Do Your Own Research - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

My greatest piece of advice to anyone who’s newly awakened to being otherkin, therian, alterhuman, nonhuman, etc. is to research.

I’m not talking about looking up definitions on fandom wikis or whatever. You need to really get to know your community before even considering conversations about who “can” and “cannot” be something.

Learn about the histories of our kind.

Read essays on your peers’ experiences.

Familiarize yourself with different labels and identities outside of your own.

Open your mind to experiences not only similar to yours, but also aren’t like your experiences at all.

I’m saying this in the kindest way possible, especially to younger members of our community. I get it. I know what it’s like to come up in a space and see how discourse is given a lot of focus. There’s pressure to take a hard stance on something.

But, you just realized this part of yourself.

Please understand that zeroing in on discourse, let alone becoming a gatekeeper, isn’t the way to engage with community.

Most of all, it’s not good to dive headfirst into it without educating yourself.

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7 months ago

Your life doesn’t end with a diagnosis. #health #healing #cancer

Your life doesn't end with diagnosis

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4 years ago
Some People Look For Candle Sticks I Think I Found One. PLUG If Youve Talked To Me, This Is A Stock I

Some people look for candle sticks I think I found one. PLUG if you’ve talked to me, this is a stock I have recommended but haven’t posted about. If you have bought it, I hope you still have it!! I know I do, not on Webull but on Robinhood. Do your research and if you have any tips let me know. I love to hear what my followers are investing in, every new opportunity is doorway to the next big thing?!

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4 years ago

Here are some of the stocks I’m trading for short or long term this week...







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4 years ago
Found One I Like Sharing With Everyone. Dont Take My Word For It, Do Your Own Research!!!

Found one I like 👍🏼 sharing with everyone. Don’t take my word for it, do your own research!!!

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3 years ago
I Think Its Time For Me To Invest Some Money In ACB. Its At A Good Entry Point And Ready For The Taking.

I think it’s time for me to invest some money in ACB. It’s at a good entry point and ready for the taking. Don’t take my word for it, do your own research!

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My strategy for being an ally to groups you don’t belong to from someone who is in positions of both privilege and oppression and by no means has this completely figured out.

I use transness as an example because I am trans.

Stage 1: Research, wherein you become less ignorant.

-Center the perspectives of people who are part of the marginalized group (don’t learn about trans rights from cis people).

-People first, then oppression. There is no point in learning about the history of oppression of gender non conforming individuals if you don’t know what a trans person is. That said, it is important to learn about both.

-Learn the correct language to use.

-Recognize that you will encounter diverse perspectives. There are trans people who want to live their lives like they’re cis and there are trans people who actively combat gender norms as an institution. There are binary and non binary trans people. There are about a million different ways to express a trans identity. Basically, it’s normal if you get mixed messages. I tend to favour the messages that are most directly targeted at challenging systems of oppression.

-Find other allies or marginalized people who have put themselves in the position of educator. Random trans people cannot be expected to be your encyclopedias.

-Never stop learning. Stay up to date with current events

Note: Stick around in this phase for a good long time. No one wants someone with a surface level understanding of their issues screaming their opinions about them into the void.

Stage 2: Getting involved, wherein you become useful

-Find a problem that grabs your attention and make a plan to do something about it. Don’t give up your life savings or burn yourself out. Act within your means.

-Do your research before you support an organization. See what the community has to say about them first.

-Know when not to butt in. If you see a trans person spewing their internalized transphobia all over the place, recognize that this is a nuanced situation that you, as an ally, are not equipped to deal with. Leave some things to the people you’re trying to support.

-Know that no matter how exhausting it is to be an ally, to care deeply about an issue, it is harder to be the marginalized person. Have empathy, do your part, but recognize that you will never completely understand.

Being an ally is complicated, and you will make mistakes. Even though you’re imperfect, you can still make a positive impact.

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