Drugging Whump - Tumblr Posts
TW: mentions and references to NSFW whump and drugging
All of Whumper’s victims are objects that serve a purpose.
One serves as a table, walking on hands and knees by Whumper so they can rest their feet or put a book on their back.
One is chained to a punching bag, the punching bag doesn’t crunch when you punch it so this whumpee does a better job.
One whumpee serves as a pet, with a leash and collar, soft beds and too-strong drugs to keep them loopy and needy.
One whumpee does the cleaning and another the cooking. If the cooking whumpee makes a mess, well then it’s just cleaning whumpee’s job to fix it. And cooking whumpee can’t exactly complain if all their tools are in different places.
And cleaning whumpee once told table whumpee that there was another in whumper’s bedroom, where cleaning whumpee was the only other one allowed to go in. The next day, whumper decided that they’d handle cleaning their own room, and cleaninf whumpee got to see what punching bag whumpee’s life was like.
Alrernatively: they switch roles every day, drawing a lottery to see who’s cleaning, cooking, tabling, being the pet, the punching bag, and Whumper’s ‘bedroom buddy’
Does Whumper have favorites for each role? Do they think whumpee A does the best lasagna and Whumpee B can carry the most weight on their back? Does the usual pet Whumpee get stressed when they have to perform other jobs, still shaky and out of it from the drugs?
And at night, do they all huddle together and listen to the sounds of tonight’s bedroom whumpee as they hope it’s not them tomorrow night?
Just a thought- might write it if y’all would be interested