Duck Hybrid - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

Well, it's time for another headcanon...just as Philza, Quackity can't see glass. He just can't. He will try to go through it and sometimes manages to hurt himself.

At first, Schlatt didn't notice and thought that this silly duck-hybrid is joking....but he wasn't. The president had to...literally ban glass. So his sugar pumpkin wouldn't hurt himself.

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3 years ago

Some short, but in my opinion cute headcanons. (Ps: There is a lot with like=dont read, thank you and have a nice day)

•JSchlatt would leave some kisses on Quackitys scar. (I really like the theme with "kissing the scars")

•Quackity is better with words then actions, when it comes to apologies. Schlatt is the opposite, he will not say that he is "sorry" or admit his fault, to much of a ram for it, but he will try to make up for it with gifts or other activities. Like taking Quackity out for a date, just having nice moments together after a long work day etc.

•JSchlatt has a little tail that he tries to hide with his work blazer or just with pants that go above the tail, it isn't comfortable.

•On quiet evenings, Schlatt would help Quackity to groom his wings, they are sensitive, which is why the duck hybrid was very hesitant at the beginning. It is a sign of trust.

•After his death, Glatt came with Quackity to Las Nevadas. The relationship is shattered of course...but not beyond repair.

•The most accepting of the whole crew is Fundy. He actually missed Schlatt.

•At one of the days, the fox-boy decided to surprise everyone with breakfast....and...well...a surprise it was. There was toast which made Glatt paranoid and he lost the sense of reality, just staying in his "dying room". (Yes. He made himself a dying room.)

•This was the first time that he and Quackity had a long and serious conversation.

•The duck hybrid helped his ex fiance to calm down and believe that he isn't dying again.

•In most rooms there are thick curtains, since Glatt can't go out in the sun. There will always be someone with him, to close the curtains.

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3 years ago

I just want some fluff guys. is a "AU" where everything is the same...but Quackity and Schlatt actually have a good relationship and...Quackity randomly adopts ducklings. Yes. That's the AU. Quackity will just take more and more ducklings in the white house...and Schlatt will have to just deal with it. Is this some Bs? Maybe. But it seems cute.


Schlatt: ...Quackity, what do ya have there?

Quackity, while standing with his back turned to his husband and holding a bunch of little duck : ...Nothing?

Schlatt, already done with this all: Ya know that we can't take in even more ducks, sugar.

Quackity: But they were all alone! And...why not? There is enough space...

Schlatt: Because...everywhere I go, there are ducks...and we have Fundy here...he is a fox-hybrid...ya are really teasing him with that...

Quackity, already knowing that he can't argue with that, so he chooses the guilty voice: I know....but please? Common guapito.....those are the last ones...I swear!

Schlatt, already knowing that this is not true, questioning why he agreed to marry this man: Last ones. That or they will be grill-material.

Quackity already nodded wildly, knowing for sure that this was just a shallow threat without the intention to really do such horrible thing.


Schlatt: ALEX!

This cry was probably heard not only in the White House, but in whole Manburg. As soon as Quackity reached his husband, already holding a sword, thinking that he is in danger, he had to stop himself from almost falling. The scene in front of him was...something...

His husbands hair was messy, probably after his work out routine, tie already untied and he had a...not very pleasant look on his face. In front of his love was the giant bathtub, definitely big enough for two persons....if not three or four...and it was full with water and more importantly...full with duck baby's that were just swimming around. That explains why Schlatt called him.

-...They have to swim from time to time...- the first justification didn't have to wait.

-...Alex. I am sweating after work out, I still have work to do in the office, Wilbur burned our farms, which means that we have to get a new location for it, so we won't starve and the only thing that I want is to take a fucking bath.- The ram wasn't even shouting, which meant that...he really was stressed. He took a breath and then exhaled.

-Take them out and then let me know, when I can come back.-

He left, going to the office and Quackity just started to feel guilty...well...a little bit...he knew that Schlatt wasn't angry at him and that it was just the stress, but he wanted to make the situation better.

Some minutes passed and the duck hybrid opened the door that lead to his husbands office, which surely wasn't small. At the sound of the door opening and closing, the ram-hybrids ears twitched a little bit and he looked up, looking...more tired then anything else. Nobody said anything. Quackity just walked to the desk, stept to his husbands side, letting his own hands on the broad shoulders. He left a gentle kiss on the cheek of his man, smiling weakly. Schlatt exhaled loudly.

-I shouldn't have shout.- This was enough of an apology, that wasn't even needed.

-It's about that...we take a relaxing bath together and take the rest of the day as free of work?...-

-Sugar...I already told you, there is a lot to handle right now---

-I know...I know...but Fundy and Tubbo are there...-

-We can't shove this work on two kids. This will be a disaster.-

-They will handle it just fine...and if not, then we will stop everything before the nation burns to ashes...common Schlatt...mi amor...pumpkin of my life...-

-Okay...okay...a bath and two hours free....not more...-

-I can work with that...- The duck hybrid said with a gentle smile, scratching his husband behind the long ears, quietly chuckling when they twitch from the action. Just a little bit of patience and everything will be fine.

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3 years ago

Some domestic Schlackity headcanons, since I think that we all need something sweet.

•Schlatt doesn't have a healthy sleep schedule. Usually he is in bed at three AM, and that's the earliest. He can't really sleep on his side, because of the horns, so he has to sleep on his back most of the time.

•Quackity is a cuddler. He will be already asleep, when Schlatt joins him in bed, but he will hug him as soon as the bigger body lies down on the bed.

•This leads to many different sleep positions. He either hugs him tight, putting one arm and one leg on the ram-hybrids body or will lie entirely on him, sharing his own warmth and protecting both of them with his wings.

•Speaking about the wings. The feathers are all over the place. On the bed. In the bathtub. In the closet. Schlatt even found some in his own hair.

•The president already gave up on trying to get rid of those feathers, he keeps the annoyed attitude towards it, but hides some of the longer feathers, that seem beautiful, in his drawer.

•Schlatt is the one who cooks. He isn't some talent at it, but he clearly has some skill, making something eatable out of nothing. Quackity once almost burned down the white house trying to make a bowl of cereal. Don't ask him how.

•Schlatt is not only an alcoholic, he is also an workaholic. Those two things combined are not so pleasant. Some of his alcoholic phases may be aggressive. Others are either a very funny and gentle attitude towards everything. He would always try to groom Quackitys wings, kiss him at every chance he would get and be touchy in general. No place is safe of his hands in that moment, not that Quackity himself minds. One state is hard for both, the frustrated state, Schlatt may become more apathetic or focus just on work, without speaking. Quackity doesn't ask too many questions in that case. Just tries to help, where he can as the Vice president and doesn't leave his husband alone.

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3 years ago

Just some Hybrid things that I find cute:

•Schlatt, being a ram hybrid, is very social. Even more. He needs company. Being completely alone makes him stressed. This is why he either has tons of meetings or Quackity checking almost every half an hour on him.

•He also has many body language aspects that can help someone close to him, like Quackity, to read him better. The ram hybrid would flicker his ears, wiggle his tail, tap in a certain pace with his feet. Depending on the way those actions are performed, they can be signals for different emotions.

•If Schlatt is tapping his feet in a fast pace and is seemingly taking steps back from someone, that can be considered as a threat....the vice president knows that he has to distract his husband, who is about to ram someone.

•as much as Schlatt has an urge to form a flock, Quackity has the urge to build a nest. Not always, just at certain times in the year. But those are pretty difficult. He will fully transform their bedroom, using everything that isn't lying far away from him. His own feathers, clothes, Schlatts belongings, especially the ties...just everything....all that is formed into a nest....(Schlatt is often forced to sleep there, even if his back aches after that)

WARNING: A little bit of smut

•During some times, when the instincts are too strong, mostly after a few stressful weeks, Quackity is less gentle. He is mostly top, because Schlatt prefers the bottom position, he enjoys it more. And after all those weeks....Quackity can use that to his full advantage. Ducks can be pretty violent when it comes to sex and this hybrid is no exception. Schlatt will have a lot of bruises and little scratches over his body after that.

•Of course the moment of heat quickly fades, making Quackity feel guilty and resulting in a lot of passion. Where he takes care of the bruises that he caused, talking sweet nonsense. JSchlatt wouldn't interrupt, admiring his partner and just answering with the same amount of cheesiness.

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3 years ago

Little headcanons of how the pumpkin husbands demonstrate their trust towards each other.

•Schlatt let's Quackity see him at his worst. He can let his guard down, can be more vulnerable. Something that he would never do with someone else, maybe with Connor as an exception. Leaving the confident persona for the outside world and leaving Quackity with the real person.

•Another point are the horns. They are a sign of dominance, power, control. They are also sort of a defense and they don't grow back. This is why it is something special that he let's Quackity touch his horns and in some cases even fully pull. The duck hybrid does it only in occasions where he wants to make Schlatt bow down for a kiss or...other activities but this is still something that shows how much the ram hybrid trusts his partner.

•One of the more obvious demonstrations is the fact that Quackity is not hesitant to put his beanie down, when he and Schlatt are alone. He trusts his partner with his hair, to fully see him and whenever his husband compliments him...he actually believes him.

•The second act of trust is not visible at the first glance but...with time it becomes obvious that Quackity let's Schlatt stay in his blind spot. A weakness, vulnerability, something that would make him an easy target....but he trusts his husband. He doesn't need to have him in his vision to know that he would never harm him.

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