Enjoyinglife - Tumblr Posts
Last updated: June 19th, 2022

My Amateur Poetry (Complete)
I wrote this poetry collection throughout a period of depression in my life. Within those years, I suffered many different things. I’m much happier and healthier now. Within this poetry collection, you’ll find some explicit themes, beautiful scenery and mostly lyric poetry. Click on the link above it view it, and do enjoy!
- (d.n.k)
The Seven Deadly Sins (Complete)
I started this dandy, seven-piece poetry collection during quarantine. This collection contains yandere themes such as kidnapping and death. Proceed with caution for it is disturbing. The anime “The Seven Deadly Sins” is totally tubular as well. Elizabeth should have smacked Meliodas though.
- (d.n.k)
The Happenings of Olympus
This is a poetry collection about the Gods and Goddesses of Olympus. They are monstrous to one another, much in the way that humans are. There are allusions to rape, ableism, and references to literary works of the ancient Greeks and Romans.
When I was growing up, my mother told me the droplets that fell from above were the tears of gods. She said that the gods cried like how humans cried. I always wondered what the gods could have to cry about. They were gods! Everyone knows that they could do anything they wanted. They could wield the Earth as their weapon. They could be any being, anywhere, at any time. They were immortal. The gods knew no end, no death, no sorrow!
Little me didn’t understand that they were flawed from the beginning.
The gods experienced everything forever. There was no rest, no slumber. How can one be motivated if their clock never stops ticking? If the sand in their hourglass will never run out? War, famine, death, and disease. The gods have passed through a multitude of lifetimes of nothing. Are the gods really alive, if they aren’t capable of dying? The tears of gods are shed for the end that’ll always be just out of grasp. Humans face divine retribution for the gods are jealous of what they themselves cannot attain,

Yandere! Works (We’re getting there...)
These works may contain explicit themes including violence, character death, and unhealthy behavior. I do not support any of this behavior in the real world. All of these works are fictional and are created solely for entertainment purposes. This is where you’ll find yandere fan-fiction, imagines, and the whole lot of it!
- (d.n.k)

Astrology, MBTI, and All
If you’re looking for astrology, MBTI, or other shit-posts you have reached your destination. Look no further.
- (d.n.k)

Miscellaneous Misfits
Within this section, you’ll find theories on humanity, questionable fan-art, subpar essays and other creative works unsuited to any of the other sections. If you’re here, I’ve got a couple questions for you.
- (d.n.k)

Went to check out my brothers new digs he’s building, and this little lady came by for a photo shoot. Beautiful Easter Day!
love yourself and be happy
hi there,
sorry i’m gonna talk about something quite harsh but i need to share this with someone and i have no one to share it with...
today is a bad day: i feel bad about myself.
since always basically, my parents had been bothering me on and on about what i eat and about my weight.
yes, they are unhappy with my weight. They always were.
Fact is, since last year, I gained at least 10 kg which is a lot. And it’s always like this but right now, when i look and pictures of me last year, I see how good I was: back then, I hated my body.
I have always hated myself in every way.
I’m not saying it’s entirely their fault but I think a pet of it is their fault. If you have someone telling you everyday to: « stop eating » or « go to the gym » or telling you you are fat and that they « want you to lose weight » ( yes my mom told me 2 months ago she wanted me to lose weight) eventually you will believe it and hate yourself even more. Even though it’s made with good intention : IT DOES NOT HELP!
I have told them that many times but they won’t stop. And tonight my dad has said something that has started a whole argument and that will leave a scar in me forever:
so at first, like every meal, my parents said at least 4 things about my food or drinks : « stop eating that » « don’t eat that » « don’t drink coke » « eat less » « i thought you were on a diet » and so on. but that’s just routine.
After the meal, we were just talking, I had already told them to stop but they don’t listen. Anyway: my mom had cleaned the clothes and my t-shirts had shrunk, i was kind of pissed and i said that if i wanted to fit in them again i’d have to lose weight.
And to be « funny » my dad said something like: « we’ll finally you have a motivation to lose those horrible kilos you got this year »
I just left as quickly as I could because I hate crying in front of people.
I locked myself in the bathroom and my sister came and tried to help me stop crying. I was feeling better ( she helps me cuz she knows it really pains me). But then my mom came and she wanted to « talk ». I didn’t want to because every time we have had that conversation, it didn’t lead to anything and nothing changed, it was a waste of time and it made me even sadder. But she insisted. When I started saying what i thought, she was just in total denial cuz she doesn’t want to admit to herself that she could hurt me cuz she’s a good mom and she loves me. She ended up changing the subject completely and talking shit about me and other things.
Meanwhile my dad sent me a text to say sorry and that he loves me.
At first I was only pissed and hurt by my dad but then my mom came and started saying shit.
In the end I’m less mad at my dad then my mom.
I’m not saying it’s completely their fault but part of it is. I love my parents and I know they love me but I hate this feeling I get every time they say something.
I have so many friends and people i know or just stories i hear about of young girls like me who feel bad about themselves and end up doing shitty things to lose weight.
This shitty society makes us feel like shit about ourselves and says it’s normal to be fucking skinny. Some models even take their ribs out to look skinnier—> is that ducking normal??? NO!
I hate how this society makes us doubt about ourselves.
You do not need to change for society, for your friends, for boys, for you parents or for anyone but yourself! If YOU are unhappy, do something. But don’t let anyone tell you you’re too fat or too skinny or not enough (bla bla)
You are yourself and you are beautiful!
You deserve to be happy and you will be by loving yourself!
You are amazing, don’t ever doubt about yourself!
If you do, I’m here to talk!
You go out there and have fun, eat as much as you want as long as you are ok with it.
There will always be someone who will accept you exactly as you are, you just have to look for that person : it can be a friend or a girlfriend/boyfriend/etc. or someone from you family, even a random adult! You look for that person and stick to her
I love you
So many people love you, I’m sure of it
Don’t ever doubt yourself again