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Body Journal #2
I’m fast approaching my old record highest weight of 208 lbs. Dealing with a major food baby rn cuz I had two generous helpings of stuffed shells for lunch. Also had a side salad with a bit of Thousand Islands dressing over it. Not sure what I’m doing for dinner (if I’ll even eat anything cuz I’m so full!), but there are two half gallons of ice cream in the freezer that I plan on digging into for dessert. Growing a bit of a ball belly now and my thighs are making contact with each other when I walk, though thankfully not chaffing. I looked in the mirror and my butt might be slightly fuller, but it’s hard to tell. Definitely not my main feature; that’d be the belly. My belly’s about the size of a basketball, or even a small beach ball! My love handles are officially filling out enough where they’re a hair or two wider than the waistband of my pants. Yep, I’d say I’m definitely filling out, and it feels good! I bought Cooking Simulator on Steam the other day. Been getting inspired again to do some home cooking. The game is also making me realize why I would not be suited to being a chef at a restaurant.
Are you going to eat that?
my favorite pair of jeans aren't fitting like they used too 😳 I couldn't even zip them up.
Im getting so big. My belly won't stop growing.
Coach has me on this new diet plan and idk if it's working. I feel so heavy and bloated all the time. Every time I look in the mirror I swear It looks like my body is swelling out of my jock strap. But if this is what it takes to be a star athlete then I'll keep eating. Coach knows what he's doing. Right?
Its time to get this body ready for summer
I just guzzled all the ice cream I had instead of studying. Ugh I feel so swollen and heavy.
Assessing the damage of gorging on fastfood all week. Ugh I feel so heavy and bloated. I been so greedy since every since I started summer break, just nonstop eating. I think it's starting to show. 🐷
just a overfed twink 🐷
someone had to finish the milk
It's getting harder to see my toes with this big growing belly in the way
I have to reach 200 by the end of summer
My God you're beautiful. The things I'd do to/with you....
I'm so stuffed and helpless right now . . . Please don't take advantage 🥺
Summer bulking was a success! Time to get ready for hibernation 🐻
had a good meal today 🌮🌮🌮
felt a lil bloated after so here's some pics
Oh no! Poor Mic!!
Have you ever considered drunk Aizawa accidentally eating croissant mic?
im crying just thinking about it