Emiya Kiritsugu - Tumblr Posts

アサミヤさ~ん、こっち来て先輩に挨拶して~~! by Yuko.
※Permission to upload this was given by artist. Please support the artist by favoriting and retweeting the artwork.

アサミヤさ~ん、こっち来て先輩に挨拶して~~! by Yuko.
※Permission to upload this was given by artist. Please support the artist by favoriting and retweeting the artwork.

Parents by MkdNapper.
※Permission to upload this was given by artist. Please support the artist by favoriting and retweeting the artwork.
This may be Fate/Zero

I have a crush on him and I can’t help it

Please let me know if you guys would like me to do more of these bc I have some in my drafts
OMFG ? x'D

So it’s official.

hahahaha ! Fate / yuri kuma x'D http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=48352321

Next time. Choose your words wisely.
“I’d say ‘fuck you’ but then I noticed I don’t have a single fuck to waste on you.”
— Emiya Kiritsugu, to Kotomine Kirei, probably
Kirei: What’s the best way to kill someone?
Irisviel: K-
Kiritsugu: If we are talking about stealth, then potassium cyniade; otherwise, everything from a knife to a bazooka works.

the second picture would have been worse if i decided to do all saberfaces and not just artorias

アサミヤさ~ん、こっち来て先輩に挨拶して~~! by Yuko.
※Permission to upload this was given by artist. Please support the artist by favoriting and retweeting the artwork.
Sometimes I think about the fact Saber cuckolded Kiritsugu and then proceeded to fuck his son(s).

I always love when how Shirou sees Kiritsugu is contrasted to how everyone else does

Fourth holy grail war 🔥

Already posted this but now is a riso print😳
Want this? Find it here <3

Emiya Kiritsugu.

Kiritsugu Emiya says: Trans Rights