Tfs - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Here's a simple animation about what I imagine might happen if Sasha got back to Amphibia as an adult! I often have little ideas for fan comics and animtaions from shows that I watch, but only recently decided to start making any of them. I figured if I was doing it, Tumblr would probably be a good place to try and spread them.

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2 years ago

Here's a new Amphibia animation I just made today! More teamfourstar audio lol. I didn't make anything until the show ended but I don't think I'll be letting Amphibia go for a while.

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3 years ago

🏵️it happened again.

My Contribution Ft. @cissyswonderland For The @redactedtfzine Project!
My Contribution Ft. @cissyswonderland For The @redactedtfzine Project!
My Contribution Ft. @cissyswonderland For The @redactedtfzine Project!
My Contribution Ft. @cissyswonderland For The @redactedtfzine Project!
My Contribution Ft. @cissyswonderland For The @redactedtfzine Project!
My Contribution Ft. @cissyswonderland For The @redactedtfzine Project!

My contribution ft. @cissyswonderland for the @redactedtfzine project!

A nice little story of one war tactician and a gladiatorial games manager.

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5 years ago

wEiRd fLeX but okay

Sent By Anonymous

Sent by anonymous

‘props to the freshman for being the ONLY book where you can cheat on your li’


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6 years ago

Alexander Anderson from Hellsing Ultimate Abridged Episode 8

Check out TeamFourStar’s work!

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1 year ago

//the first shadow spoilers

i am once again convinced that they set up byler in s4 to be a foil to hentty and give will the happy ending henry could’ve gotten with patty if things went right. will’s love for mike, his friends and family, and himself are going to be the key to the finale. if they miss out on byler after this and if they don’t give will powers then it’s just inconsistent writing.

i also think will’s powers are going to be very different from henry/el. my theory as of now is henry/el being destruction and will being creation, but that’s a lot to hope for. i do know that el and the other kids have henry’s powers because they got it from his blood, but will is a completely unique entity who has had his own personal interactions with the mind flayer and we have no idea what that means.

i wish they weren’t so subtle and quiet about will’s importance to the plot in s3&4 because the potential they have with this character is phenomenal.

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11 months ago

High Existence and ZeroSpace: The First Shadow and NINA May Be Massive, Immersive Drug Trips

The blurb in last Friday's video from TFS sounded familiar, but I couldn't place it. I found a lot of sites quoting The Alchemist about the universe conspiring to give you what you truly want (which is similar and it's probably what I was thinking of when this blurb registered as familiar), but I couldn't find this exact quote:

High Existence And ZeroSpace: The First Shadow And NINA May Be Massive, Immersive Drug Trips

Well...not at first, anyway. I decided to stick every word I could make out here ^ into my search bar...and I found where the blurb comes from:

High Existence And ZeroSpace: The First Shadow And NINA May Be Massive, Immersive Drug Trips

This blog post is quite literally the only source I could find for it, and the whole damn thing is directly lifted.

High Existence And ZeroSpace: The First Shadow And NINA May Be Massive, Immersive Drug Trips

Right off the bat, the site fucking jump-scared me:

High Existence And ZeroSpace: The First Shadow And NINA May Be Massive, Immersive Drug Trips
High Existence And ZeroSpace: The First Shadow And NINA May Be Massive, Immersive Drug Trips

And it doesn't end there. Let's dive in, because this rabbit hole is a trip unto MDMA​ ​required.

1. The Fucking Website...#1 (

High Existence is a sort of drug-induced-spiritual-trip centered self-help site.

High Existence And ZeroSpace: The First Shadow And NINA May Be Massive, Immersive Drug Trips

It's got blog posts and podcasts and all that jazz. Here are some of the highlights:

High Existence And ZeroSpace: The First Shadow And NINA May Be Massive, Immersive Drug Trips

Wow! That was...a lot. A lot of words from the word show, too:

High Existence And ZeroSpace: The First Shadow And NINA May Be Massive, Immersive Drug Trips
High Existence And ZeroSpace: The First Shadow And NINA May Be Massive, Immersive Drug Trips

Wholeness, heroes, ancient aliens, prisons of politeness, and the fucking Shire, too, I guess. Why not?

(An Aside: I've included the VR in here too because of the sheer similarities between Henry's experience with the Shadow in VR, El's experience in NINA, and The First Shadow in general.)

Like fuck it, why not keep going, these posts date back to at least 2017:

High Existence And ZeroSpace: The First Shadow And NINA May Be Massive, Immersive Drug Trips

And don't let me start in on that Creel boy and Faust...

High Existence And ZeroSpace: The First Shadow And NINA May Be Massive, Immersive Drug Trips

[Jason voice] "[Eddie] made a deal with the devil and now he has his powers!" (Also we get it, one of them is neurotic and the other is psychotic. I've been saying this since like...forever)

Of course, all that insanity aside, the Russian base arc has insane amount of ST4 and TFS stuff packed into it in general:

High Existence And ZeroSpace: The First Shadow And NINA May Be Massive, Immersive Drug Trips

(And this isn't even all of it. I know others [cough] Stav Heroesbyler [cough] have covered it even more...but bro it is THERE)

But most importantly for the NINA arc:

High Existence And ZeroSpace: The First Shadow And NINA May Be Massive, Immersive Drug Trips

Three things: Dialogue doubling (there's the one I showed, plus a) Robin yelling "Wipeout!" at Steve which has the pipeline -> "Wipeout!" at Rink-O-Mania -> 002-005 bullying El in a very similar manner and b) Steve's "that's amazing" line about the water fountain -> "This is amazing!" not only from Alice irt the Creel house but also from Mike irt Will's painting on their way to save El from NINA. Again, these are just a few of MANY instances), makeup doubling with the bloodshot eyes, and my beloved: set/prop doubling.

I love that beautiful framing on the nearly-identical square clocks. I have so much to say about that clock, but specifically:

High Existence And ZeroSpace: The First Shadow And NINA May Be Massive, Immersive Drug Trips

The clocks being set 9 minutes apart, which happens to be the exact length of time from the end of Vecna's voiceover in 4.07 to the start of the fight sequence in 4.07 (aka the length of One's frozen-clock monologue).

Not only that, but the clock isn't even right. It says it's 3:55, but it's definitely not 3:55 AM (see: movie theater scene) but it's also not 3:55 PM:

High Existence And ZeroSpace: The First Shadow And NINA May Be Massive, Immersive Drug Trips

(And why do we have a clock in an elevator anyway? That's the real question. That thang only exists to deliver subtext, baby! It exists to connect the two scenes further!)

Anyway, as you all likely noticed, this site mostly deals in psychedelics, stimulants, and empathogens.

High Existence And ZeroSpace: The First Shadow And NINA May Be Massive, Immersive Drug Trips


High Existence And ZeroSpace: The First Shadow And NINA May Be Massive, Immersive Drug Trips
High Existence And ZeroSpace: The First Shadow And NINA May Be Massive, Immersive Drug Trips

Hell, you could even pull One's bit on the ecosystem into it, since he's describing connections between beings that are being disturbed/destroyed by humanity.

Anyway, the site tends to center specifically on DMT and let's talk about those:

High Existence And ZeroSpace: The First Shadow And NINA May Be Massive, Immersive Drug Trips
High Existence And ZeroSpace: The First Shadow And NINA May Be Massive, Immersive Drug Trips

MDMA & DMT An aside: Interesting to me that psychosis here can be counteracted with sedatives. Makes me wonder if whatever happened in 1979 could have been halted if they'd just tranq'd One. Hm.

First off: Did I read that right? Piggy-backing? Damn, son. 4.09, The Piggyback, is pictured in that paragraph. So is Brenner's candy bit with the children -> "candy flipping" vs LSD use in Brenner's lab.

Second: Ah, how nice. Intravenous/injectable. Just like how El is constantly being shot up enter NINA.

Now, nearly all psychedelics can induce psychosis, but especially so if they're combined with other psychoactive substances and/or if the user has a history of psychosis (either themselves or in their family).

However, MDMA specifically has been posited as a treatment for PTSD and retrograde/traumagenic amnesia:

High Existence And ZeroSpace: The First Shadow And NINA May Be Massive, Immersive Drug Trips
High Existence And ZeroSpace: The First Shadow And NINA May Be Massive, Immersive Drug Trips
High Existence And ZeroSpace: The First Shadow And NINA May Be Massive, Immersive Drug Trips
High Existence And ZeroSpace: The First Shadow And NINA May Be Massive, Immersive Drug Trips

link Okay, I guess!

tl;dr: One seems to have been tripping fucking balls during the monologue. Literally every fucking version of him. El likely is as well. Funny how that works. Was any of that real? [smash cut to the way blood pours down the walls and the dead children dance around in the VR version of NINA] And either way, Henry in TFS isn't far behind with his hallucinogenic moments.

The connection? Whatever the hell is going on in Hawkins Labs...and symptoms of drug use.

I was not expecting to get this much out of a single rabbit hole. But...that's life with this show, isn't it? And this is only Part 1.

2. The Fucking Website...#2 (

The guy who made that original post that TFS lifted the blurb from (Jordan Lejuwaan) runs a couple different websites. The most interesting one is Futurism, which is basically an online version of the Weekly Watcher:

High Existence And ZeroSpace: The First Shadow And NINA May Be Massive, Immersive Drug Trips

It won't let me filter by date, but it seems to have been founded in 2017, stemming from an infographic subreddit. (Now, it says it's a trustworthy news source, and maybe it is, but... Do your own assessment of that. I'm not your mother, yknow?)

Jordan Lejuwaan was also involved in something far more interesting irt Stranger Things...

3. Zero Space

Jordan co-founded an immersive, interactive theater experience called ZeroSpace back in 2018. As we all know, TFS was just in the beginning phase of its creation around this time.

So...This was like a brick to the skull:

High Existence And ZeroSpace: The First Shadow And NINA May Be Massive, Immersive Drug Trips

"Alice in Wonderland" (don't get me started: rabbit fuckery, DRUGS!!!!!, clocks/being later, Alice Creel, Fringe connections (Through The Looking Glass and What Walter Found There being the episode about the pocket universe where 20 years passed in 5 days...and also wherein we find out about him hiding away an Observer child that he will later time travel with to save the world from the Observer takeover...erasing himself from time/the timeline by doing so...there is SO much) not to mention the "one pill makes you larger/smaller" vs teen El and baby's too much to try and fit in this post), "ALIENS AND LASERS", "stretch the perceived reality of the sense", "art, actors and your own mind converge to prompt MORE QUESTIONS THAN ANSWERS" (which was a common complaint about TFS: it leaves people with more questions than answers).

High Existence And ZeroSpace: The First Shadow And NINA May Be Massive, Immersive Drug Trips
High Existence And ZeroSpace: The First Shadow And NINA May Be Massive, Immersive Drug Trips

("See you on the other side" being an in-show line from Henry in the lab to Patty in the void, but this image is ripped directly from the same promo video that the High Existence blurb appears in.)

Here's a little taste of what ZeroSpace is like, but I suggest going to the actual page to see it in action:

High Existence And ZeroSpace: The First Shadow And NINA May Be Massive, Immersive Drug Trips

It's heavily heavily reminiscent of TFS, even just in the content warnings...

High Existence And ZeroSpace: The First Shadow And NINA May Be Massive, Immersive Drug Trips

Not to mention the actual show content SFX:

However, the goal of TFS isn't to stretch our senses. We're just watching. We are not the volunteer seeing the other side.

For most of the show, that person is Henry (except the first 5 mins, when it's Cptn. Brenner and his crew literally experiencing the other side). Henry is doing the experiencing. He's the one breaking the fourth wall by picking at/breaking the sets, the one running through the audience and leaving out the theater doors (only to end up right back on stage just like El in the Rainbow Room in 4.05).

With each bit of info I find out adjacent to the play, the more convinced I am that this is some secret third boy's experience in a NINA-like simulation.


a) TFS most likely isn't wholly real, and it seems very likely that it's the same kind of simulation as NINA.

b) El was probably drugged up with some kind of empathogenic psychedelic going into NINA, likely with the goal of setting her up to form emotional connections quickly and deeply only to rip that deep connection away in order to bolster her abilities.

c) NINA is not, then, wholly based in truth. Parts of NINA (staring at the bullying from 002-005) may have been generated from El's memories of the outside world.

d) With NINA and TFS seeming so similar, I wouldn't be shocked if parts of it are just one massive empathogen trip (staring at how quickly Henry and Patty bond, similarly to how quickly Henry and El bond in NINA).

e) Whoever is in NIA with teen El is also tripping balls, most likely, and may have gone off the rails in that regard. However, that's in a simulation...hard to assign guilt or blame for things done in a fictional/unreal world.

f) Whoever was with baby El in 1979 may have been in a similar situation "moving chess pieces"-style instead. Read: drugged in order to put him in a situation where he would bolster El's latent abilities...and it went wrong (see also: Walter Bishop's orchestrated/fake massacre meant to bolster Olivia's latent abilities.)

g) Richard Brenner having been the head of narcotics makes me question which Brenner we're seeing at any given time: Martin, or Richard?

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10 months ago
It's Not Real. I'm Normal. I'm Henry Creel. [x]
It's Not Real. I'm Normal. I'm Henry Creel. [x]
It's Not Real. I'm Normal. I'm Henry Creel. [x]
It's Not Real. I'm Normal. I'm Henry Creel. [x]
It's Not Real. I'm Normal. I'm Henry Creel. [x]
It's Not Real. I'm Normal. I'm Henry Creel. [x]
It's Not Real. I'm Normal. I'm Henry Creel. [x]
It's Not Real. I'm Normal. I'm Henry Creel. [x]
It's Not Real. I'm Normal. I'm Henry Creel. [x]

It's not real. I'm normal. I'm Henry Creel. [x]

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6 years ago

This is my third year in a row that around the time of the spoopy season that i go over EVERYTHING that is Hellsing... TV sires. OVA. Manga. Abridged. Because TFS get’s lit around this time my body is ready Ep9... things GONNA. GET. WOKE.

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1 year ago
The S Stands For Saiyaman!___I Made A Doodle Inspried By TeamFourStar & Their Spectacular Buu-bits.Their

The S stands for Saiyaman! ___ I made a doodle Inspried by TeamFourStar & their spectacular Buu-bits. Their segments are only a minute or two long but they easily endeared me to their version of Videl & Gohan's dynamic. Especially when this clip lightly played on their Superboy/Batgirl like personas

Backstory Buddies | Buu Bits (DragonBall Z Abridged)
Disclaimer: These were made for a video from Totally Not Mark! Check out his review here: o

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6 months ago

@brand8282 i found something you may likey..

Gay Canvas.png

gay canvas.png

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1 year ago
Power Outage #84 Hey Im Just Super Saiyan~

Power Outage #84 Hey I’m Just Super Saiyan~

Inspired by something Lanipator said in his and KaiserNeko’s DBZA Commentaries (Specifically ‘Dragonball Z Abridged Creator Commentary | Episode 30’ at 12:02 -12:04 on YouTube) 


Power Outage #84 Hey Im Just Super Saiyan~
Power Outage #84 Hey Im Just Super Saiyan~
Power Outage #84 Hey Im Just Super Saiyan~
Power Outage #84 Hey Im Just Super Saiyan~
Power Outage #84 Hey Im Just Super Saiyan~
Power Outage #84 Hey Im Just Super Saiyan~
Power Outage #84 Hey Im Just Super Saiyan~
Power Outage #84 Hey Im Just Super Saiyan~

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1 year ago
Power Outage #85 Hey I'm Just Super Saiyan~ (Anime Version)

Power Outage #85 Hey I'm Just Super Saiyan~ (Anime Version)

Inspired by something Lanipator said in his and KaiserNeko's DBZA Commentaries (Specifically 'Dragonball Z Abridged Creator Commentary I Episode 30' at 12:02 - 12:04 on YouTube)


Power Outage #85 Hey I'm Just Super Saiyan~ (Anime Version)
Power Outage #85 Hey I'm Just Super Saiyan~ (Anime Version)
Power Outage #85 Hey I'm Just Super Saiyan~ (Anime Version)
Power Outage #85 Hey I'm Just Super Saiyan~ (Anime Version)
Power Outage #85 Hey I'm Just Super Saiyan~ (Anime Version)
Power Outage #85 Hey I'm Just Super Saiyan~ (Anime Version)
Power Outage #85 Hey I'm Just Super Saiyan~ (Anime Version)

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4 years ago

I’m a huge nerd with an average body, 27 years old, and have a thing for hot guys in suits, so can I try on the tie you’re offering?

“Your interview is at 4: 30pm. Don’t be late” this is what flashed on your phone screen while raindrops were falling on it. 

“Damn.” you swore. You were already very late for this interview, and as luck would have it, there was a nasty autumn rain that knocked down the remaining leaves and produced impassable mud under your feet. You left your umbrella at home when you were packing in a hurry, your jacket and hair were wet, and your shoes were dirty. When the rain suddenly increased and a gusty wind was added to it, you were forced to run into the first door of the store that you came across. The first thing you felt when you entered this old shop with all sorts of Souvenirs is the persistent aroma of burnt herbs. A young guy, a salesman, was sweeping the dust off the floor. He got distracted and looked at you.

“You look a little untidy. Can I help you?” he asked

“Hah, only if you have formal clothing for men who don’t already meet the demand for jobs,” you said with annoyance.

“I don’t understand you, sir”

“Hah, you see. You addressed me as Sir. And I’m only 27. I look a little older. That’s why I think I probably shouldn’t go to the interview today. They clearly need a young, energetic programmer. And I look like a forty-year-old man with a receding hairline” you didn’t know why you said all this to a strange guy in an old store. Maybe you were upset, or maybe it was his blue eyes that were so fascinating and mesmerizing…

“I think it’s all about the first impression. I can see that you are wearing a suit, but there is no tie to emphasize your business style. I can help you.” with that, he went to the back shelf, picked up someone’s gym bag, and rummaged through it until he found a narrow black tie.

“Put it on and you will feel how everything will change,” the guy said.As if you were under some kind of kumar, you reached out, took the tie, and automatically tied it around your neck. At that very moment, the dim autumn sun came out and you realized that the rain had stopped. You were about to take out your wallet to pay for your tie, but the salesman stopped you.

“These are old things. I give them away for free”

You thanked the guy for his help and stormed out of the store. You don’t remember how you managed to get to the company’s office in time. You flew up the stairs to the 3rd floor and ran to the interview room. The receptionist appraised you with a glance and motioned you in. A girl was sitting at a Desk in the office, sorting through papers. For the next 20 minutes, you talked about your achievements, work experience, and so on. Provided his portfolio and variants of written programs. The boss’s eyes were getting stricter and stricter by the minute, until she interrupted you.

“Young man, I see some inconsistencies in your case. First of all, I can’t find your photo in the database. Secondly, I find it hard to believe that such a thick and rich portfolio could be collected by such a young candidate for the position”

“Young? This is the first time they call you young… ” you thought.“But today I am favorable and will accept you for a trial period in our company. Welcome. Contact Elena at the exit, she will take a picture of you for a pass and a Board with the names of employees”

A little confused, you left the office with your files and documents. The receptionist leaned you against a gray wall and snapped a photo. Minutes later, she printed out your pass and escorted you to the exit, saying, “ we’ll See you at the office tomorrow.”

Only then did you realize what was wrong. You weren’t in the photo on the pass. The young guy, who looked no more than 18 years old, was wearing your clothes and the tie you bought. But he didn’t have your beer belly, he didn’t have your thick, hairy arms, His hair was thick and beautiful, and his face was the epitome of youthful beauty and cuteness. It’s like he blushes at every touch and glance in his direction. You might not believe that this is your pass and think that you were given someone else’s by mistake. But there is one thing…. The guy in the photo was just looking at you from the mirrored window of the bakery…

Im A Huge Nerd With An Average Body, 27 Years Old, And Have A Thing For Hot Guys In Suits, So Can I Try

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9 years ago
The Boys In My High School Never Figured It Out. They Couldnt Grasp How Plain Ol Lucy Had Seemingly Overnight

“The boys in my high school never figured it out. They couldn’t grasp how plain ol’ Lucy had seemingly overnight turned into a hot little number, but they didn’t care. They passed around the ‘secret’ nude pics that I strategically leaked to a football player and jerked off exactly as I wanted them to.

“You see, ever time a man cums while thinking of me, I get… well, better is probably the only way to describe it. Here I am, in my mid-twenties, and I’m absolutely gorgeous, and my doctor tells me I’m almost absurdly healthy – a nice long life and excellent health in my future.

“These tits? Oh, I was flat as a board growing up. My first boyfriend, bless his heart, was a horny little bastard, and right after we started dating I busted through three bras in a week.

“The effect is somewhat diminished the further a man is from me physically, but trust me, this pictorial will be plenty enough jerk material for men all around the country. Can you imagine it? I’m going to get thinner, my tits are going to get even bigger, my hips wider, and I’m sure my hair is going to just keep getting longer and silkier.

“I’ve been posting pictures on the internet, too, and that’s been doing wonders for my complexion. And my sexual response is through the roof – can you believe that it’s possible for me to have an absolutely amazing orgasm just by playing with my nipples for a few seconds? And actual intercourse is just mind-blowing.

“I really don’t think there’s any upper limit to how much I can improve this way. I’m already a lot stronger that I appear, by the way, and my mind has just been crystal-clear and sharp as of late. So who knows how truly amazing I can get.”

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7 years ago
Something Had Changed Her In The Warehouse. Among The Hundreds Of Figurines, Tools, Statues, Carved Objects,

Something had changed her in the warehouse. Among the hundreds of figurines, tools, statues, carved objects, and other mysterious objects stored there to be forgotten, there had been a culprit. Some piece of strange magic,leftover from days gone by, had given her its last spark. The vestige of a goddess.

As she drove away from the lockdown and crossed the miles of countryside, completely wild save for the watchtowers and overhead drones, a bud of warmth had nestled deep within her. She brushed the locks of hair that began to lengthen, distracted by the bumps in the road ahead. No one knew who had made it, and the government had only chosen to put the warehouse out here because, apart from its isolation, there were certain things in there that were dangerous or could not be moved. Some were even here before they found this place. Some appeared after. This was the first time she had been given clearance to visit.

She was uncomfortable, but it was not from the heat baking down from the summer sun that day. In fact, she wasn’t sweating a drop. However, the driver’s seat had begun to feel very confining. Her knees gently crept towards the underside of the wheel as she began to grow taller, and their angle shifted as her ass began to plump beneath her. She adjust herself, and moved her hips as they gained several inches in circumference. Soon, she was forced to duck slightly so she could see properly. The miles rolled on, and her head gently brushed the ceiling of the car. It was difficult to steer properly like this, and every bump jostled her. Her hair was pushed slowly to the sides as her shirt tightened. Her petite breasts began to swell up to a shapely elegance, sending bolts of pleasure as the seams of her top slowly tore away.

She had realised what was happening, and as she began to approach the security checkpoint that would lead  her out into the world, her muscles tensed, bunching and tightening as her strength multiplied. However, a dazzling smile was enough to make the guard blush and almost drop his machine gun. It didn’t look like it could do that much harm to her anyway. She smiled, cheekbones sliding higher as her face was sculpted further into a personification of beauty. Her large eyes beheld the mortals around her, analysed every one of their thoughts and movements. Her hair lazily trailed to waist length, and she felt herself being pushed forwards by her swelling ass towards the steering wheel. Her burgeoning breasts met the wheel first, growing heavier and more sensitive as she scrunched further into the seemingly shrinking cabin. 

And then she was past the border and out. It was not long before her power exceeded the need for the vehicle. She let it roll away; useless. The goddess reborn stood, past eight feet tall, taut with muscle and dimpled with soft curves, wise as the ages. Whatever that woman had been was a meagre start, and it was gone now. She flexed, and expanded further, her breasts, ass, and hips straining to an even further exaggeration of an hourglass. Indeed, some of the old power was left at least... Tattered cloth fell to the earth, exposing her Junoesque figure. She felt the power trickling through her, in these still semi-mortal veins. She felt the mortal inside, still not fully embracing the ascension. She could feel those two men, still thinking about her, wanting her. She snapped a finger, and she became clothed in a set of the strange garb of this era. Her ass and thighs thickened again. Worship, power... She needed MORE.

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