Milky Way Cookie - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Why do people keep saying Milky Way is a child?

(Spoilers for Last Cookie Standing ahead)

Okay, I gotta get this off my chest. I've seen so many people treating Milky Way Cookie like she's a child because she's short, adorable, and has a cute voice, and I'm fully convinced that these people have paid zero attention to her as a character.

Let me explain.

I mean Cookie Run Kingdom is a little fantastical, but why would the very serious entities in charge of the Dream Express hire an actual child to work full time in a job that is extremely dangerous for anyone who isn't properly trained?

Furthermore, you can tell in her voice lines that she's a cynical, slightly disillusioned young adult. You would be too if you were used to traversing the universe and experiencing peril on a daily basis. Even in Last Cookie Standing, her main goal on the show is to win the prize so she can retire early. That's it. No grand plans. She just wants to be financially stable for the rest of her life.

Also on that note, if she was a child, she wouldn't have even been allowed on Last Cookie Standing- Strawberry Crepe lied about their age to get onto the show, and that got them disqualified. Aside from them, the rest of the cast are adult cookies only, with Tea Knight being the eldest. If there was any issue with any other contestants being underage, they would've been disqualified around the same time as Strawberry Crepe.

I think some people have forgotten that short adults exist and the characters have varying heights. In fact, there are other short adult cookies in both Kingdom and Ovenbreak:

- Crunchy Chip

- Alchemist

- Carrot

- Beet

- Olive

- Prophet

- Fettuccine

Just because she's short and cute doesn't mean she's a kid!

- Mala Sauce

- Roll Cake

- Lilybell

- Macron

- Ice Juggler

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1 year ago

Last Cookie Standing isn't canon

You're taking something that's non canon and treating it like canon. Just like how people thought Sea Fairy was Herb's mother because of the comics.

Plus, there are a lot of child cookies who are train drivers, so you can't use that excuse.

I haven't seen anything that said Last Cookie Standing isn't canon. Even so, this isn't like the Sea Fairy is Herb's mom situation at all; the former is more of a fun thing to go off of, but anyone could tell that lore wise, it wouldn't make sense. Meanwhile, the latter could make sense lore wise, based off how she acts in-game.

Granted, Cookie Run ages are relatively vague, but they do keep them consistent across their different properties, regardless if they're canon or not.

Also, I haven't seen these child train driving cookies- maybe they're in Ovenbreak, and I admit, I'm not as versed in Ovenbreak as I am in Kingdom, but I will look into this as well. Thanks for dropping by and bringing this to my attention.

Post referenced is here

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1 year ago

For the extra info: the child train cookies are Tiramisu and recently Stollen but yeah theyre in Ovenbreak. Dialouge from last years Christmas event confirms Tiramisu as a kid.

For Stollen, she still lived with her family before going away to school for Christmas cookies and will hsve to return home if she fails for the last time. She's in Butterbear's chart as someone who buys all train things in his shop so that's also another indication given toys; also admires Tiramisu and Lollipop has beef with her for taking all the new toys before she can play with them.

From what I see, the trains are based on a more whimsical feel with themes of Christmas magic and dreams so the legitimacy of their qualifications differs greatly especially when there are all these kids running around on their own. Magical schools also appear to follow a different criteria in what counts as graduation. A cookie doesn't have to be an adult to graduate so long as they pull off something incredible that warrants it early

If that makes sense?

Of course the second part of the update isn't out yet so there's still speculation but it's safe to say that she's at least a teenager considering what little is there

Got you, thanks for giving me more information about Stollen and Tiramisu!!

The whimsy behind Christmas and Dreams is a really good point to make too. As I mentioned, I didn't think Milky Way was too old (as an adult), but she's got the energy of "I've been doing this for a while, it's just the same old thing but it's still cool to show people" that I don't think they'd give a child, and though I'm not too versed in OB, I'm not sure if the train there has experienced the kind of peril and danger the Dream Express tends to face.

We may get more information with the Holiday Express update (and if CRK puts out something that effectively destroys my argument, then that's what I get for putting out a hot take about a character days before an important update), but I agree, being an older teen (15 - 17) would also make more sense than her being say, around Gingerbrave's age (younger teens).

Post being referenced is here

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1 year ago

Kin list reveal, boom💥

Kin List Reveal, Boom

This whole list is subject to change, and all the characters listed will be in the tags (idk how all this kin list stuff works but I mean…yeah)

Judge me based on my kins if you want to I suppose lol

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1 year ago
Feeling Silly, Might Post More Cookies

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Feeling Silly, Might Post More Cookies

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2 years ago
Little Doodle Of Milky Way Cookie

Little doodle of Milky Way Cookie ✨️🌠🌟

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7 months ago

I’ve found some old art of mine. God how my art has changed since this era of my art journey

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1 year ago
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1 year ago
Plsss Devsis Let Them Interact I Need Them To Ramble About Trains For Hours On End

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2 years ago
WIP. I Rlly Want To Finish It, But Dont Have Time To Do Anything But Commissions.

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I know this cookie for day and a half, but if anything happens to her-

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