Whitebeard One Piece - Tumblr Posts
Random thoughts -that no one wants to know- while watching Impel down/Marine Ford for the first time.
ep 459 Buggy getting himself hyped up by everyone! *sigh* I already knew Ace was Rogers son, but this episode still hits hard.
ep. 460 Garp is in such a bad place here. I feel for him. Portgas D. Rouge is such a beautiful woman, I wish she could have been there for Ace Ace inheriting her beautiful freckles almost made me cry. Buggy taking credit for opening the gate made me smile again though. Thanks Buggy <3 that shot of Whitebeards fleet appearing through the mist gave me goosebumps, such an epic entry from Whitebeard!
ep 461 oh Ace, you are so loved. Whitebeard waking up to Aces attempt on his life, casually slapping him into oblivion and falling asleep again right after is such an anime dad thing that short montage of Ace getting thrown around by Whitebeard was just hilarious I wonder if Whitebeard knew Garp and saw the similarity between Ace and Garp -the sudden falling asleep I mean-
ep 462 Whitebeard is such a dad, this really gets to me Buggy lying there like "draw me like one of your french girls" with his glorious hair oy Smoker, it's good to see you again, although I doubt you will be of much use in this war so it begins...
ep 463 so we finally get to see Akainu Little Oz Jr.? Whoa there... hahaha Gecko Moria being all hyped up and wanting to get his dirty little fingers onto Oz Jrs body was so obvious
ep 464 naww, poor Oz :( I wonder how many great characters and allies we will lose in this war :/
ep 465 Garp </3 I see your conflict, I feel so sorry for you I already know I'm probably gonna cry so much this arc I can only repeat myself: Ace, you are so loved. enter Buggy, Luffy and the crew!
ep 466 Every second with Buggy is a good second While I like that Buggy finally got his signature clothing back, I'm a bit miffed about the acute loss of ponytail exposure it's so funny to me, that Croc, Ivan, Jinbe, Luffy and Buggy all kick the ice to make it break, but you can clearly see that only Buggy didn't create any cracks in the ice xD (god, I love him so much) "Ace we are here to save you" zooms out of Luffys face to reveal Buggy, Crocodile, Ivankov and Jinbe at his side. SO EPIC Sengoku: "GARP, IT'S YOUR FAMILY AGAIN" while Garp losing his mind with those rambunctious boys made me laugh so hard :D Highlight: Luffy telling Whitebeard to shut up
Random thoughts -that no one wants to know- while watching Impel down/Marine Ford for the first time.
ep 467 Buggy shying away from the fight, that's how we know him. Buggys followers giving every little thing he says some epic and noble meaning, always putting him on a pedestal, he just can't do wrong (I feel called out. I would be one of them. Why am I so weak for this clown?) Jango having the same VA as Franky and Bon chan, love the voice. He's doing a great job. Buggys face as he finds out Dragon is Luffys father is priceless
ep 468 Whitebeard recognizing Buggy and Buggy just biting back without realising it's Whitebeard he's talking to because he just can't keep his mouth shut :D You can't tell me Whitebeard didn't know that Buggy was weak and that Buggy was just talking out of his ass, when he offered Buggy to form an alliance Mr 3s face in combination with the music after Buggy told him that he could take on the Marines if he got all out made me laugh so hard I cried Wait what?! Now Whitebeard acknowledges the strength of Buggy and the prisoners?! What is happening?? I for sure thought he was looking right through Buggy. Smoker, you are hot and so far you are my favorite Marine, but you won't be much of use Boa Hancock is delusional, but on the other hand quite cute when she gushes over Luffy
ep 469 Highlight: Luffy hugging Boa Hancock. And she's so overwhelmed, she can't take it. Buggy and his daggers are such a cool combo.
ep 470 Crocodile not accepting Doflamingos offer to join forces is refreshing one of my favorite scenes in the anime: Luffy getting Buggy out of Crocodiles sandstorm just to use him as a shield against Mihawks attack, and Buggy just being his usual self getting mad with Mihawk and gloriously failing his Muggy ball attack, resulting in one of the funniest scenes
ep 471 a whole army out of pacifistas... that's so cruel Buggy going live, he's so precious. In the german dub he says "My name is legend and I am a Buggy." and I can never forget about that such a rat... stabbing Whitebeard!
ep 472 I know what's bound to happen, but I still don't like it Aokiji freezing Buggy... I mean I know Buggy survives this, but if I didn't already I would be seriously worried for him now Whitebeard being the forgiving father, that's why his people love him, isn't it?
ep 473 Whitebeard enters the fight. That's got to be epic. Shit's about to go down. I know this story is about Luffy on his way to become King of the Pirates but holy moly, I want to watch Whitebeard in his prime. His df looks so incredibly epic and strong So out of the three admirals I liked Aokiji, I didn't like Kizaru and I had no opinion on Akainu because we didn't see him until now. I didn't think Akainu could be worse than Kizaru but here we are. I really don't like that man.
Random thoughts -that no one wants to know- while watching Impel down/Marine Ford for the first time.
ep 474 Oz is still alive? How? Ugh I know he'll probably die and stay dead, but for now it's a small relief. I also don't know yet what Luffys plan is, but at least he got behind the wall. That's a win in my book.
ep 475 Crocodile saving Ace last second!? What!? Why?! He's so cool rn! Crocodile stonks went up! Doflamingo and Crocodile talking like a couple who recently broke up, nice. I feel so sorry for Garp, ughh.
ep 476 Whitebeard casually catching Luffy. An episode that tugs on your heartstrings. Poor Garp.
ep 477 I'm glad Buggy is fine. I really need him because this war is so dark and I want to keep myself from crying. We've established that Luffy shortened his life, should be around 30 years, yea? If I recall is correctly he should have gotten the hormones to keep going three times. I don't know, these episodes are just getting to me. It's depressing.
ep 478 Coby against Luffy. Outcome was obvious from the start. But at least he tried. Luffy getting saved by Hancock again. She's such a simp :) Whitebeard is such a beast. I really want to see him in his prime. I can't wait to see Luffy being able to control his Haki.
ep 479 Everyone being impressed with Luffys Haki and Whitebeard ordering his men to help Luffy in any possible way. Lovely. Crocodile getting in between Mihawk and Luffy, saving Luffy, makes me feel things I didn't think I would be feeling. ;) Buggy saying "Buggy" as he connects his upper body with his lower body again is so darn precious.
ep 480 Garp looks quite hot in the flashbacks with Luffy. See? This is why I currently prefer Kizaru over Akainu. Kizaru fights Whitebeard, Luffy is running towards Ace, Whitebeards like "Just watch" and Kizaru stops fighting for a moment and watches and they talk like an old couple watching TV until they resume their fight. Wonderful. Mr 3 being one of the guards to kill Ace was lucky. But also my dude was comitted to killing Ace there... Then again Mr 3 being touched by Bon chans last words and his last wish is melting my heart and even though he was swinging that sword at Aces neck a few minutes ago I can't keep myself from thinking that he is a hero.
ep 481 I know the outcome of this arc, yet I still feel happy for at least this moment that Ace is free. Epic fight where Luffy and Ace fight together like they never did anything else. Buggy is scheming again. Whitebeard declaring the new era with the flashback of old foes and allies with his flag waving in the background made me cry a little.
Random thoughts -that no one wants to know- while watching Impel down/Marine Ford for the first time. (this is the last one, I promise)
ep 482 Buggy being nice to the transponder snail to make his followers not push him about defeating Whitebeard on camera only having the effect of the snail coming out of it's shell voluntarily is such a Buggy failing upwards moment. Even the snail is rooting for Buggy now lol and I say it again... Ace, you are so so so loved Ace, pls don't take the bait! After everything they had to do to save you, don't be stubborn *sighs* I can't stand Akainu. Which means Oda wrote him really well. I just don't like that his mindgames work.
ep 483 I knew Ace would die and I knew I would probably cry even though I had no strong opinion on this character before this arc... I was right. Garps shocked face when Ace sacrificed himself for Luffy... and then Garp and Whitebeards reaction makes this so much worse for me. I can't even be happy that Buggys looking hella fine with his daggers and ready to fight. Whitebeard crying and Garp telling Sengoku to hold him down, otherwise he'd kill Akainu made me ugly cry. *sobs*
ep 484 Whitebeard looming behind Akainu is such a great shot. I just wished he was able to kill Akainu. The music while Whitebeard is fighting is touching (and making me sadder. great choice) Blackbeard making his move. Again I totally forgot that dude was existing.
ep 485 Blackbeard wanting his old crew back from Impel Down is so obvious that I can't fathom why I didn't think of it sooner. Cute flashback scene where Roger and Whitebeard have a drink while sitting under I assume cherry trees. A little paradise in this dark place. I just knew it! When they showed young Whitebeard and he got asked about his dream, I knew he would say he always wanted a family. But it still broke me! I was feeling better, but now I'm crying again.
ep 486 Whitebeard's gone, I'm sad. Doflamingo, what did you do the whole time? You just sat and watched. At least Buggy can cheer me up a bit. I love the energy of his followers. Sure my friends, it was really just Buggy being merciful, he didn't just shit his pants from Whitebeard existing near him. I want future Luffy to kick Akainus ass so bad that he'll never be able to sit again Blackbeard now got Whitebeards df? Why? How? Is he two people in a bodysuit? I remember when the strawhats encountered him, Luffy and Zoro said he was more than one person. But even then, he has to somehow being able to extract it, right?
ep 487 Sengoku is a good guy/marine, right? the three admirals still running after Luffy instead of fighting Blackbeard. bummer Coby has something going on here. I now get why Crocodile is so beloved by the fandom. He came in clutch again and saved Luffy. I didn't expect that. He gave this nice little speech to Jinbe. Why is he such a hero in this arc? Buggy not only getting hit by Jinbe and Luffy midair, but also catching them and holding them both and then getting them out of harms way when Akainu attacked is my favorite thing. Even though he said he didn't want to help them he already had at that point. I did not expect Buggy to ask Law questions first! I fully expected him to just hand out Jinbe and Luffy, but NO. He's not just gonna give them to this random dude who just appeared from a submarine. He says he doesn't care, but he cares.
ep 488 Buggy still asking questions haha. Coby does have that sensual power from Skypiea, right? That's a form of Haki? Buggy holding Jinbe and Luffy and only giving them up after almost being hit by Kizarus lightbeam is gold. Cobys speech is great. He stands infront of Akainu, he's right in his assessment of the situation and he's so incredibly brave. I'm so glad Shanks is there to save him. Although I hope Akainu gets his ass beaten by trying to kill a fellow marine. (he probably won't)
ep 489 I'm happy we finally see Shanks again. Boa Hancock is being cute again. And now there's the scene that lives rent free in my head: Buggy *angry voicecrack* Nani!? *switches to sexy smirk and sexy voice mocking Shanks* "hisashiburi dana" *angry again* "DA!?" Shanks looks really good in that episode. Mihawk leaving after Shanks' arrival? Good one. I enjoy Buggy still being mad at Shanks, Shanks not knowing what is even going on, while Buggys new followers hype up Buggy so hard. (yea I definitely would be one of them) Man I just wish Shanks would kick Blackbeards teeth in. Sengoku being a real bro, letting the pirates take their fallen brothers for the funerals. that look Shanks gave Buggy there... yea. Do I need to say more?

My thoughts? Impel Down and Marine ford are great arcs. I will definitely rewatch them in the future. I like Impel Down a bit more though, because after having watched Marine ford I feel drained and incredibly sad. That's it, I'm gonna crawl into a hole and just cry for a bit haha.
Akainu has to be the only person that left Marineford feeling even mildly good about how that all went down. Like the Marines technically won but the absolute silence and horror in the face of all that brutality must have left a sour taste in everyone’s mouth. Except Akainu.
Suddenly watching Akainu rip his molten arm out of Ace’s chest all the marines present are glaringly faced with what “absolute justice” looks like. And it looks a lot like a kid grieving over a dead brother and a hundred sons grieving a dead father. And that just doesn’t sit right.
But in the end it doesn’t matter Akainu has his absolute justice and his promotion and the marines have their hollow victory. Nobody is happy.
This scene, the animation! The colors! The way Roger moves! Genuinely lives rent free in my head

One piece AU where the devil fruits users can see the pasts users.
So Sabo, eating the mera-mera, start to have the Ace ghost annoying him 24/7.
I don't think blackbeard is having a great time.
The canon whitebeard pirates: we are lawless criminals of the sea who pillages ships and take what we want, and help nations when we feel like it and make them our family
The whitebeard pirates in fanfics: we are a regimented force who have paperwork and paydays and limited vacation time

🔥fire fist ace 🔥
My second favourite character form one piece, I’m so glad that I drew him ❤️🔥 I have big ASL obsession so I just have to draw him
I practise drawing men and I think im getting better with it also I made this drawing with reference art which I lost and I’m so sorry about it because I can’t find a link now!!
Hope you like it! ❤️🔥🔥🏴☠️
i barely post on here 😖 here's a small art dump!!
some of these characters are ocs i have but i are art pieces containing canons ^^

I'm slightly convinced that the one piece fandom invented the phrase 'gilf'... there's a few to many of them...

↳ original sketches by KUBONOUCHI EISAKU what if the Marineford Arc were set in a High School AU…? (aka the most intense Sports Day Festival ever)
Chat I think Whitebeard died to Sniper king
Whose crew is Ophelia part of?

She is a member of the Whitebeard pirates-
Yes, she is still referred to as a 'son' she doesn't mind though.

She has to deal with this.. a lot.

An oc insert!
Ft. Ophelia
Who are Ophelia' best friends ?

She's not the best at making friends, though she'd be happy to make some!