Election 2016 - Tumblr Posts
What she says: I'm fine.
What she means: Hillary Rodham Clinton is a liar, traitor, murderer and defender of rapists. She has broken numerous laws of these United States and has been indicted for her crimes. Yet in spite of all evidence implying her guilt, the laws set forth by our own representatives are being actively and maliciously ignored by everyone who has a vested interest in her campaign. Her continued existence and freedom makes me sick, and should I hear of a group of organized protesters picketing the Clinton campaign, I would give them my full support without second thought or hesitation.
Regardless of what Trump stands by, I would rather have him as president than somebody who actively cheated during the primaries, and lied to the government concerning whether or not the e-mails on her private server had classified information on them, and deserves to go to jail for it.
I’m not saying I like Trump, but I would rather have him be president than her.
I don’t care if you don’t like Hillary. I don’t care if you were Bernie’s #1 supporter. I don’t care if Jill Stein “speaks” to you.
Listen to me. Today in class, we had a poll. Many of the students refused to vote because #NeverHillary and #DumpTrump and #I'mTooCoolForPolitics.
It came out 70% Trump. Trump won my class, because the left-leaning students refused to vote.
I know this election sucks. I know both candidates are problematic. But if you don’t go out there and vote for Hillary, Trump WILL be president. Our country WILL go to hell, and we WILL NOT make any real progress towards LGBT+ rights, women’s rights, or the rights of people of color. The right to have an abortion will be more heavily restricted, if not repealed. Our economy will continue to struggle because Trump will not raise taxes on the rich like we so desperately need to do. The environment will continue to hurt, as Trump has shown no real concern with environmental issues, and so will education. He has no political experience. NONE.
Please vote for Hillary. Please keep this misogynistic, racist, homophobic, and selfish man out of our government. We don’t need any more.
You people are acting like America just got taken over by a Nazi regime. Get the hell over yourselves. Just because somebody got elected through a democratic process doesn’t mean suddenly all human rights get taken away from minorities and the like. The Wall is never going to happen. The ban on Muslims is never going to go through. No sane person would allow them. The main reason people voted for Trump was because they were fed up with the establishment and wanted some change, and Hillary Clinton wasn’t going to give it to them. Just because Trump won doesn’t mean all white people are racist, sexist, homophobic a-holes. I’m actually kinda hoping the electoral college votes for Clinton in December so all you whiners will finally shut the hell up.
Listen, anon. You can come back to America and I guarantee that you will not suddenly become an unperson.
I am from America but currently staying in Japan, and now I'm really considering not going back. It's really sad that it's only been a few days, and I'm already questioning how safe my country would be for a queer trans person. Like one I can hide, but one is quite visible.
Yes, I am worried too much.. I wish they were always safe.
Answer this, Trump.
Your VP has said you will be anti-LGBT. Honestly, I was expecting that. But now you say that you'll be a President for "every American". Well? Aren't LGBT people American citizens? Aren't they worth your Presidency too?
Cast your vote now. #GOT2016
Hillary Clinton sends a hopeful and gracious message in her concession speech
You do realize these are the same kind of public polls that made Ron Paul a top Republican candidate back in the day?
Online media vs online polls
>conspiracy theorists’ faces when they see tumblr’s april fools prank
things i can vote for that do not involve choosing hillary or trump
Senator 2 congressional districts Governor Lieutenant Governor Secretary of State for the State of Washington State Treasurer State Auditor Attorney General Commissioner of Public Lands Superintendent of Public Instruction Insurance Commissioner 9 different Legislative Districts State Supreme Court State Superior Court 4 different measures
Source: King County Official Local Voter’s Pamphlet, 2 Aug 2016 Primary and Special Election edition
AND IF YOU REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY MUST NOT VOTE HILLARY (full disclosure: Jill Stein supporter from the outset)
Look at me. Look me in the eye. On November the 8th, 2016, one of two things will happen: Hillary Clinton will become president, or Donald Trump will become president. These are the only two possibilities. The superdelegates aren’t going to switch. An indictment isn’t coming. There is no third possibility. There is no space between the spaces where you can hide. Every vote for Donald Trump requires two Hilary Clinton votes to overcome. A Hillary Clinton vote can only be overcome by two Donald Trump votes. If you stay home, a Donald Trump vote doubles its power. This is the real, actual reality of the situation. There is not one other option.
I’m voting Green in a deep blue state though so I should be fine :V
If Sanders doesn’t get the nomination, and you can’t see yourself voting for Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump, then don’t. Vote third party.
Consider the Libertarian or Green Party.
Don’t feed the establishment by voting for Clinton, and don’t feed authoritarian isolationism by voting for Trump.
"The Democratic Party is a master of reformist performance. They claim to care about the plight of black bodies and offer half measures that serve to placate black voters. Yet they are beholden to multi-national corporations and are incapable of introducing and implementing radical policies that will fundamentally reshape the anti-black construction of this nation. The Democratic establishment will never call for the abolition of law enforcement or economic reparations for black bodies; instead they’ll call for police-worn body cameras and (maybe) “independent” oversight.“
Realize, Cliton or Trump IS NOT the whole election. In Congress, every seat in the House & 34 seats in the Senate are up for bid, there are State House & Senate seats, 12 State governors, offices for cities & counties, judgeships, police chiefs, and amendments all over the United States and territories. These will directly affect your life for years to come. Your vote counts, you vote for your future now.
Yeah, this is super important. Our voter information guide is 243 pages long in California this year, because there are *tons* of things to vote on. I know it’s time consuming, and I know it’s frustrating to look at candidates you aren’t crazy about, but that ballot is what you have to work with, That ballot is your opportunity to make your voice count, so please take it seriously and do it.
actually america gonna have a new president on january 20
we’re just gonna know who that is next week
america gonna have a new president in a week
a country settled by religious fanatics too conservative for England, built by slaveowners and with an overseas empire voting one of its kind into power?
color me shocked
okay but literally how did the libertarians spoil the vote in florida
Nader spoiled Gore’s vote because Greens tend to be liberal
Libertarians are usually ex-Republicans and the party was set up by a Koch Brother, their party is literally the opposite of Hillary’s
if anything they wanted Trump to win to set up for a Libertarian future vote
Those are the same fucking polls that virtually guaranteed Trump the election. For all we know Trump will get 80%+ approval ratings for what he’s going to do.
p a n i c
First, understand that the opposite of panic is not blithe acceptance of the situation – it’s clear-minded, positive, day-to-day action. Panic makes you do stupid shit or, even worse, curl up into a ball and do nothing. Don’t tell me you have reason to panic. You never have reason to panic. You have reason to act.
So yeah, be upset for as long as you want. Get drunk. Do whatever you have to do. After that, I want you to sober up, splash water on your face, and consider some facts.
Gay marriage has overwhelming support nationwide – 55 percent to 37 percent against.
Legal abortion is favored by 56 percent, with 41 percent opposed.
The vast majority of the population supports background checks for gun buyers – up to 90 percent in some polls.
A majority of Americans support some kind of universal health care, 58 percent to 37 percent.
64 percent of Americans are worried about global warming. Only 36 percent are not.
And – get this – Americans overwhelmingly agree that immigration helps the country more than it hurts, by a 59 percent to 33 percent margin.
Your country didn’t go anywhere. It’s right here where you left it. America is nothing more than a big ol’ collection of people, and those people are more diverse and progressive than they have ever been. That train won’t be stopped. Donald Trump’s supporters are by and large an aging and shrinking demographic. We didn’t see the backlash coming, but that’s on us – a look at our history would have taught us to expect it.
In light of that, there are a few things to understand going forward.
Don’t Panic
A little annoyed...
I was dismissed as being a 'college student' in a conversation about the election. (A logical point I had to make by the way.) Like excuse me, I am a logical, well informed adult with strong beliefs and values. Being a student in college should not be an issue. And whoever I vote for is not your business. I will vote for the person who I feel is the best, whether you feel the same or not. That is it. Thank you.
Manny has asspirations.