End Of Our Story - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Tidal Wave

Today, my guitar strums a somber refrain,

Tears cascade, a melancholic rain.

Lost in thoughts, missing you anew,

Heartache whispers, "How could this be true?"

In the grip of a tidal wave, I linger,

Longing to confess, yet courage withers.

You moved on swiftly, a hastened chase,

Left broken, my heart in a displaced space.

Navigating a whirlpool of uncertain fate,

A path unclear, in sorrow, I await.

You, unparalleled, in solitude stand,

Reluctantly admitting, love slipped through like sand.

Amidst this emotional hurricane's clutch,

Daily yearning, regret's relentless touch.

Why did you leave, why not remain?

Alone, I confront the echoes of love's refrain.

Thoughts of you persist, a haunting plea,

Hidden desires, an unrequited decree.

Facing the harsh truth of reality,

I meant nothing, a heartbreak's finality.

In this tidal surge, you claimed not ready for commitment,

Yet swiftly embraced a new sentiment.

Happy for you, but betrayed and confused,

Alone, I ride the wave, emotions bruised.

In solitude, I navigate this tumultuous sea,

Feeling used, emotions lost in the debris.

Left broken, uncertain of where I stand,

Alone, riding this relentless tidal wave, unplanned.

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1 year ago

Meeting at the Crossroads

As I make my way to our agreed meeting point, doubts swirl in my mind. Should I back out now? I ponder, mentally preparing for our upcoming conversation. He'll likely brush off my concerns, showing little regard for my feelings; I'm merely an afterthought to him. Though unspoken, I sense his outreach stems from loneliness, not genuine care. If the grass was truly greener elsewhere, he wouldn't be here now. Though my words may go unheard, a glimmer of hope flickers that perhaps this time will be different—that we can finally address our underlying issues. But doubts linger; his interest in me has always been tepid at best. I refuse to diminish my self-worth for him; I know my value and have found happiness without him. So why does he still matter? Why am I even considering this? Despite conflicting emotions, something draws me to face him one last time.

Feeling unsettled, I switch radio stations for distraction, but each song echoes thoughts of him, amplifying my inner distress. With a sigh, I turn off the radio and park, still wrestling with my conflicting emotions. "Okay," I reassure myself, "I'll be fine. Growth and comfort don't always align, so I know I must push myself through this."

Just as I try to steady my nerves, my phone rings. An unsaved number flashes on the screen – it's him. Do I answer? Do I ignore it? Time's up. With hesitation, I pick up. He asks if I'm already there, and I reply that I'm on my way. We hang up. I sit in my truck for a few more moments, contemplating whether to just drive away. But deep down, I know what needs to be done. I take a deep breath, hold it for a moment, and slowly exhale to calm my nerves. Time presses on, and I resign myself to the inevitability of our meeting. Summoning courage, I step out of the truck, determined to face whatever comes next.

Minutes later, I arrive at the coffee shop. I see his truck pulling into a parking spot. Nervously, I open the coffee shop's door and slip inside, hoping he hasn't spotted me, though I'm fairly certain he has. Through the glass, I see him approaching the entrance. Our eyes meet, solidifying my decision. It's too late to turn back now; I must confront my fears head-on. Whatever unfolds from here on out, I am ready to embrace it.

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