Dragonballz - Tumblr Posts

Check out our newest episode of Like, Love, & Destroy here: https://youtu.be/WVGg6Ci64vg This week, with Broly coming to theaters soon, we discuss our fav Saiyans from the Dragonball franchise. Let us know you like, love, and destroy in the comments section! #mochcreations #lordmoch #serafina #pendodragon #redeyesmerc #dragonballz #goku #vegeta #gohan #trunks #shallot #legendarysupersaiyan #broly https://www.instagram.com/p/BsZD4hOjZPE/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=17uuvz1nugpa6

What a movie! Broly nailed it out of the park. Loved the movie, and the way they presented him does justice not only to this amazing character but to others in the franchise. Love Dragonball Super Broly! I'll be doing a spoiler free opinion on the movie you guys can check out tomorrow here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChJAqauy1EB411UZl0ZzXbg #dragonballz #mochcreations #broly #dragonballsuperbroly #dbz #goku #vegeta #lordmoch #kamehameha https://www.instagram.com/p/BsuPdBXDToI/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=wz6ymzls7hp1
Bienvenido al barrio equivocado, insecto!

Vegeta in Bulma’s Clothes, Part 2 and / or Happy Easter!
(Almost Forgot To Post This)

Power Outage #84 Hey I’m Just Super Saiyan~
Inspired by something Lanipator said in his and KaiserNeko’s DBZA Commentaries (Specifically ‘Dragonball Z Abridged Creator Commentary | Episode 30’ at 12:02 -12:04 on YouTube)

Raditz WIP after the Death Beam. I can’t do backgrounds, though I can draw a decent tree.
I don’t like how empty Raditzs’ body feels though. And I wanted to experiment with blood.
A Raditz thing I did about a month ago. Should have had more corrections with it, major ones, but now I'm getting more into it. There will be a better Raditz in a month while I work on another project or two.

And quickly showing the Primal Saiyan I drew about last week. I love those characters so much.
The Son could have been better drawn though.

I didn't like Moros' Cell looking ass final form design so made him a Jacobs' Sheep. They can have four horns and with the beard look like a Pentagram.
'm happy how he turned out here, though The arms could be better and the hands.
Done with this Videl attempt.
There is no background, you’re imagining things. Backgrounds don’t exist. It’s a myth. Sleeeep.
It was fun to do this though. Hopefully I can do more #dbredraw
Ending the year with the best DBZ thing I’ve done I think.
Or maybe I’ll Touhou jump.

Kinda like how this is looking so. Far. Sadly trapped in Car with rain all around, and erasers went Bad.
Kinda made me more careful.
That arm needs to be fixed though.

Tried to remake the Header. I like this Raditz, but...not enough panic in the eyes. He just got death beamed here. Time to look up Vegeta. Man....the old one gives me pain.
I kinda wanna make him shake.

Raditz vs Nappa wip. Please constructive criticism

The Piece of my Heran OC finished at last. I left this file I think 2 years ago, and Finially finished. A lot changed in 2-3 years. Heran General Geralt
My Entry to #DBREDRAW for Trunks The Story, with Varients.

A Vegeta Redraw from that DBS Scene. I abandoned this one a long while ago due to time and so on in my Life. I finally decides to revisit it, did a bit of touch up at the end, and now here it is. Enjoy. Wonder what Style I was going for though...Maybe I tried Semi Movie 8.

I just decided to draw but had no idea, so I stuck with the watercolour brush and made a Bardock from Dragon Ball Z by the end. I liked it, was fun and decent practice with just the water colour brush.

Drew the Saiyan Bulma in Ibis. I like how her eyes turned out the best. Want to try a full Body later on Tommorow or the next day. Old Hand Drawn from a year or so ago. Looking at the Old Hand drawn, I think I was considering "Nasu" for a Saiyan Name. I think I remember looking up "Blue Vegetable" and An Eggplant came up or something.