Eternal Sugar Cookie - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

Nice concept, but one small little flaw about it;

Nice Concept, But One Small Little Flaw About It;
Eternal Sugar Beast Raid Concept, Eye Of Dreams For The Name Maybe
Eternal Sugar Beast Raid Concept, Eye Of Dreams For The Name Maybe

Eternal sugar beast raid concept, “eye of dreams” for the name maybe

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4 months ago
Maybe Something Like "Clear Flour Cookie"?

Maybe something like "Clear Flour Cookie"?



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6 months ago

Taming a Beast

Summary: Eternal Sugar was in a Lee Mood, and wants YOU to tickle them. You were surprised by that, but decided to tickle her anyway.

You were walking through an enchanted forest with mushrooms in place of trees, and just as you pulled out your map to find out when you were going, you noticed that Eternal Sugar Cookie was following you from the shadows.

“Huh?! Eternal Sugar?! What’re you doing here?”

After you asked that question, Eternal Sugar started stuttering, seemingly shyly.

“Oh- um… well, uh, ya see, well, uh, I was wondering if, well, you could, uh… ugh, you wouldn’t get it… I’m stuttering too much for you to understand what I’m saying…”

You were a bit confused, processing what that meant for a bit, before coming to the realization.

“Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. You want me to tickle you…?!”

She was a little shocked when you found out that she was in a Lee Mood, but still confirmed she was.

“Ugh… yeah…”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah, just let me know when to stop.”

You started to gently tickle Eternal Sugar’s sides after saying that.

“Huh- H-hey… not the sides! Th-they’re my worst spot!”

“Awww, they’re your worst spot? How cute~!”

“H-Hehehehey! Don’t tehehehehehehehease mehehehehe!”

Eternal Sugar burst out laughing once you teased her about her sides being her worst spot, but she didn’t mind it for now. She got a bit more bothered after a minute, when you started tickling her belly.

“Eep- Wahahahahait!! Dohohohon’t tihihickle my stohohohomach!!”

“Awww, but you’re so cute when you laugh! Coochie coochie coo!”

Eternal Sugar got a bit flustered over being called cute, but at the same time, she didn’t mind it. But after you started tickling her armpits, she got a bit more bothered.

“GAH- Eeeeeahahahahaha! Okahahahahay, you gohohohot mehehehehehe! Stahahahahahap, plehehehehehease!”

“Ok, I’ll stop now… I understand if you’re bothered by the tickles…”

You let go of Eternal Sugar’s armpits and lightly hugged her after saying that. She got a bit flustered when you hugged her, but was also extremely happy that someone finally cared for her.

“You… you actually care for me… there hasn’t been a single Cookie that HAS cared for me before…! Oh, I can’t contain myself!!”

After saying that, Eternal Sugar tackle hugged you to show her appreciation for you actually caring for you by nuzzling your neck.


“Oh, crap… sorry, I just… couldn’t control myself enough to prevent myself from doing that!”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah, I get that ya couldn’t control yourself. It did tickle a lot, though!”

You pulled in Eternal Sugar for another hug after saying that before patting her on the back, causing her to rest her head on your shoulder. You couldn’t help but find her cute as she rested her head.

“Heh… you’re kinda cute, actually… how long have you been wandering Earthbread, anyway?”

“Twenty-one days…?”

“WHAT?! There’s no way you’ve been wandering this earthbread for THAT long!!”

You picked up Eternal Sugar and started carrying her like a princess to your base midway through sentences.

“You’re coming with me, cutie!”

Eternal Sugar felt surprised by that statement, but didn’t mind being pampered through being given princess treatment. She was so happy that she finally met a Cookie that cared about her.

And donezo! It’s a little short because I didn’t have any motivation when making this. Sorry about that, folks!

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6 months ago

Eternal Sugar Tickle Headcanons(LEE ONLY)

I decided to make Lee Only tickle headcanons for Eternal Sugar Cookie since she’s my favorite of the Beast Cookies. So, without further ado, let’s-a-go!

Stupid ticklish. She’s my favorite Beast Cookie, and you expect me not to headcanon her as super ticklish?! HA! No!

The most ticklish of the Beasts, probably an 11/10 on the ticklishness scale

Her laugh is the cutest! Lots of squeaky little giggles coming from her!

Her worst spots are probably her sides, feet, and tummy

Doesn’t like surprise attacks or her Ler will get sucker punched. So, do not, under any circumstances, surprise attack her!

Her favorite Lers are probably Shadow Milk and Cherry, since the former Ler’s the closest to her and the latter Ler’s known her since she was a kid

Doesn’t stand a chance in a tickle fight, R.I.P. Eternal Sugar Cookie

Teasing will basically cause her to completely melt in your hands, but, then again, she doesn’t mind it.

If she’s ever asked if she’s ticklish, her face will just turn tomato red and she’ll hide her face before awkwardly confirming that she’s the most ticklish of the Beasts

That’s all I have for now…(SFW interaction Only or I’ll block you!)

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6 months ago
Heres All Five Beasts In My Young Beasts AU!

Here’s all five Beasts in my Young Beasts AU!

The lore behind this AU is that they were stripped of their Soul Jams almost a month after Eternal Sugar turned seven years old and needed the best living space possible afterwards.

This put them under Hollyberry’s care, and since she relates more to them than to her fellow Ancients, they didn’t mind being spoiled by her.

Not just that, they also have a specific age gap! (SFW tickle Blog, NSFW/Kink blogs DNI)

Shadow Milk: 13 years old. Due to being the oldest of the five Beasts, he’s pretty much the leader of the group. To this leadership, Silent Salt’s the brains and Burning Spice is the muscle.

Silent Salt: 11 years old. As the brains to Shadow Milk’s leadership and Burning Spice’s muscle, he’s pretty much the smartest of the bunch. He’s rarely seen without his helmet, too.

Mystic Flour: 10 years old. The most introverted of the five Beasts, she’s pretty quiet. And she isn’t really one to talk because of that. Pun fully intended.

Burning Spice: 9 years old. As the muscle to Shadow Milk’s leadership and Silent Salt’s brains, he’s the strongest of the Beasts. Despite his strength, he doesn’t lack in the smarts department either, as he’s the second smartest Beast.

Eternal Sugar: 8 years old. Though not the youngest of the five Beasts, she’s the most innocent and cutest of the five Beasts. She’s also pretty cutely aggressive and forgiving with a level of humility that knows no bounds.

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5 months ago
Really Weird Headcanon: So, Eternal Sugar Cookie Has Toe Beans In My Young Beasts AU, And I Decided To

Really weird headcanon: So, Eternal Sugar Cookie has toe beans in my Young Beasts AU, and I decided to demonstrate it. Don’t judge me! (SFW interaction Only!)

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5 months ago

Eternal Sugar Lover!Headcanons

The poll has spoken! Eternal Sugar Cookie’s lover headcanons shall be revealed!

Very, VERY affectionate. She’ll even come to you whenever she has a bad dream. It’s almost impossible to get her off your back!

HUGS! She loves hugging you and snuggling with you, and you can’t change my mind about that

She loves when you pat her head, her demon tail will light start wagging

She also has a lot of catgirl traits

Sometimes, she carries you around in her mouth like a mama cat carrying its baby

She also purrs a lot

She’ll get nervous when you’re away for a while. She’s always worried about your safety

Has heavy separation anxiety disorder

She is really good at baking, though. She even has her own recipe for her own pastry: the Cake of Eternal Slumber!

Hope you like how clingy I headcanon her to be! (SFW interaction Only!)

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10 months ago
Eternal Sugar More Like Forever Uhhhh I Dont Fucking Know Man Dont Come At Me

eternal sugar more like forever uhhhh i dont fucking know man dont come at me

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6 months ago
This Was Originally For Pinterest But Then Remembered My Account Is Private On There

This was originally for pinterest but then remembered my account is private on there

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7 months ago

Me: Ugh, I should probably post something but I don’t have anything finished yet, hmm. Ehh, might as well post a wip with some poorly cropped snippets of my sketch and what I have finished so far since I done know how to make cropped photos like that look decent

Me: Ugh, I Should Probably Post Something But I Dont Have Anything Finished Yet, Hmm. Ehh, Might As Well
Me: Ugh, I Should Probably Post Something But I Dont Have Anything Finished Yet, Hmm. Ehh, Might As Well
Me: Ugh, I Should Probably Post Something But I Dont Have Anything Finished Yet, Hmm. Ehh, Might As Well

Me: There, content. Now people won’t think I’m dead.

(If you’re on the crk Discord, you’ll know what it looks like, lol)

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7 months ago

I’ve found some old art of mine. God how my art has changed since this era of my art journey

Ive Found Some Old Art Of Mine. God How My Art Has Changed Since This Era Of My Art Journey
Ive Found Some Old Art Of Mine. God How My Art Has Changed Since This Era Of My Art Journey
Ive Found Some Old Art Of Mine. God How My Art Has Changed Since This Era Of My Art Journey
Ive Found Some Old Art Of Mine. God How My Art Has Changed Since This Era Of My Art Journey
Ive Found Some Old Art Of Mine. God How My Art Has Changed Since This Era Of My Art Journey

I’m not a huge fan of some of these, in my opinion, really only the Stollen and Black Pearl drawings are good but they could still be way better.

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6 months ago

This originally was gonna be for a joke post a month or so ago, but I stopped working on it and have since lost motivation.

So, uhh, here you go, an Eternal Sugar and Shadow Milk inspired key chains w/ sketches

This Originally Was Gonna Be For A Joke Post A Month Or So Ago, But I Stopped Working On It And Have
This Originally Was Gonna Be For A Joke Post A Month Or So Ago, But I Stopped Working On It And Have
This Originally Was Gonna Be For A Joke Post A Month Or So Ago, But I Stopped Working On It And Have
This Originally Was Gonna Be For A Joke Post A Month Or So Ago, But I Stopped Working On It And Have
This Originally Was Gonna Be For A Joke Post A Month Or So Ago, But I Stopped Working On It And Have

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9 months ago

Le gasp, official look of the beats :D

thealphavoidofficial - The Void Stares Back

Obviously not mine, link to the person who posted it.

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