Draco Fanfic - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

(─‿‿─) melt your heart masterlist

last updated: 19th july, 2023 newest: chapter seven warnings: bullying, violence, kissing, cursing wattpad: (i usually update here first than on tumblr) moodboards: julianna's

() Melt Your Heart Masterlist

❥ year one chapter one,, chapter two,, chapter three,, chapter four,, chapter five,, chapter six ❥ year two chapter seven,, chapter eight,, chapter nine,, chapter ten,, chapter eleven,, chapter twelve,, chapter thirteen,, chapter fourteen,, chapter fifteen ❥ year three chapter sixteen,, chapter seventeen,, chapter eighteen,, chapter nineteen,, chapter twenty,, chapter twenty-one,, chapter twenty-two,, chapter twenty-three ❥ year four chapter twenty-four,, chapter twenty-five,, chapter twenty-six,, chapter twenty-seven,, chapter twenty-eight,, chapter twenty-nine,, chapter thirty ❥ year five n/a ❥ year six n/a ❥ year seven n/a ❥ the aftermath n/a

() Melt Your Heart Masterlist

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1 year ago

❥ melt your heart | chapter three

pairing: draco malfoy x oc genre: best friends to lovers! slow burn! warnings: TROLL IN THE DUNGEON word count: 3.3k masterlist: melt your heart last chapter: chapter two next chapter: chapter four

 Melt Your Heart | Chapter Three

THE HOSPITAL WING was empty except for the only patient there, neville. "'ello, nevs. how's the wrist doing?" julianna asked him, neville mustered up a smile. "madam pomfrey tended to it. should be healed up in no time. it's okay, i'm used to getting injured by now." his reply brings julianna to a frown, "best be more careful then? don't want your limbs disappearin' all a sudden." she joked and handed him the glass ball, "here's your remembrall. i'm sorry about draco, he's just a big, stinking bully." she apologised and neville shook his head, "i should stand up to him, b-but i just- i'm too scared." "and hey, that's alright. move at your own pace. it's already a huge improvement that you do want to stand up to malfoy." julianna comforted him, patting him on the shoulder.

when madam pomfrey came back, she had said neville could be discharged and so they walked off to their respective classes. sadly for julianna, her class was history of magic with ravenclaw. it went by slower than slower could go by, and that says a lot. however, once it was finished and she came out of the classroom, she was faced with whispers around her about how harry was the new gryffindor seeker. immediately, she rushed off to see him.

she found them staring at a trophy case. "gryffindor's brand new seeker?! amazing!" she gushed and harry turned a bright shade of pink, "it's not that amazing." "oh, but it is!" julianna insisted and then she caught what the three of them were looking at,  "merlin! your father was a seeker too?" the revelation shocks her, harry nodded as his eyes roamed around the case and saw something. "seemed like your father was one too?" he asked and julianna almost snapped her neck at how fast she looked. there stood, in all its glory, a plaque with the name 'maurice candy' written on it. julianna tip toed as high as she could to admire it, "he was a seeker?" she whispered to herself, her eyes glistening.

"he's a bloody seeker?!" she exclaimed in a high register, startling the three gryffindors. "could've been something better like a beater but he's a seeker?! no offense, harry." she turned to him and he had a deadpanned look on his face. "gee, none taken." he rolled his eyes playfully, "what's wrong with seeker?"  ron asked, "well, it's kind of overrated, don't you think? either way, it's just my preference. i like the beaters' position much better." julianna crosses her arms, "well, what's your mother's name?" hermione asked, her eyes observing the awards. "ivy purice." "oh, look at that. she's a beater for slytherin." hermione's words had julianna scrambling over to her spot, "where?!" "right there! look with your eyes, not your elbows!" julianna glares at hermione for the nagging and looks at the plaque. it was right there, her mother's name with the words beater over it. this meant the entire world to julianna, learning something new about her parents.

the four of them walked up to the gryffindor common room, the three said julianna could tag along for a bit since she needed hermione's help with history of magic. ron was telling harry how spooky it is that hermione knew more about him than he knew himself, when all of a sudden, the stairs started moving. "what's happening?!" harry exclaimed, "the staircases change, remember?" hermione reminded them, "let's go this way." harry chanted once the staircase stopped moving, "yeah, before this staircase moves again." ron commented.

the four of them headed up to the third floor and went through the door, only to realise this was a place they really shouldn't be in if they didn't want to die a most painful and horrible death, as dumbledore had said. the corridor was dark and dusty, not to mention creepy. "let's go." harry said when a fire lit up the more they walked forward but it was too late, for filch's cat, mrs. norris, was already behind them.

"oh, bugger! filch's cat!" julianna hissed, "shoo, mrs. norris, shoo!" she attempted to get her away but alas, it did not work because she is a cat, and cats listen to nobody. "run!" harry exclaimed and the four of them ran through the corridor until they stumbled upon a door. "quick, let's hide through that door!" julianna went to go open it but it didn't budge one bit. "it's locked!" she cried, "that's it, we're done for!" ron cried as well, "oh, move over!" hermione snapped, pushing both of them out of the way. she pointed her wand at the lock and casted a spell, "alohomora." with that, the door opened.

the four skedaddled into the previously locked room and closed the door. "alohomora?" "standard book of spells, chapter seven." hermione explains to ron who was confused with what spell she just used. harry and julianna looked at the room while the other two were talking, "filch is gone." hermione announced, "probably thought the door was locked." "and for good reason." harry and julianna said in sync as the four saw the reason why the room was locked.

before them stood a black, gigantic, three-headed dog that had just awoken from it's sleep. the four screamed and the dogs growled in return. they hurriedly exited the terrifying room and shut the door as quickly as they could before the dogs could attack them.

from there, julianna departed from them and headed towards her own common room, too shaken up to care about the homework she needed help with. 'that was horrid.' she thought, hugging herself as she made her way through the kitchen, accidentally bumping into a house elf. "oh! sorry!" she apologised to the tiny creature, "oh, young master candy needn't apologise to ditzy gilpy. it twas gilpy's fault." the house elf, gilpy, bowed, julianna had seen her around the kitchens before, she made lovely cookies. "no, gilpy. it was entirely my fault, i wasn't focusing. take the apology, yeah?" she smiled at gilpy and gilpy reluctantly nodded before going back to her duties.

when julianna reached the hufflepuff common room, she saw ernie macmillan was reading a book near the fire, three other hufflepuffs were conversing at one of the tables and hannah and susan were doing their homework at one of the tables as well. julianna dashed straight towards them, placing her book bag onto the seat before sitting down herself.

"where've you been, juli?" hannah asked, looking up from her stressful potions homework. "oh- uh- um-" julianna had no idea what to say, she was stumped to say the least. "was trying to find hermione granger and ask her to help me with history of magic. didn't find her." she lied, opening up her bag and taking out her history of magic textbook. "do you need me to help?" susan volunteered but julianna only shook her head, "to be entirely honest, i only wanted to ask hermione 'cause if i pretend i don't understand anything at all, she'll do my homework for me indirectly." julianna gives the two a cheeky smile as they roll their eyes with smiles on their faces.

julianna was heading to charms class when draco had sauntered next to her. "candy." he greeted but julianna didn't respond. she hadn't talked to him since the incident with neville's remembrall. "what? are you still not talking to me?" he scoffed in disbelief, julianna pretended not to hear him. "what do you want me to say? sorry?" still, no answer. draco sighed out of frustration, "fine, i'm sorry. happy?" nope, nothing. the blonde boy groaned, "you can't ignore me forever, juli." wrong! she can.

"could you tell me how to get you back to talking to me?" draco pleaded, now, this, this was a surprise to julianna. did he miss her that much? she puts her finger up, signalling him to wait till they reach the charms classroom. they walked in silence and when they reached the classroom, they decided to sit next to each other.

she took out her parchment, quill and ink, only to start writing something on it. she handed it over to draco, the note read:

hello, draco. if you want me to start speaking to you again, you need to apologise. not to me, but to neville. if not, i will no longer speak to you for the rest of my remaining days here at hogwarts.

draco's eyeballs nearly bulged out of their sockets reading the bloody note. "apologise?! to longbottom?!" he repeated out loud, julianna nodded. draco thought about it, she only said during her days at hogwarts, so he would just have to wait for another seven years before being able to talk to her again. he could totally survive that! no, he can't. he'll literally pass away. with a distressed sigh, he gave in. "okay, fine! i'll apologise to longbottom later! can you please just talk to me now for the time being?" draco asked, the hufflepuff thought about it but shook her head.

then, she had no choice but to talk to him because professor flitwick had partnered them up. luckily, this spell was quite individualistic so she didn't really see the need to talk to him.

"wingardium leviosa!" julianna swished and flicked her wand as the charms professor had instructed but to no avail, the feather stood still. julianna was never really good at charms, she just didn't have the talent for it. draco saw her struggle. "try saying the words on the same beat as the swish and flick. like this." draco demonstrated it but didn't carry out the spell, the hufflepuff tried to follow but it was no use, the feather still wouldn't float up. soon, hermione's feather had gone up and seamus' had blown up. nothing new really.

at her last attempt, the feather managed to float up and julianna let out a giggle. "i did it, draco!" "mm, that didn't take you long to talk to me again." and julianna immediately went silent, "oh great. gone back to the silent treatment d'ya?" he complained and julianna slightly nods, "i'll-" he sighs heavily once more, "apologise to longbottom later." he finishes his sentence and casts the spell, his feather going up at once and julianna smiles without him noticing.

after the class, draco and julianna had cornered neville(he struggled a bit because he thought they were going to beat him up), he couldn't believe the fact that draco malfoy was apologising to him but he knew it was all thanks to julianna and he appreciated it, draco sounded pretty sincere. the rest of the day the slytherin and hufflepuff hung out until dinner arrived, draco told crabbe and goyle to go off on their own, underneath a tree near the black lake.

"are you sure we're allowed to be here, dray?" she asked, draco leaned back onto the stump. "who cares? i need a break from all that incessant learning." he groaned, closing his eyes while julianna sat next to him and opened up her sketchbook. the blonde opened up one of his eyes and peered over her shoulder, "you draw?" he asked, julianna let out a tiny 'mhm' as she started drawing a base of the lake before them. they sat in silence for hours, just enjoying each other's company. "draco?" "yeah?" "do you ever wonder what it would be like to be a bird?" draco stares at her for a while, "no, why the bloody hell would i do something like that?" he asked, puzzled. julianna sighed and leaned back, coincidentally leaning slightly on his shoulder but draco doesn't do anything to move her.

"i mean, to fly, to be free, from expectations and responsibilities. just fly constantly." she explained, looking at the water as she did some finishing touches on her sketch. draco stayed silent. he wasn't going to lie, he would like that. "done!" she shouted and a few birds in the tree they were laying under flew away. "merlin, you scared the birds away, candy floss." he muttered, earning julianna's attention. "candy floss?" she leaned her head to the left as she looked at him before grinning widely, "i like that." she said making draco blush, "what d'you think?" she then showed him her sketch.

it was a sketch of the black lake as expected. what draco wasn't expecting was for there to be a mini tree with a mini her and mini him laying underneath it. "i think it's..." lovely, was one of the words he could have said but being an eleven year old boy who didn't want his feelings to come across, "horrid. my hair doesn't look like that from the back!" he exclaimed, pointing at the drawing. julianna looks perplexed, "turn around for a moment." draco follows, "yep. it looks just like this." draco snapped his head at her, huffing. julianna only cackles before looking back at her sketch. "hm. guess i'll just throw this one away since it turned out bad." she said, tearing out of the sketchbook and as she was about to crumple it up, the boy cried out a "no!" before snatching it. "uh, i mean- i'll throw it for you." draco cleared his throat, turning around the tree stump and crunching up a few leaves, pretending to be crumping up the piece of paper.

julianna only smirked, knowing he probably didn't do that and is probably folding it up real nice to keep in his pocket. she looked at the time and realised it was time for the halloween dinner which she was itching to go to. "it's time for the dinner!" she announced, standing up and dusting her skirt off. julianna placed her sketchbook back into her book bag and slung it over her shoulder. "let's go!" she urged the boy who seemed to just want to continue resting under the tree. it took her a total of 15 minutes to pull him from his spot and head to the great hall.

when they reach the great hall, they bid each other goodbye before heading to their own tables. "hello, everyone!" she greeted susan, hannah, ernie and justin finch-fletchey. "hey, had fun with malfoy?" hannah asked with a raised eyebrow, "now, who said i was with malfoy?" "i did, because i saw you with him near the black lake." the blonde continued, crossing her arms. "well, i'm allowed to hang out with whoever i want, no?" julianna asked, "yes, but be careful with him. he's a horrid person." julianna frowned, sure, he was mean, but he wasn't horrible, right? she ignored the conversation the rest had as she turned around to look at the gryffindor table and realised something weird. hermione granger was nowhere in sight.

weird. she rarely ever misses, well, anything. the doors then slammed open. "troll! in the dungeon! troll in the dungeon!" screeched professor quirrell who came running into the hall, pointing behind him. the entire hall had gone dead silent, the only thing heard was the storm outside. "thought you ought to know." quirrell muttered before fainting, falling to the ground. then, everyone started screaming in panic, dropping all their food and getting out of their seats to scramble out the great hall. julianna sat still, "what can a troll do?" she whispered to herself, confused. "silence!" dumbledore bellowed and the hall become silent once more, "everyone will please not panic." he announced, "now, prefects will lead their house back to the dormitories. teachers will follow me to the dungeons." and soon the chaos became organised chaos.

"alright, first years! come on!" gabriel ushered, not wanting to be near the great hall at all. "hurry! our common room is only one floor down so it won't take too long to get there!" he makes sure each of them are following him but misses when julianna tagged along with the gryffindors to ask harry and ron where hermione was.

when she reached them, the two boys had stopped walking. "julianna-" "where's hermione?" she asked frantically, the boys looked at each other. "oh, no." "she's in the girl's bathroom! we've got to go help her!" harry says and all three of them head back to the staircase. as they made their way there, they spotted a big shadow. "i think the troll's left the dungeon." harry pulled the two behind a wall to hide from the troll as it walked by, "it's going into the girl's bathroom!" julianna says, chasing after the creature. "wait, julianna! wait for us!" harry exclaimed, him and ron trailing after her.

as the three burst into the girl's lavatory, the troll is seen destroying all the stalls with it's club. "hermione! move!" julianna shouted, spotting the girl on the floor inside the stalls. hermione moved under all the walls before cowering to the farthest side of the restroom. her wails for help continued as the boys decided to throw broken wood at the troll to distract it. hermione runs to hide under a sink but it doesn't help one bit. harry takes out his wand and grabs onto the troll's club before landing on its neck, his wand getting stuck in its nose. julianna tries to get pass the troll by ducking underneath while it was distracted with harry, she grabs hermione and brings her back to the other side near the door. "do something!" harry shouted as the troll held onto him by his leg, "i'll go call a teacher! ron, do something!" julianna tells them before running out the door to find at least just one professor.

lucky for her, she stumbled across three. "professors! i found troll! harry in trouble!" she said between pants, holding her knees. mcgonagall, snape and quirrell look at each other before following after julianna without any questions. by the time they arrived, the troll was dead asleep on the ground. "woah! you guys did it!" she said happily, but professor mcgonagall was more relieved.

"you two!" she pointed at harry and ron, "explain yourselves!" she demanded, "well, what it is-" "you see, professor-" "it's my fault, professor mcgonagall." both boys were cut off by hermione, "miss granger?" "i went looking for the troll. i'd read about them and thought i could handle it, but i was wrong. if harry, ron and julianna hadn't come and found me, i'd probably be dead." the other three couldn't believe their ears. hermione granger lying? to a teacher? no, teachers? they all had looks of disbelief on their faces.

"be that as it may, it was an extremely foolish thing to do. i would've expected more rational behaviour on your part and am very disappointed in you, ms. granger. five points will be taken from gryffindor for your serious lack of judgement." professor mcgonagall scolded hermione before turning to the other three, "as for you two gentlemen, i just hope you realise how fortunate you are. not many first-year students could take on a full grown mountain troll and live to tell the tale! five points will be awarded to each of you for sheer dumb luck." ron and harry smile, satisfied with themselves. mcgonagall looked at julianna, "five points to you as well, ms. candy. thank you for coming straight to us to inform of the situation." julianna smiled, "thank you, professor." mcgonagall and snape then leave before quirrell told them they'd better leave as well before the troll woke up.

as the four left the bathroom, harry thanked hermione for getting them out of trouble. "mind you, we did save her life." "mind you, she might not have needed saving if you hadn't insulted her." harry shot back at ron, "what are friends for?" he asked to hermione who only smiled at him, "so that's why she was missing from dinner, was wondering where you went, 'mione." julianna nudged hermione's shoulder with her own as they grinned at each other. safe to say that the four definitely got much closer after that incident.

 Melt Your Heart | Chapter Three

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1 year ago

❥ melt your heart | chapter four

pairing: draco malfoy x oc genre: best friends to lovers! slow burn! warnings: light angst, talking about dead parents word count: 3.5k masterlist: melt your heart last chapter: chapter three next chapter: chapter five

 Melt Your Heart | Chapter Four

THE THREE STARE at harry with worried eyes. "take a bit of toast, mate, go on." ron encouraged, "yeah, you're gonna need your strength harry." julianna tells him, rubbing his back. "i'm not hungry." harry simply said, pushing his plate away. suddenly, snape came up to them. "good luck today, potter. then again, now that you've proven yourself against a troll. a little game of quidditch should be easy work for you." he tells him, "even if it is against slytherin." he added before walking away in his usual snape-like fashion.

"that man is extremely confusing. his walk is brilliant though." julianna admitted, admiring the way the potions master dashed away with his cloak following after him. "that explains the blood." harry commented as he watched him walk away, "blood?" julianna asked, "listen, last night, i'm guessing snape let the troll in as a diversion so he could try and get past that three-headed dog but he got himself bitten, that's why he's limping." harry's explanation made julianna flabbergasted.

"i'm sorry, you think professor snape, our potions teacher, let that ghastly troll in, endangering students' lives, in order to get past that three-headed dog from the forbidden corridor?" she tried to understand and harry nodded, "why would he want to do that exactly? i mean, what would it achieve?" "that dog is guarding something. it was standing over a trap door." "you had time to look at its paws?" hermione ignores julianna's incredulous question. "the day i was at gringotts, to get some money out, hagrid took something out of one of the vaults. he said it was hogwarts business, very secret." harry explained further, looking at all three of them. "so, you're saying-" "that's what the dog's guarding. that's what snape wants." harry was so sure of himself that it worried julianna. "harry, i don't think you should jump to conclusions so fast. why would professor snape even want whatever was in that vault?" a squawk then interrupted their conversation, harry's owl, hedwig, swooped down, letting go a package for harry. "bit early for mail, isn't it?" hermione commented, "but i never get mail." a perplexed harry muttered, the four decide to open the package together.

when they opened the package, it revealed to be a a sleek broomstick. "it's a broomstick." harry said, "not just any broomstick, harry!" "it's a nimbus 2000!" ron and julianna exclaimed excitedly, their eyes roaming all over the object. even oliver wood, the gryffindor keeper and captain, was gawking over it. julianna followed the lightning-scarred boy's sight and saw professor mcgonagall petting hedwig. "must be a gift for your match today, potter." julianna teased him, winking and harry smiled contently.

hours passed by quite fast, everyone's excitement for the first match of the season made time go faster. julianna spent most of her day with neville, and they got seats next to each other on the gryffindor bleachers. the brunette was nervous for harry's first game but knew he could handle it.

once the game had begun, there was no surprise that slytherin was already doing some foul play but gryffindor had 20 points by the time harry had found the snitch. suddenly, harry's broomstick was jerking left and right, similar to what happened with neville's. "what's happening?" julianna asked hermione, shouting over all the noise. "it looks bewitched!" she added as the gryffindor looked through her binoculars, "it's snape! he's jinxing the broom!" "what?!" julianna had a hard time believing snape was trying to kill harry. when hermione went to go "deal with it", the hufflepuff snatched the binoculars from ron to look at where snape was. yep, he was definitely chanting something. then she looked a little higher up and observed quirrell, his eyes weren't moving and his body was jerking back and forth slightly. "something isn't right." julianna muttered to herself as she stopped looking through the binoculars. however, it didn't matter because now harry was back on his broomstick, safe and sound.

gryffindor had won, of course. harry had ended up swallowing the snitch. luckily, there was no rule against that, so no harm was done. the whole crowd, excluding the slytherins, cheered for the young boy, the youngest quidditch player in a century, chanting 'go, go, gryffindor!' over and over again. julianna was happy her friend succeeded in his first game of quidditch ever.

after the game the four of them decided to go see hagrid and tell him about snape bewitching harry's broom. "nonsense! why would snape put a curse on harry's broom?" hagrid asked, "who knows? why was he trying to get past that three-headed dog on halloween?" the half-giant gave them a look, "who told you about fluffy?" "fluffy?" "that thing has a name?" ron and hermione said simultaneously. "of course he's got a name. he's mine. i bought him off an irish feller i met down at the pub last year. then i lent him to dumbledore to guard the..." "yes?" as soon as hagrid realised where this conversation was going to go, he cut himself off.

"shouldn't have said that. no more questions! don't ask anymore questions! that's top secret, that is." he tells the children who huffed, "but hagrid, whatever fluffy's guarding, snape's trying to steal it." "codswallop. professor snape is a hogwarts teacher." hermione stepped forward, "hogwarts teacher or not, i know a spell when i see one. i've read all about them. you've got to keep eye contact, and snape wasn't blinking." her words made julianna remember back to what she saw professor quirrell was doing, "actually, what ab-" "now, you listen to me, all four of you." hagrid interrupted julianna before she could explain what she saw, "you're meddling in things that ought not to be meddled in. it's dangerous." he warned, "what that dog is guarding is strictly betweem professor dumbledore and nicholas flamel." the four looked at each other, "nicholas flamel?" harry asked and hagrid realised he did it again. "i shouldn't have said that. i should not have said that." he muttered as he walked away from them and now the group had a new question, who is nicholas flamel? well, i can tell you julianna could care less, the last thing she wanted to do was die from being stupid.

the next week, it had started snowing. the grounds of hogwarts were covered in snow, even hogwarts itself. everyone was getting ready to go back home for the holidays, everyone except julianna, harry, ron and the rest of the weasleys.

in her purple-maroon scarf, julianna made her way to the great hall. she was surprised to see draco there with his suitcase, holding a tiny box. "merry christmas, draco!" she greeted, incredibly jolly. draco smiles at her cheeriness, "merry christmas, juli." he greets back before handing over the tiny box. julianna stared at it for a while before pointing at herself, "for me?" "yes, it is. why else would i be handing it over to you, candy?" he rolled his eyes and grabbed her hand, placing the box in her hand. "don't open it till christmas day, alright? bye." draco's random rush to leave confused julianna, "wait! i didn't get you anything!" she calls after him and he stops walking, "it's okay, you've already given me enough." "...enough of what?" "headaches- ow!" his joke received a heavy punch from the hufflepuff, "arsehole!" she shouted but the slytherin only smiled smugly, "i'll see you after the holidays, candy." they bid each other goodbye, not without julianna telling him to write to her for if he didn't, he won't ever see the light of day ever again.

she stared smiling at his fading figure before two certain redheads place their hands on her shoulders. "now, what do we have here?" fred and george asked in unison, they were in their weasley jumpers with the letters of their first initial on it. they snatch the tiny box out of julianna's tiny hands. "hey, give it back!" she whined, the two exchange mischievous looks. "why? is it from-" "-someone special?" "what? d'you-" "-fancy malfoy?" julianna's eyebrows furrowed, frowning at the pair. she grabbed the box back and tucked into her pocket. "are you still up for joining us?" "for the merry of christmas pranking?" they wiggled their eyebrows and the hufflepuff smiles before giving them a hearty 'yep'. "also, our mum wanted you to have this." fred handed her a thick, pink, perfectly wrapped present, "ever since we told her about you in our letters, she's been bugging us about giving you a present on christmas." george explained, julianna was touched. their mother has never even met her and still gave her a present for christmas? is she a saint?

"oh, tell her i said thank you so much! i didn't get her one though." the brunette frowned, the twins snort. "please, your thanks is gift enough." "if it makes you feel any better," "you can give her a christmas present next year." they say back and forth before leaving out the great hall. "merry christmas, jules." hermione said from behind her, julianna turned around and saw she had her luggage with her. "merry christmas, 'mione!" they hugged and the girl gives her a gift, "it's not much but you mentioned you liked lanterns a few weeks back and i found this." the gift was a key chain of a lantern, "this is the best part." hermione whispered, taking out her wand and tapping the keychain with it three times. the lantern started to glow and patterns of flowers and vines could be seen on it. julianne was in awe, "thank you! i love it so much!" she gave her a bear hug before taking out a flat package out of her bag, "this is for you. i think you'll like it." she tells her, "i was thinking of getting a book but honestly, i'm pretty sure you've already read everything in existence." the two laughed and decided to go see what harry and ron were up to, seeing as they were sitting at the tables.

they were playing wizard's chess which hermione had deemed barbaric as ron smirked, "that's wizard's chess. i see you've packed." the redhead fired at her, "i see you haven't." hermione fired back, "change of plans. my parents decided to go to romania to visit my brother, charlie. he's studying dragons there." ron explained and hermione crossed her arms. "good. you can help harry, then." julianna looks at them with confusion in her eyes, "help harry with what?" she asked, "he's going to go and look in the library for information on nicholas flamel." "we've looked a hundred times!" ron exclaims at harry, hermione leaned closer to them. "not in the restricted section. happy christmas." and just as she was leaving, ron whispered to harry. "i think we've had a bad influence on her." julianna scoffed, "tell me about it." she said before going back to the subject at hand.

"why are we digging further into this when we really shouldn't?" she asked, taking a seat next to harry. "because we're trying to figure out what was in that vault." he said, "honestly, harry, think you should stay out of trouble." she tells him as ron left to go get something from the kitchen, "i just need to know what snape wants so badly-" "and how do you know it's really snape?" harry sighs, frustrated. "just look at the signs, juli!" "the signs aren't as clear as you make it out to be, harry." she tells him and they both go silent for a while.

julianna held her locket that was attached to her bag in her hand, a locket she's had since a baby. inside contained a photo of her parents, moving and smiling at her, kissing each other's cheeks. "are those your parents?" the boy asked and julianna nodded, "they're dead. i'm assuming you don't know." she smiled, "you're right, i didn't. i'm sorry-" "i never truly understood why people keep saying sorry as if it's their fault they died when it's my parents' own fault." she blankly shared her opinion and harry sat there taken aback. "hey, we have something in common. dead parents." she lightly jokes, smiling. her smile wasn't happy however, it was more morose. harry smiles the same smile, realising they did have something in common, something depressing, but it was something. they began to talk about what it would be like if their parents were still alive, would things be different or the same?

the two talked until ron came back and julianna decided to go back to her common room. there were barely any hufflepuffs who were staying back for their holidays, possibly two or three, but nobody she knew. spending the holidays wasn't unfamiliar to the candy, her grandmother barely tried to celebrate it, not even getting her a gift. julianna still got her grandmother a gift, usually something handmade, but she's never seen her hang the paintings she makes for her, or place the flowers she picked for her in a vase. she doesn't care.

julianna went up to her empty dormitory and grabbed pudding, placing her out of her area. "free roaming time starts now!" she tells the brown kitten, scratch beneath her tiny ear. the kitten mews and used the tiny steps to get up to her bed, finding a comfortable position to sleep in. julianna cracked open herself a new canvas and started painting whatever came to mind.

on christmas day, julianna woke up and went down to the common room that was so empty that if she spoke, it would echo. she sighed, spending christmas eve and day alone, how lovely. she opened up the weasleys' mother's present first, which inside was a baby pink jumper with the letter j on it and some homemade fudge. julianna was so ecstatic, she immediately put the jumper on. it was a little too big but she knew she would grow into it just fine. the next present was neville's, he'd given her a succulent which she had kind of figured since it was given in its pot with a bow wrapped around it. she had gotten a bunch of sweets and candy from ron and harry, even from cedric, hannah and susan.

last present she opened was the one draco had given her, a tiny yellow box with green accents and a silver bow on top. she opened the box and gasped, a pretty silver charm bracelet was laying in the box and a note was stuffed behind the pillow of the jewellery. julianna took out the note and it read:

"thanks for the drawing. my hair actually doesn't look that bad in it. i wasn't going to get you anything but i thought, why not?"

julianna grinned reading the note, she could hear draco's voice as she read it. she folded the note and put it inside her pocket before taking out the charm bracelet and sliding it onto her wrist. like magic, literally, it adjusted its own size to fit julianna's wrist. the charms of the bracelets included a snake, a badger, a flower and a leaf. 'that softy.' she thought, rolling her eyes as she admired the bracelet.

the next day, she grabbed pudding and left the common room with the kitten sitting on her shoulder. she made her way to the great hall for breakfast and along the way, the weasley twins joined her. "pudding is scrumptious-looking." fred says, staring at the brown feline who only mewed. "don't say weird things like that, fred, you'll scare the kitten." george scolds, "don't look too scared to me." fred raises an eyebrow at his brother while julianna only shook her head as they entered the great hall.

everyone had breakfast together, julianna placed pudding on the table and the kitten laid down next to the eggs. julianna noticed harry was off at another table, staring at the fire and sitting by himself. "ronnikins, what's wrong with harry?" she asked the boy who was stuffing his face full, "he's recently discovered something, it's a mirror, and he saw his parents in it. i know that's what he's thinking about- and also, don't call me that! merlin, fred and george are starting to rub off on you." he huffed before going back to his sausages, julianna wiped her mouth. "george, look after pudding for me, would you? i'll be right back." george nods, stroking the kitten's head.

julianna stumbled across the tables and made her way over to the golden boy. "morning, harry." she only received a mumble of 'morning' back, "i heard from ron you've found a mirror? you can see your parents in it?" her mentioning it snaps harry back into reality and he looks at her. he nods, "well, how were they?" "warm, but cold. they looked warm, but i couldn't feel them." he explained, "i look just like my father." he spoke so quietly but julianna could hear it clearly. she understood what he was feeling. "maybe you could take me to see them?" "i can't. i took ron and he couldn't see them. only himself as the quidditch captain, winning the quidditch and house cup." julianna snorts, 'typical ron.' she thought, "well, that's ron, and i'm me, so let's go see the mirror." harry nodded, "but we need to go after curfew." "what?! why?! and how?" the gryffindor then explained how he received an invisiblity cloak from someone but the note was anonymous and that he stumbled upon the mirror when he was running away from filch after sneaking into the restricted section of the library.

"harry, that's dangerous! you could get in serious-" "i know. i don't care." harry's straightforward attitude made julianna annoyed but she ignored it. "fine, we'll meet tonight in the kitchens and then go see the mirror."

when night fell, julianna got out of bed and freely hopped down the stairs. she could make as much noise as she wanted to and that was a gift. she opened the common room door and there stood harry. "hey! where's your cloak?" she asked, harry held it up as if to say 'right here'. the two got underneath it and made their ways through the hallways and corridors to an empty, dark and dusty room. there were desks and chairs stacked up at one side of the wall and on the other side stood the very mirror harry was talking about. julianna moved closer and read the reading on the top of the frame. "erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi..." a bunch of gibberish? wait, no, this wasn't even latin? this made julianna read it backwards. "i show not your face but your hearts desire." she read out loud but harry couldn't take his eyes off his reflection, or his parents.

"do you see them?" he asked her, julianna looked into the mirror but she didn't see harry's parents, she saw her own. "i see..." she trailed off, moving closer. "my parents." her parents were smiling at her, her mother waving at her like how she did in her dreams. her father leaned his head to the side and mouthed 'we love you'. from there, julianna could feel a single tear roll down her cheek as she clenched her locket, her fist turning white. the two of them sat before the mirror for hours, staring at their parents who were somewhat interacting with them.

around 3 o'clock in the morning, another voice was heard. "back again, harry? and you brought julianna along as well, hm?" the two turned around and saw a familiar, long white beard, immediately standing up, scared they were in trouble. "i see that you two, like so many before you have discovered the delights of the mirror of erised. i trust by now you realise what it does." harry shook his head while julianna nodded, "it shows us our hearts desires." she answered, dumbledore eyes twinkled as he walked towards them. "yes. the happiest man on earth would look into the mirror and see only himself exactly as he is." the analogy finally clicks in harry's mind, "so, it shows us what we want, whatever we want." dumbledore clicks his tongue, "yes, and no. it shows us nothing more or less, as ms. candy said, the deepest, most desperate desire of our hearts. now, you both, harry and julianna, who have never known your parents, you see them standing beside you." the two look back at the mirror, and their parents were still there, looking back at them.

"but the both of you must remember this. this mirror gives us neither knowledge or truth. man have wasted away in front of it, even gone mad. that is why tomorrow it will be moved to a new home, and i must ask you both not to go looking for it again. it does not do to dwell on dreams," for a moment, dumbledore looked at julianna only. as if he knew about the dreams she constantly had of her parents. "and forget to live." dumbledore warns them and leaves the two alone.

julianna and harry went back to their common rooms and julianna was left to her own thoughts. she sat on the couch near the fire, her parents' faces stuck in her mind. at times like this she wished draco was around so she could distract herself by talking with him but he wasn't there.

 Melt Your Heart | Chapter Four

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1 year ago

teasing. | syltherin boy headcanons

Teasing. | Syltherin Boy Headcanons
Teasing. | Syltherin Boy Headcanons

author’s note: based on a request i received. i am feral.

Teasing. | Syltherin Boy Headcanons

- your boyfriends reaction to you teasing him under the table at dinner.

Draco Malfoy.

Draco had been in a proper fowl mood all day, and you could tell he was stressed, a clear mixture of a million different things floating through his mind.

You were literally counting down the seconds until you could finally be alone with him, but dinner was fucking dragging.

Sitting next to him, you couldn’t help but to sneak continual glances at him, noting his silver eyes darkened to a deep shade of grey, the tension in his jaw practically palpable as he stared at his plate like he could hex it into another dimension.

Just looking at him made your breath quicken, made your pulse soar.

Of course, part of you empathized with his shitty day, but the other part of you wanted to get on your knees for him right then and there--

because, undeniably so, he’s at his fucking sexiest when he’s pissed.

As Pansy’s chipper voice filled the air, yammering away to a blissfully blazed Zabini, both of them seated across from you and your boyfriend, an idea sparked in your mind.

Without hesitation, you scooted closer to him, subtly enough to not draw any attention to yourself, but enough for Draco to shoot you a side-eyed glance, eyebrow raised.

Feeling his eyes on you, you kept your gaze on your plate as you brushed your hand against his thigh, testing his reaction.

You could practically hear him swallow, could practically feel his body tense, and you’d try not to smirk.

Thrilled, you’d inch your fingers further, tracing small patterns along the middle of his thigh before trailing upwards.

He’d shift on the bench, the veins in his hands tensing as he tightened his grip on his fork.

His reactions would fuel your fire, and you’d keep going, grazing over his crotch, and he’d groan, stifling it with a cough instantly, and that’s when he’d had enough.

Shifting his hand, he’d grasp your thigh, now--with an intensity in his grip so strong you’d almost squeal. A silent warning.

He’d lean in, his voice darker than the midnight sky as he’d whisper, “you’re lucky I have some dignity…but keep it up and I’ll bend you over this fucking table right now, in front of everyone.”

your grin would be unmissable, and you’d only make it another few minutes before he dragged you away from the table and back to his dorm.

Blaise Zabini.

Blaise was literally just eating. And that’s all it took.

That’s all it took for you to want him, to damn-near need him, right then and there.

He’d been flirty with you all morning, making you swoon over his every word with his typical Zabini charm, as though he was still trying to win you over.

You found yourself giggling like a goddamn first year more times than you could even begin to count while he was around, and it drove you crazy, in the best way.

You couldn’t help it, you just always wanted to be near him, kissing him, touching him. He just made you feel that needy. Effortlessly.

And that feeling carried over throughout the entirety of your day, and didn’t falter at dinner. Oh, not even in the slightest.

If anything, it intensified.

Just watching him, in his own little world, focused on his food, casually chiming into the conversation every now and then between bites--it just did something to you. Something you couldn’t explain.

The way the veins in his hands tensed with each movement, the confident aura that surrounded him, regardless of what he was doing, was just fucking intoxicating.

And so, while caught in a moment of both mental and sexual tension, you discreetly placed your hand on his thigh while continuing to eat, feigning innocence as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

Blaise looked over, immediately, and you could practically feel the smirk on his lips.

But then, with his typical Zabini composure, he’d go back to eating, letting you keep your hand there.

As you dared to inch higher, he’d seamlessly continue conversing with his friends, as if entirely unaffected by your advances.

The conversation flowed effortlessly, and to anyone else, it’d seem as though nothing out of the ordinary was transpiring.

At this point, you’d be completely convinced that you were enjoying this more than he was.

But then, as you’d get close to his crotch, dangerously close, he’d lean in, his voice so deep it’d send chills down your spine.

“You better stop.”

You’d grin, slowly moving higher, looking at him with innocent eyes. “Or what?”

“You just wait until I get you alone, babygirl…” he’d smirk, wetting his lips. “I’ll get you back real fucking good.”

Lorenzo Berkshire.

Lorenzo bloody Berkshire; your absolutely sexy, tease of a boyfriend.

Earlier, you had been paired together for an assignment in class, which had turned out to be the most infuriating part of your day.

Enzo was relentless in his teasing; partially because he couldn’t keep his fucking hands off of you, but also because he just loved getting a rise out of you.

All class he’d stared at you with those big brown eyes, biting on his fucking lip as he smirked at you, pressing his crotch against your ass as the two of you gathered supplies for the assignment, acting like he wasn’t doing anything wrong.

By dinner, your head was spinning, your nerves were shot, and you were more than determined to get him back.

And you’d do just that; finding your perfect opportunity while he was casually eating, not really paying you much attention.

You’d shift closer to him, resting your chin on your palm as you fixed your gaze on him, smirking a devilish smirk.

“So, Enz, what do you think of the new charms professor?”

You’d inquire, your voice like honey as it slipped past your lips, your fingers brushing against his leg in unison.

As soon as your hand connected with his thigh, he’d freeze, not daring to look at you, but stalling his movements completely, staring down at his plate as though it’d just grown two legs and spoke to him.

You’d grin, pulling your lip between your teeth in an attempt to hide it, watching him as he’d slowly resume his chewing, his breath coming in shallower bursts as you inched higher, excruciatingly slow.

“I-uh…he’s, he’s good-“ he’d stammer, his voice cracking, clearing his throat to mask it. “Thorough.”

“Oh, thorough, huh?” You’d tease, grin widening. “Why don’t you elaborate on that?”

His jaw would tense, his lids fluttering shut for the briefest moment as you grazed his crotch, adding pressure as to really get back at him, to really give him a taste of his own damn medicine.

He’d be flustered, undoubtedly, but he wouldn’t dare stop you, playing it off until he couldn’t take it anymore.

Then he’d lean in, softly setting his fork down as to not arouse any suspicion.

“My dorm, right now.” He’d practically beg. “I fucking need you.”

Mattheo Riddle.

Teasing Mattheo was not something you did, ever.

Because ‘teasing’, with Mattheo Riddle, was not a concept. It simply did not fucking exist.

You’d attempted it a few times, over your months of dating, and each time you’d found yourself either bent over a table, on your knees for him in a way-too-public location, or edged until you fucking cried/begged for release.

Mattheo never failed to let you know that he’d take you whenever and wherever the fuck he pleased.

‘Don’t poke the dragon’ or ‘let sleeping dogs lie’ ; were very much literal phrases when it came to your boyfriend.

and so you made sure not to tempt him, unless absolutely fucking necessary--However, today, it was more than absolutely fucking necessary.

And why was that, you might ask? Two reasons.

First one being that you’d slept in his dorm last night and woke up late late for class; all thanks to him.

Even though you’d made sure to remind him ten bloody times to set the alarm, he’d somehow still managed to ‘forget’.

And the second one was because he just looked so goddamn fucking sexy, and you were displeased with the fact that you didn’t have time for morning sex.

Regardless, as he was picking at his dinner, looking unbelievably exhausted, you took your chances.

You leaned closer to him discreetly, casually placing your hand on his thigh. He’d instantly tense, legs spreading wider almost involuntarily, grip tightening on his fork.

You’d inch higher, excruciatingly slow, nodding to Blaise as he said something to you, causally entertaining the conversation.

Mattheo’s jaw would tighten, so much it’d genuinely look painful, his head bowing toward the table as you slowly moved upwards.

But then, he’d grow tired of your teasing and grab your wrist, hastily moving it to his dick as he huffed, dropping his fork and running his now-free hand through his hair.

You’d be fuelled on, leaning toward his ear to whisper; “I need you so fucking bad, Matty…”

He’d snuff a groan, his nails digging into your wrist as he continued guiding your hand, guiding you in palming him through his trousers.

“You’re going to regret this, princess…” he’d mutter, his voice torn and laced with promise. “Can’t keep your fucking hands off of me, can you?”

You’d increased your movements, feeling him grow unbelievably hard beneath your fingers, and you’d know he wasn’t bluffing.

“I should bend you over right here, show the boys just what a desperate little slut you are for me….”

You’d smirk, snuffing your giggling, and that would be the last straw. He’d drag you up from the table and fuck you in the nearest closet/empty classroom.

Theodore Nott.

You were fucking bored.

So unbelievably bored that you weren’t sure how much more of it you’d be able to take.

The conversations at the table were about nothing of particular significance, and if you had to endure another second of Enzo’s mindless babbling you were certainly going to be sick.

Theo was seated beside you, aimlessly picking at his food, also looking incredibly bored.

It was not unnoticeable that the two of you were about ready to fall asleep on the damn spot.

In a moment of desperation, you turned to your boyfriend, attempting to spark up a conversation.

“So, what are we planning on doing this weekend?”

As Theo looked up, you’d instantly grow warm, his stormy blue eyes swirling with admiration as he glimpsed your lips, his once flat features beginning to soften.

“Can’t speak for you Bella, but know what I have on the to-do list,” he’d murmur, leaning in for a kiss.

Theo was never one to shy away from PDA.

As your lips met in a quick, soft kiss, you’d smile as he slowly pulled back. “Oh, yeah? And what might that be?”

That’s when you’d put your hand on his thigh, slowly trailing it upwards, instantly causing his eyes to darken, his jaw to tighten.

He’d spread his legs wider, inviting you to keep going, and you’d gladly oblige, palming him eagerly as the two of you held eye-contact intense enough to make you dizzy.

he’d smirk, sucking in shallow breaths as he leaned in for another kiss, muttering against your lips;

“You…you, and you again…”

Someone at the table would playfully groan in disgust and tell you two to get a room, and you’d just laugh before Theo agreed and dragged you back to his dorm.

Tom Riddle.

If you had to listen to one more second of Tom Riddle talking about school related topics, you were going to find the nearest bridge and jump. zero hesitation.

You absolutely loved your boyfriend, loved him to fucking death,

but after he’d spent all afternoon drilling transfiguration concepts into your brain, you honestly just wished he’d drill something else into you, instead.

And by the time dinner rolled around, your brain was mashed potatoes, yet Tom remained completely fucking relentless.

In between bites of food he’d ask you to recite the animagus transformation theory, and when you’d undoubtedly get it wrong, he’d sigh, grabbing the book and reading it back to you.

But no matter how many times he’d repeat it, it didn’t fucking matter, your mind was gone, completely elsewhere.

To be more specific, your mind was lost in a sea of your thoughts, thoughts about Tom’s big strong hands gripping your hips, his strong frame towering over you as he-

Gods, this was complete fucking torture, and you needed it to stop, right now.

Loosening your tie around your neck, you glimpsed him, watching his dark eyes scan the page, watching his long fingers as he pointed at what he was reading to you,

As you undid a few of the buttons on your blouse, your hand fell gracefully, landing on his thigh for support as you leaned over him, looking down at the book,

“Can you repeat that part for me again, Tom?…” you’d murmur, voice a slow drawl, failing to hide your smirk as your felt him tense. “Silly me…I don’t think I heard you correctly…”

Tom would know exactly what you were doing, and at first he’d try to play it off, clearing his throat as he tried to decipher where the fuck he’d left off.

But then, as you continued to inch higher, grazing his crotch, he’d groan, slamming the book shut.

“For Merlin’s sake, you’re a needy little slut, aren’t you?” He’d hiss, the annoyance in his tone mingling with amusement.

“Let’s go before I bend you over the fucking table.”

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10 months ago

My Astronomer

Draco Malfoy x Reader


My Astronomer
My Astronomer
My Astronomer

“What about that one?” you point at the collection of stars. 

“Cassiopeia, also known as the seated queen” he quickly answers once again earning an amazed look from you. The two of you have been doing this all night. It started off as a nighttime picnic by the lake. The stars were just so beautiful you started to stargaze. Now you're having your boyfriend tell you every single constellation in the London night sky. Draco’s always been better at astronomy, having a natural talent and passion for the subject. 


He cuts you off, grabbing your hand so you can no longer point at the sky. “I love you darling but I’m beginning to think you want me to name every star in the night sky.” 

“I just like to hear you talk”, It's true he could be reading his potion textbook and you would sit and listen to him. Something about his voice just captivates you. Though he’s especially enchanting when he’s talking about something he’s passionate or knowledgeable about. Astronomy checks both those boxes, so can he really blame you for making him stay up late and tell you about the stars. 

“I can think of much better things my mouth can be doing besides listing the constellations”, he wiggles his eyebrows for added effect. You can’t help the fond smile that overtakes your face or the giggle that follows. You love your handsome astronomer. 

The two of you share a soft kiss, all smiles and giggles. Between kisses he amuses your need for him to talk about the stars.

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9 months ago


Draco Malfoy x Reader



“Everyone shut up he’s coming” you whisper shout, quickly turning off the lights and ducking behind a table. The air is heavy with anticipation, everyone listening closely to the tapping of shoes against tile. As soon as the door opens and lights turn on, you’re all jumping out of your various hiding places.

A chorus of ‘Happy Birthday’ rang out. Making the blonde jump. 

“BLOODY HELL!!” Draco yells, grabbing his wand and pointing at the crowd. “Are you trying to kill me?” 

“You're the one pointing your wand at us” you speak up walking over to your boyfriend. He chuckles, pocketing his wand before pulling you into a sweet kiss. “Happy birthday”, you repeat.

“You didn’t have to go through all this trouble”, he tells you looking around the room packed full of his friends. A large smile decorating his face, he couldn't believe you did this all for him.

“Hey are you forgetting about us” Pansy calls out. 

“Yeah we helped,” Blaise adds. Draco chuckles, his smile growing.

“Thank you all, now let’s get this party started!” Cheers erupt in the room.

That night was one of the best birthdays he ever had. He partied all night with his friends and got multiple birthday kisses from his lovely partner.

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