Did I Make A Heathers Reference Hell Yeah! - Tumblr Posts
Hermes: are ya winning grandson?
Odysseus: she's my everything my Penelopeeeeeee!!!
Circe: I pity him
Hermes: You know he killed so many Troyans
Circe points at *him*: Yeah....Ha.....tell me that again!
Hermes: Ody I tell you to sleep with her
Ody and Circe: WHAT????!!!
Circe: Uhm... (looking more closely) for a greasy Nobody, you do have good bone structure
Nymphs: and a symetrical face, if we took a cleaver down the middle of your face, We'll have same portions!.
Circe: and you know, you know, you know this could be beautiful... (getting closer to Ody)
Hermes: Shut Up Heather Circe (pulls away traumatized Ody)
Circe: fine...
*The crew returns to normal*
Odysseus fully awake: We're up, and off and away we go!. Bye! Thanks for the info!
Nymphs: is that man fine, mistress?
Circe: I don't know. He said he ate some molly and now he has been sitting there without blinking for three hours.
Odysseus: begonewiiiitchh
Nymphs: will you turn him?
Circe: I've never eaten a pig intoxicated like this, it might be dangerous. Call Hermes to take him away.
Nymphs: where... where do we find him?
Circe: you're right, it's useless. I'll turn his crew back into men so they'll take him.