. "What was that for?"

"Aw, I'm sorry, did that hurt?" Tamina taunted.

"Yeah. It did." she bluntly replied.

"Too bad. So, I hear you won't be joining the Diva Battle Royal at Tribute to The Troops because of your little injury there." She pointed at her taped ribs. "Poor little girl, I guess wrestling guys is just too much for your body to handle. Maybe wrestling WWE Superstars isn't for you."

Morgan smirked. "Well, I don't see you wrestling WWE Superstars, so you're one to talk..."

Tamina grabbed her by the neck and pushed her to the wall as she winced in pain and grunted. 

"I'm going to say this right now, don't think I'm done with you. I'm still going to get you back from Survivor Series."

"You've gotta be kidding me...You're still on that? Jeesh and I thought I was the only one who keeps grudges." She retorted but then Tamina slammed her to the wall again as the Outspoken Diva grunted.

"What's the matter? Can't defend yourself? You need help? Who is going to help you, Morgan? Your boyfriend? One of your little Total Diva friends? You're weak and defenseless."

"No, you're weak. You're gonna attack me while I'm injured? How tough do you feel right now?" She grunted as she put her hands on Tamina's to try to lessen the choke.

"I can break you like a twig, little girl. In fact, I can do it right now." Tamina was about to push her to the wall again but heard a voice.

"Release her. Now." A growl was heard as she obeyed. 

Morgan held her ribs and throat as Tamina turned around. The camera showed Roman Reigns as the crowd cheered.

"This is between me and her. Not you. Stay out of my business, Roman." Tamina said, not intimidated by the Samoan.

"She's defenseless. How big do you feel right now? And she is my business. I'm not going to let you hurt her. Now, I'll ask you again. Get your ass out of here. Now." He growled.

Tamina smirked at him and walked away. 

"God, I cannot wait to kick her ass..." Morgan muttered.

"Are you okay?" he asked as he helped her.

The Philly diva started to look upset. "I hate feeling weak. Why can't these ribs just heal already?"

"You're not weak Morgan. It's going to take time for those ribs to heal. Don't beat yourself up. I admire you for your guts and toughness."


"Yeah. I'm just glad I was around before she did any more damage to you. It seems like she really wants to take you out."

"I know...but don't worry, it won't be long before I can get back in the ring." She reassured. "Thanks for helping me."

"No problem. I'll see you later." He started walking away.

"Hey, Roman?"

He turned around. "What's up?"

She smiled. "I admire you too."

"Good to know."

Morgan tweets 'Somebody is really desperate to take me out. Oh how I'm not surprised...'

'Later, in the ring'

Big E, Cena and Mark Henry take on The Shield while Morgan stands at ringside. Once the bell rings, Big E quickly takes control but Ambrose puts him in a headlock.

"Oh!" Seth exclaimed as Dean hit Big E with a knee to the midsection.

"That's gotta hurt..." Morgan murmured.

"Should of did your homework, E!" Roman yelled. 

Ambrose gets on the top rope but gets thrown off by Big E. He starts to hit Ambrose with clotheslines and does a belly to belly suplex on him.

"Come on Dean!" she cheered.

"Come on Dean, come on Dean," Seth said before he threw Big E out of the ring. 

Seth and Roman stalk over to Langston but then Cena and Henry come to the rescue. Dean gets out of the ring and pushes Roman's arm, to get him out of his way. 

"I'll get him." Ambrose declared as Roman glanced at his arm and back at Ambrose.

"Uh oh..." Morgan mumbled as she saw the tension between them.

Near the end of the match, Ambrose is caught with another clothesline and gets hit with the Big Ending to win the match.

"Big E picks up the victory," Cole said as Roman got in the ring and glared at Big E. Seth drags Dean out of the ring while Mark Henry gets in the ring.

'Ding Ding Ding'

"Big E gives his team a one to nothing lead," Cole informed.

"You okay?" Morgan put her hand on Dean's cheek as he sat down to take a breather.

"Yeah." He replied. 

Once he regroups, The Shield watch as Roman is thrown out of the ring.

"You all right?" Seth asked as Dean leaned on the barricade.

Mark Henry pushes Roman to the apron as he hits his back before throwing him back in the ring. 

"Come on Roman!" Morgan cheered.

"Come on Big man." Seth looked on as Roman kept getting hit with headbutts and then a big boot to the head. "Come on big man, you gotta watch out."

Roman fights back and hits Mark with a superman punch and pins him for a 2 count. He starts to wear down Henry with a headlock. Henry throws Roman up in the air as he falls chest first to the floor. When Roman gets up, he gives Henry a Samoan drop. 

"That is strength." JBL says. Roman roars and punches the ground. He strikes Henry with a superman punch and goes to the corner. He roars again before spearing him for the win. "That was impressive."

"Yeah!" The Outspoken Diva cheered. 

Once Roman gets out of the ring, she wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him on the cheek. 

"You did it!" She beamed as he grinned and chuckled in response.

In the ring, Cena and Seth lock up. Once Cena gives him a hip toss, Seth rolls out of the ring and bangs on the barricade in frustration. 

"Don't lose your cool. You got this." Morgan advised as her teammates tried to give him advice.

"Wear him down. Wear him down." Roman said as Seth nodded. "There you go." He said when Seth moved out of the way from the turnbuckle as Cena bumped into it. 

He starts to wear him down with stomps and puts him in a headlock to wear him down. 

"Rollins has a good game plan so far. One thing The Shield is good at is having a good game plan and sticking to it." JBL said. 

Cena stands up and walks back to push Seth's back into the turnbuckle. He goes to run towards him but gets kicked in the face. He gets pinned for a 2 count as Seth starts to get aggressive.

"Stay down!" Roman yelled. "What I tell you, John? If you stay down, we wouldn't have to put you down."

Seth hits John with a kick in the gut. The pace of the match was slow while Seth was taking control. Big E and Mark start to hype up the crowd as Cena hits Seth with a clothesline to buy himself some time. 

He plants Cena with a DDT and pins him for a 2 count as Roman puts his head on the apron. 

"Don't get frustrated. You got this. Keep your cool." Morgan said when Seth started banging on the mat after he kept getting two counts.

"Rollins is dominating John Cena, believe it or not," Cole said.

"You're gonna have to give up." Roman taunted as Cena leaned on the ropes.

"It's hard to get in the head of John Cena. He went through a lot of wars." Cole mentioned. 

Cena throws Rollins to the turnbuckle as he flips on top of it.

Morgan cringed at the impact. "Yikes! Are you okay!?"

"Ah~" Rollins groaned out in pain before flipping off the ropes, holding his lower torso. 

Cena starts hitting him with shoulder blocks but Seth counters his attack and plants Cena's face onto one of the turnbuckles.

"Awesome! Awesome counter!" she cheered 

"Come on Cena!" Big E said. 

Rollins mocks Cena's 'You can't see me' taunt and punches him down. Cena counters his attack and hits him with the five knuckle shuffle. He goes for the AA but Seth lands on his feet. Cena runs towards him but gets elbowed and hit by a top rope move. He pins Cena for a near fall as Ambrose holds his head. 

"Cena tried to make a comeback but Seth takes control once again," Cole said as Reigns talked trash to Cena. 

Seth tries to attack him in the corner but Cena moves out of the way and strikes him with a neckbreaker. Cena pins him for a near fall as the crowd gets hyped. 

"And he stayed in it! Cena thought it was three!" Cole shouted as Cena held up three fingers to the ref.

The Shield were relieved while Morgan held her chest in shock and looked at the ref. 

"That was two! Two!" She declared and put up two fingers with Dean and Roman. "That was two, John."

Cena gets on the top rope but Rollins hits the ropes, making him fall on the back of his leg. He pins Cena after he gives him the Skywalker but only for another near fall. 

"Ugh!" Morgan exclaimed and held her head. "Are you kidding me!?"

Dean holds his stomach and bangs on the apron. 

"The Shield thought he had him," Cole said. 

Cena nails Rollins with a powerbomb and pins him for a near fall as the crowd 'Ohs'. The Shield look relieved again while Mark and Big E were looking in shock. The crowd motivates both superstars to get up and Cena puts Seth in the AA position but Seth grabs onto the ropes. Once he releases him, he throws Seth up but he lands on his feet and hits him with an enzuigiri. 

"What a move by Rollins!" Cole exclaimed. "He's just an incredible athlete."

Rollins pins Cena for another near fall as Dean puts his hands to his mouth. 

"Come on man. Come on, John." Mark supported. 

Seth gets on the top rope and goes for the diving knee. He pins him for another near fall as Dean looks on in dismay. Cena catches Seth in the STF as The Shield start to panic and the crowd gets hyped. Seth quickly gets to the ropes as Roman pulls him out. Dean gets in the ring while the ref is distracted but gets clotheslined by Big E. 

He rolls out the ring while Morgan keeps her distance from the drama. She wished that she could do something but her ribs were still bothering her. 

Big E punches Dean over the announce table and turns around only to be hit by a Superman punch from Roman. Mark Henry comes to Langston's aid and throws Reigns over Dean near the announce table. Meanwhile, Cena catches Rollins for the AA in the ring and pins him for the win.

"Here is your winner! John Cena!" Lilian announced as his theme came on and he celebrated with his team.

Seth gets out the ring and holds his stomach while he sits and leans on the barricade. 

"You did awesome out there. Win or lose, you did good." Morgan said, helping him as he nodded and held his head.

"An incredible way to close the year. Happy New Year everybody! We'll see you in 2014 on Smackdown." Cole closed the show.


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1 year ago

Forced To Believe Chapter 34- Tribute To The Troops

Forced To Believe Chapter 34- Tribute To The Troops

Chapter Summary: The Shield attend Tribute To The Troops as Morgan and Tamina continue to go at it

Words: 3,000+

------ 'In The Ring'

Before the match, Morgan tweets '#OutspokenArmyGirl has arrived!'








The crowd cheers once The Shield get out of the army tank. 

"Now that's an entrance," JBL said.

Instead of wearing black like The Shield, Morgan wore an attire like Trish Stratus's at Tribute to The Troops when she teamed up with Ashley but it was a dark green color. She also wore a Shield themed hat with her fingerless gloves. And her hair was also straightened and still dyed black.

"This is a six man tag team match, set for one fall. Approaching the ring first, accompanied by Morgan Lopez, at a total combined weight of 707 pounds, Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, The Shield!" Justin announced as The Shield jump off the tank. 

"Hey, look at Morgan, she's not wearing black tonight," JBL called out as she tagged some hands while The Shield walked through the crowd.

"This is interesting. I bet she's representing the troops." Cole replied.

Morgan gives her hat to a little girl as she jumps for joy and thanks her. She smiles at her and heads to the barricade. Dean helps her get over the barricade and she stands on the apron, resting her elbows on the ropes while the guys stand by her, in the ring.

After Rey and the Usos make their entrance, Dean turns to Morgan, lifting her chin to give her a long kiss on the lips.

"A good luck kiss from the Outspoken Diva," Cole observed as she grinned and jumped off the apron to watch the match.

"Now that is love right there. My favorite couple. True love, Cole." JBL cheered.

"Okay then..." Cole said as the bell rang with Ambrose getting the upper hand on Jimmy.

When he gets on the top rope, Jimmy throws him off and tags in Rey.

"Nice!" Seth complimented when Dean hit Rey with a headbutt. "Oh!" He exclaimed when he hit Rey with a chop to the chest.

When he throws Rey to the turnbuckle, Rey catches him in the 619 position as the crowd gets hyped.

"And Ambrose is gonna take a breather," Cole said when Dean rolled out the ring. 

Morgan walks up to him to help him out but Rey runs towards them. Ambrose decides to grab her by the waist and turns his back towards Rey coming at him.

"I'll try not to make this hurt." He mentioned before Rey kicks him in the back as he falls on top of her but not too hard. 

"You see? He took a hit for her." JBL praised.

"Dean needs to keep things PG." Cole teased as Dean was hovering over her in an intimate position. 

He got up and helped her up. "You okay? I didn't hurt you, did I?"

Luckily she felt no pain in her ribs and that was a good sign "No pain." She smiled at him but then saw Rey running towards them again. 

Dean decided to gently push her out of the way and got kicked down. Rey slides out of the ring and hits him with a splash before throwing him back in the ring.

Later on in the match, Jimmy Uso gets a tag from his brother and begins to take control of The Shield. Ambrose was leaning on the bottom turnbuckle as Jimmy yelled 'Uce!' and the crowd replied to his chant. Morgan decided to yell 'No!' while the crowd replied to his chant. Jimmy runs and hits Dean with a running hip attack and gets on the top rope. 

"Uh oh, we're about to have ourselves a flying Uso!" JBL exclaimed. 

Seth gets kicked in the face by Jimmy and he falls off the apron. Ambrose takes advantage of the distraction and makes Jimmy fall off the ropes. The Shield start to take control of him while the crowd was chanting 'Uso' loudly. 

"Put him away boys, put him away," Seth said as Dean tagged in Roman. 

They throw Jimmy to the ropes but Roman gets kicked by him while Dean gets thrown out of the ring. Jimmy plants Roman with a DDT and the crowd gets hyped. Roman tags in Seth and he runs and hits Jey off the apron. He goes to hit Jimmy with a splash but nobody is home as Rey gets the tag. Rey starts doing his signature moves and pins him after he hits Seth with a move off the top rope. 

"Shield are gonna lose here-oh and Ambrose saves the match up," Cole said as Dean broke the pin. 

One of the Usos gets in the ring and hits him with a kick in the face. The Uso taunts Dean and turns around, only to be speared by Roman. 

Morgan shook her head. "This is why you should watch your back! Nobody listens to me these days. I'm trying to help you out here." She said, thinking that she was trying to warn someone not to open a door in a scary movie. 

Roman turns his attention to Rey who is at the turnbuckle. He runs to him but stops himself by grabbing the ropes as Rey moves out of the way. He puts Rey in a powerbomb position but gets thrown out of the ring by him. Rey gets on the ropes and hits Seth with a hurricanrana to put him in the 619 position. 

"Who are you gonna call!?" JBL shouted.

"619!" Cole answered as Rey hit the 619 and a splash off the top rope to win the match. 

Morgan tweets 'Even though we lost, we had an awesome entrance. #ArmyTanksRule'


"Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome, Morgan!" Justin announced as the crowd cheered

"She's back!" JBL happily said as she walked down the ramp. She tags some hands and heads to ringside where the commentators are. "How are you?"

"I'm doing awesome. I can't wait to watch these divas go at it." She said as saw Tamina in the ring along with the Total Divas, AJ, Alicia, Kaitlyn, Rosa and Aksana.

"It's nice of you to join us Morgan," Cole said.

"Thanks for having us." she grinned.


"Yep." A raspy voice said behind him as he jumped and turned around.

"Dean? Why are you out here?" Cole exclaimed as he had a headset on and sat next to Morgan. 

Ambrose gives her a quick kiss and turns to Cole.

"I love this couple..." JBL said.

"Tamina and I need to have a little talk once she wins or loses this match," Dean replied.

"A talk? That doesn't sound safe." Cole said as the bell rang

They watch as Eva Marie eliminates Jojo.

"Darn..." Morgan said. "I wonder how long it'll take for Eva to get eliminated."

"As long as she doesn't stare and drool at me, I'm good. She's not my type." Dean shrugged.

"Oh really? And what is your type, Dean?" she looked at him.

"My called Morgan Lopez." 

"Ha, I'll accept that answer for now." 

"Do you and Eva still hate each other?" Cole asked.

"We're being cordial with each other. No more drama, thank goodness." Morgan replied. Tamina kept giving her dirty looks while she took control of Kaitlyn. "What? Is that supposed to scare me?"

"She's just jealous that you got a man like me." Dean boasted.

"Haha, I believe it," JBL replied.

Morgan watches as Tamina tries to help AJ eliminate some divas. 

"And there she goes. Tamina doing AJ's dirty work...again...this is getting old...Every single week it's the same. I'm convinced she's a puppet." She shook her head in annoyance. She started to see Kaitlyn going on a spearing spree with Eva, Aksana, and Alicia. "Jeesh, I'm so glad I'm not in that ring. I've had enough spears, this year."

"How have you and Kaitlyn been lately?" Cole asked.

"We haven't talked to each other ever since our argument. But, I can see her being herself again and getting out of AJ's little mind game since I see them wrestling in the ring now." Morgan replied.

"Do you still want to be friends with her?" JBL asked.

"Absolutely. I love the girl like a sister. We've been through a lot and we aren't going to let our fight get in the way of our friendship. We always do this stuff. We're giving each other space right now. Sooner or later, you'll see us together again. Don't worry, it's not the end."

"Well, it's the end for Kaitlyn because she just got eliminated," Cole said as Tamina helped AJ eliminate her.

"Why is she helping her in this match? Then what's gonna happen when they are the last two? Is Tamina going to eliminate herself for AJ? She's such a puppet..." she retorted. "For real for real."

As they continue to watch the battle royal, Cameron and Naomi get eliminated by the Bellas, and then Alicia gets eliminated by Natalya. Eva smacks Natalya's butt to get her attention and slaps her in the face.

"Yikes. Well, that was Eva's death wish. Bye! See you next week!" Morgan waved. "I have a strong feeling she's going be eliminated in a matter of seconds."

Natalya returns the slap and tries to eliminate Eva by picking her up and putting her onto the ropes. 

"No way! No freaking way." The Outspoken Diva said in shock as she watched Eva kick Natalya in the stomach to eliminate her.

"Wow..." Dean retorted.

"Natalya, eliminated," Cole exclaimed.

"Wow, I guess I underestimated Eva. She is holding her own. I'm impressed. I thought she'd be eliminated already. She proved me wrong." Morgan said. 

Tamina picks up Eva and tries to throw her out but Eva counters the attack and manages to throw her out as the crowd gets hype.

"Oh my gosh, Tamina got eliminated by Eva Marie!" Cole exclaimed.

"That's embarrassing..." Morgan laughed. 

Tamina shoots Eva a glare and stands up. She is about to leave ringside but turns her attention to Morgan.

"You think that's funny?" Tamina pointed to Morgan, near ringside.

The Outspoken Diva smirked. "Yep."

"I could break your face."


"Yes, I can."


"Yes, I can!"


"Morgan, you are so lucky you're not in this match."

"Oh, I'm lucky? I'm lucky?" she stood up.

"Uh oh," Cole said.

"You think that's a good idea?" JBL asked. "Bad ribs and all?"

"First of all, you're lucky! You're lucky, I'm not in that ring, trying to kick your head off and gut your eyes out!" The Philly Diva retorted.

Tamina marched over to her and was about to get in her face but Ambrose blocked her way. "Ah ta ta taaa. Let's not blow things out of proportion here. If you do, you're gonna get into some serious problems, sweetheart. Touch her and you'll regret it."

"You honestly think I'm scared of you?" Tamina snapped.

"You should be..." Ambrose growled, shooting her a murderous glare as she took a step back.

"You know what? It's okay." Morgan put one of her hands on his shoulder. "You know what, Tamina? If you are going to do something, just do it. I'm ready for ya." 

"She's leaving." JBL looked on as Tamina started backing away.

"I think you scared her, Dean." Morgan looked amused and he smirked. "Thanks for saving me the trouble. It would have been chaos if we decided to fight."

"Anything for you," Dean replied and hopped over the barricade but all of a sudden, Tamina started to walk back

"Wait, she's not done," JBL said.

"You think you're so tough with your boyfriend around?" Tamina slapped the headset off Morgan's head.

"Whoa!" JBL yelled loudly.

"Huh? You think you're tough?" Tamina pushed her back down her seat as the Philly Diva looked annoyed. 

Tamina smirked at her and started walking to the end of the ramp.

"Morgan, are you all right!?" Cole exclaimed.

Dean hopped back over the barricade, about to go after her but stopped once he glanced at his girlfriend. He watches as she starts laughing manically, slowly rolling her neck.

"I'm excited..." She wickedly grinned, running a hand through her hair. 

She stood up with a serious facial expression and began taking off the tape on her stomach as the crowd got hyped.

"Wait a minute, you're cleared!?" Cole exclaimed as she nodded.

"Got cleared after The Shield's match. And if you THINK I'm going to let her get away with that, you're wrong, my dear," she replied and put her hair up in a ponytail.

"Dean, aren't you going to stop her?" 

"Nah, I love it when she's mad," Ambrose smirked. "It's pretty hot if you asked me."

Morgan begins speed walking after Tamina. 

"Hey!" she yelled, making Tamina turn around.

Her eyes widen slightly as Morgan spears her to the ground and starts unloading on her.

"Here we go!" JBL exclaimed with the crowd cheering.

"All the frustration and anger that built up inside of Morgan is now coming out," Cole said. 

Morgan picks her up and starts striking her with elbows in the face but then Tamina grabs her by the neck and throws her to the apron and then to the barricade.

"Jeesh, Tamina!" Cole exclaimed.

"They want to kill each other!" JBL shouted as Morgan managed to fight back but then the refs ran down the ramp to try to separate them.

"All right, shows over." Dean took off his headset and grabbed Morgan off of Tamina while the refs held Tamina.

"Morgan! Morgan, I'm going to kill you!" Tamina yelled

"You're done! Done!" Morgan yelled back. "You and me, one on one!"

"You're on!"

Dean held Morgan from behind and whispered in her ear "You'll get her. Don't worry."

Morgan tweets 'TaminaSnuka You sure want me? #YouDontWannaGoToWarWithMe'

Tamina tweets 'WWEMorgan101 You made the biggest mistake of your life, putting your hands on me. I want you in the ring.'

'Okay. #TheWaitIsOver' Morgan replies.

Tamina replies 'Good. I get to hurt you. Badly. I can't wait.'

'Oh TaminaSnuka You just got me #Excited #LetsGoToWar'

Morgan then tweets 'It's official. TaminaSnuka and I are going to go at it on Raw. I'm #Healed #NewAndImproved. #ReadyToBelieve?'

Morgan also tweets 'I won't lose this battle against Tamina. #BelieveInMe'

'WWE Exclusive Video'

Roman sat on one of the backstage storage boxes, relaxing after his match and saw Morgan walking backstage with Natalya. 

"I still can't believe you and Tamina went at it. You sure you're up for it?" Natalya asked.

"Hell yeah, I'm ready to kick her ass. I can't wait for Monday. She is going to get it. She needs to know that her mouth of hers is going to get her in trouble." Morgan replied.

"I can say the same to you, Morgan."

"Touché." She chuckled. They see Roman sitting and Morgan grinned at him. "Hey, what's up Ramen noodles?"

Roman playfully glared at her while Natalya giggled and walked away. "Don't call me that."

"Okay, can I call you Roman noodles?"



"No. Don't call me that or else."

"Or else what? What are you gonna do? Spear me?" They chuckled at their inside joke. She sat next to him and laid her head on his shoulder. She sighed. "I'm tired."

"Heh, I bet. I saw you out there."

"Ha. There's a Brie Mode, and now there's a Harley Mode in the WWE. Things are going to get interesting." She chuckled and closed her eyes.

He looked down at her. "You know, I'm still sorry about that spear."

"Roman, I thought we've been over this. It was an accident. I forgive you." She replied, opening her eyes while he leaned his head on top of hers. 

"I just feel like I should make it up to you."

"You already did. Your promise and when you support me." She removed her head from his shoulder and they looked into each other's eyes. "You're always there for me and it just makes me happy that I know someone like you. I know we had our bad times when I wasn't a part of The Shield but we have a bond that no one else has. I got a special bond with Dean, I got a special bond with Seth and I got a special bond with you. All different and I cherish them all. Just like I cherish you. Don't think for a second I'm angry at you for that accident."

"Morgan..." He trailed off, at a loss for words and she held his hand.

"Okay? I don't want this to get in the way of what we have. Now, can we please get past the apologies and move forward?"

He smiled at her. "All right."

"Great. Now, I need to vent. And you're the man I need right now." She stood up and stood in front of him.

"I'm all ears."

She sighed and started pacing around. "Tamina...I just want to rip her hair out and drag her all over the arena. She loves hurting people, huh? Well, let's see how she likes it when I hurt her! She always does this. Always wants to get the last laugh, I don't think so! No! No! And no! Morgan gets the last laugh, it's not the other way around honey." She vented as Roman looked amused and nodded in agreement.

"She wants to give me cheap shots? When I wasn't even ready? Put her hands on me? Touch me? After she backed off because of Dean? Well, you know what? I'll give her a cheap shot to the head!" She started breathing heavily as she paced back and forth. "I want her head on a plate!"

She threw a punch and it hit Roman in the face. "Oh my gosh, I'm sorry! Roman, are you okay!? Ah, friggin' A!" She put her hands over her mouth. She moved the hair from his face and touched his cheek while he chuckled. 

"At least it wasn't a kick with heels along with a low blow," he replied

She sighed out of relief and released him but he grabbed her hips and pulled her back to him. 

"Morgan. Save the violence till you get in the ring. Let all the emotion out in the ring. She wants a reaction out of you but can't back it up when you strike. Don't let her get in your head. Okay?"

The Outspoken Diva nodded, taking his advice. "You're right."

"Good. You need backup?"

"Actually, could you tell Seth and Dean I want to be alone when I wrestle her? This is something I need to do on my own."

He released her hips. "Okay."

"Great! Thanks, Romey, you're the best." She hugged him.

"Romey, huh?" He was amused as she released him.

"Can I call you that? Please? With a grape on top?"

"All right, I'll accept the nickname. Just don't say it in front of everyone else."

"No promises."

"Morgan..." He narrowed his eyes at her and stood up as she laughed.

"Okay! Okay. Well, I should be going. Pound it." She put her fist out. Roman grinned and pounded her fist. "Wait, make it explode." 

They pounded their fists and then opened them. 

"Nice. See you later." She kissed his cheek and walked away 

Morgan tweets 'Tamina, be ready for #HarleyMode on Raw'


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1 year ago

Forced To Believe Chapter 35- Morgan's Answer

Forced To Believe Chapter 35- Morgan's Answer

Chapter Summary: Fed up, Morgan finally gives Punk an answer.

Words: 3,000+

------ 'Raw'

"Welcome to the final Raw of 2013! We are live in Richmond." Cole said as CM Punk walked out to the ring. "CM Punk has been so persistent to get a match with Morgan Lopez. I wonder if he will get a match on the final Raw of 2013."

Punk got in the ring and grabbed a mic as the crowd chanted his name. "I am fired up tonight and I am fired up to be here in Richmond, Virginia! This is the last Raw of 2013 and I am excited. 2013...saw a lot of good stuff happen to CM Punk. Saw a lot of bad stuff, happen to CM Punk too. Just like all of you, there's ups and there's downs. We go and wake up every morning with a smile on our face, don't we? Well, I mean, sometimes I don't have a smile on my face but, I started off the year as the longest reigning WWE Champion in the last 25 years. I went one on one with the Great One. Thank you."

"I went toe to toe, with The Undertaker at WrestleMania." Punk continued. "I made some friends in 2013, I lost some friends in 2013. I beat a friend with a kendo stick." he coughed twice. "Paul Heyman. But I can't honestly claim that 2013 was CM Punk's year. The goal is for you to always be bigger and better than you were the last year, I just don't know if 2013 was the year of Punk. Take a look at the landscape in the WWE and it's Universe. And there's three guys and one chick that I can honestly claim, that it was their year, and I'm talking about The Shield."

"Let's face facts ladies and gentlemen, back in 2013, The Shield has been unstoppable. Dean Ambrose, currently your United States Heavyweight Champion. Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, former tag team champions. And there's Morgan, former Diva's Champion. I want to end this year right and start the new year off on a good foot. Iron sharpens iron, I have a proposition for The Shield. So at some point tonight, when our paths cross, because I'm sure they're here-"








"Yes, they are," JBL said.

Punk started to grin. "That was almost too easy."

The Shield walk down the steps and through the crowd while Morgan is in front of them. She tags some hands and jumps over the barricade in her Shield attire. Dean throws his title over the barricade and jumps over it while Seth grabs his belt and looks confused. 

Morgan shrugs and holds his title when they all get in the ring. She puts Dean's belt over her shoulder and stands near the turnbuckle while the guys stand in front of Punk.

"Finish your thought Punk. Finish your thought, what were you gonna say?" Dean asked. "What's your big challenge? It better be a good one, you better give us a good reason, not to end 2013 by ending you, right now." he pointed at him

Morgan decided to mind her business and chill out. She wanted nothing to do with Punk, right now. He would cause more drama.

"Cool down. Look, the three of you can beat any one man, I think we've established that in the past 365 days," Punk said. "And I'm not taking anything from you as a unit. But when I said, Iron sharpens iron, I live to be the best and I wanna fight the best, one on one, so I wanna know who it's gonna be because out of one of you, out of the three of you, excuse me, one of you is the best."

"Oh~ you wanna do this again? You wanna do it again? Let's do it, right now and this time, I promise, I'm not leaving until I take a piece of you with me. Let's do this right now."

Punk laughed slightly. "Hang on...ha...Dean, I wasn't-I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins." 

Dean looked offended and the crowd started to cheer. 

"I've already beaten you like half a dozen times," Punk added. "And what I'm saying is, it wasn't easy, but I did it."

"You think that's funny?"

"No, I don't think it's funny­"

"You think it's funny?"

"I think it's the truth­-"

"You think I'm a joke!? You think you can talk to me like that!?" Dean got held back by Roman while Morgan looked warily at the situation.

"I don't think you're a joke, Dean Ambrose, I just think you're the weak link! And I wanna find out who the strong one of The Shield is. Everybody's talking about Roman Reigns, Roman Reigns, Roman Reigns look at me when I'm talking to you!" Punk demanded while the crowd 'Ohs' in response.

Roman was trying to calm down Dean but turned his head to Punk. 

"Is it you?" Punk wondered. "Are you number one in The Shield? Are you the man­"

"Hey!" Seth interrupted. "You wanna know who the best is?"

"Yeah," Punk replied.

"You're lookin' at him. I'll fight you, tonight. I'll fight you. Tonight, let's do it." he said as Roman gave him a look. 

Morgan looked at them and started to get upset. Punk was just playing with their heads, to try to put them against each other.

"Oh, it's you? Cause all I hear anybody talking about is Roman Reigns." Punk recalled.

Roman stepped up to Seth. "What are you talkin' about?" He asked. 

Dean kept pacing around, still annoyed at what Punk told him earlier.

"You don't think I can take him?" Seth asked.

"It ain't that, you're falling for his games right now," Roman exclaimed.

"That's not it."

"You know I'm the best."

"I can take him tonight."

"I'm the man. I'll take him."

"Let me take him, all right? No bones on you my friend. I can beat him, he calls himself the best in the world, I'm better than him." Seth said as Dean stepped up to them, scratching his head. "I want to prove it tonight." 

The crowd started to chant 'Roman Reigns' while Seth said "Listen, you'll get your time." 

Rollins turned his attention back to Punk. "Let's do this."

"Enough!" Morgan yelled and everyone turned to look at her and the crowd cheered. "What are you doing?! Don't do this!"

"What are you talkin' about?" Seth asked.

Morgan grabbed a mic from a producer and gave Dean his title. "Am I the only one with some sense here? You're falling for his games. He's getting in your head. There's no weak link in The Shield. We don't need to prove anything. Let's not get worked up on this." She tried to reason with her teammates.

"Ah...I forgot about a certain woman..." Punk spoke up as everyone turned to him. The crowd begins to chant Morgan's name. "The Outspoken Diva of The kind of remind me of myself, setting off pipebombs and whatnot."

Morgan narrowed her eyes at Punk and turned her attention back to The Shield. "Guys, we don't need to do this. Let's not let Punk get in our heads­-"

"Morgan." Punk interrupted.

"He's doing mind games-­"


"He's not going to break us apart-­"

"Morgan, look at me when I'm talkin' to you! You and I have some unfinished business!"

She started to look annoyed and slowly turned to him. "Your persistence is annoying the crap out of me."

"Oh is it?"

"I don't want nothing to do with you­"

"You don't?"

"I don't need to prove myself to you."

"You sure about that? Don't you want revenge on me? To give me a backfire? Don't you imagine slamming me to the mat with the Morganizer? I know you do. You would enjoy that, would you?"

She glared at him. "Whatever you are going to ask me, it's a no."

The crowd started to boo at her answer while Punk began to ponder. To try to get on her good side, he decided to use his charm on her by walking up to her. He grabbed her hand and took her away from The Shield. 

"What the hell are you doin'?" Dean's possessiveness started to get the best of him. His irritation started to grow while he got held back by Roman.

"She can handle herself," Roman stated

"Morgan..." Punk decided to get on one knee and held one of her hands as she looked confused. Ambrose started mouthing off as Seth and Roman held him back. "Morgan're beautiful, you're hype, you're wild and I see the passion you have in the ring. Out of these men, you show the most heart and soul. The way you move, the way you take risks, it's one of the reasons you stand out from these men and all the WWE divas. Just like you showed me at TLC...Did I charm you yet?"

"No. That was corny." She replied in a blunt tone.

"Okay. You know...I think about you every night..." He grinned while her eyes widened in shock and the crowd cheered loudly in amusement.

"Uh..." She was about to take a step back but Punk had a strong grip while Dean started yelling at him.

"...I think about you in the ring with me every night." Punk continued. "You charmed now?"

"No, but you've creeped me out."

"Darn...okay, look, you are the only diva that I want to be in this ring, Morgan Lopez, will you...make me the happiest man in the world and have a match with me?" he grinned and the crowd chanted 'Yes! Yes! Yes'

She sighed and ran her free hand through her hair. "What a proposal..." She muttered and looked around at the crowd and then at Punk.

Dean decided to grab her and pull her to him as Punk released her hand. 

"She's not doing it." Dean declared.

"Oh, I'm sorry, since when do you speak for her? She has a mind of her own, guy I beat twice." Punk retorted and stood up while Morgan started to look conflicted. "Come on Morgan, don't tell me you're going to say no because of Ambrose. Does the WWE Universe want Morgan and I to have a match?" 

The crowd cheered loudly in response. Morgan shook her head, saying no while Dean released her. 

"Ah...I guess the guys always want to outshine you. You always want to do their dirty work and don't want to take a risk and shine on your own. It looks like you need your team to be successful." Punk added.

The crowd 'Oohs' and Morgan started to look annoyed. Punk turned around, silently counting down to her breaking point. 


Morgan marched over to him and turned him around. "Listen Asshole!" She yelled, getting in his face. "I'm tired of you provoking me, I'm tired of you taunting me. You want a match?"

"Yeah, I do!" Punk replied.

"You want a friggin' match?! You want a match against The Outspoken diva of the WWE?!" She got held back by Dean and Seth.


"You know what? You're on!" Morgan yelled as the crowd exploded. "I accept the damn offer! Happy now!?"

Punk grinned. "Gladly."

"She's nuts," Cole exclaimed. "Going up against CM Punk?"

"She can beat him," JBL said.

"If it means I can shut you the hell up, then I'll fight you, and I'll beat you. If you want to face me so badly, then you got it," Morgan said. "I'm done with this. But let me tell you're going to regret it. Win or lose, I'm going to come at you hard, so don't go easy on me." 

"Don't worry, I'm going to teach you some manners since you can't control that mouth of yours." Punk stated as the crowd 'Oohs'

Morgan smirked and was about to lunge at him but got grabbed by Roman. 

"Uh oh!" Cole exclaimed.

"Morgan's at her breaking point." King looked on.

"Not tonight. Don't do it." Roman tried to reason as Punk laughed at her.

"Come on, Morgan. Show me what you got. Let's go." Punk provoked as she tried to break free from Roman's hold. 

Seth and Dean try to reason with her to calm her down as well.

"Let me hurt him! Let me knock him out! Just one hit, one punch! Let me go!" she yelled.

"Gentlemen and lady, please!" A voice said and Brad came out as Roman released Morgan. "As the general manager of Monday Night Raw and on behalf of The Authority, I'd like to wish everyone a happy new year! And speaking of wishing, why don't we go out in style? Tonight, Morgan, you will go one on one with Rosa Mendes. And CM Punk, you will face, Seth Rollins. So get me a referee out here because that match starts right now!"

Roman and Morgan were annoyed while Seth smirked. 

The Shield get out of the ring to watch Seth go against Punk. Punk tries to do the GTS on Seth early but he slides out of the ring and bangs on the announce table. 

"You all right dude?" Morgan asked while she walked over to him with Roman & Dean. 

"A game. A game." Roman stated as Morgan nodded.

"I got him, all right? I'll take care of business." Seth said

While Seth and Punk have a back and forth match, Morgan keeps her distance from Roman and Dean. She was still heated from Punk's remark and didn't want to lash out at anyone. 

"Hurt him, Seth. Break him," she said.

Meanwhile, Dean was biting his fingers while watching the match, still angry about Punk. Punk gets on the top rope but Morgan smirks in delight when Seth throws him off and lands outside the ring.

"CM Punk bouncing off the barricade and just like that, Rollins has taken over," Cole said. 

Roman and Dean walk over to Punk and Dean sits down near him, pretzel style.

"Oh, it hurts now, huh? Get back in the ring." Dean taunted.

"I got him, Ambrose," Seth said. 

Punk crawls back into the ring and Seth begins targeting his ribs while he yells out in pain.

"Break his back," Roman said as Seth put him in a submission with his knee on his lower back. 

Morgan looks on in delight as she watches Punk in pain. She enjoyed watching him suffer. It was music to her ears to hear him yell and scream in pain. 

Seth continues to target the ribs by standing on his back. Moments later, Punk begins to make a comeback by hitting him with headbutts but Seth throws him to the ring post. Morgan calms down and walks over to Dean and Roman. 

"Are you okay, now?" Roman asked as he and Dean looked at her.

"I'm just peachy," Morgan replied.

Punk throws Seth to the turnbuckle and goes for the running knee but Seth catches him in a powerbomb hold. He throws him to the turnbuckle and pins him.

"Here's the cover and Punk kicks out a two!" Cole exclaimed.

"Damn it!" Morgan banged on the apron. "Son of a grape!"

"Come on..." Seth grumbled. "Stay down Punk. Just stay down!"

The Philly Diva runs her hands through her hair as she watches Seth miss the blackout. Punk tries to kick him but Seth ducks and kicks him in the head to pin him for another two count. 

"Put him away. Let's go. End it!" Roman shouted. 

Seth does the GTS taunt and is to do the GTS but Punk hits him with a running knee on the ropes and clotheslines him. He rolls out of the way before Punk can do the diving elbow. Punk walks over to him but gets his head thrown onto the middle turnbuckle.

"Smart!" she complimented. 

Dean starts to get in Punk's face, but then the ref tells him to back off. Morgan holds Dean's arm and tries to calm him down and moments later, he does. Seth jumps off the top rope to give Punk a crossbody but Punk rolls them over and gives him the Anaconda Vice.

"The Anaconda Vice!" Cole exclaimed as the crowd got hyped. Dean slides into the ring while Punk releases the hold and tries to hit him. "And Ambrose, trying to get involved."

"Dean!" Morgan yelled in annoyance while Roman tried to ask him what was he thinking. 

Seth tries to hit Punk with his finisher but Punk counters and puts him in the GTS position again. Ambrose gets back on the apron to distract the ref while Seth hits Punk with the Skywalker and pins him. The ref turns around and starts to count but Punk kicked out at two. 

"As I feared." She bit her lip.

Seth turns his attention to his partners and gets annoyed. He starts yelling at them while Morgan shakes her head and facepalms. 

"He was tryna help!" Roman noted. 

Seth turns his attention back to Punk but gets thrown out of the ring and on to Morgan, Roman and Dean. Punk is about to run through the ropes but Seth hits him with a forearm. He jumps onto the ropes and is about to dive onto Punk but is caught in the GTS.




"The winner of this match, CM Punk!" Justin announced. 

Morgan, Dean and Roman recover and she gets in the ring to help out Seth, while Roman gets in the ring to stare down Punk. Dean was at ringside, biting his fingers and silently seething.

"CM Punk surviving tonight," Cole said. 

Punk points at Roman and Morgan as he walks up to the stage. Roman turns his attention to Morgan and she looks at him before they both turn their attention to Punk on the stage. Morgan narrows her eyes at Punk while he does his GTS taunt. 

"Two members left. Who will face CM Punk next?" Cole wondered.


Morgan was sitting on some steps, wearing a black bandana over her straightened black hair and was deep in thought when Roman arrived and sat next to her. The crowd gives them a nice reception as they sit in comfortable silence and she lets out a sigh. 

"I need to stop getting provoked by Punk all the time. You were trying to calm everyone down but he got inside my head after I tried to reason with you guys. But the only question on my mind is...What if I can't beat him?" She asked in a low voice. Roman turned his head to look at her while she looked straight ahead. "Then what? Will everyone move on and forget I exist? Will the fans forget about me trying to wrestle WWE Superstars? That's my fear when I go out there."

"I don't know about you but you would earn my respect. And I know Chyna will be proud of you too." Roman replied as she turned to look at him. "You wrestled guys in the past and you are continuing that in the WWE. Who cares if you lose? Show them you can withstand Punk's moves. Win or lose, I'll be by your side-"

"That's the problem. I don't think I can do it with you guys at ringside. There is a 90 percent chance that Dean is going to interfere-­"

"I'll try to make sure he doesn't-"

"Like that will help. I love him but he can get angry pretty quickly. I just don't want that to interfere in the match and cause a DQ." she stood up but Roman gently grabbed her wrist.

"Morgan...I'm not going to let you go through this alone. I know you want to prove yourself, and you will. Win or lose."

She sat back down and sighed. "Thank you." She laid her head on his shoulder.

"Don't thank me." He put his head on her head. "We're a team and we are going to stick by you. We all know how important this match is for you. We know it and we are going to be a ringside, cheering you on."

"You're so good to me."

He looked down at her. "You are too."

"No, I'm not..." 

"Why do you say that?"

She stood up and so did he. "Because I can never give anything back to you. All the stuff you do for me; the advice you give me...the support you give me...I don't think I can ever repay that even though I wish I could return the favor. But, maybe one day I'll try to return the favor somehow."

"You don't have to repay me for anything. Just keep a cool head tonight."

"No promises."

Roman chuckled. "I'm not surprised."

"Thanks for listening to me." She fist bumped him and started walking away as the camera followed her.

"Morgan, in action, next," Cole said as they went to a commercial.

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1 year ago

Forced To Believe Chapter 36- Move Thief

Forced To Believe Chapter 36- Move Thief

Chapter Summary:  Morgan faces Rosa Mendes but gets irritated at her fixation on Roman. CM Punk continues to provoke Morgan which sparks even more drama between them

Words: 2,000+


Morgan tweets 'I guess accepting Punk's Challenge is a good thing to show that there are no weak links in The Shield. #2MembersLeft'

'In The Ring'

Morgan comes out to her theme, through the crowd and slides down the railing until she reaches the end of the steps. The Shield follow her moments later. 

"Well, that was new," Cole said as she tagged some hands and jumped over the barricade. 

"Morgan! Morgan! Over here! Can I get a kiss before 2014? Please?" King tried to get her attention.

"Are you crazy? Why would she want to kiss you?" JBL retorted. "Leave her alone. She is going to turn you down like always. And Dean Ambrose is right there!"

"I agree. But if he wants to get kicked in the face, let him." Cole laughed. But then, Morgan turned to King's direction and smiled at him. "What is she doing?"

She motioned him to stand up. 

"Me?" King asked in surprise and she nodded. 

He happily stood up as she walked over to kiss his cheek.

"I guess she's in a good mood tonight," JBL said as King fell back on his chair and held his heart.

Morgan chuckled. "Don't die on me." 

"I love her so much. One of my favorite divas and I finally got a kiss." King grinned and watched her do her taunt on the apron and get inside the ring by the middle rope, slowly.

"You got lucky, King," Cole said.

"Don't get too comfortable. Dean is looking at you." JBL pointed out while Dean gave King a dirty look.

"What? I just wanted a kiss on the cheek. No harm in that, right?" King asked, trying to clear his name.

"Haha. I wouldn't want to be in your shoes right now."

Rosa's theme comes on. "And introducing her opponent, Rosa Mendes!" Justin announced as she strutted to the ring. 

Although Morgan wanted to be wrestling Tamina tonight, it looked like plans changed and Rosa would feel her wrath instead. The Outspoken Diva puts her hands on her hips and shows a smile once Rosa struts to ringside and gets on the apron. She flips her hair in a circle and swings her hips before getting in the ring. The Philly Diva starts to look amused when Rosa starts dancing around her while her theme continues to play. She shakes her head while Rosa's theme fades out.

Rosa gives her a grin and grabs a mic.

"Well, well, well, look who I'm facing tonight. The Outspoken Diva, Morgan Lopez." Rosa said her name in an accent. "Really? I'm facing you? You of all divas? I am going to win this match and I'm going to be stealing hearts. Including The Shield's." She pointed at them and gave them a flirty smile.

"Especially Roman. I really like big muscular men. I'll win your heart with my beautiful moves. No one can resist these hips." She swung her hips a little for him.

Morgan narrowed her eyes at her after she gave Roman another flirty smile but calmed herself down and decided to play it off. 

"Really?" Morgan asked.

"Si, Chica, Let me tell you how much better I am than you. I'm The Stunning Latina. I can shake my hips and flip my hair better than you." Rosa began dancing again while the crowd started whistling.

"I love her dancing." King looked on in amazement.

Morgan chuckled and shook her head. 

"Morgan is acting pretty nice here. By now Rosa would have been beaten up already, wouldn't she?" JBL asked.

"I think she's angry inside. I see the frustration in her body language towards Rosa." Cole looked on while Rosa stopped dancing

"'re doing it wrong," Morgan said, and the crowd cheered.

"You can't keep up with me. You can't dance." Rosa taunted. "You can try, but you can't."

"My father is a dancer. I surely can dance. Let me show you how it's done," she replied and began swinging her hips as the crowd cheered.

Rosa's jaw dropped. "What!? No way! No way! Dance battle, right now!"

"Dance battle? What happened to the match?" JBL asked as the crowd cheered.

"I'm tuning in for this!" King grinned as Rosa's theme came on again. 

Rosa started dancing again and began to swing her hips a little bit harder. "Top that!" She taunted

"If you say so." Morgan grinned and started salsa dancing while Rosa was fuming.

Dean smirked and put his arm around Roman. "This is so hot..." he said as Roman glanced at Dean and continued to watch the dance battle, paying close attention to Morgan.

"Dean is such a lucky man...such a lucky man!" King said. "Those hips! She can dance for me all night!"

"Calm yourself, King..." JBL said.

"No! No!" Rosa exclaimed and decided to go on the apron and flip her hair in a circle again, earning cheers and whistles from the men. Morgan put her right index finger up and got on the apron to copy her, earning louder cheers. "How dare you!? No, no, and no!"

Morgan laughed at her while her theme faded out. The crowd chants 'Yes! Yes! Yes!' for her while Rosa looked annoyed. 

"Why doesn't she do this more often?" King asked as Morgan shrugged.

"That's my woman! She's mine!" Ambrose taunted the crowd while Roman started to get annoyed with his bragging.

"You do not know how to dance better than me!" Rosa slapped her in the face. 

"Oh!" King exclaimed.

'Ding Ding Ding'

Rosa gives her a smug look and taunts her again while Morgan chuckles and holds her face. The Outspoken Diva retaliates by spearing her to the mat and unloading on her. She picks up Rosa and throws her to the ropes to give her a couple of clotheslines and a dropkick. She jumps on the middle rope and hits her with a moonsault and pins her for a two count. 

As she had her in a headlock, CM Punk started walking down to the ring to loud cheers. 

"Hey! Look who it is! It's CM Punk!" Cole exclaimed.

"What is the Best In The World doing here?" JBL asked as The Shield started to get annoyed. 

"Really?" Morgan retorted with a scowl as Punk grinned and waved

He walked to the announce team and put on a headset. "What's up, guys?" he put his feet on the table.

"It's great to have you here Punk. Why are you here?" Cole asked.

"I should watch my opponent's movements, to get an idea of what I'm dealing with. And plus, Morgan is a wild chick. I dig that."

"What about crazy chicks?"

"I still dig crazy chicks as well."

In the ring, Rosa manages to fight back and hit Morgan with a snap suplex and then a scoop slam. She pins her for a 2 count and puts her in a head scissors submission. 

"Rosa has that locked in tight," Cole said as Morgan tried to break free.

"Let's go, Morgan!" Roman cheered.

"Break out of it! Tear those legs apart." Dean added.

"Tap out!" Rosa yelled. 

Morgan manages to grab Rosa's legs and break the hold while Punk looks on. She crawls over to the ropes but then Rosa gets up and starts to choke her with her foot near the bottom turnbuckle.

"Let go, Rosa! 1! 2! 3! 4!" The ref counted and she released the hold. 

Once Morgan gets up, Rosa jumps on her and starts throwing her head up and down while screaming at her.

"Would you shut the hell up!?" Morgan screamed back and threw her away. "You sound like nails on a chalkboard! Are you sick!?"

She holds the back of her head and stands up and so does Rosa. Rosa tries to kick her but Morgan grabs her foot and pushes her back. 

"Try again." Morgan motioned her to come at her. 

She runs to the ropes and tries to clothesline her but Morgan ducks. Once she turns around, she gets hit by a Superman punch from the Outspoken Diva.

"Oh! Superman punch!" Cole exclaimed as Roman grinned. 

Morgan pins Rosa for a 2 count.

"Stealing people's moves..." Punk murmured.

"She's not stealing moves." JBL countered as Morgan continued to take control. "She has a lot of moves of her own. She just likes to use some of The Shield's moves as signatures. Nothing wrong with that. You use Randy's elbow drop."

Morgan hits Rosa with a dropkick off the top rope and taunts the crowd by putting four of her fingers up as they cheer for her. 

"Why is she putting up the number four?" Punk asked. "Is that her favorite number? Oh, that's great. I can give her four Go to Sleeps."

Rosa crawls to the ropes and throws Morgan onto the middle rope, hurting her neck as she holds it. She taunts the crowd again and blows a kiss at Roman. 

"Someone has the hots for you." Dean nudged Roman.

"Oh boy." Seth looked amused.

"Don't start..." Roman muttered.

Morgan stands up and grabs her by the hair from behind as she shrieks. She throws her to the turnbuckle and starts to choke her neck with her foot as the ref starts to count. 

"Focus on me, not my teammate!" Morgan yelled and released her. 

Rosa kicks her in the stomach and manages to give her a hair pull whip across the ring.

"Rosa is showing some toughness tonight." King complimented.

Rosa gets out of the ring and smiles at Roman while Morgan holds her head and watches with a glare. 

"Are you kidding me!? Stay away from him!" Morgan shouted.

"Morgan is livid. Rosa keeps making moves on Roman instead of focusing on the match." Cole said.

"I bet you haven't been with a real woman have you?" Rosa gave him a flirty smile and touched his arm.

Dean and Seth looked at each other, wondering if they should help him or if he knew what to do in the situation.

Morgan slides out of the ring and clotheslines her. 

"What the hell? What are you doing?" She snapped at Roman.

"I didn't do anything. She's coming on to me." Roman tried to calm her down.

"Well, do something about it, don't just stand there! Common sense!"

"What is this all about?" Cole asked.

"I think I know why..." Punk smirked, glancing at Roman and Morgan.

After she gets back in the ring, Morgan gets hit with a scoop slam and gets put into a cross armed surfboard while Rosa's knees are on her back.

"Gosh, Rosa has Morgan wrapped up like a pretzel," King said with worry as Morgan yelled out in pain.

"Do you submit!?" The ref asked but Morgan did not answer. 

Roman starts to look concerned for her since Rosa has the submission on really tight and starts to pull down harder.

"Come on Morgan! Do not tap out!" Seth yelled.

"Come on Morgan!" Dean banged on the mat.

"I wonder how much Morgan can take." Punk looked on.

Morgan escapes the hold and hits Rosa with the breakdown. Meanwhile, outside the ring, The Shield start to glare at Punk and began walking over to him. 

"What? What's your problem?" Punk asked as Dean yelled at him. "I'm trying to enjoy your girlfriend's match, and I'm minding my business."

The ref starts to witness Punk standing up and arguing with The Shield. Rosa starts to yell that she gives up but Morgan releases the submission. 

"What the hell? I had the match won!" Morgan yelled to the ref but saw the conflict outside the ring and got annoyed. 

She could not believe it. The Shield had one job, and that was to stay out of trouble like she wanted. 

Rosa manages to get back up and hits her with a swinging neckbreaker. She pins her as the crowd starts counting "1! 2! 3! 4! 5! 6!" but the ref is still distracted.

"Rosa had this match won," Cole noted but then Rosa got angry and started arguing with the ref.

"Morgan had it won, first! She should've won the match." King exclaimed.

Morgan manages to get up and starts to look irritated. She screams loudly in frustration which catches everyone's attention but Rosa and the ref. She grabs Rosa from behind and slams her down the mat with the Morganizer. 

"After the scream, Morgan hits the Morganizer! That's gotta be it!" Cole yelled.

"Did you hear that scream?!" King exclaimed. 

She picks Rosa's body up for a reverse GTS. Her back was on top of Morgan's shoulders while her front body was facing the ceiling. The Outspoken Diva turns her attention to Punk and glares at him. 

She does the move by kneeing the back of Rosa's head as she falls face first to the mat. The crowd gets excited as Punk starts to smirk. 

"What!? Reverse GTS!? Is that even possible!?" King shouted

"This girl..." Punk smirked as he looked impressed.

"Oh my God, did she just do a reverse GTS?" Cole exclaimed.

"Haha! I love it!" JBL said as Morgan pinned her for the win. 

"Punk, she just used another version of the GTS! What do you have to say about that?" Cole asked as Morgan got her hand raised

Punk chuckled and shook his head. "Oh, Morgan...Morgan...Looks like she doesn't know how to use her own moves. Is she a plagiarizer? Is that how she got into the WWE?"

Morgan snapped her head to him. "Excuse me?" She walked over to the ropes and looked at him angrily.

"What?" he asked and she got out of the ring to face him.

"Uh oh." Cole looked on.

"Don't what me, what did you say?! Say it to my face!" She snapped.

"You need to control that attitude of yours," Punk replied and they got in each other's faces while the crowd got excited.

"Are we about to see a preview of these two going at it?" JBL asked.

"You know what..." Morgan lunged at Punk as he fell over his chair and the crowd went wild.

"Whoa! Whoa!" King exclaimed as she started unloading on Punk with fierce punches.

They both started fighting each other until The Shield quickly ran to grab her off. Morgan kicked and screamed while the ref rushed over to help Punk as he watched her with amusement.

"Show me more, Morgan! Show me your wrath!" Punk yelled.

"Get off of me!" she yelled as the guys dragged her away from him.

'WWE Exclusive Video'

Morgan started pacing around at The Shield's hideout. 

"Are you okay?" Ambrose asked, walked over to her.

"Oh, I'm fine, perfectly fine-No! I'm not! I'm not fine! Punk keeps getting in my head!"

"Calm down."

"Calm down? I can't!"


"What was I thinking!?"


"I cannot believe I let my anger get the best of me!"


"He's going to make me go to sleep. I don't want to go to sleep. I'm not ready for bed yet!"


"I can't do this...I don't think I can do this..." She started shaking her head.

He grabbed her shoulders. "Yes, you can."


He wrapped his arms around her to hug her and she calmed down. "You are going to hurt him during your match against him and I am going to enjoy every second of it. Don't even worry about him getting in your head right now. Just focus on the match with him. You're going to do fine." He released her and lifted up her chin. "All right? You calm now?"


"Good." He kissed her

Morgan tweets 'I am going to shut you up and kick your ass in Philly. Just watch CMPunk'

Punk replies 'WWEMorgan101 You've sparked my interest. But you're going to eat those words.'

Morgan replies back 'What would you like? A sinister kick in the face, or your face crushed on the mat by the Morganizer. #PickYourPoison.'

Punk replies back 'WWEMorgan101 Surprise me'

'Backstage Fallout'

"Morgan, a quick word with you. Do you regret attacking Punk?" Renee Young asked. 

"Heck no. He needs to shut his mouth and I did that by attacking him. I'm tired of his smart remarks. If he has the balls to call me a plagiarizer, he should have the balls to say it to my face, but what did he do? Nothing. I am going to hurt him so badly! Just you wait." she replied and stormed off

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