Professor Ratigan - Tumblr Posts
Me w/ baby Ratigan

I redid the age sheet for Ratigan, since I uploaded the one I did for Basil.
Since I'm sure everyone has the headcanon of the dear professor being older than the detective, there is one stage more. There is not, however, my idea of what the grand Professor Ratigan looks like after the events of Big Ben.
Basil: Geronimo, you’re too nice for your own good.
Geronimo: Nonsense! There is no such thing!
Ratigan, who broke into his house: May I have some sugar with my tea?
Geronimo: Sure! Please, help yourself!
Basil: Geronimo- Did you make biscuits?
Geronimo: Yes, the professor said he was hungry.
Ratigan: And they are quite delicious.
Basil: Geronimo, you’re killing me here.
Geronimo: You need to stop with all this killing!
Ratigan: Missed me with that gay shit.
Geronimo: What gay shit, the law?!
they're JUST fighting... Maybe??

and yes... WHY did my post with a hamster and a banana get more likes!!?? you're crazy like me
I lov you :'D💖🩷✨ Do you want more of this MOUSES!?
For your sake (Basil x reader x Ratigan) chap1

An eye for an eye
Both detective and his worst enemy....once against each other in a life\death battle. Only one could be the winner of this battle and they knew so very well.
Even if Basil tried to escape it seemed Ratigan wasn't willing to let that happen this time. The second time his hand moved and gave Basil a harsh scratch with his sharp claws made it looked like he...
"I've won!" A wide grin took its place over Ratigan's face as he began to laugh maniacally, thinking his nemesis was finally gone for good.
"On the contrary!" Basil shouted a thing that made Ratigan glance down to see the detective had caught himself on what was left of his enemy's destroyed airship. "The game is not over yet!" The detective pointed out before he revealed the little bell that belonged to the rat himself. Ringing it right before Big Ben strikes, the loud noise caused Ratigan to lose his balance and fall to his doom...or at least everyone thought so.
*Time Skip*
You looked around in a try to remember if the last turn you took was the right one. Being away from London for years might affect your memory of where exactly your old apartment was and the storm didn't help at all. "Oh, great. Now I must hurry up" You said mostly to yourself while grabbing the edges of your socked wet coat to keep your body as dry as possible.
While running, your eyes caught the sight of a rather large body figure, lying unconscious in the middle of the street you were about to pass. With hesitation, you let out a sight and began to approach the person.
Now able to face him completely. 'Oh my, it's a rat' You thought. 'What on earth happened to him?' You thought once more not even realized you were standing right before him.
You gasped once you saw the wounds all over his body, quickly you looked around once more to make sure no one was passing by. You knew better he must wake up...cause if he won't...
Thinking fast you managed to open your bag and take out your cloth...thanks to the rain it got wet rather quickly. You managed to lift his head a bit from the ground and place the cloth against the back of his head and held it there firmly with your free hand.
'Ah...who's voice is that?' Even unconscious Ratigan's ears could pick up the hearing of your sweet voice calling out for him to wake up over and over in a worried tone. 'Mother, is that you?' He asked inside his head before his eyelids cracked open slowly, only to see bright light surrounding the shadow of an unknown female figure.
It was at this moment the rat's eyes opened wide, now full awaken. At first, he stared over you in confusion. However once he realized how close you were, the pain began to rise through his body because of the multiple wounds he got from such a high fall.
He groaned roughly and stood up abruptly, knocking you down as his large body slowly stood up straight. Panting heavily with gritted teeth while it seemed he was ready to attack. His eyes stared right into yours and it was then his wild expression turned to a more serious-calm one. "Who...are you?" His voice heard as if he was lost in his own thoughts with a bit of roughness too.
You got up from the rocked ground and stood in a brave position, now looking up to him. "I won't tell you my name, unless if you reveal yours first"
Ratigan scanned you from the bottom of your well-shaped legs to the top of the cute parts of wet hairs that were falling lightly against your forehead. An amused grin appeared across his face while looking down at you with half-lidden eyes. "But of course, how RUDE of my part. My name is...Padraic" He tried to hold back, not to spill how proud he feels about his full name to least no just yet.
Your beautiful eyes blinked a few times as you saw Padraic offering his hand to you. "Oh, nice to meet you, P-Padraic, I am Y\N..." You said and placed your smalled hand over the palm of his big yet slender one.
Ratigan gently held your hand as he brushes his lips across your knuckles and plants a soft kiss, "The pleasure is mine. I apologize if I frightened you" His charming grin dropped a bit once your hand was removed out of his hold.
"You better put this back over your head injury, it will help to reveal the pain and also stop the specific area from bleeding eventually" You explained calmly after recollecting the cloth from the ground and held it out for him to take.An amused chuckle escaped from the rough rat despise the great pain he was feeling, he couldn't help but look down at you with an expression that almost shows sympathy towards your strange behavior to help a stranger. 'Tell me, are you a doctor my dear?" He questioned and placed the cloth back over his wounded head, hissing a bit to the sudden pain.
You shooked your head with a small smile. "No, I used to be a reporter though. That's why I came back to London, to make a new start"
"Ah~, giving a second chance to your mother city I see" His voice sound so rich and smooth to your ears that made you let a shy smile make its way over your pretty face and roll your eyes away from him.
"Anyhow, I am afraid I must continue on my way now. But before I go I must ask if you're capable of finding a place to stay for the night. I don't wish to hear rude but with all these wounds and the storm it'll surely be difficult even for you to find your way around the streets"
Ratigan couldn't help but laugh in a low tone before he kneed down on your heigh level and ruffed his hand over the top of your head softly. 'You're a strange one, you know that dear Y\N?" He cooed with a playful giggle and stood up with a rough groan.
"I was never afraid of the difference if that's what makes you wonder why I cared to help you" You fixed up your messy hair and your coat and turned on your heel to leave. "Wish you luck Padraic" You glanced over your shoulder to his sight and began to walk away.
'I was never afraid of the different' These words of yours were running through his mind while his yellow eyes watched you slowly disappearing from his view. He let out sight and sneakily followed after you, he didn't know why but he had to see where your place is.
*Time Skip*
It didn't take much time to finally spot your old apartment. It might be all dusty and abandoned but it was better than spend the night at least. The rain got heavier in the meantime and that made you want to rush in before your whole body would get wetter. Unfortunately for you, a stray cat was lurking there and it was too late before the feline's sharp green eyes caught your small figure. So you did what every mouse's instinct would tell them to do, you ran for your life and before you knew it you shout in pain as the cat's claws had given your back a deep scratch. You just stayed there laying against the ground and watched with wide eyes for your end to come. But then...
Even from the far distance, Ratigan could see what just happened and before he realized it, rage-filled through his veins as he rushed into the scene and stood right in front of you rather protectively with a wild expression across his face.
You lied there and watched with wide eyes as rat and cat had put themselves into a massive battle. Ratigan's grunts and shouting echoed with every scratch he gave...and took.
Eventually, the cat seemed to give up once they realized their possible 'meal' was lost, due to the multiple wounds Ratigan generously gave them. With an angry last hiss, the feline ran away leaving the rat barely able to stand on his feet while he was inhaling deeply.
His attention however took the sound of your whining that made him turn around to see you trying to stand on your feet. Your body was trembling from the pain and how much cold you were feeling.
You glanced up to him once you felt him holding your arm and his free hand supporting your back right below the area over where your injury was placed. "Thank you for...saving me" You managed to say weakly.
"Don't mention it dear" He responded in a rather serious tone before he gently helped you up.
'If you don't mind me ask, why did you save me?" You asked in curiosity but hissed in pain while the trails of blood were running against the fur-skin of your back.
A mischievous chuckle escaped from him once again. "An eye for an eye....that's the reason dearie~"
You just nodded in agreement and moved your free hand to open your bag over your waist and took out a small piece of paper and a pen. "Just give me one" You handed him the sketch that seems like a map. "Consider this as a 'thank you' for saving me from the cat" You sighted deeply and carefully got off from his hold and turn on your heel to leave.
"No, wait!" His hand grabbed your shoulder gently to stop you from moving any further, "Where will you go? You can't walk through the streets in such a state"
"A dear friend of mine who lives not very far will be more than happy to help me you don't have to worry about me Padraic. Use the locations I gave you wisely, there are two abandoned buildings that no mouse has set foot for years so...make your choice carefully" You pushed his hand away and glanced over your shoulder as you began to walk once again.
'Could it be possible she might know who I am?' Ratigan wondered but shooked these thoughts and disappeared through the shadows of the night.
For your sake (Basil x read x Ratigan) Chap2

Home sweet home
A strong familiar scent of cheese hit your nose. Ah yes Mrs. Dudson, your beloved mother figure was cooking as usual. You knocked a few times before the door opened slowly from the inside.
The old woman was left sock. "Y/ child, you're back!" She cried out happily and leads you inside as quickly as possible, pulling you into a warm embrace. "We missed you so much, it's been three months since our last talk...I bet Mr. Basil knew you would come. That little rascal didn't tell me in propose I know so. You lost weren't eating well enough, you're all wet and....and-" He blabbing was cut off once you both broke the hug and her expression turned in a terrified one once her glanced down to her hands that were covered with spots of blood.
"For goodness sake! What on earth happened to you!?" She asked in light panic while she helped you take off your ruined coat.
"A stray cat, that's what happened...fortunately I was able to escape" You explained before you let out an exhaustive sight as she helped you sit on the sofa near the fireplace. "Where is Basil by the way?"
"He's been out with his new partner for a job...he'll be back least that's what he told me when I saw him this morning. But the most important thing now is to clean up your injury, give you fresh clean clothes and of course something to eat" You smiled as she walked up the stairs that leads to the up floor.
*Time skip*
"Pfew, another case is finally solved. Dear god what a day" Dawson commented tiredly yet you could hear a bit of humor in the tone of his voice as well.
"Right you are, dear Dawson, right you are" The Detective brushed off his coat from the dust while he was walking proudly beside his partner. "Do let the satisfaction make you put your guard down any time soon. Remember, we always have to expect the unexpected at all times"
"Hmm, by the way, you're seems you still have plans for there something you wish to tell me, Basil?" The kind doctor questioned in curiosity and closed his umbrella as the final drops of rain led against the rocked ground.
"I am afraid you misunderstood me, my friend. We both need plenty of rest until the next case that might come. However, never forget to-'
"Always watch out for any possible trouble" They both finished the proposal, a thing that made them looked at each other with a knowing smile before they continued on their way back home.
*Time skip*
Mrs. Dudson looked outside from the window to see Basil and his partner who were finally back. "Quickly Y/N dear, hide!" The old woman whispered all excited already helping you up from your seat.
"Wait, it's not that easy" You giggled in amusement and made your way to the kitchen.
Once Basil entered inside with Dc Dawson following behind him both greeted Mrs. Dudson politely, in return she welcomed them back in a relieved manner they were all well and unharmed. Basil however noticed she acted more cheerful than usual.
"Oh my, is that blood I see over here?" Dawson asked while pointing with his finger over the small trails of blood against the sofa's leathered back.
There's when you came out from the kitchen slowly with a warm smile across your face. "Hey there, detective"
As soon as his ears perked the nostalgic sound of your voice he turned around to see you standing there with that smile....that smile he was lacking to see for so long and missed dearly.
His feet began to take steps towards you slowly but steadily as he had dropped his coat in the way, He stopped right before you with an unwritten expression while you both couldn't help but only stare, lost in each other eyes.
Your hand reached out to touch the side of his face but gasped as you felt his arms wrap around your waist and bringing you impossibly close against his body. You weren't able to control your actions either though when you found yourself hugging him back as tightly as he did with your face buried to his chest and your hands caressing his back.
His one hand moved up to be placed over the back of your head, which made you glanced up to him only for you to close your eyes and smile in bliss as you feel his slender fingers massaging you behind the ears.
A deep sight escaped from you, eyes still closed but eyebrows raised in surprise, relaxing right after you felt his lips planting sweet, tender kisses on your forehead. You giggle playfully and opened your eyes to see him staring down at you with your noses practically touching.
He moved his arms to pull you in an embrace once again, with his chin now resting upon your shoulder. "I've missed you so much..." Both of you managed to say at the same time witch made you chuckle.
Requests are open!

Greetings everyone. I'd like to inform you that I open my ask box for Black Butler, Hellsing Great mouse detective and Gotham requests.
You can choose between headcanons and one shots.
Smut has been added as a request choice. Warning won't accept smut that involves violence of any kind along with sadistic or masochistic stuff.
Thank you for reading this post and can't wait for your requests.
Ask Sebastian and Y\N a question! (here)
Ask Basil, Y\N and Ratigan a question! (here)
Ask Y/N and Alucard a question! (here)
I write for:
Black butler Masterlist
The great mouse detective Masterlist
Gotham Masterlist
Hellsing ultimate Masterlist
The great mouse detective Masterlist

My story
For your sake (Basil x reader x Ratigan) chapter 1
For your sake (Basil x read x Ratigan) Chapter 2
For your sake (Basil x reader x Ratigan) Chapter 3
Ask Basil, Y\N and Ratigan a question! (here)
Ask Basil, Y\N and Ratigan a question!

From now on dear readers you can Ask Basil, Y\N snd Ratigan or separatly if you so prefer a question. Just put your questions in my ask box please.
It can be any topic of any kind. You can ask about them, something about themselves or about a general matter.
Just remember to always be polite and patient. Thank you!
question 1 (for Basil and Y\N)
question 2 (for Ratigan)
Oi Mate- I dunno if the option to ask Y/N, Basil, or Ratigian is till open. But if it is I have a question for Ratigain. If you could go back and take the option to be "A Good Guy", would you take that chance?

Ratigan: Of course NOT! Being a villain is the greatest thing that happened to me because it opened portals of possibilities for me I never knew before. My wonderful evil schemes, the frightening faces of all those pathetic London citizens when I steal their precious belongings!
For your sake (Basil x read x Ratigan) Chap3

The rat in the potrait
Mrs. Judson and Basil's partner were smiling at the beautifully emotional view of you two as some tears of joy made their way down to the corners of the old woman's eyes.
"M-Mrs Judson....whatever is the matter?' The kind doctor questioned in slight confusion and placed a comforting hand over her shoulder.
"Oh My apologies Mr. David, it's just...these two haven't seen each other for years, and now that they're reunited...I can't help but feel happy for them. Only if you knew what they've been through" She whispered through her silent cries.
"Oh, then perhaps...with their permission, of course, you can tell me one day. I'd be more than happy to learn more about Basil's past. And As I can see..." He glanced over at his friend who was still hugging you. "It'll be very interesting-" Dawson gasped at the sight of the wound over your back. "Goodness gracious, Basil look!"
The detective broke the hug and turned you around, his eyes winded in could say he almost freaked out however his logic helped him remain calm as he swept you off your feet and held you in his arms. "Dawson, I believe you know what you have to do"
"Yes, yes...right away Basil!" His partner said quickly and rushed over the upstairs to get what he needs to treat your injury properly.
Meanwhile, your beloved detective had placed you to sit over a near table and helped you lift your upper clothes just a bit so the injury would be exposed. "Mrs. Judson helped me clean the blood away but It still hurts" You commented casually.
"I will never be able to understand how you always end up finding yourself in the most dangerous situations reporter" Basil commented back before he took a chair and sat right in front of you. "Tell me exactly what happened back there"
"Before I would visit you I wanted to take care of my old apartment but a stray cat was lurking there and they attacked the end, a stranger saved me and so I was able to come to you safely" You explained calmly and watched the doctor who walked back in the living room.
"I am afraid your wound needs to be sewed so it will close completely" He walked behind you and placed the aid kit right beside you.
Your skin tensed once you felt the wet cotton from the xylocaine against your flesh. It hurt but you can surely handle it, however, your attention caught Basil who took your hands to his and glanced up to you with a confident smile.
"Once you told me you'd return to London for good it made me feel extremely happy but also quite suspicious, what about your job?'
"My former job you mean. Yeah, indeed something happened. My ex-boss was cleaning black money by confronting his 'business' fellows with pictures from personal moments with their forbidden lovers. I managed to find enough proof to reveal the truth but also I got fired along with the rest of the people who used to work there. So after that, I decided nothing was holding me back and I decided to return to London and make a new start"
"A hero who isn't afraid no matter what the consequences might be. You haven't changed at all reporter and I am proud of you" His thumbs were stroking the surface of your hands.
"And you seemed to do much better...from how much you have developed yourself as about your work methods, and of course your success as DETECTIVE!!!" You shouted in pain as the needle made its way through your flesh. Fortunately, Basil was able to hold you in place at the right moment as doctor Dawson continued his job.
"I am sorry my dear, it won't take long" Just like Dawson said it didn't take long before bandages were wrapped around the specific area. "Mmm...I feel much better now. Thank you, dear doctor" You smiled and shook your hand with his who chuckled to your thanks.
"It was my duty to help such a good lady like you....who's friends with Basil. Now if you'll excuse me I need to get back to my room, I feel really tired and I suggest you take plenty of rest as well" He told you before he said his goodnight to Basil and Mrs. Dudson before he made his exit from the living room.
"Alright let's help you...down" You heard Basil saying but it was too late to refuse any of his assistance as he had already lift you off the table, now holding you by the waist with your feet automatically wrapped around him and supporting yourself with your hands placed over his shoulders.
"I don't think that's the proper way to let me down, detective" You commented with light pink cheeks and a small smirk.
"Are you sure about that, reporter?" The detective smirked back while walking and then placed you to sit over the sofa.
Once you realized what just happened you chuckled nervously mostly to yourself and rolled your eyes away. "Yeah, you're right"
"I am always right" He beamed proudly with a smug grin and closed eyes.
"I am not gonna even bother to give an answer" Your sarcasm didn't seem to affect him even a little since the only response he gave was to ruff the top of your head, a thing that made you chuckle in amusement and bring a smile to him as well.
"Stay here I am gonna bring some of my clothes for you to wear" He didn't give you time for a word to come out from you as he was already walking upstairs.
As you were about to pay a closer look and see how much the living room's decoration had changed, Mrs. Judson walked over to where you were with a tray full of cheese crepes and two cups of hot pumpkin flavor tea. You looked over her with a soft smiled and opened your arms wide. Not even a few seconds passed as the old woman placed the tray over the small table and now was down on her knees hugging you warmly. "How do you always know what I need mom?" You questioned almost in a whisper.
"A mother always knows what you need....even an adopted one" You both giggled as you buried your face to her shoulder, having the desire to breathe in her blissful scent that always says 'your mother is here...for both of your and Basil'.
Speaking of the devil...the detective was already back, you turned your head to see him standing right beside the sofa you were sitting with one of his white shirts and black pants hanging from his one arm. "Not even an hour passed since she finally came back to us and you already are doting on her, Mrs. Judson?"
"Look who's talking" Your reply was once again sarcastic however, Basil knew better it hid tease and sweetness behind it.
"The greatest mouse detective in London, thank you" He smirked down at you before you giggled and gave a playful light punch to his chest, which made him chuckle in return.
"Greatest'd be appreciated if you could kindly walk over the kitchen for a're not gonna be the one who will help Y\N change now will you?" Mrs. Judson stood up straight and glanced over Basil with a rather firm expression with her hands placed over her hips.
The detective handed her the clothes and with a snob half-lidded-eyed face he turned on his heel to walk away. He didn't even have time to walk past the door as Mrs. Judson grabbed his wrist and forced him to bend down to height as if she wanted to whisper to him something short like a secret.
"Once you'll set foot over there, please make sure to check the oven, I am baking both your favorite dessert" She whispered silently and pushed him through the door that closed immediately once he entered the kitchen.
After some time you let your body fall gently back to the sofa as the sigh of relief escaped from your mouth. "Ah, that feels much better" You commented softly.
Mrs. Judson couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of you feeling all dry and relaxed. "Oh Mr. Basil there you are, is...everything alright?" She turned away from you to face him.
"Indeed, you can go and have a look yourself. Also, I thank you from mine and Y\N's part for the cheese crepes and the tea" He moved and placed a chair right across the sofa you were before he took a seat.
"You don't have to thank me for such simple stuff. Anyway, I better leave you two alone to chat. I will be up to the attic and prepare the extra bed we have for our Y\N"
"I was about to ask you if need my help with this matter, I mean it might be pretty heavy for you to pull it all the way over my bedroom..." He said before he took a sip from his cup.
A wide smiled made its way to the corners of your lips once you heard what Basil just said. Sleeping in the same room with him? That reminded you of a lot of old yet fun memories you and your dearest friend shared together.
"Oh no, it's fine. I may be old but my strength hasn't failed me yet" You watched her sending you a playful wink and walk away.
"Does your injury still hurt?' Basil pointed out in curiosity.
"A bit...but I can handle it, not to worry" You smiled nervously as you felt your cheeks warmed up again. "H-Hey, the house has a phone now!"
"What....? Oh, yes! We placed it just a few days ago, it cost somehow but it's was worth the money for sure. Now I don't have to walk all the way over the telephone booth just for a call and people can ask for my assistance from there too" He explained while staring over the wall where it was placed.
"I can also see your passion for science and creation isn't lost through the years" You praised once your eyes caught the second long table where many science objects like flask bottles, chemical glasses, and much more stuff lied here and there. randomly.
"I bet your wild passion for taking pictures is still that strong as well" The detective smiled as you were chewing a cheese crepe happily.
"You know me very well detective, as I know you. Both of us have passions that lead us forward through our lives but that doesn't mean we won't be there for each other no matter what, after all, that was the vow we gave a LONG time ago
"I remember very well what we promised back then, and that's why you will stay with me as much as possible. It might take a long for the mouse police to chase the cat away from your apartment for good, plus getting your house back to normal will take a while too. I mean, you should come here from the very start. You know quite well this house belongs to you as much as it does to me, we grew up here together for god's sake! And if you'd come to me that blasted cat wouldn't hurt you" He crossed arms and looked quite disappointed while in reality, he was worried about how much worst things could be, like what if that cat would actually... He shook his head in a try to get this horrible thought out of his mind.
The scolding didn't make your smiled drop even a bit. You loved the fact that your detective still cared for you as deeply as you care for him as well.
The conversation went rather smoothly after that as you both talked about many topics while eating. It was getting late when you finished with your food, now with a full and satisfied stomach you slowly stood up from the seat.
"Wait!" Basil got off his chair and held you by the shoulders gently. "Please don't move that abruptly, you need to be careful"
"Don't worry that much" You laughed as you casually turned your gaze to look upon the fireplace only to see the portrait of a certain rat hanging up there along with a lot of newspaper pieces and aside from all these a small solid brass handbell with a wood handle.
"Wh-who's that..." Your eyes winded when drops of sweat appeared on your face and for an unknown reason, your breath became heavier as the seconds passed and your vision slowly went to black.
The last thing you heard was Basil's voice screaming out for you. "Y\N!"

Patreon request! Possessive Ratigan!

whoopsies my redraw slipped out of my paws
og image


i drew characters i haven’t drawn in a bit!!!!
David from the muck of Merkmere just gives ratigan vibes so much