Fabian - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago
Stimboard For : A Glass Frog With Forests And Water
Stimboard For : A Glass Frog With Forests And Water
Stimboard For : A Glass Frog With Forests And Water
Stimboard For : A Glass Frog With Forests And Water
Stimboard For : A Glass Frog With Forests And Water
Stimboard For : A Glass Frog With Forests And Water
Stimboard For : A Glass Frog With Forests And Water
Stimboard For : A Glass Frog With Forests And Water
Stimboard For : A Glass Frog With Forests And Water

stimboard for : a glass frog with forests and water

x | x | x x | x | x x | x | x

Stimboard For : A Glass Frog With Forests And Water

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6 months ago
Frog Emojis
Frog Emojis
Frog Emojis
Frog Emojis
Frog Emojis
Frog Emojis
Frog Emojis
Frog Emojis
Frog Emojis
Frog Emojis
Frog Emojis
Frog Emojis
Frog Emojis
Frog Emojis

frog emojis

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6 months ago
Tokyo Quilt Festival

Tokyo Quilt Festival

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6 months ago

I made pond scum flavor cookies do you want to try one

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6 months ago
Pickles The Frog Stimboard
Pickles The Frog Stimboard
Pickles The Frog Stimboard
Pickles The Frog Stimboard
Pickles The Frog Stimboard
Pickles The Frog Stimboard
Pickles The Frog Stimboard
Pickles The Frog Stimboard
Pickles The Frog Stimboard

Pickles the frog stimboard

Γ—/Γ—/Γ— Γ—/Γ— Γ—/Γ—/Γ—

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6 months ago
Froggie Moodboard For @zanes-littlespace
Froggie Moodboard For @zanes-littlespace
Froggie Moodboard For @zanes-littlespace
Froggie Moodboard For @zanes-littlespace
Froggie Moodboard For @zanes-littlespace
Froggie Moodboard For @zanes-littlespace

froggie moodboard for @zanes-littlespace

Froggie Moodboard For @zanes-littlespace
Froggie Moodboard For @zanes-littlespace
Froggie Moodboard For @zanes-littlespace
Froggie Moodboard For @zanes-littlespace

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6 months ago
My Frog Beanie Babies Collection
My Frog Beanie Babies Collection
My Frog Beanie Babies Collection
My Frog Beanie Babies Collection
My Frog Beanie Babies Collection
My Frog Beanie Babies Collection

My frog beanie babies collection

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6 months ago

Hi! Can you please do a moodboard in frogs?

frogs frogs frogs frogs ! frog stuff can be cute, but frogs... like real frogs ? kinda scary to me but also this moodboard ? fun adorable loved it and i hope you love it too !

Hi! Can You Please Do A Moodboard In Frogs?
Hi! Can You Please Do A Moodboard In Frogs?

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6 months ago
Working On It
Working On It

working on it

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1 year ago

i think there's a very simple and achievable way of fixing fabian's home life and well-being right now. a really great one, a possible one, in fact, and that is

My grandson...... Fahbiahhn. What a pleasure, it is. To behold you and grasp your cheek within my hand once again. I have received word, through the falling of a dove's gentle wing, that my daughter, Hallariel, has left you without the guidance of any of your adult Elven guardians. It brings a great sense of shame, to me, to witness my own daughter behaving so unkindly to you, in your short time here, on this mortal plane, so very short, as short as the falling of a leaf from a great Elven oak to the ground. So I seek now to aid you, my grandson. Away from our homeland as I may be, I shall use the great Elven magics to bestow upon me knowledge of your strange land, and how I shall assist you in your mortal ways of life. You need not enter trance by your lonesome in this manor no longer. ...Pour-tie? I know not of this word you speak of. Come. I shall teach you the method in which to prepare Elven Fantasy Box Macaroni And Cheese.

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5 years ago


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9 years ago
@zoophobia-comic Such A Huge Fan :) Here Is A Little Fan Art Piece Of Fabian And Cameron :)

@zoophobia-comic such a huge fan :) here is a little fan art piece of fabian and cameron :)

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5 years ago
FIVE WEEKS IN A BALLOON (Dir: Irwin Allen, 1962).

FIVE WEEKS IN A BALLOON (Dir: Irwin Allen, 1962).

A longer, more in-depth version of the following review can be found on my blog JINGLE BONES MOVIE TIME! Link below.

Loosely based on Jules Verne's 1863 novel of the same name, Five Weeks in a Balloon finds an unlikely crew of adventurers, including explorer Fergusson (Cedric Hardwicke), his youthful assistant (popstar Fabian) and US newspaper hack Donald O'Shay (Red Buttons), set sail for Africa in a hot air balloon with a gondola inexplicably shaped like a unicorn! Picking up kidnapped teacher Susan (Barbara Eden) and slave trader Ahmed (Peter Lorre) en route. Getting into scrapes involving various tribes-people, the odd slave and a pipe-smoking chimp, expect some outdated racial stereotypes and some decidedly pre-feminist representations of women. Nothing overtly offensive, however, be warned it is very much a product of its time!

Five Weeks in a Balloon was a conscious attempt by 20th Century Fox to repeat the success of their adaptation of Verne’s Journey to the Center of the Earth (Henry Levin, 1959). Irwin Allen would seem a natural choice for director, having previously helmed the hit adventure movies The Lost World (1960) and Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea (1961), both for Fox. Sadly, Five weeks in a Balloon would prove to be a disappointment, both artistically and commercially. It certainly isn't terrible, but it lacks the scope and grandeur of Journey to the Center of the Earth and even the more modest The Lost World. A smaller budget is evident; while there is nothing essentially wrong with the effects, the balloon for example is impressive, it just seems light on spectacle compared to earlier Verne adaptations.

Ultimately, Five Weeks in a Balloon is too slight a movie to be considered the epic adventure is promises to be. Neither is it the schlocky fun that so much of the Allen oeuvre is. It is lightweight entertainment, but perhaps a little too lightweight. As adventure and comedy it never quite takes flight and the end result is fun but a bit bland.

Five Weeks in a Balloon (1962)
Five Weeks in a Balloon (Dir: Irvin Allen, 1962). Following the blockbuster success of Walt Disney's adaptation of 20,000 Leagues

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8 years ago
Haven't Sketched In A While But I Was Going Through My Sketchbook And Saw A Bit Of Progress I Hadn't

Haven't sketched in a while but I was going through my sketchbook and saw a bit of progress I hadn't noticed before! #sketch #drawing #progress

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8 months ago


Fabian And Warren + Care Bears
Fabian And Warren + Care Bears

Fabian and Warren + Care Bears πŸ™ƒ

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7 months ago

I am Fabina's biggest fan actually!

'I'm addicted to the if only'

Just a quick Fabina thing //Song is I Look In People's windows by Taylor Swift

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