Imagine Your Ship - Tumblr Posts
Imagine Your Otp
Person A coming back for work after their break where they and Person B had a sweet and heartwarming confession...
Co-worker: “Are you okay? Why are you crying?”
Person A: (All teary and happy) “I’m sorry, I just got back from witnessing the most beautiful thing possible. I’ll be alright, please continue.”
Bonus: Person B is there and either whispers or outright yells “It was me!”
Other Bonus: Their friends at work betting on the fact it’s about Person B.
Alternative Bonus: Person B isn’t there but senses them being referenced.
Imagine Your Otp
Person A: (Walking away, waving their hand with a light laugh) “Oh sure, sure dearest-”
Person B: “Dearest?”
Person A with their back still turned, they pause. Their eyes widen as they pursing their lips together in shock at the realization of what they just said. Then proceeding to play it off, not daring to face them.
Person A: “Yes, is something the matter with me calling you that? Would you prefer it if I stopped-”
Person B: NO! *ahem* No, uh. It’s quite alright. It’s no problem to me.”
Person A: (Looks back to them and nods) “A-alright, take care.”
As Person A walks out of the room they both take a big sigh of relief and give a soft smile in the direction of the other.
Imagine Your Otp
Person A: (Makes a mistake with something) “Oh, worthless, stupid me!”
Person B: “Not to me, my dear. Quite the contrary actually, you are radiant, brilliant you~”
Imagine Your Otp
Person A: “I don’t even wear lipstick in my day to day life, but all I feel is this everlasting wish to do so around you. That way when I kiss you, you could see every bit of my love for you visibly on your face when you look in the mirror~”
Person B: (With a large amount of blush on their cheeks after hearing this statement) “Oh, okay~” (they said with a bashful smile, keeping their eyes away from looking at them with a shyness)
Imagine Your Otp
Person A: (shyly asks) “Why do you look at me like that? No one has ever looked at me like that”
Person B: (as they gaze into their eyes with every bit of affection within them) “Well then that is a shame then because I can’t even begin to fathom how anyone could ever look at you with anything less than pure admiration or affection~”
Imagine your OTP
Person A: “I’m sorry but it looks like I’m going to have to confiscate that from you.”
Person B: “W-what?”
Person A: “Your love, it would seem you have taken mine. So it’s only fair for you to give yours in return.”
Imagine Your Otp
Person A: “Aw, you’re so sweet to me. Be careful or else some might begin to think you have feelings for me.”
Person B: (says with a neutral expression) “I do.”
Person A: (asks stunned) “What?”
Imagine Your OTP
Person B: “What are you looking at?” (They said with a light smile.)
Person A: “Nothing!” (Replied nervously)
Person B: (They asked with a growing smirk) “Could it be that you were admiring me by any chance?”
Person A: “Well it wouldn’t be out of the realm of possibility.” (Keeping their eyes down with a rosy glow to their cheeks.)
Person B: “Aw, come here!”
Person B then pulls Person A in for a warm and loving hug.
Imagine Your OTP
Person B: “I’m quite very fond of you, my dear~”
Person A: (they looked up, hopeful but quickly pushing away the thought in fear of later being hurt by dishonesty) “Please don’t lie, it’s not very becoming.”
Person B: (with a charming smile) “Well it’s a good thing that I’m not lying then.”
Imagine your OTP
Person B: “Your eyes are so beautifully lit up.”
Person A: “They only light that way because my eyes reflect the light I see when I’m with you. As the moon reflects off the light of the sun.”
Imagine your OTP
Person A is looking at Person B with admiration and awe when Person B looks up at them and asks “what is it?” With a light chuckle.
Person A: (now nervously sifting their gaze) “I just wanted to ask i-if I may hug y-you?”
Person B: (with a bit of surprise that subsides to a warm smile, they hold their arms open wide and says) “Come here~”
Person A rushes over and hugs them close.
Person B: “Has anyone ever told you that you give such wonderful hugs?”
Person A: “Ironically no, I’ve been told that I always give stiff ones.”
Person B: (with a smile) “Well I think they’re wonderful. Just .like. you~” they say as they gently tap their nose the three times with each stop. Then nuzzles them as they hug.
Imagine your OTP
Person A: “Sorry to ask but-“
Person B: Oh no, ask even if you asked me for the moon and stars I wouldn’t hesitate to get them for you~”
Person A: (Stunned) “Thank you but I was just going to ask for a juice box.”
Person B: “Oh, of course.”
Imagine Your OTP
Person A stares absentmindedly at Person B and asks “How do you do make me fall more and more in love with you with every passing moment~”
Person B: (surprised but asks back with a hopeful confused chuckle) “You’re in love with me?”
Person A: (realizing what they just said and let’s put a soft) “Ah!” (Then takes a deep breath and exhales) “Yes, of course I am. I would be a fool if I wasn’t.”
Imagine Your OTP
Person B kisses Person A’s cheek softly waking them up with a tired smile looks up at them and says...
Person A: “Oh, H-hello! What are you doing.”
Person B: “Well I’m trying to awaken my dear sleeping beauty~”
Person A: (propping the self up with a laugh) “Me? Come now, between the both of us I think we can safely say that you are the sleeping beauty in the relationship.” (As they gently boop Person B’s nose)
Person B: “Ha, If you say so.”
Person A: “And I do.” (Booping their nose again)
Person B chuckles at their tired partner’s antics, takes their hand in theirs and kisses it.
Person B: “Perhaps we can both agree that we are both the others beauty then my dearest~”
Imagine Your OTP
Head of organization: “Alright Person A, now I need you to engage the enemy!”
Person A: “Alright, Person B will you marry me?”
Person A: (says very plainly) “But they already said yes and we are in love.”
Person B: (Speaks into Person A’s headset whilst hugging them affectionately) “And you’ll find it quite hard for me to let the love of my life go that easily!”
Imagine Your OTP
Person A: “Am I suppose to not feel the urge to kiss you-
Person B: (in a stunned blushing mess) “I-“
Person A: “Because I am failing Miserably!”
Leans to at least kiss their nose, cheeks and forehead
Imagine Your OTP
Person A: “Why do you look at me like that? (Tilts their head to the side confusedly) Have I done something worthy of praise?” They asked shyly.
Person B: (with an admiring look) “Oh my dear, you always do~”
They answer as they take Person A’s hands in their own.
Imagine Your OTP
Someone: “Ha, do you see that idiot!”
Person A: (Looms over them with a pleasantly menacing stare) “Excuse Me but that ‘idiot’ happens to be my partner and I do not take too kindly to people being unpleasant to them so please be kinder when speaking about them!”
Imagine Your OTP
Person B: “You’re so adorable/beautiful~”
Person A: (looks away self consciously) “Oh come now, you can’t possible mean that.”
Person B: “Why wouldn’t I?”
Person A: “Well why on earth would you? Look at me!”
Person B: “I am (they gentle take their hands in their own and looks deeply into their eyes) and all I see is magnificent, wonderful you~”
Imagine your OTP
Person B: “It is quite beautiful, isn’t it?”
Person A: (look at them with complete and utter fondness) “Yes you are~”
Person B: “Pardon?”
Person A: “Yes it is! Yes it is I said!”
Person B: (glances to Person A with a growing grin) “Of course. Your response wasn’t about how I am beautiful!”
Person A: (sputtering in shock) “I-I-I”
Person B: (chuckling as they turn to admire them, then giving a gentle boop to their nose) “Don’t worry, I think you’re beautiful too~”