Dobby Is A Free Elf - Tumblr Posts
We just gonna ignore the fact that Lucius Malloy was gonna straight up murder a 12 year old kid in the middle of the hallway at Hogwarts? Like ... I feel like we don’t pay enough attention to that? That bitch had half the killing curse out of his mouth before he was stopped.
You know, I’ve always thought that I would die in this war. I’ve always thought people will remember me as the villain. But now I’m standing in the Manor’s living room, staring at two green eyes that I know very much so, I think I might have a second chance.
"Is it him, Draco? Tell us, my boy." said my father while grabbing my shoulder very tightly.
I wanna rip my shoulder off. Just where he is touching me. He is saying those words so fondly. But I know that fondness is not for me. It’s the excitement that he can finally be more for his so called lord.
"Leave him! I swear to Merlin it’s not him! Can’t you see he doesn’t even have the scar!" Granger is screaming so hard I think she might lose her voice for a while.
I know it's him. Harry James Potter, standing right in front of me. On his knees waiting for my answer. Everyone is waiting for my answer. My parents would be so proud of me if I tell the truth and give him to Voldemort. If I do that we can live a great life. At least my father says so. And if I don’t... I guess we will see that.
“I can't be sure." words leave my mouth. It leaves a bitter taste. It’s a big lie. It can destroy me. If I got caught I will get tortured again. This time I don’t think I would make it. Potter’s eyes shows a glint of surprise but somehow he doesn’t show any emotion on his face.
"Are you sure Draco? Take a look again. Maybe it's him don’t you think huh?" my father says while his voice is cracking slightly. Sweet Merlin, he doesn’t give up does he?.
“I can't be sure." I said again. "His face is a mess. I can't tell if it's him or not."
I’m scared. I am so fucking scared. But I can't go back now. My father says something very harshly to my ear but I can’t hear anything. Why can't I hear anything. It feels like I'm in a bubble. I feel myself pulled away from Potter.
"Put the boys in the cellar!" said my bitch of an aunt Bellatrix as she grabbed Weasley by his collar and threw him towards my mother. She got very close to Granger and said, "I’m going to have a conversation with this one, girl to girl!"
Fucking hell, I hate her voice. As I hear those words my father nudged me on my arm and gestured upstairs with his head. I nodded and as I was leaving the room I heard a big thump and I saw that psychopath leaning over Granger while she is laying on the ground. I can't make up the words they are saying but I can hear Granger’s sobs.
I heard my aunt stop talking and move her head to grangers exposed arm. I flinched as she stated to scream. Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck. Is she. Holy shit. No. No. No. No. What the fuck. I ran away. Fucking.. I... This was inhumane. I know she is crazy and everything but this? I can hear her screams. I should help her. I really should. But what can I do? I know the moment I try to do anything I am dead. So are they. I slid down and sit on the ground. I think I’m in a hallway.
I can’t even recognize my own house. I’m trembling. I feel wetness on my cheeks. I feel like I’m watching all of these like I'm in a theatre and there is a play on the stage. I’m not in my body. Everything feels so unreal.
I hear a loud bang. I got up quickly and ran to the living room. I didn’t even realized Granger stopped screaming. As I arrived in the room I saw a complete disaster. Potter and his friends somehow managed to get out of the cells. I turned my head and I felt all of my blood is drying up to nothing. My fucking aunt is holding a dagger to Granger’s throat. Is she going to kill her?
"Call him!" she said to me. I can't. I can't do something like that. I think she knows that too. As well as my father. He stepped up and pulled his sleeves back. The dark mark looks so alive and I hate it. Just as he called the lord we heard a slight creak. I looked up. Dobby? Seriously what the actual fuck.
Then everything happened so quickly. The chandelier suddenly dropped and Granger rushed to her friends. Potter came up to me. Fucking prat take my wand from me. How the fuck am I supposed to protect myself now?
"Stupid elf! You could’ve killed me!" Bellatrix shouted. Wow how observant of you.
"No! Dobby never meant to kill! Dobby only maim or seriously injure" if I wasn’t shitting my pants from the horror I’m feeling right now, I could’ve laughed at that. My mother raised her wand and just as she tried to do a spell her wand flied out to Dobby.
"How dare you take a witch’s wand! How dare you defy you masters!" said Bellatrix. For fucks sake is she ever going to stop talking.
"Dobby has no master. Dobby is a free elf and Dobby has come to save Harry Potter and his friends." said Dobby. Wow that was very inspiring thank you Dobby. They hold hands and appeariate away.
My aunt has a smirk on her face though. Why is she smiling? Then i realized her dagger was not in her hand. Oh no. But I have no time to worry for them. I need to get out of here right now. I tried to run away but I felt my body freezing. Fuck they noticed me, of course.
"Now now my dear nephew, is there anything you would like to share with us?" said to me Bella, as she smiled crazily. My breath got quicker.
"No? It’s ok, I can help you!" she said with a fake innocence. Then I felt an immense amount of pain. I wanted to scream but I couldn’t open my mouth. I was crying hysterically but I couldn’t even move my finger. I looked at my parents with hopeful eyes thinking maybe they would help me. But all I could see is just dissatisfaction. They... They think it's ok? For their son to feel this pain? Oh... I felt an another rush of pain in my body and it ripped my thoughts away. This time I managed to make some sounds. She probably heard me and smirked. I wanna rip that smirk out of her face. She grabbed my hair.
"Oh be patient Draco! we are just getting started! Just wait for our Lord!" she said. That was the last thing I heard before I lost my consciousness.

My town's winter festival is happening again: This is my entry this year. Titled "Yer a tree jumper Harry."

Versão Chibi do Dobby feito para o grupo Character Designer 😊