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What a shame
What if after you joined the scouts in order to help Eren get through his Titan experiments with the special operations squad you start getting close to the captain whom you've been bickering with all along?
(A/N) I thought about this while listening to "what a shame" by leyla blue so enjoy,,,I'll probably do sum parts lol.So I'm 4'11 irl,I didn't do it so Levi would be taller.
swearing,kind of violence, insinuated smut, agegap
around 4.8k words<3

(F/N)'s POV
It's now been twenty four hours after the stupid trial they held for Eren and we are about to set off for the old scouts' quarters where Eren will be going under a number of experiments.Now don't get me wrong I love Eren but requesting me to join him with the special operations squad to help him get through it? Couldn't he have asked Mikasa or Armin instead?Well I know they chose me because I was the only one of age,still though at eighteen Mikasa is still stronger than me so I don't see a problem with her replacing me.Yesterday's still fresh in my mind,after the trial Commander Erwin and Captain Levi approached me while I was sitting with Sasha.
"Cadet (L/N) can you join us in my office?"I heard a voice behind me say,I turned around and I was shocked.Commander Erwin with Captain Levi were asking me to join them to Commander's office.Oh shit what did I do?
"Yes sir."I saluted and looked him in the eyes feeling intimidated,I didn't even look at Captain,hell he even scared me from what he did to Eren about an hour ago.He beat the shit out of him infront of everyone for god's sake!
I followed behind them through hallways taking a few turns to Commander's office.I was the last one to enter and I closed the door behind me bracing myself for what's to come.
"Please take a seat (F/N)."Said the commander and I awkwardly sat down in front of them.Then I took the courage to look at Captain only to find steely gray eyes looking back at me,however I kept looking at him while I felt my face getting hot.Now that I've taken a better look at him I don't understand why people don't find him attractive,his face is symmetrical with a straight nose and he has a killer jawline.His hair is pitch black and styled nicely and overall he has a good physique even though he is indeed short,he is taller than me by a few inches though.Of course I've heard the stories of humanity's strongest soldier and how incredible he is but to be honest after today I think that he's nothing more than an entitled ass.A very attractive entitled ass.
I turned my head around to face commander and before I could speak he started talking.
"Don't worry cadet you're not in trouble." I let out a breath I didn't know I held. "What we want from you,is kind of a command." he continued.
"Oh." I said and he probably noticed the glimmer of confusion in my (e/c) eyes.
"Well Eren Jaeger will be brought to the old quarters of the Survey Corps under the supervision of the special operations squad led by Captain Levi,"he motioned to the raven haired man who stood still with an expressionless face."And since Eren will be experimenting all the time I thought that it would be good for him to see familiar faces,so we handpicked you to join him."he finished and I was left speechless.
"Sir,I'm sure Eren would prefer for either cadet Ackerman or cadet Arlert to join him,they're all very close."I said and looked up to the intimidating commander.
"Nonesense the reason we picked you is because you're of age and on top of your class." he replied.
"It's actually cadet Ackerman who's on top,I come in second but okay.I will be joining Jaeger and the special operations squad if that's your command."I slumped down my shoulders.
He nodded and started filling me in on what I would be doing there for the rest of the month.
I sighed turning back to see Petra who was talking with Eld.Oluo was talking about something irrelevant with Eren while Gunther was just waiting for Captain's order for departure.I learned all their names yesterday at dinner since we'll spend quite some time together.Eld and Gunther were more quiet and laid back,Oluo was the one trying to imitate the captain so he talked a lot about past missions and himself.Petra was sweet and I could see she admired captain a lot.Maybe a bit too much but that wasn't for me to judge,she was a few years older than me so we clicked.
"Oi"we heard from the very front of our formation,"We're leaving,follow my lead."Captain Levi said with a stone cold face.
A couple of ''yes sir's" were thrown and we started our journey on our horses.By noon we could see the White castle nestled in between the green of the forest.I was chatting with Petra about her Father,he seemed very sweet like her,when captain spoke.
"So when we arrive we'll be cleaning the whole place,got it?" he said looking at me and Eren.
Both of us nodded frantically but I sighed internally.I never really liked cleaning,I found it boring but I always kept my body and clothing clean,I hated the feeling of filth on me it reminded me of the streets.
We continued galloping until we reached the gates of the castle,it was massive.Oh hell no we'd spend the whole day and night cleaning it,the place looked dirty and in no way shape or form fit for residence.
It was now starting to get dark, it's been a few hours since we arrived and we've been cleaning non-stop.Captain ordered me and Eren to clean the whole the left wing.Eren wouldn't stop talking and all I could do is mentally block him out of my head to keep going with the cleaning.A knock was heard from the door of the room we're now cleaning, a second later captain Levi opened the door and I had to compose myself so I wouldn't laugh.He wore a white bandana over his hair and a fucking mask.Both me and Eren saluted.
"Are you done here?"he asked eyeing the room.
"Not yet captain,we still have a room left but we'll get right to it."said Eren before I could speak,I was still trying to hold my laughter in.
"Eren go start the other room and leave (F/N) to finish this, you'll get it over with more quickly,she will join you when she's done."he ordered and Eren agreed,running off to the next room.
I picked up the rug I was working with on the window and started scrubbing, painfully aware of captain's steely eyes on me.
"I don't know why Erwin picked you to join us."a quiet voice said behind me.
"In all honesty captain neither do I."I said not loosing my temper or turning around,I was familiar with his rude remarks,having heard a lot of soldiers complain about it over the years.I didn't hear anything apart from the door behind me close,leaving me alone.
In what felt years later we were done and heading down to the kitchen to grab some food.I caught Petra by the stairs and we walked down to the kitchen meeting an already seated captain.Petra practically run to the table and I flinched at the noise her shoes made sliding on the rocky floor.
"Captain would you like me to make you some tea?"she asked while I sat two seats away from the head of the table.
"No thank you Petra,I am already aware that you know how to make tea.Cadet (L/N) will make some for all of us."he said looking at me and I returned his gaze slightly nodding.Standing up I made my way to the kettle that was already filled with water,placing it on the stove.A yellow light filled the room and I took the tray with the cups,placing it on the table infront of the captain.When I heard the water bubbling I walked over to the kettle,taking it off the stove and throwing three teabags in it,swirling it around and letting it steep.Minutes later I took the teabags out and held the kettle in my hands.Now back at the table I started with the captain,taking a cup off the tray and placing it near his hand.I could smell his hair from where I was standing,which by the way was kind of behind him and a bit on the left side while pouring tea in his cup.I looked down to him and found him starring sight back to me.
"Do you take it with sugar or milk sir?"I asked keeping the eye contact.He raised his eyebrows.
"No,thank you."I nodded and walked around the table pouring tea to every single one of the special operations squad,Eren and then myself.I could see from the corner of my eye captain holding his cup in a peculiar way,instead of holding it from the handle like a normal fucking person,he holded it from the rim,his palm over the opening.Pouring the last bit of tea to my cup as I sat down I looked at Eren who was talking with Eld,Eld was sitting both on my left and captain's while Oluo was sat at captain's right with Petra next to him on his right .Next to me was Gunter at my right and at the far end of the table was Eren.I drifted off looking down at my cup on the table,my hand wrapped around it when a noise was heard from the kitchen's entrance.It was section commander Hange Zoë.They were supposed to come in tomorrow but I guess they were too excited.
"I was examining two titans we caught alive in the city,I would love for you to help me with tommorrow's experiments.I came here to ask for you permission." they said to Eren.
"An experiment?What am I going to do exactl-" Hange cut him off before he could finish.
"What else except of the amazing thing you already do?"
"Well I can't give you the permission, you see someone else in charge for me."he replied and Hange turned to captain.
"Levi does Eren have to do something tommorrow?"they asked and Captain seemed displeased.
"He has to clean the garden."his reply was short.
"Fine then it's settled!Eren tommorrow we're going to collaborate!"they said taking his hand in theirs.Eren looked overwhelmed.
"Yes."he stuttered."But what kind of experiments to you do with titans?"he asked and their face lit up.
"Uhm,what exactly are this experiments?"he asked once again.Then Oluo spoke.
"Hey stop.Don't ask them this."he said and I looked back at Hange.
"Ah I knew it,your expression have away your desire for knowledge!"the captain suddenly sat up along with everyone else and I did the same.I waved Eren goodbye mouthing <<goodnight>>.I felt kinda bad leaving him there all alone with Hange but he asked for it.As I turned to the left where my assigned room was I was stopped from the captain.
"Since Eren will be accompanying Hange, you'll be cleaning the garden.Understood?"he motioned down infront of the window where an overgrown carden was.I sighed, tommorrow was my day off and I really didn't want to spend it this way.
"I'm sorry captain I'm afraid I can't, tommorrow's my day off."I said respectfully and his jaw clenched.
"I see Erwin hasn't informed you about this,that bastard always leaves the hard work to me."he whispered the last part,almost to himself."Cadet while you're with us here,you will not be having days off."he stated sternly.What?
"What?I never agreed to this."
"You don't need to,these are orders cadet."
"Then I don't want to follow orders."I am not loosing my long awaited day off for this shit.
"You see (F/N), you really don't have a choice so go to sleep and be up at dawn or there'll be consequences, besides it's almost curfew."he swiftly turned around and walked on the opposite direction.Great.
As if his orders were engraved in my mind I really did wake up at dawn.Groaning I dragged myself out of bed and in the bathroom,I doubt anyone will be awake at this time so I didn't bother to change off my nightclothes which consisted of a long white tank top,I noticed that the awaited morning cold had hardened my nipples,and a pair of loose fitting pants.I actually stole these from Reiner,he was about to throw them away anyway because of a rip on the left knee.I sewed it up and now it was my favourite piece of clothing I owned.The cold water run down my body and it waked me up instantly,grabbing the soap bar I scrubbed my hair thoroughly.It smelled like lavender.Finishing up cleansing my body,I run the cold water once a gain to rinse off.I reached for the towel and wrapped it around my body,with my left hand I clenched on the material in order to secure it on my body and on the other hand I had my nightclothes.Walkind down the corridor I shivered,I almost dropped my towel when a dark figure appeared infront of me whilst I made a turn.
"By the walls captain you scared the shit out of me!"I cursed forgetting the ultimately embarrassing situation I was in for a moment.But that moment didn't last long when I remebered my appearance.I felt captain's body tense up under the back of my hand.I was practically stuck on his front so I took a couple of steps back,my face now red from the embarrassment of my captain seeing me like this.I heard him clear his throat and he most probably regained his composure.
"Uh change,have breakfast and go start with the garden.I'll be joining you shortly after I make sure four-eyes doesn't kill Jaeger."he said and I nodded sprinting to my room.Unaware of the pair of bright brown eyes that just saw my entire encounter with captain.
Quickly I pulled on my chest wrappings,underpants and a white shirt with my military trousers.I didn't have to wear the harnesses today so I ditched them in the chair near my bed and I laced up my leather boots.I combed my wet hair with my fingers,they fell just bellow my shoulders in a middle part.The kitchen was empty but it looks like someone has already brewed some tea and there's porridge on the stove.I ate quickly,drinking my tea in a hurry and I left the kitchen.The garden was peaceful but also chaotic.It was so overgrown with weeds and it desperately needed organisation,the stone path was also cover in moss.I picked up the water/vinegar solution and a scrubber.I started working on the stone pavement,getting the moss off.
Some time later it was finally finished,the sun now brightly above my head.A few drops of sweat run down my forehead,my hand willing them off in an instant.
"Oi cadet!How is it going?"captain's voice said.
"So now you join me? It's been surely hours!"just breathe (F/N) don't let your anger take over you.He seemed to catch on my anger even though I tried my best to cover it.I felt a harsh grip on my chin,tilting it up where I met his cold eyes.I was still on my knees and his force hold didn't help.
"Why are you complaining cadet?I already told you I'd be joining you when it was possible."
"Couldn't you have joined me earlier,it surely wouldn't take you more than a few minutes to ensure Eren's safety."I spat at him.
"Now brat even if I didn't join you,you still would have to finish this garden.It's orders."he said releasing my chin from his grasp.My eyes shot daggers at him,only if he weren't my boss..."Anyways I'll help you finish so we can start training."he finished.Training?
"Training?Why?"I asked
"Because." he replied and began to pull on weeds from the garden.What an asshole.Having no other option I did too and almost an hour later we were done.
"Four-eyes must have finished now,I'll get the others,you though should wear your gear."
Truly in about a quarter of a clock we were standing all together for training.Apparently Eren didn't have any progress in transforming,now with a bangdaged hand.
"Warm up, we're doing hand to hand combat today.I'm pretty sure you know it isn't as important with titans but as a soldier you won't have to face only those.Hand to hand combat is something you should rely on when times get tough."said captain."Petra you're with Eren,Gunther you're with Oluo and (F/N) you're with me,I want to test your abilities."he finished,I suppose Eld was helping Hange with something.
Everyone got in a line,captain in front of me.I made sure to keep my ground while he was just there waiting for me to do something.I could hear everyone else grunting while they fought with eachother,yet me and Captain we're not rushing ourselves, circling around each other.
"Aren't you going to make a move on me captain?Afraid aren't we?"I said with a smirk and he scoffed.
"It's not my fucking skills that are being tested (F/N) so just start."he did have a point so with all my strength I went in with my right fist straight to his face,I already knew he'd avoid it so the moment he did I tripped him using my leg.He did however notice and he wasn't about to fall down,at least without me.His right hand grabbed my waist and I fell on top of him with a whelp.In my state of surprise he took both of my wrists,rolling over on my body pinning them over my head.I grunted,his smug face inches from my own,he really did have beautiful eyes.It looked as if I was defeated but I had another trick up my sleeve.Due to my years spent in the streets I had to learn how to adapt so I learnt how to slide over stuff,making me very flexible.Carefully, without him noticing I lifted my right foot from under him and brought it over his left side,me now rolling over him,in his now surprised state his grip on my hands loosened.I retrieved full control of my wrists so I yanked them off his palms completely.I grabbed each one of his hands and pinned them to his sides,now sitting on top of his waist.
"Shorty has lost finally!" a voice said,Hange.
"Tsk,you win cadet,now get off me."I did exactly as he said.He walked back into the castle after dismissing us.
"Oh my god (F/N)!Captain hasn't lost in hand to hand combat,like never!"Petra walked over to me.
"Really?"woah."Well there's a first for everyone,now let's go to eat I'm fucking starving."
After I showered and changed again,fucking Levi had to choose hand to hand combat the day I showered,I went to the kitchen to eat with the others,everyone was already in there eating.I joined in the conversation with Oluo about how wall Rose has little to no supplies left while eating.It wasn't so bad here after all...
Since Hange was joining us we had to add an other chair,with us moving around I ended up to the captain's left,a bit closer than I would have liked.I looked at Oluo across from me and flashed him small smile.After we finished I joined Hange to their laboratory,them explaining me what happened today,Eren and the others will experiment more in the evening.They asked me if I wanted to join them but I said no,I wanted to relax for the rest of the day,maybe read some more pages of my book.It was about a girl who was helplessly in love with someone she couldn't have,it was more of a diary to be honest.It tugged painfully on the strings of my heart for a reason.
"(F/N) I'm going to need your help in the library once four-eyes is gone."captain said opening the door of my room and I screeched.
"Captain what are you doing?I could have been bare!"who even does that?
"Nothing I haven't seen before now in about an hour I need you in the library, we're going to organise the books in alphabetical order and dust the shelves."I groaned but hid it with a cough.
"Yes captain."he nodded and left,as soon as he did I fell on my bed cursing at him.
It is now almost night,me and Levi have took out all the books off the selves.We are dusting the inside of the selves but I can't quite reach the top.Being 4'11 at eighteen isn't enjoyable,even the military's shorty is taller than you.
"What's wrong?"he asked,he must have saw me struggling to reach the top shelf on my tiptoes.
"It's nothing sir, it's just that I can't reach the top shelf don't worry though I'll just get on top of a chair."shrugging it off I started walking towards the end of the room where a stack of chairs was placed.
"Don't you dare step on a clean chair with your shoes.I'll just lift you."he said gabbing my waist with both hands and placing me on his right shoulder so easily,as if I weighted nothing.God how was he able to do it? Military training,the guy's probably shredded.No don't think about his body right now what the fuck.
"Uh alright,can you go to the left and as I clean move to the right?"I felt his head nod on the outside of my left thigh and I started moving.When I finished I felt the weight under me gone and in a matter of seconds I was on the ground with a big thud.
"What the fuck captain why'd you do that?"I said while getting up.
"Revenge for this morning."he walked off and towards the door.
"Asshole..."I said quietly to myself,or I thought so.
"What did you say?"fuck fuck fuck.
"Nothing sir."I replied my face getting red.
"Look cadet I don't know who you think you are but addressing your superiors like this is unacceptable."his words came off aggressively but his face stayed stone cold.
"Well I'm sorry but what am I supposed to say to someone who won't accept their defeat because they think they're so damn unbeatable?"I snapped and in seconds I was pinned to the wall next to the selves.
"This is the last time I'll go easy on you brat, I'm your captain and I demand respect."venom dripping from his words,his hands tugging hardly on my jaw.
"I only show respect when I know it'll be returned and with all honesty sir you've been quite an asshole to me today." I smirked and I felt a hand slap my cheek,not hard but enough to make me angry.
"What the fuck did you just say?"his eyes burning into mine.
"What the did you just do?"I bit back wiggling my way off his grasp,pushing him down with all my strength.I was on top of him now just like in training this morning.
He reached out to turn me around with his hands but I took them both and locked them behind my back.I knew I'd regret this later,but I was so damn mad.
"Cadet get off me right now and I'm willing to forget what happened today."he said scowling.
"There's no way in hell I'm doing that until you apologize for being an asshole."I replied smugly.He must've not liked that because next thing I knew I was under him,his nose grazing mine.I could feel his laboured breathing on my lips and a thought flashed in my mind.As soon as it did I pushed it away.
"Let me go!"my voice trembled from both fear and fury.His hand had clutched both my wrists in a tight grip,his other hand under my chin tilting it up so I wouldn't miss his eyes.I felt the steely gaze piercing through my (e/c) one.Without thinking I subconsciously looked down on his panting lips and returned my gaze back to his.His eyebrows slightly raised,his eyes now we're traveling down to my panting lips.I knew what was bound to happen any second right now.He slightly shifted, softening his grip on my wrists,his straight nose moved on top of mine,a ghost of a kiss lingered millimeters above my mouth.I closed my eyes waiting for him to lock our lips but that moment never came,on the contrary I heard a sound of steps nearing the door.Captain quickly rose to his feet,pulling me up with him.
"(F/N)! Captain!"Eren exclaimed.He seemed quite disappointed,I wondered if he failed again.
"Jaeger help (L/N) finish organising the books."he ordered and left the room.
Putting the books back in the shelves a realisation came upon me.He wanted to kiss me,and I was to kiss him back.
Dinner approached and everyone was in the kitchen eating except captain.
"Hey Petra do you know where captain is?"Gunther asked and she shrugged.
"He seemed angry so I don't know,he might not want to eat tonight."
"Why would he be angry though?"
"I don't know but (F/N) you were with him right?Did you guys fight?" Eren interrupted and I wanted to throw my spoon at him.We were great friends but he just doesn't know when to shut the fuck up.All eyes on me now.
"Well we did kind of have a disagreement." I said looking at my plate."It's okay I, I'll get him some tea and apologize."they all seemed content with my reply.
The tray wobbled in my hands,I reached his temporary office.Knocking twice I heard a voice behind the door say <<come in>> and so I did.
His gaze didn't falter when I stepped in,walking in a straight line after closing the door,I placed the tray on the desk before him.
"Sir,I would like to apologize for today's incident,I shouldn't have been disrespectful to you and I definitely do not want to be the reason you don't get to enjoy this evening with your comrades."I said and the bastard laughed.He laughed.I've never seen him laugh.That's when I noticed a bottle of dark liquid on the corner of the window behind him.
"Cut the bullshit (F/N) we both know you don't feel sorry for anything that happened today."he said,now I understand,his laugh was a mocking one.I mean he wasn't wrong,I only said that to avoid punishment.He sighed and motioned for me to get to the left side behind the desk so I did.Standing up from his seat,his palm cupped the side of my neck,bringing us closer.He didn't get to do anything else though because I took his face between my hands and pressed our lips together.I sighed into the kiss.He kissed me back,forcefully,teeth grazing my lips.Bevuase of my surprised state of teeth on my lips he took the opportunity to lift me up from my waist,sitting me on top of the desk and slipped his tongue in my mouth.He grunted when my hands left his face and went straight on his hair,running my fingertips over his undercut and tugging at the longer hair on top of it.Humming I slowly tore my lips from his,placing small kissed from his chin to his jaw where I traveled down to his neck,leaving opened mouthed kisses all around until I reached the collar of his shirt.My hands trembled while I unbuttoned the first three buttons off his shirt,moving the collar out of the way I attached my lips on the base of his neck,where it connected with his torso and sucked on the skin,slightly biting it.I was no strangers to lovebites.He sucked in a breathe.
"Fuuuuck." a throaty moan came out of him.I smiled to myself and continued with my work,leaving a few more marks to spots I knew his clothing would cover up.As I pulled away from his torso,I looked up at him.His eyes were full of lust,just like mine.I smiled devilishly at him,kissing him once again.We left the office discreetly and he led me to his room locking the door,pinning me against it.
"After all I don't think you mind discipline."Oh boy.
Streaks of blinding gold twinkled over my eyes the following morning.My face twisted,turning around I let my hand touch the bedding but instead it hooked over a hard surface.Then it hit me.Shit,shit,shit.Last night me...and eyes widened.Red faced me looked up,captain was sleeping with his hands under my waist.Moments of yesterday's interaction flew through my mind when I heard a groan leave his red lips.His hands tightened around my waist bringing me on top of him.That's when his eyes opened up and found my head in the crook of his neck.The muscles of his stomach tensed up.I rose up using the sheet to cover my chest.
"Uh goodmorning captain?"I said unsure of what to say.He grabbed my nape and forced me on his hard chest once more.
"Shut the fuck up."so he didn't want to talk about yesterday,okay he's saving me the embarrassment.His fingers combed through my hair and I hummed kissing the surface of his chest.He tilted my head up by my hair,I felt something harden against my thigh.Morning sex?Count me in.
When I was about to make a move someone knocked on captain's door.Panicking I pulled away and covered myself in the sheets leaving him naked.
"Captain it's almost nine in the morning,how come you haven't gotten up yet?"Petra.
"I have a headache Petra,I'll come down once the painkiller (L/N) gave me starts working."he replied.
"Oh,I'm sorry to hear that sir.I'll go and make you some tea."her steps became less and less loud until they were completely gone.
I covered him with the sheets and started putting on my clothes.After everything was on I turned to the captain.
"I better get going,see you later captain."I smiled and he nodded.Opening the door and making sure no one was around I returned to my room.Now what the fuck was all this?
First Date Headcanons with the Vets
First Date Headcanons

Erwin and you have been dating for at least a few months now ever since he one day asked you to be his. While it's only been a few months, you loved every second with your boyfriend and you loved him dearly. But since Erwin is the commander and has his duties to uphold you guys haven't been able to go on a date yet. That was until one day Erwin suddenly asked you to accompany him in his walk in the village of Trost. You assumed it was to just gather important things until Erwin asked you to dress up nice and that he was actually taking you out. Erwin proceeded to take you to look at some of the shops in Trost where he spoiled you and then took you out to a late night dinner at a fancy restaurant. "Thank you so much for being patient with me (y/n). I know we don't have much time to do stuff like this because of my duties so I appreciate it." You smiled and looked up at Erwin and said "Of course Erwin, I'll always be patient for you. I completely understand you're focused on your job as commander. I cherish every moment spent with you." Erwin looked right into your eyes as you walked up to his office door where you both kissed and ended the romantic night.

Levi was definitely not the easiest person to date. While he wasn't the most affectionate man in the walls, he was still caring in his own unique way and you knew that he loved you. Levi called you to go to his office later that day after training but never stated why. You just shrugged your shoulders and took a shower to make yourself clean since Levi wouldn't want you with bad hygiene. You put some casual clothes on before knocking on his office door. "Come in." Levi said inside the room. As you stepped inside you let out a gasp as you saw a table with a pot of flowers and food set up as Levi stood by waiting for you. "W-what's all this?" You asked. Levi looked at you with his normal expression and said, "I know you mentioned once that you wanted to go on a date so I asked Hanji and some of the cooks for help to set this up." You blushed a bit feeling so happy about the little things he remembers about you. You went up to Levi and pecked him on the cheek where his expression softened for you. "Thank you Levi." Levi then ruffled your hair affectionately as you both sat down and had a nice dinner.

Hanji and you have been together through thick and thin ever since you both joined the scouts. You were really proud to see how far they've came and you were even more happy when Hanji confessed to you. You've never thought about having any kind of dates with them because you were both so busy with your duties and just seeing them felt like enough. That was until Hanji dragged you outside one night so you can use your gear to go on the walls. Hanji held your hand as they ran with you and they seemed to be overly excited. You sighed as you said "Hanji, baby, why'd you force me to stop my work just to go on the walls?" Hanji winked at you and said, "Just wait (y/n)! It'll be amazing!" You both used your gear to go on top of the walls and Hanji put their hand back into yours as she sat you down next to her. "(y/n), ever since I started dating you it's been some of the best moments of my life. So, I wanted us to go on a date to remind you that I'm in love with you. I love you more than I love science." They laughed. You giggled as you told them, "I love you more Hanji. Thank you for sticking by my side." You laid your head on Hanji's shoulder as you both looked at the starry night sky soaked in each other's love.

"Thank you, Levi..."

No.4 Mikasa Ackerman from Attack on Titan. Needs to be more sketchy.. follow me to see #leviackerman #ミカサアッカーマン #ミカサ #mikasaackerman #mikasa #attackontitan #snk #shingekinokyojin #erenjaeger #armin #levi #erwinsmith #erenyeager #eren #sketches #sketch #dagelan #saatchi #digitalpainting #digitalart #portrait #進撃の巨人 #manga #animedrawing #anime #doodle #art (at Plaza Indonesia)

No.5 Captain Levi from Attack on Titan. We need more of him 😗 #ミカサアッカーマン #ミカサ #mikasaackerman #mikasa #attackontitan #snk #shingekinokyojin #erenjaeger #armin #levi #erwinsmith #erenyeager #eren #sketches #sketch #dagelan #saatchi #digitalpainting #digitalart #portrait #進撃の巨人 #manga #animedrawing #anime #doodle #art #リヴァイアッカーマン #leviackerman #portrait

Levi Ackerman in turtle neck suit. 3000 followers here we go! And this is also my birthday post 10 Oct, so do me a favor and follow me if you like this 😎 #ミカサアッカーマン #ミカサ #mikasaackerman #mikasa #attackontitan #inkedboy #shingekinokyojin #armin #levi #erwinsmith # #eren #sketches #sketch #inktober #lineart #inktober2016 #portrait #進撃の巨人 #manga #animeart #anime #mangaboy #art #リヴァイアッカーマン #leviackerman #mangaart #patreon #digitalpainting (at Plaza Indonesia)

Today was a big day for me & a lot of otakus ❤️❤️ __ Follow @animejikimo for more 💯💯 . @animejikimo @animejikimo @animejikimo @animejikimo @animejikimo @animejikimo @animejikimo @animejikimo __ Attack On Titan Season 3 debuts tonight in Select US and Canadian theaters! __ Ignore hashtags #attackontitan #mikasa #erwinsmith #jeankirstein #ymir #armin #eren #hanjizoe #historiareiss #surveycorps #snk #leviackerman #erenjeager #marcobodt #shingekinokyojin #animes #conniespringer #bertholdthoover #deathnote #tokyoghoul #dragonballsuper #dragonballz #weeaboo #animeboys #otakugirl #otakuworld #otakuroom