Multiple Whumpees - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

Whumper has two whumpees. They both keep trying to protect the other, so they come up with a game.

They have to punish themselves, and whoever entertains whumper better gets to be tortured the whole week, and the loser is given a break for the week.

Also works the other way around, for whumpees who hate each other. They have to torture themselves to try to earn a week’s break, or to ensure the other suffers worse.

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6 months ago

TW: mentions and references to NSFW whump and drugging

All of Whumper’s victims are objects that serve a purpose.

One serves as a table, walking on hands and knees by Whumper so they can rest their feet or put a book on their back.

One is chained to a punching bag, the punching bag doesn’t crunch when you punch it so this whumpee does a better job.

One whumpee serves as a pet, with a leash and collar, soft beds and too-strong drugs to keep them loopy and needy.

One whumpee does the cleaning and another the cooking. If the cooking whumpee makes a mess, well then it’s just cleaning whumpee’s job to fix it. And cooking whumpee can’t exactly complain if all their tools are in different places.

And cleaning whumpee once told table whumpee that there was another in whumper’s bedroom, where cleaning whumpee was the only other one allowed to go in. The next day, whumper decided that they’d handle cleaning their own room, and cleaninf whumpee got to see what punching bag whumpee’s life was like.

Alrernatively: they switch roles every day, drawing a lottery to see who’s cleaning, cooking, tabling, being the pet, the punching bag, and Whumper’s ‘bedroom buddy’

Does Whumper have favorites for each role? Do they think whumpee A does the best lasagna and Whumpee B can carry the most weight on their back? Does the usual pet Whumpee get stressed when they have to perform other jobs, still shaky and out of it from the drugs?

And at night, do they all huddle together and listen to the sounds of tonight’s bedroom whumpee as they hope it’s not them tomorrow night?

Just a thought- might write it if y’all would be interested


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9 months ago

Happy mermay y'all!

Here's a little chum y'all, take it. These characters may pop up after Mermay but they're little goobers with very little backstory right now. Whumpee is a pilot fish merthing btw pilot fish are my favorite fish



It put its eerily human-like hand against the glass while it beat the glass with its black and white tail. The small humanoid had been found beside a far larger shark humanoid, and it kept trying to get to the shark. It also had a tendency to bump against the glass while swimming around, seemingly indicating behaviors it exhibited with the shark.

Korryne groaned, and a tiny shock in the fish's water drove it away from the glass and made it scream while it spun in circles and tried to hide in the too-small decor in its tank. No one had expected it to grow so big in such a short span of time.

Eventually, the aquarium opened, and a group of school children watched it being fed. It had been taught to keep its head below the water, and ignored that teaching, and approached the children. Korryne had to go up there to make sure it didn’t do anything drastic, and it went back underwater at the sight of her.

It didn’t even bother to take the rest of the fish with it, it stayed low to the ground until Korryne had left. 

Korryne needed to examine this further.


Leech. That was what they were called by the horrible people. They stared at the human that often watched them, wanting to go to Rilla. 

Arroyo beat their tail against the clear wall and called for Rilla. Rilla was going in circles, and Arroyo wished they weren’t the only two in their tiny group. Arroyo slammed their shoulder into the clear wall and the human had the sharp pain go through the water. They swam back to their little area, and realized they were bleeding in the tail when it cut against the weirdly sharp rocks.

They swam around, a trail of blood in the water, and Rilla opened her mouth when she saw it.

Arroyo heard someone get in and saw one of the humans with the breathing mask strapped to their face, and the human had a net. Arroyo tried to swim away, screaming and begging, and the human didn’t understand.

Arroyo understood very little of the human tongue, mostly just the words ‘stop, still, and interesting’.

“Stay still,” the human ordered. Arroyo obeyed and took a deep breath as they were lifted into the air in the too small net. It took three people to carry them, and people weren’t even the size of normal sharks. Sharks were somewhat the same size as Arroyo, about an eighth of Rilla’s size, far smaller than Arroyo’s friend, who was part squid and lived close to the bottom of the ocean.

Arroyo could breathe air, though they hated the taste of it on their tongue, so they often chose not to. The humans eventually lowered them into a crate that was barely able to fit them, and they had to avoid panicking so the water wouldn’t go stale and render them unable to breathe.

They set Arroyo in the white room tanks, where they were closer to the circling Rilla, and Arroyo put their hand on the clear wall and knocked until Rilla noticed them.

Someone let Arroyo into Rilla’s tank after bandaging their tail, and Arroyo swam into it and plucked off the tiny things on Rilla’s skin. Rilla looked at Arroyo with glad eyes and directed them to the places where large numbers of infection was.

Rilla twitched her tail to the side, saying, “Are you alright?”

“Yes,” Arroyo replied, and hugged Rilla, barely able to contain their excitement. Rilla didn’t approve of emotional outbursts unless they were trying to mate, which didn’t work very well out of your own group of merfolk, and it was a banishable offense among the merfolk.

Mating season was soon… Arroyo hoped they’d let the pair in the same tanks for that time.

One of the humans motioned for Arroyo to return, and Arroyo’s dorsal fins flared in anger as they bared their sharp fangs and Rilla swam at the human, then slammed head first into the clear wall.

Rilla swam back, grabbed Arroyo in her mouth, and leaped out of the tank. They rolled for a moment, and Rilla stood up. Arroyo wasn’t sharkfolk, couldn’t stand, only a select few merfolk could.

Rilla took Arroyo in her arms and started running, while Arroyo slowly lost water on their scales. A sound went through the air, and Rilla’s movements slowed. Then she fell, and dropped Arroyo. Arroyo rolled again and someone lifted them, then put them back in the lab tanks, and Rilla across from them, still in her human form, wrists up in the air and legs spread wide. Rilla opened her eyes, then stopped moving, and her rock-black eyes went dim as she drifted to the surface. Arroyo screamed for her, and one of the workers opened the cage and she was dead. Didn’t blink, didn’t breathe. 

Arroyo shrieked and pounded on the clear wall and screamed for Rilla, and the human that normally watched Arroyo threw Rilla in. Arroyo held her corpse close and wished they had seaweed to wrap their body in, but this would have to do.

They hugged Rilla and let her drift away while giving her eulogy. They wished they were in the open ocean for this, but impossible.

They eventually took her from Arroyo, and they sank to the bottom of the cage and didn’t move as they watched them examine her corpse. Then they took her skeleton and her fins and put Arroyo in her old cage, where they could fit between the hard rocks. They sank to the bottom, no longer moving, and the human smiled sadistically.

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9 months ago

Happy mermay y'all!

Here's a little chum y'all, take it. These characters may pop up after Mermay but they're little goobers with very little backstory right now. Whumpee is a pilot fish merthing btw pilot fish are my favorite fish



It put its eerily human-like hand against the glass while it beat the glass with its black and white tail. The small humanoid had been found beside a far larger shark humanoid, and it kept trying to get to the shark. It also had a tendency to bump against the glass while swimming around, seemingly indicating behaviors it exhibited with the shark.

Korryne groaned, and a tiny shock in the fish's water drove it away from the glass and made it scream while it spun in circles and tried to hide in the too-small decor in its tank. No one had expected it to grow so big in such a short span of time.

Eventually, the aquarium opened, and a group of school children watched it being fed. It had been taught to keep its head below the water, and ignored that teaching, and approached the children. Korryne had to go up there to make sure it didn’t do anything drastic, and it went back underwater at the sight of her.

It didn’t even bother to take the rest of the fish with it, it stayed low to the ground until Korryne had left. 

Korryne needed to examine this further.


Leech. That was what they were called by the horrible people. They stared at the human that often watched them, wanting to go to Rilla. 

Arroyo beat their tail against the clear wall and called for Rilla. Rilla was going in circles, and Arroyo wished they weren’t the only two in their tiny group. Arroyo slammed their shoulder into the clear wall and the human had the sharp pain go through the water. They swam back to their little area, and realized they were bleeding in the tail when it cut against the weirdly sharp rocks.

They swam around, a trail of blood in the water, and Rilla opened her mouth when she saw it.

Arroyo heard someone get in and saw one of the humans with the breathing mask strapped to their face, and the human had a net. Arroyo tried to swim away, screaming and begging, and the human didn’t understand.

Arroyo understood very little of the human tongue, mostly just the words ‘stop, still, and interesting’.

“Stay still,” the human ordered. Arroyo obeyed and took a deep breath as they were lifted into the air in the too small net. It took three people to carry them, and people weren’t even the size of normal sharks. Sharks were somewhat the same size as Arroyo, about an eighth of Rilla’s size, far smaller than Arroyo’s friend, who was part squid and lived close to the bottom of the ocean.

Arroyo could breathe air, though they hated the taste of it on their tongue, so they often chose not to. The humans eventually lowered them into a crate that was barely able to fit them, and they had to avoid panicking so the water wouldn’t go stale and render them unable to breathe.

They set Arroyo in the white room tanks, where they were closer to the circling Rilla, and Arroyo put their hand on the clear wall and knocked until Rilla noticed them.

Someone let Arroyo into Rilla’s tank after bandaging their tail, and Arroyo swam into it and plucked off the tiny things on Rilla’s skin. Rilla looked at Arroyo with glad eyes and directed them to the places where large numbers of infection was.

Rilla twitched her tail to the side, saying, “Are you alright?”

“Yes,” Arroyo replied, and hugged Rilla, barely able to contain their excitement. Rilla didn’t approve of emotional outbursts unless they were trying to mate, which didn’t work very well out of your own group of merfolk, and it was a banishable offense among the merfolk.

Mating season was soon… Arroyo hoped they’d let the pair in the same tanks for that time.

One of the humans motioned for Arroyo to return, and Arroyo’s dorsal fins flared in anger as they bared their sharp fangs and Rilla swam at the human, then slammed head first into the clear wall.

Rilla swam back, grabbed Arroyo in her mouth, and leaped out of the tank. They rolled for a moment, and Rilla stood up. Arroyo wasn’t sharkfolk, couldn’t stand, only a select few merfolk could.

Rilla took Arroyo in her arms and started running, while Arroyo slowly lost water on their scales. A sound went through the air, and Rilla’s movements slowed. Then she fell, and dropped Arroyo. Arroyo rolled again and someone lifted them, then put them back in the lab tanks, and Rilla across from them, still in her human form, wrists up in the air and legs spread wide. Rilla opened her eyes, then stopped moving, and her rock-black eyes went dim as she drifted to the surface. Arroyo screamed for her, and one of the workers opened the cage and she was dead. Didn’t blink, didn’t breathe. 

Arroyo shrieked and pounded on the clear wall and screamed for Rilla, and the human that normally watched Arroyo threw Rilla in. Arroyo held her corpse close and wished they had seaweed to wrap their body in, but this would have to do.

They hugged Rilla and let her drift away while giving her eulogy. They wished they were in the open ocean for this, but impossible.

They eventually took her from Arroyo, and they sank to the bottom of the cage and didn’t move as they watched them examine her corpse. Then they took her skeleton and her fins and put Arroyo in her old cage, where they could fit between the hard rocks. They sank to the bottom, no longer moving, and the human smiled sadistically.

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1 year ago

June of Doom Day 5

"It's not as bad as it looks."

| Handcuffs | Swelling | Flinch |

Cw: The prompts above and implied torture.


Whumpee lay on the cold basement floor, in the middle of the room where Whumper left them, and sobbed. The cuffs cut into their wrists and their stomach throbbed from the bruises that littered it.

They hadn't seen Other Whumpee when they were thrown in, the corners of the room were too dark. And Other Whumpee had been asleep until the sobs of Whumpee woke them.

Once they'd shaken off the remnant of the nightmare, Other Whumpee pulled themselves from the ground to help Whumpee. They approached the shivering form slowly, reaching out to them as though they were a wounded animal.

"Hey," they said softly, their hand touching gently on Whumpee's shoulder. Whumpee flinched away.

"Sorry," Other Whumpee whispered. Whumper didn't like it when they talked. "I just want to help you. Can I look at your wounds?"

Whumpee curled further away from them, their eyes adjusting to the dark to take in the hunched form in front of them. Other Whumpee was bruised and battered, the fingers on their left hand bent at wrong angles, but their eyes were kind, their voice sincere as they spoke to Whumpee.

Whumpee eventually pushed themselves up from the ground awkwardly, and let Other Whumpee come over to inspect the wounds.

There were ugly and dark bruises beginning to form, and Whumpee's leg was swollen and tender.

"It's not as bad as it looks," Other Whumpee reassured as he pressed on a particularly bad bruise and Whumpee whimpered.

"You've no broken bones, no serious internal bleeding, you'll heal just fine."

Whumpee just nodded.

"What's your name?" they managed finally, their voice hoarse from screaming and sobbing.

Other Whumpee just looked away. "It's best if we don't trade names. It's easier for Whumper to use us against each other then."

Whumpee nodded hesitantly.

"Get some rest, I'll explain some more in the morning. There are ways to placate Whumper, ways to keep from getting too hurt. I'll teach you."

"Escape?" Whumpee managed.

Other Whumpee barked a laugh. "There's no escape from here, only survival."

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1 year ago

June of Doom Day 5

"It's not as bad as it looks."

| Handcuffs | Swelling | Flinch |

Cw: The prompts above and implied torture.


Whumpee lay on the cold basement floor, in the middle of the room where Whumper left them, and sobbed. The cuffs cut into their wrists and their stomach throbbed from the bruises that littered it.

They hadn't seen Other Whumpee when they were thrown in, the corners of the room were too dark. And Other Whumpee had been asleep until the sobs of Whumpee woke them.

Once they'd shaken off the remnant of the nightmare, Other Whumpee pulled themselves from the ground to help Whumpee. They approached the shivering form slowly, reaching out to them as though they were a wounded animal.

"Hey," they said softly, their hand touching gently on Whumpee's shoulder. Whumpee flinched away.

"Sorry," Other Whumpee whispered. Whumper didn't like it when they talked. "I just want to help you. Can I look at your wounds?"

Whumpee curled further away from them, their eyes adjusting to the dark to take in the hunched form in front of them. Other Whumpee was bruised and battered, the fingers on their left hand bent at wrong angles, but their eyes were kind, their voice sincere as they spoke to Whumpee.

Whumpee eventually pushed themselves up from the ground awkwardly, and let Other Whumpee come over to inspect the wounds.

There were ugly and dark bruises beginning to form, and Whumpee's leg was swollen and tender.

"It's not as bad as it looks," Other Whumpee reassured as he pressed on a particularly bad bruise and Whumpee whimpered.

"You've no broken bones, no serious internal bleeding, you'll heal just fine."

Whumpee just nodded.

"What's your name?" they managed finally, their voice hoarse from screaming and sobbing.

Other Whumpee just looked away. "It's best if we don't trade names. It's easier for Whumper to use us against each other then."

Whumpee nodded hesitantly.

"Get some rest, I'll explain some more in the morning. There are ways to placate Whumper, ways to keep from getting too hurt. I'll teach you."

"Escape?" Whumpee managed.

Other Whumpee barked a laugh. "There's no escape from here, only survival."

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5 months ago

A is prepared to be sacrificed to a beast. As they thrash in their restraints, they see it being led out of the darkness, heavy chains rattling as A's executors drag the creature by the rusty collar around its neck. there's a second when the beast lifts its gaze, meeting A's eyes – and A understands it has no choice, and is as afraid as they are.

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