Pet Whumpee - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

My fav kinds of whump fics are when like, a servant/pet Whumpee is just, in complete denial that someone might want to be nice to them, and Caretaker really doesn’t know what they’re doing, so they’re just trying to make it through the day, like:

Whumpee: I cannot have wants, my needs are not important, I am meant to suffer to serve my master until I die. I know all of this and yet I am still a failure and still desire unbelievable privileges like food, and water, and sleep, and to not be hit.

Caretaker: Hi. *provides basic needs with the slightest amount of decency*

Whumpee: They just want me stronger so I can work to serve them, and I have not been punished yet because I have not had time to fail them yet. But I am inherently flawed, and I will fail them. This will not last.

Caretaker: Here you go. *keeps providing basic needs and human decency, even once Whumpee is stronger*

Whumpee: Surely this will not last. They are simply more patient and less critical than my previous master. What an undeserved miracle, to be given this leniency.

Caretaker: Here, take this too. *gives Whumpee something that’s an “impractical luxury” like a blanket or stuffed animal or dessert*

Whumpee: This is not for my benefit, and if it is, it is to train me. Still, what a joy to serve a master who uses rewards of such luxuries. I do not deserve such goodness, I must remember this, and prove to them that I will not grow spoiled.

Whumpee: *tries to do above and beyond for them, and instead makes a mistake that breaks something and hurts them in a way obvious to Caretaker* I have failed, and anger is more than justified, and I will take my punishment willingly, it will make me better. Why does the idea of master striking me feel more like grief than fear? Could I have grown to consider them…almost a friend? Oh how stupid, how foolish of me, to even consider such a thing. I am meant to suffer-

Caretaker: Oh no, oh no… *helps fix mistake and soothe the pain caused by the injury, all the while not showing any anger or disappointment, only concern* *tells Whumpee not to try what they did again, that they didn’t want them to get hurt*

Whumpee: Maybe they could see that I was trying to serve them better. Surely that must be it, why otherwise would they not want me to be hurt? How lucky I have gotten so far. But I must not fail again.

Whumpee: *gets sick* I must keep going.

Whumpee: *collapses* This is it. Master will finally punish me as I deserve, I have failed yet again.

Caretaker: Get well soon! *brings them medicine and soup and let’s them sleep in peace*

Whumpee: They are simply wanting for me to get well before they punish me. They don’t want to make a mess, or they want me to feel it all, without my attention divided by sickness. After all, how can I learn from a punishment I am barely conscious for?

Whumpee: *gets better* Now this truly is it. I shall face my punishment.

Caretaker: Glad you’re better! Here, take this. *doesn’t punish them, instead greets them with more necessities and an additional “impractical luxury”*

Caretaker: *keeps being nice, not punishing Whumpee, and making sure they are well provided for*

Whumpee: Possibly they are simply understanding of my inherent flaws, and mercifully allow the occasional lapses, so long as afterwards I am repentant and humble.

Caretaker: You’re important to me. *sacrifices something important just for Whumpee, like missing a work meeting to take them to the park or cutting off a friend because of the way they treated Whumpee*

Whumpee: I do not understand… But it is not my place to understand, as I am simple and flawed. I must just continue to serve as I was trained.

Caretaker: Oh, how nice, let’s have fun together! *makes up sweet little nicknames for Whumpee, knows their favorite things and makes sure to use that knowledge, compliments Whumpee on things outside of what they can do for others*

Whumpee: *realizes that they had changed so much since coming to Caretaker, and that this new version of themselves was not only safe and not hurting, but also happy and supported emotionally.*

Whumpee: *has an emotional breakdown due to pent up emotion, joy, and pure relief*

Caretaker: :O

Caretaker: I fucked up! I fucked up bad! I broke them!

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5 months ago

part three of a list of Whumpee polls, cause i’m curious what kinda Whumpees y’all got :D

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9 months ago

Small Drabble whump thoughts

Whumpee loved dogs. That was the first thing they told Caretaker when they met, they first time they went out together (hangout or date), caretaker was practically holding whumpee back from petting every dog they saw.

One day, Whumpee told Caretaker that they always felt their life would be better if they were a dog. They’d be fluffy and happy and life would be easier.

Whumper overheard.

And they take everything Whumpee says very seriously.

Part two

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9 months ago

“I’m here about the lost dog?” Caretaker narrowed their eyes at the stranger on their doorstep. They figured they’d seen them before but weren’t sure from where.

“I don’t have a lost dog.” Caretaker responded.

“Really? Because you’ve been putting posters up everywhere, and I found them. By the way, you did a terrible job training it.”

What were they talking about? Caretaker never had a dog, they were allergic, though Whumpee always wanted one. They’d put up missing posters for them though…

“What…?” Dread pooled in their stomach. No, it couldn’t be. How could it be?

“It’s okay though, I took some time myself to give the little puppy some proper training. Now it doesn’t bark and whine all the time, or try to get up on the furniture. It even uses the doggy door!”

“What are you talking about? Who are you?”

“The posters said the police gave up looking right? I mean it’s a little silly, of course they gave up, I don’t even know why cops would waste their time looking for some lost dog anyway. There wasn’t any advertised reward, but I figured ‘oh well,’ I mean I had fun. It was like fostering! I bet you want to see it now, right? I just have it in a crate in my car. I hope it hasn’t peed on the way here, I did forget to car train it.”

Caretaker could do nothing but follow silently after the stranger to their car, feeling like they were trudging through thick mud, the air around them cold and light blue, a tight hand gripping their lungs and keeping them from breathing as the stranger opened the car’s back door to reveal a large cage… with a person inside of it.

Whumpee, naked and trembling, wearing a brightly colored collar.

Caretaker had never punched someone so hard before.

@parasiticwhumpee @sunglasses-in-the-bentley


Part One

When a whumpee who’s usually always laughing and joking can’t laugh or joke at THIS.

Everyone thinks whumpee can handle any pain because they always laugh or joke through it, looking on the bright side, keeping everyone else in good moods.

Whumpee who finally experiences the horrors and can’t laugh at it. Or a team who experiences a huge loss and turns to Whumpee to make them feel better and they just have… nothing. No jokes, no hope.

Hard to tell who’s more freaked out in that moment, Whumpee, or Whumpee’s friends

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6 months ago

TW: mentions and references to NSFW whump and drugging

All of Whumper’s victims are objects that serve a purpose.

One serves as a table, walking on hands and knees by Whumper so they can rest their feet or put a book on their back.

One is chained to a punching bag, the punching bag doesn’t crunch when you punch it so this whumpee does a better job.

One whumpee serves as a pet, with a leash and collar, soft beds and too-strong drugs to keep them loopy and needy.

One whumpee does the cleaning and another the cooking. If the cooking whumpee makes a mess, well then it’s just cleaning whumpee’s job to fix it. And cooking whumpee can’t exactly complain if all their tools are in different places.

And cleaning whumpee once told table whumpee that there was another in whumper’s bedroom, where cleaning whumpee was the only other one allowed to go in. The next day, whumper decided that they’d handle cleaning their own room, and cleaninf whumpee got to see what punching bag whumpee’s life was like.

Alrernatively: they switch roles every day, drawing a lottery to see who’s cleaning, cooking, tabling, being the pet, the punching bag, and Whumper’s ‘bedroom buddy’

Does Whumper have favorites for each role? Do they think whumpee A does the best lasagna and Whumpee B can carry the most weight on their back? Does the usual pet Whumpee get stressed when they have to perform other jobs, still shaky and out of it from the drugs?

And at night, do they all huddle together and listen to the sounds of tonight’s bedroom whumpee as they hope it’s not them tomorrow night?

Just a thought- might write it if y’all would be interested


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5 months ago

“I need a pet.” Carewhumper said to the other person on the phone.

“A pet?” Whumper asked, “that’s very specific, I know exACTly what kind of pet you want. Come now, you thinking more guard dog? More show dog?”

“Something… cuddly. I work hard, and it’s not exactly friendly work. I want something to help me destress.”

“Alright, we have a mutt available. He’s still got some fat on his bones, but he’s not very fluffy. Very well trained, very obedient. Will do whatever you say immediately.”

“A Labrador?”

“You could say.”

“Il take it, send it to my address.”

Whumper smiled as they put the phone down, hand gently stroking the shaking pet in their lap.

“It’s your lucky day, Mutt. You get to go to a new home! You don’t have to see me anymore.”

The pet looked up at them worriedly, clutching at their shirt.

“Oh, don’t worry, I’m sure your new owner will be wonderful. Why don’t you go get your toy? You can bring it with you in the kennel.”

Pet slowly lifted off Whumper’s lap, climbing off the couch and crawling slowly to the toy room. They used to move a lot faster, but the only thing that had managed to make them obedient was refusing them food, so they were so thin and slow now. Whumper shook their head. They’d be faster and fatter if they only knew what was good for them.

Carewhumper, whumpee’s brand new owner. Whumper had never done business with them, but they knew they were well off, powerful. A good token like Whumpee between them… that would be good.

They just had to hope Whumpee wouldn’t piss all over their crate on the way over.

Part two

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5 months ago

Part one

“Uh, Boss?” Carewhumper lifted their head from their work and turned around to glare at the subordinate who’d interrupted them.

“Do you need something?”

“Yeah uh- you see-“

“Speak up, if this is important.”

“It is, your uh- ‘pet’ arrived.” Carewhumper rolled their eyes. So the dog arrived, big deal!

“Okay? And? You truly can’t take care of a Labrador for a few hours while I work? My business is incredibly important and-“

“No, boss, I’m sorry but there’s some kind of mistake. They sent a person in a kennel.”

Now that had Carewhumper’s attention. They stood, abandoning their work and moving past their employee.

“Show me.” Did Whumper intend to send a person? Did Whumper think Carewhumper would enjoy this? They would need a thorough ‘talking to’ if they thought this would be okay.

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