Doesnt Matter Who Loses Or What Has To Be Done As Long As Justice Prevails - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

Akainu has to be the only person that left Marineford feeling even mildly good about how that all went down. Like the Marines technically won but the absolute silence and horror in the face of all that brutality must have left a sour taste in everyone’s mouth. Except Akainu.

Suddenly watching Akainu rip his molten arm out of Ace’s chest all the marines present are glaringly faced with what “absolute justice” looks like. And it looks a lot like a kid grieving over a dead brother and a hundred sons grieving a dead father. And that just doesn’t sit right.

But in the end it doesn’t matter Akainu has his absolute justice and his promotion and the marines have their hollow victory. Nobody is happy.

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