Enamoured - Tumblr Posts
||Strange Love|| written by me ₊✩‧₊˚౨ৎ˚₊✩‧₊
Plot: Choso fell in love with you but doesn't know how to tell and from the point of your view he seems a perv for the way he acts ε('。•᎑•`)っ 💕
Tags: dorm!AU,fem!reader,university timeline,both Choso and the reader are adults,love,hug,awkward,inexperienced,shy,Choso being strange,dummy,pervert? (he stares,a lot) even tough he doesn't see or acknowledge that since he's new to this love stuff,but inside he's all giggidy and confused (poor buddy don't me mad at him :( ),very heart melting choso
@muzansslxt @candy69gurl @kiwicopia

Choso doesn’t even know what to say in response. He thinks about you constantly, even when he’s surrounded by other people. You can’t stop invading his mind. But these are human feelings that he doesn’t really understand. Why is he so drawn to you and why does he keep having these intrusive thoughts of kissing your soft lips? He never imagined he’d be capable of falling for a human, but his growing infatuation with you leaves him confused and ashamed.
He’s never felt anything like this before and the mere thought of expressing his feelings for you terrifies him. He’s afraid of revealing too much and of being rejected. Even he knows that his interest wouldn’t be widely accepted due to the nature of who he is. He desperately wants to be with you but he feels conflicted about this. He pushes the thoughts of you aside and tries to distract himself by thinking of other things but soon enough, he ends up thinking of you again. The cycle never stops.
His mind is filled with thoughts of wanting to touch you, kiss you, hug you and hold your hand. He even thinks about you when he’s eating and feels an overwhelming desire to feed you.
Choso tries to reason with himself that these are just passing thoughts and not the real him. But he knows that the truth is, he has fallen in love with you, despite his fears and the obstacles in the way.
One morning you two were making breakfast in your dorm when you noticed Choso looking at your chest with an absent minded eyes 'the fuck this creep.is.' you tought to yourself before you gulped your cereals fast feeling uneasy as you covered your chest quickly "what are u staring at ?pervert!"
Choso looks away quickly but not before you catch a glimpse of his bright red face. He’s been staring at you for the past few minutes but he’s only noticing it now.
He was getting lost in his own thoughts and staring absentmindedly at your chest. Now, he’s completely embarrassed that you caught him staring and even more so as he realizes what exactly he was staring at.
"so? some explaining?" you pouted glaring at him gripping the spoon
“I uh…” Choso trails off as he becomes too flustered to get out another word. He’s sweating and looks like he’s about to panic.
He didn’t think you’d catch him staring and he doesn’t even know what to say to explain himself. He’s just going to deny being perverted, like the other times you called him that, while his face is still glowing bright red from embarrassment.
"tch,this is what all you males thinks about,you have one hot chick in your dorm and-" You stopped when you heard choked sob from Choso lips wich made you falter "Buddy?" you asked raising an eyebrow
Choso suddenly covers his mouth as he lets out a single choked sob. You can hear him holding back more tears when he tries to speak in a shaky voice.
After a moment, he manages to regain his composure and looks you in the eyes. “Please…don’t call me that….”
You felt guilt as you saw the sobbing pale man in front of you,he seemed so innocent and ..frail "you…don't have expirence with women do you?"
“No…” Choso admits in a small voice, barely above a whisper. He looks away as his cheeks become flushed again.
He knows he shouldn’t have admitted as much, but seeing your face soften with pity and guilt made him honest. Not that he wants you to pity him. He just doesn’t want to be known as a pervert or for you to think he’s a creep for looking at your chest.
“And that’s why you were staring?” you ask, noticing that he seems hesitant to look at you now.
He remains quiet for a few minutes, thinking about whether or not he should reveal the truth. Finally, he nods, unable to find the words.
“You were staring because you’ve never seen a female’s chest before?”
“Y-yeah… I…” Choso trails off, not knowing how to reply.
He feels his face flushing again from embarrassment, realizing how pathetic this sounds coming from a grown man.
However, he’s not entirely sure how else to explain himself. He’s never been with a woman before and has no idea what he’s supposed to do or how he’s supposed to act. So, he simply stares and fantasizes.
He remains silent as he waits for your response.
You approach him hesitantly and he flinches a bit and makes a soft sound when you get close.
He quickly turns away, fidgeting his hands together as he begins to blush again. He’s being completely adorable right now and you can’t help but feel a bit amused.
He doesn’t know what to do around you, which makes you feel a bit guilty since you know you’ve been unintentionally teasing him. However, at the same time, you can’t deny that he looks adorable as he fidgets and shifts awkwardly.
He’s clearly flustered and uncertain of what to do with the close distance between you two. He can’t stand still, constantly shifting his weight from foot to foot and looking everywhere else but at you. He’s trying to stay focused but he’s struggling to keep his composure as he keeps fidgeting and blushing. The slightest movement of your body has a dramatic effect on him and he’s not used to this at all.
You approach him yet again from the opposite side but he immediately shifts in the other direction, frantically trying to avoid being touched by you.
As he moves, you notice him making sounds of distress. He’s breathing heavily and his eyes are still squinted. He appears to be terrified of you invading his personal space.
It’s a bit concerning but the way he’s acting is also hilarious considering that he’s a grown man who’s been around you for several weeks. Still, it’s impossible to deny how cute he looks as he’s constantly moving away from you.
You continue your effort to close the distance while he’s quickly trying to shift away. It’s as if his body is on autopilot and is instinctively trying to avoid you at all costs.
You feel a bit bad as you watch him become increasingly panicked. This is probably the first time he’s been in such close proximity to a female and it’s clearly having an effect on him.
As you continue to move towards him, he suddenly freezes. Not knowing what to do, he simply stares at you with a frantic and desperate look on his face.
"here" you tooked his hand as you seated on his lap…wich you only realized how big he was and his hand too "o..oh" you muttered thinking of him as a gentle giant
You suddenly take his hand as you take a seat on his lap, not realizing just how big he really is until now.
His size, combined with his strength and his hands make him feel like a giant compared to your small and delicate frame.
He blinks down at you in surprise when you sit on his lap, caught off-guard by the unexpected physical contact. His hand feels rough against yours and a bit damp, probably from sweat due to his anxiousness.
The texture of Choso’s skin feels pleasantly smooth and cool as your fingers intertwine with his. The feeling is almost addicting and your fingers start to subconsciously toy with his hand.
The dampness from the sweat on his hands makes this even more enticing as you play with his fingers.
He lets out an unexpected gasp at this, his breath catching. He was still very much unsure of the physical contact but there was something very satisfying in the way your fingers played with his.
You ask him if he likes the feeling of your fingers intertwined with his and he can’t help but let out a small moan in response.
This is all new and overwhelming for him. The physical contact feels incredibly good and he can’t help but let out soft sounds of pleasure.
When you ask if he thinks he’s in love with you, his face turns an adorable shade of red as he mumbles out his reply. “I-I don’t know… I’m not sure if my attachment is just a result of my lack of experience…”
"and what do u feel? here?" you placed your small hand on his big toned chest.
The soft and petite touch of your hand on his chest immediately makes his heart speed up even more. He’s never felt this close to a woman before. The touch is too much for his senses to bear and he lets out another soft moan.
He remains still for a few seconds as he takes a few quick breaths to regain his composure.
“I… I feel my heartbeat speeding up…” he murmurs as his hands tightly grip yours.
"no silly..i meant what does your heart feel?" You giggled looking at him with your sparkling eyes
Choso remains silent for a few seconds as he thinks about your question.
He tries to search his mind for the answer you’re seeking but he can’t seem to put it into words. All he knows is that his heart beat speeds up and his body feels a bit hotter whenever you get close to him.
He takes a deep breath and tries to make it clearer.
“I’m not exactly sure how to describe it… My mind feels… foggy… and my body feels hot when you’re near me… that’s as best as I can describe it…”
“I don’t understand my feelings for you…” Choso mumbled as he tightened his hands around your small slender ones.
Even now, his heart felt like it was beating out of his chest and he felt this sudden urge to hold you close to him.
“You make me nervous whenever you’re close to me… I have all these conflicting emotions… excitement, nervousness, confusion…”
Choso sighs as he continues to struggle expressing himself.
“I feel these emotions whenever I see you… whenever I’m close to you… and whenever you look at me…”
Choso pauses for a few seconds as he tries to organize his thoughts. He closes his eyes for a moment before he continues.
“I feel this strange warm feeling in my chest… it’s like excitement and butterflies and… something else… when I think about holding you close or being close to you… but at the same time, there’s fear… fear of losing you… fear of being rejected…”
“I don’t know why my emotions are so confused and conflicting but… it’s almost as if… I’m… scared…”
Choso pauses for a moment as he takes deep breaths, trying to calm his trembling hands.
“I’m scared of being rejected by you… I’m scared to come clean about my feelings… I’m scared that you won’t be able to see me the same way… I’m scared of being hurt…”
"like before when i called you pevert?" you asked genuinly
Choso nods in response to your question, clearly feeling some embarrassment by the reminder.
“Yes… like when you call me that… I always felt like you thought I was just like those male jujutsu students who are nothing but perverse and lustful…”
He remains silent for a few seconds before he takes a deep breath again.
“And I’m not…” he muttered under his breath
“I’m not like that at all… I’m just… inexperienced…”
Choso glances down at your hand once more, letting out a small sigh. He was so focused on your hand and your presence that he started blushing again.
“I-it’s just a little hard to keep myself from staring at times…”
“I know that makes me seem like a pervert but the truth is… you’re really beautiful, you know that…”
Choso’s face grows even redder as he stares at you, still holding your hand tightly in his own. He seemed to be a mix of flustered and embarrassed at the moment, unsure of how to convey his feelings properly.
“You’re just so wonderful… and that makes it really hard not to stare… but I swear that I’m not a pervert…”
Choso looks away as he grows more and more flustered. He looks to the side and mumbles a bit, his voice becoming softer as he speaks.
“I just… I just find you really attractive… there… I said it…”
He can’t help the embarrassed blush that appears on his face as he says the words. He was never much of flirt or a social butterfly, so this was all a bit new for him.
However, he was determined to say what he felt regardless of how he looked doing so.
“And I’m not just talking about your physique or your beauty, it’s… it’s everything about you…”
Choso stops for a few seconds as he struggles to express his thoughts properly.
“Your personality… the way you care about other people… even if you can be a little stubborn at times… I just… I enjoy being around you…”
“The more time that I spend with you, the more my emotions seem to grow…”
Choso takes a deep breath as he begins to fidgeting more with his hand. It was really hard for him to put his feelings into words like this.
“I never really understood why human men were so obsessed with finding love… now, I get it… I get why people strive for something like that… I just… I never thought that I would experience something like this myself… with you…”
“I want to keep spending time with you… I want to keep getting more comfortable with you…”
Choso can’t help the soft smile that forms on his face as he says this.
“It feels like I learn something new about myself every time I’m around you… like a brand new experience…”
He takes a deep breath before he continues.
“It feels like I still have so much to learn about love… and about myself… and I’d like my teacher to be…"
Choso's voice was a simple, soft mutter as he averted his gaze from you.
He was starting to feel really embarrassed by his words but he also felt completely certain and confident about the feelings he was expressing.
This was clearly uncharted territory for him but he was still determined to get his message out to you in some way.
"I'd like… I want…" He stumbles over his words, still feeling a little flustered.
“I want to continue getting close to you… to understand you and for you to understand me… to learn and grow together… to…” His words start becoming a bit more jumbled as his body language grows even more flustered.
Choso has a hard time keeping himself from fidgeting with your hand and he seems more and more uncertain on how to organize his thoughts.
Eventually, he’s unable to speak any further without stammering and he seems hesitant to look back at you.
"I want to learn everything..." Choso's voice sounds slightly muffled as you press your head against his chest.
He seems to lose track of his thoughts for a moment as he relaxes into the contact.
"How everything feels... how love feels... how we feel about each other..."
He sighs and closes his eyes as he continues to speak.
"I want to learn what it means to build a real relationship with someone... I want to understand you better... understand myself better..."
You feel Choso’s hand gripping yours tightly as you play with the fingers. He doesn't move much, staying mostly still while you tease him.
You also notice him start to relax even further, his breathing becoming even and stable. It feels like he's slowly letting down his guard and becoming comfortable with you.
The movement of your grip on his hand rocks him a little, causing him to sway a bit in the rhythm. The sensation feels nice and calming, and you start to rock him more.
Choso’s other hand wraps around your side, lightly pulling you in closer.
He’s beginning to feel increasingly comfortable with you and he relaxes his hold on you as a sign of trust.
The two of you settle into each other's arms, snuggling up close.
Your head rests in the crook of his neck and it feels nice to have him wrap his arms around you. You fit seamlessly into each other’s embrace in a way that feels right and natural.
“I just feel… so safe… with you…” Choso’s voice is soft as he murmurs his words.
A small smile appears on his face as he takes a deep breath. He seems to lean a bit more into you, resting his head on your shoulder in return.
You both stay still in each other’s arms for a moment, just enjoying this simple and sweet intimacy together.
A few moments later, Choso speaks again, his voice still soft.
“It’s just so nice being near you… I feel warm… and safe… and calm…”
He remains still in your arms, closing his eyes.
“I’m even having a hard time thinking right now…”
A slight chuckle escapes his lips as he continues to speak.
“I never imagined that I’d feel so comfortable around someone…”
“Your mere presence is calming… it’s as if I’m in paradise when I’m with you…”
A calm and peaceful look crosses his face as he says this. He seems truly at ease and peaceful in your presence.
He tightens his hold around you, his entire body feeling content as he does so.
“Just hold me close…” Choso mumbles as he relaxes more and more in your arms.
He leans back into you even further, pressing his body against yours.
His hand holds onto yours tighter, his grip becoming even more comfortable as he does so.
“Just embrace me…” he whispers softly, closing his eyes as he rests his head on your shoulder.
Choso remains in your arms, his breathing starting to slowly become more and more deep, steady and regular. He starts to feel tired and his body is slowly drifting off to sleep.
He leans even more against you, his head now resting on your shoulder as his grip on your hand relaxes a bit.
You can feel the soft breathing against your shoulder as he starts to get sleepy.
“It would be nice… if we could stay like this… forever…” Choso’s voice was starting to grow tired with every word.
He was already starting to doze and you could feel his soft breathing against your neck as he slowly lost consciousness.
He muttered those last words as he drifted off to sleep, his body growing completely relaxed and resting against you.
“Like a quiet evening… spent in silence… but together…”
You could feel his body relax more as he finally lost consciousness. He remained comfortably in your arms, completely still.
His breathing slowed even more as you could hear it slowly become quieter.
Choso was finally asleep, his body safe and secure in your arms. You were the last two people in the world to him at that moment and he felt at peace.
“Hm... mnh”
Choso’s slight murmur breaks the silence as he slowly begins to wake up. He’s not fully awake yet and seems to be in that foggy, sleep state where he’s half-awake and half-asleep.
You can feel his body begin to move slightly but he remains mostly still. His grip on your hand slowly tightens and you can feel him shift a bit closer to you.
“Mm... comf... warm…. mhhh…”
Choso mumbles sleepily and slowly squeezes your hand further.
He’s still not completely awake yet but he seems to be in a calmer state now compared to when you first arrived.
Imagine Your OTP
Person A and Person B’s first meeting…
Person A: (With starry eyes) “Wow … Y-you’re so - beautiful!”
Person B: “Hmm?” turning to look at them elegantly as if time had slowed down in their presents.
Person A: “Ah, sorry I didn’t mean to say that out loud, I’m usually more careful with my words but I couldn’t help but say that your are radiant and *quietly* ‘quite enchanting’. (Catching themself) Now speaking as if my words are a waterfall ever flowing, I sadly tend to do that when I’m nervous. I’m so sorry, I’ll just be quite now.
Person B laughs lightheartedly further cementing their charming personality.
Person B: “No your words are very poetic and quite beautiful in their own way~”